318 lines
10 KiB
318 lines
10 KiB
#include "Search.hpp"
#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <future>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
//#include <wx/bmpcbox.h>
#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "GUI_App.hpp"
#include "Tab.hpp"
#include "PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "fts_fuzzy_match.h"
#include "imgui/imconfig.h"
using boost::optional;
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
bool SearchOptions::Option::fuzzy_match_simple(char const * search_pattern) const
char const* opt_key_str = opt_key.c_str();
char const* label_str = label.utf8_str();
return fts::fuzzy_match_simple(search_pattern, label_str ) ||
fts::fuzzy_match_simple(search_pattern, opt_key_str ) ;
bool SearchOptions::Option::fuzzy_match_simple(const wxString& search) const
char const* search_pattern = search.utf8_str();
return fuzzy_match_simple(search_pattern);
bool SearchOptions::Option::fuzzy_match_simple(const std::string& search) const
char const* search_pattern = search.c_str();
return fuzzy_match_simple(search_pattern);
bool SearchOptions::Option::fuzzy_match(char const* search_pattern, int& outScore)
char const* opt_key_str = opt_key.c_str();
char const* label_str = label.utf8_str();
return (fts::fuzzy_match(search_pattern, label_str , outScore) ||
fts::fuzzy_match(search_pattern, opt_key_str , outScore) );
bool SearchOptions::Option::fuzzy_match(const wxString& search, int& outScore)
char const* search_pattern = search.utf8_str();
return fuzzy_match(search_pattern, outScore);
bool SearchOptions::Option::fuzzy_match(const std::string& search, int& outScore)
char const* search_pattern = search.c_str();
return fuzzy_match(search_pattern, outScore);
void SearchOptions::Filter::get_label(const char** out_text) const
*out_text = label.utf8_str();
void SearchOptions::Filter::get_marked_label(const char** out_text) const
*out_text = marked_label.utf8_str();
template<class T>
void change_opt_key(std::string& opt_key, DynamicPrintConfig* config)
T* opt_cur = static_cast<T*>(config->option(opt_key));
if (opt_cur->values.size() > 0)
opt_key += "#" + std::to_string(0);
void SearchOptions::append_options(DynamicPrintConfig* config, Preset::Type type, ConfigOptionMode mode)
for (std::string opt_key : config->keys())
const ConfigOptionDef& opt = config->def()->options.at(opt_key);
if (opt.mode > mode)
if (type == Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL || type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER)
switch (config->option(opt_key)->type())
case coInts: change_opt_key<ConfigOptionInts >(opt_key, config); break;
case coBools: change_opt_key<ConfigOptionBools >(opt_key, config); break;
case coFloats: change_opt_key<ConfigOptionFloats >(opt_key, config); break;
case coStrings: change_opt_key<ConfigOptionStrings >(opt_key, config); break;
case coPercents:change_opt_key<ConfigOptionPercents >(opt_key, config); break;
case coPoints: change_opt_key<ConfigOptionPoints >(opt_key, config); break;
default: break;
wxString label;
if (!opt.category.empty())
label += _(opt.category) + " : ";
label += _(opt.full_label.empty() ? opt.label : opt.full_label);
if (!label.IsEmpty())
options.emplace_back(Option{ label, opt_key, opt.category, type });
// Wrap a string with ColorMarkerStart and ColorMarkerEnd symbols
static wxString wrap_string(const wxString& str)
return wxString::Format("%c%s%c", ImGui::ColorMarkerStart, str, ImGui::ColorMarkerEnd);
// Mark a string using ColorMarkerStart and ColorMarkerEnd symbols
static void mark_string(wxString& str, const wxString& search_str)
// Try to find whole search string
if (str.Replace(search_str, wrap_string(search_str), false) != 0)
// Try to find whole capitalized search string
wxString search_str_capitalized = search_str.Capitalize();
if (str.Replace(search_str_capitalized, wrap_string(search_str_capitalized), false) != 0)
// if search string is just a one letter now, there is no reason to continue
if (search_str.Len()==1)
// Split a search string for two strings (string without last letter and last letter)
// and repeat a function with new search strings
mark_string(str, search_str.SubString(0, search_str.Len() - 2));
mark_string(str, search_str.Last());
// clear marked string from a redundant use of ColorMarkers
static void clear_marked_string(wxString& str)
// Check if the string has a several ColorMarkerStart in a row and replace them to only one, if any
wxString delete_string = wxString::Format("%c%c", ImGui::ColorMarkerStart, ImGui::ColorMarkerStart);
str.Replace(delete_string, ImGui::ColorMarkerStart, true);
// If there were several ColorMarkerStart in a row, it means there should be a several ColorMarkerStop in a row,
// replace them to only one
delete_string = wxString::Format("%c%c", ImGui::ColorMarkerEnd, ImGui::ColorMarkerEnd);
str.Replace(delete_string, ImGui::ColorMarkerEnd, true);
// And we should to remove redundant ColorMarkers, if they are in "End, Start" sequence in a row
delete_string = wxString::Format("%c%c", ImGui::ColorMarkerEnd, ImGui::ColorMarkerStart);
str.Replace(delete_string, wxEmptyString, true);
bool SearchOptions::apply_filters(const std::string& search, bool force/* = false*/)
if (search_line == search && !force)
return false;
bool full_list = search.empty();
for (size_t i=0; i < options.size(); i++)
if (full_list) {
filters.emplace_back(Filter{ options[i].label, options[i].label, i, 0 });
int score = 0;
if (options[i].fuzzy_match_simple(search)/*fuzzy_match(search, score)*/)
wxString marked_label = options[i].label;
mark_string(marked_label, from_u8(search));
filters.emplace_back(Filter{ options[i].label, marked_label, i, score });
if (!full_list)
search_line = search;
return true;
void SearchOptions::init(std::vector<SearchInput> input_values)
for (auto i : input_values)
append_options(i.config, i.type, i.mode);
apply_filters(search_line, true);
const SearchOptions::Option& SearchOptions::get_option(size_t pos_in_filter) const
assert(pos_in_filter != size_t(-1) && filters[pos_in_filter].option_idx != size_t(-1));
return options[filters[pos_in_filter].option_idx];
// SearchCtrl
SearchCtrl::SearchCtrl(wxWindow* parent) :
wxComboCtrl(parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(25 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1), wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)
default_string = _L("Type here to search");
wxBitmap bmp_norm = create_scaled_bitmap("search_gray");
wxBitmap bmp_hov = create_scaled_bitmap("search");
this->SetButtonBitmaps(bmp_norm, true, bmp_hov, bmp_hov, bmp_norm);
popupListBox = new SearchComboPopup();
// It is important to call SetPopupControl() as soon as possible
this->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT, &SearchCtrl::OnInputText, this);
this->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER, &SearchCtrl::PopupList, this);
this->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX_DROPDOWN, &SearchCtrl::PopupList, this);
this->GetTextCtrl()->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, &SearchCtrl::OnLeftUpInTextCtrl, this);
popupListBox->Bind(wxEVT_LISTBOX, &SearchCtrl::OnSelect, this);
void SearchCtrl::OnInputText(wxCommandEvent& )
if (prevent_update)
wxString input_string = this->GetValue();
if (input_string == default_string)
wxGetApp().sidebar().get_search_line() = into_u8(input_string);
editing = true;
editing = false;
void SearchCtrl::PopupList(wxCommandEvent& e)
void SearchCtrl::set_search_line(const std::string& line)
prevent_update = true;
this->SetValue(line.empty() && !editing ? default_string : from_u8(line));
prevent_update = false;
void SearchCtrl::msw_rescale()
wxSize size = wxSize(25 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1);
// Set rescaled min height to correct layout
wxBitmap bmp_norm = create_scaled_bitmap("search_gray");
wxBitmap bmp_hov = create_scaled_bitmap("search");
this->SetButtonBitmaps(bmp_norm, true, bmp_hov, bmp_hov, bmp_norm);
void SearchCtrl::OnSelect(wxCommandEvent& event)
int selection = event.GetSelection();
if (selection < 0)
prevent_update = true;
prevent_update = false;
void SearchCtrl::update_list(std::vector<SearchOptions::Filter>& filters)
if (popupListBox->GetCount() == filters.size() &&
popupListBox->GetString(0) == filters[0].label &&
popupListBox->GetString(popupListBox->GetCount()-1) == filters[filters.size()-1].label)
for (const SearchOptions::Filter& item : filters)
void SearchCtrl::OnLeftUpInTextCtrl(wxEvent &event)
if (this->GetValue() == default_string)
}} // namespace Slic3r::GUI