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16 lines
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layout: post
status: publish
published: true
title: Porsche Factory Museum
date: '2010-03-29 00:00:31 -0400'
date_gmt: '2010-03-29 04:00:31 -0400'
- Personal
tags: []
<p><a href="/assets/2010-03-img_0263.jpg"><img src="/assets/2010-03-img_0263_m.jpg" /></a></p>
<p>This weekend I also visited the <a href="http://www.porsche.com/international/aboutporsche/porschemuseum/">Porsche Museum</a> at their factory campus in Stuttgart. It is somewhere I have wanted to visit for years, but never really imagined I would go to.</p>
<p>It was a great sight. Unlike most museums the cars were not cordoned off with ropes and glass, a great deal of them were just sitting on the floor with people milling about. Some were <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/amdavidson/4468273750/in/set-72157623715589104/">elevated slightly</a>, but it felt as though that was more for you to be able to easily see them rather than to separate them from you.</p>
<p>I also greatly appreciated that while the cars were clearly shined up for museum duty, many of them were not truly restored, with dings and cracks in the paint from years of use as drivers. Something that all cars such as these should experience.</p>
<p>If you ever find yourself in Stuttgart (or anywhere near it) visit this automotive mecca.</p>