
306 lines
13 KiB

package Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear;
use Moo;
use constant PI => 4 * atan2(1, 1);
use constant X1 => 0;
use constant Y1 => 1;
use constant X2 => 2;
use constant Y2 => 3;
use constant A => 0;
use constant B => 1;
use constant X => 0;
use constant Y => 1;
use Math::Geometry::Planar;
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use XXX;
sub make_fill {
my $self = shift;
my ($print, $layer) = @_;
printf "Filling layer %d:\n", $layer->id;
my $max_print_dimension = $print->max_length;
my $n = 1;
SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@{ $layer->fill_surfaces }) {
Slic3r::debugf " Processing surface %s:\n", $surface->id;
my $polygon = $surface->mgp_polygon;
# alternate fill direction
my (@rotate, @shift);
if ($layer->id % 2) {
@rotate = ( PI/2, [ $print->x_length / 2, $print->y_length / 2 ] );
$shift[X] = $print->y_length / 2 - $print->x_length / 2;
$shift[Y] = -$shift[X];
# TODO: here we should implement an "infill in direction of bridges" option
# rotate surface as needed
$polygon = $polygon->rotate(@rotate)->move(@shift) if @rotate;
# force 100% density for external surfaces
my $density = $surface->surface_type eq 'internal' ? $Slic3r::fill_density : 1;
next SURFACE unless $density > 0;
my $distance_between_lines = $Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::resolution / $density;
my $number_of_lines = ceil($max_print_dimension / $distance_between_lines);
printf "distance = %f\n", $distance_between_lines;
printf "number_of_lines = %d\n", $number_of_lines;
# this arrayref will hold intersection points of the fill grid with surface segments
my $points = [ map [], 0..$number_of_lines-1 ];
foreach my $line (map $self->_lines_from_mgp_points($_), @{ $polygon->polygons }) {
# find out the coordinates
my @coordinates = map @$_, @$line;
# get the extents of the segment along the primary axis
my @line_c = sort { $a <=> $b } @coordinates[X1, X2];
Slic3r::debugf "Segment %d,%d - %d,%d (extents: %f, %f)\n", @coordinates, @line_c;
for (my $c = int($line_c[0] / $distance_between_lines) * $distance_between_lines;
$c <= $line_c[1]; $c += $distance_between_lines) {
next if $c < $line_c[0] || $c > $line_c[1];
my $i = sprintf('%.0f', $c / $distance_between_lines) - 1;
printf "CURRENT \$i = %d, \$c = %f\n", $i, $c;
# if the segment is parallel to our ray, there will be two intersection points
if ($line_c[0] == $line_c[1]) {
Slic3r::debugf " Segment is parallel!\n";
push @{ $points->[$i] }, $coordinates[Y1], $coordinates[Y2];
Slic3r::debugf " intersections at %f (%d) = %f, %f\n", $c, $i, $points->[$i][-2], $points->[$i][-1];
} else {
Slic3r::debugf " Segment NOT parallel!\n";
# one point of intersection
push @{ $points->[$i] }, $coordinates[Y1] + ($coordinates[Y2] - $coordinates[Y1])
* ($c - $coordinates[X1]) / ($coordinates[X2] - $coordinates[X1]);
Slic3r::debugf " intersection at %f (%d) = %f\n", $c, $i, $points->[$i][-1];
# sort and remove duplicates
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$points; $i++) {
my %h = map { sprintf("%.9f", $_) => 1 } @{ $points->[$i] };
$points->[$i] = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %h ];
# generate extrusion paths
my (@paths, @path_points) = ();
my $direction = 0;
my $stop_path = sub {
# defensive programming
if (@path_points == 1) {
#warn "There shouldn't be only one point in the current path";
# if we were constructing a path, stop it
push @paths, [ @path_points ] if @path_points > 1;
@path_points = ();
# loop until we have spare points
CYCLE: while (scalar map(@$_, @$points) > 1) {
# loop through rows
ROW: for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$points; $i++) {
my $row = $points->[$i] or next ROW;
Slic3r::debugf "\nProcessing row %d (direction: %d)...\n", $i, $direction;
if (!@$row) {
Slic3r::debugf " no points\n";
next ROW;
Slic3r::debugf " points = %s\n", join ', ', @$row if $Slic3r::debug;
# coordinate of current row
my $c = ($i + 1) * $distance_between_lines;
# need to start a path?
if (!@path_points) {
Slic3r::debugf " path starts at %d\n", $row->[0];
push @path_points, [ $c, shift @$row ];
my @search_points = @$row;
@search_points = reverse @search_points if $direction == 1;
my @connectable_points = $self->find_connectable_points($polygon, $path_points[-1], $c, [@search_points]);
Slic3r::debugf " ==> found %d connectable points = %s\n", scalar(@connectable_points),
join ', ', @connectable_points if $Slic3r::debug;
if (!@connectable_points && @path_points && $path_points[-1][0] != $c) {
# no connectable in this row
if (@connectable_points == 1 && $path_points[0][0] != $c
&& (($connectable_points[0] == $row->[-1] && $direction == 0)
|| ($connectable_points[0] == $row->[0] && $direction == 1))) {
$i--; # keep searching on current row in the opposite direction
foreach my $p (@connectable_points) {
push @path_points, [ $c, $p ];
@$row = grep $_ != $p, @$row; # remove point from row
# invert direction
$direction = $direction ? 0 : 1;
$stop_path->() if @path_points;
# paths must be rotated back
if (@rotate) {
# TODO: this skips 2-points paths! we shouldn't create a mgp polygon
@paths = map $self->_mgp_from_points_ref($_)->move(map -$_, @shift)->rotate(-$rotate[0], $rotate[1])->points, @paths;
# save into layer
FINISH: push @{ $layer->fills }, map Slic3r::ExtrusionPath->cast([ @$_ ]), @paths;
}#exit if $layer->id == 1;
# this function will select the first contiguous block of
# points connectable to a given one
sub find_connectable_points {
my $self = shift;
my ($polygon, $point, $c, $points) = @_;
my @connectable_points = ();
foreach my $p (@$points) {
if (!$self->can_connect($polygon, $point, [ $c, $p ])) {
@connectable_points ? last : next;
push @connectable_points, $p;
$point = [ $c, $p ] if $point->[0] != $c;
return @connectable_points;
# this subroutine tries to determine whether two points in a surface
# are connectable without crossing contour or holes
sub can_connect {
my $self = shift;
my ($polygon, $p1, $p2) = @_;
printf " Checking connectability of point %d\n", $p2->[1];
# there's room for optimization here
# this is not needed since we assume that $p1 and $p2 belong to $polygon
for ($p1, $p2) {
#return 0 unless $polygon->isinside($_);
# TODO: re-enable this one after testing point_in_polygon() which
# doesn't detect well points on the contour of polygon
#return 0 unless Slic3r::Geometry::point_in_polygon($_, $polygon->points);
# check whether the $p1-$p2 segment doesn't intersect any segment
# of the contour or of holes
my ($contour_p, @holes_p) = $polygon->get_polygons;
foreach my $points ($contour_p, @holes_p) {
foreach my $line ($self->_lines_from_mgp_points($points)) {
# theoretically speaking, SegmentIntersection() would be the right tool for the
# job; however floating point math often makes it not return any intersection
# point between our hypothetical extrusion segment and any other one, even
# if, of course, the final point of the extrusion segment is taken from
# $point and thus it's a point that belongs for sure to a segment.
# then, let's calculate intersection considering extrusion segment as a ray
# instead of a segment, and then check whether the intersection point
# belongs to the segment
my $point = SegmentRayIntersection([@$line, $p1, $p2]);
#printf " intersecting ray %f,%f - %f,%f and segment %f,%f - %f,%f\n",
# @$p1, @$p2, map @$_, @$line;
if ($point && Slic3r::Geometry::line_point_belongs_to_segment($point, [$p1, $p2])) {
#printf " ...point intersects!\n";
#YYY [ $point, $p1, $p2 ];
# our $p1-$p2 line intersects $line
# if the intersection point is an intermediate point of $p1-$p2
# it means that $p1-$p2 crosses $line, thus we're sure that
# $p1 and $p2 are not connectible (one is inside polygon and one
# is outside), unless $p1-$p2 and $line coincide but we've got
# an intersection due to floating point math
my @points_not_belonging_to_line = grep !Slic3r::Geometry::points_coincide($point, $_), $p1, $p2;
if (@points_not_belonging_to_line == 2) {
# make sure $p1-$p2 and $line are two distinct lines; we do this
# by checking their slopes
if (!Slic3r::Geometry::lines_parallel([$p1, $p2], $line)) {
#printf " ...lines cross!\n";
#Slic3r::SVG::output_lines($main::print, "lines" . $n++ . ".svg", [ @lines, [$p1, $p2] ]);
return 0;
# defensive programming, this shouldn't happen
if (@points_not_belonging_to_line == 0) {
die "SegmentIntersection is not expected to return an intersection point "
. "if \$line coincides with \$p1-\$p2";
# if we're here, then either $p1 or $p2 belong to $line
# so we have to check whether the other point falls inside
# the polygon or not
# we rely on Math::Geometry::Planar returning contour points
# in counter-clockwise order and hole points in clockwise
# order, so that if the point falls on the left of $line
# it's inside the polygon and viceversa
my $C = $points_not_belonging_to_line[0];
my $isInside = (($line->[B][X] - $line->[A][X])*($C->[Y] - $line->[A][Y])
- ($line->[B][Y] - $line->[A][Y])*($C->[X] - $line->[A][X])) > 0;
#printf " \$line is inside polygon: %d\n", $isInside;
# if the line is outside the polygon then points are not connectable
return 0 if !$isInside;
#Slic3r::SVG::output_lines($main::print, "lines" . $n++ . ".svg", [ @lines, [$p1, $p2] ])
# if !$isInside;
# even if no intersection is found, we should check whether both $p1 and $p2 are
# inside a hole; this may happen due to floating point path
#foreach my $hole_p (map $self->_mgp_from_points_ref($_), @holes_p) {
# if ($hole_p->isinside($p1) || $hole_p->isinside($p2)) {
# return 0;
# }
#use Slic3r::SVG;
#Slic3r::SVG::output_lines($main::print, "lines" . $n++ . ".svg", [ @lines, [$p1, $p2] ]);
return 1;
sub _lines_from_mgp_points {
my $self = shift;
my ($points) = @_;
my @lines = ();
my $last_point = $points->[-1];
foreach my $point (@$points) {
push @lines, [ $last_point, $point ];
$last_point = $point;
return @lines;
sub _mgp_from_points_ref {
my $self = shift;
my ($points) = @_;
my $p = Math::Geometry::Planar->new;
return $p;