#include "GCodeChecker.h" #include #include #include #include namespace BambuStudio { //BBS: only check wodth when dE is longer than this value const double CHECK_WIDTH_E_THRESHOLD = 0.0025; const double WIDTH_THRESHOLD = 0.02; const double RADIUS_THRESHOLD = 0.005; const double filament_diameter = 1.75; const double Pi = 3.14159265358979323846; const std::string Extrusion_Role_Tag = " FEATURE: "; const std::string Width_Tag = " LINE_WIDTH: "; const std::string Wipe_Start_Tag = " WIPE_START"; const std::string Wipe_End_Tag = " WIPE_END"; const std::string Layer_Change_Tag = " CHANGE_LAYER"; const std::string Height_Tag = " LAYER_HEIGHT: "; const std::string filament_flow_ratio_tag = " filament_flow_ratio"; const std::string nozzle_temperature_Tag = " nozzle_temperature ="; const std::string nozzle_temperature_initial_layer_Tag = " nozzle_temperature_initial_layer"; const std::string Z_HEIGHT_TAG = " Z_HEIGHT: "; const std::string Initial_Layer_Ptint_Height_Tag = " initial_layer_print_height ="; GCodeCheckResult GCodeChecker::parse_file(const std::string& path) { std::ifstream file(path); if (file.fail()) { std::cout << "Failed to open file " << path << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } std::string line_raw; std::string line; while (std::getline(file, line_raw)) { const char *c = line_raw.c_str(); c = skip_whitespaces(c); if (std::toupper(*c) == 'N') c = skip_word(c); c = skip_whitespaces(c); line = c; if (parse_line(line) != GCodeCheckResult::Success) { std::cout << "Failed to parse line " << line_raw << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } } if (m_layer_num == 0) { std::cout << "Invalid gcode file without layer change comment" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } return GCodeCheckResult::Success; } bool GCodeChecker::include_chinese(const char* str) { char c; while(1) { c=*str++; if (is_end_of_line(c)) break; if ((c & 0x80) && (*str & 0x80)) return true; } return false; } GCodeCheckResult GCodeChecker::parse_line(const std::string& line) { // update start position m_start_position = m_end_position; GCodeCheckResult ret; const char *c = skip_whitespaces(line.c_str()); if (include_chinese(c)) { //chinese is forbidden return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } if (is_end_of_line(*c)) { //BBS: skip empty line return GCodeCheckResult::Success; } else if (is_comment_line(*c)) { GCodeLine gcode_line; gcode_line.m_raw = c; ret = parse_comment(gcode_line); if (ret != GCodeCheckResult::Success) return ret; } else { GCodeLine gcode_line; gcode_line.m_raw = c; ret = parse_command(gcode_line); if (ret != GCodeCheckResult::Success) return ret; ret = check_line_width(gcode_line); if (ret != GCodeCheckResult::Success) return ret; } return GCodeCheckResult::Success; } GCodeCheckResult GCodeChecker::parse_comment(GCodeLine& line) { const char *c = line.m_raw.c_str(); c++; std::string comment = c; // extrusion role tag if (starts_with(comment, Extrusion_Role_Tag)) { m_role = string_to_role(comment.substr(Extrusion_Role_Tag.length())); if (m_role == erExternalPerimeter) { if (z_height == initial_layer_height && nozzle_temp != nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[filament_id]) { std::cout << "invalid filament nozzle initial layer temperature comment with invalid value!" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } if (z_height != initial_layer_height && nozzle_temp != nozzle_temperature[filament_id]) { std::cout << "invalid filament nozzle temperature comment with invalid value!" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } } } else if (starts_with(comment, Wipe_Start_Tag)) { m_wiping = true; } else if (starts_with(comment, Wipe_End_Tag)) { m_wiping = false; } else if (starts_with(comment, Height_Tag)) { std::string str = comment.substr(Height_Tag.size()); if (!parse_double_from_str(str, m_height)) { std::cout << "invalid height comment with invalid value!" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } } else if (starts_with(comment, Width_Tag)) { std::string str = comment.substr(Width_Tag.size()); if (!parse_double_from_str(str, m_width)) { std::cout << "invalid width comment with invalid value!" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } } else if (starts_with(comment, Layer_Change_Tag)) { m_layer_num++; } else if (starts_with(comment, filament_flow_ratio_tag)) { std::string str = comment.substr(filament_flow_ratio_tag.size()+3); if (!parse_double_from_str(str, filament_flow_ratio)) { std::cout << "invalid filament flow ratio comment with invalid value!" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } } else if (starts_with(comment, nozzle_temperature_Tag)) { std::string str = comment.substr(nozzle_temperature_Tag.size() + 1); if (!parse_double_from_str(str, nozzle_temperature)) { std::cout << "invalid nozzle temperature comment with invalid value!" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } } else if (starts_with(comment, nozzle_temperature_initial_layer_Tag)) { std::string str = comment.substr(nozzle_temperature_initial_layer_Tag.size() + 3); if (!parse_double_from_str(str, nozzle_temperature_initial_layer)) { std::cout << "invalid nozzle temperature initial layer comment with invalid value!" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } } else if (starts_with(comment, Z_HEIGHT_TAG)) { std::string str = comment.substr(Z_HEIGHT_TAG.size()); if (!parse_double_from_str(str, z_height)) { std::cout << "invalid z height comment with invalid value!" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } } else if (starts_with(comment, Initial_Layer_Ptint_Height_Tag)) { std::string str = comment.substr(Initial_Layer_Ptint_Height_Tag.size()); if (!parse_double_from_str(str, initial_layer_height)) { std::cout << "invalid initial layer height comment with invalid value!" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::ParseFailed; } } return GCodeCheckResult::Success; } GCodeCheckResult GCodeChecker::parse_command(GCodeLine& gcode_line) { const std::string cmd = gcode_line.cmd(); GCodeCheckResult ret = GCodeCheckResult::Success; switch (::toupper(cmd[0])) { case 'G': { switch (::atoi(&cmd[1])) { case 0: case 1: { ret = parse_G0_G1(gcode_line); break; } // Move case 2: case 3: { ret = parse_G2_G3(gcode_line); break; } // Move case 90: { ret = parse_G90(gcode_line); break; } // Set to Absolute Positioning case 91: { ret = parse_G91(gcode_line); break; } // Set to Relative Positioning case 92: { ret = parse_G92(gcode_line); break; } // Set Position default: { break; } } break; } case 'M':{ switch (::atoi(&cmd[1])) { case 82: { ret = parse_M82(gcode_line); break; } // Set to Absolute extrusion case 83: { ret = parse_M83(gcode_line); break; } // Set to Relative extrusion case 104: { ret = parse_M104_M109(gcode_line); break; } // Set to nozzle temperature case 109: { ret = parse_M104_M109(gcode_line); break; } // Set to nozzle temperature default: { break; } } break; } case 'T':{ int pt = ::atoi(&cmd[1]); if (pt == 1000 || pt == 1100 || pt == 255) { break; } if (pt < 0 || pt > 254 || pt >= filament_flow_ratio.size()) { std::cout << "Invalid T command"<& source, const std::array& target, double e, double height, bool is_bridge) const { double volume = (e / flow_ratio) * Pi * (filament_diameter / 2.0f) * (filament_diameter / 2.0f); std::array delta = { target[0] - source[0], target[1] - source[1], target[2] - source[2] }; double length = sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1] + delta[2] * delta[2]); double mm3_per_mm = volume / length; return is_bridge? 2 * sqrt(mm3_per_mm/Pi) : (mm3_per_mm / height) + height * (1 - 0.25 * Pi); } double GCodeChecker::calculate_G2_G3_width(const std::array& source, const std::array& target, const std::array& center, bool is_ccw, double e, double height, bool is_bridge) const { std::array v1 = { source[0] - center[0], source[1] - center[1] }; std::array v2 = { target[0] - center[0], target[1] - center[1] }; double dot = v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1]; double cross = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]; double radian = atan2(cross, dot); radian = is_ccw ? (radian < 0 ? 2 * Pi + radian : radian) : (radian < 0 ? -radian : 2 * Pi - radian); double radius = sqrt(v1[0] * v1[0] + v1[1] * v1[1]); double length = radius * radian; double volume = (e / flow_ratio) * Pi * (filament_diameter / 2) * (filament_diameter / 2); double mm3_per_mm = volume / length; return is_bridge? 2 * sqrt(mm3_per_mm/Pi) : (mm3_per_mm / height) + height * (1 - 0.25 * Pi); } GCodeCheckResult GCodeChecker::check_line_width(const GCodeLine& gcode_line) { //BBS: don't need to check extrusion before first layer if (m_layer_num <= 0) { return GCodeCheckResult::Success; } GCodeCheckResult ret = GCodeCheckResult::Success; //BBS: only need to handle G0 G1 G2 G3 const std::string cmd = gcode_line.cmd(); int cmd_id = ::atoi(&cmd[1]); if (::toupper(cmd[0]) == 'G') switch (::atoi(&cmd[1])) { case 0: case 1: { ret = check_G0_G1_width(gcode_line); break; } case 2: case 3: { ret = check_G2_G3_width(gcode_line); break; } default: { break; } } return ret; } GCodeCheckResult GCodeChecker::check_G0_G1_width(const GCodeLine& line) { auto absolute_position = [this](Axis axis, const GCodeLine& lineG1) { bool is_relative = (m_global_positioning_type == EPositioningType::Relative); if (axis == E) is_relative |= (m_e_local_positioning_type == EPositioningType::Relative); if (lineG1.has(Axis(axis))) { double ret = lineG1.get(Axis(axis)); return is_relative ? m_start_position[axis] + ret : m_origin[axis] + ret; } else return m_start_position[axis]; }; auto move_type = [this](const std::array& delta_pos) { EMoveType type = EMoveType::Noop; if (m_wiping) type = EMoveType::Wipe; else if (delta_pos[E] < 0.0f) type = (delta_pos[X] != 0.0f || delta_pos[Y] != 0.0f || delta_pos[Z] != 0.0f) ? EMoveType::Travel : EMoveType::Retract; else if (delta_pos[E] > 0.0f) { if (delta_pos[X] == 0.0f && delta_pos[Y] == 0.0f) type = (delta_pos[Z] == 0.0f) ? EMoveType::Unretract : EMoveType::Travel; else if (delta_pos[X] != 0.0f || delta_pos[Y] != 0.0f) type = EMoveType::Extrude; } else if (delta_pos[X] != 0.0f || delta_pos[Y] != 0.0f || delta_pos[Z] != 0.0f) type = EMoveType::Travel; return type; }; for (unsigned char a = X; a <= E; ++a) { m_end_position[a] = absolute_position((Axis)a, line); } // calculates movement deltas std::array delta_pos; for (unsigned char a = X; a <= E; ++a) delta_pos[a] = m_end_position[a] - m_start_position[a]; // Todo: currently, for precision, there alwasy has possible to generate // such gcode because of decimal truncation /*if (line.has(Axis(E)) && delta_pos[E] == 0.0 && !m_wiping) { std::cout << "Invalid GCode because has E axis but 0 extrusion" << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::CheckFailed; }*/ EMoveType type = move_type(delta_pos); if (type == EMoveType::Extrude && m_end_position[Z] == 0.0f) type = EMoveType::Travel; //BBS: calculate line width and compare. //Don't need to check gap fill which has verious width if (type == EMoveType::Extrude && m_role != erGapFill && delta_pos[E] > CHECK_WIDTH_E_THRESHOLD) { std::array source = { m_start_position[X], m_start_position[Y], m_start_position[Z] }; std::array target = { m_end_position[X], m_end_position[Y], m_end_position[Z] }; bool is_bridge = m_role == erOverhangPerimeter || m_role == erBridgeInfill; if (!is_bridge) { double width_real = calculate_G1_width(source, target, delta_pos[E], m_height, is_bridge); if (fabs(width_real - m_width) > WIDTH_THRESHOLD) { std::cout << "Invalid G0_G1 because has abnormal line width." << std::endl; std::cout << "Width: " << m_width << " Width_real: " << width_real << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::CheckFailed; } } } return GCodeCheckResult::Success; } GCodeCheckResult GCodeChecker::check_G2_G3_width(const GCodeLine& line) { auto absolute_position = [this](Axis axis, const GCodeLine& lineG2_3) { bool is_relative = (m_global_positioning_type == EPositioningType::Relative); if (axis == E) is_relative |= (m_e_local_positioning_type == EPositioningType::Relative); if (lineG2_3.has(Axis(axis))) { double ret = lineG2_3.get(Axis(axis)); if (axis == I) return m_start_position[X] + ret; else if (axis == J) return m_start_position[Y] + ret; else return is_relative ? m_start_position[axis] + ret : m_origin[axis] + ret; } else { if (axis == I) return m_start_position[X]; else if (axis == J) return m_start_position[Y]; else return m_start_position[axis]; } }; auto move_type = [this](const double& delta_E) { EMoveType type = EMoveType::Noop; if (m_wiping) type = EMoveType::Wipe; else if (delta_E < 0.0f || delta_E == 0.0f) type = EMoveType::Travel; else type = EMoveType::Extrude; return type; }; for (unsigned char a = X; a <= E; ++a) { m_end_position[a] = absolute_position((Axis)a, line); } std::array source = { m_start_position[X], m_start_position[Y] }; std::array target = { m_end_position[X], m_end_position[Y] }; std::array center = { absolute_position(I, line),absolute_position(J, line) }; const std::string& cmd = line.cmd(); bool is_ccw = (::atoi(&cmd[1]) == 2) ? false : true; double delta_e = m_end_position[E] - m_start_position[E]; EMoveType type = move_type(delta_e); //BBS: judge whether is normal arc by radius double radius1 = sqrt(pow((source[0] - center[0]), 2) + pow((source[1] - center[1]), 2)); double radius2 = sqrt(pow((target[0] - center[0]), 2) + pow((target[1] - center[1]), 2)); if (fabs(radius2 - radius1) > RADIUS_THRESHOLD) { std::cout << "Invalid G2_G3 because of abnormal radius." << std::endl; std::cout << "radius1: " << radius1 << " radius2: " << radius2 << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::CheckFailed; } //BBS: calculate line width and compare //Don't need to check gap fill which has verious width if (type == EMoveType::Extrude && m_role != erGapFill && delta_e > CHECK_WIDTH_E_THRESHOLD) { bool is_bridge = m_role == erOverhangPerimeter || m_role == erBridgeInfill; if (!is_bridge) { double width_real = calculate_G2_G3_width(source, target, center, is_ccw, delta_e, m_height, is_bridge); if (fabs(width_real - m_width) > WIDTH_THRESHOLD) { std::cout << "Invalid G2_G3 because has abnormal line width." << std::endl; std::cout << "Width: " << m_width << " Width_real: " << width_real << std::endl; return GCodeCheckResult::CheckFailed; } } } return GCodeCheckResult::Success; } const std::map string_to_role_map = { { "Inner wall", erPerimeter }, { "Outer wall", erExternalPerimeter }, { "Overhang wall", erOverhangPerimeter }, { "Sparse infill", erInternalInfill }, { "Internal solid infill", erSolidInfill }, { "Top surface", erTopSolidInfill }, { "Bottom surface", erBottomSurface }, { "Ironing", erIroning }, { "Bridge", erBridgeInfill }, { "Gap infill", erGapFill }, { "Skirt", erSkirt }, { "Brim", erBrim }, { "Support", erSupportMaterial }, { "Support interface", erSupportMaterialInterface }, { "Support transition", erSupportTransition }, { "Prime tower", erWipeTower }, { "Custom", erCustom }, { "Mixed", erMixed } }; ExtrusionRole GCodeChecker::string_to_role(const std::string &role) { for (auto it = string_to_role_map.begin(); it != string_to_role_map.end(); it++) { if (role == it->first) return it->second; } return erNone; } }