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Alessandro Ranellucci ff5044c031 Implemented skirt
2011-09-05 20:00:59 +02:00
lib Implemented skirt 2011-09-05 20:00:59 +02:00
README.markdown Implemented skirt 2011-09-05 20:00:59 +02:00 Implemented skirt 2011-09-05 20:00:59 +02:00

Q: Yet another RepRap slicer?

A: Yes.


What's it?

Slic3r is (er, will be) an STL-to-GCODE translator for RepRap 3D printers, like Enrique's Skeinforge or RevK's E3D.

Why another one? Why Perl?

The purpose is to build something more maintainable and flexible than both Skeinforge and E3D. The code makes extensive use of object-oriented programming to achieve some level of abstraction instead of working with raw geometry and low-level data structures. This should help to maintain code, fix bugs and implement new and better algorithms in the future. I also aim at implementing better support for hollow objects, as Skeinforge isn't smart enough to generate internal support structures for horizontal facets. Of course, Perl's not that fast as C and usage of modules like Moose make everything quite memory-hungry, but I'm happy with it. I want to build a "rapid prototyping" architecture for a slicer.


What's its current status?

Slic3r current features are:

  • read binary and ASCII STL files;
  • generate multiple perimeters (skins);
  • generate rectilinear fill (100% solid for external surfaces or with customizable less density for inner surfaces);
  • retraction;
  • skirt;
  • use relative or absolute extrusion commands;
  • center print around bed center point;
  • use different speed for bottom layer.

Roadmap includes the following goals:

  • output some statistics;
  • allow the user to customize initial and final GCODE commands;
  • option for filling multiple solid layers near external surfaces;
  • support material for internal perimeters;
  • ability to infill in the direction of bridges;
  • cool;
  • nice packaging for cross-platform deployment.

Is it usable already?

Yes. I need to write a script to install dependencies.

Can I help?

Sure! Send patches and/or drop me a line at You can also find me in #RepRap on FreeNode with the nickname Sound.

What's Slic3r license?

Slic3r is dual-licensed under the Perl Artistic License and the AGPLv3. The author is Alessandro Ranellucci (that's me).