use Test::More tests => 4; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; } use List::Util qw(first); use Slic3r; use Slic3r::Test; { my $config = Slic3r::Config->new_from_defaults; $config->set('skirts', 0); $config->set('perimeters', 0); my $test = sub { my ($conf) = @_; $conf ||= $config; my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config); my %layers_with_shells = (); # Z => $count Slic3r::GCode::Reader->new(gcode => Slic3r::Test::gcode($print))->parse(sub { my ($self, $cmd, $args, $info) = @_; if ($self->Z > 0) { $layers_with_shells{$self->Z} //= 0; $layers_with_shells{$self->Z} = 1 if $info->{extruding} && $info->{dist_XY} > 0; } }); my @shells = @layers_with_shells{sort { $a <=> $b } keys %layers_with_shells}; fail "wrong number of bottom solid layers" unless !defined(first { !$_ } @shells[0..$config->bottom_solid_layers-1]); fail "wrong number of top solid layers" unless !defined(first { !$_ } @shells[-$config->top_solid_layers..-1]); 1; }; ok $test->(), "proper number of shells is applied"; $config->set('fill_density', 0); ok $test->(), "proper number of shells is applied even when fill density is none"; } # issue #1161 { my $config = Slic3r::Config->new_from_defaults; $config->set('layer_height', 0.3); $config->set('first_layer_height', '100%'); $config->set('bottom_solid_layers', 0); $config->set('top_solid_layers', 3); $config->set('cooling', 0); $config->set('solid_infill_speed', 99); $config->set('top_solid_infill_speed', 99); my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('V', config => $config); my %layers_with_solid_infill = (); # Z => 1 Slic3r::GCode::Reader->new(gcode => Slic3r::Test::gcode($print))->parse(sub { my ($self, $cmd, $args, $info) = @_; $layers_with_solid_infill{$self->Z} = 1 if $info->{extruding} && ($args->{F} // $self->F) == $config->solid_infill_speed*60; }); is scalar(map $layers_with_solid_infill{$_}, grep $_ <= 7.2, keys %layers_with_solid_infill), 3, "correct number of top solid shells is generated in V-shaped object"; } { my $config = Slic3r::Config->new_from_defaults; $config->set('perimeters', 0); $config->set('fill_density', 0); $config->set('cooling', 0); # prevent speed alteration $config->set('first_layer_speed', '100%'); # prevent speed alteration $config->set('extrusion_width', 0.2); $config->set('bottom_solid_layers', 3); $config->set('top_solid_layers', 0); my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('V', scale_xyz => [2,1,1], config => $config); my %layers = (); # Z => 1 Slic3r::GCode::Reader->new(gcode => Slic3r::Test::gcode($print))->parse(sub { my ($self, $cmd, $args, $info) = @_; $layers{$self->Z} = 1 if $info->{extruding}; }); is scalar(keys %layers), 3, "shells are not extended into void if fill density is 0"; } __END__