Commit graph

198 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Color fixes (#5712)
* Flushing volumes button background color for active state

* Sliced plates bar > Use different colors on plate numbers for light / dark theme

* Remove 3D navigator background

* Device & Project Tab > Sidebar > Selected tab background color

* Merge branch 'SoftFever:main' into color-fixes-3

* Correct sidebar button color for light mode for bbl monitor / calibration and project page

* Homepage fixes

* Fix parameters group title color too bright on dark theme

* Search popup hovered item background color

* Sidebar > Search box > match border color with other input/combo boxes

* fix indents

* Add descriptions to statecolors

* Paint gizmos > remove background of non active Tool / Brush buttons on dark mode

* Merge branch 'SoftFever:main' into color-fixes-3

* Top bar / Main tab bar button hover background

* Fix broken color change from last merges

* Gizmos selected text background

* Keyboard shortcuts window selected tab bg color

* About page link color

* Project page fixes

* match disabled text color on combo boxes with input boxes

* Use better background color for disabled elements on dark mode

* match all colors for disabled elements

* BBL > Monitor tab > Add printer text and icon not visible on dark theme

* even darker bg color for homepage thumbnails

* Sidebar arrow not visible

* Better bg color for row highlighting

* match style of gizmo combo box

* Merge branch 'SoftFever:main' into color-fixes-3

* Revert changes for main tab bar background color of button while hover
2024-07-23 18:00:21 +08:00
Adding pellet printer suppor to OrcaSlicer (#4836)
* creating settings for printer and some UI changes work

* related filament diameter and pellet flow changes to each other

* UI name change to turn Filament to Material

* updated the flow coefficient to filament diameter formula

* updated the preset for the configuration wizard

* configuration changes for the final release

* config changes and preset bundle sync removed

* start gcode change for ginger machines

* added explanation of relationship between pellet_flow_coefficient and filament_diameter

* Added tooltip. Fixed Ginger machine configuration, Added docs
2024-06-29 22:45:06 +08:00
Make document icons comply with macOS design guidelines (#5897)
* Document icons now fit macOS design guidelines
2024-06-28 18:36:43 +08:00
Parameter box improvements (#5119)
* Parameter improvements

• Added "Layers" side text for
	Bottom shell layers
	Number of slow layers
	Top shell layers
• Added "Layer" side text for
	Full fan speed at layer
• Added "x" side text for ratios. This one looks nice imo
	Internal bridge flow ratio
	Bridge flow ratio
	Top surface flow ratio
	Bottom surface flow ratio
	Flow ratio
	Scarf joint flow ratio
• Added "mm" side text for
	Mesh margin
	Minimum wall length
• Added "°C" side text for
	Softening temperature
• Converted these to spin boxes. Currently it combines combo box and input box and it has weird usage. Using spin boxes better because other layer related input boxes uses this too
	Top interface layers
	Bottom interface layers

* Fix for combo boxes without arrows

* Add icon files for Point input boxes

* Add side text for Point controls

* Update width of point controls

* Use TextInput for PointCtrl

* Use TextInput for PointCtrl

* Update style of Point Control

* Better Background color for Disabled elements on dark mode

* Use same color for disabled text on combo boxes

* Use Slightly darker text color for disabled text elements

* Revert changes for Top / Bottom interface layers parameter boxes

* fix build error

* update point control icons

* Remove "x" side text from flow ratio related parameters

* revert color related fixes


Co-authored-by: SoftFever <>
2024-05-29 23:02:17 +08:00
Reworked splash screen (#5257)
* Reworked splash screen

* Fine tune placements


Co-authored-by: SoftFever <>
2024-05-22 23:24:50 +08:00
ENH: Open Links and Zip Archives (#3823)
* Enable ability to open `prusaslicer://` links

* Add needed function to miniz

* Import Zip Functionality

Allows zip file to be drag and dropped or imported via the menu option

Based on prusa3d/PrusaSlicer@ce38e57 and current master branch files

* Update dialog style to match Orca

* Ensure link is from printables

* add toggle option in preferences

doesn't actually control anything yet

* Add Downloader classes

As-is from PS master

* Create Orca Styled Variant of Icons

* Add Icons to ImGui

* Use PS's Downloader impl for `prusaslicer://` links

* Implement URL Registering on Windows

* Implement prusaslicer:// link on macOS

* Remove unnecessary class name qualifier in Plater.hpp

* Add downloader desktop integration registration and undo

* Revert Info.plist


Co-authored-by: SoftFever <>
2024-05-22 10:52:34 +08:00
Fixes for new icons (#5221)
* Sidebar > Height range > Add / Delete range icons

* Add icon for Object list > Layers (Height Range)

* Add icon for Object list > Range (Hight Range item)

* Add icon for Object list > Support / Color painting

* File Renamed for Calibration Tab

* Update Sidebar icons

* Add icon for CrossHatch fill pattern

* Delete leftover icons from previous commit

* Update Filament Settings icons

* Update Machine Settings icons

* Update plaholders editor icons

* Fix for Printer Setting > Extruder icons and Add support for icons for its tabs

* Update undefined category icon on compare window with low res compatible one

* Update toolbar > variable layer height icon

* Fix warning icon on Emboss & SVG gizmo

* Delete leftover icons from previous commit

* Gizmos > Keyboard cheat sheet icon resolution fix

* Combo box arrow resolution fix

* Delete leftover icons from previous commit

* Update plate & toolbar icons

* Fix: ComboBox > Dropdown menu checkmark not visible on light theme

* Delete leftover icons from previous commit

* Restore icons for plate rename

* Swap directions of notification expand / collapse icons

* Mixed

• Increases contrast of icons on light theme
• Removes opacity from edit, delete, search... icons
• Fixes different color for advanced toggle on dark mode
• Fixes checkboxes not aligned with other boxes
• Style fixes for checkboxes

* Fix some colors not changing

* Slightly changed color paint icon

Spray icon is now taller and fits better with brush icon on seam / support paint

* Minor changes on seam and support related icons

* Fix blurry icons that vertically centered on gizmos

* Update warning icon on dialogs

* Fix plate icons rendering issue

* Update icons for Gap fill and Fill on color paint and add icon for Skirt


Co-authored-by: SoftFever <>
2024-05-20 23:18:05 +08:00
Redesign of all icons / UI improvements (#4368)
* Changed Most of Icons

* Updated Tab Bar icons

Replaced with wider and a bit bigger ones
• Used a bigger toolhead for printer icon on device tab

* Tab Bar

• Device icon > slightly increased nozzle size

* Bed Plate images

• Bed plate > Lock Enabled (Dark & Light Mode) > Hover > Used brighter background color
• Bed plate > Settings (Changed status) (Dark & Light Mode) > Hover > Used brighter background color

* Modifiers & Notification icons

• Redesigned modifier icons
• Added some of notification icons

* Mixed imrovements

• Added Sidebar collapse button with simpler design
• Sidebar Printing Preset Section > Added "Advanced" Icon with atom like design
• Sidebar Printing Preset Section > Improved "Support Filament" Icon .filaments tip supports an object now
• Notifications > Corrected image sizes
• Notifications > Corrected icon placements

* Mixed improvements

• Updated warning dialog icon
• added plate stats images for multiple plate slicing
• added icon for info dialog

* Mixed improvements

• updated volumetric speed icon
• improved readability of preset compare button

* Mixed improvements

• Updated paint height range icon
• Added paint triangle icon
• Added multi material paint icon for toolbar

* Mixed Improvements

• updated titlebar file icon as square to increase similarity with other icons
• redesigned toolbaar icons for painting (support, seam, color) they are sharing same design language now
• updated sidebar icons wall, top/bottom shell, seam, support
• added icons for compare window. (equal, not equal, spool, undefined, node_dot,cog,support)
• Added confirm button icon for search boxes for toolbar popups

* Mixed Improvements

• Added new icons for project page
• Added a loading icon to all sliced plates stats icon while slicing process continues
• Updated lock and plate setting icons for plate buttons
• Added new icons for cut modifier (cut_ / cut_connector)

* Mixed

• Updated notification icons (notification_preferences, notification_right, notification_eject_sd, notification_documentation)
• Added missing original resources from my folder

* Mixed improvements

• Reworked network / wifi icon
• Reworked bed adhension icon
• Reworked raft icon
• Reworked layer height and width icons
• Added new icons to replace generic / missing icons on sidebar (param_overhang, param_bridge, param_wall_surface, param_overhang_speed, param_jerk)
• Updated Edit, Save, Delete, Search icons on sidebar
• Used a brighter color for all icons. they are more visible now on dark mode. #949494() color has better balance between dark / light theme
• Sidebar > Improved readability of Support Material icon
• Sidebar > Improved readability of compare icon. again

* Mixed improvements

• Added height_range_modifier.svg for context menu
• Edited Placeholder > Lock icons. just increased heights to match with other icons
• Edited slowdown for overhangs
• Edited Object sinking icon
• Reworked Add copies button
• Updated add button

* Mixed

• Updated placeholder tempeture icon
• Added new image for placeholder time icon - custom-gcode_time.svg . Added new one because i dont want to mess with other time icons
• Restored original file model_time.svg

* Mixed improvements

• Updated Sidebar > Temperature icon
• Reworked image of about page

* Reworked about page

• Updated orca slicer logo with custom made font

* Readded Optimizsed PNG files

Branch has not in sync with original branch. so i added manually
Original commit

* Mixed Improvements

• Updated Sidebar > Flush volumes icon
• Updated Toolbar > Emboss & Measure icon (Shifted them 1 px to fixing minor placement mistake)

* About Page

• Minor change on L letter on logo
• Slightly changed proportions on text

* Mixed

• Updated Tab bar > Device icon with added a tiny pixel for presenting fan.
• Updated Sidebar > Device icon with bigger toolhead. added a tiny pixel for presenting fan. it matches with tab icon now
• Updated Sidebar > Overhangs icon
• Added new icons for missing placeholder items. Quality, Strenght, Other, Setting Overrides, Multi Material and many others. added them to tasklist

* Mixed

• Added new icons for missing filament setting items. Toolchange added to tasklist
• Added new icons for missing printer setting items. Toolchange, Printable Space, Extruder Clearence, Adaptive Bed Mesh, Accesory, Multi Material, Size, Position, Lift Z Enforcement

* Mixed

• Reworked support enforcer and blocker icons. they are much better now
• Slightly changed modifier icons
• Updated Object sinking icon. added a wave intead of straight line. Will try too add waves more places to improve aqua effect
• Used same revert icon for lock_normal.svg to increase UI constinency. added an cube icon as badge to indicate its spesific to object. Icon used in object list
• Toolbar > Popup windows > Keyboard cheet sheet icon > Updated icon. changed resolution. tried many resolution but i couldnt fix blur on icon. So added it to task list for coding side fixes
• Updated Sidebar > Compare icon
• Updated Sidebar > Nozzle size icon

* Removed misnamed files

• Removed some unnecessary files caused by misnamed on illustrator

* Mixed

• Updated design of Context Menu > Reinforce support and Block support again
• Updated design of Toolbar > Emboss > now it shares same design language with add object. Also using 3D shape for letter presents better emboss function
• Updated design of Toolbar > Color paint > Added some waves and bubbles :)
• Updated design of Toolbar > Paint > Brush types
• Updated design of Toolbar > Auto Orient / Lay on Surface > Moved asteriks to middle of object and added an target icon for lay on surface. I choose target because lay on surface is selective function
• Updated design of Toolbar > Auto Arrange > All shapes highlighted instead of one while hovering. this makes sense because it arranges all objects. Added different shapes to increase indication of works with multiple different objects / shapes.
• Updated design of Toolbar > Add Plate > Added few plates to back to make it looks like a bit smaller. its now fit better with other icons
• Updated design of Sidebar > Overhang Speed > Changes snail to turtle. its much more related with ocean
• Updated design of Sidebar > Prime Tower > Used a light house to present tower
• Updated design of Modifiers > Height range
• Updated notification and dialog type icons. Added a wave and orca to improve branding
• Updated Plate icons with new auto arrange and auto orient icons
• Added 2 new images for object list to support lower resolutions. objlist_support_painting and objlist_seam_painting. added this change in tasklist
• Many minor fixes

* Updated object list icons

• Updated object list icons for painting functions

* Updated object list icons

• Improved readability object list icons for painting functions

* Mixed

• Updated design of Toolbar > Emboss > Removed 3D design because its makes it hard to identify. Used a simplified 3D effect to present emboss function
• Updated design of Toolbar > Add Plate > Removed + badge because it makes design a bit complicated and second/third plate on back already presents button related with multiple plates
• Updated design of Toolbar > Auto Orient & Lay on Face > Changed bed shape to a single line. Icon fits better with other designs now
• Updated design of Toolbar > Variable Layer Height > Used lines to present layer instead of rectangles. Icon fits better with other designs now. Also this change will improve design consistency with height range menu item icon
• Updated design of Toolbar > Split to objects / parts > Increased gap between object to increase visibility of dashed line
• Reduced opacity of edit, delete preset, search icon fot reducing contrast on sidebar
• Updated icon of return icon (assemble_return.svg)
• Updated all lock / Unlock icons
• Updated Plate name edit icons. Used same line width with other plate icons and used same icon on other edit buttons
• Found new icons to redesign in svg import popup. Updated files & designs
> Refresh (refresh.svg)
> Mirror on X (reflection_x.svg)
> Mirror on Y (reflection_y)
> Dropdown Menu > Bake / Forget the File Path (burn.svg)
> Dropdown Menu > Change File (open.svg)
• Found new icons to redesign in create printer. Updated files & designs
> step_1.svg
> step_2.svg
> step_2_ready.svg
> step_is_ok.svg
> create_success.svg

* Mixed

• Updated Plate icons > Lock / Unlock > icon now shows opposite state while hover
• Updated Plate icons > Auto orient > Changed bed shape to 1px line. now matches with toolbar icon
• Fixed some opacity related issues on edit, delete, search buttons

* Mixed

• Found new icons to redesign on slided object > layer slider
> im_slider_delete.svg > Used red color on this to reduce accidental usage
> im_gcode_custom.svg > Changed backround to turquoise. Made icon pixel perfect and now easier to identify
> im_gcode_pause.svg > Changed backround to turquoise. Made icon pixel perfect and now easier to identify
• Reworked all plate normal and hover colors. Their background color not changes on hover. Only border and icon changes on hover now. Now it feel more naturally
• Updated design of all preferences icons
• Found new icon to redesign on SVG popup window. it appears when shape has not filled path
> exclamation.svg > Made icon pixel perfect and now easier to identify. used filled shape like other dialog icons. Used orange color as warning color
• Changed colors of object sinking to orange because its a warning

* Mixed

Logo Usages
• Updated icons on dialogs. i will update all icons if design approved
> OrcaSlicer.svg (Used on Most dialogs)
> OrcaSlicer_192px_grayscale.png (Used on file not found error. connection error etc..)

Bamboo Lab Related icons
• Sidebar > Filament Titlebar > AMS Filament sync (ams_fila_sync.svg) > Made pixel perfect with minor changes

• Bamboo Lap Printer > Print Plate >
> print-time.svg > Made pixel perfect
> print-weight.svg > Made pixel perfect and used a scale which fish are weighed. Orcas need fish not ingots :)
> ams_editable.svg > Made pixel perfect and used same pen icon on other edit icons
> ams_editable_light.svg > Made pixel perfect and used same pen icon on other edit icons
> ams_arrow > Made pixel perfect
> enable_ams.svg > Made pixel perfect and used same question mark on other related icons

• Added Calibration Tab icon for Bamboo Lab printer. Thanks @KrisMorr for coding fixes

* Mixed

• Updated design of printer_in_lan.svg
• Placeholders > Quality > Improved readability
• Plate Icons > Used slightly lighter color for dark theme. It improves readability of preferences and lock button while they are at active status
• Titlebar > Undo / Redo > Used slightly shorter arrow. This will make difference between revert icon and presents better function 1 step forward / backward. Revert icon is much more "Put back to original place"

* Mixed

• Preview > Layer Slider > Custom Code Icon > Used a / instead of G letter. Its easier to read now
• Preview > Layer Mode Icon > Changed background color and changed single layer icon shape

* Mixed

• Re exported all images with better precision
• Updated design of SVG modifiers
• Notifications > Corrected preferences and next button resolution
• Notifications > Expand / Collapse buttons > Fixed color usages between dark/light theme
• Sidebar > Parameters > Minor change on speed / initial layer speed
• Sidebar > Parameters > Minor change on bridging
• Plate Setting > Filament order > Arrow > Made pixel perfect
• Object List > Minor changes on Paint icons
• Menubar > Increased size of all icons
• Tab bar > Added icon for Debug tab
• Added many icons related with bamboo lab monitor
> Mostly corrected their resolution made them pixel perfect. This problem caused by they created an artboard on illustrator at 0,5px then it spreads to most of other artboards. Artboards exported as 17x17 intead of 16x16 while this problem exist in project
> Matched design of some icons with designed ones to improve consistency on UI but keeped designs of Bamboo Lab spesific ones
> Mostly used pictures that shared by people to identify correct resolutions but need a dummy account for further testing

* Mixed

• Removed delete/remove/export/import related icons on Context menu
• Added new icon for printer settings > Extruder > Retraction when switching material
• Added new icon for filament settings > Filament > Print Temperature
• Added new icon for filament settings > Filament > Bed Temperature
• Added new icon for filament settings > Cooling > Cooling specific layer
• Added new icon for filament settings > Cooling > Part Cooling Fan
• Added new icon for filament settings > Cooling > Auxiliary part cooling fan
• Added new icon for filament settings > Cooling > Exhaust Fan
• Added new icon for process settings > Quality > Wall Generator
• Added new icon for question dialogs and used orange color for that because it mostly used critical dialogs (preset delete etc). Just found undefined icon on placeholder list uses this and added new icon for that
• Changed info dialog icon fill color to turquase. because its mostly positive information
• Updated design of Sidebar > Parameters > Overhangs and Overhang Speed
• Fixed warning icon usage
• Added new image for placeholders > undefined. this was sharing same icon with dialogs previously

* Update ObjectDataViewModel.cpp

Added new color and support painting icons for object list

* Added new icons for Sidebar, Filament and Printer Settings

• Added new icon for Sidebar > Process > Support > Tree Supports
• Updated /src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp > Process > Added new / missing icons
• Updated /src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp > Filament Settings > Added new / missing icons
• Updated /src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp > Printer Settings > Added new / missing icons

Compiled from source and checked all changes

* Updated Placeholder icons

• Added new icons to placeholders window
• Updated slic3r\GUI\EditGCodeDialog.cpp
• Updated slic3r\GUI\Tab.cpp
• Changed copy code icon to add.svg instead of add_copy.svg
• Added new icon for Placeholders > Setting overrides

* Update AboutDialog.cpp

• Removed "Orca slicer" string to cleanup
• Removed "Based on". already writes on bottom
• Changed background color of version text to transparent
• Changed github link color to turquoise
• Aligned link text with other texts

* Compare window - Update GUI\UnsavedChangesDialog.cpp

• Updated icon for undefined category. question.svg is used for dialogs and not compatible with low res. used new icon undefined.svg
• Also updated process > tab icons started to show up in compare window. blank images was used for tabs in original files

* Added Height Range icons on Object List / Context Menu

• Added new icon for Object list > Layers > Layer
• Object list > Layers > Added Hight Range icon
• Context menu > Height Range icon
• Object list > Layers > Replaced icons of add / delete Height range buttons

* Update imconfig.h

• Fixes toolbar > measure > copy to clipboard icon uses "notification_arrow_right.svg" on dark theme instead of  "copy_menu_dark.svg"

* Context Menu Icons

• Updated \GUI\GUI_Factories.cpp
• Updated icons of split sub menu
• Added new icons for modifier objects submenus. load, cube, cylinder, sphere, disc, torus, text, svg
• Added new icons for mirror sub menu items

* Fixed wrong warning icon usage on Emboss / SVG widgets

• Emboss and SVG popups uses exclamation.svg instead of obj_warning.svg . exclamation.svg used for dialogs and not supports low resolution
• Updated \GUI\Gizmos\GLGizmoEmboss.cpp
• Updated \GUI\Gizmos\GLGizmoSVG.cpp

* Toolbar > Emboss and Cut

Emboss \GUI\Gizmos\GLGizmoEmboss.cpp
• Added a small gap between vertical related and horizontal related text aligment buttons
• Used style dropdown and its title in same line to reduce vertical usage. This will also improves visual consistency with other dropdowns
• Used operation radio buttons and its title in same line

• Fixed blurry icons > Emboss > buttons near Style dropdown menu , bold / italic buttons and Text alignment buttons

• Changed color of active radio button to turquoise. This will also improves visual consistency

* Update GLGizmoEmboss.cpp

* Fixed blurry tooltip icon on toolbar popup windows

• Updated icon design on hover state. It looks like its pressed now
• updated show_tooltip_information function in this. Set icon size as 30x22 intead of relative to font size and removed padding on icons

* Mixed

Painting Tool / Brush icons
• Made Dark mode icons a bit more darker

• Updated button shapes of brush type icons (used square shape with more radius)
• Updated margin between brush type buttons
• Updated paddings of brush type buttons
• Updated border color of brush type icons
• Used brush / tool buttons bigger to make them easier to select
• Fixed icons not uses colors on SVG files while using Light theme

• Fixed green border color on selected filament. now uses orca color
• Used radio buttons for free / vertical / horizontal. Works better for options, reduces vertical height, Easier to understand

\imgui\imgui_widgets.cpp > ImGui::ColorButton
• Updated function for making sure drawing pixel perfect rectangles. It draws filament colors / borders on color painting gizmo

• Used radio buttons for free / vertical / horizontal. Works better for options, reduces vertical height, Easier to understand

• Added m_free_only variable for new radio buttons

• Added darker and lighter versions of orca color as variable
• Updated push_confirm_button_style for replacing BBS colors
• Slightly reduced horizontal window padding for gizmos

• Slice > Layer and move slider text is now using turquoise color
• Fixed wrong resolution on some states of layer mode icon

• Object > Simplify model > Detail level slider is now using orca color
• Object > Simplify model > Hover state of apply button is now using orca color

• Sliced Plates Toolbar > All Plate Stats > Changed color of "All plate stats" text to orca
• Sliced Plates Toolbar > Changed button border color to Orca
• Sliced Plates Toolbar > Changed position of plate number text to closer to edges so it will not overlaps with thumbnails

* Mixed - Titlebar & Tabs & Search box

\GUI\BBLTopbar.cpp > Titlebar
• Updated icon background colors while hover / active states
• Used same color on border and fill color for more modern look

\GUI\Widgets\TabCtrl.cpp > Tabs on parameters / filament & machine window
• Updated line color under selected tab to orca color

• Fixed > Sidebar > Global > Delete button visible while using search box
• Fixed > Sidebar > Global > Revert button visible while using search box
• Tabs > Disabled using bold font for active tab. Advantages; tabs always stays at same position, makes switching between tabs a bit faster

* \GUI\GUI_App.cpp > Splash Logo

* Reworked Emboss Gizmo

Reworked Icons
• Simplified them as much as possible to give modernish look

Reworked layout
• Moved style to top. Fitted to window width. Used title and imput box on same line to reduce window height
• Used height and depth at same line. Used icons for Height and Depth text to save some place
• Moved alignment to top and used at same line with bold / italic icons
• Used operation and its radio buttons on same line to recude window height
• Made many changes how it scales on different languages

• Surface related values only visible if embos used as modifier
• Reworked stepper buttons. Looks more modern now
• Reworked advanced expansion. Simplified and removed text
• Hidden surface related settings if there is no relations with objects to save some vertical space

UI consistency improvements
• Used text > revert > input order for components line on sidebar
• Revert icon and title used orange color if values edited like on sidebar
• Used orca color on sliders, radio buttons
• Removed border and other decorations on edit buttons of sliders

• Moved warning icon a bit up to prevent overlapping with text preview box border

Effects on other all widgets
• Updated selected text background to orca color

* Mixed

• All gizmos uses same paddings now. it will improve consistency between them. All uses padding value from push_toolbar_style

• Removed paddings from combo box menu
• Fixed frame background highlighting on hover
• Used border for highlighting menu items instead of background color

Combo Box with Filter
• Now its shares very similar code with normal combo box. Used ImGui:ButtonBehavior in it to get hover effects properly
• Added support for border highlighting on hover
• Used border for highlighting menu items instead of background color

Combo boxes
• Made easier to manage styles for combo boxes

Input box with step controls
• Added support for border highlighting on hover or active

• Added support for border highlighting on hover or active
• Used fully rounded grab and frame. now it looks much more like slider

• Made them a bit smaller. Old one is looks like giant and not matches with sidebar style
• Updated hover effect to match with other components
• Updated icons of checkboxes to match style

Radio Buttons
• Made them a bit smaller. Old one is looks like giant and not matches with sidebar style

Gizmo > Painting tools
• Updated all sliders with new one to improve UI consistency
• Calculated slider start offset from maximum width of title of sliders to solve window width change between tool changes

Gizmo > Simplify
• Updated code for new radio buttons

Gizmo > Measure
• Used selection values with multiline. Window size highly reduced with this layout
• Moved restart selection to bottom. like on other gizmos mostly at bottom. this will also reduce vertical spacing
• Aligned measure type texts vertically to "copy to clipboard" button
• Updated style of copy to clipboard button
• Updated dimension value edit box on viewport. Values are much more readable now

Color Fixes
• Viewport > Plate Name / Number text colors > Updated them to orca color

• Updated keyboard cheat sheet icon on gizmos

* Titlebar Remove icon from File and Dropdown menu

* Sidebar and UI component improvements

New Feature
• Sidebar > Delete filament button only visible only if there is multi filaments

• Corrected most of aligment and spacing related problems. all icons has equal space between them and all elements has equal margin to frame
• Updated style of Global/objects toggle to match style
• Updated style of Advanced toggle. Updated SwitchButton.cpp and its not using vector images now
• All combo boxes uses same height now
• Slightly reduced vertical spaces on printer and filament sections. more vertical space for process section available now
• Process > Global > Search Bar > added search icon

UI component style updates
• Updated style of most of UI components. All uses 4px corner rounding instead fully rounded
• Updated some of old wxButtons with new buttons. still need too much work

Added new icons for
• param_default-pattern > Used for Support > Base Pattern

• Converted these to step boxes
---- Sidebar > Support > Advanced > Top interface layers > this should not use drop down
---- Sidebar > Support > Advanced > Bottom interface layers > this should not use drop down

Color Fixes
• Dropdown focus / hold background color
• Disabled element background color

* Add missing side text for parameters

* Gizmo Improvements

All Gizmos
• Updated button styles on all gizmos

Arrange gizmo
• Updated slider style

Cut gizmo
• Removed hexagon shapes for upper / lower part. Used colored text instead
• Matched style of mode combo box

Move & Rotate gizmo
• Removed World axis text like on scale gizmo to reduce window size

Variable Layer Height
• Moved adaptive and smooth buttons to bottom
• Changed name of smooth to smooth radius to improve relation with slider
• Updated sliders style
• Fixed gizmo not closing when other toolbar buttons clicked

Assemble view
• Updated slider and button styles
• Used Assembly info window with vertical layout to reduce its size. This will also prevents overlapping with slider bar

Mesh Boolean
• Added new icons
• Updated style of elements

* Fix conflict

* Update splash screen

* Updated About Page

* Mixed

• Updated style of Object list search bar
• Updated Search list item background hover color

Keyboard shortcuts window
• Changed active tab color to orca color

Color fixes
• Disabled text color for UI components
• "Slice" button disabled background and foreground color

UI Component Styles
• Matched style of more buttons
--Progress dialog
--Release Notes window

* Update Toolbar icons

* Update style of single choose dialog

* Gizmo Improvements

Cut Gizmo
• Matched elements order with sidebar. Title > Revert button > Controller
• Moved "Cut to Parts" checkbox to same line with "After Cut". This reduces vertical height and seems logical
• Used slider for cut height controller
• Used regular text color for build volume, groove, connector
• Revert buttons only visible if value changed like on other UI sections
• Removed shapes for "Upper Part" and "Lower Part". Used colored text instead
• Matched radio button styles
• Matched slider styles
• Moved "Add Connector" and "Reset Cut" buttons to bottom to reduce vertical height
• Connectors > Used icons for shapes
• Connectors > Used regular button for "Remove connectors"
• Connectors > Used radio buttons for connector style instead combo box

SVG Gizmo
• Matched elements order with sidebar. Title > Revert button > Controller
• Slightly decreased preview size
• Used Combo box for filename related dropdown
• Surface related features will not show if there is no surface relation
• Matched radio button styles
• Matched slider styles

Gizmos Combo Box
• Fixed rendered with wrong width
• Fixed drowpdown menu paddings

* fix build with gcc13

Fix compilation error produced by GCC 13:

/home/dbuzdyk/packages/3d/OrcaSlicer/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMeshBoolean.cpp:306: error: no match for call to ‘(Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmoMeshBoolean::on_render_input_window(float, float, float)::<lambda(wchar_t, bool, ImVec2, ImVec2, std::string&)>) (const wchar_t&, bool, ImVec2&, ImVec2&, std::string)’
  306 |     if (tab_button(
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  307 |                 m_is_dark_mode ? ImGui::MeshBooleanUnionDark : ImGui::MeshBooleanUnion,
      |                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  308 |                 m_operation_mode == MeshBooleanOperation::Union,
      |                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  309 |         tab_size,
      |         ~~~~~~~~~
  310 |                 tab_padding,
      |                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  311 |         _u8L("Union")
      |         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  312 |         )){
/home/dbuzdyk/packages/3d/OrcaSlicer/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMeshBoolean.cpp:214: note: candidate: ‘Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmoMeshBoolean::on_render_input_window(float, float, float)::<lambda(wchar_t, bool, ImVec2, ImVec2, std::string&)>’ (near match)
  214 |         auto tab_button = [this](const wchar_t icon, bool selected, ImVec2 size, ImVec2 tab_padding, std::string& tooltip) {
/home/dbuzdyk/packages/3d/OrcaSlicer/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMeshBoolean.cpp:214: note:   conversion of argument 5 would be ill-formed:
In file included from /home/dbuzdyk/packages/3d/OrcaSlicer/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoBase.hpp:11,
                 from /home/dbuzdyk/packages/3d/OrcaSlicer/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMeshBoolean.hpp:4:
/home/dbuzdyk/packages/3d/OrcaSlicer/src/slic3r/GUI/I18N.hpp:7:54: error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘std::string&’ {aka ‘std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>&’} to an rvalue of type ‘std::string’ {aka ‘std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>’}
    7 | #define _u8L(s)     Slic3r::GUI::I18N::translate_utf8((s))
      |                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
/home/dbuzdyk/packages/3d/OrcaSlicer/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMeshBoolean.cpp:311: note: in expansion of macro ‘_u8L’
  311 |         _u8L("Union")

* revert some icon changes

* Add back missing menu icons


Co-authored-by: SoftFever <>
Co-authored-by: Dima Buzdyk <>
2024-05-01 15:05:43 +08:00
Merge some features from BS1.9 beta4 (#5181)
* FIX: linux: fix the building issue on Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia


Change-Id: Ia3db6923d5dd68dba532d7bdba6f93f73cc51d59

* FIX: auto-arranging incorrect with rotation enabled

auto-arranging incorrect with rotation enabled and the objects already have been rotated.

jira: STUDIO-6022
Change-Id: I349d663efb1fc71367c8a77aa8ed5047a0bf2017
(cherry picked from commit 75fe40257a274ed83886e1ee20ce8dedd0de48f6)

* ENH: update X1C & X1E start gcode

1.Fix fan problem


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I68ee5be78e142e8a2a210a1a70f5663893390610

* ENH: update A series gcode

1. Update A1 series start gcode and change filament gcode
2. Add G2814 command
3. Add multi-filament extrusion compensation and vibration suppression


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I57d2bc8e98d3e547881dc1369c1fb31413c6205d

* FIX: fix some cali problem of P series

jira: none
Change-Id: Id57ea8d65da22ab653cca49509cb923ff065e43f

* FIX: fix can't enter ',' in multiplicator

github: #3805

Change-Id: I6dd70822d1c2e79d66c70514d6dd580ab029c7ea

* calib wizard

* NEW: FlipLines infill


New infill pattern that combine block lines infill and switching layers for smooth transition.

Change-Id: I2608a2d39b14efcdfe9d39a9437280da350b94c0
(cherry picked from commit 8d0a09c8b763dfc924cbba9913c241e6afadbc7f)

* ENH: add nozzle blob detection and air printing detection

jira: new

Change-Id: Ie4a19a7ad7d0b10a021c516cbc3a84b4ae734302

* FIX: Top surface bridging fail on 3DHC & FL infill

Add 45 degree angle offset when processing the bridge.
Need to raise infill_direction to invalidate posPrepareInfill

jira: 6774
Change-Id: I5e6bef3aa814b01c5f30398ac745937a67e3ef4c
(cherry picked from commit 7b12cab10b88f432a11414f8caa1c6427777a1ba)

* FIX: the error display when reset virtual slot

jira: none
Change-Id: I5ae5899baf1bfc2aaadb832083b277855a669fd5

* FIX: Error "Voronoi cell doesn't contain a sourcepoint"

github: 3859
Change-Id: Idca84992bcba5380bfe05e63ac9a5e40419dcfdf

* fix build error

* FIX: CLI: fix the crash issue caused by get_min_flush_volumes

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: I0d5bfd605e51ebddac8fddc4d83dab5055b0fbf2

* FIX: can't use support filament in gcode.3mf

1. Add total_filament_volumes, directly access it to get used filaments


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I4fae4f1947b4ebd16e394e0f3cf5fb0e9f979717

* ENH: p series support long retraction

1. P series support long retraction in filament
2. Add long retraction params in common.json


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ib94184fa1f0b5ab151360f1f053d8c8ff92e7e18

* ENH::modify some logs level

jira:[for log]

Change-Id: I6a46b8fcd3a030b4b630e800fe9a9ac5c387f117

* NEW: support multi device


Change-Id: Ic514c4097767b0a728368c9ea48ee103c031fbb0
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* ENH: update A1 series  gcode

1.Update filament change gcode and machine start gcode for
  A1 and A1 mini


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I2f3be3fd89fef21e717a32f2b89985fc046f7f6e

* FIX: always have 0th filament in ams mapping

1. Only set the filament id in map when flush length is not 0


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I6e0aeaf010f6e6dcbdc3bca5c0034aa60750bb67

* ENH: add filament id in slice info


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ic5fe4632bca8acacc9ffd072ee2ed207c1da37aa

* ENH: refine ui for multi machine

1. Shrink the Send Print dialog box
2. add input box for flipping panel

Change-Id: I4174c79ecd239c374ee11478951e12be399c57ce

* FIX: fix Issues with sending multiple devices


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I33c6a932863fc715c3f0eb5dfd4b299f980a4918

* NEW: support hms error code

Change-Id: Ic256a83cf501fb05bb9d3203f3d24cb1d1290fa4

* FIX:fixed some multi job issue

Change-Id: I338078ad8fcf809888db9d8daeb470a9bf4eab46

* NEW:support pin code binding

Change-Id: Ida5d47881fbd83f3ffedc80369cfe377114d7f13

* ENH:add printable check for devices

Change-Id: I672988fa9cfa986d924bfc64331752f4aef68067
(cherry picked from commit 69de9e5b8334ec94eec7fcee31038b8ff42d1d3b)

* FIX: add more fonts

jira: none
Change-Id: I6bafed3563083858f29e92a3d84906a2e53dcb5c
(cherry picked from commit afbea693e807dcc1c406a59aa5376b9ea2a5d606)

* ENH: load more fonts

this feature is according to Prusa by Filip Sykala<>, thanks to Filip Sykala
jira: none
Change-Id: I55e92f184f750c0b93b679d4382aaa5b164ec5c3
(cherry picked from commit d05522c4cc5d7ee4cac42de398b88d347a55f74b)

* ENH: add ProfileDescription for translate

1.Add ProfileDescription.hpp simply for translating


Signed-off-by: XunZhangBambu <>
Change-Id: Iaa3ced1edccf67eaeebde35c1e8b36442d2e9a6f

* ENH: Improve CrossHatch transation layers

jira: 6701

Change name from Flippingline to CrossHatch.

Reduce noise, improve speed by 6.5%. Improve transation layers by
gradually increasing rotation angle and overshoot the transation
layer while direction changed.

Change-Id: I17fcc45b409074d121bf5bb5702e15553d925b51

* UP

* ENH: modify the default config for multi-device


Change-Id: If6e7582a8274eb5e685b8b8545f6eab5d17de3f5
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* ENH: add long retraction for P series


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I6890695b67e674fc5cdc2a208e89bd9e41404213

* FIX: all plates stats data missing issue

jira: new

Change-Id: I137a2b6d69ad08791f5a9a9788653621960dc63f

* ENH:update pre print options

jira:[for multi]

Change-Id: I2e9bb8a09436a71749af98a0bad94e9922f95c81

* FIX:fixed can't popup pinbind win on macos


Change-Id: I664bba78cf27420d736b586df19e3c09c6f8ed21

* FIX:fixed the task of padding cannot be cancelled

Change-Id: I401a22118c14ca7601be7a925cfd8e4796dfc1e9

* ENH:Play video after redirecting to device page


Change-Id: Ia5e2ac84e3d71baacfcf941b782dab2325f35d54

* FIX: fix ui bug in send multi machine page for mac

Incorrect background color when renaming during multi machine printing

Change-Id: I6c551f5023ffe747e7a7e2f5703b0707c9505922

* FIX: Fix some bugs in maintaining the selected status of local tasks


Change-Id: I12c4da3fc56ac5077b3ccd7e89a4b57c3675eaf5

* ENH: local task sort by send time by default


Change-Id: I03b5881a39ab2e90c5b9cf46052ba465ee707ccc

* FIX: Clicking to continue printing does not take effect in error code

Detected an incomplete printing task error pop-up when power outage occurred. Clicking to continue printing did not take effect

Change-Id: Ie85a1602093dabac861cd1f41ea21e1c312c83e9

* ENH: use designTitle when designId > 0


Change-Id: I8342df053edeab16f930522e099e2eef91e5c5a4
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* NEW:import vertex and mtl color from obj file

Jira: STUDIO-6805

Change-Id: Iaacb13ee2451effdb83e5aba4b7fe1637b7fc95f

* FIX:change the strategy of merge_ka_kd

Upgrade ui, users can directly ok to proceed to the next step
jira: STUDIO-6805

Change-Id: Ia81019c2eacb503666680c0b8583d026baa0134c
(cherry picked from commit 38a2434753c8e3b422267283b16c75f6ad195b14)

* FIX:use default_strategy after modifed cluster number

jira: STUDIO-6915
Change-Id: I4e0c3d62f5a766f73d48d1e06c4364fc6babe1ac

* FIX: the bug of incorrect button without restarting

The bug can cause the user to not restart when opening the multi-device option, but the button of send multi-devices appears

Change-Id: I0837fa79ecc1d8ab5ce98273ad134fa2f830421e

* FIX: wrong default value for long retraction


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ifc2ec57a320fdb14e7ca746e5795501ed146ff32

* FIX: error code pop-up window without retry button in some code


Change-Id: I67464bebaba4558618301592c455db8824bbfe30

* FIX: air printing and nozzle blob detection issue

jira: STUDIO-6897

Change-Id: I008ddb24b74119d7e4124ae26310b4b86c42a799

* FIX:fix bugs of algo and read quad in obj file

Jira: STUDIO-6805
Change-Id: I6c33e8197225f27dccdfa0681e64d76d1df14f61

* dd

* ENH:Set the default nozzle diameter to 0.4

jira:[for nozzle]

Change-Id: I74a5c9b0460046496b897eae3d9f917ac1b99052

* FIX:fixed backspace error on macos

Change-Id: I76066391783c04857c1a60a6f8438111501b6d7c

* ENH:Subscription list deduplication

jira:[for mulit]

Change-Id: I10e9d849986c9661b587c7b1a509180c2451816e

* ENH:update wiki url for Pin Code

jira:[pin code]

Change-Id: I95faaa396a839b5b159119ef235b650c76706a84

* NEW:add OpenCV.cmake in deps

jira: none
Change-Id: I1ae4a2bd5618e9e620b08a937904d6af5d00bc41

* FIX:cancel obj import restrictions

jira: none
Change-Id: Iaf3e799ca982ad6aeb3ec76e9a416c4c8e4d100c

* NEW:add multiple printer restrictions

jira:[for multiple]

Change-Id: I0bb5a0c1062a543c42f8d67a9347efa358b0864a

* ENH:Added two entrances for adding devices

jira:[multi device]

Change-Id: Ieb6197e067d422979606f93b22b337a2399aec74

* slic3r: Fix wxFont being undefined

[427/494] Building CXX object src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o
FAILED: src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o
/usr/bin/c++ -DBOOST_ATOMIC_NO_LIB -DBOOST_CHRONO_NO_LIB -DBOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LIB -DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_NO_LIB -DBOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_LIB -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_LIB -DBOOST_LOG_NO_LIB -DBOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB -DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_LIB -DBOOST_THREAD_NO_LIB -DCURL_STATICLIB -DGLEW_STATIC -DLIBNEST2D_GEOMETRIES_libslic3r -DLIBNEST2D_OPTIMIZER_nlopt -DLIBNEST2D_STATIC -DLIBNEST2D_THREADING_tbb -DOPENSSL_CERT_OVERRIDE -DOPENVDB_OPENEXR_STATICLIB -DOPENVDB_STATICLIB -DSLIC3R_CURRENTLY_COMPILING_GUI_MODULE -DSLIC3R_GUI -DTBB_USE_CAPTURED_EXCEPTION=0 -DUNICODE -DUSE_TBB -DWXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO -D_UNICODE -D__WXGTK3__ -D__WXGTK__ -DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DwxNO_UNSAFE_WXSTRING_CONV -DwxUSE_UNICODE -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dbus-1.0/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src -I/run/build/BambuStudio/build/src/platform -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/hidapi/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/Utils -I/usr/include/gtk-3.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/include/webp -I/usr/include/at-spi2-atk/2.0 -I/usr/include/at-spi-2.0 -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/fribidi -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/harfbuzz -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng16 -I/usr/include/gio-unix-2.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/include/sysprof-6 -I/usr/include/gstreamer-1.0 -I/run/build/BambuStudio/build/src/libslic3r -I/run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include/opencascade -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/libnest2d/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/miniz -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/glu-libtess/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/clipper2/Clipper2Lib/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/minilzo -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/src/eigen -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/src/libigl -isystem /app/lib/wx/include/gtk3-unicode-static-3.1 -isystem /app/include/wx-3.1 -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include/opencv4 -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include/OpenEXR -std=gnu++20 -fext-numeric-literals -Wall -Wno-reorder -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=gnu++17 -fPIC -fsigned-char -Werror=return-type -Wno-ignored-attributes -Wno-unknown-pragmas -DOPENVDB_ABI_VERSION_NUMBER=8 -MD -MT src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o -MF src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o.d -o src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o -c /run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/Utils/FontUtils.cpp
In file included from /run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/Utils/FontUtils.cpp:1:
/run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/Utils/FontUtils.hpp:51:21: error: ‘wxFont’ does not name a type
   51 | bool can_load(const wxFont &font);
      |                     ^~~~~~

* slic3r: Fix missing BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL declaration

[427/494] Building CXX object src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o
FAILED: src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o
/usr/bin/c++ -DBOOST_ATOMIC_NO_LIB -DBOOST_CHRONO_NO_LIB -DBOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LIB -DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_NO_LIB -DBOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_LIB -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_LIB -DBOOST_LOG_NO_LIB -DBOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB -DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_LIB -DBOOST_THREAD_NO_LIB -DCURL_STATICLIB -DGLEW_STATIC -DLIBNEST2D_GEOMETRIES_libslic3r -DLIBNEST2D_OPTIMIZER_nlopt -DLIBNEST2D_STATIC -DLIBNEST2D_THREADING_tbb -DOPENSSL_CERT_OVERRIDE -DOPENVDB_OPENEXR_STATICLIB -DOPENVDB_STATICLIB -DSLIC3R_CURRENTLY_COMPILING_GUI_MODULE -DSLIC3R_GUI -DTBB_USE_CAPTURED_EXCEPTION=0 -DUNICODE -DUSE_TBB -DWXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO -D_UNICODE -D__WXGTK3__ -D__WXGTK__ -DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DwxNO_UNSAFE_WXSTRING_CONV -DwxUSE_UNICODE -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dbus-1.0/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src -I/run/build/BambuStudio/build/src/platform -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/hidapi/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/Utils -I/usr/include/gtk-3.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/include/webp -I/usr/include/at-spi2-atk/2.0 -I/usr/include/at-spi-2.0 -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/fribidi -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/harfbuzz -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng16 -I/usr/include/gio-unix-2.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/include/sysprof-6 -I/usr/include/gstreamer-1.0 -I/run/build/BambuStudio/build/src/libslic3r -I/run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include/opencascade -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/libnest2d/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/miniz -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/glu-libtess/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/clipper2/Clipper2Lib/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/minilzo -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/src/eigen -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/src/libigl -isystem /app/lib/wx/include/gtk3-unicode-static-3.1 -isystem /app/include/wx-3.1 -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include/opencv4 -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include/OpenEXR -std=gnu++20 -fext-numeric-literals -Wall -Wno-reorder -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=gnu++17 -fPIC -fsigned-char -Werror=return-type -Wno-ignored-attributes -Wno-unknown-pragmas -DOPENVDB_ABI_VERSION_NUMBER=8 -MD -MT src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o -MF src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o.d -o src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/Utils/FontUtils.cpp.o -c /run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/Utils/FontUtils.cpp
/run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/Utils/FontUtils.cpp: In function ‘std::unique_ptr<Slic3r::FontFile> Slic3r::create_font_file(const char*)’:
/run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/Utils/FontUtils.cpp:127:27: error: ‘error’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘perror’?
  127 |         BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Couldn't open " << file_path << " for reading.";
      |                           ^~~~~
      |                           perror

[447/494] Building CXX object src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/GUI/TaskManager.cpp.o
FAILED: src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/GUI/TaskManager.cpp.o
/usr/bin/c++ -DBOOST_ATOMIC_NO_LIB -DBOOST_CHRONO_NO_LIB -DBOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LIB -DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_NO_LIB -DBOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_LIB -DBOOST_LOCALE_NO_LIB -DBOOST_LOG_NO_LIB -DBOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB -DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_LIB -DBOOST_THREAD_NO_LIB -DCURL_STATICLIB -DGLEW_STATIC -DLIBNEST2D_GEOMETRIES_libslic3r -DLIBNEST2D_OPTIMIZER_nlopt -DLIBNEST2D_STATIC -DLIBNEST2D_THREADING_tbb -DOPENSSL_CERT_OVERRIDE -DOPENVDB_OPENEXR_STATICLIB -DOPENVDB_STATICLIB -DSLIC3R_CURRENTLY_COMPILING_GUI_MODULE -DSLIC3R_GUI -DTBB_USE_CAPTURED_EXCEPTION=0 -DUNICODE -DUSE_TBB -DWXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO -D_UNICODE -D__WXGTK3__ -D__WXGTK__ -DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DwxNO_UNSAFE_WXSTRING_CONV -DwxUSE_UNICODE -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dbus-1.0/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src -I/run/build/BambuStudio/build/src/platform -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/hidapi/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/Utils -I/usr/include/gtk-3.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/include/webp -I/usr/include/at-spi2-atk/2.0 -I/usr/include/at-spi-2.0 -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/fribidi -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/harfbuzz -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng16 -I/usr/include/gio-unix-2.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/include/sysprof-6 -I/usr/include/gstreamer-1.0 -I/run/build/BambuStudio/build/src/libslic3r -I/run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include/opencascade -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/libnest2d/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/miniz -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/glu-libtess/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/clipper2/Clipper2Lib/include -I/run/build/BambuStudio/src/minilzo -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/src/eigen -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/src/libigl -isystem /app/lib/wx/include/gtk3-unicode-static-3.1 -isystem /app/include/wx-3.1 -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include/opencv4 -isystem /run/build/BambuStudio/deps/build/destdir/usr/local/include/OpenEXR -std=gnu++20 -fext-numeric-literals -Wall -Wno-reorder -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=gnu++17 -fPIC -fsigned-char -Werror=return-type -Wno-ignored-attributes -Wno-unknown-pragmas -DOPENVDB_ABI_VERSION_NUMBER=8 -MD -MT src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/GUI/TaskManager.cpp.o -MF src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/GUI/TaskManager.cpp.o.d -o src/slic3r/CMakeFiles/libslic3r_gui.dir/GUI/TaskManager.cpp.o -c /run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/GUI/TaskManager.cpp
In file included from /run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/GUI/TaskManager.cpp:1:
/run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/GUI/TaskManager.hpp: In member function ‘void Slic3r::TaskStateInfo::set_state(Slic3r::TaskState)’:
/run/build/BambuStudio/src/slic3r/GUI/TaskManager.hpp:40:9: error: ‘BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL’ was not declared in this scope
   40 |         BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "TaskStateInfo set state = " << get_task_state_enum_str(ts);
      |         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* fix OpenCV

* wip - build break

* fix build error wip

* ENH: support preset description(tooltip)

Change-Id: Iff005baac4974c538d1109fb0ba1df20b04a8f69
Jira: STUDIO-5754

* fix more build errors

* Revert "ENH: load more fonts"

This reverts commit 32b6fd199ac50e21db1f72089e5b3287a1776e04.

* change colors

* misc fixes

* restore export gcode btn


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>
Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Signed-off-by: XunZhangBambu <>
Co-authored-by: lane.wei <>
Co-authored-by: Arthur <>
Co-authored-by: xun.zhang <>
Co-authored-by: zhimin.zeng <>
Co-authored-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: tao wang <>
Co-authored-by: Stone Li <>
Co-authored-by: zhou.xu <>
Co-authored-by: Bastien Nocera <>
Co-authored-by: chunmao.guo <>
2024-04-28 22:58:47 +08:00
Merge some changes from BS 1.9 (#4994)
* FIX: do not touch the plate with different printing sequence

jira: STUDIO-5424
Change-Id: I8ad00fa991b753de126a5bef0d320c452033e2e7
(cherry picked from commit c4adfe16e285f238f2c5cd8938b2167fdfb6b1b0)

* FIX: global arrange setting is wrong

global arrange setting is wrong if a plate's setting is changed from object list

jira: STUDIO-5438
Change-Id: Iaa7f35837edbacff9b97ca17a8ab34c8e6bb023d
(cherry picked from commit fa2f56575b2e4305e35dd59ff55e0881720de025)

* FIX: temperature symbols not shown correctly

Need to use wxString::FromUTF8 to convert unicode symbols to wxString.

jira: none

Change-Id: Ia8b559d437c956a2cc28916d8963823356402d05

* FIX:Repair calculation process of plate_box

Jira: STUDIO-5520
Change-Id: I4c3f9597542ad2dfec4d7849e75fa28272fa4ea3

* FIX:frequent calls to _update_imgui_select_plate_toolbar

Jira: STUDIO-5488
Change-Id: I12e6f37c2fe94de004aa6da43421970d6df10f0f

* FIX: & is not displayed on the sending print page

Jira: STUDIO-5343

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I1736bb97433581ff117bfe09afe8ee70c1b08fc4

* FIX: file name is not fully displayed if it is too long

Jira: STUDIO-5230
Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I992fa0c0575afbd2eecb2af02c8a305eda028f7f
(cherry picked from commit d0d7fb0b1394429ee9d28d8ef4060a286ba0112d)

* FIX: The warning box still exits when the temperature has reset.

Jira: STUDIO-5562

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I7532db69880449eb3fa0a14fc4dfc61e7f6d518e
(cherry picked from commit 589ed5fe045b5e7ec3effe437c9685085960c0fc)

* FIX: White circle is not clear on auto refill page

Jira: STUDIO-3262

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I05ac6257638063d32a9943c09bb7c14cc9229b3a

* FIX: Groove text ctrl is not wide engough

Jira: STUDIO-5434

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I93c0995473a72b5c19bc413c38c090906e360455
(cherry picked from commit e4a8b0ef5e62ba0053dc782c30ea79b237a46ac3)

* FIX: values are not saved when clicking on an empty space

Jira: STUDIO-4637

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I837050029635f673b3ae671ea1ad049aaf4fdd16

* FIX: Temperature warning is not fully displayed

Jira: STUDIO-5038

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I460cbe2a5d0a092c4257b7bd5192058bf2e4707b

* NEW: display bitmap when calibrating

Jira: STUDIO-4661

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I60cf4f9769feca74699012418880e93fcfe34432
(cherry picked from commit 1213aea816694405311dc0c1061655a4c2a1d067)

* FIX: remember the flow ratio calibration type

Jira: STUDIO-5181
Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Id6125d1d4ea58972ce55c2c2498259596b25111e
(cherry picked from commit 1af1038fd4824d989e992cb630cf34e00c787af7)

* FIX: File panel crash on scroll

Change-Id: I56833a376fa52c960efea5fbd60003367ba410c2
Jira: STUDIO-5337, STUDIO-5513

* FIX: auto arranging skip unprintable high items

Jira: STUDIO-5646
Change-Id: I72dc3d8c71a075bab8204f4418e869a7a34c0c8e
(cherry picked from commit 0afdf8361493485da2254c426719594fd9a982ed)

* FIX: MediaFilePanel error state

Change-Id: I318ef59fb97478ffee16dff594022b2b9029964a
Jira: STUDIO-5638

* FIX: sync whole preset vendor directory

Change-Id: I191dbe979a87ff35d38cab1149b7975664344838
Jira: STUDIO-5534

* ENH: support turn off liveview auto retry

Change-Id: I24b39f74e0a40a13277d6eae3830c95c5c9de333
Jira: none
(cherry picked from commit f6ceb3fb8e4df3f876c50a1c4ba96b4a1be60190)

* FIX: SwitchButton auto scale font

Change-Id: If4004c0963cc8bb2f41e8e71c304d5239bf252ab
Jira: STUDIO-4969 STUDIO-4921


Change-Id: I8a500585ca815948bab1210578ba5c45858ed78e
Jira: STUDIO-5199

* FIX: Prefer old selection when sync AMS not compatible

Change-Id: I6b18db51887132a997cf78d70fff9a92e23bc44a
Jira: STUDIO-5416

* ENH: show liveview stat

Change-Id: I70d1f458aa2ed379ad7fe07dee76fbe035316420
Jira: none

* NEW:remember custom color

Jira: STUDIO-5635
Change-Id: I439080f6a8ddb6fde3899cffbabc3b6e66afbd96

* FIX: copy live555 dll

Change-Id: Idf727b8e26107e93aa9934299e87dc71531d1c63
Jira: STUDIO-4480

* FIX: optimize batch update object list on macOS

Change-Id: I92e24cc53c0b3bf0658d15abc64292f0e17c0a82
Jira: STUDIO-5440 STUDIO-5515

* FIX: network plugins tip disappear on dark mode

Change-Id: I422ab63f71158a49920438f01dd9c39774c27744
Jira: STUDIO-4891

* FIX: Display inconsistence in parameter table

JIra: STUDIO-3716

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I986473bcbb3efff4abd9c5917926d9e888a4f28c

* FIX: Incomplete copy display in Transfer or discard dialog

Jira: 5569 5549

Change-Id: I757b636259d7e1a222b9fc09276c12235360fd57

* FIX: Limit the max length of k when calibrating

Jira: STUDIO-4291

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Ie7cff086cf2a3c744213525d5d83f9ac4b55333d

* fix build break

* FIX: delete sdcard file crash

Change-Id: I814fd4b557fa92ac4060cbeb18a53f5616e49662
Jira: STUDIO-5977

* FIX: Yield when join media thread

Change-Id: I746d7df88a0de8363da7d9507cb63c9e0ffe970a
Jira: STUDIO-5952

* FIX: Guide page can't show in screen with mainframe

Jira: STUDIO-4911

Change-Id: I7e89614e0f1585263456c847a1b38dcfd0ad59e6

* FIX: filament combox has blank line

Change-Id: Ia39ddb564b3c9cc943d0ea4c0cf7cc4d24bef799

* FIX: load 3mf crash when studio has no base filament

Jira: none

Change-Id: I4387f425f60e6a53a53cf68addb1ab2d6f8f8901
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX:add resume button

Change-Id: I39035d929876ab3c84c5f5c3494376967300938c

* FIX: CLI: fix an arrange issue when duplicate failed

restore the wipe_tower position to original when duplicate fail

JIRA: MAK-2638
Change-Id: I355056f1d87648cc1f6aafa15a98ff569359b44f

* FIX: fix printer list without nozzle such as 0.35 or 0.75

Jira: 5409

Change-Id: I1a258fd10bcc03e297b791256880f2518d602905

* ENH:The first object should locate at plate center

Jira: STUDIO-6023
Change-Id: If4284136fe63ca576463445f3ab16b6e18ead30f

* FIX: Colored filament is not matched against.

github: #2190
Colored filament is not matched against the same color in AMS slot.

Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: Id4588fc9c8115a46881e2f5d198d79fe831f4371

* FIX: Revert "[STUDIO-4284] not set max height of liveview window"

This reverts commit 0312aee4d9b92e23884be8802da9801ff3b9fe93.

Reason for revert: STUDIO-5653
Jira: STUDIO-5653

Change-Id: If9d5f3e63968a0a54f9af1a2dae8f95f7f1f3f80

* ENH:modify file name rules when export stl

Jira: STUDIO-6091
Change-Id: Ic27e4e341cc09099e98a5eab7dfd48416f2922ae

* FIX: Flow calibration stage incorrect when switching printers

Jira: 6093
Change-Id: I41f1ac10ac9422ac808eab3254f32ea14a0d3b76

* FIX: UserGuide Can not Click When Computer User name has chinese

JIRA: None
Change-Id: If50baa8c6a13eb501918fd5cdaf0ea3da7c788ef
(cherry picked from commit 4e5ccc9f2de5ac429af6541c6a8bd412848801d0)

* ENH: Little Optimize JS Code Execute Progress


Change-Id: I12b03d8b968a9dd8dfce9eb3ef925fa8768e2046
(cherry picked from commit 2bf861092c9e306e1311eda8ac36fd981e73b6c2)

* FIX: Delete Test Code

Change-Id: I838a348edb22e09d2b1d5c41600c6fade535d184
(cherry picked from commit 51e664da0209ae8a3de5cbf30a72505c0b5bd028)

* FIX: the object list order changed after clone

github: 2798
Change-Id: I10a05ee7e00b05cb1255cfb708876ed784cabac7

* ENH: add alias for custom Filament preset

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I2fecc8b2bdb63618155e3d21f9db374a6119e416

* FIX: [5779] fix show alias logic when load preset

Jira: 5779

Change-Id: I4fefe3c1ffbca9bd8296f1b3fdd5de48c6a36a28

* ENH: Optimize the logic for deleting third-party printers

Mark the Filament and Process presets to be deleted first
then delete the child presets first and then the parent presets.

Jira: none

Change-Id: I100b873baae96c6ba27af258e708e6ab8e6ee4ab

* ENH:default selection of virtual tray

jira:[for def selected]

Change-Id: I0661f179f8e4bcac33ae12fbbeaeaf95c5b7c110

* ENH:add protection when no thumbnail data

jira:[for protection]

Change-Id: I3834a5ffde11ff54567dd854271184f06f94547f

* FIX:fixed issue with chinese path

jira:[Fixed the issue of failed loading of configuration files under Chinese path]

Change-Id: I9badd8fc158fcf49f46411ac4e5f72d58823eeb2

* NEW:add new msg notification for hms


Change-Id: If1aa33030a99550d0c859d594a2711aea4dcea4a

* NEW:using new humidity display ui


Change-Id: I13be4212e6b97f646d21e0af64cbc5006753fdeb

* NEW:Dye materials above grade 10 with shortcut keys

Change-Id: I002ecdd19167fb36772e4b4e9e2f7760e21079db

* NEW:update automatically when inserting materials

Change-Id: I2cefbb7b330ca4f13e841066548992b3fb3740f1

* FIX: check sdcard exists for file connect

Change-Id: I69199a29294c04d1fe46ee66682085b1f1d1d049
Jira: none

* FIX: not load printer files when it's busy

Change-Id: Ie5a58befcfc0d7fa0d4e587e8429c0b1bfeff72a
Jira: STUDIO-6105

* ENH: save video ctrl size to reduce layout change

Change-Id: I470f29d7f029d304c9badeeb8f94bed281080b29
Jira: STUDIO-6141

* ENH: stop liveview track record

Change-Id: Id4f236b239740bd919f2aa2f2892c1e63ce233bd
Jira: STUDIO-6131

* FIX: thread safe of http extra headers

Change-Id: I6ffa424be7ccb6abd78a66cc8be535f038b05469
Jira: none

* optimize MeshBoolean

* FIX: parse printer_model_id from 3mf

Change-Id: Ib149c986885ee6412898f1f51dd5a4aaad0a596d
Jira: none

* ENH: find grid empty cells for fill bed if the item is too small

jira: STUDIO-6015
Change-Id: I4e5eafdadd77482a27a8903d32bb83325283088d
(cherry picked from commit 8df4da4a863cdc42c790a9d5da37f8633423e406)

* ENH: always return product for firmware and lifycycle


Change-Id: I1f942babdcb7afee2c9a9076ac539063c5406ad7
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* ENH:STL tracking restricted area


Change-Id: I289c8b8aa8f62f0e5cc7004fb60437aa3337ca85

* NEW:add nozzle settings


Change-Id: I0db8333e5b5c8195add111fdcfa2e92387997815

* ENH:display the current humidity of AMS


Change-Id: I98bdd6d70cd173ed640f0d96692fcb6836416bb8

* FIX: [6123] create printer for exist printer can not into next page

Jira: 6123

Change-Id: I338ac0fde4f69b6f312f20e53851d91339e8156f

* ENH: Display value of flushing volumes


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I273fb22b0d378a839c34e9e0e9c414f0e5134799

* FIX: show printer file path & title

Change-Id: Ie5eff188c3039deeca5da96b54407194bf8910a0
Jira: STUDIO-6268

* FIX: liveview error message

Change-Id: Ie437e07916d7b6feae2dbcfa166c4e73bdcf31a1
Jira: STUDIO-6107

* FIX: file proto error message

Change-Id: I2c4117961c615e424780fb3830441e6a93c50bcc
Jira: none

* ENH: earse sensitive fields when export configs

Jira: None

Change-Id: Id9ca0637240b80773f39d2308192f8c78a5de3c6

* fix build errors

* FIX: unexpected layers in multi color print

github: 3131
Change-Id: I2a42e3bbd2247fbc0957022e1baae43c9375a8fb

* ENH: Add "New" button for PA cali

Jira: XXXX
Change-Id: Ic39f2508f2f9d390c2b9246fb3d3e281cde9b064

* NEW:add printer compatible check from sd card view


Change-Id: I86d10ebe2e9bc77e6350e26aeed6b4f0f9fdcecb

* NEW:enable loadl/unload when printing pause


Change-Id: Ieb3ef2423378e44b81a61a2b18c16f68aa335922

* FIX:fixed HMS message not cleared


Change-Id: Ic7692ce337fd00ece4ab8d65214a8c406f8543f8

* ENH:error code setting default value

jira:[for error code]

Change-Id: Ica61344c8217d41adb2947a40f633dc8d19a197a

* ENH:display conflict information


Change-Id: Ie1501323a7e8d9ceb4060ae6c0b4eab20f8b088a

* ENH: refresh printer file list

Change-Id: Ic86942d2b0b2e8383ef0f06311164aad59e837ad
Github: 3383

* FIX: Unnecessary prime tower error prompts

Custom gcode on other plate causes unnecessary prime tower error prompts
Jira: 6305

Change-Id: If499659b364a6b6898db1587b7b2aeed03758667

* FIX:multi colour displayed as gradient color on AMS

Change-Id: Ic7a925dda2e3bde066ba40ba27002569040f9518

* NEW:Color painting shortcut keys 10~16

Change-Id: I3cce838fad5e73d41f109b32f2e563716fd5b0da

* ENH: Print when unnamed project, task named as object names

github: #2286

Change-Id: I9be3fd25d16a00b78326ec43db9afcf3645d90f1

* ENH:reset user access code

jira:[for lan mode]

Change-Id: I2d0ed48411d683c3f20b2febc0d54747287870a7

* FIX:fixed crash when selecting new printer


Change-Id: I6a81186e822eb6bf6ce7aa70561dfae35d4de0e7

* FIX: not show printer's camera error when updating

Jira: STUDIO-6232
Change-Id: I985d75b3772849e07100799c4f13db5d4cbafde3

* FIX: clear error after reload file list ok

Change-Id: I5d5e4f2870302b198d3a9d40603a6fa8010b7e76
Jira: STUDIO-6306

* ENH: custom filament sync with printer

1. prompt sync user presets when create custom filament
2. Fix the issue of not displaying printers when creating custom Filaments based on presets when selecting PLA Aero Type.
3. Optimizing the traversal logic during AMS Setting Pop up reduces time complexity and allows for quick pop ups. Additionally, using nozzle calibers for retrieval and repairing custom materials may result in inaccurate retrieval.
4. Implement synchronization logic with the printer
	-a. Received slot information, reset the slot when the "filament_id" in the information does not exist in Studio
	-b. Received slot information, the nozzle temperature in the information is different from the preset nozzle temperature in Studio, reset the current temperature.

Jira: none

Change-Id: I511dc82563ec77a341839671d398607048ce1985
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* NEW: add api of "toggle_selected_volume_visibility"

Jira: STUDIO-6166
Change-Id: I77eb988a3ea43cd37d50888d1753b973795d8b36

* FIX: No data in the drop-down menu of the AMS settings page

Jira: 6342 6343

Change-Id: I6938fb4a7ae2816a4675d8d739622e25f219f469

* fix build error

* FIX: label wrap all & ping test for liveview

Change-Id: I7767ed0740e20bb578b6ef9f5e9873c8c79d172a
Jira: STUDIO-5821

* ENH: reuse controls in param Field

Change-Id: I42bb4da01e1e9b64c343b7fda4357a9553cf8684
Jira: STUDIO-5983

* FIX: use wide path to create camera process

Change-Id: I5de31fce0dea14df9a0ad363f3cb16dc40c275bc
Jira: STUDIO-4946

* ENH: optimize the get_tool_order func

Use Dp to refine performance


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I38b0c875e4deee9d9fbe926087fb5b2e274f8f90
(cherry picked from commit 9b7b66dc7a1f5e3efa318227ae7694bec5ec1216)

* Fix build errors

* ENH: add customize other layers print sequence

Jira: 6338
Change-Id: Ic14b2671ade37ab37583b81c5b509447b6c0d8f8

* ENH: [#3236] Unsaved changes to interface copy adjustment

github: #3236

Change-Id: I53931859bdcdfedfa9f63f6239d0fd2fd6d2766c

* NEW: support to adjust other layers print sequence

Jira: 6338

Change-Id: I5e6aef71aa9e6e97c1859aaaeb9ada5f1340414a

* FIX: imgui support toolbar window text wrapping issue

jira: STUDIO-5821

Change-Id: I57ee984baffbb2f00a7ecc5d5c8061074b06aff6

* FIX: updater: fix force upgrade logic

Change-Id: I46c51e09e7390e5ab0de40215911aac9635ab476
(cherry picked from commit 673ba6ff4ebda039d71dcbfdaa28c1252f5b8821)

* FIX:final step of slicing is to execute post-processing script

Change-Id: I8c33e2a66ac5c692244c778586040663b7b54bd7

* NEW:enable 3dMouse detect in .conf

JIRA: 5830
Change-Id: I8731e0244d2f551130c84bcfbbb46967ae6b19cd

* FIX:finish init "return" icon and hide it

Jira: STUDIO-6350
Change-Id: I0f1efd4a64ea204daeac7de822602ef6dfa3e4a5

* FIX: seq_print: fix an invalid warning caused by sinking

Change-Id: I1111910f2c625d5a871ea01b37dbfa7b04a849ee
(cherry picked from commit a3db95bb0940d5afe07ef0bb07113cc2acd7cd0a)

* ENH: plater: optimize the loading time of 3mf with large objects

Change-Id: Ia97f681041bb553c5c4b5b1d9109e5e5c42daf6b

* FIX:Fixed HMS issue

jira:[STUDIO-6344 STUDIO-6310 STUDIO-6356  STUDIO-6348]

Change-Id: I9d6660e7c349775004b69bfe41b651bfa8b359b7

* ENH:handling dirty data after nozzle settings


Change-Id: I00d6d1324376f973ec3cf9f2154ae83ef3302705

* ENH: use Bambu_StartStreamEx for agora tunnel

Change-Id: I5c28dea49d267bf7ff967d0982dd83555899c8c4
Jira: none

* FIX: use safe language code for http

Change-Id: Id1f4927308350ee35b891a5352cbf1e2d0c2577e
Github: 3655

* FIX: add cli_id, cli_ver to bambu url

Change-Id: Ic527d1497c6dee0c723d7b4629f0be825a8f7545
Jira: none

* FIX: not throw when _add_auxiliary_dir_to_archive

Change-Id: Idf54bbbd0ef557ec5e1a8e51ed669a1eb1fb4261
Jira: STUDIO-6339

* NEW: vase mode can be applied to one plate

jira: STUDIO-5838

Change-Id: Ifb315f7d79b570aeb7ee31d3495b4d465e3af0c6

* fix crashes

* ENH: update overhang degree method on calssic mode

Jira: none

Signed-off-by: qing.zhang <>
Change-Id: I90f6e4c2ef618fdaef00bdaf1ca309893f484c1e

* FIX: auto-arranging unprintable items may crash

github: #3676
Change-Id: I68eb87c73ad2c0c269f60e661136fd1a72ee5e2f
(cherry picked from commit 7e3c57eaa811424935fe8db6a4e77dd142ee2b58)

* FIX: use old slicer_uuid for client_id

Change-Id: I6c45e83213d613fc28eef04115f9cfb19dea703e
Jira: none

* ci: update network module based on commit 542ced8

Change-Id: I3ad5032cc56a99d1c3a687b2891d147b13af066d

* NEW:Support OLTP file

Jira: STUDIO-6421
Change-Id: I58bc94e978e6d2dd136ea370fb01f6ec80e14b23

* ENH: detect in_head_wrap_zone more precisly

1.Union first layer convex hull with object's bbox to detect whether
model enter head_wrap_detect_zone


Signed-off-by: XunZhangBambu <>
Change-Id: I11f26967d7421f41e9c824e62794c96591e6ae71

* FIX: fix the plate cannot be searched


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I88206c91ea24c6a41a0bd06f05f0f3c2fdc58a36

* NEW:hms error code

Change-Id: Ia33511f4c636c8ada39ed5a4e52d9b185da9c00b

* FIX:Color adaptation for numpad

Change-Id: If6e49638af8616fd349367073883592e6bebb503

* FIX: error overhang degree mapping

Jira: none

Signed-off-by: qing.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ifa24aa0cad0a06b09ee62a8be8781188a765d1d0

* FIX:display correct humidity


Change-Id: I27aae54a8355911b5d88ed45be320d3c9178081c

* ENH:Hide confirmation button when unable to send print

jira:[STUDIO-6355, STUDIO-6332]

Change-Id: I8f9c0edea4d5ee70e9fef1e9d42838d598dc32c4

* NEW: new type for Custom Filament

Type: "PE", "PP", "EVA", "PHA", "BVOH", "PE-CF", "PP-CF", "PP-GF"

Github: 3205 3169 3127

Change-Id: I8a30dd806c35460d9dae0f808190ce013b125d51
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX:fixed filament settings page display error in French


Change-Id: I6cc6dd9b83c7570688c2adc55efe2407cbcb4390

* FIX:fixed thumbnail not updating when using multiple plates


Change-Id: If49daa5b38b9a580ae226ff00a1e0085d167c15c

* FIX: Color Bleed in slicer

github: 3681 jira: 6450
Change-Id: Icb6274f7ddb238c238c133b95167310b1af905f7

* ci: update network module based on commit 8befd46

Change-Id: I3a6420684f106bdde5897a50d27dfec69e0aa37f

* ci: update network module based on commit e411785

Change-Id: I3a9c7bfa5ac5a942f339ad0194a24d9170847371

* FIX:reload paint after background process apply

Jira: STUDIO-6493
Change-Id: I9a1986152f05163f236f58bb24210b690ca3d562

* FIX: use object name of plate when send task in untitled project

Jira: 6430

Change-Id: I78ec811fab1cf028c0d5f81ac7738abdbeb6145f

* FIX: auto arranging spacing can't be adjusted correctly

jira: none
Change-Id: Ibddfe85aab9f3fad6a1612e8db437e52c40e20a3
(cherry picked from commit 136bca01f45e62042bd699a9a0a9f6d13519712c)

* FIX: fix change nozzle temp in Studio but printer not change

Jira: 6510

Change-Id: Ia0e1ac586ff41ddbabdac0845415e70774299387
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH:rename some img files


Change-Id: I69872533cccda37b94384bc219cc35c5dec9310b

* ENH:PEI bed is no longer unchecked by default


Change-Id: Ic9ca99860d46c27ca4c36a735df3f57fe71417df

* FIX:fix the load status of vtray


Change-Id: I8cafcc0b6caf19492aae6c153fb509f470dc7e83

* FIX: Supports automatic calibration of textured PEI

jira: 6504
Change-Id: I3234fb555b9bf0ea97e73387651874733e761ee7

* ENH:add tooltip for search item


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I7602a32159d21de8f37ea0208dd6a9f59b90dcce

* ENH: CLI: add version check logic

add option allow_newer_file

Change-Id: I8e8e4a45f77ebdd6dae6189841e4a9952e95ca82

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Id6e32b5afcf5eaabce9c0c7ab2c422e97b00e632

* NEW: switch to object panel if double click on object

jira: none

switch to object panel if double click on object,
otherwise switch to global panel if double click on background.

Change-Id: I6e54d7957aa19f1ebb1f993bc38125bbee8a1c98
(cherry picked from commit cc2e07bc9489c76a7d767acff0406c83c996504c)

* FIX:fixed loading img resource failure

jira:[for fix img load]

Change-Id: Ifb26b2ca23029abeda000322bf2ef7d2b3cda3b4

* FIX: Project Title can Click

JIRA: none
Change-Id: I614c60e76efe04875e36e3a8ef7a10acd3ef9ecf

* FIX:Prioritize selecting filament with smaller serial numbers in AMS

JIRA: 5909
Change-Id: If3030d4dd8d59af36bc1ae1801be1b89b0027a71

* NEW:material adaptation in select machine dialog

Change-Id: I625eac75c88cad804dd3741f750c5ea68a975421

* FIX:mac ams setting display

JIRA: STUDIO-6228\6409
Change-Id: I432a3aa96601a8e223b5949bc0ad5234c1374dca

* FIX: Image Scale Mode and Online Display

JIRA: none
Change-Id: I528f16e93b82748d86dc93e2dd3d85f317babaa7

* FIX: sequential_print_clearance_valid not working

not working  correctly with short objects

jira: STUDIO-6489
Change-Id: I33e1a165f448e1c3e272d4045934c63ad345db2f
(cherry picked from commit 9348eaa22a056db5384a38ea966cec9ba4a533a7)

* NEW: add nozzle_height to machine profile and do not detect conflict

Jira: request from 1.9

1. add nozzle_height to machine profile
2. auto arranging and sequential_print_clearance_valid don't consider objects conflicting if they are all shorter than nozzle_height and close.
3. do not detect conflict when all models are short.

Change-Id: I8d1eebb15d5bfa8c40d7491e033149e360531b89
(cherry picked from commit 6b4b52653db5f08d724a556c5c766c0bfa00f34d)

* FIX: sequential_print_clearance_valid not working

not working  correctly with short objects

jira: STUDIO-6489
Change-Id: I33e1a165f448e1c3e272d4045934c63ad345db2f
(cherry picked from commit 9348eaa22a056db5384a38ea966cec9ba4a533a7)

* FIX: [6510] set nozzle temp incorrectly when popup AMS Setting

Change-Id: I898f0b94794a3d67017b1917ce196c4019f5eb4a

* FIX: auto-calculate flushing volumes

FIX the first modification of consumable color after synchronizing filaments, without automatically calculating the flushing volumes

Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I2bc76a29afde5241d100cc42a5161db0f9b901c4

* FIX: custom layer sequence from End to End comboBox display issue

jira: new

Change-Id: I413cd5896d7e921f2c7c03b91b08788fefb9a4f3

* FIX:fix the v tray's filament unload logic


Change-Id: I34420bc4d1d27b6b36defb9852bba2eaf77fdcf2

* NEW:reducing purge through retracting filament

1.reducing purge through retracting filament.Currently only
applicable to X&P series

github: PR#3100

Signed-off-by: XunZhangBambu <>
Change-Id: Ie328039872e50e699dc5e5082fa99f68ac5f5fd1

* FIX: wrong role cache in wipe tower

1. Add wipe tower role cache in GCodeProcessor result
2. Add wiki link for prime tower


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ia766c7218df68fb1ffba567af193d6bfecacf588

* Fix plate settng icon

* NEW:revert hms error code

Change-Id: Ib5cc8bb8b8ced0f70d5bbe4751a1f97258218c6f

* FIX: calibration page button broken display issue

jira: STUDIO-3913

Change-Id: I2fd488e829d898b7d81d09db814ed6518f0c54a8

* FIX: do not check spiral vase mode config if an object is loaded

jira: STUDIO-6514

Change-Id: Ib44ec8322ff178b5765f7fe94b588aa38339691d

* FIX: implicitly set spiral vase config for objects just loading

jira: 6514

Change-Id: I04bb2b1abeb62d4dfff4e526b723b1cf1bd5fd7f

* FIX: filling bed fails if the bed is already full


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I71b5a01a95cdffef7c0750e6347fa8911dcd781d

* ci: update network module based on commit 868f5d7

Change-Id: I5584e4441e1f2ab400addaa87ee8013927fb9e15

* FIX: add query_real_volume_idx_from_other_view api

Jira: STUDIO-6545
Change-Id: Ib8216981c5d2945a0221a5caa1fbc14ed74e930b

* FIX: Can't edit text

github: 3750
Change-Id: I1caecaa968e60cadcdbe9f7aa67cba141bb88230

* FIX: Slicer creates invalid color pattern

github: 3749
Change-Id: I3fd74a9ca59b75873fcbca4437e4858c749ee853

* ENH: hide tuck did

Change-Id: I9021d3f51c9a73bc9208b479f96b1ddbe7a2f8f8
Jira: none

* FIX: PrinterFileSystem: retry connect on user action

Change-Id: I3e8902298385ed2e5906fd15d1817b6e33522a76
Jira: STUDIO-6354

* FIX: Remove user ID and other information

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: Ia63ec88a335d88fd40a29952abe6d40d8991efee

* ENH: refine retraction before cut

1. Add filament retraction before cut control


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ifcb087c9791c0461b793ef811b21ebd4c007d880

* FIX: enable resumed read only Field

Change-Id: Id09e671932458699c020f0a061d8cfc11a6958ab
Jira: STUDIO-6641

* ENH: add precise_z_height

jira: none
Change-Id: Idb9fcf0063e773f1531a49961478460b91ded10f

* ENH: modify the multi-material segmentation and voronoi

This patch is cherry pick from Prusa, thanks to Prusa

Rework multi-material segmentation to work directly on the Voronoi diagram without creating a copy of it.

Previous algorithms assume that they can get an invalid Voronoi diagram. Because of that, during the multi-material segmentation, a copy of the Voronoi diagram was created, and there were several attempts to fix missing vertices and edges. But as it shows, this wasn't a good enough approach and sometimes led to several issues like bleeding layers.

After generalization, our approach for detection and repairs of invalid Voronoi diagrams from Arachne, we could assume that multi-material segmentation gets non-invalid Voronoi diagrams.
With this assumption, we reimplement multi-materials segmentation to work directly on the Voronoi diagram. That should make multi-material segmentation more stable.

So, this should fix several issues like bleeding layers. Also, memory consumption should decrease by a lot. Also, there should be some speedup of multi-materials segmentation.

Jira: none
Change-Id: I72aa6e1f9634d9ee8759aa469a0b39a36ace62f5

* FIX: infill speed not work on region level

Jira: none

Signed-off-by: qing.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ie3d17c5e3cbf91a8854e3b4cd80babeb2b1bd121

* ENH: support saving PA calibration results for P series

Jira: none

Change-Id: I9402b8bcce7b48a63d0e97e0708080701d065e7a

* ENH: refine long retraction ui

1. associate button display logic
2. Add valid range tip
3. seperate the printer into three types


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ie14c8746eb20456dacd5c129a5449c1e7c7db372

* FIX:height range cut = volume_count * 2

Jira: none
Change-Id: I539c2f9cda7985b4b3c318ca8aa1eb7c52fdce82

* FIX: auto arranging gets wrong object height

obj->bounding_box().size() is not the real object size if the object has been rotated.

jira: STUDIO-5999
Change-Id: I6553d4c990696efd674e3e57063802127d5d5282
(cherry picked from commit 479ea9fb02f55d24f27c94633f3d852bd5c62c83)

* ENH: seperate support weight from model


Signed-off-by: XunZhangBambu <>
Change-Id: I86bb34941269bf1aa29436a94ebbdff675497e85

* ENH: add support for gcodeviewer statistics

jira: new

Change-Id: Ied6d61e8c48ac82daf16579d9caed9723cf8e29d

* FIX: invalid support weight per extruder


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I0e4b857c9c758ab7c54ef13aee1bf596f975640b

* FIX: do not need reset bed_type for pa calibration

jira: none
Change-Id: I411064cf14d94a9bd1f0f6668ee23aa10d372f3d

* FIX: P1P/S can not modify the k value in old version

jira: 6745
Change-Id: I5c9dffe8e998213e6af6e1d01a6b0ae82521e8db

* Add rotation support for 3D Honeycomb
Ported from BS

* ENH: add default params for long retraction

1. Only auto calculate flush when enabled
2. Add default params for long retraction
3. Disable filament override for unsupport machines


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ib5d51505b58101839527e944f9a237483951f9fe

* misc fixes

* ENH: remove long retraction warning


Signed-off-by: tao wang <>
Change-Id: If60236b3282991a2d94df7d125427cff86899536

* avoid zero length path

* FIX: check recommended nozzle temperature

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I4dbb274cf27ef9c6d20a8479b29af1069652b2bc

* FIX: fix not popping up a prompt when the temperature is set to 0

Jira: 6497

Change-Id: I6498fc6962e7da376d4c652dab0a99a161932eef
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: When creating a custom Filament, use the system Filament type.

Jira: 6301

Change-Id: I1bfddcf43d2ebaebca4eb494d1f64165c3d59e9e
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: seam and unretarct pos error on smooth vase
casused by invalid path of smooth vase mode

Signed-off-by: qing.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ib597e8c05760886aae2c42e42e8d46e82b844578

* FIX: unable to map if filament not used in model

1.Fix filament can not map if it's not used in model body


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ibd2685ffd198b2e17dbf44289d0144b5b7c25788

* NEW:Update data only on device pages


Change-Id: I33b0c9f35c1dc6df2db3b6bd4f446f46b31ecf6c

* set(SLIC3R_VERSION "")

* update BBL machine profile

* scarf clip start and end
Ported from BambuStudio

* fix linux build error


Co-authored-by: Arthur <>
Co-authored-by: zhou.xu <>
Co-authored-by: wenjie.guo <>
Co-authored-by: chunmao.guo <>
Co-authored-by: maosheng.wei <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: lane.wei <>
Co-authored-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Co-authored-by: zhimin.zeng <>
Co-authored-by: zorro.zhang <>
Co-authored-by: tao wang <>
Co-authored-by: Stone Li <>
Co-authored-by: xun.zhang <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: qing.zhang <>
Co-authored-by: gerrit <>
Co-authored-by: Leon Fisher-Skipper <>
Co-authored-by: Lukas Matena <>
Co-authored-by: <>
2024-04-14 22:07:00 +08:00
Rename tab_auxiliary_avtice.svg to tab_auxiliary_active.svg (#4390)
* Rename tab_auxiliary_avtice.svg to tab_auxiliary_active.svg

* Update MainFrame.cpp
2024-04-14 16:21:03 +08:00
Minified SVG Bamboo Lab Printer images (#4513)
Used this site
Minifier basically joins lines / curves with same style to reduce size
Doesn't change geometry
Size dropped to 2,02MB from 4,75MB
Couldn't tested on UI. Not sure how to do that
2024-03-18 23:13:06 +08:00
Changing the background color of the thumbnail (#4421) 2024-03-13 23:02:57 +08:00
Optimized PNG files (#4294)
* Optimized PNG files

* Added back hints

* Revert "Added back hints"

This reverts commit e1d3890b08411d470a12a68472f6421aba28d229.

* Fixed Comgrow T500 cover background
2024-03-04 22:00:47 +08:00
Ioannis Giannakas
Fix crashing on AMS filament edit (#3981) 2024-02-06 00:09:47 +07:00
Feature/merge 1.8.4 (#3827)
* FIX: the logic of buried points that were not buried

JIRA: none

Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: Id95174659c5fce7feba409eb5e14916608745fa4

* ci: update network module based on commit bc7ca98

Change-Id: I923526f0bf9ce5a288144fa1f9b0f2fc640f41b7

* Fix Firefox
Co-authored-by: hadess <>

* FIX: cali: custom created filament from AMS displayed as incompatible

jira: new

remove the condition: is_system

Change-Id: Ib1366966bbdbe01bc9e2483d9914d270ebefa976

* FIX: duplicated items in comboBox at calibration completed page

jira: new

Change-Id: I4749a2206df16c438e0d3098e36274b2a20f313e

* ENH:update support for P1S plus

jira:[for p1s plus]

Change-Id: Id577d4e94e2162cb0045d261dfaa5f396ecded2f

* ENH: CLI: add mk information support

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: Idd89b143d439de50d9f52eb8aec95b262d66875d

* ENH:calibration support p1p plus


Change-Id: Ia290d3a8a8b9adaac7a6ee26d9a8b5ea0c1b3aee

* FIX: add log for base_id and filament_id

github: #3087

Change-Id: Iebfbd0f224fce49f33fc81c71e6108f6e3abb5ff

* FIX: sync whole preset vendor directory

Change-Id: I191dbe979a87ff35d38cab1149b7975664344838
Jira: STUDIO-5534
(cherry picked from commit 628866608116336453804aa1217dd55db04d47ad)

* FIX: use t_utc for debug only

Change-Id: Ia05d8969d4de3dd38908980d6e17a3ebb11ca279
Github 3045

Change-Id: I77935df53bbf2772b1146e5c330c537165a3a2e6

* FIX:make sort_volumes right

Jira: STUDIO-5645
Change-Id: If324c9115bfaaf0c1b7b4be7c7ee96ba6b8ac890

* ENH:keep an unload logic

jira:[for unload]

Change-Id: Id30ec71ffa5b2dac89346ea47ca48a62479e3ab1

* FIX: several problems with mesh boolean

1. Cut with multiple volumes are OK now.
2. Close mesh boolean fail error with new object or open object
3. Fix wrong name and config of boolean resulting object

github: #3118
jira: none

Change-Id: If2c9dbfb36cbdfe4917a2371217923891bb7909c
(cherry picked from commit 982c0ecb92cf7c2b5ae5972ab900a6b10e7dda50)

* NEW:limit the length of project name

jira:[project name]

Change-Id: I955620f7073b3b7fda280d1118524f561d047751

* ENH:adjusting the warning level of timelpase


Change-Id: I4902b22d316f5e09a97a62c88b8a98e55c405434

* FIX: 3mf specification: change namespace form slic3rpe to BambuStudio

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: Id705affc875ef23fdf2ac6d79f0cb0aafc4f7050

* NEW: Open MakerWorld With BambuStudio GetParam

JIRA: none
Change-Id: I0d65b364f1cd2d634a88882ab072c3e61ea89167
(cherry picked from commit 8eaf45e5359439a7c796fd79876c86775abcf48e)

* FIX: Filament issue generated when creating a printer

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I976770b69b47641bd54aa7a9c56fba7f58d1ab68
(cherry picked from commit ba42188b93c58b3954234d72acdd9769a68e3d3c)

* FIX: Blank page appears when editing presets

Jira: 5563

Change-Id: I4c49e05515b1beff55991e92f8079c4499c27eab
(cherry picked from commit e86517d290f4cd0765a230d811b0ddf2c9f34c17)

* FIX: context menu didn't update UI

jira: STUDIO-5691

Change-Id: Ia66b8623d832eba805aff5320941233a68ff258b

* FIX: crash of "filling bed"

"get_arrange_settings() const" gets trapped in infinite recursive calling.
Now we delete this function.

jira: STUDIO-5688
Change-Id: Ia39974734bb37b2a2f06b5bf78185f01be726872

* FIX: boolean hangs in the middle of color painting

Can't do splits in combine_mesh_fff, as do_boolean of mcut will split meshes.

jira: STUDIO-5693
Change-Id: Idddb7d20dd7ca386c39ddd3d87d9defc3136aa5d
(cherry picked from commit 6c67d015941458e37faaf0015b6509b5a0eadc0e)

* Fix: Fix a number of compilation problems

issues found when using gcc version 13.2.0 (GCC) in a Flatpak sandbox

github :
github pull request:

Change-Id: I08aeac593eb1ce7675894df72e8489200bae713d
(cherry picked from commit 069d133d66bfa682de4a860e379d5dc16b3d907c)

* fix: macos icns issue when icon was not attached

github pull request:

Change-Id: I49072ad49f3af7669a6d307c791594ade210da50
(cherry picked from commit c977e5582e3a30ad16dd267810037423aad9a53c)

* FIX: Add flush_length for change_filament_gcode

Change-Id: I30f4b97d3d61c2a57f0e92f157cbd31c38aa7265
Jira: XXXX
(cherry picked from commit 92eb2bac977a0c4095b316cbbc6580fb5228b710)

* FIX: edit preset dialog can't close on mac

Jira: 5696

Change-Id: Ib33dfd07cc588ddd3805e3490a4d8c36dcd890ac

* ENH: add dev_ota_version in ssdp


Change-Id: Ic80e6d4b9bf82813fdc4a76604a3d36213d12b03
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* NEW:Adapt to multicolour and gradient colour

Change-Id: I8084cab603d5681cbcaf2d6f5e0d7ad5419cb2af

* NEW:Adaptation of semi transparent materials

Change-Id: Ie32d8ce67c37b85eb6d7d6594cb514a696307e68

* FIX: disable flush options if prime tower is unchecked

jira: STUDIO-5639

Change-Id: I25081584d430bc7d062e14bcc2cdbf7522cf9d99

* ENH: refine GetVersion for HMS query


Change-Id: Ia3ccc07d79cc0736eb12e9782da50211abb74772
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* FIX: Prefer old selection when sync AMS not compatible

Change-Id: I6b18db51887132a997cf78d70fff9a92e23bc44a
Jira: STUDIO-5416
(cherry picked from commit 077fae29823cf4f3071d408b1b40f55ee0cb33c6)

* FIX: The flushing was not auto-calc when sync ams list


1. flushing volume auto-calc when sync ams list
2. flushing volume takes the larger calculation value when filament has

Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I72e6f9780ea56103a44c2da6068440a4615c254d

* FIX:fixed invalid links

jira:[fixed link]

Change-Id: I036a38b6e8e94da762f93805bd7be706538771fe

* FIX: Prompt to delete problematic presets

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: Ic43f7bb782794d7ab0b6acbffbb5d73e94f6ed73

* FIX:fixed incorrect HMS content


Change-Id: Ia2896d6f0ab1ffedbc850e54168acece8e47bdbb

* FIX:external transparent material display error

Change-Id: I0a4f05ac5d5c0ac49d85a704ee65a7221c5f1e1d

* FIX: [5846] Custom Filament Page show System Filament

Simultaneously solve: When downloading Preset from the cloud, the filament_id of the preset in m_preset is null.

Jira: 5846

Change-Id: I6ba1b46fe92e345614b6a4af3fffa87d81fa2456

* FIX:A1 and p1 series do not support custom materials

Change-Id: Ib0459273d1f9a7152a5563757204634a8d0cd6f5

* FIX: exception when comparing profiles


Signed-off-by: XunZhangBambu <>
Change-Id: I946b5fcd35f779d271df2b3de731fdcada5aab29
(cherry picked from commit 00e739570812e5c4be3e0f7702ce8c72c0f9e72b)

* FIX: hide_id_middle_string

Change-Id: I28f32ec526b443d31d7992971b80ab1cb737deb6
Github: STUDIO-5825

* ENH: modify some logs level


Change-Id: I5a8592dfb8ffa9a81952535cb30944f867aa0e22
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* NEW:build plate marker detect

Change-Id: I70f03efea688bb6ce71c3f5990bb3c50605ab184

* FIX: Studio UI Freeze when saving user preset

github: #3335

Change-Id: Idaf53f673a3e46408826c06bdde2c592395d358b

* update bbl plugin version

* fix build errors

* update bbl profiles

* update color


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>
Co-authored-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Co-authored-by: gerrit <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: tao wang <>
Co-authored-by: lane.wei <>
Co-authored-by: maosheng.wei <>
Co-authored-by: chunmao.guo <>
Co-authored-by: zhou.xu <>
Co-authored-by: Arthur <>
Co-authored-by: Bastien Nocera <>
Co-authored-by: zhimin.zeng <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: Stone Li <>
Co-authored-by: XunZhangBambu <>
2024-01-26 20:18:10 +08:00
Merge branch 'main' into enh-port-edit-gcode-dlg 2024-01-14 03:54:27 -05:00
Tuomas Salokanto
Support custom IP camera (#3415)
* Support custom IP camera

Allow adding custom IP camera source while keeping possible
built-in bambulab camera also functional and add button to
switch between them.

This uses WebView widget to show the stream. Upon loading the
page, javascript is used to remove native controls and scroll-
bars for aesthetic reasons.

* Add partial support for PiP video

HTMLVideoElement supports picture-in-picture video
but the dedicated control is hidden in this implementation
to have more integrated look in OrcaSlicer. Add right-click
listener to the camera switch icon that opens the video element
in a PiP window.

Only works when the video is in <video> HTML element, so for
example MJPEG streams in <img> element won't work.
2024-01-14 16:18:30 +08:00
Add the rest of the param defs
Also added temperatures category to handle them
2024-01-05 05:24:53 -05:00
Update Icons
Add new icons from PS and update to use Orca color scheme

Original Commit: prusa3d/PrusaSlicer@37afe79

Co-authored-by: YuSanka <>
2024-01-01 10:57:21 -05:00
Feature/merge 1.8.2 (#3193)
* FIX: user preset sync token

Change-Id: Id2aa865b778ee9ac4cfddb68ceef0374507b519b
Jira: none

* FIX: Bitmap cache not take effect

Change-Id: I972098fdbda0b4542c6c759a8f5e1f0f2a30852b
Jira: STUDIO-4991

* NEW: Open HotModel Link With GetParam-From bambustudio


Change-Id: I4ac49bac5ee0c50988c76a38b00b7ba7dc3201f5

* NEW:AmsMaterialsSetting Support for user-preset

Change-Id: If848047cd5dbd059d440de30989c505c361305a7

* FIX: upload custom root preset fail

Change-Id: I621c8d542dd604b07cc5df63d97d7a31558d3aba
Jira: none

* FIX: show custom filament in AMS filament list

Change-Id: I79b9f8f2f08db8c52bbed76f1ea133baff383c00
Jira: none

* FIX: dailytips window and gcodeviwer legend window size issue

reset to original logic of dailytips and legend window size

jira: new

Change-Id: Iacb016bb222ba3f87317cfbe1f2b003802d773a5

* ENH: add text translation

jira: new

Change-Id: I780cfb8a0a64d806b5e0a414b6598e3b7bdf52dc

* FIX: Delete and search object outside the plate

1. STUDIO-5132 Deleting object outside the plate will crash
2. STUDIO-5146 The search function cannot search for object outside the plate

Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I84cb3fe990a9c2a182e7434c262466a70545280e

* FIX: [5149 5142 5141 5140 5136] create printer and filament issue

Jira: 5149 5142 5141 5140 5136
5149 process preset name can not show all
5142 improt configs combobox not update
5141 disable modify filament_vendor
5140 disable input Bambu and Generic vendor
5136 preset list window adjust

Change-Id: I111a23996146cc16cc7f533c8616d50223d34c40
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ifd69c01a82f627a9c6cf4fe0d48a759563ee90e7

* FIX: print model from sdcard with p1p

Change-Id: If85383ba762022ead3dd754ae02a08817b891114
Jira: none

* FIX: dailytips text translation

jira: STUDIO-2556

Change-Id: If44e503615b09ee1692f42ba1f998918ec5bd691

* FIX: clone shortcut key conflict with quit in macos

jira: STUDIO-5166

Change-Id: I548f275bb68d3b0e6bb3cfad6fe93df09d507da3

* FIX:User preset material settings dependent on firmware

JIRA: 5167
Change-Id: I82cf26848594b01155883ad0aa2e9ee77d371fb2

* ENH:update the description of nozzle detection

Change-Id: Id27b25c69dc11fcf66fc82053af705906ae8c370

* FIX: [5159 5165 5171 5172] create printer and filament issue

Jira: 5159 5165 5171 5172
5159 create printer dialog no refresh
5165 create printer 2 step dialog no refersh
5171 change font
5172 edit filament dialog darkUI issue
input special character is prohibited
'/' in preset name translate to '-'
update printer combobox

Change-Id: I5fa27836dab7f604f1a065c65efa099c7a2f0f96
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: If1865d561cf274719204662314de163497759e89

* FIX:fix GLmodel deconstruction causing section not to be rendered

Jira: STUDIO-5156
Change-Id: Ibb2f459920989ee54f7b827352dc8893424b4de6

* FIX: missing unlock cause device or resource busy

Change-Id: I87563312ea9c6ce4e4e471da7ce7a02b53b64762

* FIX: some translation

Change-Id: I9758cbc758030b5a3945697a50ca4898af9fcb1b

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Id5ee53dd2ebb0b37b6927dc58b3cca94a1f66a83

* ENH: remove PLA GLOW in A1 mini


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Id99c1bbd4248e28df9150a85eecec831f6f32856

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ib4dfa60f097128b76b95bb14ca04978619021b56

* Allow line width of nozzle diameter * 2.5

As it were, 1 mm would be disallowed but 0.99 would be allowed for 0.4
nozzle.  1 mm is the sane maximum and 0.99 is unnecessary tedious to write.

* Russian translation update

Russian translation Bambu Studio_v1.8.0 Beta

* FIX: scale problem in needs_retraction


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Idfbe954b22fa6aa5769c55e46874fa6a80ecbf45
(cherry picked from commit 4e853f50b748e3af11e2d64862b6ee557fda361b)

* ENH: CLI: support load_assemble_list

Change-Id: Ife11533740988331ea71eac86c370e625970cb8b

* FIX: align to Y not working

This is a bug introduced in 7fbb650 when solving jira STUDIO-4695.
Now we use a more decent way to solve it.

Change-Id: I92deffcb9fe53e8a24c93fe973446ae37df07375
(cherry picked from commit bd98430dbd15eb6c9bb4b447990e0dcf8a50eef0)

* ENH: Add buried points for cut and meshboolean


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I67ce498d0c335dd7a8582f56b880c2c8314f8541

* FIX: 5092 edit filament add scrolled window

Jira: 5092

Change-Id: I53ae996b04e4e2f1b1ddce6a858d505001b11615
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: can not select user preset when create filament

Jira: XXXX
github: 1936
and fix add preset for printer dialog can not show selected printer

Change-Id: Id4308c6bdca17d52d4aa321db359941aa87e0e45
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: template filament don't be show in filament list and sort

Jira: 5160 5179

Change-Id: I56a7e1897e1ef3c061dc66d318896413ca25b76b
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: [5174] export configs dialog issue

filament name too long to can not show all

Jira: 5174

Change-Id: I92018c9d7f86009b78b533592d899b4b5d78c3c8
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: add filament Bambu TPU 95A HF

1.As title


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I752ec43da6297a6c172679997ce68f2318a7b8fb

* ENH: modify some params with filaments

1.Modify the PEI bed temperature of PLA Basic, Matte, and Tough to 65 in
 A1 mini. Set the bed temperature for the first layer of Bambu PETG-CF
 to 65 and 70 for the other layers


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ia902bbb7f824082d5346709d781cac64296f47a8

* ENH: add more status during printing


Change-Id: I85b3107839c6e2fdecbc10d90a876463e284468c
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* FIX:cut imgui has overlapping rendering on Apple

Jira: STUDIO-5150
Change-Id: I7969e19dc189cd617026a183067dad628208955c

* FIX:not TakeSnapshot for m_start_dragging_m

Jira: STUDIO-5176

Change-Id: Ia03e3e2c2664dbdcffa19ec8d0fa97dfd95e6d35

* FIX: rendered color changes

Jira: STUDIO-4956
during the drag processin connectors editing state

Change-Id: I3027176ea9f93a9ba9d6a2052f41aaa4adef79f1

* FIX: merge the patch from Prusa

Thanks for PrusaSlicer and YuSanka
commit 510d59687b3b19c4a0f4e6540620d0694dd1b7ac
Author: YuSanka <>
Date:   Thu Oct 5 14:13:14 2023 +0200
    Follow-up 1b451cdf: Fixed #11415 - Connectors disappear when slicing => only when using multiple cut planes AND excluding parts

Change-Id: I9ccd5b85f482d723d21fccf5e104c9e0a9cc4849

* FIX:Press ESC directly to exit after entering the profile rendering

rendering is not normal,Code from PrusaSlicer,thanks for PrusaSlicer and enricoturri1966
commit a078627552f54497ed0518dc7bc349d243576d19
Author: enricoturri1966 <>
Date:   Mon Jan 30 14:00:02 2023 +0100

    Follow-up of 1218103fd620b319c56fd08116f81b581c537188 - Fixed gizmo missbehavior when closing a gizmo by resetting the selection clicking on the scene

Jira: STUDIO-5164
Change-Id: I261da9dba2a5ac37f3e263c175fbccd80d8045bd

* FIX: correct the strings and move create printer dialog center

Jira: 5221 5183

Change-Id: Ida4eba63f0e962ffcc8000fcc04cf20849577217
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: CLI: skip layer height limit validate when slicing for existing models

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: I1444a28b500ca7d08ed2606eecfa5cfaf261105e

* ENH:update the translation of auto refill

jira:[for translation]

Change-Id: Iaa7b4f3d7cd88c8b4f69a3db721ebd8ca8986eea

* FIX: icon issue for copying

Jira: STUDIO-4168

Icon issue when filling bed with copies

Change-Id: I61a03ecae02b75602c236ed2810e9c9cfe5a19f9
(cherry picked from commit b5079f8a2e79f19f65803f23ef4fd83aff17c84a)

* ENH: update some filament params

1. Modify texture bed temp to 65
2. Modify max-v-speed for ABS
3. Modify some params in Generic PA
4. Modify PLA,PVA params


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I42584a6015b8526f6bbb93024316968198bd76ce

* FIX: 3770 printable checkbox incorrect display in darkUI

Jira: 3770

Change-Id: I97f67d7a0ffc41f6ee625abeecc52ee4e73cf318

* FIX:Display garbled code in AmsMaterialsSetting pop-up

Change-Id: I50531e939afa7715ae376bac47172ccf7b248114

* ENH:Modifying the Line Color of Transparent Materials

JIRA: STUDIO-4311,5088,4983
Change-Id: I9e63413dc9cd7d523f0f7f1a2e32c4537a84467a

* FIX: crash when async delete printer file

Change-Id: I92c5e812d04da263338fb0eea2fd7583cf9ecde0
Jira: STUDIO-5222

* FIX: 3733 backup time not effective

Jira: 3733

Change-Id: I50c2ce156fcbd0a17aa8a6777bce04aa6093c830
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: enable edit and delete preset btn and fix issue

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I724d7236b28fcc4746698f094531948a8fbb5d93
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX:send print job,file name displays error

Change-Id: I1c113025d274a13fba1b845a58aada14058fadd4

* FIX: skip hold user preset from sync

Change-Id: I2252246e19bd80903ad82170782ea49535d30d05
Jira: STUDIO-5185

* FIX: 5115 translations

Jira: 5115

Change-Id: I21b03bdd4d28c0bb097226143177e763cf8c777f
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: add link for ironing parameter

Change-Id: I451f5549db3ac2205aa5703a2e5edc831e946af8

* FIX: scale problem in lift type decide

1. Scale the travel threshhold


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ib594d640fe63b0919bc9318af88577513f7dbf30

* ENH: add small perimeter speed and threshold

The original param is added by Prusa. Thanks orca for adding threshold.

1. Re add small perimeter speed and threhold.

github: #2221

Change-Id: I35b269b26f085d80f0edca28650bb21fc04898d7

* FIX: modify the picture of pa manual cali

Jira: STUDIO-5102
Change-Id: Id87898959ad4461b7bd2505b159271f2aa589c36

* FIX: Filament preset is the same with the first one

Jira: STUDIO-4519

Filament preset is the same wit the first one, it should align with the
last one.

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I304d0ff0fbc1c8948d410ea552e4d42b6a4e8fd9

* FIX: scoreDailog dark mode issue

Jira: 4570

Change-Id: I8be97b306a1494f73e3bba678ecc864e7ff88ca3

* FIX: CLI: fix the slicing issue while only one object with multicolor using seq-print

JIRA: no-jira
Change-Id: Iea2d23ff8e484bf2fd58aa2f596a8e4e4292fe39

* ENH: open support wall count for normal support

1. open support wall count for normal support
  Enabling this option makes normal support stronger and gives
  better overhang quality, but also more difficult to removal.
  Jira: STUDIO-5192
2. fix a bug where tree support (hybrid style) may get overlapped
  extrusions near the walls.
3. fix a bug where raft layers can't be 1 in tree support
  Jira: STUDIO-5261

Change-Id: Iadc0c67a9b50b5b221c8e83d5aa22ed282018cf8
(cherry picked from commit c0bb0084e386cb70ed6e16edf93190e4b38f5b90)

* FIX: compiling error on linux

jira: none
Change-Id: I1a4563503b5ddf74a1979cc0cee7a15b8aced904
(cherry picked from commit de52c6ca62c9f3a6314ddf5a856c1d8534329886)

* ENH: add translation for small perimeter


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I95013649e4e0c07c0f04b89a91488814c8d228cc

* FIX: clone shortcut key issue on macos

jira: STUDIO-5166

Change-Id: I1967da1d443ed43bd750dad8e11560688d7bd533

* FIX: custom gcode window cannot paste/ navigate

jira: STUDIO-5208、STUDIO-5070

Change-Id: I4ecb9d06cf5db0ae53a4678181aae9298bac106b

* ENH: modify dailytips collapse & expand interaction

jira: STUDIO-5209、STUDIO-5210

Change-Id: Ifb0b998e5004d4b49390ba5a250eaf4743bf3471

* ENH:Add shortcut keys and lists for objects search


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: Ic7cfaaa9b4bb8a85208bafab7fe3bafdb78f0045

* FIX:Re-calculate button with White Box displayed in dark mode


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I07cc6c72d5dbd03b72573cd27dd5938bb0e6a29a

* NEW: display plate index when printing a task


display on the thumbnail of the current task

Change-Id: I5f1f46c56e9d1e9120a66d491551908dfad099d6
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* ENH:fixed incorrect path prefix

jira:[for file path prefix]

Change-Id: Ie9e3999f02b78272e528ceceb479e746d46a7e6c

* FIX: thumbnail is not clear in dark mode


Change-Id: Ie86493ed71b5554095927f061509a1f551758b61
Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>

* FIX: translation

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: Id03f0d704aa852632a907ea628d1277400112062
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: first nozzle change to 0.4 and nozzle change to mm

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I14defd36442dbd7008e46782b08415b6244224f1
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH:editing_window_width's value is small on the laptop

Jira: STUDIO-5238 STUDIO-5265
apply_selected_connectors should check_and_update_connectors_state

Change-Id: I8c2c1c920cc4d197d1908815a3e62f4962335451

* FIX: fix new_bed_shape's calculation process

Jira: STUDIO-5122
Change-Id: I5f3e6a301a297123af28692c90bef6759f425b06

* ENH:update some translations


Change-Id: Idb1d3586888043ac325f272bc7a2b788adb3e9e5

* FIX: edit text command resets object settings

Jira: STUDIO-4655

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Iac25c4e40f1d0d32e6d1f40e62226cc22bc96042

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Iacfec02aa50c617e4c9fe566319b07b30d47dce1

* FIX: remove GetUserAgent

Change-Id: I92886e1f0dcb091109231a10da8c19d51178e13b
Jira: STUDIO-5205

* FIX: nozzle_diameter_map data structure adjustment

Change-Id: Ifb724afc0fcf974e6d331e73ecac723107a102cf

* ENH:add _A and _B for perform_with_groove

Jira: STUDIO-5267
Change-Id: Iee3310dfa1cd8e6680310f0af0eff5c817490813

* ENH:is_equal for min_z and max_z

Jira: STUDIO-5267
Change-Id: I9493883d8be9d44e26ddc9afe62b7e9eb09c5052

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ie8ed29ccf5d6c94594eb2ab8b717416fbeace3bd

* FIX:Image display unclear in light mode

Change-Id: I134cc64a2af0dfff60c47d0ff09d78d9c0f86b3f

* FIX:fix bugs of non manifold edge

Jira: STUDIO-5267

Change-Id: I8ac9a2cf96da0bc07ee00b309e65611b92fd174d

* ENH:nozzle type detection


Change-Id: Ic41a2161a0e41d23f56af93ad8ec34cc83ada0e3

* ENH: upadte P1S start gcode

1.turn on MC board fan by default on P1S


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I5b2f7868e350942fb8b7baf7d429e22a0987184a
(cherry picked from commit e866a575b6b7d9552f7412f84272f4b48dfc3961)

* ENH: improve support style's tooltip

jira: none
Change-Id: I8ee858d7052f04ce7ea6b226a500c7d1bf8a482f
(cherry picked from commit 665f31c4fcde22bd894cbb4a5fb160635947f2a4)

* ENH: set layer range error to warning

1. If layer range exceeds maximum/minimum layer range in printer
settings,pop up a window to warn


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I0304ee790e557ecf967f355c171993d1f51b5057

* ENH: CLI: remove the warning of layer height

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: Idaceee4f52611479fc3f4238d016d891b4dc8cd1

* FIX: the word search is not translated

Jira: STUDIO-5224

The world search in the device panel is not translated.

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Ia3d651c2159a3aad94e10cd0a6da98848f53ee2a
(cherry picked from commit 4a46a0a4750d82d49c9523f4b668a1a00c41ed83)

* FIX: Bitmap will flash when sending printing task

Jira: STUDIO-5278

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Ib0c8710b8d5d6b98fad043c950f054aa35bea965

* ENH:display the euler angle of rotation plane

Jira: STUDIO-5268
Change-Id: I6b7b431931d60f1a9a832908400417781798c472

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I1c15b5c6437554c43327cd6b537f7a5860dba5a0

* ENH:cancel EnterReturnsTrue for imgui in cut

Jira: STUDIO-5269
Change-Id: I2832e1dccaf9755448debe7b2bd56426f90dfe0d

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ib03e664a20990322c788686550c491d0139d8237

* FIX: some translation problems


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: If9f2af53b4f0bfa9469e84bcba68cc182df4a473

* add: Ukrainian lang support for 1.8

* FIX: calibration selected preset is null in some case

jira: STUDIO-5258

Change-Id: Iee63593c5f833c5a43e3b1d1c9ddb82f8c69569a

* FIX: create filament issue

Jira: 5296 5297 5295 5302 5311 5276

5296 create filament: list has same printer
5297 create filament: filament combobox has blank options
5298 edit filament: delete last preset prompt users
5302 create filament: filament combox has cili preset
5311 create filament: printer name too long to can not show all
5276 edit filament: PLA Aero filament type filter issue
add prusa vendor
Revised copy

Change-Id: I5dcc615ce0951b1a9953fa12283f6090f5069045

* FIX: some translation

Change-Id: Icb8614a0af18f96d15f3b97c17e0f6f708296847

* FIX:cancel is_equal for slicing function

Jira: STUDIO-5267
Change-Id: I66d759aa2c968f8a28a6a5d8378929754f2db689

* FIX:UI stuck due to pop-up window with wrong chamber temperature

JIRA: 5304
Change-Id: I1a49a7219b7a6f5700243704c348724e7930ce1a

* FIX: allow input '+' and hide edit preset btn

Change-Id: I97aec7c3ac4cc8b9d6c535f0126aaa1926553d86

* ENH: handle printer direct close and not retry

Change-Id: I5dd55f8085cf6383a8420ab41e614ea6ae210c78
Jira: STUDIO-5305

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I09716bf79354b503197c751272fd3171e0abc8fd

* add: new translation to ukr for AirFlow and Prusa

* add: Texture Plate name fix

* FIX:add slice_facet_for_cut_mesh api for cut tool

and modify section_vertices_map 's traverse
Jira: STUDIO-5267
Change-Id: Ifc4b183a4e4c4fdb4f47742f14f70a1ed93fa056

Change-Id: I52bfaef8926ef967b78a6cb712a1731a1b528a24

* FIX: Make the front smaller for Czech in device panel

Jira: STUDIO-5151

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I315174b55f923da069854fb4fed8cf3937b82074

* FIX: there is no object can be jumped to in notification

jira: new

Change-Id: Ib81bf49236952ede24a2de126051572d63916e01

* FIX: add height range, modifier in Preview pane will crash

jira: STUDIO-5340

1. fix crash at add height range, modifiers in Preview from objectList
2. fix an assert hit when slicing
3. fix an assert hit when enter AssembleView
4. forbidden popup menu by right-click objectList in Preview

Change-Id: I444bc76b1a4307999b387e4f60386b2d272bd308

* FIX: Black spot in the sending printing task page

Jira: STUDIO-5307

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I3bd97c063ec5f0faf7d12047da39f60ce55cae4b

* FIX: reset_cut_by_contours should update_buffer_data

Jira: STUDIO-5376
Change-Id: I5aacb1f7b65822031d7138abd61a45b09c743531

* ENH:editing_window_width's value is small on the laptop

Jira: STUDIO-5238 STUDIO-5265
Change-Id: Ia958772bcb081817da621115f99328bb62770cd5

* ENH: bumped version to 1.8.1

Change-Id: I9d25403daa5b7b8ca415c0b364670da9e0f932b0

* FIX: create filament dialog: create btn can not show all

Jira: 5310 5331

Change-Id: I185272c90d9ff1c3d6b47abbefbf488d0d965cca

* FIX:update custom_texture when new_shape=false

Jira: STUDIO-5287
Change-Id: I3add95f9f9345c14a48cc7467513d1b3ce95f4c9

* ENH:editing_window_width's value is small on the laptop

Jira: STUDIO-5238
Change-Id: I9044129f4e0c8ca7469db05b3e547fca4754342a

* FIX:add slash_to_back_slash for saving file path

Jira: STUDIO-5287
Change-Id: I9f3c176cd0831c793958f08601c63efac98176a4

* FIX: a button color didn't response to dark mode change

jira: STUDIO-5315

Change-Id: I95489f01ccd1f77b9e95b0d0f69e5398d2e88487

* FIX: height range layers displayed in wrong position

jira: STUDIO-5341

Change-Id: I83918b4624f367efa54321f1898e1176cdb04ea9

* FIX: auto arranging issues with locked plates

1. global auto arranging may put items overlap with wipe tower if some plates are locked
jira: STUDIO-5329
2. items outside bed may overlap with plate boundary if it's rotated
jira: STUDIO-5329
3. plate-wise auto arranging uses wrong min_obj_distance if the
plate is by-layer printing but global setting is by-object printing
jira: STUDIO-5330

Change-Id: I5dba2f1317e183c9aeec1cb2bd227fbddf4316e6
(cherry picked from commit db1eac41efff5f1e8d5ac0af74c6fc7ab59fc253)

* FIX:  a mistake in upward machine


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ibdb26c3d904634f322aef0dc0c7b8867d9fb5854

* FIX:a blank pop-up appears

Change-Id: Ice92b55204e4897fec024a6d99412eb810bddd4a

* FIX:fixed failure in updating nozzle type


Change-Id: Iad37b5d5b76d37cb1723ef21d7c39b1e3fcaf8d7

* FIX:fixed issue with AI monitoring settings


Change-Id: I967fe3c1e9da61a55bcbfaa2a8e067dd5af18f72

* FIX:fixed issue with lan mode


Change-Id: I1d0a05f19dcea154cf3ef2b61ed0546d3581905e

* FIX:update text for loading or unloading filaments


Change-Id: Ic7729c3ec012485b3d87e3d01f11e87502c67895

* FIX: Revert "ENH: do not leave a gap for top...

Revert "ENH: do not leave a gap for top interface if the top z distance is 0"

This reverts commit 79ea32c7cbbdb7e689637980af7c36caf42284c9.

Revert reason: the supports are impossible to remove in some cases.
jira: STUDIO-5385

Change-Id: I376a6f4dfd78da6dfea68b9ac3d552cddd0b4272
(cherry picked from commit 34e38b705fde7f5d7f9a3a89c96a3627ce0c998e)

* ENH: improve normal support's quality

1. Add a base_interface_layer when using Supp.W
2. Fix a bug where base_angle and interface_angle are wong

jira: STUDIO-5386
Change-Id: I52ab32c63b3cd1e6e2ba6463b01ae26699cf13d3
(cherry picked from commit 92ddd4a10b793572a1fa009da5b9e44fcdf81de2)

* NEW:tracking stl model files


Change-Id: Idb1275b07441f0cd06c24588d5f7c20f81f1556c

* FIX: edit filament dialog: preset name too long to del btn nan't show

Jira: 5336 5174
and verify string normalization

Change-Id: I380c3bed2bf43d01094b68979a8b67f4187c0b93

* FIX: some translation

Jira: 5232 5300 5334

Change-Id: Ie474ca823011e81aab82a9809af3d6e42980496b

* FIX: some translation

Change-Id: Iaabe6087bed3b7d47d911cf4fb51c770804e72fb

* ENH: change default tree_support_wall_count to 0

Now normal support also uses this option, so we can't default it to 1, otherwise normal supports will be too hard to remove.

jira: none
Change-Id: Ic5700af5c17e3a7b265c8915f28b0db35c6e06e6
(cherry picked from commit 6b84a9826da108b76569e686bd9def0b23ae29fd)

* FIX:The name of the material in the error prompt is empty

Change-Id: I3cf44f099256a51f21a44a89c89c000f734d1f36

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ib20f5a12b65472102befec0a2adf82744fc29c46

* FIX: imgui textinput cannot paste on macos

jira: STUDIO-5070、STUDIO-5365

Change-Id: Iea8f41e12744ecda0fbb95c1a8f2e014a7cdc384

* FIX: not cache printer file list on error

Change-Id: I99843aedbf14d3d1d553ccac9b0bd26403274a82
Jira: none

* FIX: thread of close BBLUserPresetExceedLimit notify

Change-Id: I9698134ba1cc91fc83eac441f900d68c4c4b556a

* ENH: Resolve non manifold edges by fixing model interfaces

Jira: STUDIO-5124
Change-Id: I7ea86be44acb80b6c4762a76208b4a031acd0b27

* FIX:nozzle type sync


Change-Id: I63d48628832473d8d371ed643dc8528b00382531

* FIX: array bound happen in TriangleSelector::deserialize

Jira: STUDIO-5170
Change-Id: I92b72a887845b462fad208f13607293b44d3d333

* FIX:cropping rendering without considering assembly views

Jira: STUDIO-5260
Change-Id: Ia56cf80b305ae05f25f06ec277f85b3c5430a6df

* FIX: PA for custom filament not available in BL Studio

github: 2971
Change-Id: I6ccd36a183e7367d69557300f7242f5403f4bb33

* FIX: Bitmap is way too small on Mac

Jira: STUDIO-5393

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I6b550669fa8cd5fc9bfa6ed96d64d19a949f01b2

* FIX: move shutdown wait to OnExit

Change-Id: I70d9a2bb686525ae5273aa9d63e25691da4ab65c
Jira: STUDIO-2884

* FIX: calibration manage result dialog issue on macos

jira: STUDIO-4949 STUDIO-5378

Change-Id: I00abefd45a0d274a4b68bb1ab18debe8f91d169e

* FIX: adjust bed shape dialog button UI style

fix that button text is hard to see in dark mode
jira: STUDIO-5247

Change-Id: I2cf5b3cdd2eff9b821bdf5525bec4f329fc58dd1

* FIX: 5331 rescale btn

Jira: STUDIO-5331

Change-Id: If153424b8480e64b166018e3cd98c17db557d0a8
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: support do not generate


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ide9709d95203185538e280517f7aa6136beeda44

* FIX: remove not match printer config ota cache

Change-Id: Ib73fc2ea31fa2186061cfcb5a170bc59b9db84ca
Jira: none

* FIX:cancel the variable of "checkbox_size"  as a fixed value

Jira: STUDIO-5150
Change-Id: I30d876d141b8b35ab4a3fee4889993d87b7c1741

* ENH:add reset_cut_by_contours in on_load function

m_connector_size_tolerance default value is 0.1f

Change-Id: I6c67fff3cb0c1190e9141ed6f68fbfa848679f35

* ENH:cancel EnterReturnsTrue for imgui in cut

Jira: STUDIO-5269
Change-Id: Ifc4b183a4e4c4fdb4f47742f14f70a1ed93fa056
Signed-off-by: zhou.xu <>

* FIX: dailytips should not change content frequently when slicing all

jira: STUDIO-5234

Change-Id: Icb7e9c28404d9db8ebed58d937e13f89c5403b5c

* FIX: objectList clone shortcut key issue

jira: new

Change-Id: Ia75bf58a7d53f962e1af6c2fd97497270b7eea84

* ENH:handling cases without msgs

jira:[STUDIO-5401 STUDIO-5399]

Change-Id: Iae651d5a19a45b0138a6aa621326a8b4a9649824

* ENH: optimize param description


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Id0ca9224227a716b21fc0b8430722264dc319344

* ENH: add translation


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I3b1f04fee3cd6322793794ad8b8707859f6c7d26

* FIX: close edit preset paramsDialog, mac unresponsive

Jira: 5298

Change-Id: I021e00567354cfb1f2f5f1f2bf6ba1fc35b164c5

* ENH:disable AI monitoring on the p1p series

Change-Id: I514bb1fb1ced6c03dd619230a9adac3be63f2de2

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I9f5e30d3fc4b7ef9321c522d3c18fce98f03742f

* FIX: close edit preset paramsDialog, mac unresponsive

Change-Id: Ic816754a20b7f6a5cdb46475750eb301fec3ad3a

* FIX: organic support not work with raft only

There is no raft generated when only raft enabled but no support needed.
jira: none

Change-Id: Ic0c9269e2f98038d85c9bc54e4a85f892dc5d764

* FIX: CLI: add object config when assemble

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: I945f820fb58f2f643170b4b0b66742f6bbbdfd29

* FIX: delete preset prompt

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I6511c806c56393d4f6bd72d1c506da59675d49ff

* FIX:Reorganize the assignment of variables of "m_editing_window_width"

Jira: STUDIO-5238
Change-Id: If369916f3f5c21510f5f297bfd05c1230bdda7a4

* ENH: CLI: re-compute flush_volumes_matrix when it is missed

Change-Id: Ie8f53c6bef003b1434de02ea14de5787b376484f

* FIX: some translation for delete filament

Change-Id: Ib46a8eba33f2e21016476aaab4a57a740e86b1b8

* FIX: scrolled window / del preset / edit filament issue

Jira: 5092
GitHub: 1936
edit filament: just one preset, the scroll bar obscures the preset name
edit filament: delete selected preset, click no, but preset be deleted
from UI
edit filament: serial sometimes displays incorrectly

Change-Id: Ibc91609e252179de0c05ca065099756da6631165

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I5563a2c0812ab9a0d7727df27e17e681066ffa08

* FIX: mistake in filament vendor


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I3af712e417379d8b98ae18feebffe465bfa1e72d

* NEW:set customized materials for the A1 P1 series

Change-Id: I9c34f62867c074bf9ebb315013e5e40526e0eac7

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I579dcee428417ae7e7f7a96bd315a7066d72d974

* FIX: the flow rate ratio crashes after load model

for third party printer
Jira: 5244

Change-Id: Idd829c9d99eeba9d180653ac8de4e51b9a0d6370

* FIX: The maximum value is not printed in PA line mode

Jira: 5046  4951
Change-Id: Ic81f9a75ce7f088fe950fdde283ff5c942cd6e83

* ENH:add preset check for sending files

Change-Id: Ia3313d281b5ce91e277b380498014ffdac5debd3

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ia839344d01a43f7159f376d4147337575c4edbe1

* FIX: locale loading user preset

Change-Id: I88521e4b10cb802d9253eb79a6b78b3286f15a33
Jira: STUDIO-5436

* FIX: sync user preset notify crash on exit

Change-Id: I88f5dbcbd487293ea847ea6092efb61744399541
Jira: STUDIO-5413

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Id7a9718d5f920da50d52fd2ef220acf5d3270d3c

* GUI/Field: Fix crash in color picker init (#2220)

wxButton->GetBitmap() may return an invalid wxBitmap.
Guard against this.

* FIX: custom filament preset display in cali history issue

jira: new

Change-Id: I4145450a231adff542ab1a7428b3479f4074e06a

* FIX: meshboolean transform result issue

jira: STUDIO-5425

Change-Id: If66fe909ce4458c1b3192e4fd8a3d758fe7c7eaa

* FIX: fix combobox and delete btn in filament setting enabled

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I8b659bd77ceb97c8cea9d3e5e931f4ea50822721

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I7a6f5439863ca81275ae8b80f1b5cf0bb36c4c0f

* unix: Use canonical mime-type for 3MF files

model/3mf is the canonical mime-type, but keep the
application/ alias.

See for details:

* FIX: fix the compiling issue under windows

Change-Id: Iafde9d2086c0cd31aa12e39cef7ded1e19e9d3e7

* add: K1 and K1Max Support

* fix: Optimized STL and PNG for plates K1 & K1Max

* fix: simple version of models

* FIX: Close scan_first_layer when PA line cali

Jira: XXXX
Change-Id: Ide5c0038f4028b8f1d445a6b2d09b705d7872fb8

* FIX: CLI: fix the wipe tower disappear issue

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: I547a8468b0bea06912d5d9ceee1c8deead85e28f

* FIX: the preset is the same with the first one when switching printers

Jira: STUDIO-5433

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Icf1979f2bcffbc9c59a072924df5073fc3eac363

* FIX: [5504] Optimization description

Jira: 5540

Change-Id: I9379f2c69b6724ec1ef5294dd3c404b0e3189486

* FIX: [5451]Directly crash when memory is low

Jira: 5451

Change-Id: I5c75994e2bd556bec7ce8de6be44888e6924ff56

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I12b1e3ca6b07ed13f3ad42ab2f40b825cb84a8dc

* ENH: CLI: refine some logic

1. set wipe tower position to default when duplicate object
2. add cli_safe check logic when switch printers

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: Iebe62f8be6acd6f44743abf3b0fe92ec04c94197

* ENH: CLI: allow height shrink when printer switch

to let the error generated at validate
JIRA: no jira

Change-Id: I94db90db858659a9254dfdc0a6eed04fd40d3768

* ENH: add support for A1


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I5dfd8f3b6b872c01d8093527df1a3c37b8a0d56d

* ENH: refine description of interface not for base


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ibe11e845b90ef2caf96d5780eaaf8764755cce1d

* ENH: version: bumped to 1.8.2

Change-Id: Ic9acb5607ec94188112999afa41f2052281a08f1

* ENH: update some machine settings

1. Update A1 mini start  gcode
2. Update A1 load/unload filament time


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I84825a47f2741e95ca122382e4119d35a61bdbf6

* ENH: support for head wrap detect

1.Add "in_head_wrap_detect_zone".Detect if the model projection enters
a specified area.


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I6aed5a782d2f33f023bdc19cf06dff0957828eeb

* ENH: modify default head detect zone

1. Set default head detect to empty


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I686c4c3115041471bc016cf3b0972ed730af64d3

* ENH: change head wrap detect zone

Change to (156,156)-(180,180)


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I7b9dec3fbf44d31311fd7eb331e52f307f45ede1

* FIX:backup iterator location

Jira: STUDIO-5267
Change-Id: Id035c9225a858bb551aa4f09870fc4c6bb30b255

* NEW:compatible with p1p (plus)


Change-Id: I7b30903dc0a728604c4f33c325aa79fd3bd08f68

* NEW:installed & supported p1p(plus)

jira:[pip plus]

Change-Id: I0a69f8629749e3076465b85f28aa39d5e7ae6277

* ENH: modify default head wrap detect zone


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I39ccc810a19192919a21b5608d3fa2a806c787ee

* FIX: excpetion when plate center is negative


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ia1066bd7457181711d0a59b9544d65ed502410e0

* FIX: big window's scaling causes incomplete display

Jira: STUDIO-5530
Change-Id: I1d69e60658e49e43d4b3de718f2fd6739bab73ce

* ENH: update: remove the comment which is not used when updating preset

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: Ic930eea50a7beb78aa6dc7c53fbb5c366857e825
(cherry picked from commit e0225fc147702cf73e6eda4830a2592c7598901c)

* FIX: wrong initial layer height in profile


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I91f1779761a13f70d68ad51041b7f75ef872c138

* NEW:add N2S picture and printers

Change-Id: Id8eddd9fafd07c967abfb1543c1b01ad8c0e1b0c

* ENH: rearrange machine pos on printer selection page

Signed-off-by: qing.zhang <>
Change-Id: Iccc52043c232d19384487884e4071343744976a9

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I1985730c4ea29528a6f9b03f56c73131a07779b0

* ENH: some translations

Jira: STUDIO-5434

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Ie6868728edfc40bd1d20dec6a78d8e5ea7f8edf8

* ENH: do not cancel printing job when timeout


Change-Id: I067470173acc26d7ecd8ceb6f0e04ac7f03e3a4d
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>
(cherry picked from commit 7ab5817c7229c5179adca026ffacb97c2affd292)

* ENH: udpate A1 series gcode

1. Update A1 mini change layer gcode
2. Update A1 start gcode


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I131676a991f4727bca1ea2fa727f40f293d06139

* ENH:After cutting,fix non manifold edges needed confirmed by user

Jira: STUDIO-5217
Change-Id: I52ba0db27ebe0b7b763c49311c7aa305bc4dcd5a

* ENH: linux: refine the d-bus name

github: #3075
Change-Id: Icf997f4f9203f4d429e3b6058d6d6e5f23bf29ac
(cherry picked from commit 5c766bff445cefee488ba9d057121b04c8e1445d)

* NEW:add "bed type to follow machine preset" function

Jira: STUDIO-5535
Change-Id: I2ef99a0a783a074d9379685adde11fddfd6f8cec

* NEW:add "default_bed_type"

Jira: STUDIO-5535
Change-Id: Ice1262937923b62854b0196229d5fb99392470af

* ENH:comment out two line code

Jira: STUDIO-5535
Change-Id: I5475e4f9ec6fb7e4abdb3d950da34fadead3b606

* ENH:translate three texts

Jira: STUDIO-5535
Change-Id: I00938567f0ae30bb354042769021451364bef308

* FIX: incorrect flag in A1 mini gcode


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: If587678bf0aa06c079a9d3cbff9f2c7628c5e380

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I2d8310b7321fefcb742d4cdbe5e4bc9a035ec45a

* FIX: Allow vendors that are not entirely numerical

github: #3082

Change-Id: I318f4df7f65c934ab6703e0970d775b754b24276

* ENH: update A1 series first layer speed


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I597bcf86f202f681eccfda4306be5619d669ea5a

* FIX: CLI: fix the wipe tower issue while mapping to one filament

Change-Id: I0b8d3af09d16bdfc45cdc5951d182f7e33dc9b93

* FIX: crash when support type and style are inconsistent

jira: STUDIO-5428
Change-Id: Ib1e79c71736810099e15282c30524e55e8f60f34
(cherry picked from commit aefb7fbaf25146c03bd2eb336f58ed2eb0e83ea6)

* NEW:display beta version

Change-Id: I78d748e53b266c3397b1c038c3425a52c573cc88

* FIX: slice error: WipeTowerIntegration::append_tcr

when print by object with multi-color
Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: Ic9ee2f6de45abb4a118fdb4cf89dea9ca7335094

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I980bff783b59fc6e9d6fd12a016c2daa2840991f

* FIX: remove duplicated profiles


Signed-off-by: XunZhangBambu <>
Change-Id: Iaa87233ae6c327faf43a152bdb0cd6fa8c5131d7

* FIX: translation: vendor can not be number

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I7bd45de944e8b25b30c88ab742b35d996c933966

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ib83b131c533a03d6e48e9ded5e6f9ba574819756

* ENH: update A1 extruder clearance radius


Signed-off-by: XunZhangBambu <>
Change-Id: I13cfb882c672083dcd1af2c1be448c5422fdbc0a

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I8d7016d27166b457e4cdc198b61e6aa36a72b8c1

* FIX: bed_type not follow machine preset

Jira: STUDIO-5578
when direct open project from

Change-Id: I3281cf45e3057d766008487975b4585d2e277110

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I43cadeeb1a2fa150fa9396a63b9bc471da1500d5

* update strings

* autofix mesh after cut


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>
Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>
Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Signed-off-by: zhou.xu <>
Signed-off-by: qing.zhang <>
Signed-off-by: XunZhangBambu <>
Co-authored-by: chunmao.guo <>
Co-authored-by: zorro.zhang <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Co-authored-by: maosheng.wei <>
Co-authored-by: gerrit <>
Co-authored-by: tao wang <>
Co-authored-by: zhou.xu <>
Co-authored-by: xun.zhang <>
Co-authored-by: the Raz <>
Co-authored-by: Andy <>
Co-authored-by: lane.wei <>
Co-authored-by: Arthur <>
Co-authored-by: Stone Li <>
Co-authored-by: enricoturri1966 <>
Co-authored-by: wenjie.guo <>
Co-authored-by: zhimin.zeng <>
Co-authored-by: Dmytro Chystiakov <>
Co-authored-by: mia <>
Co-authored-by: Bastien Nocera <>
Co-authored-by: qing.zhang <>
2023-12-19 23:46:19 +08:00
1929fb0e18 Tweak dailytip: remove images/added a few new tips 2023-12-16 22:41:36 +08:00
Port Emboss & SVG gizmo from PrusaSlicer (#2819)
* Rework UI jobs to make them more understandable and flexible.

* Update Orca specific jobs

* Fix progress issue

* Fix dark mode and window radius

* Update cereal version from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0

(cherry picked from commit prusa3d/PrusaSlicer@057232a275)

* Initial port of Emboss gizmo

* Bump up CGAL version to 5.4

(cherry picked from commit prusa3d/PrusaSlicer@1bf9dee3e7)

* Fix text rotation

* Fix test dragging

* Add text gizmo to right click menu

* Initial port of SVG gizmo

* Fix text rotation

* Fix Linux build

* Fix "from surface"

* Fix -90 rotation

* Fix icon path

* Fix loading font with non-ascii name

* Fix storing non-utf8 font descriptor in 3mf file

* Fix filtering with non-utf8 characters

* Emboss: Use Orca style input dialog

* Fix build on macOS

* Fix tooltip color in light mode

* InputText: fixed incorrect padding when FrameBorder > 0. (ocornut/imgui#4794, ocornut/imgui#3781)
InputTextMultiline: fixed vertical tracking with large values of FramePadding.y. (ocornut/imgui#3781, ocornut/imgui#4794)

(cherry picked from commit ocornut/imgui@072caa4a90)
(cherry picked from commit ocornut/imgui@bdd2a94315)

* SVG: Use Orca style input dialog

* Fix job progress update

* Fix crash when select editing text in preview screen

* Use Orca checkbox style

* Fix issue that toolbar icons are kept regenerated

* Emboss: Fix text & icon alignment

* SVG: Fix text & icon alignment

* Emboss: fix toolbar icon mouse hover state

* Add a simple subtle outline effect by drawing back faces using wireframe mode

* Disable selection outlines

* Show outline in white if the model color is too dark

* Make the outline algorithm more reliable

* Enable cull face, which fix render on Linux

* Fix `disable_cullface`

* Post merge fix

* Optimize selection rendering

* Fix scale gizmo

* Emboss: Fix text rotation if base object is scaled

* Fix volume synchronize

* Fix emboss rotation

* Emboss: Fix advance toggle

* Fix text position after reopened the project

* Make font style preview darker

* Make font style preview selector height shorter


Co-authored-by: tamasmeszaros <>
Co-authored-by: ocornut <>
Co-authored-by: SoftFever <>
2023-12-09 22:46:18 +08:00
QoL: Make sidebar collapsible, resizable, movable, floatable and dockable (#2972)
* Add sidebar docking

* Fix sidebar initial size

* Fix sidebar collapse

* Hide floating sidebar when switch away from model view

* Add option to reset window layout

* Save & load window layout

* Fix a small issue with gcode toggle

* Properly save & restore sidebar state

* Show collapse icon based on sidebar docking state

* Adjust toolbar position based on docking position

* Fix return toolbar position

* Fix plate list position
2023-12-08 09:16:16 +00:00
Feature/bs1.8beta (#2844)
* ENH: Show Recent File Image Keep Scale

Change-Id: Ib8a6cf916eaee8e353bf858bc4f2ea503705809e

* FIX: wipetower position problem

jira: STUDIO-4914

Change-Id: I7b05d3c53931ed8ce3d4603ff21ee6ef675611e5

* FIX: dailytips adapts screen scale

jira: STUDIO-5019 STUDIO-5026 STUDIO-5027 STUDIO-5028 STUDIO-5025

Change-Id: I63d3af1870218ba8e0f048a6ef03fb29fabe27cb

* FIX: generate process preset based on template

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I50adf0790dc239307d236a4cebece860ef6beb16
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: object list plate name edit

Change-Id: I61d3dcd7d9598d759a3a0b44cc77d2af2adca25a
Jira: STUDIO-4937

* ENH:no longer checking nozzle type

jira:[for nozzle type check]

Change-Id: I0e88445a264f21b0c11519e9a22a165d05611d14

* ENH: improve first layer tree support

First layer support can't be top interface, and
min brim width of auto mode should be larger
than 0.

Jira: STUDIO-5010
Change-Id: I02f8b017b535f8a47965387e8679f692b1966e04
(cherry picked from commit 3e7d54abe352e8ab5f9d6492b5a86a96f9067f94)

* ENH: version: bumped to 1.8

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: I50903098b59f1dd9a6b6cf7656cec7d388f3ff17

* ENH:try again after subscription failure

jira:[Try again after subscription failure]

Change-Id: Ibfb1e8e26eb166d786a372632a86ef98030db034

* ENH:display msg dialog once

jira:[for http error msg]

Change-Id: I12e9c155fdb567cac99c35b6feeef650269ba75d

* ENH:remove config.json file

Change-Id: Idfcf3a63fefe968e88153c26fb691fd05cd83dc4

* ENH:add protection in threads

jira:[for random crash]

Change-Id: I6286012dd77abccba461f7cd72a6fc531a84c95f

* FIX: add protection for get_model_task_thread thread

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I3cbc17d181a0e13c658f31eaeb6a4df878e6df41
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: delete all compatible presets when delete third printer

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I1a294402627e7ab7a8c6701f20679b3d04aff059
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I20a01adacbdb5fe69c106b9efd029f7308136e10

* ENH: default open support_interface_not_for_body


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I48e084deb18633f9ec47a8ec4ec643163bf66318

* ENH:modified text with too low version

jira:[for low version]

Change-Id: I862a0defda976a35f326a8805e002330f2ed7fdf

* NEW:update printer config file version

Change-Id: I9a46b29b03beb67a3da0b8f76d8b5c4b3c482928

* FIX:The plane should rotate around the world coordinate system

Jira: STUDIO-5054
Change-Id: I16e484b38d79cabd9473acf1abf3c5c6b0adc4c6

* ENH:translate for limit file size and so on

Jira: STUDIO-5007
Change-Id: I2c279eb690841aa51cd8128f8028266cbc17e977

* ENH:use on_render_rotate_gizmos() replace GLGizmoRotate3D::on_render()

Jira: STUDIO-4227
Change-Id: If9b9ea5596e59472d5fa87ac56aeb7f6ecc65643

* FIX: some mistakes in filament profiles


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ibe7f3650f2d9cf47561dd5f2ec591a5f6c553503

* FIX: fix shard_ptr is null

Change-Id: I0187cf64ffbb08a2265a11900b5c865e9ac9678f

* FIX:N1 printer image in dark mode

Change-Id: I22c001d96839daf213d5096f6ff6e3d6398fa8c4

* FIX: create printer issue

Jira: 5034 5059 5053
5034 create printer but filament is repeat
5039 create successful dialog remove to center
5053 create existing printer copywriting adjustments and preset updates
Delete printer secondary confirmation dialog

Change-Id: Ifb3822d1e168459d2af11e02b31ecaf3719d338a
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH:just don't check the nozzle diameter

jira:[for nozzle check]

Change-Id: I678e7d62832eaa14b9be47d6dce70f29ebd601f6

* NEW:p1 and x1 series added motor noise calibration

JIRA: 5085
Change-Id: Id73cc2d34b6130f215d81ffcdc39ba6b241445bf

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I93d800b413f2751d132fac53fbd9b191603d0352

* FIX: ObjectSetting changed when search plate


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I39b1ad997d51ac4224ff5ad2b3555f56da4bd911

* FIX: invalid support params in 3rd party profiles

Many params are not right.Just use default


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I5c4a1e8b046940e174f5681a79031b5f20fcafc5

* ENH: update A1 mini start gcode

Change x-axis freq sweep amp 5->10


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I2e731cc6392c0204d5e4467bf4b933ab233bc157

* FIX: [STUDIO-4946] use utf8 path to create sub process

Change-Id: I5873c114e8cd36978a7d50bf13c3aa7bf8b740ca
Jira: STUDIO-4946

* FIX: fix a plate state not correct issue

JIRA: no-jira
the object and instance states lost after undo

Change-Id: I527df9a7d426d994501a4ed5bbb198c7bbac810b

* FIX: some translation

Jira: 5096 5089 5036 5004

Change-Id: I4f1bd6e352b11451f5caf02cbc4eeb31dfa03eee
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: [STUDIO-4935] plate name edit in object list

Change-Id: I271fa217281d0c7ceca61166497136628a66681e
Jira: STUDIO-4935

* FIX: take custom root as AMS sync candicate

Change-Id: I9c71babcd74238d1533b15d77a978b19997c70c0
Jira: none

* FIX: modify some default support params in code

1. Modify default values of some supports params, so 3rd party profiles are easier to setup.
3. Fix a bug that organic support may cause crash.

Jira: none

Change-Id: Icae348d8fe5985f4287404e96089198a499283f2
(cherry picked from commit 8889cfc703b72e142f288e525b89c87619f2213c)

* FIX: do not generate sheath for normal support

Jira: none
Change-Id: I8f3f3e39171055f8d18c06ceee8e245594273238
(cherry picked from commit 93bc7ecf4346f179f502bebc3cf47b0030b56e2c)

* FIX: push_notification on GUI thread

Change-Id: Iaec347f5684fe0f65d6418759518189b67033c42
Jira: STUDIO-5106

* ENH: CLI: add some params to support more functions

1. uptodate_filaments to support update the original filaments to newest config
2. allow_rotations/avoid_extrusion_cali_region for auto-arrange
3. skip_modified_gcodes to support skip modified gcodes

Change-Id: I95c09af1b5462cce3bf27aea32228d6d1d1d201d

* FIX: missed manually entered values for secondary processing

Jira: STUDIO-4964
Change-Id: I5cf0da1ae77cccd34de05b4a0318a751ac9f6753

* FIX: Z hop is still enabled when upper boundary is zero.

Jira: STUDIO-4893

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I5f46a02e1fbb15ff43e253e3a184aa6cc38e7598

* ENH: update default filaments for Bambu printers


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ic6380f39e546854ad0b7dc36929a8605c9ab3acc

* ENH: dailytips modification

1. modify closing behavior
2. dailytips can adjust self size according to the canvas size. And also adjust
   GodeViewer legend window size
3. fix a button text encoding bug
4. support vertical/horizontal layout(horizontal layout currently not used)

jira: new

Change-Id: I8e0b6e85c455d0608d7388fb441829c1991ad01f

* FIX: [4857 5097] export list and del preset two confirm issue

Jira: 4857 5097

Change-Id: If7cc4967a663f575527a227e9c4ac31e0491930c

* FIX: UUID conflict issue when referencing volume

Jira: XXXX
3mf file standard

Change-Id: I953a87294684ea85d03a95e7d2843c096904aeae
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: [4483 5003 5109] create printer and edit filament issue

Jira: 4483 5003 5109
4483 dialog blink
5003 preset list too long
5109 encode

Change-Id: I190e12272ca09f36b841f2f85a6cf60f2c2614bd
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: cloud use presets limit notify

Change-Id: I6cc7b4e560cb83db0fc30921633b10531957128e
Jira: STUDIO-5091, STUDIO-5104

* FIX: do user preset sync later on startup

Change-Id: I0653a0438477b1c803ce1cddc66ef47f95616dae
Jira: STUDIO-5106

* FIX: linux: pressing enter in height range will crash

jira: STUDIO-4391
Change-Id: I6bf990951d1456f5b2605b8d62a05bceb3cc4c10

* FIX: failed to limit the max width of DropDown

Jira: STUDIO-4503

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Id9352d16f4bc016daade72a9c8d3d90164a1cb3d

* FIX: not jump to preview after first wizard

Change-Id: I8c94d66a91aa15a7874441a300b40438638bd33b
Jira: STUDIO-5018

* ENH: CLI: clear custom gcodes when skip_modified_gcodes

Change-Id: I2e7346d2ac57519029a4e80e5492c34d3d91ed77

* FIX: [4492 4851 4883 5121] create printer issue

Jira: 4492 4851 4883 5121

Change-Id: If252b5f30be0403f79410aa8c00fc14b066d5bbd
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: add 'edit preset' and 'delete preset' btn for each preset

Jira: 5200 5113

Change-Id: I208ad63eb4b895306fa76db424da2e1df10a582e
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: add skip label before tool change

Jira: 5074
github: 2776

Signed-off-by: qing.zhang <>
Change-Id: Icaafd3b45da1e78c1a82e7d17d7505d9439b9100

* FIX:Network test dark mode adaptation

Change-Id: I20cb7f1fd8eca3ce852acb563c1cc87978e216dc

* FIX:n1 external feed prompt pop-up without retry button

Change-Id: I31069c72e29d3398469d71cdbc2a344a5430fc2c

* FIX: not show device page when switch printer preset

Change-Id: I00d8524625a4682b6a39876ddb66bf8bd928dbef
Jira: none

* ENH: Check the nozzle diameter when sending calibration

Jira: 4977
Change-Id: Iabbba44583bbd9fbaaa889ca546ee0ccbb2aa77f

* FIX: Generate UUID from objectID and volumeIndex

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I65147ef9b695f8af8de260d722e604b0e0bab563
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: disable filament_typep

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: Ib605b33e4474525fbe49e70596fc09aa356f478a
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I1d574fa2cf2a4d0eb63a38eb8ced7587d06a4272

* ENH: refine display logic of param

1. Refine the display logic of "support_interface_not_for_body".Only
toggle if support_filament is default and support_interface_filament
is specified


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ia2af030c4531ad6b04a198bfe8a1677b3d20a800

* FIX: user preset sync token

Change-Id: Id2aa865b778ee9ac4cfddb68ceef0374507b519b
Jira: none

* FIX: Bitmap cache not take effect

Change-Id: I972098fdbda0b4542c6c759a8f5e1f0f2a30852b
Jira: STUDIO-4991

* NEW: Open HotModel Link With GetParam-From bambustudio


Change-Id: I4ac49bac5ee0c50988c76a38b00b7ba7dc3201f5

* NEW:AmsMaterialsSetting Support for user-preset

Change-Id: If848047cd5dbd059d440de30989c505c361305a7

* FIX: upload custom root preset fail

Change-Id: I621c8d542dd604b07cc5df63d97d7a31558d3aba
Jira: none

* FIX: show custom filament in AMS filament list

Change-Id: I79b9f8f2f08db8c52bbed76f1ea133baff383c00
Jira: none

* FIX: dailytips window and gcodeviwer legend window size issue

reset to original logic of dailytips and legend window size

jira: new

Change-Id: Iacb016bb222ba3f87317cfbe1f2b003802d773a5

* ENH: add text translation

jira: new

Change-Id: I780cfb8a0a64d806b5e0a414b6598e3b7bdf52dc

* FIX: Delete and search object outside the plate

1. STUDIO-5132 Deleting object outside the plate will crash
2. STUDIO-5146 The search function cannot search for object outside the plate

Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I84cb3fe990a9c2a182e7434c262466a70545280e

* FIX: [5149 5142 5141 5140 5136] create printer and filament issue

Jira: 5149 5142 5141 5140 5136
5149 process preset name can not show all
5142 improt configs combobox not update
5141 disable modify filament_vendor
5140 disable input Bambu and Generic vendor
5136 preset list window adjust

Change-Id: I111a23996146cc16cc7f533c8616d50223d34c40
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ifd69c01a82f627a9c6cf4fe0d48a759563ee90e7

* FIX: print model from sdcard with p1p

Change-Id: If85383ba762022ead3dd754ae02a08817b891114
Jira: none

* FIX: dailytips text translation

jira: STUDIO-2556

Change-Id: If44e503615b09ee1692f42ba1f998918ec5bd691

* FIX: clone shortcut key conflict with quit in macos

jira: STUDIO-5166

Change-Id: I548f275bb68d3b0e6bb3cfad6fe93df09d507da3

* FIX:User preset material settings dependent on firmware

JIRA: 5167
Change-Id: I82cf26848594b01155883ad0aa2e9ee77d371fb2

* ENH:update the description of nozzle detection

Change-Id: Id27b25c69dc11fcf66fc82053af705906ae8c370

* FIX: [5159 5165 5171 5172] create printer and filament issue

Jira: 5159 5165 5171 5172
5159 create printer dialog no refresh
5165 create printer 2 step dialog no refersh
5171 change font
5172 edit filament dialog darkUI issue
input special character is prohibited
'/' in preset name translate to '-'
update printer combobox

Change-Id: I5fa27836dab7f604f1a065c65efa099c7a2f0f96
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: If1865d561cf274719204662314de163497759e89

* FIX:fix GLmodel deconstruction causing section not to be rendered

Jira: STUDIO-5156
Change-Id: Ibb2f459920989ee54f7b827352dc8893424b4de6

* FIX: missing unlock cause device or resource busy

Change-Id: I87563312ea9c6ce4e4e471da7ce7a02b53b64762

* FIX: some translation

Change-Id: I9758cbc758030b5a3945697a50ca4898af9fcb1b

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Id5ee53dd2ebb0b37b6927dc58b3cca94a1f66a83

* ENH: remove PLA GLOW in A1 mini


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Id99c1bbd4248e28df9150a85eecec831f6f32856

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ib4dfa60f097128b76b95bb14ca04978619021b56

* Allow line width of nozzle diameter * 2.5

As it were, 1 mm would be disallowed but 0.99 would be allowed for 0.4
nozzle.  1 mm is the sane maximum and 0.99 is unnecessary tedious to write.

* Russian translation update

Russian translation Bambu Studio_v1.8.0 Beta

* FIX: scale problem in needs_retraction


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Idfbe954b22fa6aa5769c55e46874fa6a80ecbf45
(cherry picked from commit 4e853f50b748e3af11e2d64862b6ee557fda361b)

* ENH: CLI: support load_assemble_list

Change-Id: Ife11533740988331ea71eac86c370e625970cb8b

* FIX: align to Y not working

This is a bug introduced in 7fbb650 when solving jira STUDIO-4695.
Now we use a more decent way to solve it.

Change-Id: I92deffcb9fe53e8a24c93fe973446ae37df07375
(cherry picked from commit bd98430dbd15eb6c9bb4b447990e0dcf8a50eef0)

* ENH: Add buried points for cut and meshboolean


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I67ce498d0c335dd7a8582f56b880c2c8314f8541

* FIX: 5092 edit filament add scrolled window

Jira: 5092

Change-Id: I53ae996b04e4e2f1b1ddce6a858d505001b11615
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: can not select user preset when create filament

Jira: XXXX
github: 1936
and fix add preset for printer dialog can not show selected printer

Change-Id: Id4308c6bdca17d52d4aa321db359941aa87e0e45
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: template filament don't be show in filament list and sort

Jira: 5160 5179

Change-Id: I56a7e1897e1ef3c061dc66d318896413ca25b76b
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: [5174] export configs dialog issue

filament name too long to can not show all

Jira: 5174

Change-Id: I92018c9d7f86009b78b533592d899b4b5d78c3c8
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: add filament Bambu TPU 95A HF

1.As title


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I752ec43da6297a6c172679997ce68f2318a7b8fb

* ENH: modify some params with filaments

1.Modify the PEI bed temperature of PLA Basic, Matte, and Tough to 65 in
 A1 mini. Set the bed temperature for the first layer of Bambu PETG-CF
 to 65 and 70 for the other layers


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ia902bbb7f824082d5346709d781cac64296f47a8

* ENH: add more status during printing


Change-Id: I85b3107839c6e2fdecbc10d90a876463e284468c
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* FIX:cut imgui has overlapping rendering on Apple

Jira: STUDIO-5150
Change-Id: I7969e19dc189cd617026a183067dad628208955c

* FIX:not TakeSnapshot for m_start_dragging_m

Jira: STUDIO-5176

Change-Id: Ia03e3e2c2664dbdcffa19ec8d0fa97dfd95e6d35

* FIX: rendered color changes

Jira: STUDIO-4956
during the drag processin connectors editing state

Change-Id: I3027176ea9f93a9ba9d6a2052f41aaa4adef79f1

* FIX: merge the patch from Prusa

Thanks for PrusaSlicer and YuSanka
commit 510d59687b3b19c4a0f4e6540620d0694dd1b7ac
Author: YuSanka <>
Date:   Thu Oct 5 14:13:14 2023 +0200
    Follow-up 1b451cdf: Fixed #11415 - Connectors disappear when slicing => only when using multiple cut planes AND excluding parts

Change-Id: I9ccd5b85f482d723d21fccf5e104c9e0a9cc4849

* FIX:Press ESC directly to exit after entering the profile rendering

rendering is not normal,Code from PrusaSlicer,thanks for PrusaSlicer and enricoturri1966
commit a078627552f54497ed0518dc7bc349d243576d19
Author: enricoturri1966 <>
Date:   Mon Jan 30 14:00:02 2023 +0100

    Follow-up of 1218103fd620b319c56fd08116f81b581c537188 - Fixed gizmo missbehavior when closing a gizmo by resetting the selection clicking on the scene

Jira: STUDIO-5164
Change-Id: I261da9dba2a5ac37f3e263c175fbccd80d8045bd

* FIX: correct the strings and move create printer dialog center

Jira: 5221 5183

Change-Id: Ida4eba63f0e962ffcc8000fcc04cf20849577217
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: CLI: skip layer height limit validate when slicing for existing models

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: I1444a28b500ca7d08ed2606eecfa5cfaf261105e

* ENH:update the translation of auto refill

jira:[for translation]

Change-Id: Iaa7b4f3d7cd88c8b4f69a3db721ebd8ca8986eea

* FIX: icon issue for copying

Jira: STUDIO-4168

Icon issue when filling bed with copies

Change-Id: I61a03ecae02b75602c236ed2810e9c9cfe5a19f9
(cherry picked from commit b5079f8a2e79f19f65803f23ef4fd83aff17c84a)

* ENH: update some filament params

1. Modify texture bed temp to 65
2. Modify max-v-speed for ABS
3. Modify some params in Generic PA
4. Modify PLA,PVA params


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I42584a6015b8526f6bbb93024316968198bd76ce

* FIX: 3770 printable checkbox incorrect display in darkUI

Jira: 3770

Change-Id: I97f67d7a0ffc41f6ee625abeecc52ee4e73cf318

* FIX:Display garbled code in AmsMaterialsSetting pop-up

Change-Id: I50531e939afa7715ae376bac47172ccf7b248114

* ENH:Modifying the Line Color of Transparent Materials

JIRA: STUDIO-4311,5088,4983
Change-Id: I9e63413dc9cd7d523f0f7f1a2e32c4537a84467a

* FIX: crash when async delete printer file

Change-Id: I92c5e812d04da263338fb0eea2fd7583cf9ecde0
Jira: STUDIO-5222

* FIX: 3733 backup time not effective

Jira: 3733

Change-Id: I50c2ce156fcbd0a17aa8a6777bce04aa6093c830
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: enable edit and delete preset btn and fix issue

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I724d7236b28fcc4746698f094531948a8fbb5d93
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX:send print job,file name displays error

Change-Id: I1c113025d274a13fba1b845a58aada14058fadd4

* FIX: skip hold user preset from sync

Change-Id: I2252246e19bd80903ad82170782ea49535d30d05
Jira: STUDIO-5185

* FIX: 5115 translations

Jira: 5115

Change-Id: I21b03bdd4d28c0bb097226143177e763cf8c777f
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: add link for ironing parameter

Change-Id: I451f5549db3ac2205aa5703a2e5edc831e946af8

* FIX: scale problem in lift type decide

1. Scale the travel threshhold


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ib594d640fe63b0919bc9318af88577513f7dbf30

* ENH: add small perimeter speed and threshold

The original param is added by Prusa. Thanks orca for adding threshold.

1. Re add small perimeter speed and threhold.

github: #2221

Change-Id: I35b269b26f085d80f0edca28650bb21fc04898d7

* FIX: modify the picture of pa manual cali

Jira: STUDIO-5102
Change-Id: Id87898959ad4461b7bd2505b159271f2aa589c36

* FIX: Filament preset is the same with the first one

Jira: STUDIO-4519

Filament preset is the same wit the first one, it should align with the
last one.

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I304d0ff0fbc1c8948d410ea552e4d42b6a4e8fd9

* FIX: scoreDailog dark mode issue

Jira: 4570

Change-Id: I8be97b306a1494f73e3bba678ecc864e7ff88ca3

* FIX: CLI: fix the slicing issue while only one object with multicolor using seq-print

JIRA: no-jira
Change-Id: Iea2d23ff8e484bf2fd58aa2f596a8e4e4292fe39

* ENH: open support wall count for normal support

1. open support wall count for normal support
  Enabling this option makes normal support stronger and gives
  better overhang quality, but also more difficult to removal.
  Jira: STUDIO-5192
2. fix a bug where tree support (hybrid style) may get overlapped
  extrusions near the walls.
3. fix a bug where raft layers can't be 1 in tree support
  Jira: STUDIO-5261

Change-Id: Iadc0c67a9b50b5b221c8e83d5aa22ed282018cf8
(cherry picked from commit c0bb0084e386cb70ed6e16edf93190e4b38f5b90)

* FIX: compiling error on linux

jira: none
Change-Id: I1a4563503b5ddf74a1979cc0cee7a15b8aced904
(cherry picked from commit de52c6ca62c9f3a6314ddf5a856c1d8534329886)

* ENH: add translation for small perimeter


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I95013649e4e0c07c0f04b89a91488814c8d228cc

* FIX: clone shortcut key issue on macos

jira: STUDIO-5166

Change-Id: I1967da1d443ed43bd750dad8e11560688d7bd533

* FIX: custom gcode window cannot paste/ navigate

jira: STUDIO-5208、STUDIO-5070

Change-Id: I4ecb9d06cf5db0ae53a4678181aae9298bac106b

* ENH: modify dailytips collapse & expand interaction

jira: STUDIO-5209、STUDIO-5210

Change-Id: Ifb0b998e5004d4b49390ba5a250eaf4743bf3471

* ENH:Add shortcut keys and lists for objects search


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: Ic7cfaaa9b4bb8a85208bafab7fe3bafdb78f0045

* FIX:Re-calculate button with White Box displayed in dark mode


Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Change-Id: I07cc6c72d5dbd03b72573cd27dd5938bb0e6a29a

* NEW: display plate index when printing a task


display on the thumbnail of the current task

Change-Id: I5f1f46c56e9d1e9120a66d491551908dfad099d6
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>

* ENH:fixed incorrect path prefix

jira:[for file path prefix]

Change-Id: Ie9e3999f02b78272e528ceceb479e746d46a7e6c

* FIX: thumbnail is not clear in dark mode


Change-Id: Ie86493ed71b5554095927f061509a1f551758b61
Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>

* FIX: translation

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: Id03f0d704aa852632a907ea628d1277400112062
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH: first nozzle change to 0.4 and nozzle change to mm

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I14defd36442dbd7008e46782b08415b6244224f1
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* ENH:editing_window_width's value is small on the laptop

Jira: STUDIO-5238 STUDIO-5265
apply_selected_connectors should check_and_update_connectors_state

Change-Id: I8c2c1c920cc4d197d1908815a3e62f4962335451

* FIX: fix new_bed_shape's calculation process

Jira: STUDIO-5122
Change-Id: I5f3e6a301a297123af28692c90bef6759f425b06

* ENH:update some translations


Change-Id: Idb1d3586888043ac325f272bc7a2b788adb3e9e5

* FIX: edit text command resets object settings

Jira: STUDIO-4655

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Iac25c4e40f1d0d32e6d1f40e62226cc22bc96042

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Iacfec02aa50c617e4c9fe566319b07b30d47dce1

* FIX: remove GetUserAgent

Change-Id: I92886e1f0dcb091109231a10da8c19d51178e13b
Jira: STUDIO-5205

* FIX: nozzle_diameter_map data structure adjustment

Change-Id: Ifb724afc0fcf974e6d331e73ecac723107a102cf

* ENH:add _A and _B for perform_with_groove

Jira: STUDIO-5267
Change-Id: Iee3310dfa1cd8e6680310f0af0eff5c817490813

* ENH:is_equal for min_z and max_z

Jira: STUDIO-5267
Change-Id: I9493883d8be9d44e26ddc9afe62b7e9eb09c5052

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ie8ed29ccf5d6c94594eb2ab8b717416fbeace3bd

* FIX:Image display unclear in light mode

Change-Id: I134cc64a2af0dfff60c47d0ff09d78d9c0f86b3f

* FIX:fix bugs of non manifold edge

Jira: STUDIO-5267

Change-Id: I8ac9a2cf96da0bc07ee00b309e65611b92fd174d

* ENH:nozzle type detection


Change-Id: Ic41a2161a0e41d23f56af93ad8ec34cc83ada0e3

* ENH: upadte P1S start gcode

1.turn on MC board fan by default on P1S


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I5b2f7868e350942fb8b7baf7d429e22a0987184a
(cherry picked from commit e866a575b6b7d9552f7412f84272f4b48dfc3961)

* ENH: improve support style's tooltip

jira: none
Change-Id: I8ee858d7052f04ce7ea6b226a500c7d1bf8a482f
(cherry picked from commit 665f31c4fcde22bd894cbb4a5fb160635947f2a4)

* ENH: set layer range error to warning

1. If layer range exceeds maximum/minimum layer range in printer
settings,pop up a window to warn


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I0304ee790e557ecf967f355c171993d1f51b5057

* ENH: CLI: remove the warning of layer height

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: Idaceee4f52611479fc3f4238d016d891b4dc8cd1

* FIX: the word search is not translated

Jira: STUDIO-5224

The world search in the device panel is not translated.

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Ia3d651c2159a3aad94e10cd0a6da98848f53ee2a
(cherry picked from commit 4a46a0a4750d82d49c9523f4b668a1a00c41ed83)

* FIX: Bitmap will flash when sending printing task

Jira: STUDIO-5278

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: Ib0c8710b8d5d6b98fad043c950f054aa35bea965

* ENH:display the euler angle of rotation plane

Jira: STUDIO-5268
Change-Id: I6b7b431931d60f1a9a832908400417781798c472

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I1c15b5c6437554c43327cd6b537f7a5860dba5a0

* ENH:cancel EnterReturnsTrue for imgui in cut

Jira: STUDIO-5269
Change-Id: I2832e1dccaf9755448debe7b2bd56426f90dfe0d

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ib03e664a20990322c788686550c491d0139d8237

* FIX: some translation problems


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: If9f2af53b4f0bfa9469e84bcba68cc182df4a473

* add: Ukrainian lang support for 1.8

* fix linux

* fix some string and colors

* fix linux build error 2

* fix .gitignore

* FIX: calibration selected preset is null in some case

jira: STUDIO-5258

Change-Id: Iee63593c5f833c5a43e3b1d1c9ddb82f8c69569a

* FIX: create filament issue

Jira: 5296 5297 5295 5302 5311 5276

5296 create filament: list has same printer
5297 create filament: filament combobox has blank options
5298 edit filament: delete last preset prompt users
5302 create filament: filament combox has cili preset
5311 create filament: printer name too long to can not show all
5276 edit filament: PLA Aero filament type filter issue
add prusa vendor
Revised copy

Change-Id: I5dcc615ce0951b1a9953fa12283f6090f5069045

* FIX: some translation

Change-Id: Icb8614a0af18f96d15f3b97c17e0f6f708296847

* FIX:cancel is_equal for slicing function

Jira: STUDIO-5267
Change-Id: I66d759aa2c968f8a28a6a5d8378929754f2db689

* FIX:UI stuck due to pop-up window with wrong chamber temperature

JIRA: 5304
Change-Id: I1a49a7219b7a6f5700243704c348724e7930ce1a

* FIX: allow input '+' and hide edit preset btn

Change-Id: I97aec7c3ac4cc8b9d6c535f0126aaa1926553d86

* ENH: handle printer direct close and not retry

Change-Id: I5dd55f8085cf6383a8420ab41e614ea6ae210c78
Jira: STUDIO-5305

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I09716bf79354b503197c751272fd3171e0abc8fd

* add: new translation to ukr for AirFlow and Prusa

* add: Texture Plate name fix

* add new feature to localization .de, fix .it (#2876)

* FIX:add slice_facet_for_cut_mesh api for cut tool

and modify section_vertices_map 's traverse
Jira: STUDIO-5267
Change-Id: Ifc4b183a4e4c4fdb4f47742f14f70a1ed93fa056

Change-Id: I52bfaef8926ef967b78a6cb712a1731a1b528a24

* FIX: Make the front smaller for Czech in device panel

Jira: STUDIO-5151

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I315174b55f923da069854fb4fed8cf3937b82074

* FIX: there is no object can be jumped to in notification

jira: new

Change-Id: Ib81bf49236952ede24a2de126051572d63916e01

* FIX: add height range, modifier in Preview pane will crash

jira: STUDIO-5340

1. fix crash at add height range, modifiers in Preview from objectList
2. fix an assert hit when slicing
3. fix an assert hit when enter AssembleView
4. forbidden popup menu by right-click objectList in Preview

Change-Id: I444bc76b1a4307999b387e4f60386b2d272bd308

* FIX: Black spot in the sending printing task page

Jira: STUDIO-5307

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I3bd97c063ec5f0faf7d12047da39f60ce55cae4b

* FIX: reset_cut_by_contours should update_buffer_data

Jira: STUDIO-5376
Change-Id: I5aacb1f7b65822031d7138abd61a45b09c743531

* ENH:editing_window_width's value is small on the laptop

Jira: STUDIO-5238 STUDIO-5265
Change-Id: Ia958772bcb081817da621115f99328bb62770cd5

* ENH: bumped version to 1.8.1

Change-Id: I9d25403daa5b7b8ca415c0b364670da9e0f932b0

* FIX: create filament dialog: create btn can not show all

Jira: 5310 5331

Change-Id: I185272c90d9ff1c3d6b47abbefbf488d0d965cca

* FIX:update custom_texture when new_shape=false

Jira: STUDIO-5287
Change-Id: I3add95f9f9345c14a48cc7467513d1b3ce95f4c9

* ENH:editing_window_width's value is small on the laptop

Jira: STUDIO-5238
Change-Id: I9044129f4e0c8ca7469db05b3e547fca4754342a

* FIX:add slash_to_back_slash for saving file path

Jira: STUDIO-5287
Change-Id: I9f3c176cd0831c793958f08601c63efac98176a4

* FIX: a button color didn't response to dark mode change

jira: STUDIO-5315

Change-Id: I95489f01ccd1f77b9e95b0d0f69e5398d2e88487

* FIX: height range layers displayed in wrong position

jira: STUDIO-5341

Change-Id: I83918b4624f367efa54321f1898e1176cdb04ea9

* FIX: auto arranging issues with locked plates

1. global auto arranging may put items overlap with wipe tower if some plates are locked
jira: STUDIO-5329
2. items outside bed may overlap with plate boundary if it's rotated
jira: STUDIO-5329
3. plate-wise auto arranging uses wrong min_obj_distance if the
plate is by-layer printing but global setting is by-object printing
jira: STUDIO-5330

Change-Id: I5dba2f1317e183c9aeec1cb2bd227fbddf4316e6
(cherry picked from commit db1eac41efff5f1e8d5ac0af74c6fc7ab59fc253)

* FIX:  a mistake in upward machine


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ibdb26c3d904634f322aef0dc0c7b8867d9fb5854

* FIX:a blank pop-up appears

Change-Id: Ice92b55204e4897fec024a6d99412eb810bddd4a

* FIX:fixed failure in updating nozzle type


Change-Id: Iad37b5d5b76d37cb1723ef21d7c39b1e3fcaf8d7

* FIX:fixed issue with AI monitoring settings


Change-Id: I967fe3c1e9da61a55bcbfaa2a8e067dd5af18f72

* FIX:fixed issue with lan mode


Change-Id: I1d0a05f19dcea154cf3ef2b61ed0546d3581905e

* FIX:update text for loading or unloading filaments


Change-Id: Ic7729c3ec012485b3d87e3d01f11e87502c67895

* FIX: Revert "ENH: do not leave a gap for top...

Revert "ENH: do not leave a gap for top interface if the top z distance is 0"

This reverts commit 79ea32c7cbbdb7e689637980af7c36caf42284c9.

Revert reason: the supports are impossible to remove in some cases.
jira: STUDIO-5385

Change-Id: I376a6f4dfd78da6dfea68b9ac3d552cddd0b4272
(cherry picked from commit 34e38b705fde7f5d7f9a3a89c96a3627ce0c998e)

* ENH: improve normal support's quality

1. Add a base_interface_layer when using Supp.W
2. Fix a bug where base_angle and interface_angle are wong

jira: STUDIO-5386
Change-Id: I52ab32c63b3cd1e6e2ba6463b01ae26699cf13d3
(cherry picked from commit 92ddd4a10b793572a1fa009da5b9e44fcdf81de2)

* NEW:tracking stl model files


Change-Id: Idb1275b07441f0cd06c24588d5f7c20f81f1556c

* FIX: edit filament dialog: preset name too long to del btn nan't show

Jira: 5336 5174
and verify string normalization

Change-Id: I380c3bed2bf43d01094b68979a8b67f4187c0b93

* FIX: some translation

Jira: 5232 5300 5334

Change-Id: Ie474ca823011e81aab82a9809af3d6e42980496b

* FIX: some translation

Change-Id: Iaabe6087bed3b7d47d911cf4fb51c770804e72fb

* ENH: change default tree_support_wall_count to 0

Now normal support also uses this option, so we can't default it to 1, otherwise normal supports will be too hard to remove.

jira: none
Change-Id: Ic5700af5c17e3a7b265c8915f28b0db35c6e06e6
(cherry picked from commit 6b84a9826da108b76569e686bd9def0b23ae29fd)

* FIX:The name of the material in the error prompt is empty

Change-Id: I3cf44f099256a51f21a44a89c89c000f734d1f36

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: Ib20f5a12b65472102befec0a2adf82744fc29c46

* FIX: imgui textinput cannot paste on macos

jira: STUDIO-5070、STUDIO-5365

Change-Id: Iea8f41e12744ecda0fbb95c1a8f2e014a7cdc384

* FIX: not cache printer file list on error

Change-Id: I99843aedbf14d3d1d553ccac9b0bd26403274a82
Jira: none

* FIX: thread of close BBLUserPresetExceedLimit notify

Change-Id: I9698134ba1cc91fc83eac441f900d68c4c4b556a

* ENH: Resolve non manifold edges by fixing model interfaces

Jira: STUDIO-5124
Change-Id: I7ea86be44acb80b6c4762a76208b4a031acd0b27

* FIX:nozzle type sync


Change-Id: I63d48628832473d8d371ed643dc8528b00382531

* FIX: array bound happen in TriangleSelector::deserialize

Jira: STUDIO-5170
Change-Id: I92b72a887845b462fad208f13607293b44d3d333

* FIX:cropping rendering without considering assembly views

Jira: STUDIO-5260
Change-Id: Ia56cf80b305ae05f25f06ec277f85b3c5430a6df

* FIX: PA for custom filament not available in BL Studio

github: 2971
Change-Id: I6ccd36a183e7367d69557300f7242f5403f4bb33

* FIX: Bitmap is way too small on Mac

Jira: STUDIO-5393

Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Change-Id: I6b550669fa8cd5fc9bfa6ed96d64d19a949f01b2

* FIX: move shutdown wait to OnExit

Change-Id: I70d9a2bb686525ae5273aa9d63e25691da4ab65c
Jira: STUDIO-2884

* FIX: calibration manage result dialog issue on macos

jira: STUDIO-4949 STUDIO-5378

Change-Id: I00abefd45a0d274a4b68bb1ab18debe8f91d169e

* FIX: adjust bed shape dialog button UI style

fix that button text is hard to see in dark mode
jira: STUDIO-5247

Change-Id: I2cf5b3cdd2eff9b821bdf5525bec4f329fc58dd1

* FIX: 5331 rescale btn

Jira: STUDIO-5331

Change-Id: If153424b8480e64b166018e3cd98c17db557d0a8
Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>

* FIX: support do not generate


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Ide9709d95203185538e280517f7aa6136beeda44

* FIX: remove not match printer config ota cache

Change-Id: Ib73fc2ea31fa2186061cfcb5a170bc59b9db84ca
Jira: none

* FIX:cancel the variable of "checkbox_size"  as a fixed value

Jira: STUDIO-5150
Change-Id: I30d876d141b8b35ab4a3fee4889993d87b7c1741

* ENH:add reset_cut_by_contours in on_load function

m_connector_size_tolerance default value is 0.1f

Change-Id: I6c67fff3cb0c1190e9141ed6f68fbfa848679f35

* ENH:cancel EnterReturnsTrue for imgui in cut

Jira: STUDIO-5269
Change-Id: Ifc4b183a4e4c4fdb4f47742f14f70a1ed93fa056
Signed-off-by: zhou.xu <>

* FIX: dailytips should not change content frequently when slicing all

jira: STUDIO-5234

Change-Id: Icb7e9c28404d9db8ebed58d937e13f89c5403b5c

* FIX: objectList clone shortcut key issue

jira: new

Change-Id: Ia75bf58a7d53f962e1af6c2fd97497270b7eea84

* ENH:handling cases without msgs

jira:[STUDIO-5401 STUDIO-5399]

Change-Id: Iae651d5a19a45b0138a6aa621326a8b4a9649824

* ENH: optimize param description


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: Id0ca9224227a716b21fc0b8430722264dc319344

* ENH: add translation


Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Change-Id: I3b1f04fee3cd6322793794ad8b8707859f6c7d26

* FIX: close edit preset paramsDialog, mac unresponsive

Jira: 5298

Change-Id: I021e00567354cfb1f2f5f1f2bf6ba1fc35b164c5

* ENH:disable AI monitoring on the p1p series

Change-Id: I514bb1fb1ced6c03dd619230a9adac3be63f2de2

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I9f5e30d3fc4b7ef9321c522d3c18fce98f03742f

* FIX: close edit preset paramsDialog, mac unresponsive

Change-Id: Ic816754a20b7f6a5cdb46475750eb301fec3ad3a

* FIX: organic support not work with raft only

There is no raft generated when only raft enabled but no support needed.
jira: none

Change-Id: Ic0c9269e2f98038d85c9bc54e4a85f892dc5d764

* FIX: CLI: add object config when assemble

JIRA: no jira
Change-Id: I945f820fb58f2f643170b4b0b66742f6bbbdfd29

* FIX: delete preset prompt

Jira: XXXX

Change-Id: I6511c806c56393d4f6bd72d1c506da59675d49ff

* FIX:Reorganize the assignment of variables of "m_editing_window_width"

Jira: STUDIO-5238
Change-Id: If369916f3f5c21510f5f297bfd05c1230bdda7a4

* ENH: CLI: re-compute flush_volumes_matrix when it is missed

Change-Id: Ie8f53c6bef003b1434de02ea14de5787b376484f

* FIX: some translation for delete filament

Change-Id: Ib46a8eba33f2e21016476aaab4a57a740e86b1b8

* FIX: scrolled window / del preset / edit filament issue

Jira: 5092
GitHub: 1936
edit filament: just one preset, the scroll bar obscures the preset name
edit filament: delete selected preset, click no, but preset be deleted
from UI
edit filament: serial sometimes displays incorrectly

Change-Id: Ibc91609e252179de0c05ca065099756da6631165

* ci: update build version to

Change-Id: I5563a2c0812ab9a0d7727df27e17e681066ffa08


Signed-off-by: maosheng.wei <>
Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Signed-off-by: wenjie.guo <>
Signed-off-by: qing.zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>
Signed-off-by: zhou.xu <>
Co-authored-by: zorro.zhang <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: maosheng.wei <>
Co-authored-by: chunmao.guo <>
Co-authored-by: tao wang <>
Co-authored-by: Arthur <>
Co-authored-by: lane.wei <>
Co-authored-by: gerrit <>
Co-authored-by: xun.zhang <>
Co-authored-by: zhou.xu <>
Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: Kunlong Ma <>
Co-authored-by: wenjie.guo <>
Co-authored-by: qing.zhang <>
Co-authored-by: zhimin.zeng <>
Co-authored-by: the Raz <>
Co-authored-by: Andy <>
Co-authored-by: Stone Li <>
Co-authored-by: enricoturri1966 <>
Co-authored-by: Dmytro Chystiakov <>
Co-authored-by: Heiko Liebscher <>
2023-12-01 10:42:45 +00:00
4843cda535 Measure: Use Orca color schema 2023-11-04 11:41:11 +08:00
f72d42f920 Measure: Initial porting of Measure Gizmo 2023-11-04 11:41:10 +08:00
Feat: chamber temp control and chamber fan (#2483)
* init

* tweak
2023-10-22 16:38:20 +08:00
b8172316b8 Merge branch 'v1.7.2-remote'
Signed-off-by: SoftFever <>

# Conflicts:
#	deps/ZLIB/ZLIB.cmake
#	localization/i18n/OrcaSlicer.pot
#	localization/i18n/de/OrcaSlicer_de.po
#	localization/i18n/en/OrcaSlicer_en.po
#	localization/i18n/es/OrcaSlicer_es.po
#	localization/i18n/fr/OrcaSlicer_fr.po
#	localization/i18n/hu/OrcaSlicer_hu.po
#	localization/i18n/it/OrcaSlicer_it.po
#	localization/i18n/ja/OrcaSlicer_ja.po
#	localization/i18n/ko/OrcaSlicer_ko.po
#	localization/i18n/list.txt
#	localization/i18n/nl/OrcaSlicer_nl.po
#	localization/i18n/sv/OrcaSlicer_sv.po
#	localization/i18n/zh_cn/OrcaSlicer_zh_CN.po
#	resources/calib/PressureAdvance/pa_pattern.3mf
#	resources/handy_models/Disc.stl
#	resources/i18n/de/
#	resources/i18n/en/
#	resources/i18n/es/
#	resources/i18n/fr/
#	resources/i18n/hu/
#	resources/i18n/it/
#	resources/i18n/ja/
#	resources/i18n/ko/
#	resources/i18n/nl/
#	resources/i18n/sv/
#	resources/i18n/zh_cn/
#	resources/profiles/Anycubic.json
#	resources/profiles/Anycubic/machine/Anycubic Kobra 2 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu ASA @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu ASA @BBL X1C 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu ASA @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu PA-CF @base.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu PA6-CF @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu PA6-CF @base.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu PETG-CF @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu Support W @BBL X1.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu TPU 95A @BBL X1.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic HIPS @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic HIPS @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PA-CF.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PC.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PETG-CF @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PLA @0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PLA High Speed @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PLA High Speed @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PLA High Speed @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PLA High Speed @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PLA-CF.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic PLA.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Generic TPU.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture Matte PLA @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture Matte PLA @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture Matte PLA @BBL X1.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture Matte PLA @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture Matte PLA @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture Matte PLA @base.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture PLA @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture PLA @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture PLA @BBL X1.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture PLA @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture PLA @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Overture PLA @base.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/P1P/Bambu TPU 95A @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/P1P/Generic PLA @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/P1P/Generic TPU @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/P1P/eSUN PLA+ @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/P1P/eSUN PLA+ @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ABS @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ABS @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ABS @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ABS @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ABS @base.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ASA @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ASA @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ASA @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ASA @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite ASA @base.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite PETG @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite PETG @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite PETG @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite PETG @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite PETG @base.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyLite PLA @BBL X1.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/PolyTerra PLA @BBL X1.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/eSUN PLA+ @BBL X1.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/eSUN PLA+ @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/filament/eSUN PLA+ @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab P1P 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab P1P 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab P1P 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab P1S 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab P1S 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab P1S 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab P1S 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab X1 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab X1 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab X1 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab X1 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/machine/fdm_bbl_3dp_001_common.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.06mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.08mm Extra Fine @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.08mm Extra Fine @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.08mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.10mm Standard @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.10mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.12mm Fine @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.12mm Fine @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.12mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.14mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.16mm Optimal @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.16mm Optimal @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.18mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.20mm Standard @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.20mm Standard @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.20mm Strength @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.20mm Strength @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.24mm Draft @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.24mm Draft @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.24mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.24mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.28mm Extra Draft @BBL P1P.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.28mm Extra Draft @BBL X1C.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.30mm Standard @BBL P1P 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.30mm Standard @BBL X1 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.30mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.30mm Strength @BBL X1C 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.32mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.36mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.40mm Standard @BBL P1P 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.40mm Standard @BBL X1 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.40mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.42mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.48mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/0.56mm Standard @BBL X1C 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/BBL/process/fdm_process_bbl_common.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-10 Max 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-10 V2 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-6 Max 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-6 Max 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-6 Max 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-6 Max 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-6 SE 0.2 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-6 SE 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-6 SE 0.6 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality CR-6 SE 0.8 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality Ender-3 S1 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality Ender-3 S1 Pro 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality Ender-5 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality Ender-5 Plus 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality Ender-5 S1 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality Ender-5S 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality Ender-6 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune 2 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune 2D 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune 2S 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune 3 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune 3 Max 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune 3 Plus 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune X 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Prusa.json
#	resources/profiles/Prusa/machine/Prusa MINI 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Prusa/machine/Prusa MK3S 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-CF Pro 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Max 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Max 3 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Plus 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Plus 3 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Smart 3 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Tronxy.json
#	resources/profiles/Tronxy/machine/Tronxy X5SA 400 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Tronxy/process/0.08mm Extra Fine @Tronxy.json
#	resources/profiles/Tronxy/process/0.12mm Fine @Tronxy.json
#	resources/profiles/Tronxy/process/0.15mm Optimal @Tronxy.json
#	resources/profiles/Tronxy/process/0.20mm Standard @Tronxy.json
#	resources/profiles/Tronxy/process/0.24mm Draft @Tronxy.json
#	resources/profiles/Tronxy/process/0.28mm Extra Draft @Tronxy.json
#	resources/profiles/Voxelab/machine/Voxelab Aquila X2 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/web/data/text.js
#	src/OrcaSlicer.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCode/SeamPlacer.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCode/SeamPlacer.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCodeWriter.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCodeWriter.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/Preset.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/PresetBundle.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/Print.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/TreeSupport.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/calib.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/calib.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/BackgroundSlicingProcess.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/BedShapeDialog.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigManipulation.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GUI.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_Factories.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectList.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Jobs/ArrangeJob.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/OptionsGroup.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/PartPlate.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/PartPlate.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/StatusPanel.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Widgets/AMSControl.hpp
2023-09-29 19:46:49 +08:00
cb45ffc73a FIX: [MAK-2011 MAK-1988] Fix synchronization issues
Jira: MAK-2011 MAK-1988

Change-Id: I411bd185c8cb9f314b74ca91ad5fa303562ed4e3
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
aa1c8c8fe2 ENH: Add Ellis' pattern method for flow dynamic calibration
Github: #2356

Change-Id: I05068bd47fa8381429064ea0e5ba0f38e5da17c1
(cherry picked from commit c5d54d26e32909e1785cef9ba6a07d801419fa98)
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
Stone Li
be53cf4c7a NEW: support to display wired network for printer

Change-Id: I1c32254e249a3c0010973b17953121f4aa718f76
Signed-off-by: Stone Li <>
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
95625bb9d0 ENH: [STUDIO-3151] Optimize scoring entry 2
Jira: 3151

Change-Id: I3a3a9d53f9557a93f02c44af3906b2e9f0761baf
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
2d9451e545 FIX: Upgrade the texture image
align texture image  to the grid of the x1 machine

Change-Id: I7dcc5061017f355f30b3f584180751ec7a3f391b
(cherry picked from commit 7ec89042246162edc04e32abe2b609f5f561d810)
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
d3d5751814 ENH: replace n1 & f1 image and name Jira: [STUDIO-4008]
1. replace n1 image at LAN access code dialog
2. replace f1 text with AMS Lite
Change-Id: I1385ff5b8b6ca849ed330d49f803e4632732510f

Change-Id: I9e053c4123073c5bf152689e7f34ef1667c04d1d
(cherry picked from commit 2ca116de0c83c17a8c994c32fa4c41a315628f86)
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
b7b875a62a NEW:[STUDIO-4012] support prompt sound
support modifying whether to turn on prompt sound from the print option pop-up window

Change-Id: I3206bfcefc9292dd2a7acb7294addc901ad21d4d
(cherry picked from commit 77594f1aba7db2948dd9b8627d74f37ff8dbf07a)
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
68d40d3c14 NEW: add N1/F1 related item at device upgrade page
Change-Id: Icc85088709ccb9b11ba7bd8387b7b57c02cf81a1
(cherry picked from commit cf1b456e0a43775bfa857524b5d5c1676f34f4d4)
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
tao wang
ca17231c98 NEW:support for displaying extra styles
Change-Id: I5c468218c865d93f5813cc3f53f3b9a74de44312
(cherry picked from commit 36e12f142c2bfc26dca89262f6367457a29a326c)
(cherry picked from commit 88b58898a749156e291dbe90d286115af6e69855)
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
db038d88fa ENH: [STUDIO-3151] Optimize scoring entry
Jira: STUDIO-3151

Change-Id: I6ffd236faea7de9f1e35b77f818f926f2477939a
(cherry picked from commit 5591f9d472bc7de45cc73acdd79e09bfc2549d89)
2023-09-22 16:21:26 +08:00
4564945b48 support profile notes 2023-08-30 23:38:09 +08:00
2a478ab4f9 post changes after merging BS1.7.4
Remove tracking etc..
2023-08-26 18:45:43 +08:00
e65b11a831 Merge remote-tracking branch 'BS/v1.7.2'
Signed-off-by: SoftFever <>

# Conflicts:
#	.github/workflows/build_ubuntu.yml
#	.gitignore
#	Containerfile
#	Dockerfile
#	deps/Boost/Boost.cmake
#	deps/OpenEXR/OpenEXR.cmake
#	deps/OpenVDB/OpenVDB.cmake
#	doc/How to build - Mac
#	localization/i18n/OrcaSlicer.pot
#	localization/i18n/de/OrcaSlicer_de.po
#	localization/i18n/en/OrcaSlicer_en.po
#	localization/i18n/es/OrcaSlicer_es.po
#	localization/i18n/fr/OrcaSlicer_fr.po
#	localization/i18n/hu/OrcaSlicer_hu.po
#	localization/i18n/it/OrcaSlicer_it.po
#	localization/i18n/ja/OrcaSlicer_ja.po
#	localization/i18n/list.txt
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#	resources/profiles/Anker/machine/Anker M5C.json
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#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality Ender-5.json
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#	resources/profiles/Creality/machine/Creality Ender-5S.json
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#	resources/profiles/Elegoo/machine/Elegoo Neptune.json
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#	resources/profiles/Prusa.json
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#	resources/profiles/Prusa/machine/Prusa MK3S.json
#	resources/profiles/Prusa/machine/fdm_machine_common.json
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#	resources/profiles/Prusa/process/0.20mm Standard @MK3S.json
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#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Max.json
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#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Plus 3.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Plus.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Smart 3 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/Qidi X-Smart 3.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/fdm_machine_common.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/fdm_qidi_common.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/machine/fdm_qidi_x3_common.json
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#	resources/profiles/Qidi/process/0.16mm Optimal @Qidi XPlus3.json
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#	resources/profiles/Qidi/process/0.25mm Draft @Qidi XMax3.json
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#	resources/profiles/Qidi/process/0.30mm Extra Draft @Qidi XMax3.json
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#	resources/profiles/Qidi/process/0.30mm Extra Draft @Qidi XSmart3.json
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#	resources/profiles/Qidi/process/fdm_process_qidi_common.json
#	resources/profiles/Qidi/process/fdm_process_qidi_x3_common.json
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#	resources/profiles/Tronxy/process/0.24mm Draft @Tronxy.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron.json
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#	resources/profiles/Voron/filament/Voron Generic PC.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/filament/Voron Generic PLA-CF.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/filament/Voron Generic PLA.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/filament/Voron Generic TPU.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/machine/Voron 0.1.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/machine/Voron 2.4 250.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/machine/Voron 2.4 300.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/machine/Voron 2.4 350.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/machine/Voron Trident 250.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/machine/Voron Trident 300.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/machine/Voron Trident 350.json
#	resources/profiles/Voron/process/fdm_process_voron_common.json
#	resources/profiles/Voxelab.json
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#	resources/profiles/Voxelab/filament/Generic PLA @Voxelab.json
#	resources/profiles/Voxelab/filament/fdm_filament_common.json
#	resources/profiles/Voxelab/machine/Voxelab Aquila X2 0.4 nozzle.json
#	resources/profiles/Voxelab/machine/Voxelab Aquila X2.json
#	resources/profiles/Voxelab/machine/fdm_machine_common.json
#	resources/profiles/Voxelab/process/0.16mm Optimal @Voxelab AquilaX2.json
#	resources/profiles/Voxelab/process/0.20mm Standard @Voxelab AquilaX2.json
#	resources/web/data/text.js
#	resources/web/guide/21/21.js
#	resources/web/guide/24/24.js
#	src/BaseException.cpp
#	src/OrcaSlicer.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/AppConfig.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/BoundingBox.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/Extruder.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/Fill/Fill.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/Format/bbs_3mf.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCode.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCode/CoolingBuffer.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCode/GCodeProcessor.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCode/GCodeProcessor.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCode/WipeTower.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCodeWriter.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/GCodeWriter.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/Model.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/PerimeterGenerator.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/Preset.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/Preset.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/PresetBundle.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/Print.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/Print.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/PrintBase.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp
#	src/libslic3r/PrintObject.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/TreeSupport.cpp
#	src/libslic3r/Utils.hpp
#	src/mcut/CMakeLists.txt
#	src/slic3r/CMakeLists.txt
#	src/slic3r/GUI/3DBed.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/AMSMaterialsSetting.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/AMSMaterialsSetting.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/BBLTopbar.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/BBLTopbar.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/BackgroundSlicingProcess.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/BindDialog.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/ConfigManipulation.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/DeviceManager.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Field.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GLCanvas3D.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_Factories.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_Factories.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectList.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMeshBoolean.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Jobs/ArrangeJob.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Jobs/FillBedJob.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/MediaPlayCtrl.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Monitor.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/PartPlate.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/PartPlate.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/PlateSettingsDialog.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/PlateSettingsDialog.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/PresetComboBoxes.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/ReleaseNote.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/SelectMachine.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/StatusPanel.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Tab.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Widgets/Label.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Widgets/Label.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/Widgets/SideButton.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/calib_dlg.cpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/calib_dlg.hpp
#	src/slic3r/GUI/wxExtensions.hpp
#	src/slic3r/Utils/NetworkAgent.cpp
#	src/slic3r/Utils/bambu_networking.hpp
2023-08-26 16:13:57 +08:00
d9a8526843 NEW: first layer printing sequence
Change-Id: I19e39a27cf972eb859e51a334aeae8f57ee263f8
(cherry picked from commit 1369107c04668f800a338395ed3af316c32d194d)
2023-08-19 01:32:59 +08:00
5dbef1db0e NEW: first layer printing sequence
Change-Id: I19e39a27cf972eb859e51a334aeae8f57ee263f8
(cherry picked from commit 1369107c04668f800a338395ed3af316c32d194d)
2023-08-15 21:39:50 +08:00
37c54aa4f6 clean up 2023-08-09 13:42:41 +08:00
da05ae02da Merge some BS1.7 changes:
Boolean operation feature
2023-08-08 22:14:20 +08:00
3010678a61 FIX: translation
Change-Id: I4e6ce9943df178c80a47c49fb50da1ba16d1d7a3
(cherry picked from commit e9aa706f5887658cab8cc962020760c9e6fdad27)
2023-08-04 22:33:22 +08:00
18c14179d7 ENH: replace a better image on cali start page
Change-Id: I78cddda53786b6960efd005d416b7a2540213adb
2023-08-04 22:09:01 +08:00
2bb6dc65b8 FIX: add Chinese pictures in cali page
Change-Id: Ibcb0a01ec0fcbb3a73708cb6dc771748b3ebc2ea
(cherry picked from commit 848e51c5da6d9c5c3f4227ed6dc706b19e9eceae)
2023-08-04 18:15:25 +08:00
379bf49adb ENH: replace image of flow dynamics cali start page
Change-Id: I3a1c7ac95cb4908065c8edc8b38f8304c44c96b7
(cherry picked from commit a8d06b20974e2d3f9d3b8d04e44c021463311155)
2023-08-04 18:15:25 +08:00