package Slic3r::GCode; use Moo; use List::Util qw(min max first); use Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop ':roles'; use Slic3r::ExtrusionPath ':roles'; use Slic3r::Geometry qw(epsilon scale unscale PI X Y B); use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union_ex); # Origin of print coordinates expressed in unscaled G-code coordinates. # This affects the input arguments supplied to the extrude*() and travel_to() # methods. has 'origin' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { Slic3r::Pointf->new }); has 'config' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { Slic3r::Config::Full->new }); has 'writer' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { Slic3r::GCode::Writer->new }); has 'placeholder_parser' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { Slic3r::GCode::PlaceholderParser->new }); has 'ooze_prevention' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { Slic3r::GCode::OozePrevention->new }); has 'wipe' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { Slic3r::GCode::Wipe->new }); has 'avoid_crossing_perimeters' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { Slic3r::GCode::AvoidCrossingPerimeters->new }); has 'enable_loop_clipping' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {1}); has 'enable_cooling_markers' => (is =>'rw', default => sub {0}); has 'layer_count' => (is => 'ro'); has 'layer_index' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {-1}); # just a counter has 'layer' => (is => 'rw'); has '_seam_position' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { {} }); # $object => pos has 'first_layer' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {0}); # this flag triggers first layer speeds has 'elapsed_time' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {0} ); # seconds has 'last_pos' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { Slic3r::Point->new(0,0) } ); has 'volumetric_speed' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {0}); sub apply_print_config { my ($self, $print_config) = @_; $self->writer->apply_print_config($print_config); $self->config->apply_print_config($print_config); } sub set_extruders { my ($self, $extruder_ids) = @_; $self->writer->set_extruders($extruder_ids); # enable wipe path generation if any extruder has wipe enabled $self->wipe->set_enable(defined first { $self->config->get_at('wipe', $_) } @$extruder_ids); } sub set_origin { my ($self, $pointf) = @_; # if origin increases (goes towards right), last_pos decreases because it goes towards left my @translate = ( scale ($self->origin->x - $pointf->x), scale ($self->origin->y - $pointf->y), #- ); $self->last_pos->translate(@translate); $self->wipe->path->translate(@translate) if $self->wipe->has_path; $self->origin($pointf); } sub preamble { my ($self) = @_; my $gcode = $self->writer->preamble; # Perform a *silent* move to z_offset: we need this to initialize the Z # position of our writer object so that any initial lift taking place # before the first layer change will raise the extruder from the correct # initial Z instead of 0. $self->writer->travel_to_z($self->config->z_offset, ''); return $gcode; } sub change_layer { my ($self, $layer) = @_; $self->layer($layer); $self->layer_index($self->layer_index + 1); $self->first_layer($layer->id == 0); # avoid computing islands and overhangs if they're not needed if ($self->config->avoid_crossing_perimeters) { $self->avoid_crossing_perimeters->init_layer_mp( union_ex([ map @$_, @{$layer->slices} ], 1), ); } my $gcode = ""; if (defined $self->layer_count) { $gcode .= $self->writer->update_progress($self->layer_index, $self->layer_count); } my $z = $layer->print_z + $self->config->z_offset; # in unscaled coordinates if ($self->config->get_at('retract_layer_change', $self->writer->extruder->id) && $self->writer->will_move_z($z)) { $gcode .= $self->retract; } $gcode .= $self->writer->travel_to_z($z, 'move to next layer (' . $self->layer_index . ')'); # forget last wiping path as wiping after raising Z is pointless $self->wipe->reset_path; return $gcode; } sub extrude { my $self = shift; $_[0]->isa('Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop') ? $self->extrude_loop(@_) : $self->extrude_path(@_); } sub extrude_loop { my ($self, $loop, $description, $speed) = @_; # make a copy; don't modify the orientation of the original loop object otherwise # next copies (if any) would not detect the correct orientation $loop = $loop->clone; # extrude all loops ccw my $was_clockwise = $loop->make_counter_clockwise; # find the point of the loop that is closest to the current extruder position # or randomize if requested my $last_pos = $self->last_pos; if ($self->config->spiral_vase) { $loop->split_at($last_pos); } elsif ($self->config->seam_position eq 'nearest' || $self->config->seam_position eq 'aligned') { # simplify polygon in order to skip false positives in concave/convex detection # ($loop is always ccw as $polygon->simplify only works on ccw polygons) my $polygon = $loop->polygon; my @simplified = @{$polygon->simplify(scale $self->config->get_at('nozzle_diameter', $self->writer->extruder->id)/2)}; # restore original winding order so that concave and convex detection always happens # on the right/outer side of the polygon if ($was_clockwise) { $_->reverse for @simplified; } # concave vertices have priority my @candidates = map @{$_->concave_points(PI*4/3)}, @simplified; # if no concave points were found, look for convex vertices @candidates = map @{$_->convex_points(PI*2/3)}, @simplified if !@candidates; # retrieve the last start position for this object my $obj_ptr = 0; if (defined $self->layer) { $obj_ptr = $self->layer->object->ptr; if (defined $self->_seam_position->{$obj_ptr}) { $last_pos = $self->_seam_position->{$obj_ptr}; } } my $point; if ($self->config->seam_position eq 'nearest') { @candidates = @$polygon if !@candidates; $point = $last_pos->nearest_point(\@candidates); if (!$loop->split_at_vertex($point)) { # On 32-bit Linux, Clipper will change some point coordinates by 1 unit # while performing simplify_polygons(), thus split_at_vertex() won't # find them anymore. $loop->split_at($point); } } elsif (@candidates) { my @non_overhang = grep !$loop->has_overhang_point($_), @candidates; @candidates = @non_overhang if @non_overhang; $point = $last_pos->nearest_point(\@candidates); if (!$loop->split_at_vertex($point)) { $loop->split_at($point); } } else { $point = $last_pos->projection_onto_polygon($polygon); $loop->split_at($point); } $self->_seam_position->{$obj_ptr} = $point; } elsif ($self->config->seam_position eq 'random') { if ($loop->role == EXTRL_ROLE_CONTOUR_INTERNAL_PERIMETER) { my $polygon = $loop->polygon; my $centroid = $polygon->centroid; $last_pos = Slic3r::Point->new($polygon->bounding_box->x_max, $centroid->y); #)) $last_pos->rotate(rand(2*PI), $centroid); } $loop->split_at($last_pos); } # clip the path to avoid the extruder to get exactly on the first point of the loop; # if polyline was shorter than the clipping distance we'd get a null polyline, so # we discard it in that case my $clip_length = $self->enable_loop_clipping ? scale($self->config->get_at('nozzle_diameter', $self->writer->extruder->id)) * &Slic3r::LOOP_CLIPPING_LENGTH_OVER_NOZZLE_DIAMETER : 0; # get paths my @paths = @{$loop->clip_end($clip_length)}; return '' if !@paths; # apply the small perimeter speed if ($paths[0]->is_perimeter && $loop->length <= &Slic3r::SMALL_PERIMETER_LENGTH) { $speed //= $self->config->get_abs_value('small_perimeter_speed'); } # extrude along the path my $gcode = join '', map $self->_extrude_path($_, $description, $speed), @paths; # reset acceleration $gcode .= $self->writer->set_acceleration($self->config->default_acceleration); $self->wipe->set_path($paths[0]->polyline->clone) if $self->wipe->enable; # TODO: don't limit wipe to last path # make a little move inwards before leaving loop if ($paths[-1]->role == EXTR_ROLE_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER && defined $self->layer && $self->config->perimeters > 1) { my $last_path_polyline = $paths[-1]->polyline; # detect angle between last and first segment # the side depends on the original winding order of the polygon (left for contours, right for holes) my @points = ($paths[0][1], $paths[-1][-2]); @points = reverse @points if $was_clockwise; my $angle = $paths[0]->first_point->ccw_angle(@points) / 3; # turn left if contour, turn right if hole $angle *= -1 if $was_clockwise; # create the destination point along the first segment and rotate it # we make sure we don't exceed the segment length because we don't know # the rotation of the second segment so we might cross the object boundary my $first_segment = Slic3r::Line->new(@{$paths[0]->polyline}[0,1]); my $distance = min(scale($self->config->get_at('nozzle_diameter', $self->writer->extruder->id)), $first_segment->length); my $point = $first_segment->point_at($distance); $point->rotate($angle, $first_segment->a); # generate the travel move $gcode .= $self->writer->travel_to_xy($self->point_to_gcode($point), "move inwards before travel"); } return $gcode; } sub extrude_path { my ($self, $path, $description, $speed) = @_; my $gcode = $self->_extrude_path($path, $description, $speed); # reset acceleration $gcode .= $self->writer->set_acceleration($self->config->default_acceleration); return $gcode; } sub _extrude_path { my ($self, $path, $description, $speed) = @_; $path->simplify(&Slic3r::SCALED_RESOLUTION); # go to first point of extrusion path my $gcode = ""; { my $first_point = $path->first_point; $gcode .= $self->travel_to($first_point, $path->role, "move to first $description point") if !defined $self->last_pos || !$self->last_pos->coincides_with($first_point); } # compensate retraction $gcode .= $self->unretract; # adjust acceleration { my $acceleration; if ($self->config->first_layer_acceleration && $self->first_layer) { $acceleration = $self->config->first_layer_acceleration; } elsif ($self->config->perimeter_acceleration && $path->is_perimeter) { $acceleration = $self->config->perimeter_acceleration; } elsif ($self->config->bridge_acceleration && $path->is_bridge) { $acceleration = $self->config->bridge_acceleration; } elsif ($self->config->infill_acceleration && $path->is_infill) { $acceleration = $self->config->infill_acceleration; } else { $acceleration = $self->config->default_acceleration; } $gcode .= $self->writer->set_acceleration($acceleration); } # calculate extrusion length per distance unit my $e_per_mm = $self->writer->extruder->e_per_mm3 * $path->mm3_per_mm; $e_per_mm = 0 if !$self->writer->extrusion_axis; # set speed $speed //= -1; if ($speed == -1) { if ($path->role == EXTR_ROLE_PERIMETER) { $speed = $self->config->get_abs_value('perimeter_speed'); } elsif ($path->role == EXTR_ROLE_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER) { $speed = $self->config->get_abs_value('external_perimeter_speed'); } elsif ($path->role == EXTR_ROLE_OVERHANG_PERIMETER || $path->role == EXTR_ROLE_BRIDGE) { $speed = $self->config->get_abs_value('bridge_speed'); } elsif ($path->role == EXTR_ROLE_FILL) { $speed = $self->config->get_abs_value('infill_speed'); } elsif ($path->role == EXTR_ROLE_SOLIDFILL) { $speed = $self->config->get_abs_value('solid_infill_speed'); } elsif ($path->role == EXTR_ROLE_TOPSOLIDFILL) { $speed = $self->config->get_abs_value('top_solid_infill_speed'); } elsif ($path->role == EXTR_ROLE_GAPFILL) { $speed = $self->config->get_abs_value('gap_fill_speed'); } else { die "Invalid speed"; } } if ($self->first_layer) { $speed = $self->config->get_abs_value_over('first_layer_speed', $speed); } if ($self->volumetric_speed != 0) { $speed ||= $self->volumetric_speed / $path->mm3_per_mm; } if ($self->config->max_volumetric_speed > 0) { # Cap speed with max_volumetric_speed anyway (even if user is not using autospeed) $speed = min( $speed, $self->config->max_volumetric_speed / $path->mm3_per_mm, ); } my $F = $speed * 60; # convert mm/sec to mm/min # extrude arc or line $gcode .= ";_BRIDGE_FAN_START\n" if $path->is_bridge && $self->enable_cooling_markers; my $path_length = unscale $path->length; { my $extruder_offset = $self->config->get_at('extruder_offset', $self->writer->extruder->id); $gcode .= $path->gcode($self->writer->extruder, $e_per_mm, $F, $self->origin->x - $extruder_offset->x, $self->origin->y - $extruder_offset->y, #- $self->writer->extrusion_axis, $self->config->gcode_comments ? " ; $description" : ""); if ($self->wipe->enable) { $self->wipe->set_path($path->polyline->clone); $self->wipe->path->reverse; } } $gcode .= ";_BRIDGE_FAN_END\n" if $path->is_bridge && $self->enable_cooling_markers; $self->last_pos($path->last_point); if ($self->config->cooling) { my $path_time = $path_length / $F * 60; $self->elapsed_time($self->elapsed_time + $path_time); } return $gcode; } # This method accepts $point in print coordinates. sub travel_to { my ($self, $point, $role, $comment) = @_; # Define the travel move as a line between current position and the taget point. # This is expressed in print coordinates, so it will need to be translated by # $self->origin in order to get G-code coordinates. my $travel = Slic3r::Polyline->new($self->last_pos, $point); # check whether a straight travel move would need retraction my $needs_retraction = $self->needs_retraction($travel, $role); # if a retraction would be needed, try to use avoid_crossing_perimeters to plan a # multi-hop travel path inside the configuration space if ($needs_retraction && $self->config->avoid_crossing_perimeters && !$self->avoid_crossing_perimeters->disable_once) { $travel = $self->avoid_crossing_perimeters->travel_to($point, $self->origin, $self->last_pos); # check again whether the new travel path still needs a retraction $needs_retraction = $self->needs_retraction($travel, $role); } # Re-allow avoid_crossing_perimeters for the next travel moves $self->avoid_crossing_perimeters->set_disable_once(0); $self->avoid_crossing_perimeters->set_use_external_mp_once(0); # generate G-code for the travel move my $gcode = ""; $gcode .= $self->retract if $needs_retraction; # use G1 because we rely on paths being straight (G0 may make round paths) $gcode .= $self->writer->travel_to_xy($self->point_to_gcode($_->b), $comment) for @{$travel->lines}; return $gcode; } sub needs_retraction { my ($self, $travel, $role) = @_; if ($travel->length < scale $self->config->get_at('retract_before_travel', $self->writer->extruder->id)) { # skip retraction if the move is shorter than the configured threshold return 0; } if (defined $role && $role == EXTR_ROLE_SUPPORTMATERIAL && $self->layer->support_islands->contains_polyline($travel)) { # skip retraction if this is a travel move inside a support material island return 0; } if ($self->config->only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters && defined $self->layer) { if ($self->config->fill_density > 0 && $self->layer->any_internal_region_slice_contains_polyline($travel)) { # skip retraction if travel is contained in an internal slice *and* # internal infill is enabled (so that stringing is entirely not visible) return 0; } elsif ($self->layer->any_bottom_region_slice_contains_polyline($travel) && defined $self->layer->upper_layer && $self->layer->upper_layer->slices->contains_polyline($travel) && ($self->config->bottom_solid_layers >= 2 || $self->config->fill_density > 0)) { # skip retraction if travel is contained in an *infilled* bottom slice # but only if it's also covered by an *infilled* upper layer's slice # so that it's not visible from above (a bottom surface might not have an # upper slice in case of a thin membrane) return 0; } } # retract if only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters is disabled or doesn't apply return 1; } sub retract { my ($self, $toolchange) = @_; return "" if !defined $self->writer->extruder; my $gcode = ""; # wipe (if it's enabled for this extruder and we have a stored wipe path) if ($self->config->get_at('wipe', $self->writer->extruder->id) && $self->wipe->has_path) { $gcode .= $self->wipe->wipe($self, $toolchange); } # The parent class will decide whether we need to perform an actual retraction # (the extruder might be already retracted fully or partially). We call these # methods even if we performed wipe, since this will ensure the entire retraction # length is honored in case wipe path was too short.p $gcode .= $toolchange ? $self->writer->retract_for_toolchange : $self->writer->retract; $gcode .= $self->writer->reset_e; $gcode .= $self->writer->lift if $self->writer->extruder->retract_length > 0 || $self->config->use_firmware_retraction; return $gcode; } sub unretract { my ($self) = @_; my $gcode = ""; $gcode .= $self->writer->unlift; $gcode .= $self->writer->unretract; return $gcode; } # convert a model-space scaled point into G-code coordinates sub point_to_gcode { my ($self, $point) = @_; my $extruder_offset = $self->config->get_at('extruder_offset', $self->writer->extruder->id); return Slic3r::Pointf->new( ($point->x * &Slic3r::SCALING_FACTOR) + $self->origin->x - $extruder_offset->x, ($point->y * &Slic3r::SCALING_FACTOR) + $self->origin->y - $extruder_offset->y, #** ); } sub set_extruder { my ($self, $extruder_id) = @_; $self->placeholder_parser->set('current_extruder', $extruder_id); return "" if !$self->writer->need_toolchange($extruder_id); # if we are running a single-extruder setup, just set the extruder and return nothing if (!$self->writer->multiple_extruders) { return $self->writer->toolchange($extruder_id); } # prepend retraction on the current extruder my $gcode = $self->retract(1); # append custom toolchange G-code if (defined $self->writer->extruder && $self->config->toolchange_gcode) { my $pp = $self->placeholder_parser->clone; $pp->set('previous_extruder' => $self->writer->extruder->id); $pp->set('next_extruder' => $extruder_id); $gcode .= sprintf "%s\n", $pp->process($self->config->toolchange_gcode); } # if ooze prevention is enabled, park current extruder in the nearest # standby point and set it to the standby temperature $gcode .= $self->ooze_prevention->pre_toolchange($self) if $self->ooze_prevention->enable && defined $self->writer->extruder; # append the toolchange command $gcode .= $self->writer->toolchange($extruder_id); # set the new extruder to the operating temperature $gcode .= $self->ooze_prevention->post_toolchange($self) if $self->ooze_prevention->enable; return $gcode; } package Slic3r::GCode::OozePrevention; use Moo; use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scale); has 'enable' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 }); has 'standby_points' => (is => 'rw'); sub pre_toolchange { my ($self, $gcodegen) = @_; my $gcode = ""; # move to the nearest standby point if (@{$self->standby_points}) { # get current position in print coordinates my $pos = Slic3r::Point->new_scale(@{$gcodegen->writer->get_position}[0,1]); my $standby_point = Slic3r::Pointf->new_unscale(@{$pos->nearest_point($self->standby_points)}); # We don't call $gcodegen->travel_to() because we don't need retraction (it was already # triggered by the caller) nor avoid_crossing_perimeters and also because the coordinates # of the destination point must not be transformed by origin nor current extruder offset. $gcode .= $gcodegen->writer->travel_to_xy($standby_point, 'move to standby position'); } if ($gcodegen->config->standby_temperature_delta != 0) { my $temp = defined $gcodegen->layer && $gcodegen->layer->id == 0 ? $gcodegen->config->get_at('first_layer_temperature', $gcodegen->writer->extruder->id) : $gcodegen->config->get_at('temperature', $gcodegen->writer->extruder->id); # we assume that heating is always slower than cooling, so no need to block $gcode .= $gcodegen->writer->set_temperature($temp + $gcodegen->config->standby_temperature_delta, 0); } return $gcode; } sub post_toolchange { my ($self, $gcodegen) = @_; my $gcode = ""; if ($gcodegen->config->standby_temperature_delta != 0) { my $temp = defined $gcodegen->layer && $gcodegen->layer->id == 0 ? $gcodegen->config->get_at('first_layer_temperature', $gcodegen->writer->extruder->id) : $gcodegen->config->get_at('temperature', $gcodegen->writer->extruder->id); $gcode .= $gcodegen->writer->set_temperature($temp, 1); } return $gcode; } package Slic3r::GCode::Wipe; use strict; use warnings; use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scale); sub wipe { my ($self, $gcodegen, $toolchange) = @_; my $gcode = ""; # Reduce feedrate a bit; travel speed is often too high to move on existing material. # Too fast = ripping of existing material; too slow = short wipe path, thus more blob. my $wipe_speed = $gcodegen->writer->config->get('travel_speed') * 0.8; # get the retraction length my $length = $toolchange ? $gcodegen->writer->extruder->retract_length_toolchange : $gcodegen->writer->extruder->retract_length; if ($length) { # Calculate how long we need to travel in order to consume the required # amount of retraction. In other words, how far do we move in XY at $wipe_speed # for the time needed to consume retract_length at retract_speed? my $wipe_dist = scale($length / $gcodegen->writer->extruder->retract_speed * $wipe_speed); # Take the stored wipe path and replace first point with the current actual position # (they might be different, for example, in case of loop clipping). my $wipe_path = Slic3r::Polyline->new( $gcodegen->last_pos, @{$self->path}[1..$#{$self->path}], ); # $wipe_path->clip_end($wipe_path->length - $wipe_dist); # subdivide the retraction in segments my $retracted = 0; foreach my $line (@{$wipe_path->lines}) { my $segment_length = $line->length; # Reduce retraction length a bit to avoid effective retraction speed to be greater than the configured one # due to rounding (TODO: test and/or better math for this) my $dE = $length * ($segment_length / $wipe_dist) * 0.95; $gcode .= $gcodegen->writer->set_speed($wipe_speed*60); $gcode .= $gcodegen->writer->extrude_to_xy( $gcodegen->point_to_gcode($line->b), -$dE, 'wipe and retract' . ($gcodegen->enable_cooling_markers ? ';_WIPE' : ''), ); $retracted += $dE; } $gcodegen->writer->extruder->set_retracted($gcodegen->writer->extruder->retracted + $retracted); # prevent wiping again on same path $self->reset_path; } return $gcode; } 1;