2519 lines
125 KiB
2519 lines
125 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <numeric>
#include "../ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "../EdgeGrid.hpp"
#include "../Geometry.hpp"
#include "../Geometry/Circle.hpp"
#include "../Point.hpp"
#include "../PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "../Surface.hpp"
#include "../libslic3r.h"
#include "FillBase.hpp"
#include "FillConcentric.hpp"
#include "FillHoneycomb.hpp"
#include "Fill3DHoneycomb.hpp"
#include "FillGyroid.hpp"
#include "FillPlanePath.hpp"
#include "FillLine.hpp"
#include "FillRectilinear.hpp"
#include "FillAdaptive.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
Fill* Fill::new_from_type(const InfillPattern type)
switch (type) {
case ipConcentric: return new FillConcentric();
case ipHoneycomb: return new FillHoneycomb();
case ip3DHoneycomb: return new Fill3DHoneycomb();
case ipGyroid: return new FillGyroid();
case ipRectilinear: return new FillRectilinear();
case ipAlignedRectilinear: return new FillAlignedRectilinear();
case ipMonotonic: return new FillMonotonic();
case ipLine: return new FillLine();
case ipGrid: return new FillGrid();
case ipTriangles: return new FillTriangles();
case ipStars: return new FillStars();
case ipCubic: return new FillCubic();
case ipArchimedeanChords: return new FillArchimedeanChords();
case ipHilbertCurve: return new FillHilbertCurve();
case ipOctagramSpiral: return new FillOctagramSpiral();
case ipAdaptiveCubic: return new FillAdaptive::Filler();
case ipSupportCubic: return new FillAdaptive::Filler();
case ipSupportBase: return new FillSupportBase();
default: throw Slic3r::InvalidArgument("unknown type");
Fill* Fill::new_from_type(const std::string &type)
const t_config_enum_values &enum_keys_map = ConfigOptionEnum<InfillPattern>::get_enum_values();
t_config_enum_values::const_iterator it = enum_keys_map.find(type);
return (it == enum_keys_map.end()) ? nullptr : new_from_type(InfillPattern(it->second));
// Force initialization of the Fill::use_bridge_flow() internal static map in a thread safe fashion even on compilers
// not supporting thread safe non-static data member initializers.
static bool use_bridge_flow_initializer = Fill::use_bridge_flow(ipGrid);
bool Fill::use_bridge_flow(const InfillPattern type)
static std::vector<unsigned char> cached;
if (cached.empty()) {
cached.assign(size_t(ipCount), 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cached.size(); ++ i) {
auto *fill = Fill::new_from_type((InfillPattern)i);
cached[i] = fill->use_bridge_flow();
delete fill;
return cached[type] != 0;
Polylines Fill::fill_surface(const Surface *surface, const FillParams ¶ms)
// Perform offset.
Slic3r::ExPolygons expp = offset_ex(surface->expolygon, float(scale_(this->overlap - 0.5 * this->spacing)));
// Create the infills for each of the regions.
Polylines polylines_out;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expp.size(); ++ i)
return polylines_out;
// Calculate a new spacing to fill width with possibly integer number of lines,
// the first and last line being centered at the interval ends.
// This function possibly increases the spacing, never decreases,
// and for a narrow width the increase in spacing may become severe,
// therefore the adjustment is limited to 20% increase.
coord_t Fill::_adjust_solid_spacing(const coord_t width, const coord_t distance)
assert(width >= 0);
assert(distance > 0);
// floor(width / distance)
const auto number_of_intervals = coord_t((width - EPSILON) / distance);
coord_t distance_new = (number_of_intervals == 0) ?
distance :
coord_t((width - EPSILON) / number_of_intervals);
const coordf_t factor = coordf_t(distance_new) / coordf_t(distance);
assert(factor > 1. - 1e-5);
// How much could the extrusion width be increased? By 20%.
const coordf_t factor_max = 1.2;
if (factor > factor_max)
distance_new = coord_t(floor((coordf_t(distance) * factor_max + 0.5)));
return distance_new;
// Returns orientation of the infill and the reference point of the infill pattern.
// For a normal print, the reference point is the center of a bounding box of the STL.
std::pair<float, Point> Fill::_infill_direction(const Surface *surface) const
// set infill angle
float out_angle = this->angle;
if (out_angle == FLT_MAX) {
//FIXME Vojtech: Add a warning?
printf("Using undefined infill angle\n");
out_angle = 0.f;
// Bounding box is the bounding box of a perl object Slic3r::Print::Object (c++ object Slic3r::PrintObject)
// The bounding box is only undefined in unit tests.
Point out_shift = empty(this->bounding_box) ?
surface->expolygon.contour.bounding_box().center() :
#if 0
if (empty(this->bounding_box)) {
printf("Fill::_infill_direction: empty bounding box!");
} else {
printf("Fill::_infill_direction: reference point %d, %d\n", out_shift.x, out_shift.y);
if (surface->bridge_angle >= 0) {
// use bridge angle
//FIXME Vojtech: Add a debugf?
// Slic3r::debugf "Filling bridge with angle %d\n", rad2deg($surface->bridge_angle);
printf("Filling bridge with angle %f\n", surface->bridge_angle);
#endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */
out_angle = float(surface->bridge_angle);
} else if (this->layer_id != size_t(-1)) {
// alternate fill direction
out_angle += this->_layer_angle(this->layer_id / surface->thickness_layers);
} else {
// printf("Layer_ID undefined!\n");
out_angle += float(M_PI/2.);
return std::pair<float, Point>(out_angle, out_shift);
// A single T joint of an infill line to a closed contour or one of its holes.
struct ContourIntersectionPoint {
// Contour and point on a contour where an infill line is connected to.
size_t contour_idx;
size_t point_idx;
// Eucleidean parameter of point_idx along its contour.
double param;
// Other intersection points along the same contour. If there is only a single T-joint on a contour
// with an intersection line, then the prev_on_contour and next_on_contour remain nulls.
ContourIntersectionPoint* prev_on_contour { nullptr };
ContourIntersectionPoint* next_on_contour { nullptr };
// Length of the contour not yet allocated to some extrusion path going back (clockwise), or masked out by some overlapping infill line.
double contour_not_taken_length_prev { std::numeric_limits<double>::max() };
// Length of the contour not yet allocated to some extrusion path going forward (counter-clockwise), or masked out by some overlapping infill line.
double contour_not_taken_length_next { std::numeric_limits<double>::max() };
// End point is consumed if an infill line connected to this T-joint was already connected left or right along the contour,
// or if the infill line was processed, but it was not possible to connect it left or right along the contour.
bool consumed { false };
// Whether the contour was trimmed by an overlapping infill line, or whether part of this contour was connected to some infill line.
bool prev_trimmed { false };
bool next_trimmed { false };
void consume_prev() { this->contour_not_taken_length_prev = 0.; this->prev_trimmed = true; this->consumed = true; }
void consume_next() { this->contour_not_taken_length_next = 0.; this->next_trimmed = true; this->consumed = true; }
void trim_prev(const double new_len) {
if (new_len < this->contour_not_taken_length_prev) {
this->contour_not_taken_length_prev = new_len;
this->prev_trimmed = true;
void trim_next(const double new_len) {
if (new_len < this->contour_not_taken_length_next) {
this->contour_not_taken_length_next = new_len;
this->next_trimmed = true;
// The end point of an infill line connected to this T-joint was not processed yet and a piece of the contour could be extruded going backwards.
bool could_take_prev() const throw() { return ! this->consumed && this->contour_not_taken_length_prev > SCALED_EPSILON; }
// The end point of an infill line connected to this T-joint was not processed yet and a piece of the contour could be extruded going forward.
bool could_take_next() const throw() { return ! this->consumed && this->contour_not_taken_length_next > SCALED_EPSILON; }
// Could extrude a complete segment from this to this->prev_on_contour.
bool could_connect_prev() const throw()
{ return ! this->consumed && this->prev_on_contour != this && ! this->prev_on_contour->consumed && ! this->prev_trimmed && ! this->prev_on_contour->next_trimmed; }
// Could extrude a complete segment from this to this->next_on_contour.
bool could_connect_next() const throw()
{ return ! this->consumed && this->next_on_contour != this && ! this->next_on_contour->consumed && ! this->next_trimmed && ! this->next_on_contour->prev_trimmed; }
// Distance from param1 to param2 when going counter-clockwise.
static inline double closed_contour_distance_ccw(double param1, double param2, double contour_length)
assert(param1 >= 0. && param1 <= contour_length);
assert(param2 >= 0. && param2 <= contour_length);
double d = param2 - param1;
if (d < 0.)
d += contour_length;
return d;
// Distance from param1 to param2 when going clockwise.
static inline double closed_contour_distance_cw(double param1, double param2, double contour_length)
return closed_contour_distance_ccw(param2, param1, contour_length);
// Length along the contour from cp1 to cp2 going counter-clockwise.
double path_length_along_contour_ccw(const ContourIntersectionPoint *cp1, const ContourIntersectionPoint *cp2, double contour_length)
assert(cp1 != nullptr);
assert(cp2 != nullptr);
assert(cp1->contour_idx == cp2->contour_idx);
assert(cp1 != cp2);
return closed_contour_distance_ccw(cp1->param, cp2->param, contour_length);
// Lengths along the contour from cp1 to cp2 going CCW and going CW.
std::pair<double, double> path_lengths_along_contour(const ContourIntersectionPoint *cp1, const ContourIntersectionPoint *cp2, double contour_length)
// Zero'th param is the length of the contour.
double param_lo = cp1->param;
double param_hi = cp2->param;
assert(param_lo >= 0. && param_lo <= contour_length);
assert(param_hi >= 0. && param_hi <= contour_length);
bool reversed = false;
if (param_lo > param_hi) {
std::swap(param_lo, param_hi);
reversed = true;
auto out = std::make_pair(param_hi - param_lo, param_lo + contour_length - param_hi);
if (reversed)
std::swap(out.first, out.second);
return out;
// Add contour points from interval (idx_start, idx_end> to polyline.
static inline void take_cw_full(Polyline &pl, const Points &contour, size_t idx_start, size_t idx_end)
assert(! pl.empty() && pl.points.back() == contour[idx_start]);
size_t i = (idx_start == 0) ? contour.size() - 1 : idx_start - 1;
while (i != idx_end) {
if (i == 0)
i = contour.size();
-- i;
// Add contour points from interval (idx_start, idx_end> to polyline, limited by the Eucleidean length taken.
static inline double take_cw_limited(Polyline &pl, const Points &contour, const std::vector<double> ¶ms, size_t idx_start, size_t idx_end, double length_to_take)
// If appending to an infill line, then the start point of a perimeter line shall match the end point of an infill line.
assert(pl.empty() || pl.points.back() == contour[idx_start]);
assert(contour.size() + 1 == params.size());
assert(length_to_take > SCALED_EPSILON);
// Length of the contour.
double length = params.back();
// Parameter (length from contour.front()) for the first point.
double p0 = params[idx_start];
// Current (2nd) point of the contour.
size_t i = (idx_start == 0) ? contour.size() - 1 : idx_start - 1;
// Previous point of the contour.
size_t iprev = idx_start;
// Length of the contour curve taken for iprev.
double lprev = 0.;
for (;;) {
double l = closed_contour_distance_cw(p0, params[i], length);
if (l >= length_to_take) {
// Trim the last segment.
double t = double(length_to_take - lprev) / (l - lprev);
pl.points.emplace_back(lerp(contour[iprev], contour[i], t));
return length_to_take;
// Continue with the other segments.
if (i == idx_end)
return l;
iprev = i;
lprev = l;
if (i == 0)
i = contour.size();
-- i;
return 0;
// Add contour points from interval (idx_start, idx_end> to polyline.
static inline void take_ccw_full(Polyline &pl, const Points &contour, size_t idx_start, size_t idx_end)
assert(! pl.empty() && pl.points.back() == contour[idx_start]);
size_t i = idx_start;
if (++ i == contour.size())
i = 0;
while (i != idx_end) {
if (++ i == contour.size())
i = 0;
// Add contour points from interval (idx_start, idx_end> to polyline, limited by the Eucleidean length taken.
// Returns length of the contour taken.
static inline double take_ccw_limited(Polyline &pl, const Points &contour, const std::vector<double> ¶ms, size_t idx_start, size_t idx_end, double length_to_take)
// If appending to an infill line, then the start point of a perimeter line shall match the end point of an infill line.
assert(pl.empty() || pl.points.back() == contour[idx_start]);
assert(contour.size() + 1 == params.size());
assert(length_to_take > SCALED_EPSILON);
// Length of the contour.
double length = params.back();
// Parameter (length from contour.front()) for the first point.
double p0 = params[idx_start];
// Current (2nd) point of the contour.
size_t i = idx_start;
if (++ i == contour.size())
i = 0;
// Previous point of the contour.
size_t iprev = idx_start;
// Length of the contour curve taken at iprev.
double lprev = 0;
for (;;) {
double l = closed_contour_distance_ccw(p0, params[i], length);
if (l >= length_to_take) {
// Trim the last segment.
double t = double(length_to_take - lprev) / (l - lprev);
pl.points.emplace_back(lerp(contour[iprev], contour[i], t));
return length_to_take;
// Continue with the other segments.
if (i == idx_end)
return l;
iprev = i;
lprev = l;
if (++ i == contour.size())
i = 0;
return 0;
// Connect end of pl1 to the start of pl2 using the perimeter contour.
// If clockwise, then a clockwise segment from idx_start to idx_end is taken, otherwise a counter-clockwise segment is being taken.
static void take(Polyline &pl1, const Polyline &pl2, const Points &contour, size_t idx_start, size_t idx_end, bool clockwise)
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert(idx_start != idx_end);
assert(pl1.size() >= 2);
assert(pl2.size() >= 2);
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// Reserve memory at pl1 for the connecting contour and pl2.
int new_points = int(idx_end) - int(idx_start) - 1;
if (new_points < 0)
new_points += int(contour.size());
pl1.points.reserve(pl1.points.size() + size_t(new_points) + pl2.points.size());
if (clockwise)
take_cw_full(pl1, contour, idx_start, idx_end);
take_ccw_full(pl1, contour, idx_start, idx_end);
pl1.points.insert(pl1.points.end(), pl2.points.begin() + 1, pl2.points.end());
static void take(Polyline &pl1, const Polyline &pl2, const Points &contour, ContourIntersectionPoint *cp_start, ContourIntersectionPoint *cp_end, bool clockwise)
assert(cp_start->prev_on_contour != nullptr);
assert(cp_start->next_on_contour != nullptr);
assert(cp_end ->prev_on_contour != nullptr);
assert(cp_end ->next_on_contour != nullptr);
assert(cp_start != cp_end);
take(pl1, pl2, contour, cp_start->point_idx, cp_end->point_idx, clockwise);
// Mark the contour segments in between cp_start and cp_end as consumed.
if (clockwise)
std::swap(cp_start, cp_end);
if (cp_start->next_on_contour != cp_end)
for (auto *cp = cp_start->next_on_contour; cp->next_on_contour != cp_end; cp = cp->next_on_contour) {
static void take_limited(
Polyline &pl1, const Points &contour, const std::vector<double> ¶ms,
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp_start, ContourIntersectionPoint *cp_end, bool clockwise, double take_max_length, double line_half_width)
#ifndef NDEBUG
// This is a valid case, where a single infill line connect to two different contours (outer contour + hole or two holes).
// assert(cp_start != cp_end);
assert(cp_start->prev_on_contour != nullptr);
assert(cp_start->next_on_contour != nullptr);
assert(cp_end ->prev_on_contour != nullptr);
assert(cp_end ->next_on_contour != nullptr);
assert(pl1.size() >= 2);
assert(contour.size() + 1 == params.size());
#endif /* NDEBUG */
if (! (clockwise ? cp_start->could_take_prev() : cp_start->could_take_next()))
assert(pl1.points.front() == contour[cp_start->point_idx] || pl1.points.back() == contour[cp_start->point_idx]);
bool add_at_start = pl1.points.front() == contour[cp_start->point_idx];
Points pl_tmp;
if (add_at_start) {
pl_tmp = std::move(pl1.points);
// Reserve memory at pl1 for the perimeter segment.
// Pessimizing - take the complete segment.
int new_points = int(cp_end->point_idx) - int(cp_start->point_idx) - 1;
if (new_points < 0)
new_points += int(contour.size());
pl1.points.reserve(pl1.points.size() + pl_tmp.size() + size_t(new_points));
double length = params.back();
double length_to_go = take_max_length;
cp_start->consumed = true;
if (cp_start == cp_end) {
length_to_go = std::max(0., std::min(length_to_go, length - line_half_width));
length_to_go = std::min(length_to_go, clockwise ? cp_start->contour_not_taken_length_prev : cp_start->contour_not_taken_length_next);
if (length_to_go > SCALED_EPSILON)
clockwise ?
take_cw_limited (pl1, contour, params, cp_start->point_idx, cp_start->point_idx, length_to_go) :
take_ccw_limited(pl1, contour, params, cp_start->point_idx, cp_start->point_idx, length_to_go);
} else if (clockwise) {
// Going clockwise from cp_start to cp_end.
assert(cp_start != cp_end);
for (ContourIntersectionPoint *cp = cp_start; cp != cp_end; cp = cp->prev_on_contour) {
// Length of the segment from cp to cp->prev_on_contour.
double l = closed_contour_distance_cw(cp->param, cp->prev_on_contour->param, length);
length_to_go = std::min(length_to_go, cp->contour_not_taken_length_prev);
//if (cp->prev_on_contour->consumed)
// Don't overlap with an already extruded infill line.
length_to_go = std::max(0., std::min(length_to_go, l - line_half_width));
if (l >= length_to_go) {
if (length_to_go > SCALED_EPSILON) {
cp->prev_on_contour->trim_next(l - length_to_go);
take_cw_limited(pl1, contour, params, cp->point_idx, cp->prev_on_contour->point_idx, length_to_go);
} else {
take_cw_full(pl1, contour, cp->point_idx, cp->prev_on_contour->point_idx);
length_to_go -= l;
} else {
assert(cp_start != cp_end);
for (ContourIntersectionPoint *cp = cp_start; cp != cp_end; cp = cp->next_on_contour) {
double l = closed_contour_distance_ccw(cp->param, cp->next_on_contour->param, length);
length_to_go = std::min(length_to_go, cp->contour_not_taken_length_next);
//if (cp->next_on_contour->consumed)
// Don't overlap with an already extruded infill line.
length_to_go = std::max(0., std::min(length_to_go, l - line_half_width));
if (l >= length_to_go) {
if (length_to_go > SCALED_EPSILON) {
cp->next_on_contour->trim_prev(l - length_to_go);
take_ccw_limited(pl1, contour, params, cp->point_idx, cp->next_on_contour->point_idx, length_to_go);
} else {
take_ccw_full(pl1, contour, cp->point_idx, cp->next_on_contour->point_idx);
length_to_go -= l;
if (add_at_start) {
append(pl1.points, pl_tmp);
// Return an index of start of a segment and a point of the clipping point at distance from the end of polyline.
struct SegmentPoint {
// Segment index, defining a line <idx_segment, idx_segment + 1).
size_t idx_segment = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
// Parameter of point in <0, 1) along the line <idx_segment, idx_segment + 1)
double t;
Vec2d point;
bool valid() const { return idx_segment != std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); }
static inline SegmentPoint clip_start_segment_and_point(const Points &polyline, double distance)
assert(polyline.size() >= 2);
assert(distance > 0.);
// Initialized to "invalid".
SegmentPoint out;
if (polyline.size() >= 2) {
Vec2d pt_prev = polyline.front().cast<double>();
for (size_t i = 1; i < polyline.size(); ++ i) {
Vec2d pt = polyline[i].cast<double>();
Vec2d v = pt - pt_prev;
double l = v.norm();
if (l > distance) {
out.idx_segment = i - 1;
out.t = distance / l;
out.point = pt_prev + out.t * v;
distance -= l;
pt_prev = pt;
return out;
static inline SegmentPoint clip_end_segment_and_point(const Points &polyline, double distance)
assert(polyline.size() >= 2);
assert(distance > 0.);
// Initialized to "invalid".
SegmentPoint out;
if (polyline.size() >= 2) {
Vec2d pt_next = polyline.back().cast<double>();
for (int i = int(polyline.size()) - 2; i >= 0; -- i) {
Vec2d pt = polyline[i].cast<double>();
Vec2d v = pt - pt_next;
double l = v.norm();
if (l > distance) {
out.idx_segment = i;
out.t = distance / l;
out.point = pt_next + out.t * v;
// Store the parameter referenced to the starting point of a segment.
out.t = 1. - out.t;
distance -= l;
pt_next = pt;
return out;
// Calculate intersection of a line with a thick segment.
// Returns Eucledian parameters of the line / thick segment overlap.
static inline bool line_rounded_thick_segment_collision(
const Vec2d &line_a, const Vec2d &line_b,
const Vec2d &segment_a, const Vec2d &segment_b, const double offset,
std::pair<double, double> &out_interval)
const Vec2d line_v0 = line_b - line_a;
double lv = line_v0.squaredNorm();
const Vec2d segment_v = segment_b - segment_a;
const double segment_l = segment_v.norm();
const double offset2 = offset * offset;
bool intersects = false;
// Very short line vector. Just test whether the center point is inside the offset line.
Vec2d lpt = 0.5 * (line_a + line_b);
if (segment_l > SCALED_EPSILON) {
intersects = line_alg::distance_to_squared(Linef{ segment_a, segment_b }, lpt) < offset2;
} else
intersects = (0.5 * (segment_a + segment_b) - lpt).squaredNorm() < offset2;
if (intersects) {
out_interval.first = 0.;
out_interval.second = sqrt(lv);
// Output interval.
double tmin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double tmax = -tmin;
auto extend_interval = [&tmin, &tmax](double atmin, double atmax) {
tmin = std::min(tmin, atmin);
tmax = std::max(tmax, atmax);
// Intersections with the inflated segment end points.
auto ray_circle_intersection_interval_extend = [&extend_interval](const Vec2d &segment_pt, const double offset2, const Vec2d &line_pt, const Vec2d &line_vec) {
std::pair<Vec2d, Vec2d> pts;
Vec2d p0 = line_pt - segment_pt;
double lv2 = line_vec.squaredNorm();
if (Geometry::ray_circle_intersections_r2_lv2_c(offset2, line_vec.y(), - line_vec.x(), lv2, - line_vec.y() * p0.x() + line_vec.x() * p0.y(), pts)) {
double tmin = (pts.first - p0).dot(line_vec) / lv2;
double tmax = (pts.second - p0).dot(line_vec) / lv2;
if (tmin > tmax)
std::swap(tmin, tmax);
tmin = std::max(tmin, 0.);
tmax = std::min(tmax, 1.);
if (tmin <= tmax)
extend_interval(tmin, tmax);
// Intersections with the inflated segment.
if (segment_l > SCALED_EPSILON) {
ray_circle_intersection_interval_extend(segment_a, offset2, line_a, line_v0);
ray_circle_intersection_interval_extend(segment_b, offset2, line_a, line_v0);
// Clip the line segment transformed into a coordinate space of the segment,
// where the segment spans (0, 0) to (segment_l, 0).
const Vec2d dir_x = segment_v / segment_l;
const Vec2d dir_y(- dir_x.y(), dir_x.x());
const Vec2d line_p0(line_a - segment_a);
std::pair<double, double> interval;
if (Geometry::liang_barsky_line_clipping_interval(
Vec2d(line_p0.dot(dir_x), line_p0.dot(dir_y)),
Vec2d(line_v0.dot(dir_x), line_v0.dot(dir_y)),
BoundingBoxf(Vec2d(0., - offset), Vec2d(segment_l, offset)),
extend_interval(interval.first, interval.second);
} else
ray_circle_intersection_interval_extend(0.5 * (segment_a + segment_b), offset, line_a, line_v0);
intersects = tmin <= tmax;
if (intersects) {
lv = sqrt(lv);
out_interval.first = tmin * lv;
out_interval.second = tmax * lv;
#if 0
BoundingBox bbox;
static int iRun = 0;
::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path("%s-%03d.svg", "line-thick-segment-intersect", iRun ++), bbox);
svg.draw(Line(line_a.cast<coord_t>(), line_b.cast<coord_t>()), "black");
svg.draw(Line(segment_a.cast<coord_t>(), segment_b.cast<coord_t>()), "blue", offset * 2.);
svg.draw(segment_a.cast<coord_t>(), "blue", offset);
svg.draw(segment_b.cast<coord_t>(), "blue", offset);
svg.draw(Line(segment_a.cast<coord_t>(), segment_b.cast<coord_t>()), "black");
if (intersects)
svg.draw(Line((line_a + (line_b - line_a).normalized() * out_interval.first).cast<coord_t>(),
(line_a + (line_b - line_a).normalized() * out_interval.second).cast<coord_t>()), "red");
return intersects;
#ifndef NDEBUG
static inline bool inside_interval(double low, double high, double p)
return p >= low && p <= high;
static inline bool interval_inside_interval(double outer_low, double outer_high, double inner_low, double inner_high, double epsilon)
outer_low -= epsilon;
outer_high += epsilon;
return inside_interval(outer_low, outer_high, inner_low) && inside_interval(outer_low, outer_high, inner_high);
static inline bool cyclic_interval_inside_interval(double outer_low, double outer_high, double inner_low, double inner_high, double length)
if (outer_low > outer_high)
outer_high += length;
if (inner_low > inner_high)
inner_high += length;
else if (inner_high < outer_low) {
inner_low += length;
inner_high += length;
return interval_inside_interval(outer_low, outer_high, inner_low, inner_high, double(SCALED_EPSILON));
#endif // NDEBUG
static void export_infill_to_svg(
// Boundary contour, along which the perimeter extrusions will be drawn.
const std::vector<Points> &boundary,
// Parametrization of boundary with Euclidian length.
const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &boundary_parameters,
// Intersections (T-joints) of the infill lines with the boundary.
std::vector<std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*>> &boundary_intersections,
// Infill lines, either completely inside the boundary, or touching the boundary.
const Polylines &infill,
const coord_t scaled_spacing,
const std::string &path,
const Polylines &overlap_lines = Polylines(),
const Polylines &polylines = Polylines(),
const Points &pts = Points())
Polygons polygons;
std::transform(boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), std::back_inserter(polygons), [](auto &pts) { return Polygon(pts); });
ExPolygons expolygons = union_ex(polygons);
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(polygons);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(path, bbox);
// Draw the filled infill polygons.
// Draw the pieces of boundary allowed to be used as anchors of infill lines, not yet consumed.
const std::string color_boundary_trimmed = "blue";
const std::string color_boundary_not_trimmed = "yellow";
const coordf_t boundary_line_width = scaled_spacing;
svg.draw_outline(polygons, "red", boundary_line_width);
for (const std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*> &intersections : boundary_intersections) {
const size_t boundary_idx = &intersections - boundary_intersections.data();
const Points &contour = boundary[boundary_idx];
const std::vector<double> &contour_param = boundary_parameters[boundary_idx];
for (const ContourIntersectionPoint *ip : intersections) {
assert(ip->next_trimmed == ip->next_on_contour->prev_trimmed);
assert(ip->prev_trimmed == ip->prev_on_contour->next_trimmed);
Polyline pl { contour[ip->point_idx] };
if (ip->next_trimmed) {
if (ip->contour_not_taken_length_next > SCALED_EPSILON) {
take_ccw_limited(pl, contour, contour_param, ip->point_idx, ip->next_on_contour->point_idx, ip->contour_not_taken_length_next);
svg.draw(pl, color_boundary_trimmed, boundary_line_width);
} else {
take_ccw_full(pl, contour, ip->point_idx, ip->next_on_contour->point_idx);
svg.draw(pl, color_boundary_not_trimmed, boundary_line_width);
Polyline pl { contour[ip->point_idx] };
if (ip->prev_trimmed) {
if (ip->contour_not_taken_length_prev > SCALED_EPSILON) {
take_cw_limited(pl, contour, contour_param, ip->point_idx, ip->prev_on_contour->point_idx, ip->contour_not_taken_length_prev);
svg.draw(pl, color_boundary_trimmed, boundary_line_width);
} else {
take_cw_full(pl, contour, ip->point_idx, ip->prev_on_contour->point_idx);
svg.draw(pl, color_boundary_not_trimmed, boundary_line_width);
// Draw the full infill polygon boundary.
svg.draw_outline(polygons, "green");
// Draw the infill lines, first the full length with red color, then a slightly shortened length with black color.
svg.draw(infill, "brown");
static constexpr double trim_length = scale_(0.15);
for (Polyline polyline : infill)
if (! polyline.empty()) {
Vec2d a = polyline.points.front().cast<double>();
Vec2d d = polyline.points.back().cast<double>();
if (polyline.size() == 2) {
Vec2d v = d - a;
double l = v.norm();
if (l > 2. * trim_length) {
a += v * trim_length / l;
d -= v * trim_length / l;
polyline.points.front() = a.cast<coord_t>();
polyline.points.back() = d.cast<coord_t>();
} else
} else if (polyline.size() > 2) {
Vec2d b = polyline.points[1].cast<double>();
Vec2d c = polyline.points[polyline.points.size() - 2].cast<double>();
Vec2d v = b - a;
double l = v.norm();
if (l > trim_length) {
a += v * trim_length / l;
polyline.points.front() = a.cast<coord_t>();
} else
v = d - c;
l = v.norm();
if (l > trim_length)
polyline.points.back() = (d - v * trim_length / l).cast<coord_t>();
svg.draw(polyline, "black");
svg.draw(overlap_lines, "red", scale_(0.05));
svg.draw(polylines, "magenta", scale_(0.05));
svg.draw(pts, "magenta");
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool validate_boundary_intersections(const std::vector<std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*>> &boundary_intersections)
for (const std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*>& contour : boundary_intersections) {
for (ContourIntersectionPoint* ip : contour) {
assert(ip->next_trimmed == ip->next_on_contour->prev_trimmed);
assert(ip->prev_trimmed == ip->prev_on_contour->next_trimmed);
return true;
#endif // NDEBUG
// Mark the segments of split boundary as consumed if they are very close to some of the infill line.
void mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill(
// Boundary contour, along which the perimeter extrusions will be drawn.
const std::vector<Points> &boundary,
// Parametrization of boundary with Euclidian length.
const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &boundary_parameters,
// Intersections (T-joints) of the infill lines with the boundary.
std::vector<std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*>> &boundary_intersections,
// Bounding box around the boundary.
const BoundingBox &boundary_bbox,
// Infill lines, either completely inside the boundary, or touching the boundary.
const Polylines &infill,
// How much of the infill ends should be ignored when marking the boundary segments?
const double clip_distance,
// Roughly width of the infill line.
const double distance_colliding)
assert(boundary.size() == boundary_parameters.size());
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (size_t i = 0; i < boundary.size(); ++ i)
assert(boundary[i].size() + 1 == boundary_parameters[i].size());
static int iRun = 0;
++ iRun;
int iStep = 0;
export_infill_to_svg(boundary, boundary_parameters, boundary_intersections, infill, distance_colliding * 2, debug_out_path("%s-%03d.svg", "FillBase-mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill-start", iRun));
Polylines perimeter_overlaps;
EdgeGrid::Grid grid;
// Make sure that the the grid is big enough for queries against the thick segment.
grid.set_bbox(boundary_bbox.inflated(distance_colliding * 1.43));
// Inflate the bounding box by a thick line width.
grid.create(boundary, coord_t(std::max(clip_distance, distance_colliding) + scale_(10.)));
// Visitor for the EdgeGrid to trim boundary_intersections with existing infill lines.
struct Visitor {
Visitor(const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid,
const std::vector<Points> &boundary, const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &boundary_parameters, std::vector<std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*>> &boundary_intersections,
const double radius) :
grid(grid), boundary(boundary), boundary_parameters(boundary_parameters), boundary_intersections(boundary_intersections), radius(radius), trim_l_threshold(0.5 * radius) {}
// Init with a segment of an infill line.
void init(const Vec2d &infill_pt1, const Vec2d &infill_pt2) {
this->infill_pt1 = &infill_pt1;
this->infill_pt2 = &infill_pt2;
this->infill_bbox.offset(this->radius + SCALED_EPSILON);
bool operator()(coord_t iy, coord_t ix) {
// Called with a row and colum of the grid cell, which is intersected by a line.
auto cell_data_range = this->grid.cell_data_range(iy, ix);
for (auto it_contour_and_segment = cell_data_range.first; it_contour_and_segment != cell_data_range.second; ++ it_contour_and_segment) {
// End points of the line segment and their vector.
auto segment = this->grid.segment(*it_contour_and_segment);
std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*> &intersections = boundary_intersections[it_contour_and_segment->first];
if (intersections.empty())
// There is no infil line touching this contour, thus effort will be saved to calculate overlap with other infill lines.
const Vec2d seg_pt1 = segment.first.cast<double>();
const Vec2d seg_pt2 = segment.second.cast<double>();
std::pair<double, double> interval;
BoundingBoxf bbox_seg;
//if (this->infill_bbox.overlap(bbox_seg)) this->perimeter_overlaps.push_back({ segment.first, segment.second });
if (this->infill_bbox.overlap(bbox_seg) && line_rounded_thick_segment_collision(seg_pt1, seg_pt2, *this->infill_pt1, *this->infill_pt2, this->radius, interval)) {
// The boundary segment intersects with the infill segment thickened by radius.
// Interval is specified in Euclidian length from seg_pt1 to seg_pt2.
// 1) Find the Euclidian parameters of seg_pt1 and seg_pt2 on its boundary contour.
const std::vector<double> &contour_parameters = boundary_parameters[it_contour_and_segment->first];
const double contour_length = contour_parameters.back();
const double param_seg_pt1 = contour_parameters[it_contour_and_segment->second];
const double param_seg_pt2 = contour_parameters[it_contour_and_segment->second + 1];
this->perimeter_overlaps.push_back({ Point((seg_pt1 + (seg_pt2 - seg_pt1).normalized() * interval.first).cast<coord_t>()),
Point((seg_pt1 + (seg_pt2 - seg_pt1).normalized() * interval.second).cast<coord_t>()) });
assert(interval.first >= 0.);
assert(interval.second >= 0.);
assert(interval.first <= interval.second);
const auto param_overlap1 = std::min(param_seg_pt2, param_seg_pt1 + interval.first);
const auto param_overlap2 = std::min(param_seg_pt2, param_seg_pt1 + interval.second);
// 2) Find the ContourIntersectionPoints before param_overlap1 and after param_overlap2.
// Find the span of ContourIntersectionPoints, that is trimmed by the interval (param_overlap1, param_overlap2).
ContourIntersectionPoint *ip_low, *ip_high;
if (intersections.size() == 1) {
// Only a single infill line touches this contour.
ip_low = ip_high = intersections.front();
} else {
assert(intersections.size() > 1);
auto it_low = Slic3r::lower_bound_by_predicate(intersections.begin(), intersections.end(), [param_overlap1](const ContourIntersectionPoint *l) { return l->param < param_overlap1; });
auto it_high = Slic3r::lower_bound_by_predicate(intersections.begin(), intersections.end(), [param_overlap2](const ContourIntersectionPoint *l) { return l->param < param_overlap2; });
ip_low = it_low == intersections.end() ? intersections.front() : *it_low;
ip_high = it_high == intersections.end() ? intersections.front() : *it_high;
if (ip_low->param != param_overlap1)
ip_low = ip_low->prev_on_contour;
assert(ip_low != ip_high);
// Verify that the interval (param_overlap1, param_overlap2) is inside the interval (ip_low->param, ip_high->param).
assert(cyclic_interval_inside_interval(ip_low->param, ip_high->param, param_overlap1, param_overlap2, contour_length));
// Mark all ContourIntersectionPoints between ip_low and ip_high as consumed.
if (ip_low->next_on_contour != ip_high)
for (ContourIntersectionPoint *ip = ip_low->next_on_contour; ip != ip_high; ip = ip->next_on_contour) {
// Subtract the interval from the first and last segments.
double trim_l = closed_contour_distance_ccw(ip_low->param, param_overlap1, contour_length);
//if (trim_l > trim_l_threshold)
trim_l = closed_contour_distance_ccw(param_overlap2, ip_high->param, contour_length);
//if (trim_l > trim_l_threshold)
assert(ip_low->next_trimmed == ip_high->prev_trimmed);
//FIXME mark point as consumed?
//FIXME verify the sequence between prev and next?
#if 0
static size_t iRun = 0;
ExPolygon expoly(Polygon(*grid.contours().front()));
for (size_t i = 1; i < grid.contours().size(); ++i)
SVG svg(debug_out_path("%s-%d.svg", "FillBase-mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill", iRun ++).c_str(), get_extents(expoly));
svg.draw(expoly, "green");
svg.draw(Line(segment.first, segment.second), "red");
svg.draw(Line(this->infill_pt1->cast<coord_t>(), this->infill_pt2->cast<coord_t>()), "magenta");
// Continue traversing the grid along the edge.
return true;
const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid;
const std::vector<Points> &boundary;
const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &boundary_parameters;
std::vector<std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*>> &boundary_intersections;
// Maximum distance between the boundary and the infill line allowed to consider the boundary not touching the infill line.
const double radius;
// Region around the contour / infill line intersection point, where the intersections are ignored.
const double trim_l_threshold;
const Vec2d *infill_pt1;
const Vec2d *infill_pt2;
BoundingBoxf infill_bbox;
Polylines perimeter_overlaps;
} visitor(grid, boundary, boundary_parameters, boundary_intersections, distance_colliding);
for (const Polyline &polyline : infill) {
++ iStep;
// Clip the infill polyline by the Eucledian distance along the polyline.
SegmentPoint start_point = clip_start_segment_and_point(polyline.points, clip_distance);
SegmentPoint end_point = clip_end_segment_and_point(polyline.points, clip_distance);
if (start_point.valid() && end_point.valid() &&
(start_point.idx_segment < end_point.idx_segment || (start_point.idx_segment == end_point.idx_segment && start_point.t < end_point.t))) {
// The clipped polyline is non-empty.
for (size_t point_idx = start_point.idx_segment; point_idx <= end_point.idx_segment; ++ point_idx) {
//FIXME extend the EdgeGrid to suport tracing a thick line.
#if 0
Point pt1, pt2;
Vec2d pt1d, pt2d;
if (point_idx == start_point.idx_segment) {
pt1d = start_point.point;
pt1 = pt1d.cast<coord_t>();
} else {
pt1 = polyline.points[point_idx];
pt1d = pt1.cast<double>();
if (point_idx == start_point.idx_segment) {
pt2d = end_point.point;
pt2 = pt1d.cast<coord_t>();
} else {
pt2 = polyline.points[point_idx];
pt2d = pt2.cast<double>();
visitor.init(pt1d, pt2d);
grid.visit_cells_intersecting_thick_line(pt1, pt2, distance_colliding, visitor);
Vec2d pt1 = (point_idx == start_point.idx_segment) ? start_point.point : polyline.points[point_idx ].cast<double>();
Vec2d pt2 = (point_idx == end_point .idx_segment) ? end_point .point : polyline.points[point_idx + 1].cast<double>();
#if 0
static size_t iRun = 0;
ExPolygon expoly(Polygon(*grid.contours().front()));
for (size_t i = 1; i < grid.contours().size(); ++i)
SVG svg(debug_out_path("%s-%d.svg", "FillBase-mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill0", iRun ++).c_str(), get_extents(expoly));
svg.draw(expoly, "green");
svg.draw(polyline, "blue");
svg.draw(Line(pt1.cast<coord_t>(), pt2.cast<coord_t>()), "magenta", scale_(0.1));
visitor.init(pt1, pt2);
// Simulate tracing of a thick line. This only works reliably if distance_colliding <= grid cell size.
Vec2d v = (pt2 - pt1).normalized() * distance_colliding;
Vec2d vperp = perp(v);
Vec2d a = pt1 - v - vperp;
Vec2d b = pt2 + v - vperp;
grid.visit_cells_intersecting_line(a.cast<coord_t>(), b.cast<coord_t>(), visitor);
a = pt1 - v + vperp;
b = pt2 + v + vperp;
grid.visit_cells_intersecting_line(a.cast<coord_t>(), b.cast<coord_t>(), visitor);
// export_infill_to_svg(boundary, boundary_parameters, boundary_intersections, infill, distance_colliding * 2, debug_out_path("%s-%03d-%03d-%03d.svg", "FillBase-mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill-step", iRun, iStep, int(point_idx)), { polyline });
Polylines perimeter_overlaps;
export_infill_to_svg(boundary, boundary_parameters, boundary_intersections, infill, distance_colliding * 2, debug_out_path("%s-%03d-%03d.svg", "FillBase-mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill-step", iRun, iStep), visitor.perimeter_overlaps, { polyline });
append(perimeter_overlaps, std::move(visitor.perimeter_overlaps));
export_infill_to_svg(boundary, boundary_parameters, boundary_intersections, infill, distance_colliding * 2, debug_out_path("%s-%03d.svg", "FillBase-mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill-end", iRun), perimeter_overlaps);
void Fill::connect_infill(Polylines &&infill_ordered, const ExPolygon &boundary_src, Polylines &polylines_out, const double spacing, const FillParams ¶ms)
assert(! boundary_src.contour.points.empty());
auto polygons_src = reserve_vector<const Polygon*>(boundary_src.holes.size() + 1);
for (const Polygon &polygon : boundary_src.holes)
connect_infill(std::move(infill_ordered), polygons_src, get_extents(boundary_src.contour), polylines_out, spacing, params);
void Fill::connect_infill(Polylines &&infill_ordered, const Polygons &boundary_src, const BoundingBox &bbox, Polylines &polylines_out, const double spacing, const FillParams ¶ms)
auto polygons_src = reserve_vector<const Polygon*>(boundary_src.size());
for (const Polygon &polygon : boundary_src)
connect_infill(std::move(infill_ordered), polygons_src, bbox, polylines_out, spacing, params);
static constexpr auto boundary_idx_unconnected = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
struct BoundaryInfillGraph
std::vector<Points> boundary;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> boundary_params;
std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint> map_infill_end_point_to_boundary;
const Point& point(const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp) const {
assert(cp.contour_idx != size_t(-1));
assert(cp.point_idx != size_t(-1));
return this->boundary[cp.contour_idx][cp.point_idx];
const Point& infill_end_point(size_t infill_end_point_idx) const {
return this->point(this->map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[infill_end_point_idx]);
const Point interpolate_contour_point(const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp, double param) {
const Points &contour = this->boundary[cp.contour_idx];
const std::vector<double> &contour_params = this->boundary_params[cp.contour_idx];
// Find the start of a contour segment with param.
auto it = std::lower_bound(contour_params.begin(), contour_params.end(), param);
if (*it != param) {
assert(it != contour_params.begin());
-- it;
size_t i = it - contour_params.begin();
if (i == contour.size())
i = 0;
double t1 = contour_params[i];
double t2 = next_value_modulo(i, contour_params);
return lerp(contour[i], next_value_modulo(i, contour), (param - t1) / (t2 - t1));
enum Direction {
static Direction dir(const Point &p1, const Point &p2) {
return p1.x() == p2.x() ?
(p1.y() < p2.y() ? Up : Down) :
(p1.x() < p2.x() ? Right : Left);
const Direction dir_prev(const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp) const {
return cp.could_take_prev() ?
dir(this->point(cp), this->point(*cp.prev_on_contour)) :
const Direction dir_next(const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp) const {
return cp.could_take_next() ?
dir(this->point(cp), this->point(*cp.next_on_contour)) :
bool first(const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp) const {
return ((&cp - this->map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) & 1) == 0;
const ContourIntersectionPoint& other(const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp) const {
return this->map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[((&cp - this->map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) ^ 1)];
ContourIntersectionPoint& other(const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp) {
return this->map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[((&cp - this->map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) ^ 1)];
bool prev_vertical(const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp) const {
return this->point(cp).x() == this->point(*cp.prev_on_contour).x();
bool next_vertical(const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp) const {
return this->point(cp).x() == this->point(*cp.next_on_contour).x();
// After mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill() marks boundary segments overlapping trimmed infill lines,
// there are possibly some very short boundary segments unmarked, but overlapping the untrimmed infill lines fully
// Mark those short boundary segments.
static inline void mark_boundary_segments_overlapping_infill(
BoundaryInfillGraph &graph,
// Infill lines, either completely inside the boundary, or touching the boundary.
const Polylines &infill,
// Spacing (width) of the infill lines.
const double spacing)
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
const Points &contour = graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx];
const std::vector<double> &contour_params = graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx];
const Polyline &infill_polyline = infill[(&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) / 2];
const double radius = 0.5 * (spacing + SCALED_EPSILON);
assert(infill_polyline.size() == 2);
const Linef infill_line { infill_polyline.points.front().cast<double>(), infill_polyline.points.back().cast<double>() };
if (cp.could_take_next()) {
bool inside = true;
for (size_t i = cp.point_idx; i != cp.next_on_contour->point_idx; ) {
size_t j = next_idx_modulo(i, contour);
const Vec2d seg_pt2 = contour[j].cast<double>();
if (line_alg::distance_to_squared(infill_line, seg_pt2) < radius * radius) {
// The segment is completely inside.
} else {
std::pair<double, double> interval;
line_rounded_thick_segment_collision(contour[i].cast<double>(), seg_pt2, infill_line.a, infill_line.b, radius, interval);
assert(interval.first == 0.);
double len_out = closed_contour_distance_ccw(contour_params[cp.point_idx], contour_params[i], contour_params.back()) + interval.second;
if (len_out < cp.contour_not_taken_length_next) {
// Leaving the infill line region before exiting cp.contour_not_taken_length_next,
// thus at least some of the contour is outside and we will extrude this segment.
inside = false;
if (closed_contour_distance_ccw(contour_params[cp.point_idx], contour_params[j], contour_params.back()) >= cp.contour_not_taken_length_next)
i = j;
if (inside) {
if (! cp.next_trimmed)
// The arc from cp to cp.next_on_contour was not trimmed yet, however it is completely overlapping the infill line.
} else
if (cp.could_take_prev()) {
bool inside = true;
for (size_t i = cp.point_idx; i != cp.prev_on_contour->point_idx; ) {
size_t j = prev_idx_modulo(i, contour);
const Vec2d seg_pt2 = contour[j].cast<double>();
// Distance of the second segment line from the infill line.
if (line_alg::distance_to_squared(infill_line, seg_pt2) < radius * radius) {
// The segment is completely inside.
} else {
std::pair<double, double> interval;
line_rounded_thick_segment_collision(contour[i].cast<double>(), seg_pt2, infill_line.a, infill_line.b, radius, interval);
assert(interval.first == 0.);
double len_out = closed_contour_distance_cw(contour_params[cp.point_idx], contour_params[i], contour_params.back()) + interval.second;
if (len_out < cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev) {
// Leaving the infill line region before exiting cp.contour_not_taken_length_next,
// thus at least some of the contour is outside and we will extrude this segment.
inside = false;
if (closed_contour_distance_cw(contour_params[cp.point_idx], contour_params[j], contour_params.back()) >= cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev)
i = j;
if (inside) {
if (! cp.prev_trimmed)
// The arc from cp to cp.prev_on_contour was not trimmed yet, however it is completely overlapping the infill line.
} else
BoundaryInfillGraph create_boundary_infill_graph(const Polylines &infill_ordered, const std::vector<const Polygon*> &boundary_src, const BoundingBox &bbox, const double spacing)
BoundaryInfillGraph out;
out.boundary.assign(boundary_src.size(), Points());
out.boundary_params.assign(boundary_src.size(), std::vector<double>());
out.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.assign(infill_ordered.size() * 2, ContourIntersectionPoint{ boundary_idx_unconnected, boundary_idx_unconnected });
// Project the infill_ordered end points onto boundary_src.
std::vector<std::pair<EdgeGrid::Grid::ClosestPointResult, size_t>> intersection_points;
EdgeGrid::Grid grid;
grid.create(boundary_src, coord_t(scale_(10.)));
intersection_points.reserve(infill_ordered.size() * 2);
for (const Polyline &pl : infill_ordered)
for (const Point *pt : { &pl.points.front(), &pl.points.back() }) {
EdgeGrid::Grid::ClosestPointResult cp = grid.closest_point_signed_distance(*pt, coord_t(SCALED_EPSILON));
if (cp.valid()) {
// The infill end point shall lie on the contour.
assert(cp.distance <= 3.);
intersection_points.emplace_back(cp, (&pl - infill_ordered.data()) * 2 + (pt == &pl.points.front() ? 0 : 1));
std::sort(intersection_points.begin(), intersection_points.end(), [](const std::pair<EdgeGrid::Grid::ClosestPointResult, size_t> &cp1, const std::pair<EdgeGrid::Grid::ClosestPointResult, size_t> &cp2) {
return cp1.first.contour_idx < cp2.first.contour_idx ||
(cp1.first.contour_idx == cp2.first.contour_idx &&
(cp1.first.start_point_idx < cp2.first.start_point_idx ||
(cp1.first.start_point_idx == cp2.first.start_point_idx && cp1.first.t < cp2.first.t)));
auto it = intersection_points.begin();
auto it_end = intersection_points.end();
std::vector<std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*>> boundary_intersection_points(out.boundary.size(), std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*>());
for (size_t idx_contour = 0; idx_contour < boundary_src.size(); ++ idx_contour) {
// Copy contour_src to contour_dst while adding intersection points.
// Map infill end points map_infill_end_point_to_boundary to the newly inserted boundary points of contour_dst.
// chain the points of map_infill_end_point_to_boundary along their respective contours.
const Polygon &contour_src = *boundary_src[idx_contour];
Points &contour_dst = out.boundary[idx_contour];
std::vector<ContourIntersectionPoint*> &contour_intersection_points = boundary_intersection_points[idx_contour];
ContourIntersectionPoint *pfirst = nullptr;
ContourIntersectionPoint *pprev = nullptr;
// Reserve intersection points.
size_t n_intersection_points = 0;
for (auto itx = it; itx != it_end && itx->first.contour_idx == idx_contour; ++ itx)
++ n_intersection_points;
for (size_t idx_point = 0; idx_point < contour_src.points.size(); ++ idx_point) {
const Point &ipt = contour_src.points[idx_point];
if (contour_dst.empty() || contour_dst.back() != ipt)
for (; it != it_end && it->first.contour_idx == idx_contour && it->first.start_point_idx == idx_point; ++ it) {
// Add these points to the destination contour.
const Polyline &infill_line = infill_ordered[it->second / 2];
const Point &pt = (it->second & 1) ? infill_line.points.back() : infill_line.points.front();
//#ifndef NDEBUG
// {
// const Vec2d pt1 = ipt.cast<double>();
// const Vec2d pt2 = (idx_point + 1 == contour_src.size() ? contour_src.points.front() : contour_src.points[idx_point + 1]).cast<double>();
// const Vec2d ptx = lerp(pt1, pt2, it->first.t);
// assert(std::abs(ptx.x() - pt.x()) < SCALED_EPSILON);
// assert(std::abs(ptx.y() - pt.y()) < SCALED_EPSILON);
// }
//#endif // NDEBUG
size_t idx_tjoint_pt = 0;
if (idx_point + 1 < contour_src.size() || pt != contour_dst.front()) {
if (pt != contour_dst.back())
idx_tjoint_pt = contour_dst.size() - 1;
out.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[it->second] = ContourIntersectionPoint{ /* it->second, */ idx_contour, idx_tjoint_pt };
ContourIntersectionPoint *pthis = &out.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[it->second];
if (pprev) {
pprev->next_on_contour = pthis;
pthis->prev_on_contour = pprev;
} else
pfirst = pthis;
pprev = pthis;
if (pfirst) {
pprev->next_on_contour = pfirst;
pfirst->prev_on_contour = pprev;
// Parametrize the new boundary with the intersection points inserted.
std::vector<double> &contour_params = out.boundary_params[idx_contour];
contour_params.assign(contour_dst.size() + 1, 0.);
for (size_t i = 1; i < contour_dst.size(); ++i) {
contour_params[i] = contour_params[i - 1] + (contour_dst[i].cast<double>() - contour_dst[i - 1].cast<double>()).norm();
assert(contour_params[i] > contour_params[i - 1]);
contour_params.back() = contour_params[contour_params.size() - 2] + (contour_dst.back().cast<double>() - contour_dst.front().cast<double>()).norm();
assert(contour_params.back() > contour_params[contour_params.size() - 2]);
// Map parameters from contour_params to boundary_intersection_points.
for (ContourIntersectionPoint *ip : contour_intersection_points)
ip->param = contour_params[ip->point_idx];
// and measure distance to the previous and next intersection point.
const double contour_length = contour_params.back();
for (ContourIntersectionPoint *ip : contour_intersection_points)
if (ip->next_on_contour == ip) {
assert(ip->prev_on_contour == ip);
ip->contour_not_taken_length_prev = ip->contour_not_taken_length_next = contour_length;
} else {
assert(ip->prev_on_contour != ip);
ip->contour_not_taken_length_prev = closed_contour_distance_ccw(ip->prev_on_contour->param, ip->param, contour_length);
ip->contour_not_taken_length_next = closed_contour_distance_ccw(ip->param, ip->next_on_contour->param, contour_length);
assert(out.boundary.size() == boundary_src.size());
#if 0
// Adaptive Cubic Infill produces infill lines, which not always end at the outer boundary.
assert(std::all_of(out.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.begin(), out.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.end(),
[&out.boundary](const ContourIntersectionPoint &contour_point) {
return contour_point.contour_idx < out.boundary.size() && contour_point.point_idx < out.boundary[contour_point.contour_idx].size();
// Mark the points and segments of split out.boundary as consumed if they are very close to some of the infill line.
// @supermerill used 2. * scale_(spacing)
const double clip_distance = 1.7 * scale_(spacing);
// Allow a bit of overlap. This value must be slightly higher than the overlap of FillAdaptive, otherwise
// the anchors of the adaptive infill will mask the other side of the perimeter line.
// (see connect_lines_using_hooks() in FillAdaptive.cpp)
const double distance_colliding = 0.8 * scale_(spacing);
mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill(out.boundary, out.boundary_params, boundary_intersection_points, bbox, infill_ordered, clip_distance, distance_colliding);
return out;
void Fill::connect_infill(Polylines &&infill_ordered, const std::vector<const Polygon*> &boundary_src, const BoundingBox &bbox, Polylines &polylines_out, const double spacing, const FillParams ¶ms)
assert(! infill_ordered.empty());
assert(params.anchor_length >= 0.);
assert(params.anchor_length_max >= 0.01f);
assert(params.anchor_length_max >= params.anchor_length);
const double anchor_length = scale_(params.anchor_length);
const double anchor_length_max = scale_(params.anchor_length_max);
#if 0
append(polylines_out, infill_ordered);
BoundaryInfillGraph graph = create_boundary_infill_graph(infill_ordered, boundary_src, bbox, spacing);
std::vector<size_t> merged_with(infill_ordered.size());
std::iota(merged_with.begin(), merged_with.end(), 0);
auto get_and_update_merged_with = [&merged_with](size_t polyline_idx) -> size_t {
for (size_t last = polyline_idx;;) {
size_t lower = merged_with[last];
assert(lower <= last);
if (lower == last) {
merged_with[polyline_idx] = last;
return last;
last = lower;
return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
const double line_half_width = 0.5 * scale_(spacing);
#if 0
// Connection from end of one infill line to the start of another infill line.
//const double length_max = scale_(spacing);
// const auto length_max = double(scale_((2. / params.density) * spacing));
const auto length_max = double(scale_((1000. / params.density) * spacing));
struct ConnectionCost {
ConnectionCost(size_t idx_first, double cost, bool reversed) : idx_first(idx_first), cost(cost), reversed(reversed) {}
size_t idx_first;
double cost;
bool reversed;
std::vector<ConnectionCost> connections_sorted;
connections_sorted.reserve(infill_ordered.size() * 2 - 2);
for (size_t idx_chain = 1; idx_chain < infill_ordered.size(); ++ idx_chain) {
const ContourIntersectionPoint *cp1 = &graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[(idx_chain - 1) * 2 + 1];
const ContourIntersectionPoint *cp2 = &graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[idx_chain * 2];
if (cp1->contour_idx != boundary_idx_unconnected && cp1->contour_idx == cp2->contour_idx) {
// End points on the same contour. Try to connect them.
std::pair<double, double> len = path_lengths_along_contour(cp1, cp2, graph.boundary_params[cp1->contour_idx].back());
if (len.first < length_max)
connections_sorted.emplace_back(idx_chain - 1, len.first, false);
if (len.second < length_max)
connections_sorted.emplace_back(idx_chain - 1, len.second, true);
std::sort(connections_sorted.begin(), connections_sorted.end(), [](const ConnectionCost& l, const ConnectionCost& r) { return l.cost < r.cost; });
for (ConnectionCost &connection_cost : connections_sorted) {
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp1 = &graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[connection_cost.idx_first * 2 + 1];
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp2 = &graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[(connection_cost.idx_first + 1) * 2];
assert(cp1 != cp2);
assert(cp1->contour_idx == cp2->contour_idx && cp1->contour_idx != boundary_idx_unconnected);
if (cp1->consumed || cp2->consumed)
const double length = connection_cost.cost;
bool could_connect;
// cp1, cp2 sorted CCW.
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp_low = connection_cost.reversed ? cp2 : cp1;
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp_high = connection_cost.reversed ? cp1 : cp2;
assert(std::abs(length - closed_contour_distance_ccw(cp_low->param, cp_high->param, graph.boundary_params[cp1->contour_idx].back())) < SCALED_EPSILON);
could_connect = ! cp_low->next_trimmed && ! cp_high->prev_trimmed;
if (could_connect && cp_low->next_on_contour != cp_high) {
// Other end of cp1, may or may not be on the same contour as cp1.
const ContourIntersectionPoint *cp1prev = cp1 - 1;
// Other end of cp2, may or may not be on the same contour as cp2.
const ContourIntersectionPoint *cp2next = cp2 + 1;
for (auto *cp = cp_low->next_on_contour; cp != cp_high; cp = cp->next_on_contour)
if (cp->consumed || cp == cp1prev || cp == cp2next || cp->prev_trimmed || cp->next_trimmed) {
could_connect = false;
// Indices of the polylines to be connected by a perimeter segment.
size_t idx_first = connection_cost.idx_first;
size_t idx_second = idx_first + 1;
idx_first = get_and_update_merged_with(idx_first);
assert(idx_first < idx_second);
assert(idx_second == merged_with[idx_second]);
if (could_connect && length < anchor_length_max) {
// Take the complete contour.
// Connect the two polygons using the boundary contour.
take(infill_ordered[idx_first], infill_ordered[idx_second], graph.boundary[cp1->contour_idx], cp1, cp2, connection_cost.reversed);
// Mark the second polygon as merged with the first one.
merged_with[idx_second] = merged_with[idx_first];
} else {
// Try to connect cp1 resp. cp2 with a piece of perimeter line.
take_limited(infill_ordered[idx_first], graph.boundary[cp1->contour_idx], graph.boundary_params[cp1->contour_idx], cp1, cp2, connection_cost.reversed, anchor_length, line_half_width);
take_limited(infill_ordered[idx_second], graph.boundary[cp1->contour_idx], graph.boundary_params[cp1->contour_idx], cp2, cp1, ! connection_cost.reversed, anchor_length, line_half_width);
struct Arc {
ContourIntersectionPoint *intersection;
double arc_length;
std::vector<Arc> arches;
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary)
if (cp.contour_idx != boundary_idx_unconnected && cp.next_on_contour != &cp && cp.could_connect_next())
arches.push_back({ &cp, path_length_along_contour_ccw(&cp, cp.next_on_contour, graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx].back()) });
std::sort(arches.begin(), arches.end(), [](const auto &l, const auto &r) { return l.arc_length < r.arc_length; });
//FIXME improve the Traveling Salesman problem with 2-opt and 3-opt local optimization.
for (Arc &arc : arches)
if (! arc.intersection->consumed && ! arc.intersection->next_on_contour->consumed) {
// Indices of the polylines to be connected by a perimeter segment.
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp1 = arc.intersection;
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp2 = arc.intersection->next_on_contour;
size_t polyline_idx1 = get_and_update_merged_with(((cp1 - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) / 2));
size_t polyline_idx2 = get_and_update_merged_with(((cp2 - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) / 2));
const Points &contour = graph.boundary[cp1->contour_idx];
const std::vector<double> &contour_params = graph.boundary_params[cp1->contour_idx];
if (polyline_idx1 != polyline_idx2) {
Polyline &polyline1 = infill_ordered[polyline_idx1];
Polyline &polyline2 = infill_ordered[polyline_idx2];
if (arc.arc_length < anchor_length_max) {
// Not closing a loop, connecting the lines.
assert(contour[cp1->point_idx] == polyline1.points.front() || contour[cp1->point_idx] == polyline1.points.back());
if (contour[cp1->point_idx] == polyline1.points.front())
assert(contour[cp2->point_idx] == polyline2.points.front() || contour[cp2->point_idx] == polyline2.points.back());
if (contour[cp2->point_idx] == polyline2.points.back())
take(polyline1, polyline2, contour, cp1, cp2, false);
// Mark the second polygon as merged with the first one.
if (polyline_idx2 < polyline_idx1) {
polyline2 = std::move(polyline1);
merged_with[polyline_idx1] = merged_with[polyline_idx2];
} else {
merged_with[polyline_idx2] = merged_with[polyline_idx1];
} else if (anchor_length > SCALED_EPSILON) {
// Move along the perimeter, but don't take the whole arc.
take_limited(polyline1, contour, contour_params, cp1, cp2, false, anchor_length, line_half_width);
take_limited(polyline2, contour, contour_params, cp2, cp1, true, anchor_length, line_half_width);
// Connect the remaining open infill lines to the perimeter lines if possible.
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &contour_point : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary)
if (! contour_point.consumed && contour_point.contour_idx != boundary_idx_unconnected) {
const Points &contour = graph.boundary[contour_point.contour_idx];
const std::vector<double> &contour_params = graph.boundary_params[contour_point.contour_idx];
double lprev = contour_point.could_connect_prev() ?
path_length_along_contour_ccw(contour_point.prev_on_contour, &contour_point, contour_params.back()) :
double lnext = contour_point.could_connect_next() ?
path_length_along_contour_ccw(&contour_point, contour_point.next_on_contour, contour_params.back()) :
size_t polyline_idx = get_and_update_merged_with(((&contour_point - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) / 2));
Polyline &polyline = infill_ordered[polyline_idx];
assert(! polyline.empty());
assert(contour[contour_point.point_idx] == polyline.points.front() || contour[contour_point.point_idx] == polyline.points.back());
bool connected = false;
for (double l : { std::min(lprev, lnext), std::max(lprev, lnext) }) {
if (l == std::numeric_limits<double>::max() || l > anchor_length_max)
// Take the complete contour.
bool reversed = l == lprev;
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp2 = reversed ? contour_point.prev_on_contour : contour_point.next_on_contour;
// Identify which end of the polyline touches the boundary.
size_t polyline_idx2 = get_and_update_merged_with(((cp2 - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) / 2));
if (polyline_idx == polyline_idx2)
// Try the other side.
// Not closing a loop.
if (contour[contour_point.point_idx] == polyline.points.front())
Polyline &polyline2 = infill_ordered[polyline_idx2];
assert(! polyline.empty());
assert(contour[cp2->point_idx] == polyline2.points.front() || contour[cp2->point_idx] == polyline2.points.back());
if (contour[cp2->point_idx] == polyline2.points.back())
take(polyline, polyline2, contour, &contour_point, cp2, reversed);
if (polyline_idx < polyline_idx2) {
// Mark the second polyline as merged with the first one.
merged_with[polyline_idx2] = polyline_idx;
} else {
// Mark the first polyline as merged with the second one.
merged_with[polyline_idx] = polyline_idx2;
polyline2 = std::move(polyline);
connected = true;
if (! connected && anchor_length > SCALED_EPSILON) {
// Which to take? One could optimize for:
// 1) Shortest path
// 2) Hook length
// ...
// Let's take the longer now, as this improves the chance of another hook to be placed on the other side of this contour point.
double l = std::max(contour_point.contour_not_taken_length_prev, contour_point.contour_not_taken_length_next);
if (contour_point.contour_not_taken_length_prev > contour_point.contour_not_taken_length_next)
take_limited(polyline, contour, contour_params, &contour_point, contour_point.prev_on_contour, true, anchor_length, line_half_width);
take_limited(polyline, contour, contour_params, &contour_point, contour_point.next_on_contour, false, anchor_length, line_half_width);
polylines_out.reserve(polylines_out.size() + std::count_if(infill_ordered.begin(), infill_ordered.end(), [](const Polyline &pl) { return ! pl.empty(); }));
for (Polyline &pl : infill_ordered)
if (! pl.empty())
// Extend the infill lines along the perimeters, this is mainly useful for grid aligned support, where a perimeter line may be nearly
// aligned with the infill lines.
static inline void base_support_extend_infill_lines(Polylines &infill, BoundaryInfillGraph &graph, const double spacing, const FillParams ¶ms)
// Backup the source lines.
Lines lines;
std::transform(infill.begin(), infill.end(), std::back_inserter(lines), [](const Polyline &pl) { assert(pl.size() == 2); return Line(pl.points.begin(), pl.points.end()); });
const double line_spacing = scale_(spacing) / params.density;
// Maximum deviation perpendicular to the infill line to allow merging as a continuation of the same infill line.
const auto dist_max_x = coord_t(line_spacing * 0.33);
// Minimum length of the arc away from the infill end point to allow merging as a continuation of the same infill line.
const auto dist_min_y = coord_t(line_spacing * 0.5);
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
const Points &contour = graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx];
const std::vector<double> &contour_param = graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx];
const Point &pt = contour[cp.point_idx];
const bool first = graph.first(cp);
int extend_next_idx = -1;
int extend_prev_idx = -1;
coord_t dist_y_prev;
coord_t dist_y_next;
double arc_len_prev;
double arc_len_next;
if (! graph.next_vertical(cp)){
size_t i = cp.point_idx;
size_t j = next_idx_modulo(i, contour);
while (j != cp.next_on_contour->point_idx) {
//const Point &p1 = contour[i];
const Point &p2 = contour[j];
if (std::abs(p2.x() - pt.x()) > dist_max_x)
i = j;
j = next_idx_modulo(j, contour);
if (i != cp.point_idx) {
const Point &p2 = contour[i];
coord_t dist_y = p2.y() - pt.y();
if (first)
dist_y = - dist_y;
if (dist_y > dist_min_y) {
arc_len_next = closed_contour_distance_ccw(contour_param[cp.point_idx], contour_param[i], contour_param.back());
if (arc_len_next < cp.contour_not_taken_length_next) {
extend_next_idx = i;
dist_y_next = dist_y;
if (! graph.prev_vertical(cp)) {
size_t i = cp.point_idx;
size_t j = prev_idx_modulo(i, contour);
while (j != cp.prev_on_contour->point_idx) {
//const Point &p1 = contour[i];
const Point &p2 = contour[j];
if (std::abs(p2.x() - pt.x()) > dist_max_x)
i = j;
j = prev_idx_modulo(j, contour);
if (i != cp.point_idx) {
const Point &p2 = contour[i];
coord_t dist_y = p2.y() - pt.y();
if (first)
dist_y = - dist_y;
if (dist_y > dist_min_y) {
arc_len_prev = closed_contour_distance_ccw(contour_param[i], contour_param[cp.point_idx], contour_param.back());
if (arc_len_prev < cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev) {
extend_prev_idx = i;
dist_y_prev = dist_y;
if (extend_prev_idx >= 0 && extend_next_idx >= 0)
// Which side to move the point?
dist_y_prev < dist_y_next ? extend_prev_idx : extend_next_idx = -1;
assert(cp.prev_trimmed == cp.prev_on_contour->next_trimmed);
assert(cp.next_trimmed == cp.next_on_contour->prev_trimmed);
Polyline &infill_line = infill[(&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) / 2];
if (extend_prev_idx >= 0) {
if (first)
take_cw_full(infill_line, contour, cp.point_idx, extend_prev_idx);
if (first)
cp.point_idx = extend_prev_idx;
if (cp.prev_trimmed)
cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev -= arc_len_prev;
cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev = cp.prev_on_contour->contour_not_taken_length_next =
closed_contour_distance_ccw(contour_param[cp.prev_on_contour->point_idx], contour_param[cp.point_idx], contour_param.back());
cp.next_on_contour->prev_trimmed = true;
} else if (extend_next_idx >= 0) {
if (first)
take_ccw_full(infill_line, contour, cp.point_idx, extend_next_idx);
if (first)
cp.point_idx = extend_next_idx;
cp.prev_on_contour->next_trimmed = true;
if (cp.next_trimmed)
cp.contour_not_taken_length_next -= arc_len_next;
cp.contour_not_taken_length_next = cp.next_on_contour->contour_not_taken_length_prev =
closed_contour_distance_ccw(contour_param[cp.point_idx], contour_param[cp.next_on_contour->point_idx], contour_param.back());
// Called by Fill::connect_base_support() as part of the sparse support infill generator.
// Emit contour loops tracing the contour from tbegin to tend inside a band of (left, right).
// The contour is supposed to enter the "forbidden" zone outside of the (left, right) band at tbegin and also at tend.
static inline void emit_loops_in_band(
// Vertical band, which will trim the contour between tbegin and tend.
coord_t left,
coord_t right,
// Contour and its parametrization.
const Points &contour,
const std::vector<double> &contour_params,
// Span of the parameters of an arch to trim with the vertical band.
double tbegin,
double tend,
// Minimum arch length to put into polylines_out. Shorter arches are not necessary to support a dense support infill.
double min_length,
Polylines &polylines_out)
assert(left < right);
assert(contour.size() + 1 == contour_params.size());
assert(contour.size() >= 3);
#ifndef NDEBUG
double contour_length = contour_params.back();
assert(tbegin >= 0 && tbegin < contour_length);
assert(tend >= 0 && tend < contour_length);
assert(min_length > 0);
#endif // NDEBUG
// Find iterators of the range of segments, where the first and last segment contains tbegin and tend.
size_t ibegin, iend;
auto it_begin = std::lower_bound(contour_params.begin(), contour_params.end(), tbegin);
auto it_end = std::lower_bound(contour_params.begin(), contour_params.end(), tend);
assert(it_begin != contour_params.end());
assert(it_end != contour_params.end());
if (*it_begin != tbegin) {
assert(it_begin != contour_params.begin());
-- it_begin;
ibegin = it_begin - contour_params.begin();
iend = it_end - contour_params.begin();
if (ibegin == contour.size())
ibegin = 0;
if (iend == contour.size())
iend = 0;
assert(ibegin != iend);
// Trim the start and end segment to calculate start and end points.
Point pbegin, pend;
double t1 = contour_params[ibegin];
double t2 = next_value_modulo(ibegin, contour_params);
pbegin = lerp(contour[ibegin], next_value_modulo(ibegin, contour), (tbegin - t1) / (t2 - t1));
t1 = contour_params[iend];
t2 = prev_value_modulo(iend, contour_params);
pend = lerp(contour[iend], prev_value_modulo(iend, contour), (tend - t1) / (t2 - t1));
// Trace the contour from ibegin to iend.
enum Side {
enum InOutBand {
class State {
State(coord_t left, coord_t right, double min_length, Polylines &polylines_out) :
m_left(left), m_right(right), m_min_length(min_length), m_polylines_out(polylines_out) {}
void add_inner_point(const Point* p)
void add_outer_point(const Point* p)
if (m_polyline_end > 0)
void add_interpolated_point(const Point* p1, const Point* p2, Side side, InOutBand inout)
assert(side == Left || side == Right);
coord_t x = side == Left ? m_left : m_right;
coord_t y = p1->y() + coord_t(double(x - p1->x()) * double(p2->y() - p1->y()) / double(p2->x() - p1->x()));
if (inout == Leaving) {
assert(m_polyline_end == 0);
m_polyline_end = m_polyline.size();
m_polyline.points.emplace_back(x, y);
} else {
assert(inout == Entering);
if (m_polyline_end > 0) {
if ((this->side1 == Left) == (y - m_polyline.points[m_polyline_end].y() < 0)) {
// Emit the vertical segment. Remove the point, where the source contour was split the last time at m_left / m_right.
m_polyline.points.erase(m_polyline.points.begin() + m_polyline_end);
} else {
// Don't emit the vertical segment, split the contour.
m_polyline.points.emplace_back(x, y);
m_polyline_end = 0;
} else
m_polyline.points.emplace_back(x, y);
void finalize()
m_polyline.points.erase(m_polyline.points.begin() + m_polyline_end, m_polyline.points.end());
if (! m_polyline.empty()) {
if (! m_polylines_out.empty() && (m_polylines_out.back().points.back() - m_polyline.points.front()).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm() < SCALED_EPSILON)
m_polylines_out.back().points.insert(m_polylines_out.back().points.end(), m_polyline.points.begin() + 1, m_polyline.points.end());
else if (m_polyline.length() > m_min_length)
coord_t m_left;
coord_t m_right;
double m_min_length;
Polylines &m_polylines_out;
Polyline m_polyline;
size_t m_polyline_end { 0 };
Polyline m_overlapping;
Side side1 { Unknown };
Side side2 { Unknown };
State state { left, right, min_length, polylines_out };
const Point *p1 = &pbegin;
auto side = [left, right](const Point* p) {
coord_t x = p->x();
return x < left ? Left : x > right ? Right : Mid;
state.side1 = side(p1);
if (state.side1 == Mid)
for (size_t i = ibegin; i != iend; ) {
size_t inext = i + 1;
if (inext == contour.size())
inext = 0;
const Point *p2 = inext == iend ? &pend : &contour[inext];
state.side2 = side(p2);
if (state.side1 == Mid) {
if (state.side2 == Mid) {
// Inside the band.
} else {
// From intisde the band to the outside of the band.
state.add_interpolated_point(p1, p2, state.side2, Leaving);
} else if (state.side2 == Mid) {
// From outside the band into the band.
state.add_interpolated_point(p1, p2, state.side1, Entering);
} else if (state.side1 != state.side2) {
// Both points outside the band.
state.add_interpolated_point(p1, p2, state.side1, Entering);
state.add_interpolated_point(p1, p2, state.side2, Leaving);
} else {
// Complete segment is outside.
assert((state.side1 == Left && state.side2 == Left) || (state.side1 == Right && state.side2 == Right));
state.side1 = state.side2;
p1 = p2;
i = inext;
static void export_partial_infill_to_svg(const std::string &path, const BoundaryInfillGraph &graph, const Polylines &infill, const Polylines &emitted)
Polygons polygons;
for (const Points &pts : graph.boundary)
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(polygons);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(path, bbox);
svg.draw(infill, "blue");
svg.draw(emitted, "darkblue");
for (const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary)
svg.draw(graph.point(cp), cp.consumed ? "red" : "green", scaled(0.2));
for (const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
assert(cp.next_trimmed == cp.next_on_contour->prev_trimmed);
assert(cp.prev_trimmed == cp.prev_on_contour->next_trimmed);
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_next > SCALED_EPSILON) {
Polyline pl { graph.point(cp) };
take_ccw_limited(pl, graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx], graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx], cp.point_idx, cp.next_on_contour->point_idx, cp.contour_not_taken_length_next);
svg.draw(pl, cp.could_take_next() ? "lime" : "magenta", scaled(0.1));
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev > SCALED_EPSILON) {
Polyline pl { graph.point(cp) };
take_cw_limited(pl, graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx], graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx], cp.point_idx, cp.prev_on_contour->point_idx, cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev);
svg.draw(pl, cp.could_take_prev() ? "lime" : "magenta", scaled(0.1));
// To classify perimeter segments connecting infill lines, whether they are required for structural stability of the supports.
struct SupportArcCost
// Connecting one end of an infill line to the other end of the same infill line.
bool self_loop { false };
// Some of the arc touches some infill line.
bool open { false };
// How needed is this arch for support structural stability.
// Zero means don't take. The higher number, the more likely it is to take the arc.
double cost { 0 };
static double evaluate_support_arch_cost(const Polyline &pl)
Point front = pl.points.front();
Point back = pl.points.back();
coord_t ymin = front.y();
coord_t ymax = back.y();
if (ymin > ymax)
std::swap(ymin, ymax);
double dmax = 0;
// Maximum distance in Y axis out of the (ymin, ymax) band and from the (front, back) line.
Linef line { front.cast<double>(), back.cast<double>() };
for (const Point &pt : pl.points)
dmax = std::max<double>(std::max(dmax, line_alg::distance_to(line, Vec2d(pt.cast<double>()))), std::max(pt.y() - ymax, ymin - pt.y()));
return dmax;
// Costs for prev / next arch of each infill line end point.
static inline std::vector<SupportArcCost> evaluate_support_arches(Polylines &infill, BoundaryInfillGraph &graph, const double spacing, const FillParams ¶ms)
std::vector<SupportArcCost> arches(graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.size() * 2);
Polyline pl;
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
// Not a losed loop, such loops should already be consumed.
assert(cp.next_on_contour != &cp);
const size_t infill_line_idx = &cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data();
const bool first = (infill_line_idx & 1) == 0;
const ContourIntersectionPoint *other_end = first ? &cp + 1 : &cp - 1;
SupportArcCost &out_prev = arches[infill_line_idx * 2];
SupportArcCost &out_next = *(&out_prev + 1);
out_prev.self_loop = cp.prev_on_contour == other_end;
out_prev.open = cp.prev_trimmed;
out_next.self_loop = cp.next_on_contour == other_end;
out_next.open = cp.next_trimmed;
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_next > SCALED_EPSILON) {
if (cp.next_trimmed)
take_ccw_limited(pl, graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx], graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx], cp.point_idx, cp.next_on_contour->point_idx, cp.contour_not_taken_length_next);
take_ccw_full(pl, graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx], cp.point_idx, cp.next_on_contour->point_idx);
out_next.cost = evaluate_support_arch_cost(pl);
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev > SCALED_EPSILON) {
if (cp.prev_trimmed)
take_cw_limited(pl, graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx], graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx], cp.point_idx, cp.prev_on_contour->point_idx, cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev);
take_cw_full(pl, graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx], cp.point_idx, cp.prev_on_contour->point_idx);
out_prev.cost = evaluate_support_arch_cost(pl);
return arches;
// Both the poly_with_offset and polylines_out are rotated, so the infill lines are strictly vertical.
void Fill::connect_base_support(Polylines &&infill_ordered, const std::vector<const Polygon*> &boundary_src, const BoundingBox &bbox, Polylines &polylines_out, const double spacing, const FillParams ¶ms)
// assert(! infill_ordered.empty());
assert(params.anchor_length >= 0.);
assert(params.anchor_length_max >= 0.01f);
assert(params.anchor_length_max >= params.anchor_length);
BoundaryInfillGraph graph = create_boundary_infill_graph(infill_ordered, boundary_src, bbox, spacing);
static int iRun = 0;
++ iRun;
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-initial-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
const double line_half_width = 0.5 * scale_(spacing);
const double line_spacing = scale_(spacing) / params.density;
const double min_arch_length = 1.3 * line_spacing;
const double trim_length = line_half_width * 0.3;
// After mark_boundary_segments_touching_infill() marks boundary segments overlapping trimmed infill lines,
// there are possibly some very short boundary segments unmarked, but overlapping the untrimmed infill lines fully.
// Mark those short boundary segments.
mark_boundary_segments_overlapping_infill(graph, infill_ordered, scale_(spacing));
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-marked-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
// Detect loops with zero infill end points connected.
// Extrude these loops as perimeters.
std::vector<size_t> num_boundary_contour_infill_points(graph.boundary.size(), 0);
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary)
++ num_boundary_contour_infill_points[cp.contour_idx];
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_boundary_contour_infill_points.size(); ++ i)
if (num_boundary_contour_infill_points[i] == 0 && graph.boundary_params[i].back() > trim_length + 0.5 * line_spacing) {
// Emit a perimeter.
Polyline pl(graph.boundary[i]);
if (pl.size() > 1)
// Before processing the boundary arches, emit those arches, which were trimmed by the infill lines at both sides, but which
// depart from the infill line at least once after touching the infill line.
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
if (cp.next_on_contour && cp.next_trimmed && cp.next_on_contour->prev_trimmed) {
// The arch is leaving one infill line to end up at the same infill line or at the neighbouring one.
// The arch is touching one of those infill lines at least once.
// Trace those arches and emit their parts, which are not attached to the end points and they are not overlapping with the two infill lines mentioned.
bool first = graph.first(cp);
coord_t left = graph.point(cp).x();
coord_t right = left;
if (first) {
left += line_half_width;
right += line_spacing - line_half_width;
} else {
left -= line_spacing - line_half_width;
right -= line_half_width;
double param_start = cp.param + cp.contour_not_taken_length_next;
double param_end = cp.next_on_contour->param - cp.next_on_contour->contour_not_taken_length_prev;
double contour_length = graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx].back();
if (param_start >= contour_length)
param_start -= contour_length;
if (param_end < 0)
param_end += contour_length;
// Verify that the interval (param_overlap1, param_overlap2) is inside the interval (ip_low->param, ip_high->param).
assert(cyclic_interval_inside_interval(cp.param, cp.next_on_contour->param, param_start, param_end, contour_length));
emit_loops_in_band(left, right, graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx], graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx], param_start, param_end, 0.5 * line_spacing, polylines_out);
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-excess-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
base_support_extend_infill_lines(infill_ordered, graph, spacing, params);
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-extended-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
std::vector<size_t> merged_with(infill_ordered.size());
std::iota(merged_with.begin(), merged_with.end(), 0);
auto get_and_update_merged_with = [&graph, &merged_with](const ContourIntersectionPoint *cp) -> size_t {
size_t polyline_idx = (cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) / 2;
for (size_t last = polyline_idx;;) {
size_t lower = merged_with[last];
assert(lower <= last);
if (lower == last) {
merged_with[polyline_idx] = last;
return last;
last = lower;
return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
auto vertical = [](BoundaryInfillGraph::Direction dir) {
return dir == BoundaryInfillGraph::Up || dir == BoundaryInfillGraph::Down;
// When both left / right arch connected to cp is vertical (ends up at the same vertical infill line), which one to take?
auto take_vertical_prev = [](const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp) {
return cp.prev_trimmed == cp.next_trimmed ?
// Both are either trimmed or not trimmed. Take the longer contour.
cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev > cp.contour_not_taken_length_next :
// One is trimmed, the other is not trimmed. Take the not trimmed.
! cp.prev_trimmed && cp.next_trimmed;
// Connect infill lines at cp and cpo_next_on_contour.
// If the complete arch cannot be taken, then
// if (take_first)
// take the infill line at cp and an arc from cp towards cp.next_on_contour.
// else
// take the infill line at cp_next_on_contour and an arc from cp.next_on_contour towards cp.
// If cp1 == next_on_contour (a single infill line is connected to a contour, this is a valid case for contours with holes),
// then extrude the full circle.
// Nothing is done if the arch could no more be taken (one of it end points were consumed already).
auto take_next = [&graph, &infill_ordered, &merged_with, get_and_update_merged_with, line_half_width, trim_length](ContourIntersectionPoint &cp, bool take_first) {
// Indices of the polylines to be connected by a perimeter segment.
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp1 = &cp;
ContourIntersectionPoint *cp2 = cp.next_on_contour;
assert(cp1->next_trimmed == cp2->prev_trimmed);
//assert(cp1->next_trimmed || cp1->consumed == cp2->consumed);
if (take_first ? cp1->consumed : cp2->consumed)
size_t polyline_idx1 = get_and_update_merged_with(cp1);
size_t polyline_idx2 = get_and_update_merged_with(cp2);
Polyline &polyline1 = infill_ordered[polyline_idx1];
Polyline &polyline2 = infill_ordered[polyline_idx2];
const Points &contour = graph.boundary[cp1->contour_idx];
const std::vector<double> &contour_params = graph.boundary_params[cp1->contour_idx];
assert(cp1->consumed || contour[cp1->point_idx] == polyline1.points.front() || contour[cp1->point_idx] == polyline1.points.back());
assert(cp2->consumed || contour[cp2->point_idx] == polyline2.points.front() || contour[cp2->point_idx] == polyline2.points.back());
bool trimmed = take_first ? cp1->next_trimmed : cp2->prev_trimmed;
if (! trimmed) {
// Trim the end if closing a loop or making a T-joint.
trimmed = cp1 == cp2 || polyline_idx1 == polyline_idx2 || (take_first ? cp2->consumed : cp1->consumed);
if (! trimmed) {
const bool cp1_first = ((cp1 - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) & 1) == 0;
const ContourIntersectionPoint* cp1_other = cp1_first ? cp1 + 1 : cp1 - 1;
// Self loop, connecting the end points of the same infill line.
trimmed = cp2 == cp1_other;
if (trimmed) /* [[unlikely]] */ {
// Single end point on a contour. This may happen on contours with holes. Extrude a loop.
// Or a self loop, connecting the end points of the same infill line.
// Or closing a chain of infill lines. This may happen if infilling a contour with a hole.
double len = cp1 == cp2 ? contour_params.back() : path_length_along_contour_ccw(cp1, cp2, contour_params.back());
if (take_first) {
cp1->trim_next(std::max(0., len - trim_length - SCALED_EPSILON));
} else {
cp2->trim_prev(std::max(0., len - trim_length - SCALED_EPSILON));
if (trimmed) {
if (take_first)
take_limited(polyline1, contour, contour_params, cp1, cp2, false, 1e10, line_half_width);
take_limited(polyline2, contour, contour_params, cp2, cp1, true, 1e10, line_half_width);
} else if (! cp1->consumed && ! cp2->consumed) {
if (contour[cp1->point_idx] == polyline1.points.front())
if (contour[cp2->point_idx] == polyline2.points.back())
take(polyline1, polyline2, contour, cp1, cp2, false);
// Mark the second polygon as merged with the first one.
if (polyline_idx2 < polyline_idx1) {
polyline2 = std::move(polyline1);
merged_with[polyline_idx1] = merged_with[polyline_idx2];
} else {
merged_with[polyline_idx2] = merged_with[polyline_idx1];
// Consume all vertical arches. If a vertical arch is touching a neighboring vertical infill line, thus the vertical arch is trimmed,
// only consume the trimmed part if it is longer than min_arch_length.
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
assert(cp.contour_idx != boundary_idx_unconnected);
if (cp.consumed)
const ContourIntersectionPoint &cp_other = graph.other(cp);
assert((cp.next_on_contour == &cp_other) == (cp_other.prev_on_contour == &cp));
assert((cp.prev_on_contour == &cp_other) == (cp_other.next_on_contour == &cp));
BoundaryInfillGraph::Direction dir_prev = graph.dir_prev(cp);
BoundaryInfillGraph::Direction dir_next = graph.dir_next(cp);
// Following code will also consume contours with just a single infill line attached. (cp1->next_on_contour == cp1).
assert((cp.next_on_contour == &cp) == (cp.prev_on_contour == &cp));
bool can_take_prev = vertical(dir_prev) && ! cp.prev_on_contour->consumed && cp.prev_on_contour != &cp_other;
bool can_take_next = vertical(dir_next) && ! cp.next_on_contour->consumed && cp.next_on_contour != &cp_other;
if (can_take_prev && (! can_take_next || take_vertical_prev(cp))) {
if (! cp.prev_trimmed || cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev > min_arch_length)
// take previous
take_next(*cp.prev_on_contour, false);
} else if (can_take_next) {
if (! cp.next_trimmed || cp.contour_not_taken_length_next > min_arch_length)
// take next
take_next(cp, true);
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-vertical-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
const std::vector<SupportArcCost> arches = evaluate_support_arches(infill_ordered, graph, spacing, params);
static const double cost_low = line_spacing * 1.3;
static const double cost_high = line_spacing * 2.;
static const double cost_veryhigh = line_spacing * 3.;
std::vector<const SupportArcCost*> selected;
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
if (cp.consumed)
const SupportArcCost &cost_prev = arches[(&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) * 2];
const SupportArcCost &cost_next = *(&cost_prev + 1);
double cost_min = cost_prev.cost;
double cost_max = cost_next.cost;
if (cost_min > cost_max)
std::swap(cost_min, cost_max);
if (cost_max < cost_low || cost_min > cost_high)
// Don't take any of the prev / next arches now, take zig-zag instead. It does not matter which one will be taken.
const double cost_diff_relative = (cost_max - cost_min) / cost_max;
if (cost_diff_relative < 0.25)
// Don't take any of the prev / next arches now, take zig-zag instead. It does not matter which one will be taken.
if (cost_prev.cost > cost_low)
if (cost_next.cost > cost_low)
// Take the longest arch first.
std::sort(selected.begin(), selected.end(), [](const auto *l, const auto *r) { return l->cost > r->cost; });
// And connect along the arches.
for (const SupportArcCost *arc : selected) {
ContourIntersectionPoint &cp = graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[(arc - arches.data()) / 2];
if (! cp.consumed) {
bool prev = ((arc - arches.data()) & 1) == 0;
if (prev)
take_next(*cp.prev_on_contour, false);
take_next(cp, true);
#if 0
// Connect infill lines with long horizontal arches. Only take a horizontal arch, if it will not block
// the end caps (vertical arches) at the other side of the infill line.
struct Arc {
ContourIntersectionPoint *intersection;
double arc_length;
bool take_next;
std::vector<Arc> arches;
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
if (cp.consumed)
// Not a losed loop, such loops should already be consumed.
assert(cp.next_on_contour != &cp);
const bool first = ((&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) & 1) == 0;
const ContourIntersectionPoint *other_end = first ? &cp + 1 : &cp - 1;
const bool loop_next = cp.next_on_contour == other_end;
if (! loop_next && cp.could_connect_next()) {
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_next > min_arch_length) {
// Try both directions. This is useful to be able to close a loop back to the same line to take a long arch.
arches.push_back({ &cp, cp.contour_not_taken_length_next, true });
arches.push_back({ cp.next_on_contour, cp.contour_not_taken_length_next, false });
} else {
//bool first = ((&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) & 1) == 0;
if (cp.prev_trimmed && cp.could_take_prev()) {
//FIXME trace the trimmed line to decide what priority to assign to it.
// Is the end point close to the current vertical line or to the other vertical line?
const Point &pt = graph.point(cp);
const Point &prev = graph.point(*cp.prev_on_contour);
if (std::abs(pt.x() - prev.x()) < coord_t(0.5 * line_spacing)) {
// End point on the same line.
// Measure maximum distance from the current vertical line.
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev > 0.5 * line_spacing)
arches.push_back({ &cp, cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev, false });
} else {
// End point on the other line.
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev > min_arch_length)
arches.push_back({ &cp, cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev, false });
if (cp.next_trimmed && cp.could_take_next()) {
//FIXME trace the trimmed line to decide what priority to assign to it.
const Point &pt = graph.point(cp);
const Point &next = graph.point(*cp.next_on_contour);
if (std::abs(pt.x() - next.x()) < coord_t(0.5 * line_spacing)) {
// End point on the same line.
// Measure maximum distance from the current vertical line.
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_next > 0.5 * line_spacing)
arches.push_back({ &cp, cp.contour_not_taken_length_next, true });
} else {
// End point on the other line.
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_next > min_arch_length)
arches.push_back({ &cp, cp.contour_not_taken_length_next, true });
// Take the longest arch first.
std::sort(arches.begin(), arches.end(), [](const auto &l, const auto &r) { return l.arc_length > r.arc_length; });
// And connect along the arches.
for (Arc &arc : arches)
if (arc.take_next)
take_next(*arc.intersection, true);
take_next(*arc.intersection->prev_on_contour, false);
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-arches-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
// Traverse the unconnected lines in a zig-zag fashion, left to right only.
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
assert(cp.contour_idx != boundary_idx_unconnected);
if (cp.consumed)
bool first = ((&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) & 1) == 0;
if (first) {
// Only connect if the two lines are not connected by the same line already.
if (get_and_update_merged_with(&cp) != get_and_update_merged_with(cp.next_on_contour))
take_next(cp, true);
} else {
if (get_and_update_merged_with(&cp) != get_and_update_merged_with(cp.prev_on_contour))
take_next(*cp.prev_on_contour, false);
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-zigzag-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
// Add the left caps.
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
const bool first = ((&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) & 1) == 0;
const ContourIntersectionPoint *other_end = first ? &cp + 1 : &cp - 1;
const bool loop_next = cp.next_on_contour == other_end;
const bool loop_prev = other_end->next_on_contour == &cp;
#ifndef NDEBUG
const SupportArcCost &cost_prev = arches[(&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) * 2];
const SupportArcCost &cost_next = *(&cost_prev + 1);
assert(cost_prev.self_loop == loop_prev);
assert(cost_next.self_loop == loop_next);
#endif // NDEBUG
if (loop_prev && cp.could_take_prev())
take_next(*cp.prev_on_contour, false);
if (loop_next && cp.could_take_next())
take_next(cp, true);
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-caps-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
// Connect with T joints using long arches. Loops could be created only if a very long arc has to be added.
std::vector<const SupportArcCost*> candidates;
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
if (cp.could_take_prev())
candidates.emplace_back(&arches[(&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) * 2]);
if (cp.could_take_next())
candidates.emplace_back(&arches[(&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) * 2 + 1]);
std::sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), [](auto *c1, auto *c2) { return c1->cost > c2->cost; });
for (const SupportArcCost *candidate : candidates) {
ContourIntersectionPoint &cp = graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary[(candidate - arches.data()) / 2];
bool prev = ((candidate - arches.data()) & 1) == 0;
if (prev) {
if (cp.could_take_prev() && (get_and_update_merged_with(&cp) != get_and_update_merged_with(cp.prev_on_contour) || candidate->cost > cost_high))
take_next(*cp.prev_on_contour, false);
} else {
if (cp.could_take_next() && (get_and_update_merged_with(&cp) != get_and_update_merged_with(cp.next_on_contour) || candidate->cost > cost_high))
take_next(cp, true);
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-Tjoints-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
// Add very long arches and reasonably long caps even if both of its end points were already consumed.
const double cap_cost = 0.5 * line_spacing;
for (ContourIntersectionPoint &cp : graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary) {
const SupportArcCost &cost_prev = arches[(&cp - graph.map_infill_end_point_to_boundary.data()) * 2];
const SupportArcCost &cost_next = *(&cost_prev + 1);
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev > SCALED_EPSILON &&
(cost_prev.self_loop ?
cost_prev.cost > cap_cost :
cost_prev.cost > cost_veryhigh)) {
assert(cp.consumed && (cp.prev_on_contour->consumed || cp.prev_trimmed));
Polyline pl { graph.point(cp) };
if (! cp.prev_trimmed) {
cp.trim_prev(cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev - line_half_width);
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev > SCALED_EPSILON) {
take_cw_limited(pl, graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx], graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx], cp.point_idx, cp.prev_on_contour->point_idx, cp.contour_not_taken_length_prev);
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_next > SCALED_EPSILON &&
(cost_next.self_loop ?
cost_next.cost > cap_cost :
cost_next.cost > cost_veryhigh)) {
assert(cp.consumed && (cp.next_on_contour->consumed || cp.next_trimmed));
Polyline pl { graph.point(cp) };
if (! cp.next_trimmed) {
cp.trim_next(cp.contour_not_taken_length_next - line_half_width);
if (cp.contour_not_taken_length_next > SCALED_EPSILON) {
take_ccw_limited(pl, graph.boundary[cp.contour_idx], graph.boundary_params[cp.contour_idx], cp.point_idx, cp.next_on_contour->point_idx, cp.contour_not_taken_length_next); // line_half_width);
export_partial_infill_to_svg(debug_out_path("connect_base_support-final-%03d.svg", iRun), graph, infill_ordered, polylines_out);
polylines_out.reserve(polylines_out.size() + std::count_if(infill_ordered.begin(), infill_ordered.end(), [](const Polyline &pl) { return ! pl.empty(); }));
for (Polyline &pl : infill_ordered)
if (! pl.empty())
void Fill::connect_base_support(Polylines &&infill_ordered, const Polygons &boundary_src, const BoundingBox &bbox, Polylines &polylines_out, const double spacing, const FillParams ¶ms)
auto polygons_src = reserve_vector<const Polygon*>(boundary_src.size());
for (const Polygon &polygon : boundary_src)
connect_base_support(std::move(infill_ordered), polygons_src, bbox, polylines_out, spacing, params);
} // namespace Slic3r