* Pass all compatible regions to perimeter generator * Simplify & unify fuzzify detection * Simplify `to_thick_polyline` * Group regions by fuzzy skin settings * Initial code structure of multi-regional fuzzy skin * Determine fuzzy type by all compatible regions * Add fuzzy region debug * Implement the line split algorithm * Do splitted fuzzy in classic mode * Disable debug macros * Fix infinit loop issue when segment points are out of order * Fix path connection * Implement splitted fuzzy in Arachne mode
339 lines
16 KiB
339 lines
16 KiB
#ifndef slic3r_Layer_hpp_
#define slic3r_Layer_hpp_
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
#include "Flow.hpp"
#include "SurfaceCollection.hpp"
#include "ExtrusionEntityCollection.hpp"
#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
class ExPolygon;
using ExPolygons = std::vector<ExPolygon>;
class Layer;
using LayerPtrs = std::vector<Layer*>;
class LayerRegion;
using LayerRegionPtrs = std::vector<LayerRegion*>;
class PrintRegion;
class PrintObject;
namespace FillAdaptive {
struct Octree;
namespace FillLightning {
class Generator;
class LayerRegion
Layer* layer() { return m_layer; }
const Layer* layer() const { return m_layer; }
const PrintRegion& region() const { return *m_region; }
const SurfaceCollection& get_slices() const { return slices; }
// collection of surfaces generated by slicing the original geometry
// divided by type top/bottom/internal
SurfaceCollection slices;
// Backed up slices before they are split into top/bottom/internal.
// Only backed up for multi-region layers or layers with elephant foot compensation.
//FIXME Review whether not to simplify the code by keeping the raw_slices all the time.
ExPolygons raw_slices;
// collection of extrusion paths/loops filling gaps
// These fills are generated by the perimeter generator.
// They are not printed on their own, but they are copied to this->fills during infill generation.
ExtrusionEntityCollection thin_fills;
// Unspecified fill polygons, used for overhang detection ("ensure vertical wall thickness feature")
// and for re-starting of infills.
ExPolygons fill_expolygons;
// collection of surfaces for infill generation
SurfaceCollection fill_surfaces;
// BBS: Unspecified fill polygons, used for interecting when we don't want the infill/perimeter overlap
ExPolygons fill_no_overlap_expolygons;
// collection of expolygons representing the bridged areas (thus not
// needing support material)
// Polygons bridged;
// collection of polylines representing the unsupported bridge edges
Polylines unsupported_bridge_edges;
// ordered collection of extrusion paths/loops to build all perimeters
// (this collection contains only ExtrusionEntityCollection objects)
ExtrusionEntityCollection perimeters;
// ordered collection of extrusion paths to fill surfaces
// (this collection contains only ExtrusionEntityCollection objects)
ExtrusionEntityCollection fills;
Flow flow(FlowRole role) const;
Flow flow(FlowRole role, double layer_height) const;
Flow bridging_flow(FlowRole role, bool thick_bridge = false) const;
void slices_to_fill_surfaces_clipped();
void prepare_fill_surfaces();
void make_perimeters(const SurfaceCollection &slices, const LayerRegionPtrs &compatible_regions, SurfaceCollection* fill_surfaces, ExPolygons* fill_no_overlap);
void process_external_surfaces(const Layer *lower_layer, const Polygons *lower_layer_covered);
double infill_area_threshold() const;
// Trim surfaces by trimming polygons. Used by the elephant foot compensation at the 1st layer.
void trim_surfaces(const Polygons &trimming_polygons);
// Single elephant foot compensation step, used by the elephant foor compensation at the 1st layer.
// Trim surfaces by trimming polygons (shrunk by an elephant foot compensation step), but don't shrink narrow parts so much that no perimeter would fit.
void elephant_foot_compensation_step(const float elephant_foot_compensation_perimeter_step, const Polygons &trimming_polygons);
void export_region_slices_to_svg(const char *path) const;
void export_region_fill_surfaces_to_svg(const char *path) const;
// Export to "out/LayerRegion-name-%d.svg" with an increasing index with every export.
void export_region_slices_to_svg_debug(const char *name) const;
void export_region_fill_surfaces_to_svg_debug(const char *name) const;
// Is there any valid extrusion assigned to this LayerRegion?
bool has_extrusions() const { return ! this->perimeters.entities.empty() || ! this->fills.entities.empty(); }
void simplify_infill_extrusion_entity() { simplify_entity_collection(&fills); }
void simplify_wall_extrusion_entity() { simplify_entity_collection(&perimeters); }
void simplify_entity_collection(ExtrusionEntityCollection* entity_collection);
void simplify_path(ExtrusionPath* path);
void simplify_multi_path(ExtrusionMultiPath* multipath);
void simplify_loop(ExtrusionLoop* loop);
friend class Layer;
friend class PrintObject;
LayerRegion(Layer *layer, const PrintRegion *region) : m_layer(layer), m_region(region) {}
~LayerRegion() {}
Layer *m_layer;
const PrintRegion *m_region;
class Layer
// Sequential index of this layer in PrintObject::m_layers, offsetted by the number of raft layers.
size_t id() const { return m_id; }
void set_id(size_t id) { m_id = id; }
PrintObject* object() { return m_object; }
const PrintObject* object() const { return m_object; }
Layer *upper_layer;
Layer *lower_layer;
bool slicing_errors;
coordf_t slice_z; // Z used for slicing in unscaled coordinates
coordf_t print_z; // Z used for printing in unscaled coordinates
coordf_t height; // layer height in unscaled coordinates
coordf_t bottom_z() const { return this->print_z - this->height; }
//Extrusions estimated to be seriously malformed, estimated during "Estimating curled extrusions" step. These lines should be avoided during fast travels.
CurledLines curled_lines;
// BBS
mutable ExPolygons sharp_tails;
mutable ExPolygons cantilevers;
mutable std::map<const ExPolygon*, float> sharp_tails_height;
// Collection of expolygons generated by slicing the possibly multiple meshes of the source geometry
// (with possibly differing extruder ID and slicing parameters) and merged.
// For the first layer, if the Elephant foot compensation is applied, this lslice is uncompensated, therefore
// it includes the Elephant foot effect, thus it corresponds to the shape of the printed 1st layer.
// These lslices aka islands are chained by the shortest traverse distance and this traversal
// order will be applied by the G-code generator to the extrusions fitting into these lslices.
// These lslices are also used to detect overhangs and overlaps between successive layers, therefore it is important
// that the 1st lslice is not compensated by the Elephant foot compensation algorithm.
ExPolygons lslices;
std::vector<BoundingBox> lslices_bboxes;
// BBS
ExPolygons loverhangs;
BoundingBox loverhangs_bbox;
size_t region_count() const { return m_regions.size(); }
const LayerRegion* get_region(int idx) const { return m_regions[idx]; }
LayerRegion* get_region(int idx) { return m_regions[idx]; }
LayerRegion* add_region(const PrintRegion *print_region);
const LayerRegionPtrs& regions() const { return m_regions; }
// Test whether whether there are any slices assigned to this layer.
bool empty() const;
void make_slices();
// Backup and restore raw sliced regions if needed.
//FIXME Review whether not to simplify the code by keeping the raw_slices all the time.
void backup_untyped_slices();
void restore_untyped_slices();
// To improve robustness of detect_surfaces_type() when reslicing (working with typed slices), see GH issue #7442.
void restore_untyped_slices_no_extra_perimeters();
// Slices merged into islands, to be used by the elephant foot compensation to trim the individual surfaces with the shrunk merged slices.
ExPolygons merged(float offset) const;
template <class T> bool any_internal_region_slice_contains(const T &item) const {
for (const LayerRegion *layerm : m_regions) if (layerm->slices.any_internal_contains(item)) return true;
return false;
template <class T> bool any_bottom_region_slice_contains(const T &item) const {
for (const LayerRegion *layerm : m_regions) if (layerm->slices.any_bottom_contains(item)) return true;
return false;
void make_perimeters();
// Phony version of make_fills() without parameters for Perl integration only.
void make_fills() { this->make_fills(nullptr, nullptr); }
void make_fills(FillAdaptive::Octree* adaptive_fill_octree, FillAdaptive::Octree* support_fill_octree, FillLightning::Generator* lightning_generator = nullptr);
Polylines generate_sparse_infill_polylines_for_anchoring(FillAdaptive::Octree *adaptive_fill_octree,
FillAdaptive::Octree *support_fill_octree,
FillLightning::Generator* lightning_generator) const;
void make_ironing();
void export_region_slices_to_svg(const char *path) const;
void export_region_fill_surfaces_to_svg(const char *path) const;
// Export to "out/LayerRegion-name-%d.svg" with an increasing index with every export.
void export_region_slices_to_svg_debug(const char *name) const;
void export_region_fill_surfaces_to_svg_debug(const char *name) const;
// Is there any valid extrusion assigned to this LayerRegion?
virtual bool has_extrusions() const { for (auto layerm : m_regions) if (layerm->has_extrusions()) return true; return false; }
void simplify_wall_extrusion_path() { for (auto layerm : m_regions) layerm->simplify_wall_extrusion_entity();}
void simplify_infill_extrusion_path() { for (auto layerm : m_regions) layerm->simplify_infill_extrusion_entity(); }
//BBS: this function calculate the maximum void grid area of sparse infill of this layer. Just estimated value
coordf_t get_sparse_infill_max_void_area();
// FN_HIGHER_EQUAL: the provided object pointer has a Z value >= of an internal threshold.
// Find the first item with Z value >= of an internal threshold of fn_higher_equal.
// If no vec item with Z value >= of an internal threshold of fn_higher_equal is found, return vec.size()
// If the initial idx is size_t(-1), then use binary search.
// Otherwise search linearly upwards.
template<typename IteratorType, typename IndexType, typename FN_HIGHER_EQUAL>
static IndexType idx_higher_or_equal(IteratorType begin, IteratorType end, IndexType idx, FN_HIGHER_EQUAL fn_higher_equal)
auto size = int(end - begin);
if (size == 0) {
idx = 0;
else if (idx == IndexType(-1)) {
// First of the batch of layers per thread pool invocation. Use binary search.
int idx_low = 0;
int idx_high = std::max(0, size - 1);
while (idx_low + 1 < idx_high) {
int idx_mid = (idx_low + idx_high) / 2;
if (fn_higher_equal(begin[idx_mid]))
idx_high = idx_mid;
idx_low = idx_mid;
idx = fn_higher_equal(begin[idx_low]) ? idx_low :
(fn_higher_equal(begin[idx_high]) ? idx_high : size);
else {
// For the other layers of this batch of layers, search incrementally, which is cheaper than the binary search.
while (int(idx) < size && !fn_higher_equal(begin[idx]))
return idx;
friend class PrintObject;
friend std::vector<Layer*> new_layers(PrintObject*, const std::vector<coordf_t>&);
friend std::string fix_slicing_errors(PrintObject* object, LayerPtrs&, const std::function<void()>&, int &);
Layer(size_t id, PrintObject *object, coordf_t height, coordf_t print_z, coordf_t slice_z) :
upper_layer(nullptr), lower_layer(nullptr), slicing_errors(false),
slice_z(slice_z), print_z(print_z), height(height),
m_id(id), m_object(object) {}
virtual ~Layer();
//BBS: method to simplify support path
void simplify_support_entity_collection(ExtrusionEntityCollection* entity_collection);
void simplify_support_path(ExtrusionPath* path);
void simplify_support_multi_path(ExtrusionMultiPath* multipath);
void simplify_support_loop(ExtrusionLoop* loop);
// Sequential index of layer, 0-based, offsetted by number of raft layers.
size_t m_id;
PrintObject *m_object;
LayerRegionPtrs m_regions;
enum SupportInnerType {
class SupportLayer : public Layer
// Polygons covered by the supports: base, interface and contact areas.
// Used to suppress retraction if moving for a support extrusion over these support_islands.
ExPolygons support_islands;
// Extrusion paths for the support base and for the support interface and contacts.
ExtrusionEntityCollection support_fills;
SupportInnerType support_type = stInnerNormal;
// for tree supports
ExPolygons base_areas;
ExPolygons overhang_areas;
// Is there any valid extrusion assigned to this LayerRegion?
virtual bool has_extrusions() const { return ! support_fills.empty(); }
// Zero based index of an interface layer, used for alternating direction of interface / contact layers.
size_t interface_id() const { return m_interface_id; }
void simplify_support_extrusion_path() { this->simplify_support_entity_collection(&support_fills); }
friend class PrintObject;
friend class TreeSupport;
// The constructor has been made public to be able to insert additional support layers for the skirt or a wipe tower
// between the raft and the object first layer.
SupportLayer(size_t id, size_t interface_id, PrintObject *object, coordf_t height, coordf_t print_z, coordf_t slice_z) :
Layer(id, object, height, print_z, slice_z), m_interface_id(interface_id), support_type(stInnerNormal) {}
virtual ~SupportLayer() = default;
size_t m_interface_id;
// for tree support
ExPolygons roof_areas;
ExPolygons roof_1st_layer; // the layer just below roof. When working with PolySupport, this layer should be printed with regular material
ExPolygons floor_areas;
ExPolygons roof_gap_areas; // the areas in the gap between support roof and overhang
enum AreaType { BaseType = 0, RoofType = 1, FloorType = 2, Roof1stLayer = 3 };
struct AreaGroup
ExPolygon *area;
int type;
coordf_t dist_to_top; // mm dist to top
bool need_infill = false;
bool need_extra_wall = false;
AreaGroup(ExPolygon *a, int t, coordf_t d) : area(a), type(t), dist_to_top(d) {}
enum OverhangType { Detected = 0, Enforced };
std::vector<AreaGroup> area_groups;
std::map<const ExPolygon *, OverhangType> overhang_types;
template<typename LayerContainer>
inline std::vector<float> zs_from_layers(const LayerContainer &layers)
std::vector<float> zs;
for (const Layer *l : layers)
return zs;
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const LayerRegion &layer_region);
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const LayerRegionPtrs &layer_regions);