#include "SavePresetDialog.hpp" #include <cstddef> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <wx/sizer.h> #include <wx/stattext.h> #include <wx/wupdlock.h> #include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "format.hpp" #include "Tab.hpp" using Slic3r::GUI::format_wxstr; namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { #define BORDER_W 10 //----------------------------------------------- // SavePresetDialog::Item //----------------------------------------------- SavePresetDialog::Item::Item(Preset::Type type, const std::string& suffix, wxBoxSizer* sizer, SavePresetDialog* parent): m_type(type), m_parent(parent) { Tab* tab = wxGetApp().get_tab(m_type); assert(tab); m_presets = tab->get_presets(); const Preset& sel_preset = m_presets->get_selected_preset(); std::string preset_name = sel_preset.is_default ? "Untitled" : sel_preset.is_system ? (boost::format(("%1% - %2%")) % sel_preset.name % suffix).str() : sel_preset.name; // if name contains extension if (boost::iends_with(preset_name, ".ini")) { size_t len = preset_name.length() - 4; preset_name.resize(len); } std::vector<std::string> values; for (const Preset& preset : *m_presets) { if (preset.is_default || preset.is_system || preset.is_external) continue; values.push_back(preset.name); } wxStaticText* label_top = new wxStaticText(m_parent, wxID_ANY, from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Save %s as:"))) % into_u8(tab->title())).str())); m_valid_bmp = new wxStaticBitmap(m_parent, wxID_ANY, create_scaled_bitmap("tick_mark", m_parent)); m_combo = new wxComboBox(m_parent, wxID_ANY, from_u8(preset_name), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(35 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1)); for (const std::string& value : values) m_combo->Append(from_u8(value)); m_combo->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { update(); }); #ifdef __WXOSX__ // Under OSX wxEVT_TEXT wasn't invoked after change selection in combobox, // So process wxEVT_COMBOBOX too m_combo->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { update(); }); #endif //__WXOSX__ m_valid_label = new wxStaticText(m_parent, wxID_ANY, ""); m_valid_label->SetFont(wxGetApp().bold_font()); wxBoxSizer* combo_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); combo_sizer->Add(m_valid_bmp, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxRIGHT, BORDER_W); combo_sizer->Add(m_combo, 1, wxEXPAND, BORDER_W); sizer->Add(label_top, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP| wxBOTTOM, BORDER_W); sizer->Add(combo_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM, BORDER_W); sizer->Add(m_valid_label, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT, 3*BORDER_W); if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) m_parent->add_info_for_edit_ph_printer(sizer); update(); } void SavePresetDialog::Item::update() { m_preset_name = into_u8(m_combo->GetValue()); m_valid_type = Valid; wxString info_line; const char* unusable_symbols = "<>[]:/\\|?*\""; const std::string unusable_suffix = PresetCollection::get_suffix_modified();//"(modified)"; for (size_t i = 0; i < std::strlen(unusable_symbols); i++) { if (m_preset_name.find_first_of(unusable_symbols[i]) != std::string::npos) { info_line = _L("The supplied name is not valid;") + "\n" + _L("the following characters are not allowed:") + " " + unusable_symbols; m_valid_type = NoValid; break; } } if (m_valid_type == Valid && m_preset_name.find(unusable_suffix) != std::string::npos) { info_line = _L("The supplied name is not valid;") + "\n" + _L("the following suffix is not allowed:") + "\n\t" + from_u8(PresetCollection::get_suffix_modified()); m_valid_type = NoValid; } if (m_valid_type == Valid && m_preset_name == "- default -") { info_line = _L("The supplied name is not available."); m_valid_type = NoValid; } const Preset* existing = m_presets->find_preset(m_preset_name, false); if (m_valid_type == Valid && existing && (existing->is_default || existing->is_system)) { info_line = _L("Cannot overwrite a system profile."); m_valid_type = NoValid; } if (m_valid_type == Valid && existing && (existing->is_external)) { info_line = _L("Cannot overwrite an external profile."); m_valid_type = NoValid; } if (m_valid_type == Valid && existing && m_preset_name != m_presets->get_selected_preset_name()) { if (existing->is_compatible) info_line = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists.")) % m_preset_name).str()); else info_line = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists and is imcopatible with selected printer.")) % m_preset_name).str()); info_line += "\n" + _L("Note: This preset will be replaced after saving"); m_valid_type = Warning; } if (m_valid_type == Valid && m_preset_name.empty()) { info_line = _L("The name cannot be empty."); m_valid_type = NoValid; } m_valid_label->SetLabel(info_line); m_valid_label->Show(!info_line.IsEmpty()); update_valid_bmp(); if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) m_parent->update_info_for_edit_ph_printer(m_preset_name); m_parent->layout(); } void SavePresetDialog::Item::update_valid_bmp() { std::string bmp_name = m_valid_type == Warning ? "exclamation" : m_valid_type == NoValid ? "cross" : "tick_mark" ; m_valid_bmp->SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap(bmp_name, m_parent)); } void SavePresetDialog::Item::accept() { if (m_valid_type == Warning) m_presets->delete_preset(m_preset_name); } //----------------------------------------------- // SavePresetDialog //----------------------------------------------- SavePresetDialog::SavePresetDialog(wxWindow* parent, Preset::Type type, std::string suffix) : DPIDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Save preset"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(45 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), 5 * wxGetApp().em_unit()), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxICON_WARNING | wxRESIZE_BORDER) { build(std::vector<Preset::Type>{type}, suffix); } SavePresetDialog::SavePresetDialog(wxWindow* parent, std::vector<Preset::Type> types, std::string suffix) : DPIDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Save preset"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(45 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), 5 * wxGetApp().em_unit()), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxICON_WARNING | wxRESIZE_BORDER) { build(types, suffix); } SavePresetDialog::~SavePresetDialog() { for (auto item : m_items) { delete item; } } void SavePresetDialog::build(std::vector<Preset::Type> types, std::string suffix) { SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); #if ENABLE_WX_3_1_3_DPI_CHANGED_EVENT && defined(__WXMSW__) // ys_FIXME! temporary workaround for correct font scaling // Because of from wxWidgets 3.1.3 auto rescaling is implemented for the Fonts, // From the very beginning set dialog font to the wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT this->SetFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); #endif // ENABLE_WX_3_1_3_DPI_CHANGED_EVENT if (suffix.empty()) suffix = _CTX_utf8(L_CONTEXT("Copy", "PresetName"), "PresetName"); wxBoxSizer* topSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_presets_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); // Add first item for (Preset::Type type : types) AddItem(type, suffix); // Add dialog's buttons wxStdDialogButtonSizer* btns = this->CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL); wxButton* btnOK = static_cast<wxButton*>(this->FindWindowById(wxID_OK, this)); btnOK->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { accept(); }); btnOK->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { evt.Enable(enable_ok_btn()); }); topSizer->Add(m_presets_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, BORDER_W); topSizer->Add(btns, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, BORDER_W); SetSizer(topSizer); topSizer->SetSizeHints(this); this->CenterOnScreen(); } void SavePresetDialog::AddItem(Preset::Type type, const std::string& suffix) { m_items.emplace_back(new Item{type, suffix, m_presets_sizer, this}); } std::string SavePresetDialog::get_name() { return m_items.front()->preset_name(); } std::string SavePresetDialog::get_name(Preset::Type type) { for (const Item* item : m_items) if (item->type() == type) return item->preset_name(); return ""; } bool SavePresetDialog::enable_ok_btn() const { for (const Item* item : m_items) if (!item->is_valid()) return false; return true; } void SavePresetDialog::add_info_for_edit_ph_printer(wxBoxSizer* sizer) { PhysicalPrinterCollection& printers = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->physical_printers; m_ph_printer_name = printers.get_selected_printer_name(); m_old_preset_name = printers.get_selected_printer_preset_name(); wxString msg_text = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("You have selected physical printer \"%1%\" \n" "with related printer preset \"%2%\"")) % m_ph_printer_name % m_old_preset_name).str()); m_label = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, msg_text); m_label->SetFont(wxGetApp().bold_font()); wxString choices[] = {"","",""}; m_action_radio_box = new wxRadioBox(this, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, WXSIZEOF(choices), choices, 3, wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS); m_action_radio_box->SetSelection(0); m_action_radio_box->Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& e) { m_action = (ActionType)e.GetSelection(); }); m_action = ChangePreset; m_radio_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); m_radio_sizer->Add(m_action_radio_box, 1, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, 2*BORDER_W); sizer->Add(m_label, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxTOP, 3*BORDER_W); sizer->Add(m_radio_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT, 3*BORDER_W); } void SavePresetDialog::update_info_for_edit_ph_printer(const std::string& preset_name) { bool show = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->physical_printers.has_selection() && m_old_preset_name != preset_name; m_label->Show(show); m_radio_sizer->ShowItems(show); if (!show) { this->SetMinSize(wxSize(100,50)); return; } wxString msg_text = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("What would you like to do with \"%1%\" preset after saving?")) % preset_name).str()); m_action_radio_box->SetLabel(msg_text); wxString choices[] = { from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Change \"%1%\" to \"%2%\" for this physical printer \"%3%\"")) % m_old_preset_name % preset_name % m_ph_printer_name).str()), from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Add \"%1%\" as a next preset for the the physical printer \"%2%\"")) % preset_name % m_ph_printer_name).str()), from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Just switch to \"%1%\" preset")) % preset_name).str()) }; int n = 0; for(const wxString& label: choices) m_action_radio_box->SetString(n++, label); } void SavePresetDialog::layout() { this->Layout(); this->Fit(); } void SavePresetDialog::on_dpi_changed(const wxRect& suggested_rect) { const int& em = em_unit(); msw_buttons_rescale(this, em, { wxID_OK, wxID_CANCEL }); for (Item* item : m_items) item->update_valid_bmp(); //const wxSize& size = wxSize(45 * em, 35 * em); SetMinSize(/*size*/wxSize(100, 50)); Fit(); Refresh(); } void SavePresetDialog::update_physical_printers(const std::string& preset_name) { if (m_action == UndefAction) return; PhysicalPrinterCollection& physical_printers = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->physical_printers; if (!physical_printers.has_selection()) return; std::string printer_preset_name = physical_printers.get_selected_printer_preset_name(); if (m_action == Switch) // unselect physical printer, if it was selected physical_printers.unselect_printer(); else { PhysicalPrinter printer = physical_printers.get_selected_printer(); if (m_action == ChangePreset) printer.delete_preset(printer_preset_name); if (printer.add_preset(preset_name)) physical_printers.save_printer(printer); physical_printers.select_printer(printer.get_full_name(preset_name)); } } void SavePresetDialog::accept() { for (Item* item : m_items) { item->accept(); if (item->type() == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) update_physical_printers(item->preset_name()); } EndModal(wxID_OK); } }} // namespace Slic3r::GUI