bubnikv 8f04f5d5f6 Don't adjust width of infill. It produces dangerously wide fills.
If the infill flow adjustment is enabled, report cases,
where the infill flow grows over the limits.
Make the internal bridging infill 50% sparse.
2016-09-26 13:38:37 +02:00

303 lines
12 KiB

package Slic3r::Fill;
use Moo;
use List::Util qw(max);
use Slic3r::ExtrusionPath ':roles';
use Slic3r::Fill::3DHoneycomb;
use Slic3r::Fill::Base;
use Slic3r::Fill::Concentric;
use Slic3r::Fill::Honeycomb;
use Slic3r::Fill::PlanePath;
use Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear;
use Slic3r::Flow ':roles';
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y PI scale chained_path deg2rad);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union union_ex diff diff_ex intersection_ex offset offset2);
use Slic3r::Surface ':types';
has 'bounding_box' => (is => 'ro', required => 0);
has 'fillers' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
our %FillTypes = (
archimedeanchords => 'Slic3r::Fill::ArchimedeanChords',
rectilinear => 'Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear',
grid => 'Slic3r::Fill::Grid',
flowsnake => 'Slic3r::Fill::Flowsnake',
octagramspiral => 'Slic3r::Fill::OctagramSpiral',
hilbertcurve => 'Slic3r::Fill::HilbertCurve',
line => 'Slic3r::Fill::Line',
concentric => 'Slic3r::Fill::Concentric',
honeycomb => 'Slic3r::Fill::Honeycomb',
'3dhoneycomb' => 'Slic3r::Fill::3DHoneycomb',
sub filler {
my $self = shift;
my ($filler) = @_;
if (!ref $self) {
return $FillTypes{$filler}->new;
$self->fillers->{$filler} ||= $FillTypes{$filler}->new(
bounding_box => $self->bounding_box,
return $self->fillers->{$filler};
sub make_fill {
my $self = shift;
my ($layerm) = @_;
Slic3r::debugf "Filling layer %d:\n", $layerm->layer->id;
my $fill_density = $layerm->region->config->fill_density;
my $infill_flow = $layerm->flow(FLOW_ROLE_INFILL);
my $solid_infill_flow = $layerm->flow(FLOW_ROLE_SOLID_INFILL);
my $top_solid_infill_flow = $layerm->flow(FLOW_ROLE_TOP_SOLID_INFILL);
my @surfaces = ();
# merge adjacent surfaces
# in case of bridge surfaces, the ones with defined angle will be attached to the ones
# without any angle (shouldn't this logic be moved to process_external_surfaces()?)
my @surfaces_with_bridge_angle = grep { $_->bridge_angle >= 0 } @{$layerm->fill_surfaces};
# group surfaces by distinct properties
my @groups = @{$layerm->fill_surfaces->group};
# merge compatible groups (we can generate continuous infill for them)
# cache flow widths and patterns used for all solid groups
# (we'll use them for comparing compatible groups)
my @is_solid = my @fw = my @pattern = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#groups; $i++) {
# we can only merge solid non-bridge surfaces, so discard
# non-solid surfaces
if ($groups[$i][0]->is_solid && (!$groups[$i][0]->is_bridge || $layerm->layer->id == 0)) {
$is_solid[$i] = 1;
$fw[$i] = ($groups[$i][0]->surface_type == S_TYPE_TOP)
? $top_solid_infill_flow->width
: $solid_infill_flow->width;
$pattern[$i] = $groups[$i][0]->is_external
? $layerm->region->config->external_fill_pattern
: 'rectilinear';
} else {
$is_solid[$i] = 0;
$fw[$i] = 0;
$pattern[$i] = 'none';
# loop through solid groups
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#groups; $i++) {
next if !$is_solid[$i];
# find compatible groups and append them to this one
for (my $j = $i+1; $j <= $#groups; $j++) {
next if !$is_solid[$j];
if ($fw[$i] == $fw[$j] && $pattern[$i] eq $pattern[$j]) {
# groups are compatible, merge them
push @{$groups[$i]}, @{$groups[$j]};
splice @groups, $j, 1;
splice @is_solid, $j, 1;
splice @fw, $j, 1;
splice @pattern, $j, 1;
# give priority to bridges
@groups = sort { ($a->[0]->bridge_angle >= 0) ? -1 : 0 } @groups;
foreach my $group (@groups) {
my $union_p = union([ map $_->p, @$group ], 1);
# subtract surfaces having a defined bridge_angle from any other
if (@surfaces_with_bridge_angle && $group->[0]->bridge_angle < 0) {
$union_p = diff(
[ map $_->p, @surfaces_with_bridge_angle ],
# subtract any other surface already processed
my $union = diff_ex(
[ map $_->p, @surfaces ],
push @surfaces, map $group->[0]->clone(expolygon => $_), @$union;
# we need to detect any narrow surfaces that might collapse
# when adding spacing below
# such narrow surfaces are often generated in sloping walls
# by bridge_over_infill() and combine_infill() as a result of the
# subtraction of the combinable area from the layer infill area,
# which leaves small areas near the perimeters
# we are going to grow such regions by overlapping them with the void (if any)
# TODO: detect and investigate whether there could be narrow regions without
# any void neighbors
my $distance_between_surfaces = max(
my $collapsed = diff(
[ map @{$_->expolygon}, @surfaces ],
offset2([ map @{$_->expolygon}, @surfaces ], -$distance_between_surfaces/2, +$distance_between_surfaces/2),
push @surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->new(
expolygon => $_,
surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNALSOLID,
), @{intersection_ex(
offset($collapsed, $distance_between_surfaces),
(map @{$_->expolygon}, grep $_->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNALVOID, @surfaces),
if (0) {
require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
Slic3r::SVG::output("fill_" . $layerm->print_z . ".svg",
expolygons => [ map $_->expolygon, grep !$_->is_solid, @surfaces ],
red_expolygons => [ map $_->expolygon, grep $_->is_solid, @surfaces ],
my @fills = ();
SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@surfaces) {
next if $surface->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNALVOID;
my $filler = $layerm->region->config->fill_pattern;
my $density = $fill_density;
my $role = ($surface->surface_type == S_TYPE_TOP) ? FLOW_ROLE_TOP_SOLID_INFILL
: $surface->is_solid ? FLOW_ROLE_SOLID_INFILL
my $is_bridge = $layerm->layer->id > 0 && $surface->is_bridge;
my $is_solid = $surface->is_solid;
if ($surface->is_solid) {
$density = 100;
$filler = 'rectilinear';
if ($surface->is_external && !$is_bridge) {
$filler = $layerm->region->config->external_fill_pattern;
} else {
next SURFACE unless $density > 0;
# get filler object
my $f = $self->filler($filler);
# calculate the actual flow we'll be using for this infill
my $h = $surface->thickness == -1 ? $layerm->layer->height : $surface->thickness;
my $flow = $layerm->region->flow(
$is_bridge || $f->use_bridge_flow,
$layerm->layer->id == 0,
# calculate flow spacing for infill pattern generation
my $using_internal_flow = 0;
if (!$is_solid && !$is_bridge) {
# it's internal infill, so we can calculate a generic flow spacing
# for all layers, for avoiding the ugly effect of
# misaligned infill on first layer because of different extrusion width and
# layer height
my $internal_flow = $layerm->region->flow(
$layerm->layer->object->config->layer_height, # TODO: handle infill_every_layers?
0, # no bridge
0, # no first layer
-1, # auto width
$using_internal_flow = 1;
} elsif ($surface->surface_type == S_TYPE_INTERNALBRIDGE) {
# The internal bridging layer will be sparse.
$f->spacing($flow->spacing * 2.);
} else {
my $old_spacing = $f->spacing;
$f->loop_clipping(scale($flow->nozzle_diameter) * &Slic3r::LOOP_CLIPPING_LENGTH_OVER_NOZZLE_DIAMETER);
# apply half spacing using this flow's own spacing and generate infill
my @polylines = map $f->fill_surface(
density => $density/100,
layer_height => $h,
dont_adjust => 1,
), @{ $surface->offset(-scale($f->spacing)/2) };
next unless @polylines;
# calculate actual flow from spacing (which might have been adjusted by the infill
# pattern generator)
if ($using_internal_flow) {
# if we used the internal flow we're not doing a solid infill
# so we can safely ignore the slight variation that might have
# been applied to $f->flow_spacing
} else {
if (abs($old_spacing - $f->spacing) > 0.3 * $old_spacing) {
print "Infill: Extreme spacing adjustment, from: ", $old_spacing, " to: ", $f->spacing, "\n";
$flow = Slic3r::Flow->new_from_spacing(
spacing => $f->spacing,
nozzle_diameter => $flow->nozzle_diameter,
layer_height => $h,
bridge => $is_bridge || $f->use_bridge_flow,
my $mm3_per_mm = $flow->mm3_per_mm;
# save into layer
my $role = $is_bridge ? EXTR_ROLE_BRIDGE
: $is_solid ? (($surface->surface_type == S_TYPE_TOP) ? EXTR_ROLE_TOPSOLIDFILL : EXTR_ROLE_SOLIDFILL)
push @fills, my $collection = Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection->new;
map Slic3r::ExtrusionPath->new(
polyline => $_,
role => $role,
mm3_per_mm => $mm3_per_mm,
width => $flow->width,
height => $flow->height,
), @polylines,
# add thin fill regions
foreach my $thin_fill (@{$layerm->thin_fills}) {
push @fills, Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection->new($thin_fill);
return @fills;