2013-07-14 15:06:49 +02:00

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package Slic3r::Layer;
use Moo;
use List::Util qw(first);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scale);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union_ex);
has 'id' => (is => 'rw', required => 1, trigger => 1); # sequential number of layer, 0-based
has 'object' => (is => 'ro', weak_ref => 1, required => 1);
has 'regions' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] });
has 'slicing_errors' => (is => 'rw');
has 'slice_z' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # Z used for slicing in scaled coordinates
has 'print_z' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # Z used for printing in scaled coordinates
has 'height' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # layer height in unscaled coordinates
# collection of expolygons generated by slicing the original geometry;
# also known as 'islands' (all regions and surface types are merged here)
has 'slices' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { Slic3r::ExPolygon::Collection->new });
# ordered collection of extrusion paths to fill surfaces for support material
has 'support_islands' => (is => 'rw');
has 'support_fills' => (is => 'rw');
has 'support_contact_fills' => (is => 'rw');
sub _trigger_id {
my $self = shift;
$_->_trigger_layer for @{$self->regions || []};
# layer height of contact paths in unscaled coordinates
sub support_material_contact_height {
my $self = shift;
return $self->height if $self->id == 0;
# TODO: check what upper region applies instead of considering the first one
my $upper_layer = $self->object->layers->[ $self->id + 1 ] // $self;
my $h = ($self->height + $upper_layer->height) - $upper_layer->regions->[0]->extruders->{infill}->bridge_flow->width;
# If layer height is less than half the bridge width then we'll get a negative height for contact area.
# The optimal solution would be to skip some layers during support material generation, but for now
# we'll apply a (dirty) workaround that should still work.
if ($h <= 0) {
$h = $self->height;
return $h;
# Z used for printing support material contact in scaled coordinates
sub support_material_contact_z {
my $self = shift;
return $self->print_z - ($self->height - $self->support_material_contact_height) / &Slic3r::SCALING_FACTOR;
sub upper_layer_slices {
my $self = shift;
my $upper_layer = $self->object->layers->[ $self->id + 1 ] or return [];
return $upper_layer->slices;
sub region {
my $self = shift;
my ($region_id) = @_;
for (my $i = @{$self->regions}; $i <= $region_id; $i++) {
$self->regions->[$i] //= Slic3r::Layer::Region->new(
layer => $self,
region => $self->object->print->regions->[$i],
return $self->regions->[$region_id];
# merge all regions' slices to get islands
sub make_slices {
my $self = shift;
my $slices = union_ex([ map $_->p, map @{$_->slices}, @{$self->regions} ]);
$self->slices->append(map Slic3r::ExPolygon::XS->new(@$_), @$slices);
sub make_perimeters {
my $self = shift;
Slic3r::debugf "Making perimeters for layer %d\n", $self->id;
$_->make_perimeters for @{$self->regions};
sub support_islands_enclose_line {
my $self = shift;
my ($line) = @_;
return 0 if !$self->support_islands; # why can we arrive here if there are no support islands?
return (first { $_->encloses_line($line) } @{$self->support_islands}) ? 1 : 0;