• Joined on 2023-01-02
amd created repository amd/backup.sh 2023-01-02 06:14:35 +00:00
amd pushed to master at amd/archivist 2023-01-02 06:08:08 +00:00
7b3f3fd78e adding systemd service and timer script to run automatically
19a0be2ba8 switching to fedora for no good reason
e6f9ce09ed generalizing and switching to podman
728a189edb updating pipenv
55e91249ed Merge pull request #19 from amdavidson/dependabot/pip/pyyaml-5.4
Compare 10 commits »
amd created branch master in amd/archivist 2023-01-02 06:08:08 +00:00
amd created repository amd/archivist 2023-01-02 06:07:46 +00:00
amd pushed to master at amd/amdavidson-landing 2023-01-02 06:07:10 +00:00
d38bb15a1c initial commit
amd created branch master in amd/amdavidson-landing 2023-01-02 06:07:10 +00:00
amd created repository amd/amdavidson-landing 2023-01-02 06:06:45 +00:00
amd pushed to master at amd/dotfiles 2023-01-02 05:41:52 +00:00
fde1d9539b removing i3, doing readme updates.
amd created branch master in amd/dotfiles 2023-01-02 05:36:10 +00:00
amd pushed to master at amd/dotfiles 2023-01-02 05:36:10 +00:00
9e1c7b3481 removing conky... unused in years.
2a2cbc09b6 simplifying zsh... working towards common zsh / bash experience.
da45fc33b8 killing gpg git signing, will revisit later
9739de8b9c updates for sr.ht
0833108923 making colorscheme errors silent
Compare 10 commits »
amd created repository amd/dotfiles 2023-01-02 05:35:36 +00:00