@echo off REM OrcaSlicer gettext REM Created by SoftFever on 27/5/23. REM Check for --full argument set FULL_MODE=0 for %%a in (%*) do ( if "%%a"=="--full" set FULL_MODE=1 ) if %FULL_MODE%==1 ( .\tools\xgettext.exe --keyword=L --keyword=_L --keyword=_u8L --keyword=L_CONTEXT:1,2c --keyword=_L_PLURAL:1,2 --add-comments=TRN --from-code=UTF-8 --no-location --debug --boost -f ./localization/i18n/list.txt -o ./localization/i18n/OrcaSlicer.pot python3 scripts/HintsToPot.py ./resources ./localization/i18n ) REM Print the current directory echo %cd% set pot_file="./localization/i18n/OrcaSlicer.pot" REM Run the script for each .po file for /r "./localization/i18n/" %%f in (*.po) do ( call :processFile "%%f" ) goto :eof :processFile set "file=%~1" set "dir=%~dp1" set "name=%~n1" set "lang=%name:OrcaSlicer_=%" if %FULL_MODE%==1 ( .\tools\msgmerge.exe -N -o "%file%" "%file%" "%pot_file%" ) if not exist "./resources/i18n/%lang%" mkdir "./resources/i18n/%lang%" .\tools\msgfmt.exe --check-format -o "./resources/i18n/%lang%/OrcaSlicer.mo" "%file%" goto :eof