Lukas Matena 4c80d9ed01 Fix taking entering/leaving snapshots in SLA gizmo:
This was broken between 2.2.0 and 2.3.0. The 'entering' snapshot
should be taken before the gizmo opens, not after. Otherwise it is
in fact the same as the next snapshot.
2021-09-03 13:53:07 +02:00

154 lines
5.4 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_GLGizmoSlaSupports_hpp_
#define slic3r_GLGizmoSlaSupports_hpp_
#include "GLGizmoBase.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GLSelectionRectangle.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/SupportPoint.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/ObjectID.hpp"
#include <wx/dialog.h>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
class ConfigOption;
namespace GUI {
enum class SLAGizmoEventType : unsigned char;
class GLGizmoSlaSupports : public GLGizmoBase
bool unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, std::pair<Vec3f, Vec3f>& pos_and_normal);
const float RenderPointScale = 1.f;
class CacheEntry {
CacheEntry() :
support_point(sla::SupportPoint()), selected(false), normal(Vec3f::Zero()) {}
CacheEntry(const sla::SupportPoint& point, bool sel = false, const Vec3f& norm = Vec3f::Zero()) :
support_point(point), selected(sel), normal(norm) {}
bool operator==(const CacheEntry& rhs) const {
return (support_point == rhs.support_point);
bool operator!=(const CacheEntry& rhs) const {
return ! ((*this) == rhs);
sla::SupportPoint support_point;
bool selected; // whether the point is selected
Vec3f normal;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar)
ar(support_point, selected, normal);
GLGizmoSlaSupports(GLCanvas3D& parent, const std::string& icon_filename, unsigned int sprite_id);
virtual ~GLGizmoSlaSupports() = default;
void set_sla_support_data(ModelObject* model_object, const Selection& selection);
bool gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mouse_position, bool shift_down, bool alt_down, bool control_down);
void delete_selected_points(bool force = false);
//ClippingPlane get_sla_clipping_plane() const;
bool is_in_editing_mode() const { return m_editing_mode; }
bool is_selection_rectangle_dragging() const { return m_selection_rectangle.is_dragging(); }
bool has_backend_supports() const;
void reslice_SLA_supports(bool postpone_error_messages = false) const;
bool wants_enter_leave_snapshots() const override { return true; }
bool on_init() override;
void on_update(const UpdateData& data) override;
void on_render() override;
void on_render_for_picking() override;
void render_points(const Selection& selection, bool picking = false) const;
bool unsaved_changes() const;
bool m_lock_unique_islands = false;
bool m_editing_mode = false; // Is editing mode active?
float m_new_point_head_diameter; // Size of a new point.
CacheEntry m_point_before_drag; // undo/redo - so we know what state was edited
float m_old_point_head_diameter = 0.; // the same
float m_minimal_point_distance_stash = 0.f; // and again
float m_density_stash = 0.f; // and again
mutable std::vector<CacheEntry> m_editing_cache; // a support point and whether it is currently selected
std::vector<sla::SupportPoint> m_normal_cache; // to restore after discarding changes or undo/redo
ObjectID m_old_mo_id;
// This map holds all translated description texts, so they can be easily referenced during layout calculations
// etc. When language changes, GUI is recreated and this class constructed again, so the change takes effect.
std::map<std::string, wxString> m_desc;
GLSelectionRectangle m_selection_rectangle;
bool m_wait_for_up_event = false;
bool m_selection_empty = true;
EState m_old_state = Off; // to be able to see that the gizmo has just been closed (see on_set_state)
std::vector<const ConfigOption*> get_config_options(const std::vector<std::string>& keys) const;
bool is_mesh_point_clipped(const Vec3d& point) const;
bool is_point_in_hole(const Vec3f& pt) const;
//void find_intersecting_facets(const igl::AABB<Eigen::MatrixXf, 3>* aabb, const Vec3f& normal, double offset, std::vector<unsigned int>& out) const;
// Methods that do the model_object and editing cache synchronization,
// editing mode selection, etc:
enum {
AllPoints = -2,
void select_point(int i);
void unselect_point(int i);
void editing_mode_apply_changes();
void editing_mode_discard_changes();
void reload_cache();
void get_data_from_backend();
void auto_generate();
void switch_to_editing_mode();
void disable_editing_mode();
void ask_about_changes_call_after(std::function<void()> on_yes, std::function<void()> on_no);
void on_set_state() override;
void on_set_hover_id() override
if (! m_editing_mode || (int)m_editing_cache.size() <= m_hover_id)
m_hover_id = -1;
void on_start_dragging() override;
void on_stop_dragging() override;
void on_render_input_window(float x, float y, float bottom_limit) override;
std::string on_get_name() const override;
bool on_is_activable() const override;
bool on_is_selectable() const override;
virtual CommonGizmosDataID on_get_requirements() const override;
void on_load(cereal::BinaryInputArchive& ar) override;
void on_save(cereal::BinaryOutputArchive& ar) const override;
class SlaGizmoHelpDialog : public wxDialog
} // namespace GUI
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_GLGizmoSlaSupports_hpp_