141 lines
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141 lines
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package Slic3r::Perimeter;
use Moo;
use Math::Clipper ':all';
use Math::Geometry::Planar;
*Math::Geometry::Planar::OffsetPolygon = *Math::Geometry::Planar::Offset::OffsetPolygon;
use XXX;
use constant X => 0;
use constant Y => 1;
sub make_perimeter {
my $self = shift;
my ($layer) = @_;
printf "Making perimeter for layer %d:\n", $layer->id;
# at least one perimeter is required
die "Can't extrude object without any perimeter!\n"
if $Slic3r::perimeter_offsets == 0;
my (@perimeters, %contours, %holes) = ();
foreach my $surface (@{ $layer->surfaces }) {
$contours{$surface} = [];
$holes{$surface} = [];
# first perimeter
my $polygon = $surface->clipper_polygon;
my ($contour_p, @holes_p) = ($polygon->{outer}, @{$polygon->{holes}});
push @{ $contours{$surface} }, $contour_p;
push @{ $holes{$surface} }, @holes_p;
push @perimeters, $polygon;
# create other offsets
for (my $loop = 1; $loop < $Slic3r::perimeter_offsets; $loop++) {
# offsetting a polygon can result in one or many offset polygons
my @offsets = $self->offset_polygon($perimeters[-1]);
foreach my $offset_polygon (@offsets) {
my ($contour_p, @holes_p) = ($offset_polygon->{outer}, @{$offset_polygon->{holes}});
push @{ $contours{$surface} }, $contour_p;
push @{ $holes{$surface} }, @holes_p;
push @perimeters, $offset_polygon;
# create one more offset to be used as boundary for fill
push @{ $layer->fill_surfaces }, Slic3r::Surface::Collection->new(
surfaces => [
map Slic3r::Surface->new(
surface_type => $surface->surface_type,
contour => Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->cast($_->{outer}),
holes => [
map Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->cast($_), @{$_->{holes}}
), $self->offset_polygon($perimeters[-1]),
# generate paths for holes:
# we start from innermost loops (that is, external ones), do them
# for all holes, than go on with inner loop and do that for all
# holes and so on;
# then we generate paths for contours:
# this time we do something different: we do contour loops for one
# shape (that is, one original surface) at a time: we start from the
# innermost loop (that is, internal one), then without interrupting
# our path we go onto the outer loop and continue; this should ensure
# good surface quality
foreach my $p (map @$_, values %holes, values %contours) {
push @{ $layer->perimeters }, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->cast($p);
# generate skirt on bottom layer
if ($layer->id == 0 && $Slic3r::skirts > 0) {
# find out convex hull
my $points = [ map { @{ $_->mgp_polygon->polygons->[0] } } @{ $layer->surfaces } ];
my $convex_hull = $self->_mgp_from_points_ref($points)->convexhull2; # maybe Math::ConvexHull is faster?
my $convex_hull_points = ref $convex_hull eq 'ARRAY' ? $convex_hull : $convex_hull->points;
# draw outlines from outside to inside
for (my $i = $Slic3r::skirts - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
my $distance = ($Slic3r::skirt_distance + ($Slic3r::flow_width * $i)) / $Slic3r::resolution;
my $outline = offset([$convex_hull_points], $distance, 0.1, JT_ROUND);
push @{ $layer->skirts }, Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop->cast([ @{$outline->[0]} ]);
sub offset_polygon {
my $self = shift;
my ($polygon) = @_;
my $distance = $Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::resolution;
# $polygon holds a Math::Clipper ExPolygon hashref representing
# a polygon and its holes
my ($contour_p, @holes_p) = ($polygon->{outer}, @{$polygon->{holes}});
# generate offsets
my $offsets = offset([ $contour_p, @holes_p ], -$distance, 100, JT_MITER, 2);
# defensive programming
my (@contour_offsets, @hole_offsets) = ();
for (@$offsets) {
if (is_counter_clockwise($_)) {
push @contour_offsets, $_;
} else {
push @hole_offsets, $_;
# apply all holes to all contours;
# this is improper, but Math::Clipper handles it
return map {{
outer => $_,
holes => [ @hole_offsets ],
}} @contour_offsets;
sub _mgp_from_points_ref {
my $self = shift;
my ($points) = @_;
my $p = Math::Geometry::Planar->new;
return $p;
sub _mgp_from_polygons_ref {
my $self = shift;
my ($polygons) = @_;
my $p = Math::Geometry::Planar->new;
return $p;