var LangText={
"t1":"Welcome to Bambu Studio",
"t2":"Bambu Studio will be setup in several steps. Let's start!",
"t3":"User Agreement",
"t6":"We kindly request your help to improve
everyone's printing",
"t7":"Allow sending anonymous data",
"t10":"Printer Selection",
"t12":"Clear all",
"t13":"mm nozzle",
"t14":"Filament Selection",
"t16":"Filament type",
"t19":"At least one filament must be selected.",
"t20":"Do you want to use default filament ?",
"t23":"Release note",
"t24":"Get Started",
"t31":"New Project",
"t32":"Create new project",
"t33":"Open Project",
"t35":"Recently opened",
"t37":"At least one printer must be selected.",
"t40":"Network disconnect, please check and try again later.",
"t47":"Please select your login region",
"t50":"Log out",
"t54":"In the 3D Printing community, we learn from each other's successes and failures to adjust our own slicing parameters and settings. Bambu Studio follows the same principle and uses machine learning to improve its performance from the successes and failures of the vast number of prints by our users. We are training Bambu Studio to be smarter by feeding them the real-world data. If you are willing, this service will access information from your error logs and usage logs, which may include information described in ",
"t55":"Privacy Policy",
"t56":". We will not collect any Personal Data by which an individual can be identified directly or indirectly, including without limitation names, addresses, payment information, or phone numbers. By enabling this service, you agree to these terms and the statement about Privacy Policy.",
"t61":"North America",
"t63":"After changing the region, your account will be logged out. Please log in again later.",
"t64":"Bambu Network plug-in",
"t65":"Sending print job via WLAN",
"t66":"Full remote control",
"t67":"Liveview streaming",
"t68":"User data synchronization",
"t69":"Install Bambu Network plug-in",
"t72":"Downloading failed",
"t73":"Installation successful.",
"t75":"Bambu Network plug-in provides the following features:",
"t76":"Bambu Network plug-in not detected. Click ",
"t78":" to install it.",
"t79":"Failed to install plug-in. ",
"t80":"Try the following steps:",
"t81":"1, Click ",
"t82":" to open the plug-in directory",
"t83":"2, Close all open Bambu Studio",
"t84":"3, Delete all files under the plug-in directory",
"t85":"4, Reopen Bambu studio and install the plug-in again",
"t87":"User Manual",
"t89":"Open Containing Folder",
"t90":"3D Model",
"t91":"Download 3D models"
"t1":"欢迎使用Bambu Studio",
"t2":"Bambu Studio需要几步安装步骤,让我们开始吧!",
"t6":"帮助提升Bambu Studio性能",
"t13":"mm 喷嘴",
"t54":"在3D打印社区,我们从彼此的成功和失败中学习调整自己的切片参数和设置。Bambu Studio遵循同样的原则,通过机器学习的方式从大量用户打印的成功和失败中获取经验,从而改善打印性能。我们正在通过向Bambu Studio提供真实世界的数据来训练他们变得更聪明。如果您愿意,此服务将访问您的错误日志和使用日志中的信息,其中可能包括",
"t81":"1, 点击",
"t83":"2, 关闭所有Bambu Studio",
"t84":"3, 删除插件所在目录下的所有文件",
"t85":"4, 重新启动Bambu Studio并尝试安装插件",
"t90":"3D 模型",
"wk2":"本文介绍了Bambu Studio的最基本用法。它指导用户配置软件,创建项目,并逐步完成第一个打印任务。",
"wk4":"Bambu Studio提出了领先的工作流程,真正实现了“一体化”项目。基于主流的3MF项目格式,它提供了一系列革命性的新功能,如支持多盘、项目资源管理器和装配/零件视图。它可以大幅提高模型创作者及普通用户的使用效率。",
"wk6":"在保持高质量的前提下进行高速打印是非常具有挑战性的。Bambu Studio让这一切发生。支持“圆弧移动”特性使工具头移动更加顺滑,有效减少机器振动。基于不同材料类型的精细标定过的冷却控制参数,使得冷却过程可以自动开展。在悬垂区域进行“自动减速”,可防止高速打印时在此区域的外观瑕疵。",
"wk8":"Bambu Studio提供了多种着色工具来制作彩色模型。您可以在项目中自由添加/移除打印材料,并使用不同的笔刷为模型着色。开始打印时,打印任务中的各个材料将自动映射到匹配的AMS槽位,无需手动调整AMS中的料卷位置。",
"wk10":"Bambu Studio中的参数管理功能为切片过程提供了非常灵活和强大的控制。本文介绍了切片参数的组织分类和设置方法,并提供了一些使用技巧。",
"wk12":"Bambu Studio支持通过WAN/LAN网络向打印机发送打印任务,控制和查看3D打印机和打印任务的各个方面。如果您有多台打印机,还可以在设备列表中轻松切换。",
"wk16":"使用3D文本工具,用户可以轻松地在项目中创建各种3D文本形状,使模型更加个性化。Bambu Studio提供了数十种字体,并支持粗体和斜体样式,使文本具有更大的灵活性。",
var LANG_COOKIE_NAME="BambuWebLang";
function TranslatePage()
let strLang=GetQueryString("lang");
if( !LangText.hasOwnProperty(strLang) )
let AllNode=$(".trans");
let nTotal=AllNode.length;
for(let n=0;n everyone's printing",
"t7":"Allow sending anonymous data",
"t10":"Printer Selection",
"t12":"Clear all",
"t13":"mm nozzle",
"t14":"Filament Selection",
"t16":"Filament type",
"t19":"At least one filament must be selected.",
"t20":"Do you want to use default filament ?",
"t23":"Release note",
"t24":"Get Started",
"t31":"New Project",
"t32":"Create new project",
"t33":"Open Project",
"t35":"Recently opened",
"t37":"At least one printer must be selected.",
"t40":"Network disconnect, please check and try again later.",
"t47":"Please select your login region",
"t50":"Log out",
"t54":"In the 3D Printing community, we learn from each other's successes and failures to adjust our own slicing parameters and settings. Bambu Studio follows the same principle and uses machine learning to improve its performance from the successes and failures of the vast number of prints by our users. We are training Bambu Studio to be smarter by feeding them the real-world data. If you are willing, this service will access information from your error logs and usage logs, which may include information described in ",
"t55":"Privacy Policy",
"t56":". We will not collect any Personal Data by which an individual can be identified directly or indirectly, including without limitation names, addresses, payment information, or phone numbers. By enabling this service, you agree to these terms and the statement about Privacy Policy.",
"t61":"North America",
"t63":"After changing the region, your account will be logged out. Please log in again later.",
"t64":"Bambu Network plug-in",
"t65":"Sending print job via WLAN",
"t66":"Full remote control",
"t67":"Liveview streaming",
"t68":"User data synchronization",
"t69":"Install Bambu Network plug-in",
"t72":"Downloading failed",
"t73":"Installation successful.",
"t75":"Bambu Network plug-in provides the following features:",
"t76":"Bambu Network plug-in not detected. Click ",
"t78":" to install it.",
"t79":"Failed to install plug-in. ",
"t80":"Try the following steps:",
"t81":"1, Click ",
"t82":" to open the plug-in directory",
"t83":"2, Close all open Bambu Studio",
"t84":"3, Delete all files under the plug-in directory",
"t85":"4, Reopen Bambu studio and install the plug-in again",
"t87":"User Manual",
"t89":"Open Containing Folder",
"t90":"3D Model",
"t91":"Download 3D models",
"t92":"Christmas Cabin"
"t1":"欢迎使用Bambu Studio",
"t2":"Bambu Studio需要几步安装步骤,让我们开始吧!",
"t6":"帮助提升Bambu Studio性能",
"t13":"mm 喷嘴",
"t54":"在3D打印社区,我们从彼此的成功和失败中学习调整自己的切片参数和设置。Bambu Studio遵循同样的原则,通过机器学习的方式从大量用户打印的成功和失败中获取经验,从而改善打印性能。我们正在通过向Bambu Studio提供真实世界的数据来训练他们变得更聪明。如果您愿意,此服务将访问您的错误日志和使用日志中的信息,其中可能包括",
"t81":"1, 点击",
"t83":"2, 关闭所有Bambu Studio",
"t84":"3, 删除插件所在目录下的所有文件",
"t85":"4, 重新启动Bambu Studio并尝试安装插件",
"t90":"3D 模型",
"wk2":"本文介绍了Bambu Studio的最基本用法。它指导用户配置软件,创建项目,并逐步完成第一个打印任务。",
"wk4":"Bambu Studio提出了领先的工作流程,真正实现了“一体化”项目。基于主流的3MF项目格式,它提供了一系列革命性的新功能,如支持多盘、项目资源管理器和装配/零件视图。它可以大幅提高模型创作者及普通用户的使用效率。",
"wk6":"在保持高质量的前提下进行高速打印是非常具有挑战性的。Bambu Studio让这一切发生。支持“圆弧移动”特性使工具头移动更加顺滑,有效减少机器振动。基于不同材料类型的精细标定过的冷却控制参数,使得冷却过程可以自动开展。在悬垂区域进行“自动减速”,可防止高速打印时在此区域的外观瑕疵。",
"wk8":"Bambu Studio提供了多种着色工具来制作彩色模型。您可以在项目中自由添加/移除打印材料,并使用不同的笔刷为模型着色。开始打印时,打印任务中的各个材料将自动映射到匹配的AMS槽位,无需手动调整AMS中的料卷位置。",
"wk10":"Bambu Studio中的参数管理功能为切片过程提供了非常灵活和强大的控制。本文介绍了切片参数的组织分类和设置方法,并提供了一些使用技巧。",
"wk12":"Bambu Studio支持通过WAN/LAN网络向打印机发送打印任务,控制和查看3D打印机和打印任务的各个方面。如果您有多台打印机,还可以在设备列表中轻松切换。",
"wk16":"使用3D文本工具,用户可以轻松地在项目中创建各种3D文本形状,使模型更加个性化。Bambu Studio提供了数十种字体,并支持粗体和斜体样式,使文本具有更大的灵活性。",
var LANG_COOKIE_NAME="BambuWebLang";
function TranslatePage()
let strLang=GetQueryString("lang");
if( !LangText.hasOwnProperty(strLang) )
let AllNode=$(".trans");
let nTotal=AllNode.length;
for(let n=0;n>>>>>> cac2633db (NEW: Christmas Cabin)