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Docker based ssh backup host with borg
and restic
installed. Can be effectively used for as a backup repository and a tool to backup containers.
Run a backup host and backup a client with borg
Start a container on the backup host with this command:
docker run -d \
--restart always \
--publish 2222:22 \
--volume /mnt/backup:/bkup \
--name backup \
Add your ssh key to the host:
docker cp id_rsa.pub backup:/bkup/.ssh/authorized_keys
docker run --volumes-from backup amdavidson/backup-server chown 1111:1111 /bkup/.ssh/authorized_keys
On the machine to be backed up run this to create a repository for backups:
borg init backup:/bkup/client-name
Periodically run a backup with a command similar to this:
borg create --stats --verbose backup:/bkup/client-name::$(date '+%s') ~/
Backup a container remotely with restic
On the machine with the container to be backed up, create a repository for backups:
docker run \
--rm \
--volumes-from backup \
--env RESTIC_PASSWORD=secretpw \
--env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=asvc0832n20vasfdh0 \
--env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=aokjsvdn0e2nc08va80428b308jcwa08je02983jr032 \
amdavidson/backup-server \
restic -r s3:s3.wasabisys.com/other-container init
Perodically run a backup with a command similar to this:
docker run \
--rm \
--volumes-from backup \
--volumes-from other-container:ro \
--env RESTIC_PASSWORD=secretpw \
--env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=asvc0832n20vasfdh0 \
--env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=aokjsvdn0e2nc08va80428b308jcwa08je02983jr032 \
amdavidson/backup-server \
restic -r s3:s3.wasabisys.com/other-container backup /data
Backup a container locally with borg
On the machine with a container to be backed up, create a repository for backups (entering the encryption password when requested):
docker run \
--rm -it \
--volumes-from backup \
amdavidson/backup-server \
borg init /bkup/other-container
Periodically run a backup with a command similar to this:
docker run \
--rm \
--volumes-from backup \
--volumes-from other-container:ro \
--env BORG_PASSPHRASE="mySecr3t" \
amdavidson/backup-server \
borg create --verbose --stats /bkup/other-container::$(date '+%s') /data