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69 lines
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package Slic3r::ExtrusionPath;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Polyline';
use constant PI => 4 * atan2(1, 1);
sub clip_end {
my $self = shift;
my ($distance) = @_;
while ($distance > 0) {
my $last_point = pop @{$self->points};
my $last_segment_length = $last_point->distance_to($self->points->[-1]);
if ($last_segment_length <= $distance) {
$distance -= $last_segment_length;
my $new_point = Slic3r::Geometry::point_along_segment($last_point, $self->points->[-1], $distance);
push @{$self->points}, Slic3r::Point->new($new_point);
$distance = 0;
sub endpoints {
my $self = shift;
return ($self->points->[0], $self->points->[-1]);
sub reverse {
my $self = shift;
@{$self->points} = reverse @{$self->points};
sub split_at_acute_angles {
my $self = shift;
# calculate angle limit
my $angle_limit = abs(Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad(40));
my @points = @{$self->p};
my @paths = ();
# take first two points
my @p = splice @points, 0, 2;
# loop until we have one spare point
while (my $p3 = shift @points) {
my $angle = abs(Slic3r::Geometry::angle3points($p[-1], $p[-2], $p3));
$angle = 2*PI - $angle if $angle > PI;
if ($angle < $angle_limit) {
# if the angle between $p[-2], $p[-1], $p3 is too acute
# then consider $p3 only as a starting point of a new
# path and stop the current one as it is
push @paths, (ref $self)->cast([@p]);
@p = ($p3);
push @p, grep $_, shift @points or last;
} else {
push @p, $p3;
push @paths, (ref $self)->cast([@p]) if @p > 1;
return @paths;