463 lines
17 KiB
463 lines
17 KiB
#ifndef slic3r_GUI_DoubleSlider_hpp_
#define slic3r_GUI_DoubleSlider_hpp_
#include "libslic3r/CustomGCode.hpp"
#include "wxExtensions.hpp"
#include <wx/window.h>
#include <wx/control.h>
#include <wx/dc.h>
#include <wx/slider.h>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
class wxMenu;
namespace Slic3r {
using namespace CustomGCode;
class PrintObject;
class Layer;
namespace DoubleSlider {
/* For exporting GCode in GCodeWriter is used XYZF_NUM(val) = PRECISION(val, 3) for XYZ values.
* So, let use same value as a permissible error for layer height.
constexpr double epsilon() { return 0.0011; }
// return true when areas are mostly equivalent
bool equivalent_areas(const double& bottom_area, const double& top_area);
// return true if color change was detected
bool check_color_change(PrintObject* object, size_t frst_layer_id, size_t layers_cnt, bool check_overhangs,
// what to do with detected color change
// and return true when detection have to be desturbed
std::function<bool(Layer*)> break_condition);
// custom message the slider sends to its parent to notify a tick-change:
enum SelectedSlider {
enum FocusedItem {
enum ConflictType
enum MouseAction
maAddMenu, // show "Add" context menu for NOTexist active tick
maEditMenu, // show "Edit" context menu for exist active tick
maCogIconMenu, // show context for "cog" icon
maForceColorEdit, // force color editing from colored band
maAddTick, // force tick adding
maDeleteTick, // force tick deleting
maCogIconClick, // LeftMouseClick on "cog" icon
maOneLayerIconClick, // LeftMouseClick on "one_layer" icon
maRevertIconClick, // LeftMouseClick on "revert" icon
enum DrawMode
enum LabelType
struct TickCode
bool operator<(const TickCode& other) const { return other.tick > this->tick; }
bool operator>(const TickCode& other) const { return other.tick < this->tick; }
int tick = 0;
Type type = ColorChange;
int extruder = 0;
std::string color;
std::string extra;
class TickCodeInfo
std::string custom_gcode;
std::string pause_print_msg;
bool m_suppress_plus = false;
bool m_suppress_minus = false;
bool m_use_default_colors= false;
int m_default_color_idx = 0;
std::vector<std::string>* m_colors {nullptr};
std::string get_color_for_tick(TickCode tick, Type type, const int extruder);
std::set<TickCode> ticks {};
Mode mode = Undef;
bool empty() const { return ticks.empty(); }
void set_pause_print_msg(const std::string& message) { pause_print_msg = message; }
bool add_tick(const int tick, Type type, int extruder, double print_z);
bool edit_tick(std::set<TickCode>::iterator it, double print_z);
void switch_code(Type type_from, Type type_to);
bool switch_code_for_tick(std::set<TickCode>::iterator it, Type type_to, const int extruder);
void erase_all_ticks_with_code(Type type);
bool has_tick_with_code(Type type);
bool has_tick(int tick);
ConflictType is_conflict_tick(const TickCode& tick, Mode out_mode, int only_extruder, double print_z);
// Get used extruders for tick.
// Means all extruders(tools) which will be used during printing from current tick to the end
std::set<int> get_used_extruders_for_tick(int tick, int only_extruder, double print_z, Mode force_mode = Undef) const;
void suppress_plus (bool suppress) { m_suppress_plus = suppress; }
void suppress_minus(bool suppress) { m_suppress_minus = suppress; }
bool suppressed_plus () { return m_suppress_plus; }
bool suppressed_minus() { return m_suppress_minus; }
void set_default_colors(bool default_colors_on) { m_use_default_colors = default_colors_on; }
void set_extruder_colors(std::vector<std::string>* extruder_colors) { m_colors = extruder_colors; }
struct ExtrudersSequence
bool is_mm_intervals = true;
double interval_by_mm = 3.0;
int interval_by_layers = 10;
bool random_sequence { false };
bool color_repetition { false };
std::vector<size_t> extruders = { 0 };
bool operator==(const ExtrudersSequence& other) const
return (other.is_mm_intervals == this->is_mm_intervals ) &&
(other.interval_by_mm == this->interval_by_mm ) &&
(other.interval_by_layers == this->interval_by_layers ) &&
(other.random_sequence == this->random_sequence ) &&
(other.color_repetition == this->color_repetition ) &&
(other.extruders == this->extruders ) ;
bool operator!=(const ExtrudersSequence& other) const
return (other.is_mm_intervals != this->is_mm_intervals ) ||
(other.interval_by_mm != this->interval_by_mm ) ||
(other.interval_by_layers != this->interval_by_layers ) ||
(other.random_sequence != this->random_sequence ) ||
(other.color_repetition != this->color_repetition ) ||
(other.extruders != this->extruders ) ;
void add_extruder(size_t pos, size_t extruder_id = size_t(0))
extruders.insert(extruders.begin() + pos+1, extruder_id);
void delete_extruder(size_t pos)
if (extruders.size() == 1)
return;// last item can't be deleted
extruders.erase(extruders.begin() + pos);
void init(size_t extruders_count)
for (size_t extruder = 0; extruder < extruders_count; extruder++)
class Control : public wxControl
wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
int lowerValue,
int higherValue,
int minValue,
int maxValue,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxSL_VERTICAL,
const wxValidator& val = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxEmptyString);
~Control() {}
void msw_rescale();
void sys_color_changed();
int GetMinValue() const { return m_min_value; }
int GetMaxValue() const { return m_max_value; }
double GetMinValueD() { return m_values.empty() ? 0. : m_values[m_min_value]; }
double GetMaxValueD() { return m_values.empty() ? 0. : m_values[m_max_value]; }
int GetLowerValue() const { return m_lower_value; }
int GetHigherValue() const { return m_higher_value; }
int GetActiveValue() const;
double GetLowerValueD() { return get_double_value(ssLower); }
double GetHigherValueD() { return get_double_value(ssHigher); }
wxSize DoGetBestSize() const override;
wxSize get_min_size() const ;
// Set low and high slider position. If the span is non-empty, disable the "one layer" mode.
void SetLowerValue (const int lower_val);
void SetHigherValue(const int higher_val);
void SetSelectionSpan(const int lower_val, const int higher_val);
void SetMaxValue(const int max_value);
void SetKoefForLabels(const double koef) { m_label_koef = koef; }
void SetSliderValues(const std::vector<double>& values);
void ChangeOneLayerLock();
void SetSliderAlternateValues(const std::vector<double>& values) { m_alternate_values = values; }
Info GetTicksValues() const;
void SetTicksValues(const Info &custom_gcode_per_print_z);
void SetLayersTimes(const std::vector<float>& layers_times, float total_time);
void SetLayersTimes(const std::vector<double>& layers_times);
void SetDrawMode(bool is_sla_print, bool is_sequential_print);
void SetDrawMode(DrawMode mode) { m_draw_mode = mode; }
void SetManipulationMode(Mode mode) { m_mode = mode; }
Mode GetManipulationMode() const { return m_mode; }
void SetModeAndOnlyExtruder(const bool is_one_extruder_printed_model, const int only_extruder);
void SetExtruderColors(const std::vector<std::string>& extruder_colors);
bool IsNewPrint();
void set_render_as_disabled(bool value) { m_render_as_disabled = value; }
bool is_rendering_as_disabled() const { return m_render_as_disabled; }
bool is_horizontal() const { return m_style == wxSL_HORIZONTAL; }
bool is_one_layer() const { return m_is_one_layer; }
bool is_lower_at_min() const { return m_lower_value == m_min_value; }
bool is_higher_at_max() const { return m_higher_value == m_max_value; }
bool is_full_span() const { return this->is_lower_at_min() && this->is_higher_at_max(); }
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& ) { render(); }
void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnEnterWin(wxMouseEvent& event) { enter_window(event, true); }
void OnLeaveWin(wxMouseEvent& event) { enter_window(event, false); }
void UseDefaultColors(bool def_colors_on) { m_ticks.set_default_colors(def_colors_on); }
void OnWheel(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event);
void OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent &event);
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent &event);
void OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnRightUp(wxMouseEvent& event);
void add_code_as_tick(Type type, int selected_extruder = -1);
// add default action for tick, when press "+"
void add_current_tick(bool call_from_keyboard = false);
// delete current tick, when press "-"
void delete_current_tick();
void edit_tick(int tick = -1);
void switch_one_layer_mode();
void discard_all_thicks();
void move_current_thumb_to_pos(wxPoint pos);
void edit_extruder_sequence();
void jump_to_value();
void enable_action_icon(bool enable) { m_enable_action_icon = enable; }
void show_add_context_menu();
void show_edit_context_menu();
void show_cog_icon_context_menu();
void auto_color_change();
ExtrudersSequence m_extruders_sequence;
void render();
void draw_focus_rect();
void draw_action_icon(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint pt_beg, const wxPoint pt_end);
void draw_scroll_line(wxDC& dc, const int lower_pos, const int higher_pos);
void draw_thumb(wxDC& dc, const wxCoord& pos_coord, const SelectedSlider& selection);
void draw_thumbs(wxDC& dc, const wxCoord& lower_pos, const wxCoord& higher_pos);
void draw_ticks_pair(wxDC& dc, wxCoord pos, wxCoord mid, int tick_len);
void draw_ticks(wxDC& dc);
void draw_colored_band(wxDC& dc);
void draw_ruler(wxDC& dc);
void draw_one_layer_icon(wxDC& dc);
void draw_revert_icon(wxDC& dc);
void draw_cog_icon(wxDC &dc);
void draw_thumb_item(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, const SelectedSlider& selection);
void draw_info_line_with_icon(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, SelectedSlider selection);
void draw_tick_on_mouse_position(wxDC &dc);
void draw_tick_text(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, int tick, LabelType label_type = ltHeight, bool right_side = true) const;
void draw_thumb_text(wxDC& dc, const wxPoint& pos, const SelectedSlider& selection) const;
void update_thumb_rect(const wxCoord begin_x, const wxCoord begin_y, const SelectedSlider& selection);
bool is_lower_thumb_editable();
bool detect_selected_slider(const wxPoint& pt);
void correct_lower_value();
void correct_higher_value();
void move_current_thumb(const bool condition);
void enter_window(wxMouseEvent& event, const bool enter);
bool is_wipe_tower_layer(int tick) const;
bool is_point_in_rect(const wxPoint& pt, const wxRect& rect);
int get_tick_near_point(const wxPoint& pt);
double get_scroll_step();
wxString get_label(int tick, LabelType label_type = ltHeightWithLayer) const;
void get_lower_and_higher_position(int& lower_pos, int& higher_pos);
int get_value_from_position(const wxCoord x, const wxCoord y);
int get_value_from_position(const wxPoint pos) { return get_value_from_position(pos.x, pos.y); }
wxCoord get_position_from_value(const int value);
wxSize get_size() const;
void get_size(int* w, int* h) const;
double get_double_value(const SelectedSlider& selection);
int get_tick_from_value(double value, bool force_lower_bound = false);
wxString get_tooltip(int tick = -1);
int get_edited_tick_for_position(wxPoint pos, Type type = ColorChange);
std::string get_color_for_tool_change_tick(std::set<TickCode>::const_iterator it) const;
std::string get_color_for_color_change_tick(std::set<TickCode>::const_iterator it) const;
wxRect get_colored_band_rect();
// Get active extruders for tick.
// Means one current extruder for not existing tick OR
// 2 extruders - for existing tick (extruder before ToolChangeCode and extruder of current existing tick)
// Use those values to disable selection of active extruders
std::array<int, 2> get_active_extruders_for_tick(int tick) const;
void post_ticks_changed_event(Type type = Custom);
bool check_ticks_changed_event(Type type);
void append_change_extruder_menu_item (wxMenu*, bool switch_current_code = false);
void append_add_color_change_menu_item(wxMenu*, bool switch_current_code = false);
bool is_osx { false };
wxFont m_font;
int m_min_value;
int m_max_value;
int m_lower_value;
int m_higher_value;
bool m_render_as_disabled{ false };
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_thumb_higher;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_thumb_lower;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_add_tick_on;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_add_tick_off;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_del_tick_on;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_del_tick_off;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_one_layer_lock_on;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_one_layer_lock_off;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_on;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_one_layer_unlock_off;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_revert;
ScalableBitmap m_bmp_cog;
SelectedSlider m_selection;
bool m_is_left_down = false;
bool m_is_right_down = false;
bool m_is_one_layer = false;
bool m_is_focused = false;
bool m_force_mode_apply = true;
bool m_enable_action_icon = true;
bool m_is_wipe_tower = false; //This flag indicates that there is multiple extruder print with wipe tower
DrawMode m_draw_mode = dmRegular;
Mode m_mode = SingleExtruder;
int m_only_extruder = -1;
MouseAction m_mouse = maNone;
FocusedItem m_focus = fiNone;
wxPoint m_moving_pos = wxDefaultPosition;
wxRect m_rect_lower_thumb;
wxRect m_rect_higher_thumb;
wxRect m_rect_tick_action;
wxRect m_rect_one_layer_icon;
wxRect m_rect_revert_icon;
wxRect m_rect_cog_icon;
wxSize m_thumb_size;
int m_tick_icon_dim;
int m_lock_icon_dim;
int m_revert_icon_dim;
int m_cog_icon_dim;
long m_style;
long m_extra_style;
float m_label_koef{ 1.0 };
std::vector<double> m_values;
TickCodeInfo m_ticks;
std::vector<double> m_layers_times;
std::vector<double> m_layers_values;
std::vector<std::string> m_extruder_colors;
std::string m_print_obj_idxs;
std::vector<double> m_alternate_values;
// control's view variables
wxCoord SLIDER_MARGIN; // margin around slider
std::vector<wxPen*> m_line_pens;
std::vector<wxPen*> m_segm_pens;
struct Ruler {
double long_step;
double short_step;
std::vector<double> max_values;// max value for each object/instance in sequence print
// > 1 for sequential print
void init(const std::vector<double>& values);
void update(wxWindow* win, const std::vector<double>& values, double scroll_step);
bool is_ok() { return long_step > 0 && short_step > 0; }
size_t count() { return max_values.size(); }
} m_ruler;
} // DoubleSlider;
} // Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_GUI_DoubleSlider_hpp_