Change-Id: I066c0e7f8ce87ec00b1141a1b44430444a819b42 (cherry picked from commit 05907a1a42da82737090d55046974d401f8af057)
467 lines
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467 lines
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import * as React from 'react';
import { SwiperOptions, Swiper as SwiperClass } from '../types/';
interface Swiper extends SwiperOptions {
* Swiper container tag
* @default 'div'
tag?: string;
* Swiper wrapper tag
* @default 'div'
wrapperTag?: string;
* Get Swiper instance
onSwiper?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired in when autoplay started
onAutoplayStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when autoplay stopped
onAutoplayStop?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when slide changed with autoplay
onAutoplay?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;/**
* Event will be fired on window hash change
onHashChange?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when swiper updates the hash
onHashSet?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;/**
* Event will be fired on mousewheel scroll
onScroll?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: WheelEvent) => void;/**
* Event will be fired in the beginning of lazy loading of image
onLazyImageLoad?: (swiper: SwiperClass, slideEl: HTMLElement, imageEl: HTMLElement) => void;
* Event will be fired when lazy loading image will be loaded
onLazyImageReady?: (swiper: SwiperClass, slideEl: HTMLElement, imageEl: HTMLElement) => void;/**
* Event will be fired on key press
onKeyPress?: (swiper: SwiperClass, keyCode: string) => void;/**
* Event will be fired on navigation hide
onNavigationHide?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired on navigation show
onNavigationShow?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;/**
* Event will be fired on draggable scrollbar drag start
onScrollbarDragStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired on draggable scrollbar drag move
onScrollbarDragMove?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired on draggable scrollbar drag end
onScrollbarDragEnd?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;/**
* Event will be fired after pagination rendered
onPaginationRender?: (swiper: SwiperClass, paginationEl: HTMLElement) => void;
* Event will be fired when pagination updated
onPaginationUpdate?: (swiper: SwiperClass, paginationEl: HTMLElement) => void;
* Event will be fired on pagination hide
onPaginationHide?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired on pagination show
onPaginationShow?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;/**
* Event will be fired on zoom change
onZoomChange?: (swiper: SwiperClass, scale: number, imageEl: HTMLElement, slideEl: HTMLElement) => void;
* Fired right after Swiper initialization.
* @note Note that with `swiper.on('init')` syntax it will
* work only in case you set `init: false` parameter.
* @example
* ```js
* const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', {
* init: false,
* // other parameters
* });
* swiper.on('init', function() {
* // do something
* });
* // init Swiper
* swiper.init();
* ```
* @example
* ```js
* // Otherwise use it as the parameter:
* const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', {
* // other parameters
* on: {
* init: function () {
* // do something
* },
* }
* });
* ```
onInit?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => any;
* Event will be fired right before Swiper destroyed
onBeforeDestroy?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when currently active slide is changed
onSlideChange?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired in the beginning of animation to other slide (next or previous).
onSlideChangeTransitionStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired after animation to other slide (next or previous).
onSlideChangeTransitionEnd?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Same as "slideChangeTransitionStart" but for "forward" direction only
onSlideNextTransitionStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Same as "slideChangeTransitionEnd" but for "forward" direction only
onSlideNextTransitionEnd?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Same as "slideChangeTransitionStart" but for "backward" direction only
onSlidePrevTransitionStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Same as "slideChangeTransitionEnd" but for "backward" direction only
onSlidePrevTransitionEnd?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired in the beginning of transition.
onTransitionStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired after transition.
onTransitionEnd?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when user touch Swiper. Receives `touchstart` event as an arguments.
onTouchStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired when user touch and move finger over Swiper. Receives `touchmove` event as an arguments.
onTouchMove?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired when user touch and move finger over Swiper in direction opposite to direction parameter. Receives `touchmove` event as an arguments.
onTouchMoveOpposite?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired when user touch and move finger over Swiper and move it. Receives `touchmove` event as an arguments.
onSliderMove?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired when user release Swiper. Receives `touchend` event as an arguments.
onTouchEnd?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired when user click/tap on Swiper. Receives `touchend` event as an arguments.
onClick?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired when user click/tap on Swiper. Receives `touchend` event as an arguments.
onTap?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired when user double tap on Swiper's container. Receives `touchend` event as an arguments
onDoubleTap?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired right after all inner images are loaded. updateOnImagesReady should be also enabled
onImagesReady?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when Swiper progress is changed, as an arguments it receives progress that is always from 0 to 1
onProgress?: (swiper: SwiperClass, progress: number) => void;
* Event will be fired when Swiper reach its beginning (initial position)
onReachBeginning?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when Swiper reach last slide
onReachEnd?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when Swiper goes to beginning or end position
onToEdge?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when Swiper goes from beginning or end position
onFromEdge?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when swiper's wrapper change its position. Receives current translate value as an arguments
onSetTranslate?: (swiper: SwiperClass, translate: number) => void;
* Event will be fired everytime when swiper starts animation. Receives current transition duration (in ms) as an arguments
onSetTransition?: (swiper: SwiperClass, transition: number) => void;
* Event will be fired on window resize right before swiper's onresize manipulation
onResize?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired if observer is enabled and it detects DOM mutations
onObserverUpdate?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired right before "loop fix"
onBeforeLoopFix?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired after "loop fix"
onLoopFix?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired on breakpoint change
onBreakpoint?: (swiper: SwiperClass, breakpointParams: SwiperOptions) => void;
* !INTERNAL: Event will fired right before breakpoint change
_beforeBreakpoint?: (swiper: SwiperClass, breakpointParams: SwiperOptions) => void;
* !INTERNAL: Event will fired after setting CSS classes on swiper container element
_containerClasses?: (swiper: SwiperClass, classNames: string) => void;
* !INTERNAL: Event will fired after setting CSS classes on swiper slide element
_slideClass?: (swiper: SwiperClass, slideEl: HTMLElement, classNames: string) => void;
* !INTERNAL: Event will fired after setting CSS classes on all swiper slides
_slideClasses?: (
swiper: SwiperClass,
slides: { slideEl: HTMLElement; classNames: string; index: number }[],
) => void;
* !INTERNAL: Event will fired as soon as swiper instance available (before init)
_swiper?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* !INTERNAL: Event will be fired on free mode touch end (release) and there will no be momentum
_freeModeNoMomentumRelease?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will fired on active index change
onActiveIndexChange?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will fired on snap index change
onSnapIndexChange?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will fired on real index change
onRealIndexChange?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will fired right after initialization
onAfterInit?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will fired right before initialization
onBeforeInit?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will fired before resize handler
onBeforeResize?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will fired before slide change transition start
onBeforeSlideChangeStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will fired before transition start
onBeforeTransitionStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass, speed: number, internal: any) => void; // what is internal?
* Event will fired on direction change
onChangeDirection?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when user double click/tap on Swiper
onDoubleClick?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired on swiper destroy
onDestroy?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired on momentum bounce
onMomentumBounce?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired on orientation change (e.g. landscape -> portrait)
onOrientationchange?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired in the beginning of animation of resetting slide to current one
onSlideResetTransitionStart?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired in the end of animation of resetting slide to current one
onSlideResetTransitionEnd?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired with first touch/drag move
onSliderFirstMove?: (swiper: SwiperClass, event: TouchEvent) => void;
* Event will be fired when number of slides has changed
onSlidesLengthChange?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when slides grid has changed
onSlidesGridLengthChange?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when snap grid has changed
onSnapGridLengthChange?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired after swiper.update() call
onUpdate?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when swiper is locked (when `watchOverflow` enabled)
onLock?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
* Event will be fired when swiper is unlocked (when `watchOverflow` enabled)
onUnlock?: (swiper: SwiperClass) => void;
interface SlideData {
isActive: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
isDuplicate: boolean;
isPrev: boolean;
isNext: boolean;
interface SwiperSlide {
* Slide tag
* @default 'div'
tag?: string;
* Enables additional wrapper required for zoom mode
* @default false
zoom?: boolean;
* Slide's index in slides array/collection
* @default false
virtualIndex?: number;
* Slide's child element or render function
* @default undefined
children?: React.ReactNode | ((slideData: SlideData) => React.ReactNode);
interface Swiper
extends Omit<
| 'onProgress'
| 'onClick'
| 'onTouchEnd'
| 'onTouchMove'
| 'onTouchStart'
| 'onTransitionEnd'
| 'onKeyPress'
| 'onDoubleClick'
| 'onScroll'
> {}
interface SwiperSlide extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> {}
declare const Swiper: React.FunctionComponent<Swiper>;
declare const SwiperSlide: React.VoidFunctionComponent<SwiperSlide>;
export { Swiper, SwiperSlide };