{ "type": "machine", "setting_id": "GM001", "name": "Anycubic Kobra Plus 0.4 nozzle", "from": "system", "instantiation": "true", "inherits": "fdm_machine_common", "printer_model": "Anycubic Kobra Plus", "default_print_profile": "0.20mm Standard @Anycubic KobraPlus", "nozzle_diameter": [ "0.4" ], "printable_area": [ "0x0", "300x0", "300x300", "0x300" ], "printable_height": "350", "nozzle_type": "undefine", "auxiliary_fan": "0", "machine_max_acceleration_e": [ "3000", "5000" ], "machine_max_acceleration_extruding": [ "4000", "1250" ], "machine_max_acceleration_retracting": [ "1000", "1250" ], "machine_max_acceleration_travel": [ "4000", "1250" ], "machine_max_acceleration_x": [ "700", "960" ], "machine_max_acceleration_y": [ "600", "960" ], "machine_max_acceleration_z": [ "100", "200" ], "machine_max_speed_e": [ "60", "120" ], "machine_max_speed_x": [ "300", "100" ], "machine_max_speed_y": [ "300", "100" ], "machine_max_speed_z": [ "40", "12" ], "machine_max_jerk_e": [ "5", "4.5" ], "machine_max_jerk_x": [ "20", "8" ], "machine_max_jerk_y": [ "20", "8" ], "machine_max_jerk_z": [ "0.3", "0.4" ], "max_layer_height": [ "0.3" ], "min_layer_height": [ "0.15" ], "printer_settings_id": "Anycubic", "retraction_minimum_travel": [ "5" ], "retract_before_wipe": [ "70%" ], "retraction_length": [ "6" ], "retract_length_toolchange": [ "4" ], "retraction_speed": [ "40" ], "deretraction_speed": [ "40" ], "single_extruder_multi_material": "1", "change_filament_gcode": "M600", "machine_pause_gcode": "M601", "default_filament_profile": [ "Anycubic Generic PLA" ], "machine_start_gcode": "M104 S140;start the nozzle preheat and don't wait\nG21;metric values\nG90;absolute positioning\nM82;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107;start with the fan off\nG28;home all\nM190 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ; set wait for bed temp\nM355 S1;turn on the case light\nM109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer]; wait for extruder temp\nG1 Z15.0 F1000 ;move the nozzle up 15mm\nG92 E0;zero the extruded length\nG1 F100 E60;extrude 60mm of feed stock\nG92 E0;zero the extruded length again", "machine_end_gcode": "M104 S0;extruder heater off\nM140 S0;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91;relative positioning\nG1 Z+10 F3600 ;move Z up a bit\nG90;absolute positioning\nG1 X10 F3000; get the head off the bed\nG1 F3000 Y400 ;kick the bed out\nM84;steppers off\nM355 S0;turn off the case light", "before_layer_change_gcode": ";BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE\n;G92 E0.0\n;[layer_z]\n\n", "layer_change_gcode": ";AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE\n;[layer_z]", "scan_first_layer": "0" }