Noisyfox 933aa3050b
Port Emboss & SVG gizmo from PrusaSlicer (#2819)
* Rework UI jobs to make them more understandable and flexible.

* Update Orca specific jobs

* Fix progress issue

* Fix dark mode and window radius

* Update cereal version from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0

(cherry picked from commit prusa3d/PrusaSlicer@057232a275)

* Initial port of Emboss gizmo

* Bump up CGAL version to 5.4

(cherry picked from commit prusa3d/PrusaSlicer@1bf9dee3e7)

* Fix text rotation

* Fix test dragging

* Add text gizmo to right click menu

* Initial port of SVG gizmo

* Fix text rotation

* Fix Linux build

* Fix "from surface"

* Fix -90 rotation

* Fix icon path

* Fix loading font with non-ascii name

* Fix storing non-utf8 font descriptor in 3mf file

* Fix filtering with non-utf8 characters

* Emboss: Use Orca style input dialog

* Fix build on macOS

* Fix tooltip color in light mode

* InputText: fixed incorrect padding when FrameBorder > 0. (ocornut/imgui#4794, ocornut/imgui#3781)
InputTextMultiline: fixed vertical tracking with large values of FramePadding.y. (ocornut/imgui#3781, ocornut/imgui#4794)

(cherry picked from commit ocornut/imgui@072caa4a90)
(cherry picked from commit ocornut/imgui@bdd2a94315)

* SVG: Use Orca style input dialog

* Fix job progress update

* Fix crash when select editing text in preview screen

* Use Orca checkbox style

* Fix issue that toolbar icons are kept regenerated

* Emboss: Fix text & icon alignment

* SVG: Fix text & icon alignment

* Emboss: fix toolbar icon mouse hover state

* Add a simple subtle outline effect by drawing back faces using wireframe mode

* Disable selection outlines

* Show outline in white if the model color is too dark

* Make the outline algorithm more reliable

* Enable cull face, which fix render on Linux

* Fix `disable_cullface`

* Post merge fix

* Optimize selection rendering

* Fix scale gizmo

* Emboss: Fix text rotation if base object is scaled

* Fix volume synchronize

* Fix emboss rotation

* Emboss: Fix advance toggle

* Fix text position after reopened the project

* Make font style preview darker

* Make font style preview selector height shorter


Co-authored-by: tamasmeszaros <meszaros.q@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ocornut <omarcornut@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: SoftFever <softfeverever@gmail.com>
2023-12-09 22:46:18 +08:00

4 lines
2.7 KiB

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