bubnikv 160aa6c78c Fixed updates of the "Slice now" and "Export G-code buttons"
based on the object inside / outside the work space condition.

Removed TabIface.cpp/hpp Perl bindings.

Fixed reset of the status bar / cancel button after the last object
is removed from the plater.
2018-12-04 11:14:39 +01:00

175 lines
4.8 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_Plater_hpp_
#define slic3r_Plater_hpp_
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include <wx/bmpcbox.h>
#include "Preset.hpp"
class wxButton;
class wxBoxSizer;
class wxGLCanvas;
class wxScrolledWindow;
class wxString;
namespace Slic3r {
class Model;
class Print;
class SLAPrint;
namespace GUI {
class MainFrame;
class ConfigOptionsGroup;
class ObjectManipulation;
class ObjectSettings;
class ObjectList;
class GLCanvas3D;
using t_optgroups = std::vector <std::shared_ptr<ConfigOptionsGroup>>;
class Plater;
class PresetComboBox : public wxBitmapComboBox
PresetComboBox(wxWindow *parent, Preset::Type preset_type);
void set_label_marker(int item);
void set_extruder_idx(const int extr_idx) { extruder_idx = extr_idx; }
int get_extruder_idx() const { return extruder_idx; }
void check_selection();
typedef std::size_t Marker;
enum { LABEL_ITEM_MARKER = 0x4d };
Preset::Type preset_type;
int last_selected;
int extruder_idx = -1;
enum ButtonAction
class Sidebar : public wxPanel
/*ConfigMenuIDs*/int m_mode;
Sidebar(Plater *parent);
Sidebar(Sidebar &&) = delete;
Sidebar(const Sidebar &) = delete;
Sidebar &operator=(Sidebar &&) = delete;
Sidebar &operator=(const Sidebar &) = delete;
void init_filament_combo(PresetComboBox **combo, const int extr_idx);
void remove_unused_filament_combos(const int current_extruder_count);
void update_presets(Slic3r::Preset::Type preset_type);
ObjectManipulation* obj_manipul();
ObjectList* obj_list();
ObjectSettings* obj_settings();
wxScrolledWindow* scrolled_panel();
ConfigOptionsGroup* og_freq_chng_params();
wxButton* get_wiping_dialog_button();
void update_objects_list_extruder_column(int extruders_count);
void show_info_sizer();
void show_sliced_info_sizer(const bool show);
void show_buttons(const bool show);
void show_button(ButtonAction but_action, bool show);
void enable_buttons(bool enable);
bool is_multifilament();
void set_mode_value(const /*ConfigMenuIDs*/int mode) { m_mode = mode; }
std::vector<PresetComboBox*>& combos_filament();
struct priv;
std::unique_ptr<priv> p;
class Plater: public wxPanel
Plater(wxWindow *parent, MainFrame *main_frame);
Plater(Plater &&) = delete;
Plater(const Plater &) = delete;
Plater &operator=(Plater &&) = delete;
Plater &operator=(const Plater &) = delete;
Sidebar& sidebar();
Model& model();
const Print& fff_print() const;
Print& fff_print();
const SLAPrint& sla_print() const;
SLAPrint& sla_print();
void load_project();
void add_model();
void extract_config_from_project();
void load_files(const std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>& input_files, bool load_model = true, bool load_config = true);
void update();
void select_view(const std::string& direction);
// Called after the Preferences dialog is closed and the program settings are saved.
// Update the UI based on the current preferences.
void update_ui_from_settings();
void select_all();
void remove(size_t obj_idx);
void reset();
void delete_object_from_model(size_t obj_idx);
void remove_selected();
void increase_instances(size_t num = 1);
void decrease_instances(size_t num = 1);
void set_number_of_copies(/*size_t num*/);
bool is_selection_empty() const;
void cut(size_t obj_idx, size_t instance_idx, coordf_t z, bool keep_upper = true, bool keep_lower = true, bool rotate_lower = false);
// Note: empty path means "use the default"
void export_gcode(boost::filesystem::path output_path = boost::filesystem::path());
void export_stl();
void export_amf();
void export_3mf(const boost::filesystem::path& output_path = boost::filesystem::path());
void reslice();
void changed_object(int obj_idx);
void fix_through_netfabb(const int obj_idx);
void send_gcode();
void on_extruders_change(int extruders_count);
void on_config_change(const DynamicPrintConfig &config);
const wxString& get_project_filename() const;
bool is_export_gcode_scheduled() const;
int get_selected_object_idx();
bool is_single_full_object_selection() const;
GLCanvas3D* canvas3D();
PrinterTechnology printer_technology() const;
void set_printer_technology(PrinterTechnology printer_technology);
struct priv;
std::unique_ptr<priv> p;