Lukas Matena 2ee572bd31 GCodeAnalyzer now recognizes tool-changing commands with MakerWare and Sailfish flavor
These firmwares use M135 Tn and M108 Tn commands for changing active tool, which the analyzer did not recognize. The toolpaths were then rendered in wrong color, extruder offset etc. This surfaced in issue https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/2566
2019-07-12 12:56:41 +02:00

968 lines
31 KiB

#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "../libslic3r.h"
#include "../PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "../Utils.hpp"
#include "Print.hpp"
#include "Analyzer.hpp"
#include "PreviewData.hpp"
static const std::string AXIS_STR = "XYZE";
static const float MMMIN_TO_MMSEC = 1.0f / 60.0f;
static const float INCHES_TO_MM = 25.4f;
static const float DEFAULT_FEEDRATE = 0.0f;
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_EXTRUDER_ID = 0;
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_COLOR_PRINT_ID = 0;
static const Slic3r::Vec3d DEFAULT_START_POSITION = Slic3r::Vec3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
static const float DEFAULT_START_EXTRUSION = 0.0f;
namespace Slic3r {
const std::string GCodeAnalyzer::Extrusion_Role_Tag = "_ANALYZER_EXTR_ROLE:";
const std::string GCodeAnalyzer::Mm3_Per_Mm_Tag = "_ANALYZER_MM3_PER_MM:";
const std::string GCodeAnalyzer::Width_Tag = "_ANALYZER_WIDTH:";
const std::string GCodeAnalyzer::Height_Tag = "_ANALYZER_HEIGHT:";
const double GCodeAnalyzer::Default_mm3_per_mm = 0.0;
const float GCodeAnalyzer::Default_Width = 0.0f;
const float GCodeAnalyzer::Default_Height = 0.0f;
: extrusion_role(erNone)
, extruder_id(DEFAULT_EXTRUDER_ID)
, mm3_per_mm(GCodeAnalyzer::Default_mm3_per_mm)
, width(GCodeAnalyzer::Default_Width)
, height(GCodeAnalyzer::Default_Height)
GCodeAnalyzer::Metadata::Metadata(ExtrusionRole extrusion_role, unsigned int extruder_id, double mm3_per_mm, float width, float height, float feedrate, unsigned int cp_color_id/* = 0*/)
: extrusion_role(extrusion_role)
, extruder_id(extruder_id)
, mm3_per_mm(mm3_per_mm)
, width(width)
, height(height)
, feedrate(feedrate)
, cp_color_id(cp_color_id)
bool GCodeAnalyzer::Metadata::operator != (const GCodeAnalyzer::Metadata& other) const
if (extrusion_role != other.extrusion_role)
return true;
if (extruder_id != other.extruder_id)
return true;
if (mm3_per_mm != other.mm3_per_mm)
return true;
if (width != other.width)
return true;
if (height != other.height)
return true;
if (feedrate != other.feedrate)
return true;
if (cp_color_id != other.cp_color_id)
return true;
return false;
GCodeAnalyzer::GCodeMove::GCodeMove(GCodeMove::EType type, ExtrusionRole extrusion_role, unsigned int extruder_id, double mm3_per_mm, float width, float height, float feedrate, const Vec3d& start_position, const Vec3d& end_position, float delta_extruder, unsigned int cp_color_id/* = 0*/)
: type(type)
, data(extrusion_role, extruder_id, mm3_per_mm, width, height, feedrate, cp_color_id)
, start_position(start_position)
, end_position(end_position)
, delta_extruder(delta_extruder)
GCodeAnalyzer::GCodeMove::GCodeMove(GCodeMove::EType type, const GCodeAnalyzer::Metadata& data, const Vec3d& start_position, const Vec3d& end_position, float delta_extruder)
: type(type)
, data(data)
, start_position(start_position)
, end_position(end_position)
, delta_extruder(delta_extruder)
void GCodeAnalyzer::set_extruder_offsets(const GCodeAnalyzer::ExtruderOffsetsMap& extruder_offsets)
m_extruder_offsets = extruder_offsets;
void GCodeAnalyzer::set_gcode_flavor(const GCodeFlavor& flavor)
m_gcode_flavor = flavor;
void GCodeAnalyzer::reset()
const std::string& GCodeAnalyzer::process_gcode(const std::string& gcode)
m_process_output = "";
[this](GCodeReader& reader, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
{ this->_process_gcode_line(reader, line); });
return m_process_output;
void GCodeAnalyzer::calc_gcode_preview_data(GCodePreviewData& preview_data, std::function<void()> cancel_callback)
// resets preview data
// calculates extrusion layers
_calc_gcode_preview_extrusion_layers(preview_data, cancel_callback);
// calculates travel
_calc_gcode_preview_travel(preview_data, cancel_callback);
// calculates retractions
_calc_gcode_preview_retractions(preview_data, cancel_callback);
// calculates unretractions
_calc_gcode_preview_unretractions(preview_data, cancel_callback);
bool GCodeAnalyzer::is_valid_extrusion_role(ExtrusionRole role)
return ((erPerimeter <= role) && (role < erMixed));
void GCodeAnalyzer::_process_gcode_line(GCodeReader&, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// processes 'special' comments contained in line
if (_process_tags(line))
#if 0
// DEBUG ONLY: puts the line back into the gcode
m_process_output += line.raw() + "\n";
// sets new start position/extrusion
// processes 'normal' gcode lines
std::string cmd = line.cmd();
if (cmd.length() > 1)
switch (::toupper(cmd[0]))
case 'G':
switch (::atoi(&cmd[1]))
case 1: // Move
case 10: // Retract
case 11: // Unretract
case 22: // Firmware controlled Retract
case 23: // Firmware controlled Unretract
case 90: // Set to Absolute Positioning
case 91: // Set to Relative Positioning
case 92: // Set Position
case 'M':
switch (::atoi(&cmd[1]))
case 600: // Set color change
case 82: // Set extruder to absolute mode
case 83: // Set extruder to relative mode
case 108:
case 135:
// these are used by MakerWare and Sailfish firmwares
// for tool changing - we can process it in one place
case 'T': // Select Tools
// puts the line back into the gcode
m_process_output += line.raw() + "\n";
// Returns the new absolute position on the given axis in dependence of the given parameters
float axis_absolute_position_from_G1_line(GCodeAnalyzer::EAxis axis, const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& lineG1, GCodeAnalyzer::EUnits units, bool is_relative, float current_absolute_position)
float lengthsScaleFactor = (units == GCodeAnalyzer::Inches) ? INCHES_TO_MM : 1.0f;
if (lineG1.has(Slic3r::Axis(axis)))
float ret = lineG1.value(Slic3r::Axis(axis)) * lengthsScaleFactor;
return is_relative ? current_absolute_position + ret : ret;
return current_absolute_position;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processG1(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// updates axes positions from line
EUnits units = _get_units();
float new_pos[Num_Axis];
for (unsigned char a = X; a < Num_Axis; ++a)
bool is_relative = (_get_global_positioning_type() == Relative);
if (a == E)
is_relative |= (_get_e_local_positioning_type() == Relative);
new_pos[a] = axis_absolute_position_from_G1_line((EAxis)a, line, units, is_relative, _get_axis_position((EAxis)a));
// updates feedrate from line, if present
if (line.has_f())
_set_feedrate(line.f() * MMMIN_TO_MMSEC);
// calculates movement deltas
float delta_pos[Num_Axis];
for (unsigned char a = X; a < Num_Axis; ++a)
delta_pos[a] = new_pos[a] - _get_axis_position((EAxis)a);
// Detects move type
GCodeMove::EType type = GCodeMove::Noop;
if (delta_pos[E] < 0.0f)
if ((delta_pos[X] != 0.0f) || (delta_pos[Y] != 0.0f) || (delta_pos[Z] != 0.0f))
type = GCodeMove::Move;
type = GCodeMove::Retract;
else if (delta_pos[E] > 0.0f)
if ((delta_pos[X] == 0.0f) && (delta_pos[Y] == 0.0f) && (delta_pos[Z] == 0.0f))
type = GCodeMove::Unretract;
else if ((delta_pos[X] != 0.0f) || (delta_pos[Y] != 0.0f))
type = GCodeMove::Extrude;
else if ((delta_pos[X] != 0.0f) || (delta_pos[Y] != 0.0f) || (delta_pos[Z] != 0.0f))
type = GCodeMove::Move;
ExtrusionRole role = _get_extrusion_role();
if ((type == GCodeMove::Extrude) && ((_get_width() == 0.0f) || (_get_height() == 0.0f) || !is_valid_extrusion_role(role)))
type = GCodeMove::Move;
// updates axis positions
for (unsigned char a = X; a < Num_Axis; ++a)
_set_axis_position((EAxis)a, new_pos[a]);
// stores the move
if (type != GCodeMove::Noop)
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processG10(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// stores retract move
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processG11(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// stores unretract move
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processG22(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// stores retract move
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processG23(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// stores unretract move
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processG90(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processG91(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processG92(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
float lengthsScaleFactor = (_get_units() == Inches) ? INCHES_TO_MM : 1.0f;
bool anyFound = false;
if (line.has_x())
_set_axis_position(X, line.x() * lengthsScaleFactor);
anyFound = true;
if (line.has_y())
_set_axis_position(Y, line.y() * lengthsScaleFactor);
anyFound = true;
if (line.has_z())
_set_axis_position(Z, line.z() * lengthsScaleFactor);
anyFound = true;
if (line.has_e())
_set_axis_position(E, line.e() * lengthsScaleFactor);
anyFound = true;
if (!anyFound)
for (unsigned char a = X; a < Num_Axis; ++a)
_set_axis_position((EAxis)a, 0.0f);
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processM82(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processM83(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processM600(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processM108orM135(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// These M-codes are used by MakerWare and Sailfish to change active tool.
// They have to be processed otherwise toolchanges will be unrecognised
// by the analyzer - see https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/2566
size_t code = ::atoi(&(line.cmd()[1]));
if ((code == 108 && m_gcode_flavor == gcfSailfish)
|| (code == 135 && m_gcode_flavor == gcfMakerWare)) {
std::string cmd = line.raw();
size_t T_pos = cmd.find("T");
if (T_pos != std::string::npos) {
cmd = cmd.substr(T_pos);
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processT(const std::string& cmd)
if (cmd.length() > 1)
unsigned int id = (unsigned int)::strtol(cmd.substr(1).c_str(), nullptr, 10);
if (_get_extruder_id() != id)
// stores tool change move
void GCodeAnalyzer::_processT(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
bool GCodeAnalyzer::_process_tags(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
std::string comment = line.comment();
// extrusion role tag
size_t pos = comment.find(Extrusion_Role_Tag);
if (pos != comment.npos)
_process_extrusion_role_tag(comment, pos);
return true;
// mm3 per mm tag
pos = comment.find(Mm3_Per_Mm_Tag);
if (pos != comment.npos)
_process_mm3_per_mm_tag(comment, pos);
return true;
// width tag
pos = comment.find(Width_Tag);
if (pos != comment.npos)
_process_width_tag(comment, pos);
return true;
// height tag
pos = comment.find(Height_Tag);
if (pos != comment.npos)
_process_height_tag(comment, pos);
return true;
return false;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_process_extrusion_role_tag(const std::string& comment, size_t pos)
int role = (int)::strtol(comment.substr(pos + Extrusion_Role_Tag.length()).c_str(), nullptr, 10);
if (_is_valid_extrusion_role(role))
// todo: show some error ?
void GCodeAnalyzer::_process_mm3_per_mm_tag(const std::string& comment, size_t pos)
_set_mm3_per_mm(::strtod(comment.substr(pos + Mm3_Per_Mm_Tag.length()).c_str(), nullptr));
void GCodeAnalyzer::_process_width_tag(const std::string& comment, size_t pos)
_set_width((float)::strtod(comment.substr(pos + Width_Tag.length()).c_str(), nullptr));
void GCodeAnalyzer::_process_height_tag(const std::string& comment, size_t pos)
_set_height((float)::strtod(comment.substr(pos + Height_Tag.length()).c_str(), nullptr));
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_units(GCodeAnalyzer::EUnits units)
m_state.units = units;
GCodeAnalyzer::EUnits GCodeAnalyzer::_get_units() const
return m_state.units;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_global_positioning_type(GCodeAnalyzer::EPositioningType type)
m_state.global_positioning_type = type;
GCodeAnalyzer::EPositioningType GCodeAnalyzer::_get_global_positioning_type() const
return m_state.global_positioning_type;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_e_local_positioning_type(GCodeAnalyzer::EPositioningType type)
m_state.e_local_positioning_type = type;
GCodeAnalyzer::EPositioningType GCodeAnalyzer::_get_e_local_positioning_type() const
return m_state.e_local_positioning_type;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_extrusion_role(ExtrusionRole extrusion_role)
m_state.data.extrusion_role = extrusion_role;
ExtrusionRole GCodeAnalyzer::_get_extrusion_role() const
return m_state.data.extrusion_role;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_extruder_id(unsigned int id)
m_state.data.extruder_id = id;
unsigned int GCodeAnalyzer::_get_extruder_id() const
return m_state.data.extruder_id;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_cp_color_id(unsigned int id)
m_state.data.cp_color_id = id;
unsigned int GCodeAnalyzer::_get_cp_color_id() const
return m_state.data.cp_color_id;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_mm3_per_mm(double value)
m_state.data.mm3_per_mm = value;
double GCodeAnalyzer::_get_mm3_per_mm() const
return m_state.data.mm3_per_mm;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_width(float width)
m_state.data.width = width;
float GCodeAnalyzer::_get_width() const
return m_state.data.width;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_height(float height)
m_state.data.height = height;
float GCodeAnalyzer::_get_height() const
return m_state.data.height;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_feedrate(float feedrate_mm_sec)
m_state.data.feedrate = feedrate_mm_sec;
float GCodeAnalyzer::_get_feedrate() const
return m_state.data.feedrate;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_axis_position(EAxis axis, float position)
m_state.position[axis] = position;
float GCodeAnalyzer::_get_axis_position(EAxis axis) const
return m_state.position[axis];
void GCodeAnalyzer::_reset_axes_position()
::memset((void*)m_state.position, 0, Num_Axis * sizeof(float));
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_start_position(const Vec3d& position)
m_state.start_position = position;
const Vec3d& GCodeAnalyzer::_get_start_position() const
return m_state.start_position;
void GCodeAnalyzer::_set_start_extrusion(float extrusion)
m_state.start_extrusion = extrusion;
float GCodeAnalyzer::_get_start_extrusion() const
return m_state.start_extrusion;
float GCodeAnalyzer::_get_delta_extrusion() const
return _get_axis_position(E) - m_state.start_extrusion;
Vec3d GCodeAnalyzer::_get_end_position() const
return Vec3d(m_state.position[X], m_state.position[Y], m_state.position[Z]);
void GCodeAnalyzer::_store_move(GCodeAnalyzer::GCodeMove::EType type)
// if type non mapped yet, map it
TypeToMovesMap::iterator it = m_moves_map.find(type);
if (it == m_moves_map.end())
it = m_moves_map.insert(TypeToMovesMap::value_type(type, GCodeMovesList())).first;
// store move
Vec3d extruder_offset = Vec3d::Zero();
unsigned int extruder_id = _get_extruder_id();
ExtruderOffsetsMap::iterator extr_it = m_extruder_offsets.find(extruder_id);
if (extr_it != m_extruder_offsets.end())
extruder_offset = Vec3d(extr_it->second(0), extr_it->second(1), 0.0);
Vec3d start_position = _get_start_position() + extruder_offset;
Vec3d end_position = _get_end_position() + extruder_offset;
it->second.emplace_back(type, _get_extrusion_role(), extruder_id, _get_mm3_per_mm(), _get_width(), _get_height(), _get_feedrate(), start_position, end_position, _get_delta_extrusion(), _get_cp_color_id());
bool GCodeAnalyzer::_is_valid_extrusion_role(int value) const
return ((int)erNone <= value) && (value <= (int)erMixed);
void GCodeAnalyzer::_calc_gcode_preview_extrusion_layers(GCodePreviewData& preview_data, std::function<void()> cancel_callback)
struct Helper
static GCodePreviewData::Extrusion::Layer& get_layer_at_z(GCodePreviewData::Extrusion::LayersList& layers, float z)
//FIXME this has a terrible time complexity
for (GCodePreviewData::Extrusion::Layer& layer : layers)
// if layer found, return it
if (layer.z == z)
return layer;
// if layer not found, create and return it
layers.emplace_back(z, ExtrusionPaths());
return layers.back();
static void store_polyline(const Polyline& polyline, const Metadata& data, float z, GCodePreviewData& preview_data)
// if the polyline is valid, create the extrusion path from it and store it
if (polyline.is_valid())
ExtrusionPath path(data.extrusion_role, data.mm3_per_mm, data.width, data.height);
path.polyline = polyline;
path.feedrate = data.feedrate;
path.extruder_id = data.extruder_id;
path.cp_color_id = data.cp_color_id;
get_layer_at_z(preview_data.extrusion.layers, z).paths.push_back(path);
TypeToMovesMap::iterator extrude_moves = m_moves_map.find(GCodeMove::Extrude);
if (extrude_moves == m_moves_map.end())
Metadata data;
float z = FLT_MAX;
Polyline polyline;
Vec3d position(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
float volumetric_rate = FLT_MAX;
GCodePreviewData::Range height_range;
GCodePreviewData::Range width_range;
GCodePreviewData::Range feedrate_range;
GCodePreviewData::Range volumetric_rate_range;
// to avoid to call the callback too often
unsigned int cancel_callback_threshold = (unsigned int)std::max((int)extrude_moves->second.size() / 25, 1);
unsigned int cancel_callback_curr = 0;
// constructs the polylines while traversing the moves
for (const GCodeMove& move : extrude_moves->second)
// to avoid to call the callback too often
cancel_callback_curr = (cancel_callback_curr + 1) % cancel_callback_threshold;
if (cancel_callback_curr == 0)
if ((data != move.data) || (z != move.start_position.z()) || (position != move.start_position) || (volumetric_rate != move.data.feedrate * (float)move.data.mm3_per_mm))
// store current polyline
Helper::store_polyline(polyline, data, z, preview_data);
// reset current polyline
polyline = Polyline();
// add both vertices of the move
polyline.append(Point(scale_(move.start_position.x()), scale_(move.start_position.y())));
polyline.append(Point(scale_(move.end_position.x()), scale_(move.end_position.y())));
// update current values
data = move.data;
z = (float)move.start_position.z();
volumetric_rate = move.data.feedrate * (float)move.data.mm3_per_mm;
// append end vertex of the move to current polyline
polyline.append(Point(scale_(move.end_position.x()), scale_(move.end_position.y())));
// update current values
position = move.end_position;
// store last polyline
Helper::store_polyline(polyline, data, z, preview_data);
// updates preview ranges data
// we need to sort the layers by their z as they can be shuffled in case of sequential prints
std::sort(preview_data.extrusion.layers.begin(), preview_data.extrusion.layers.end(), [](const GCodePreviewData::Extrusion::Layer& l1, const GCodePreviewData::Extrusion::Layer& l2)->bool { return l1.z < l2.z; });
void GCodeAnalyzer::_calc_gcode_preview_travel(GCodePreviewData& preview_data, std::function<void()> cancel_callback)
struct Helper
static void store_polyline(const Polyline3& polyline, GCodePreviewData::Travel::EType type, GCodePreviewData::Travel::Polyline::EDirection direction,
float feedrate, unsigned int extruder_id, GCodePreviewData& preview_data)
// if the polyline is valid, store it
if (polyline.is_valid())
preview_data.travel.polylines.emplace_back(type, direction, feedrate, extruder_id, polyline);
TypeToMovesMap::iterator travel_moves = m_moves_map.find(GCodeMove::Move);
if (travel_moves == m_moves_map.end())
Polyline3 polyline;
Vec3d position(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
GCodePreviewData::Travel::EType type = GCodePreviewData::Travel::Num_Types;
GCodePreviewData::Travel::Polyline::EDirection direction = GCodePreviewData::Travel::Polyline::Num_Directions;
float feedrate = FLT_MAX;
unsigned int extruder_id = -1;
GCodePreviewData::Range height_range;
GCodePreviewData::Range width_range;
GCodePreviewData::Range feedrate_range;
// to avoid to call the callback too often
unsigned int cancel_callback_threshold = (unsigned int)std::max((int)travel_moves->second.size() / 25, 1);
unsigned int cancel_callback_curr = 0;
// constructs the polylines while traversing the moves
for (const GCodeMove& move : travel_moves->second)
cancel_callback_curr = (cancel_callback_curr + 1) % cancel_callback_threshold;
if (cancel_callback_curr == 0)
GCodePreviewData::Travel::EType move_type = (move.delta_extruder < 0.0f) ? GCodePreviewData::Travel::Retract : ((move.delta_extruder > 0.0f) ? GCodePreviewData::Travel::Extrude : GCodePreviewData::Travel::Move);
GCodePreviewData::Travel::Polyline::EDirection move_direction = ((move.start_position.x() != move.end_position.x()) || (move.start_position.y() != move.end_position.y())) ? GCodePreviewData::Travel::Polyline::Generic : GCodePreviewData::Travel::Polyline::Vertical;
if ((type != move_type) || (direction != move_direction) || (feedrate != move.data.feedrate) || (position != move.start_position) || (extruder_id != move.data.extruder_id))
// store current polyline
Helper::store_polyline(polyline, type, direction, feedrate, extruder_id, preview_data);
// reset current polyline
polyline = Polyline3();
// add both vertices of the move
polyline.append(Vec3crd(scale_(move.start_position.x()), scale_(move.start_position.y()), scale_(move.start_position.z())));
polyline.append(Vec3crd(scale_(move.end_position.x()), scale_(move.end_position.y()), scale_(move.end_position.z())));
// append end vertex of the move to current polyline
polyline.append(Vec3crd(scale_(move.end_position.x()), scale_(move.end_position.y()), scale_(move.end_position.z())));
// update current values
position = move.end_position;
type = move_type;
feedrate = move.data.feedrate;
extruder_id = move.data.extruder_id;
// store last polyline
Helper::store_polyline(polyline, type, direction, feedrate, extruder_id, preview_data);
// updates preview ranges data
// we need to sort the polylines by their min z as they can be shuffled in case of sequential prints
std::sort(preview_data.travel.polylines.begin(), preview_data.travel.polylines.end(),
[](const GCodePreviewData::Travel::Polyline& p1, const GCodePreviewData::Travel::Polyline& p2)->bool
{ return unscale<double>(p1.polyline.bounding_box().min(2)) < unscale<double>(p2.polyline.bounding_box().min(2)); });
void GCodeAnalyzer::_calc_gcode_preview_retractions(GCodePreviewData& preview_data, std::function<void()> cancel_callback)
TypeToMovesMap::iterator retraction_moves = m_moves_map.find(GCodeMove::Retract);
if (retraction_moves == m_moves_map.end())
// to avoid to call the callback too often
unsigned int cancel_callback_threshold = (unsigned int)std::max((int)retraction_moves->second.size() / 25, 1);
unsigned int cancel_callback_curr = 0;
for (const GCodeMove& move : retraction_moves->second)
cancel_callback_curr = (cancel_callback_curr + 1) % cancel_callback_threshold;
if (cancel_callback_curr == 0)
// store position
Vec3crd position(scale_(move.start_position.x()), scale_(move.start_position.y()), scale_(move.start_position.z()));
preview_data.retraction.positions.emplace_back(position, move.data.width, move.data.height);
// we need to sort the positions by their z as they can be shuffled in case of sequential prints
std::sort(preview_data.retraction.positions.begin(), preview_data.retraction.positions.end(),
[](const GCodePreviewData::Retraction::Position& p1, const GCodePreviewData::Retraction::Position& p2)->bool
{ return unscale<double>(p1.position(2)) < unscale<double>(p2.position(2)); });
void GCodeAnalyzer::_calc_gcode_preview_unretractions(GCodePreviewData& preview_data, std::function<void()> cancel_callback)
TypeToMovesMap::iterator unretraction_moves = m_moves_map.find(GCodeMove::Unretract);
if (unretraction_moves == m_moves_map.end())
// to avoid to call the callback too often
unsigned int cancel_callback_threshold = (unsigned int)std::max((int)unretraction_moves->second.size() / 25, 1);
unsigned int cancel_callback_curr = 0;
for (const GCodeMove& move : unretraction_moves->second)
cancel_callback_curr = (cancel_callback_curr + 1) % cancel_callback_threshold;
if (cancel_callback_curr == 0)
// store position
Vec3crd position(scale_(move.start_position.x()), scale_(move.start_position.y()), scale_(move.start_position.z()));
preview_data.unretraction.positions.emplace_back(position, move.data.width, move.data.height);
// we need to sort the positions by their z as they can be shuffled in case of sequential prints
std::sort(preview_data.unretraction.positions.begin(), preview_data.unretraction.positions.end(),
[](const GCodePreviewData::Retraction::Position& p1, const GCodePreviewData::Retraction::Position& p2)->bool
{ return unscale<double>(p1.position(2)) < unscale<double>(p2.position(2)); });
// Return an estimate of the memory consumed by the time estimator.
size_t GCodeAnalyzer::memory_used() const
size_t out = sizeof(*this);
for (const std::pair<GCodeMove::EType, GCodeMovesList> &kvp : m_moves_map)
out += sizeof(kvp) + SLIC3R_STDVEC_MEMSIZE(kvp.second, GCodeMove);
out += m_process_output.size();
return out;
} // namespace Slic3r