package Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection; use strict; use warnings; sub first_point { my $self = shift; return $self->[0]->[0]; } # (Same algorithm as Polyline::Collection) sub chained_path { my $self = shift; my ($start_near, $no_reverse) = @_; my @my_paths = @$self; return @my_paths if $self->no_sort; my @paths = (); my $start_at; my $endpoints = $no_reverse ? [ map { @$_[0,0] } @my_paths ] : [ map { @$_[0,-1] } @my_paths ]; while (@my_paths) { # find nearest point my $start_index = defined $start_near ? Slic3r::Geometry::nearest_point_index($start_near, $endpoints) : 0; my $path_index = int($start_index/2); if ($start_index % 2 && !$no_reverse) { # index is end so reverse to make it the start # path is reversed in place, but we got a copy from XS $my_paths[$path_index]->reverse; } push @paths, splice @my_paths, $path_index, 1; splice @$endpoints, $path_index*2, 2; $start_near = $paths[-1][-1]; } return @paths; } sub cleanup { my $self = shift; # split paths at angles that are too acute to be printed as they will cause blobs my @paths = map $_->split_at_acute_angles, @$self; $self->clear; $self->append(@paths); } sub detect_arcs { my $self = shift; return map $_->detect_arcs(@_), @$self; } 1;