bubnikv 21b4e62e6e Fixed handling of print and filament presets incompatible
with the newly selected print profile,
fixed loading of print and filament tab pages after the print or filament
preset has been changed to be compatible with a newly selected printer.
2017-12-13 14:00:14 +01:00

1807 lines
76 KiB

# The "Expert" tab at the right of the main tabbed window.
# This file implements following packages:
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab;
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Print;
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Filament;
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Printer;
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Page
# - Option page: For example, the Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Print has option pages "Layers and perimeters", "Infill", "Skirt and brim" ...
# Slic3r::GUI::SavePresetWindow
# - Dialog to select a new preset name to store the configuration.
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Preset;
# - Single preset item: name, file is default or external.
package Slic3r::GUI::Tab;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use List::Util qw(first);
use Wx qw(:bookctrl :dialog :keycode :icon :id :misc :panel :sizer :treectrl :window
:button wxTheApp wxCB_READONLY);
use base qw(Wx::Panel Class::Accessor);
sub new {
my ($class, $parent, %params) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBK_LEFT | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
# Vertical sizer to hold the choice menu and the rest of the page.
$self->{sizer} = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
# preset chooser
# choice menu
$self->{presets_choice} = Wx::BitmapComboBox->new($self, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, [270, -1], [], wxCB_READONLY);
# buttons
$self->{btn_save_preset} = Wx::BitmapButton->new($self, -1, Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("disk.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE);
$self->{btn_delete_preset} = Wx::BitmapButton->new($self, -1, Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("delete.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE);
$self->{show_incompatible_presets} = 0;
$self->{bmp_show_incompatible_presets} = Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("flag-red-icon.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
$self->{bmp_hide_incompatible_presets} = Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("flag-green-icon.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
$self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets} = Wx::BitmapButton->new($self, -1,
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE);
$self->{btn_save_preset}->SetToolTipString("Save current " . lc($self->title));
$self->{btn_delete_preset}->SetToolTipString("Delete this preset");
my $hsizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
$self->{sizer}->Add($hsizer, 0, wxBOTTOM, 3);
$hsizer->Add($self->{presets_choice}, 1, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 3);
$hsizer->Add($self->{btn_save_preset}, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
$hsizer->Add($self->{btn_delete_preset}, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
$hsizer->Add($self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets}, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
# Horizontal sizer to hold the tree and the selected page.
$self->{hsizer} = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
$self->{sizer}->Add($self->{hsizer}, 1, wxEXPAND, 0);
# left vertical sizer
my $left_sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
$self->{hsizer}->Add($left_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM, 3);
# tree
$self->{treectrl} = Wx::TreeCtrl->new($self, -1, wxDefaultPosition, [185, -1], wxTR_NO_BUTTONS | wxTR_HIDE_ROOT | wxTR_SINGLE | wxTR_NO_LINES | wxBORDER_SUNKEN | wxWANTS_CHARS);
$left_sizer->Add($self->{treectrl}, 1, wxEXPAND);
$self->{icons} = Wx::ImageList->new(16, 16, 1);
# Map from an icon file name to its index in $self->{icons}.
$self->{icon_index} = {};
# Index of the last icon inserted into $self->{icons}.
$self->{icon_count} = -1;
$self->{pages} = [];
$self->{disable_tree_sel_changed_event} = 0;
EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED($parent, $self->{treectrl}, sub {
return if $self->{disable_tree_sel_changed_event};
my $page = first { $_->{title} eq $self->{treectrl}->GetItemText($self->{treectrl}->GetSelection) } @{$self->{pages}}
or return;
$_->Hide for @{$self->{pages}};
EVT_KEY_DOWN($self->{treectrl}, sub {
my ($treectrl, $event) = @_;
if ($event->GetKeyCode == WXK_TAB) {
$treectrl->Navigate($event->ShiftDown ? &Wx::wxNavigateBackward : &Wx::wxNavigateForward);
} else {
EVT_COMBOBOX($parent, $self->{presets_choice}, sub {
EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{btn_save_preset}, sub { $self->save_preset });
EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{btn_delete_preset}, sub { $self->delete_preset });
EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets}, sub { $self->_toggle_show_hide_incompatible });
# Initialize the DynamicPrintConfig by default keys/values.
# Possible %params keys: no_controller
return $self;
# Save the current preset into file.
# This removes the "dirty" flag of the preset, possibly creates a new preset under a new name,
# and activates the new preset.
# Wizard calls save_preset with a name "My Settings", otherwise no name is provided and this method
# opens a Slic3r::GUI::SavePresetWindow dialog.
sub save_preset {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
# since buttons (and choices too) don't get focus on Mac, we set focus manually
# to the treectrl so that the EVT_* events are fired for the input field having
# focus currently. is there anything better than this?
if (!defined $name) {
my $preset = $self->{presets}->get_selected_preset;
my $default_name = $preset->default ? 'Untitled' : $preset->name;
$default_name =~ s/\.[iI][nN][iI]$//;
my $dlg = Slic3r::GUI::SavePresetWindow->new($self,
title => lc($self->title),
default => $default_name,
values => [ map $_->name, grep !$_->default && !$_->external, @{$self->{presets}} ],
return unless $dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK;
$name = $dlg->get_name;
# Save the preset into Slic3r::data_dir/presets/section_name/preset_name.ini
eval { $self->{presets}->save_current_preset($name); };
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self) and return;
# Add the new item into the UI component, remove dirty flags and activate the saved item.
# Update the selection boxes at the platter.
# Called for a currently selected preset.
sub delete_preset {
my ($self) = @_;
my $current_preset = $self->{presets}->get_selected_preset;
# Don't let the user delete the '- default -' configuration.
my $msg = 'Are you sure you want to ' . ($current_preset->external ? 'remove' : 'delete') . ' the selected preset?';
my $title = ($current_preset->external ? 'Remove' : 'Delete') . ' Preset';
return if $current_preset->default ||
wxID_YES != Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, $msg, $title, wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION)->ShowModal;
# Delete the file and select some other reasonable preset.
# The 'external' presets will only be removed from the preset list, their files will not be deleted.
eval { $self->{presets}->delete_current_preset; };
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self) and return;
# Load the newly selected preset into the UI, update selection combo boxes with their dirty flags.
sub _toggle_show_hide_incompatible {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{show_incompatible_presets} = ! $self->{show_incompatible_presets};
sub _update_show_hide_incompatible_button {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets}->SetBitmap($self->{show_incompatible_presets} ?
$self->{bmp_show_incompatible_presets} : $self->{bmp_hide_incompatible_presets});
$self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets}->SetToolTipString($self->{show_incompatible_presets} ?
"Both compatible an incompatible presets are shown. Click to hide presets not compatible with the current printer." :
"Only compatible presets are shown. Click to show both the presets compatible and not compatible with the current printer.");
# Register the on_value_change callback.
sub on_value_change {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
$self->{on_value_change} = $cb;
# Register the on_presets_changed callback.
sub on_presets_changed {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
$self->{on_presets_changed} = $cb;
# This method is called whenever an option field is changed by the user.
# Propagate event to the parent through the 'on_value_change' callback
# and call _update.
# The on_value_change callback triggers Platter::on_config_change() to configure the 3D preview
# (colors, wipe tower positon etc) and to restart the background slicing process.
sub _on_value_change {
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
$self->{on_value_change}->($key, $value) if $self->{on_value_change};
# Override this to capture changes of configuration caused either by loading or switching a preset,
# or by a user changing an option field.
# This callback is useful for cross-validating configuration values of a single preset.
sub _update {}
# Call a callback to update the selection of presets on the platter:
# To update the content of the selection boxes,
# to update the filament colors of the selection boxes,
# to update the "dirty" flags of the selection boxes,
# to uddate number of "filament" selection boxes when the number of extruders change.
sub _on_presets_changed {
my ($self, $reload_dependent_tabs) = @_;
$self->{on_presets_changed}->($self->{presets}, $reload_dependent_tabs)
if $self->{on_presets_changed};
# For the printer profile, generate the extruder pages after a preset is loaded.
sub on_preset_loaded {}
# If the current preset is dirty, the user is asked whether the changes may be discarded.
# if the current preset was not dirty, or the user agreed to discard the changes, 1 is returned.
sub may_discard_current_dirty_preset
my ($self, $presets, $new_printer_name) = @_;
$presets //= $self->{presets};
# Display a dialog showing the dirty options in a human readable form.
my $old_preset = $presets->get_current_preset;
my $type_name = $presets->name;
my $tab = ' ';
my $name = $old_preset->default ?
('Default ' . $type_name . ' preset') :
($type_name . " preset\n$tab" . $old_preset->name);
# Collect descriptions of the dirty options.
my @option_names = ();
foreach my $opt_key (@{$presets->current_dirty_options}) {
my $opt = $Slic3r::Config::Options->{$opt_key};
my $name = $opt->{full_label} // $opt->{label};
$name = $opt->{category} . " > $name" if $opt->{category};
push @option_names, $name;
# Show a confirmation dialog with the list of dirty options.
my $changes = join "\n", map "$tab$_", @option_names;
my $message = (defined $new_printer_name) ?
"$name\n\nis not compatible with printer\n$tab$new_printer_name\n\nand it has the following unsaved changes:" :
"$name\n\nhas the following unsaved changes:";
my $confirm = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
$message . "\n$changes\n\nDiscard changes and continue anyway?",
'Unsaved Changes', wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION);
return $confirm->ShowModal == wxID_YES;
# Called by the UI combo box when the user switches profiles.
# Select a preset by a name. If ! defined(name), then the default preset is selected.
# If the current profile is modified, user is asked to save the changes.
sub select_preset {
my ($self, $name, $force) = @_;
$force //= 0;
my $presets = $self->{presets};
my $current_dirty = $presets->current_is_dirty;
my $canceled = 0;
my $printer_tab = $presets->name eq 'printer';
my @reload_dependent_tabs = ();
if (! $force && $current_dirty && ! $self->may_discard_current_dirty_preset) {
$canceled = 1;
} elsif ($printer_tab) {
# Before switching the printer to a new one, verify, whether the currently active print and filament
# are compatible with the new printer.
# If they are not compatible and the the current print or filament are dirty, let user decide
# whether to discard the changes or keep the current printer selection.
my $new_printer_name = $name // '';
my $new_printer_preset = $presets->find_preset($new_printer_name, 1);
my $print_presets = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->print;
my $print_preset_dirty = $print_presets->current_is_dirty;
my $print_preset_compatible = $print_presets->get_edited_preset->is_compatible_with_printer($new_printer_name);
$canceled = $print_preset_dirty && ! $print_preset_compatible &&
! $self->may_discard_current_dirty_preset($print_presets, $new_printer_name);
my $filament_presets = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->filament;
my $filament_preset_dirty = $filament_presets->current_is_dirty;
my $filament_preset_compatible = $filament_presets->get_edited_preset->is_compatible_with_printer($new_printer_name);
if (! $canceled) {
$canceled = $filament_preset_dirty && ! $filament_preset_compatible &&
! $self->may_discard_current_dirty_preset($filament_presets, $new_printer_name);
if (! $canceled) {
if (! $print_preset_compatible) {
# The preset will be switched to a different, compatible preset, or the '-- default --'.
push @reload_dependent_tabs, 'print';
$print_presets->discard_current_changes if $print_preset_dirty;
if (! $filament_preset_compatible) {
# The preset will be switched to a different, compatible preset, or the '-- default --'.
push @reload_dependent_tabs, 'filament';
$filament_presets->discard_current_changes if $filament_preset_dirty;
if ($canceled) {
# Trigger the on_presets_changed event so that we also restore the previous value in the plater selector,
# if this action was initiated from the platter.
} else {
$presets->discard_current_changes if $current_dirty;
if (defined $name) {
} else {
# Mark the print & filament enabled if they are compatible with the currently selected preset.
# The following method should not discard changes of current print or filament presets on change of a printer profile,
# if they are compatible with the current printer.
if $current_dirty || $printer_tab;
# Initialize the UI from the current preset.
# Initialize the UI from the current preset.
sub load_current_preset {
my ($self, $dependent_tab_names) = @_;
my $preset = $self->{presets}->get_current_preset;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = Slic3r::GUI::warning_catcher($self);
my $method = $preset->default ? 'Disable' : 'Enable';
# For the printer profile, generate the extruder pages.
# Reload preset pages with the new configuration values.
# use CallAfter because some field triggers schedule on_change calls using CallAfter,
# and we don't want them to be called after this update_dirty() as they would mark the
# preset dirty again
# (not sure this is true anymore now that update_dirty is idempotent)
wxTheApp->CallAfter(sub {
sub add_options_page {
my ($self, $title, $icon, %params) = @_;
# Index of $icon in an icon list $self->{icons}.
my $icon_idx = 0;
if ($icon) {
$icon_idx = $self->{icon_index}->{$icon};
if (! defined $icon_idx) {
# Add a new icon to the icon list.
my $bitmap = Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var($icon), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
$icon_idx = $self->{icon_count} + 1;
$self->{icon_count} = $icon_idx;
$self->{icon_index}->{$icon} = $icon_idx;
# Initialize the page.
my $page = Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Page->new($self, $title, $icon_idx);
$self->{hsizer}->Add($page, 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT, 5);
push @{$self->{pages}}, $page;
return $page;
# Reload current $self->{config} (aka $self->{presets}->edited_preset->config) into the UI fields.
sub _reload_config {
my ($self) = @_;
$_->reload_config for @{$self->{pages}};
# Regerenerate content of the page tree.
sub rebuild_page_tree {
my ($self) = @_;
# get label of the currently selected item
my $selected = $self->{treectrl}->GetItemText($self->{treectrl}->GetSelection);
my $rootItem = $self->{treectrl}->GetRootItem;
my $have_selection = 0;
foreach my $page (@{$self->{pages}}) {
my $itemId = $self->{treectrl}->AppendItem($rootItem, $page->{title}, $page->{iconID});
if ($page->{title} eq $selected) {
$self->{disable_tree_sel_changed_event} = 1;
$self->{disable_tree_sel_changed_event} = 0;
$have_selection = 1;
if (!$have_selection) {
# this is triggered on first load, so we don't disable the sel change event
# Update the combo box label of the selected preset based on its "dirty" state,
# comparing the selected preset config with $self->{config}.
sub update_dirty {
my ($self) = @_;
# Load a provied DynamicConfig into the tab, modifying the active preset.
# This could be used for example by setting a Wipe Tower position by interactive manipulation in the 3D view.
sub load_config {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
my $modified = 0;
foreach my $opt_key (@{$self->{config}->diff($config)}) {
$self->{config}->set($opt_key, $config->get($opt_key));
$modified = 1;
if ($modified) {
# Initialize UI components with the config values.
# To be called by custom widgets, load a value into a config,
# update the preset selection boxes (the dirty flags)
sub _load_key_value {
my ($self, $opt_key, $value) = @_;
$self->{config}->set($opt_key, $value);
# Mark the print & filament enabled if they are compatible with the currently selected preset.
if ($opt_key eq 'compatible_printers') {
my $was_compatible = $self->{presets}->get_edited_preset->compatible;
if ($was_compatible != $self->{presets}->get_edited_preset->compatible) {
# This is certainly not a tab page.
# Trigger the on_presets_changed event so that we also update the "compatible" flag at the plater selector.
} else {
# Find a field with an index over all pages of this tab.
# This method is used often and everywhere, therefore it shall be quick.
sub get_field {
my ($self, $opt_key, $opt_index) = @_;
foreach my $page (@{$self->{pages}}) {
my $field = $page->get_field($opt_key, $opt_index);
return $field if defined $field;
return undef;
# Set a key/value pair on this page. Return true if the value has been modified.
# Currently used for distributing extruders_count over preset pages of Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Printer
# after a preset is loaded.
sub set_value {
my ($self, $opt_key, $value) = @_;
my $changed = 0;
foreach my $page (@{$self->{pages}}) {
$changed = 1 if $page->set_value($opt_key, $value);
return $changed;
# Return a callback to create a Tab widget to mark the preferences as compatible / incompatible to the current printer.
sub _compatible_printers_widget {
my ($self) = @_;
return sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
my $checkbox = $self->{compatible_printers_checkbox} = Wx::CheckBox->new($parent, -1, "All");
my $btn = $self->{compatible_printers_btn} = Wx::Button->new($parent, -1, "Set…", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
$btn->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("printer_empty.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
$sizer->Add($checkbox, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
$sizer->Add($btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
EVT_CHECKBOX($self, $checkbox, sub {
my $method = $checkbox->GetValue ? 'Disable' : 'Enable';
# All printers have been made compatible with this preset.
$self->_load_key_value('compatible_printers', []) if $checkbox->GetValue;
EVT_BUTTON($self, $btn, sub {
# Collect names of non-default non-external printer profiles.
my @presets = map $_->name, grep !$_->default && !$_->external,
my $dlg = Wx::MultiChoiceDialog->new($self,
"Select the printers this profile is compatible with.",
"Compatible printers", \@presets);
# Collect and set indices of printers marked as compatible.
my @selections = ();
foreach my $preset_name (@{ $self->{config}->get('compatible_printers') }) {
my $idx = first { $presets[$_] eq $preset_name } 0..$#presets;
push @selections, $idx if defined $idx;
# Show the dialog.
if ($dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK) {
my $value = [ @presets[$dlg->GetSelections] ];
if (!@$value) {
# All printers have been made compatible with this preset.
$self->_load_key_value('compatible_printers', $value);
return $sizer;
sub _reload_compatible_printers_widget {
my ($self) = @_;
my $has_any = int(@{$self->{config}->get('compatible_printers')}) > 0;
my $method = $has_any ? 'Enable' : 'Disable';
$self->{compatible_printers_checkbox}->SetValue(! $has_any);
sub update_ui_from_settings {
my ($self) = @_;
# Show the 'show / hide presets' button only for the print and filament tabs, and only if enabled
# in application preferences.
my $show = wxTheApp->{app_config}->get("show_incompatible_presets") && $self->{presets}->name ne 'printer';
my $method = $show ? 'Show' : 'Hide';
# If the 'show / hide presets' button is hidden, hide the incompatible presets.
if ($show) {
} else {
if ($self->{show_incompatible_presets}) {
$self->{show_incompatible_presets} = 0;
sub update_tab_ui {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{presets}->update_tab_ui($self->{presets_choice}, $self->{show_incompatible_presets})
package Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Print;
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::Tab';
use List::Util qw(first);
use Wx qw(:icon :dialog :id wxTheApp);
sub name { 'print' }
sub title { 'Print Settings' }
sub build {
my $self = shift;
$self->{presets} = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->print;
$self->{config} = $self->{presets}->get_edited_preset->config;
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Layers and perimeters', 'layers.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Layer height');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Vertical shells');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Horizontal shells');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Solid layers',
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Quality (slower slicing)');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Advanced');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Infill', 'infill.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Infill');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Reducing printing time');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Advanced');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Skirt and brim', 'box.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Skirt');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Brim');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Support material', 'building.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Support material');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Raft');
# $optgroup->append_single_option_line('raft_contact_distance');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Options for support material and raft');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Speed', 'time.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Speed for print moves');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Speed for non-print moves');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Modifiers');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Acceleration control (advanced)');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Autospeed (advanced)');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Multiple Extruders', 'funnel.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Extruders');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Ooze prevention');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Wipe tower');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Advanced');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Advanced', 'wrench.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Extrusion width',
label_width => 180,
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Overlap');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Flow');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Other');
# $optgroup->append_single_option_line('threads');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Output options', 'page_white_go.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Sequential printing');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Extruder clearance (mm)',
foreach my $opt_key (qw(extruder_clearance_radius extruder_clearance_height)) {
my $option = $optgroup->get_option($opt_key);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Output file');
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('output_filename_format');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Post-processing scripts',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('post_process');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Notes', 'note.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Notes',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('notes');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Dependencies', 'wrench.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Profile dependencies');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Compatible printers',
widget => $self->_compatible_printers_widget,
# Reload current $self->{config} (aka $self->{presets}->edited_preset->config) into the UI fields.
sub _reload_config {
my ($self) = @_;
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Print::_update is called after a configuration preset is loaded or switched, or when a single option is modifed by the user.
sub _update {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = $self->{config};
if ($config->spiral_vase && !($config->perimeters == 1 && $config->top_solid_layers == 0 && $config->fill_density == 0)) {
my $dialog = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
"The Spiral Vase mode requires:\n"
. "- one perimeter\n"
. "- no top solid layers\n"
. "- 0% fill density\n"
. "- no support material\n"
. "- no ensure_vertical_shell_thickness\n"
. "\nShall I adjust those settings in order to enable Spiral Vase?",
'Spiral Vase', wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO);
my $new_conf = Slic3r::Config->new;
if ($dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) {
$new_conf->set("perimeters", 1);
$new_conf->set("top_solid_layers", 0);
$new_conf->set("fill_density", 0);
$new_conf->set("support_material", 0);
$new_conf->set("ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", 0);
} else {
$new_conf->set("spiral_vase", 0);
if ($config->wipe_tower &&
($config->first_layer_height != 0.2 || $config->layer_height < 0.15 || $config->layer_height > 0.35)) {
my $dialog = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
"The Wipe Tower currently supports only:\n"
. "- first layer height 0.2mm\n"
. "- layer height from 0.15mm to 0.35mm\n"
. "\nShall I adjust those settings in order to enable the Wipe Tower?",
'Wipe Tower', wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO);
my $new_conf = Slic3r::Config->new;
if ($dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) {
$new_conf->set("first_layer_height", 0.2);
$new_conf->set("layer_height", 0.15) if $config->layer_height < 0.15;
$new_conf->set("layer_height", 0.35) if $config->layer_height > 0.35;
} else {
$new_conf->set("wipe_tower", 0);
if ($config->wipe_tower && $config->support_material && $config->support_material_contact_distance > 0. &&
($config->support_material_extruder != 0 || $config->support_material_interface_extruder != 0)) {
my $dialog = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
"The Wipe Tower currently supports the non-soluble supports only\n"
. "if they are printed with the current extruder without triggering a tool change.\n"
. "(both support_material_extruder and support_material_interface_extruder need to be set to 0).\n"
. "\nShall I adjust those settings in order to enable the Wipe Tower?",
'Wipe Tower', wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO);
my $new_conf = Slic3r::Config->new;
if ($dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) {
$new_conf->set("support_material_extruder", 0);
$new_conf->set("support_material_interface_extruder", 0);
} else {
$new_conf->set("wipe_tower", 0);
if ($config->wipe_tower && $config->support_material && $config->support_material_contact_distance == 0 &&
! $config->support_material_synchronize_layers) {
my $dialog = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
"For the Wipe Tower to work with the soluble supports, the support layers\n"
. "need to be synchronized with the object layers.\n"
. "\nShall I synchronize support layers in order to enable the Wipe Tower?",
'Wipe Tower', wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO);
my $new_conf = Slic3r::Config->new;
if ($dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) {
$new_conf->set("support_material_synchronize_layers", 1);
} else {
$new_conf->set("wipe_tower", 0);
if ($config->support_material) {
# Ask only once.
if (! $self->{support_material_overhangs_queried}) {
$self->{support_material_overhangs_queried} = 1;
if ($config->overhangs != 1) {
my $dialog = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
"Supports work better, if the following feature is enabled:\n"
. "- Detect bridging perimeters\n"
. "\nShall I adjust those settings for supports?",
'Support Generator', wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO | wxCANCEL);
my $answer = $dialog->ShowModal();
my $new_conf = Slic3r::Config->new;
if ($answer == wxID_YES) {
# Enable "detect bridging perimeters".
$new_conf->set("overhangs", 1);
} elsif ($answer == wxID_NO) {
# Do nothing, leave supports on and "detect bridging perimeters" off.
} elsif ($answer == wxID_CANCEL) {
# Disable supports.
$new_conf->set("support_material", 0);
$self->{support_material_overhangs_queried} = 0;
} else {
$self->{support_material_overhangs_queried} = 0;
if ($config->fill_density == 100
&& !first { $_ eq $config->fill_pattern } @{$Slic3r::Config::Options->{external_fill_pattern}{values}}) {
my $dialog = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
"The " . $config->fill_pattern . " infill pattern is not supposed to work at 100% density.\n"
. "\nShall I switch to rectilinear fill pattern?",
'Infill', wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO);
my $new_conf = Slic3r::Config->new;
if ($dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) {
$new_conf->set("fill_pattern", 'rectilinear');
$new_conf->set("fill_density", 100);
} else {
$new_conf->set("fill_density", 40);
my $have_perimeters = $config->perimeters > 0;
for qw(extra_perimeters ensure_vertical_shell_thickness thin_walls overhangs seam_position external_perimeters_first
perimeter_speed small_perimeter_speed external_perimeter_speed);
my $have_infill = $config->fill_density > 0;
# infill_extruder uses the same logic as in Print::extruders()
for qw(fill_pattern infill_every_layers infill_only_where_needed solid_infill_every_layers
solid_infill_below_area infill_extruder);
my $have_solid_infill = ($config->top_solid_layers > 0) || ($config->bottom_solid_layers > 0);
# solid_infill_extruder uses the same logic as in Print::extruders()
for qw(external_fill_pattern infill_first solid_infill_extruder solid_infill_extrusion_width
$self->get_field($_)->toggle($have_infill || $have_solid_infill)
for qw(fill_angle bridge_angle infill_extrusion_width infill_speed bridge_speed);
$self->get_field('gap_fill_speed')->toggle($have_perimeters && $have_infill);
my $have_top_solid_infill = $config->top_solid_layers > 0;
for qw(top_infill_extrusion_width top_solid_infill_speed);
my $have_default_acceleration = $config->default_acceleration > 0;
for qw(perimeter_acceleration infill_acceleration bridge_acceleration first_layer_acceleration);
my $have_skirt = $config->skirts > 0 || $config->min_skirt_length > 0;
for qw(skirt_distance skirt_height);
my $have_brim = $config->brim_width > 0;
# perimeter_extruder uses the same logic as in Print::extruders()
$self->get_field('perimeter_extruder')->toggle($have_perimeters || $have_brim);
my $have_raft = $config->raft_layers > 0;
my $have_support_material = $config->support_material || $have_raft;
my $have_support_interface = $config->support_material_interface_layers > 0;
my $have_support_soluble = $have_support_material && $config->support_material_contact_distance == 0;
for qw(support_material_threshold support_material_pattern support_material_with_sheath
support_material_spacing support_material_angle
support_material_interface_layers dont_support_bridges
support_material_extrusion_width support_material_contact_distance support_material_xy_spacing);
$self->get_field($_)->toggle($have_support_material && $have_support_interface)
for qw(support_material_interface_spacing support_material_interface_extruder
support_material_interface_speed support_material_interface_contact_loops);
$self->get_field('perimeter_extrusion_width')->toggle($have_perimeters || $have_skirt || $have_brim);
$self->get_field('support_material_extruder')->toggle($have_support_material || $have_skirt);
$self->get_field('support_material_speed')->toggle($have_support_material || $have_brim || $have_skirt);
my $have_sequential_printing = $config->complete_objects;
for qw(extruder_clearance_radius extruder_clearance_height);
my $have_ooze_prevention = $config->ooze_prevention;
for qw(standby_temperature_delta);
my $have_wipe_tower = $config->wipe_tower;
for qw(wipe_tower_x wipe_tower_y wipe_tower_width wipe_tower_per_color_wipe);
package Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Filament;
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::Tab';
use Wx qw(wxTheApp);
sub name { 'filament' }
sub title { 'Filament Settings' }
sub build {
my $self = shift;
$self->{presets} = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->filament;
$self->{config} = $self->{presets}->get_edited_preset->config;
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Filament', 'spool.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Filament');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('filament_colour', 0);
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('filament_diameter', 0);
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('extrusion_multiplier', 0);
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('filament_density', 0);
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('filament_cost', 0);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Temperature (°C)');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Extruder',
$line->append_option($optgroup->get_option('first_layer_temperature', 0));
$line->append_option($optgroup->get_option('temperature', 0));
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Bed',
$line->append_option($optgroup->get_option('first_layer_bed_temperature', 0));
$line->append_option($optgroup->get_option('bed_temperature', 0));
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Cooling', 'hourglass.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Enable');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('fan_always_on', 0);
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('cooling', 0);
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => '',
full_width => 1,
widget => sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
return $self->{cooling_description_line} = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::StaticText->new($parent);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Fan settings');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Fan speed',
$line->append_option($optgroup->get_option('min_fan_speed', 0));
$line->append_option($optgroup->get_option('max_fan_speed', 0));
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('bridge_fan_speed', 0);
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('disable_fan_first_layers', 0);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Cooling thresholds',
label_width => 250,
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('fan_below_layer_time', 0);
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('slowdown_below_layer_time', 0);
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('min_print_speed', 0);
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Advanced', 'wrench.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Filament properties');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('filament_type', 0);
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('filament_soluble', 0);
$optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Print speed override');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('filament_max_volumetric_speed', 0);
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => '',
full_width => 1,
widget => sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
return $self->{volumetric_speed_description_line} = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::StaticText->new($parent);
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Custom G-code', 'cog.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Start G-code',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('start_filament_gcode', 0);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('End G-code',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('end_filament_gcode', 0);
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Notes', 'note.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Notes',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('filament_notes', 0);
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Dependencies', 'wrench.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Profile dependencies');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Compatible printers',
widget => $self->_compatible_printers_widget,
# Reload current $self->{config} (aka $self->{presets}->edited_preset->config) into the UI fields.
sub _reload_config {
my ($self) = @_;
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Filament::_update is called after a configuration preset is loaded or switched, or when a single option is modifed by the user.
sub _update {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cooling = $self->{config}->cooling->[0];
my $fan_always_on = $cooling || $self->{config}->fan_always_on->[0];
$self->get_field($_, 0)->toggle($cooling)
for qw(max_fan_speed fan_below_layer_time slowdown_below_layer_time min_print_speed);
$self->get_field($_, 0)->toggle($fan_always_on)
for qw(min_fan_speed disable_fan_first_layers);
package Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Printer;
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::Tab';
use Wx qw(wxTheApp :sizer :button :bitmap :misc :id :icon :dialog);
use Wx::Event qw(EVT_BUTTON);
sub name { 'printer' }
sub title { 'Printer Settings' }
sub build {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$self->{presets} = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->printer;
$self->{config} = $self->{presets}->get_edited_preset->config;
$self->{extruders_count} = scalar @{$self->{config}->nozzle_diameter};
my $bed_shape_widget = sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
my $btn = Wx::Button->new($parent, -1, "Set…", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
$btn->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("printer_empty.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
EVT_BUTTON($self, $btn, sub {
my $dlg = Slic3r::GUI::BedShapeDialog->new($self, $self->{config}->bed_shape);
$self->_load_key_value('bed_shape', $dlg->GetValue) if $dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK;
return $sizer;
my $page = $self->add_options_page('General', 'printer_empty.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Size and coordinates');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Bed shape',
widget => $bed_shape_widget,
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Capabilities');
my $option = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Option->new(
opt_id => 'extruders_count',
type => 'i',
default => 1,
label => 'Extruders',
tooltip => 'Number of extruders of the printer.',
min => 1,
$optgroup->on_change(sub {
my ($opt_key, $value) = @_;
wxTheApp->CallAfter(sub {
if ($opt_key eq 'extruders_count') {
} else {
$self->_on_value_change($opt_key, $value);
if (!$params{no_controller})
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('USB/Serial connection');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Serial port',
my $serial_port = $optgroup->get_option('serial_port');
$serial_port->side_widget(sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
my $btn = Wx::BitmapButton->new($parent, -1, Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("arrow_rotate_clockwise.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, &Wx::wxBORDER_NONE);
$btn->SetToolTipString("Rescan serial ports")
if $btn->can('SetToolTipString');
EVT_BUTTON($self, $btn, \&_update_serial_ports);
return $btn;
my $serial_test = sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
my $btn = $self->{serial_test_btn} = Wx::Button->new($parent, -1,
"Test", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT);
$btn->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("wrench.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
EVT_BUTTON($self, $btn, sub {
my $sender = Slic3r::GCode::Sender->new;
my $res = $sender->connect(
if ($res && $sender->wait_connected) {
Slic3r::GUI::show_info($self, "Connection to printer works correctly.", "Success!");
} else {
Slic3r::GUI::show_error($self, "Connection failed.");
return $btn;
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('OctoPrint upload');
# append two buttons to the Host line
my $octoprint_host_browse = sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
my $btn = Wx::Button->new($parent, -1, "Browse…", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_LEFT);
$btn->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("zoom.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
if (!eval "use Net::Bonjour; 1") {
EVT_BUTTON($self, $btn, sub {
# look for devices
my $entries;
my $res = Net::Bonjour->new('http');
$entries = [ $res->entries ];
if (@{$entries}) {
my $dlg = Slic3r::GUI::BonjourBrowser->new($self, $entries);
$self->_load_key_value('octoprint_host', $dlg->GetValue . ":" . $dlg->GetPort)
if $dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK;
} else {
Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, 'No Bonjour device found', 'Device Browser', wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION)->ShowModal;
return $btn;
my $octoprint_host_test = sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
my $btn = $self->{octoprint_host_test_btn} = Wx::Button->new($parent, -1,
"Test", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT);
$btn->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("wrench.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
EVT_BUTTON($self, $btn, sub {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $res = $ua->get(
"http://" . $self->{config}->octoprint_host . "/api/version",
'X-Api-Key' => $self->{config}->octoprint_apikey,
if ($res->is_success) {
Slic3r::GUI::show_info($self, "Connection to OctoPrint works correctly.", "Success!");
} else {
"I wasn't able to connect to OctoPrint (" . $res->status_line . "). "
. "Check hostname and OctoPrint version (at least 1.1.0 is required).");
return $btn;
my $host_line = $optgroup->create_single_option_line('octoprint_host');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Firmware');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Advanced');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Custom G-code', 'cog.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Start G-code',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('start_gcode');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('End G-code',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('end_gcode');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Before layer change G-code',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('before_layer_gcode');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('After layer change G-code',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('layer_gcode');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Tool change G-code',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('toolchange_gcode');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Between objects G-code (for sequential printing)',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('between_objects_gcode');
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Notes', 'note.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Notes',
label_width => 0,
my $option = $optgroup->get_option('printer_notes');
$self->{extruder_pages} = [];
$self->_update_serial_ports if (!$params{no_controller});
sub _update_serial_ports {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->get_field('serial_port')->set_values([ Slic3r::GUI::scan_serial_ports ]);
sub _extruders_count_changed {
my ($self, $extruders_count) = @_;
$self->{extruders_count} = $extruders_count;
$self->_on_value_change('extruders_count', $extruders_count);
sub _build_extruder_pages {
my ($self) = @_;
my $default_config = Slic3r::Config::Full->new;
foreach my $extruder_idx (@{$self->{extruder_pages}} .. $self->{extruders_count}-1) {
# build page
my $page = $self->{extruder_pages}[$extruder_idx] = $self->add_options_page("Extruder " . ($extruder_idx + 1), 'funnel.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Size');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('nozzle_diameter', $extruder_idx);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Layer height limits');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line($_, $extruder_idx)
for qw(min_layer_height max_layer_height);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Position (for multi-extruder printers)');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('extruder_offset', $extruder_idx);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Retraction');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line($_, $extruder_idx)
for qw(retract_length retract_lift);
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Only lift Z',
$line->append_option($optgroup->get_option('retract_lift_above', $extruder_idx));
$line->append_option($optgroup->get_option('retract_lift_below', $extruder_idx));
$optgroup->append_single_option_line($_, $extruder_idx)
for qw(retract_speed deretract_speed retract_restart_extra retract_before_travel retract_layer_change wipe retract_before_wipe);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Retraction when tool is disabled (advanced settings for multi-extruder setups)');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line($_, $extruder_idx)
for qw(retract_length_toolchange retract_restart_extra_toolchange);
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Preview');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('extruder_colour', $extruder_idx);
# remove extra pages
if ($self->{extruders_count} <= $#{$self->{extruder_pages}}) {
$_->Destroy for @{$self->{extruder_pages}}[$self->{extruders_count}..$#{$self->{extruder_pages}}];
splice @{$self->{extruder_pages}}, $self->{extruders_count};
# rebuild page list
my @pages_without_extruders = (grep $_->{title} !~ /^Extruder \d+/, @{$self->{pages}});
my $page_notes = pop @pages_without_extruders;
@{$self->{pages}} = (
@{$self->{extruder_pages}}[ 0 .. $self->{extruders_count}-1 ],
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Printer::_update is called after a configuration preset is loaded or switched, or when a single option is modifed by the user.
sub _update {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = $self->{config};
my $serial_speed = $self->get_field('serial_speed');
if ($serial_speed) {
if ($config->get('serial_speed') && $config->get('serial_port')) {
} else {
if ($config->get('octoprint_host') && eval "use LWP::UserAgent; 1") {
} else {
my $have_multiple_extruders = $self->{extruders_count} > 1;
for my $i (0 .. ($self->{extruders_count}-1)) {
my $have_retract_length = $config->get_at('retract_length', $i) > 0;
# when using firmware retraction, firmware decides retraction length
$self->get_field('retract_length', $i)->toggle(!$config->use_firmware_retraction);
# user can customize travel length if we have retraction length or we're using
# firmware retraction
$self->get_field('retract_before_travel', $i)->toggle($have_retract_length || $config->use_firmware_retraction);
# user can customize other retraction options if retraction is enabled
my $retraction = ($have_retract_length || $config->use_firmware_retraction);
$self->get_field($_, $i)->toggle($retraction)
for qw(retract_lift retract_layer_change);
# retract lift above/below only applies if using retract lift
$self->get_field($_, $i)->toggle($retraction && $config->get_at('retract_lift', $i) > 0)
for qw(retract_lift_above retract_lift_below);
# some options only apply when not using firmware retraction
$self->get_field($_, $i)->toggle($retraction && !$config->use_firmware_retraction)
for qw(retract_speed deretract_speed retract_before_wipe retract_restart_extra wipe);
my $wipe = $config->get_at('wipe', $i);
$self->get_field('retract_before_wipe', $i)->toggle($wipe);
if ($config->use_firmware_retraction && $wipe) {
my $dialog = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
"The Wipe option is not available when using the Firmware Retraction mode.\n"
. "\nShall I disable it in order to enable Firmware Retraction?",
'Firmware Retraction', wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO);
my $new_conf = Slic3r::Config->new;
if ($dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_YES) {
my $wipe = $config->wipe;
$wipe->[$i] = 0;
$new_conf->set("wipe", $wipe);
} else {
$new_conf->set("use_firmware_retraction", 0);
$self->get_field('retract_length_toolchange', $i)->toggle($have_multiple_extruders);
my $toolchange_retraction = $config->get_at('retract_length_toolchange', $i) > 0;
$self->get_field('retract_restart_extra_toolchange', $i)->toggle
($have_multiple_extruders && $toolchange_retraction);
# this gets executed after preset is loaded and before GUI fields are updated
sub on_preset_loaded {
my ($self) = @_;
# update the extruders count field
my $extruders_count = scalar @{ $self->{config}->nozzle_diameter };
$self->set_value('extruders_count', $extruders_count);
# update the GUI field according to the number of nozzle diameters supplied
# Single Tab page containing a {vsizer} of {optgroups}
package Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Page;
use Wx qw(wxTheApp :misc :panel :sizer);
use base 'Wx::ScrolledWindow';
sub new {
my ($class, $parent, $title, $iconID) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
$self->{optgroups} = [];
$self->{title} = $title;
$self->{iconID} = $iconID;
$self->SetScrollbars(1, 1, 1, 1);
$self->{vsizer} = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
return $self;
sub new_optgroup {
my ($self, $title, %params) = @_;
my $optgroup = Slic3r::GUI::ConfigOptionsGroup->new(
parent => $self,
title => $title,
config => $self->GetParent->{config},
label_width => $params{label_width} // 200,
on_change => sub {
my ($opt_key, $value) = @_;
wxTheApp->CallAfter(sub {
$self->GetParent->_on_value_change($opt_key, $value);
push @{$self->{optgroups}}, $optgroup;
$self->{vsizer}->Add($optgroup->sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
return $optgroup;
sub reload_config {
my ($self) = @_;
$_->reload_config for @{$self->{optgroups}};
sub get_field {
my ($self, $opt_key, $opt_index) = @_;
foreach my $optgroup (@{ $self->{optgroups} }) {
my $field = $optgroup->get_fieldc($opt_key, $opt_index);
return $field if defined $field;
return undef;
sub set_value {
my ($self, $opt_key, $value) = @_;
my $changed = 0;
foreach my $optgroup (@{$self->{optgroups}}) {
$changed = 1 if $optgroup->set_value($opt_key, $value);
return $changed;
# Dialog to select a new file name for a modified preset to be saved.
# Called from Tab::save_preset().
package Slic3r::GUI::SavePresetWindow;
use Wx qw(:combobox :dialog :id :misc :sizer);
use base 'Wx::Dialog';
sub new {
my ($class, $parent, %params) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, "Save preset", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
my @values = @{$params{values}};
my $text = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, "Save " . lc($params{title}) . " as:", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
$self->{combo} = Wx::ComboBox->new($self, -1, $params{default}, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, \@values,
my $buttons = $self->CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL);
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
$sizer->Add($text, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
$sizer->Add($self->{combo}, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
$sizer->Add($buttons, 0, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
EVT_BUTTON($self, wxID_OK, \&accept);
EVT_TEXT_ENTER($self, $self->{combo}, \&accept);
return $self;
sub accept {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
if (($self->{chosen_name} = Slic3r::normalize_utf8_nfc($self->{combo}->GetValue))) {
if ($self->{chosen_name} !~ /^[^<>:\/\\|?*\"]+$/) {
Slic3r::GUI::show_error($self, "The supplied name is not valid; the following characters are not allowed: <>:/\|?*\"");
} elsif ($self->{chosen_name} eq '- default -') {
Slic3r::GUI::show_error($self, "The supplied name is not available.");
} else {
sub get_name {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{chosen_name};