orcaslicer/doc/How to build - Linux et al.md
2019-01-07 17:25:12 +01:00

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Building Slic3r PE on UNIX/Linux

Slic3r PE uses the CMake build system and requires several dependencies. The dependencies can be listed in deps/deps-linux.cmake, although they don't necessarily need to be as recent as the versions listed - generally versions available on conservative Linux distros such as Debian stable or CentOS should suffice.

Perl is not required any more.

In a typical situaction, one would open a command line, go to the Slic3r sources, create a directory called build or similar, cd into it and call:

cmake ..
make -jN

where N is the number of CPU cores available.

Additional CMake flags may be applicable as explained below.

Dependenciy resolution

By default Slic3r looks for dependencies the default way CMake looks for them, ie. in default system locations. On Linux this will typically make Slic3r depend on dynamically loaded libraries from the system, however, Slic3r can be told to specifically look for static libraries with the SLIC3R_STATIC flag passed to cmake:

cmake .. -DSLIC3R_STATIC=1

Additionally, Slic3r can be built in a static manner mostly independent of the system libraries with a dependencies bundle created using CMake script in the deps directory (these are not interconnected with the rest of the CMake scripts).

Note: We say mostly independent because it's still expected the system will provide some transitive dependencies, such as GTK for wxWidgets.

To do this, go to the deps directory, create a build subdirectory (or the like) and use:

cmake .. -DDESTDIR=<target destdir>

where the target destdir is a directory of your choosing where the dependencies will be installed. You can also omit the DESTDIR option to use the default, in that case the destdir will be created inside the build directory where cmake is run.

To pass the destdir path to the top-level Slic3r CMake script, use the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option along with turning on SLIC3R_STATIC:

cmake .. -DSLIC3R_STATIC=1 -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path to destdir>/usr/local

Note that /usr/local needs to be appended to the destdir path and also the prefix path should be absolute.

Warning: Once the dependency bundle is installed in a destdir, the destdir cannot be moved elsewhere. This is because wxWidgets hardcode the installation path.

Build variant

By default Scli3r builds the release variant. To create a debug build, use the following CMake flag:



In runtime, Slic3r needs a way to access its resource files. By default, it looks for a resources directory relative to its binary.

If you instead wnat Slic3r installed in a structure according to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, use the SLIC3R_FHS flag

cmake .. -DSLIC3R_FHS=1

This will make Slic3r look for a fixed-location share/slic3r-prusa3d directory instead (note that the location becomes hardcoded).

You can then use the make install target to install Slic3r.