#include "ClipperUtils.hpp" #include "ExtrusionEntityCollection.hpp" #include "Layer.hpp" #include "Print.hpp" #include "SupportMaterial.hpp" #include "Fill/FillBase.hpp" #include "Geometry.hpp" #include "Point.hpp" #include "MutablePolygon.hpp" #include <cmath> #include <memory> #include <boost/log/trivial.hpp> #include <boost/container/static_vector.hpp> #include <tbb/parallel_for.h> #include <tbb/spin_mutex.h> #include <tbb/task_group.h> #define SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER #ifdef SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER #include <agg/agg_pixfmt_gray.h> #include <agg/agg_renderer_scanline.h> #include <agg/agg_scanline_p.h> #include <agg/agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h> #include <agg/agg_path_storage.h> #include "PNGReadWrite.hpp" #else #include "EdgeGrid.hpp" #endif // SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER // #define SLIC3R_DEBUG // Make assert active if SLIC3R_DEBUG #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG #define DEBUG #define _DEBUG #undef NDEBUG #include "utils.hpp" #include "SVG.hpp" #endif // #undef NDEBUG #include <cassert> namespace Slic3r { // how much we extend support around the actual contact area //FIXME this should be dependent on the nozzle diameter! #define SUPPORT_MATERIAL_MARGIN 1.5 // Increment used to reach MARGIN in steps to avoid trespassing thin objects #define NUM_MARGIN_STEPS 3 // Dimensions of a tree-like structure to save material #define PILLAR_SIZE (2.5) #define PILLAR_SPACING 10 //#define SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS ClipperLib::jtMiter, 3. //#define SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS ClipperLib::jtMiter, 1.5 #define SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS ClipperLib::jtSquare, 0. #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG const char* support_surface_type_to_color_name(const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::SupporLayerType surface_type) { switch (surface_type) { case PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltTopContact: return "rgb(255,0,0)"; // "red"; case PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltTopInterface: return "rgb(0,255,0)"; // "green"; case PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBase: return "rgb(0,0,255)"; // "blue"; case PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBottomInterface:return "rgb(255,255,128)"; // yellow case PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBottomContact: return "rgb(255,0,255)"; // magenta case PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltRaftInterface: return "rgb(0,255,255)"; case PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltRaftBase: return "rgb(128,128,128)"; case PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltUnknown: return "rgb(128,0,0)"; // maroon default: return "rgb(64,64,64)"; }; } Point export_support_surface_type_legend_to_svg_box_size() { return Point(scale_(1.+10.*8.), scale_(3.)); } void export_support_surface_type_legend_to_svg(SVG &svg, const Point &pos) { // 1st row coord_t pos_x0 = pos(0) + scale_(1.); coord_t pos_x = pos_x0; coord_t pos_y = pos(1) + scale_(1.5); coord_t step_x = scale_(10.); svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), "top contact" , support_surface_type_to_color_name(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltTopContact)); pos_x += step_x; svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), "top iface" , support_surface_type_to_color_name(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltTopInterface)); pos_x += step_x; svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), "base" , support_surface_type_to_color_name(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBase)); pos_x += step_x; svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), "bottom iface" , support_surface_type_to_color_name(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBottomInterface)); pos_x += step_x; svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), "bottom contact" , support_surface_type_to_color_name(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBottomContact)); // 2nd row pos_x = pos_x0; pos_y = pos(1)+scale_(2.8); svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), "raft interface" , support_surface_type_to_color_name(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltRaftInterface)); pos_x += step_x; svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), "raft base" , support_surface_type_to_color_name(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltRaftBase)); pos_x += step_x; svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), "unknown" , support_surface_type_to_color_name(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltUnknown)); pos_x += step_x; svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), "intermediate" , support_surface_type_to_color_name(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltIntermediate)); } void export_print_z_polygons_to_svg(const char *path, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer ** const layers, size_t n_layers) { BoundingBox bbox; for (int i = 0; i < n_layers; ++ i) bbox.merge(get_extents(layers[i]->polygons)); Point legend_size = export_support_surface_type_legend_to_svg_box_size(); Point legend_pos(bbox.min(0), bbox.max(1)); bbox.merge(Point(std::max(bbox.min(0) + legend_size(0), bbox.max(0)), bbox.max(1) + legend_size(1))); SVG svg(path, bbox); const float transparency = 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < n_layers; ++ i) svg.draw(union_ex(layers[i]->polygons), support_surface_type_to_color_name(layers[i]->layer_type), transparency); for (int i = 0; i < n_layers; ++ i) svg.draw(to_polylines(layers[i]->polygons), support_surface_type_to_color_name(layers[i]->layer_type)); export_support_surface_type_legend_to_svg(svg, legend_pos); svg.Close(); } void export_print_z_polygons_and_extrusions_to_svg( const char *path, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer ** const layers, size_t n_layers, SupportLayer &support_layer) { BoundingBox bbox; for (int i = 0; i < n_layers; ++ i) bbox.merge(get_extents(layers[i]->polygons)); Point legend_size = export_support_surface_type_legend_to_svg_box_size(); Point legend_pos(bbox.min(0), bbox.max(1)); bbox.merge(Point(std::max(bbox.min(0) + legend_size(0), bbox.max(0)), bbox.max(1) + legend_size(1))); SVG svg(path, bbox); const float transparency = 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < n_layers; ++ i) svg.draw(union_ex(layers[i]->polygons), support_surface_type_to_color_name(layers[i]->layer_type), transparency); for (int i = 0; i < n_layers; ++ i) svg.draw(to_polylines(layers[i]->polygons), support_surface_type_to_color_name(layers[i]->layer_type)); Polygons polygons_support, polygons_interface; support_layer.support_fills.polygons_covered_by_width(polygons_support, float(SCALED_EPSILON)); // support_layer.support_interface_fills.polygons_covered_by_width(polygons_interface, SCALED_EPSILON); svg.draw(union_ex(polygons_support), "brown"); svg.draw(union_ex(polygons_interface), "black"); export_support_surface_type_legend_to_svg(svg, legend_pos); svg.Close(); } #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ #ifdef SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER static std::vector<unsigned char> rasterize_polygons(const Vec2i &grid_size, const double pixel_size, const Point &left_bottom, const Polygons &polygons) { std::vector<unsigned char> data(grid_size.x() * grid_size.y()); agg::rendering_buffer rendering_buffer(data.data(), unsigned(grid_size.x()), unsigned(grid_size.y()), grid_size.x()); agg::pixfmt_gray8 pixel_renderer(rendering_buffer); agg::renderer_base<agg::pixfmt_gray8> raw_renderer(pixel_renderer); agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid<agg::renderer_base<agg::pixfmt_gray8>> renderer(raw_renderer); renderer.color(agg::pixfmt_gray8::color_type(255)); raw_renderer.clear(agg::pixfmt_gray8::color_type(0)); agg::scanline_p8 scanline; agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> rasterizer; auto convert_pt = [left_bottom, pixel_size](const Point &pt) { return Vec2d((pt.x() - left_bottom.x()) / pixel_size, (pt.y() - left_bottom.y()) / pixel_size); }; rasterizer.reset(); for (const Polygon &polygon : polygons) { agg::path_storage path; auto it = polygon.points.begin(); Vec2d pt_front = convert_pt(*it); path.move_to(pt_front.x(), pt_front.y()); while (++ it != polygon.points.end()) { Vec2d pt = convert_pt(*it); path.line_to(pt.x(), pt.y()); } path.line_to(pt_front.x(), pt_front.y()); rasterizer.add_path(std::move(path)); } agg::render_scanlines(rasterizer, scanline, renderer); return data; } // Grid has to have the boundary pixels unset. static Polygons contours_simplified(const Vec2i &grid_size, const double pixel_size, Point left_bottom, const std::vector<unsigned char> &grid, coord_t offset, bool fill_holes) { assert(std::abs(2 * offset) < pixel_size - 10); // Fill in empty cells, which have a left / right neighbor filled. // Fill in empty cells, which have the top / bottom neighbor filled. std::vector<unsigned char> cell_inside_data; const std::vector<unsigned char> &cell_inside = fill_holes ? cell_inside_data : grid; if (fill_holes) { cell_inside_data = grid; for (int r = 1; r + 1 < grid_size.y(); ++ r) { for (int c = 1; c + 1 < grid_size.x(); ++ c) { int addr = r * grid_size.x() + c; if ((grid[addr - 1] != 0 && grid[addr + 1] != 0) || (grid[addr - grid_size.x()] != 0 && grid[addr + grid_size.x()] != 0)) cell_inside_data[addr] = true; } } } // 1) Collect the lines. std::vector<Line> lines; std::vector<std::pair<Point, int>> start_point_to_line_idx; for (int r = 1; r < grid_size.y(); ++ r) { for (int c = 1; c < grid_size.x(); ++ c) { int addr = r * grid_size.x() + c; bool left = cell_inside[addr - 1] != 0; bool top = cell_inside[addr - grid_size.x()] != 0; bool current = cell_inside[addr] != 0; if (left != current) { lines.push_back( left ? Line(Point(c, r+1), Point(c, r )) : Line(Point(c, r ), Point(c, r+1))); start_point_to_line_idx.emplace_back(lines.back().a, int(lines.size()) - 1); } if (top != current) { lines.push_back( top ? Line(Point(c , r), Point(c+1, r)) : Line(Point(c+1, r), Point(c , r))); start_point_to_line_idx.emplace_back(lines.back().a, int(lines.size()) - 1); } } } std::sort(start_point_to_line_idx.begin(), start_point_to_line_idx.end(), [](const auto &l, const auto &r){ return l.first < r.first; }); // 2) Chain the lines. std::vector<char> line_processed(lines.size(), false); Polygons out; for (int i_candidate = 0; i_candidate < int(lines.size()); ++ i_candidate) { if (line_processed[i_candidate]) continue; Polygon poly; line_processed[i_candidate] = true; poly.points.push_back(lines[i_candidate].b); int i_line_current = i_candidate; for (;;) { auto line_range = std::equal_range(std::begin(start_point_to_line_idx), std::end(start_point_to_line_idx), std::make_pair(lines[i_line_current].b, 0), [](const auto& l, const auto& r) { return l.first < r.first; }); // The interval has to be non empty, there shall be at least one line continuing the current one. assert(line_range.first != line_range.second); int i_next = -1; for (auto it = line_range.first; it != line_range.second; ++ it) { if (it->second == i_candidate) { // closing the loop. goto end_of_poly; } if (line_processed[it->second]) continue; if (i_next == -1) { i_next = it->second; } else { // This is a corner, where two lines meet exactly. Pick the line, which encloses a smallest angle with // the current edge. const Line &line_current = lines[i_line_current]; const Line &line_next = lines[it->second]; const Vector v1 = line_current.vector(); const Vector v2 = line_next.vector(); int64_t cross = int64_t(v1(0)) * int64_t(v2(1)) - int64_t(v2(0)) * int64_t(v1(1)); if (cross > 0) { // This has to be a convex right angle. There is no better next line. i_next = it->second; break; } } } line_processed[i_next] = true; i_line_current = i_next; poly.points.push_back(lines[i_line_current].b); } end_of_poly: out.push_back(std::move(poly)); } // 3) Scale the polygons back into world, shrink slightly and remove collinear points. for (Polygon &poly : out) { for (Point &p : poly.points) { #if 0 p.x() = (p.x() + 1) * pixel_size + left_bottom.x(); p.y() = (p.y() + 1) * pixel_size + left_bottom.y(); #else p *= pixel_size; p += left_bottom; #endif } // Shrink the contour slightly, so if the same contour gets discretized and simplified again, one will get the same result. // Remove collinear points. Points pts; pts.reserve(poly.points.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < poly.points.size(); ++ j) { size_t j0 = (j == 0) ? poly.points.size() - 1 : j - 1; size_t j2 = (j + 1 == poly.points.size()) ? 0 : j + 1; Point v = poly.points[j2] - poly.points[j0]; if (v(0) != 0 && v(1) != 0) { // This is a corner point. Copy it to the output contour. Point p = poly.points[j]; p(1) += (v(0) < 0) ? - offset : offset; p(0) += (v(1) > 0) ? - offset : offset; pts.push_back(p); } } poly.points = std::move(pts); } return out; } #endif // SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER PrintObjectSupportMaterial::PrintObjectSupportMaterial(const PrintObject *object, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params) : m_object (object), m_print_config (&object->print()->config()), m_object_config (&object->config()), m_slicing_params (slicing_params) { m_support_params.first_layer_flow = support_material_1st_layer_flow(object, float(slicing_params.first_print_layer_height)); m_support_params.support_material_flow = support_material_flow(object, float(slicing_params.layer_height)); m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow = support_material_interface_flow(object, float(slicing_params.layer_height)); m_support_params.support_layer_height_min = 0.01; // Calculate a minimum support layer height as a minimum over all extruders, but not smaller than 10um. m_support_params.support_layer_height_min = 1000000.; for (auto lh : m_print_config->min_layer_height.values) m_support_params.support_layer_height_min = std::min(m_support_params.support_layer_height_min, std::max(0.01, lh)); if (m_object_config->support_material_interface_layers.value == 0) { // No interface layers allowed, print everything with the base support pattern. m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow = m_support_params.support_material_flow; } // Evaluate the XY gap between the object outer perimeters and the support structures. // Evaluate the XY gap between the object outer perimeters and the support structures. coordf_t external_perimeter_width = 0.; coordf_t bridge_flow_ratio = 0; for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < object->num_printing_regions(); ++ region_id) { const PrintRegion ®ion = object->printing_region(region_id); external_perimeter_width = std::max(external_perimeter_width, coordf_t(region.flow(*object, frExternalPerimeter, slicing_params.layer_height).width())); bridge_flow_ratio += region.config().bridge_flow_ratio; } m_support_params.gap_xy = m_object_config->support_material_xy_spacing.get_abs_value(external_perimeter_width); bridge_flow_ratio /= object->num_printing_regions(); m_support_params.support_material_bottom_interface_flow = m_slicing_params.soluble_interface || ! m_object_config->thick_bridges ? m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.with_flow_ratio(bridge_flow_ratio) : Flow::bridging_flow(bridge_flow_ratio * m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.nozzle_diameter(), m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.nozzle_diameter()); m_support_params.can_merge_support_regions = m_object_config->support_material_extruder.value == m_object_config->support_material_interface_extruder.value; if (!m_support_params.can_merge_support_regions && (m_object_config->support_material_extruder.value == 0 || m_object_config->support_material_interface_extruder.value == 0)) { // One of the support extruders is of "don't care" type. auto object_extruders = m_object->object_extruders(); if (object_extruders.size() == 1 && *object_extruders.begin() == std::max<unsigned int>(m_object_config->support_material_extruder.value, m_object_config->support_material_interface_extruder.value)) // Object is printed with the same extruder as the support. m_support_params.can_merge_support_regions = true; } m_support_params.base_angle = Geometry::deg2rad(float(m_object_config->support_material_angle.value)); m_support_params.interface_angle = Geometry::deg2rad(float(m_object_config->support_material_angle.value + 90.)); m_support_params.interface_spacing = m_object_config->support_material_interface_spacing.value + m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.spacing(); m_support_params.interface_density = std::min(1., m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.spacing() / m_support_params.interface_spacing); m_support_params.support_spacing = m_object_config->support_material_spacing.value + m_support_params.support_material_flow.spacing(); m_support_params.support_density = std::min(1., m_support_params.support_material_flow.spacing() / m_support_params.support_spacing); if (m_object_config->support_material_interface_layers.value == 0) { // No interface layers allowed, print everything with the base support pattern. m_support_params.interface_spacing = m_support_params.support_spacing; m_support_params.interface_density = m_support_params.support_density; } SupportMaterialPattern support_pattern = m_object_config->support_material_pattern; m_support_params.with_sheath = m_object_config->support_material_with_sheath; m_support_params.base_fill_pattern = support_pattern == smpHoneycomb ? ipHoneycomb : (m_support_params.support_density > 0.95 ? ipRectilinear : ipSupportBase); m_support_params.interface_fill_pattern = (m_support_params.interface_density > 0.95 ? ipRectilinear : ipSupportBase); m_support_params.contact_fill_pattern = (m_object_config->support_material_interface_pattern == smipAuto && m_slicing_params.soluble_interface) || m_object_config->support_material_interface_pattern == smipConcentric ? ipConcentric : (m_support_params.interface_density > 0.95 ? ipRectilinear : ipSupportBase); } // Using the std::deque as an allocator. inline PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer& layer_allocate( std::deque<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer> &layer_storage, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::SupporLayerType layer_type) { layer_storage.push_back(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer()); layer_storage.back().layer_type = layer_type; return layer_storage.back(); } inline PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer& layer_allocate( std::deque<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer> &layer_storage, tbb::spin_mutex &layer_storage_mutex, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::SupporLayerType layer_type) { layer_storage_mutex.lock(); layer_storage.push_back(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer()); PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer *layer_new = &layer_storage.back(); layer_storage_mutex.unlock(); layer_new->layer_type = layer_type; return *layer_new; } inline void layers_append(PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr &dst, const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr &src) { dst.insert(dst.end(), src.begin(), src.end()); } // Support layer that is covered by some form of dense interface. static constexpr const std::initializer_list<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::SupporLayerType> support_types_interface { PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltRaftInterface, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBottomContact, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBottomInterface, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltTopContact, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltTopInterface }; void PrintObjectSupportMaterial::generate(PrintObject &object) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Start"; coordf_t max_object_layer_height = 0.; for (size_t i = 0; i < object.layer_count(); ++ i) max_object_layer_height = std::max(max_object_layer_height, object.layers()[i]->height); // Layer instances will be allocated by std::deque and they will be kept until the end of this function call. // The layers will be referenced by various LayersPtr (of type std::vector<Layer*>) MyLayerStorage layer_storage; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Creating top contacts"; // Per object layer projection of the object below the layer into print bed. std::vector<Polygons> buildplate_covered = this->buildplate_covered(object); // Determine the top contact surfaces of the support, defined as: // contact = overhangs - clearance + margin // This method is responsible for identifying what contact surfaces // should the support material expose to the object in order to guarantee // that it will be effective, regardless of how it's built below. // If raft is to be generated, the 1st top_contact layer will contain the 1st object layer silhouette without holes. MyLayersPtr top_contacts = this->top_contact_layers(object, buildplate_covered, layer_storage); if (top_contacts.empty()) // Nothing is supported, no supports are generated. return; #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG static int iRun = 0; iRun ++; for (const MyLayer *layer : top_contacts) Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, layer->print_z), union_ex(layer->polygons)); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Creating bottom contacts"; // Determine the bottom contact surfaces of the supports over the top surfaces of the object. // Depending on whether the support is soluble or not, the contact layer thickness is decided. // layer_support_areas contains the per object layer support areas. These per object layer support areas // may get merged and trimmed by this->generate_base_layers() if the support layers are not synchronized with object layers. std::vector<Polygons> layer_support_areas; MyLayersPtr bottom_contacts = this->bottom_contact_layers_and_layer_support_areas( object, top_contacts, buildplate_covered, layer_storage, layer_support_areas); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG for (size_t layer_id = 0; layer_id < object.layers().size(); ++ layer_id) Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-areas-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, object.layers()[layer_id]->print_z), union_ex(layer_support_areas[layer_id])); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Creating intermediate layers - indices"; // Allocate empty layers between the top / bottom support contact layers // as placeholders for the base and intermediate support layers. // The layers may or may not be synchronized with the object layers, depending on the configuration. // For example, a single nozzle multi material printing will need to generate a waste tower, which in turn // wastes less material, if there are as little tool changes as possible. MyLayersPtr intermediate_layers = this->raft_and_intermediate_support_layers( object, bottom_contacts, top_contacts, layer_storage); this->trim_support_layers_by_object(object, top_contacts, m_slicing_params.gap_support_object, m_slicing_params.gap_object_support, m_support_params.gap_xy); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG for (const MyLayer *layer : top_contacts) Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-trimmed-by-object-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, layer->print_z), union_ex(layer->polygons)); #endif BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Creating base layers"; // Fill in intermediate layers between the top / bottom support contact layers, trim them by the object. this->generate_base_layers(object, bottom_contacts, top_contacts, intermediate_layers, layer_support_areas); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG for (MyLayersPtr::const_iterator it = intermediate_layers.begin(); it != intermediate_layers.end(); ++ it) Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-base-layers-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, (*it)->print_z), union_ex((*it)->polygons)); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Trimming top contacts by bottom contacts"; // Because the top and bottom contacts are thick slabs, they may overlap causing over extrusion // and unwanted strong bonds to the object. // Rather trim the top contacts by their overlapping bottom contacts to leave a gap instead of over extruding // top contacts over the bottom contacts. this->trim_top_contacts_by_bottom_contacts(object, bottom_contacts, top_contacts); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Creating interfaces"; // Propagate top / bottom contact layers to generate interface layers // and base interface layers (for soluble interface / non souble base only) auto [interface_layers, base_interface_layers] = this->generate_interface_layers(bottom_contacts, top_contacts, intermediate_layers, layer_storage); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Creating raft"; // If raft is to be generated, the 1st top_contact layer will contain the 1st object layer silhouette with holes filled. // There is also a 1st intermediate layer containing bases of support columns. // Inflate the bases of the support columns and create the raft base under the object. MyLayersPtr raft_layers = this->generate_raft_base(object, top_contacts, interface_layers, base_interface_layers, intermediate_layers, layer_storage); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG for (const MyLayer *l : interface_layers) Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-interface-layers-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, l->print_z), union_ex(l->polygons)); for (const MyLayer *l : base_interface_layers) Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-base-interface-layers-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, l->print_z), union_ex(l->polygons)); #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG /* // Clip with the pillars. if (! shape.empty()) { this->clip_with_shape(interface, shape); this->clip_with_shape(base, shape); } */ BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Creating layers"; // For debugging purposes, one may want to show only some of the support extrusions. // raft_layers.clear(); // bottom_contacts.clear(); // top_contacts.clear(); // intermediate_layers.clear(); // interface_layers.clear(); // Install support layers into the object. // A support layer installed on a PrintObject has a unique print_z. MyLayersPtr layers_sorted; layers_sorted.reserve(raft_layers.size() + bottom_contacts.size() + top_contacts.size() + intermediate_layers.size() + interface_layers.size() + base_interface_layers.size()); layers_append(layers_sorted, raft_layers); layers_append(layers_sorted, bottom_contacts); layers_append(layers_sorted, top_contacts); layers_append(layers_sorted, intermediate_layers); layers_append(layers_sorted, interface_layers); layers_append(layers_sorted, base_interface_layers); // Sort the layers lexicographically by a raising print_z and a decreasing height. std::sort(layers_sorted.begin(), layers_sorted.end(), [](auto *l1, auto *l2) { return *l1 < *l2; }); int layer_id = 0; int layer_id_interface = 0; assert(object.support_layers().empty()); for (size_t i = 0; i < layers_sorted.size();) { // Find the last layer with roughly the same print_z, find the minimum layer height of all. // Due to the floating point inaccuracies, the print_z may not be the same even if in theory they should. size_t j = i + 1; coordf_t zmax = layers_sorted[i]->print_z + EPSILON; for (; j < layers_sorted.size() && layers_sorted[j]->print_z <= zmax; ++j) ; // Assign an average print_z to the set of layers with nearly equal print_z. coordf_t zavg = 0.5 * (layers_sorted[i]->print_z + layers_sorted[j - 1]->print_z); coordf_t height_min = layers_sorted[i]->height; bool empty = true; // For snug supports, layers where the direction of the support interface shall change are accounted for. size_t num_interfaces = 0; size_t num_top_contacts = 0; double top_contact_bottom_z = 0; for (size_t u = i; u < j; ++u) { MyLayer &layer = *layers_sorted[u]; if (! layer.polygons.empty()) { empty = false; num_interfaces += one_of(layer.layer_type, support_types_interface); if (layer.layer_type == sltTopContact) { ++ num_top_contacts; assert(num_top_contacts <= 1); // All top contact layers sharing this print_z shall also share bottom_z. //assert(num_top_contacts == 1 || (top_contact_bottom_z - layer.bottom_z) < EPSILON); top_contact_bottom_z = layer.bottom_z; } } layer.print_z = zavg; height_min = std::min(height_min, layer.height); } if (! empty) { // Here the upper_layer and lower_layer pointers are left to null at the support layers, // as they are never used. These pointers are candidates for removal. bool this_layer_contacts_only = num_top_contacts > 0 && num_top_contacts == num_interfaces; size_t this_layer_id_interface = layer_id_interface; if (this_layer_contacts_only) { // Find a supporting layer for its interface ID. for (auto it = object.support_layers().rbegin(); it != object.support_layers().rend(); ++ it) if (const SupportLayer &other_layer = **it; std::abs(other_layer.print_z - top_contact_bottom_z) < EPSILON) { // other_layer supports this top contact layer. Assign a different support interface direction to this layer // from the layer that supports it. this_layer_id_interface = other_layer.interface_id() + 1; } } object.add_support_layer(layer_id ++, this_layer_id_interface, height_min, zavg); if (num_interfaces && ! this_layer_contacts_only) ++ layer_id_interface; } i = j; } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - Generating tool paths"; #if 0 // #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG { size_t layer_id = 0; for (int i = 0; i < int(layers_sorted.size());) { // Find the last layer with roughly the same print_z, find the minimum layer height of all. // Due to the floating point inaccuracies, the print_z may not be the same even if in theory they should. int j = i + 1; coordf_t zmax = layers_sorted[i]->print_z + EPSILON; bool empty = true; for (; j < layers_sorted.size() && layers_sorted[j]->print_z <= zmax; ++j) if (!layers_sorted[j]->polygons.empty()) empty = false; if (!empty) { export_print_z_polygons_to_svg( debug_out_path("support-%d-%lf-before.svg", iRun, layers_sorted[i]->print_z).c_str(), layers_sorted.data() + i, j - i); export_print_z_polygons_and_extrusions_to_svg( debug_out_path("support-w-fills-%d-%lf-before.svg", iRun, layers_sorted[i]->print_z).c_str(), layers_sorted.data() + i, j - i, *object.support_layers()[layer_id]); ++layer_id; } i = j; } } #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ // Generate the actual toolpaths and save them into each layer. this->generate_toolpaths(object.support_layers(), raft_layers, bottom_contacts, top_contacts, intermediate_layers, interface_layers, base_interface_layers); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG { size_t layer_id = 0; for (int i = 0; i < int(layers_sorted.size());) { // Find the last layer with roughly the same print_z, find the minimum layer height of all. // Due to the floating point inaccuracies, the print_z may not be the same even if in theory they should. int j = i + 1; coordf_t zmax = layers_sorted[i]->print_z + EPSILON; bool empty = true; for (; j < layers_sorted.size() && layers_sorted[j]->print_z <= zmax; ++j) if (! layers_sorted[j]->polygons.empty()) empty = false; if (! empty) { export_print_z_polygons_to_svg( debug_out_path("support-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, layers_sorted[i]->print_z).c_str(), layers_sorted.data() + i, j - i); export_print_z_polygons_and_extrusions_to_svg( debug_out_path("support-w-fills-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, layers_sorted[i]->print_z).c_str(), layers_sorted.data() + i, j - i, *object.support_layers()[layer_id]); ++layer_id; } i = j; } } #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Support generator - End"; } // Collect all polygons of all regions in a layer with a given surface type. Polygons collect_region_slices_by_type(const Layer &layer, SurfaceType surface_type) { // 1) Count the new polygons first. size_t n_polygons_new = 0; for (const LayerRegion *region : layer.regions()) for (const Surface &surface : region->slices.surfaces) if (surface.surface_type == surface_type) n_polygons_new += surface.expolygon.holes.size() + 1; // 2) Collect the new polygons. Polygons out; out.reserve(n_polygons_new); for (const LayerRegion *region : layer.regions()) for (const Surface &surface : region->slices.surfaces) if (surface.surface_type == surface_type) polygons_append(out, surface.expolygon); return out; } // Collect outer contours of all slices of this layer. // This is useful for calculating the support base with holes filled. Polygons collect_slices_outer(const Layer &layer) { Polygons out; out.reserve(out.size() + layer.lslices.size()); for (const ExPolygon &expoly : layer.lslices) out.emplace_back(expoly.contour); return out; } struct SupportGridParams { SupportGridParams(const PrintObjectConfig &object_config, const Flow &support_material_flow) : style(object_config.support_material_style.value), grid_resolution(object_config.support_material_spacing.value + support_material_flow.spacing()), support_angle(Geometry::deg2rad(object_config.support_material_angle.value)), extrusion_width(support_material_flow.spacing()), support_material_closing_radius(object_config.support_material_closing_radius.value), expansion_to_slice(coord_t(support_material_flow.scaled_spacing() / 2 + 5)), expansion_to_propagate(-3) {} SupportMaterialStyle style; double grid_resolution; double support_angle; double extrusion_width; double support_material_closing_radius; coord_t expansion_to_slice; coord_t expansion_to_propagate; }; class SupportGridPattern { public: SupportGridPattern( // Support islands, to be stretched into a grid. Already trimmed with min(lower_layer_offset, m_gap_xy) const Polygons *support_polygons, // Trimming polygons, to trim the stretched support islands. support_polygons were already trimmed with trimming_polygons. const Polygons *trimming_polygons, const SupportGridParams ¶ms) : m_style(params.style), m_support_polygons(support_polygons), m_trimming_polygons(trimming_polygons), m_support_spacing(params.grid_resolution), m_support_angle(params.support_angle), m_extrusion_width(params.extrusion_width), m_support_material_closing_radius(params.support_material_closing_radius) { switch (m_style) { case smsGrid: { // Prepare the grid data, it will be reused when extracting support structures. if (m_support_angle != 0.) { // Create a copy of the rotated contours. m_support_polygons_rotated = *support_polygons; m_trimming_polygons_rotated = *trimming_polygons; m_support_polygons = &m_support_polygons_rotated; m_trimming_polygons = &m_trimming_polygons_rotated; polygons_rotate(m_support_polygons_rotated, - params.support_angle); polygons_rotate(m_trimming_polygons_rotated, - params.support_angle); } // Resolution of the sparse support grid. coord_t grid_resolution = coord_t(scale_(m_support_spacing)); BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(*m_support_polygons); bbox.offset(20); // Align the bounding box with the sparse support grid. bbox.align_to_grid(grid_resolution); #ifdef SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER m_bbox = bbox; // Oversample the grid to avoid leaking of supports through or around the object walls. int extrusion_width_scaled = scale_(params.extrusion_width); int oversampling = std::clamp(int(scale_(m_support_spacing) / (extrusion_width_scaled + 100)), 1, 8); m_pixel_size = std::max<double>(extrusion_width_scaled + 21, scale_(m_support_spacing / oversampling)); // Add one empty column / row boundaries. m_bbox.offset(m_pixel_size); // Grid size fitting the support polygons plus one pixel boundary around the polygons. Vec2i grid_size_raw(int(ceil((m_bbox.max.x() - m_bbox.min.x()) / m_pixel_size)), int(ceil((m_bbox.max.y() - m_bbox.min.y()) / m_pixel_size))); // Overlay macro blocks of (oversampling x oversampling) over the grid. Vec2i grid_blocks((grid_size_raw.x() + oversampling - 1 - 2) / oversampling, (grid_size_raw.y() + oversampling - 1 - 2) / oversampling); // and resize the grid to fit the macro blocks + one pixel boundary. m_grid_size = grid_blocks * oversampling + Vec2i(2, 2); assert(m_grid_size.x() >= grid_size_raw.x()); assert(m_grid_size.y() >= grid_size_raw.y()); m_grid2 = rasterize_polygons(m_grid_size, m_pixel_size, m_bbox.min, *m_support_polygons); seed_fill_block(m_grid2, m_grid_size, dilate_trimming_region(rasterize_polygons(m_grid_size, m_pixel_size, m_bbox.min, *m_trimming_polygons), m_grid_size), grid_blocks, oversampling); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG { static int irun; Slic3r::png::write_gray_to_file_scaled(debug_out_path("support-rasterizer-%d.png", irun++), m_grid_size.x(), m_grid_size.y(), m_grid2.data(), 4); } #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG #else // SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER // Create an EdgeGrid, initialize it with projection, initialize signed distance field. m_grid.set_bbox(bbox); m_grid.create(*m_support_polygons, grid_resolution); #if 0 if (m_grid.has_intersecting_edges()) { // EdgeGrid fails to produce valid signed distance function for self-intersecting polygons. m_support_polygons_rotated = simplify_polygons(*m_support_polygons); m_support_polygons = &m_support_polygons_rotated; m_grid.set_bbox(bbox); m_grid.create(*m_support_polygons, grid_resolution); // assert(! m_grid.has_intersecting_edges()); printf("SupportGridPattern: fixing polygons with intersection %s\n", m_grid.has_intersecting_edges() ? "FAILED" : "SUCCEEDED"); } #endif m_grid.calculate_sdf(); #endif // SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER break; } case smsSnug: default: // nothing to prepare break; } } // Extract polygons from the grid, offsetted by offset_in_grid, // and trim the extracted polygons by trimming_polygons. // Trimming by the trimming_polygons may split the extracted polygons into pieces. // Remove all the pieces, which do not contain any of the island_samples. Polygons extract_support(const coord_t offset_in_grid, bool fill_holes #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , const char *step_name, int iRun, size_t layer_id, double print_z #endif ) { switch (m_style) { case smsGrid: { #ifdef SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER Polygons support_polygons_simplified = contours_simplified(m_grid_size, m_pixel_size, m_bbox.min, m_grid2, offset_in_grid, fill_holes); #else // SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER // Generate islands, so each island may be tested for overlap with island_samples. assert(std::abs(2 * offset_in_grid) < m_grid.resolution()); Polygons support_polygons_simplified = m_grid.contours_simplified(offset_in_grid, fill_holes); #endif // SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER ExPolygons islands = diff_ex(support_polygons_simplified, *m_trimming_polygons); // Extract polygons, which contain some of the island_samples. Polygons out; // Sample a single point per input support polygon, keep it as a reference to maintain corresponding // polygons if ever these polygons get split into parts by the trimming polygons. // As offset_in_grid may be negative, m_support_polygons may stick slightly outside of islands. // Trim ti with islands. Points samples = island_samples( offset_in_grid > 0 ? // Expanding, thus m_support_polygons are all inside islands. union_ex(*m_support_polygons) : // Shrinking, thus m_support_polygons may be trimmed a tiny bit by islands. intersection_ex(*m_support_polygons, islands)); std::vector<std::pair<Point,bool>> samples_inside; for (ExPolygon &island : islands) { BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(island.contour); // Samples are sorted lexicographically. auto it_lower = std::lower_bound(samples.begin(), samples.end(), Point(bbox.min - Point(1, 1))); auto it_upper = std::upper_bound(samples.begin(), samples.end(), Point(bbox.max + Point(1, 1))); samples_inside.clear(); for (auto it = it_lower; it != it_upper; ++ it) if (bbox.contains(*it)) samples_inside.push_back(std::make_pair(*it, false)); if (! samples_inside.empty()) { // For all samples_inside count the boundary crossing. for (size_t i_contour = 0; i_contour <= island.holes.size(); ++ i_contour) { Polygon &contour = (i_contour == 0) ? island.contour : island.holes[i_contour - 1]; Points::const_iterator i = contour.points.begin(); Points::const_iterator j = contour.points.end() - 1; for (; i != contour.points.end(); j = i ++) { //FIXME this test is not numerically robust. Particularly, it does not handle horizontal segments at y == point(1) well. // Does the ray with y == point(1) intersect this line segment? for (auto &sample_inside : samples_inside) { if (((*i)(1) > sample_inside.first(1)) != ((*j)(1) > sample_inside.first(1))) { double x1 = (double)sample_inside.first(0); double x2 = (double)(*i)(0) + (double)((*j)(0) - (*i)(0)) * (double)(sample_inside.first(1) - (*i)(1)) / (double)((*j)(1) - (*i)(1)); if (x1 < x2) sample_inside.second = !sample_inside.second; } } } } // If any of the sample is inside this island, add this island to the output. for (auto &sample_inside : samples_inside) if (sample_inside.second) { polygons_append(out, std::move(island)); island.clear(); break; } } } #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(*m_trimming_polygons); if (! islands.empty()) bbox.merge(get_extents(islands)); if (!out.empty()) bbox.merge(get_extents(out)); if (!support_polygons_simplified.empty()) bbox.merge(get_extents(support_polygons_simplified)); SVG svg(debug_out_path("extract_support_from_grid_trimmed-%s-%d-%d-%lf.svg", step_name, iRun, layer_id, print_z).c_str(), bbox); svg.draw(union_ex(support_polygons_simplified), "gray", 0.25f); svg.draw(islands, "red", 0.5f); svg.draw(union_ex(out), "green", 0.5f); svg.draw(union_ex(*m_support_polygons), "blue", 0.5f); svg.draw_outline(islands, "red", "red", scale_(0.05)); svg.draw_outline(union_ex(out), "green", "green", scale_(0.05)); svg.draw_outline(union_ex(*m_support_polygons), "blue", "blue", scale_(0.05)); for (const Point &pt : samples) svg.draw(pt, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.15))); svg.Close(); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ if (m_support_angle != 0.) polygons_rotate(out, m_support_angle); return out; } case smsSnug: // Merge the support polygons by applying morphological closing and inwards smoothing. auto closing_distance = scaled<float>(m_support_material_closing_radius); auto smoothing_distance = scaled<float>(m_extrusion_width); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("extract_support_from_grid_trimmed-%s-%d-%d-%lf.svg", step_name, iRun, layer_id, print_z), { { { diff_ex(expand(*m_support_polygons, closing_distance), closing(*m_support_polygons, closing_distance, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)) }, { "closed", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(smooth_outward(closing(*m_support_polygons, closing_distance, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS), smoothing_distance)) }, { "regularized", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(*m_support_polygons) }, { "src", "green", 0.5f } }, }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ return smooth_outward(closing(*m_support_polygons, closing_distance, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS), smoothing_distance); } assert(false); return Polygons(); } #if defined(SLIC3R_DEBUG) && ! defined(SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER) void serialize(const std::string &path) { FILE *file = ::fopen(path.c_str(), "wb"); ::fwrite(&m_support_spacing, 8, 1, file); ::fwrite(&m_support_angle, 8, 1, file); uint32_t n_polygons = m_support_polygons->size(); ::fwrite(&n_polygons, 4, 1, file); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_polygons; ++ i) { const Polygon &poly = (*m_support_polygons)[i]; uint32_t n_points = poly.size(); ::fwrite(&n_points, 4, 1, file); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < n_points; ++ j) { const Point &pt = poly.points[j]; ::fwrite(&pt.x(), sizeof(coord_t), 1, file); ::fwrite(&pt.y(), sizeof(coord_t), 1, file); } } n_polygons = m_trimming_polygons->size(); ::fwrite(&n_polygons, 4, 1, file); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_polygons; ++ i) { const Polygon &poly = (*m_trimming_polygons)[i]; uint32_t n_points = poly.size(); ::fwrite(&n_points, 4, 1, file); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < n_points; ++ j) { const Point &pt = poly.points[j]; ::fwrite(&pt.x(), sizeof(coord_t), 1, file); ::fwrite(&pt.y(), sizeof(coord_t), 1, file); } } ::fclose(file); } static SupportGridPattern deserialize(const std::string &path, int which = -1) { SupportGridPattern out; out.deserialize_(path, which); return out; } // Deserialization constructor bool deserialize_(const std::string &path, int which = -1) { FILE *file = ::fopen(path.c_str(), "rb"); if (file == nullptr) return false; m_support_polygons = &m_support_polygons_deserialized; m_trimming_polygons = &m_trimming_polygons_deserialized; ::fread(&m_support_spacing, 8, 1, file); ::fread(&m_support_angle, 8, 1, file); //FIXME //m_support_spacing *= 0.01 / 2; uint32_t n_polygons; ::fread(&n_polygons, 4, 1, file); m_support_polygons_deserialized.reserve(n_polygons); int32_t scale = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_polygons; ++ i) { Polygon poly; uint32_t n_points; ::fread(&n_points, 4, 1, file); poly.points.reserve(n_points); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < n_points; ++ j) { coord_t x, y; ::fread(&x, sizeof(coord_t), 1, file); ::fread(&y, sizeof(coord_t), 1, file); poly.points.emplace_back(Point(x * scale, y * scale)); } if (which == -1 || which == i) m_support_polygons_deserialized.emplace_back(std::move(poly)); printf("Polygon %d, area: %lf\n", i, area(poly.points)); } ::fread(&n_polygons, 4, 1, file); m_trimming_polygons_deserialized.reserve(n_polygons); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_polygons; ++ i) { Polygon poly; uint32_t n_points; ::fread(&n_points, 4, 1, file); poly.points.reserve(n_points); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < n_points; ++ j) { coord_t x, y; ::fread(&x, sizeof(coord_t), 1, file); ::fread(&y, sizeof(coord_t), 1, file); poly.points.emplace_back(Point(x * scale, y * scale)); } m_trimming_polygons_deserialized.emplace_back(std::move(poly)); } ::fclose(file); m_support_polygons_deserialized = simplify_polygons(m_support_polygons_deserialized, false); //m_support_polygons_deserialized = to_polygons(union_ex(m_support_polygons_deserialized, false)); // Create an EdgeGrid, initialize it with projection, initialize signed distance field. coord_t grid_resolution = coord_t(scale_(m_support_spacing)); BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(*m_support_polygons); bbox.offset(20); bbox.align_to_grid(grid_resolution); m_grid.set_bbox(bbox); m_grid.create(*m_support_polygons, grid_resolution); m_grid.calculate_sdf(); return true; } const Polygons& support_polygons() const { return *m_support_polygons; } const Polygons& trimming_polygons() const { return *m_trimming_polygons; } const EdgeGrid::Grid& grid() const { return m_grid; } #endif // defined(SLIC3R_DEBUG) && ! defined(SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER) private: SupportGridPattern() {} SupportGridPattern& operator=(const SupportGridPattern &rhs); #ifdef SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER // Dilate the trimming region (unmask the boundary pixels). static std::vector<unsigned char> dilate_trimming_region(const std::vector<unsigned char> &trimming, const Vec2i &grid_size) { std::vector<unsigned char> dilated(trimming.size(), 0); for (int r = 1; r + 1 < grid_size.y(); ++ r) for (int c = 1; c + 1 < grid_size.x(); ++ c) { //int addr = c + r * m_grid_size.x(); // 4-neighborhood is not sufficient. // dilated[addr] = trimming[addr] != 0 && trimming[addr - 1] != 0 && trimming[addr + 1] != 0 && trimming[addr - m_grid_size.x()] != 0 && trimming[addr + m_grid_size.x()] != 0; // 8-neighborhood int addr = c + (r - 1) * grid_size.x(); bool b = trimming[addr - 1] != 0 && trimming[addr] != 0 && trimming[addr + 1] != 0; addr += grid_size.x(); b = b && trimming[addr - 1] != 0 && trimming[addr] != 0 && trimming[addr + 1] != 0; addr += grid_size.x(); b = b && trimming[addr - 1] != 0 && trimming[addr] != 0 && trimming[addr + 1] != 0; dilated[addr - grid_size.x()] = b; } return dilated; } // Seed fill each of the (oversampling x oversampling) block up to the dilated trimming region. static void seed_fill_block(std::vector<unsigned char> &grid, Vec2i grid_size, const std::vector<unsigned char> &trimming,const Vec2i &grid_blocks, int oversampling) { int size = oversampling; int stride = grid_size.x(); for (int block_r = 0; block_r < grid_blocks.y(); ++ block_r) for (int block_c = 0; block_c < grid_blocks.x(); ++ block_c) { // Propagate the support pixels over the macro cell up to the trimming mask. int addr = block_c * size + 1 + (block_r * size + 1) * stride; unsigned char *grid_data = grid.data() + addr; const unsigned char *mask_data = trimming.data() + addr; // Top to bottom propagation. #define PROPAGATION_STEP(offset) \ do { \ int addr = r * stride + c; \ int addr2 = addr + offset; \ if (grid_data[addr2] && ! mask_data[addr] && ! mask_data[addr2]) \ grid_data[addr] = 1; \ } while (0); for (int r = 0; r < size; ++ r) { if (r > 0) for (int c = 0; c < size; ++ c) PROPAGATION_STEP(- stride); for (int c = 1; c < size; ++ c) PROPAGATION_STEP(- 1); for (int c = size - 2; c >= 0; -- c) PROPAGATION_STEP(+ 1); } // Bottom to top propagation. for (int r = size - 2; r >= 0; -- r) { for (int c = 0; c < size; ++ c) PROPAGATION_STEP(+ stride); for (int c = 1; c < size; ++ c) PROPAGATION_STEP(- 1); for (int c = size - 2; c >= 0; -- c) PROPAGATION_STEP(+ 1); } #undef PROPAGATION_STEP } } #endif // SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER #if 0 // Get some internal point of an expolygon, to be used as a representative // sample to test, whether this island is inside another island. //FIXME this was quick, but not sufficiently robust. static Point island_sample(const ExPolygon &expoly) { // Find the lowest point lexicographically. const Point *pt_min = &expoly.contour.points.front(); for (size_t i = 1; i < expoly.contour.points.size(); ++ i) if (expoly.contour.points[i] < *pt_min) pt_min = &expoly.contour.points[i]; // Lowest corner will always be convex, in worst case denegenerate with zero angle. const Point &p1 = (pt_min == &expoly.contour.points.front()) ? expoly.contour.points.back() : *(pt_min - 1); const Point &p2 = *pt_min; const Point &p3 = (pt_min == &expoly.contour.points.back()) ? expoly.contour.points.front() : *(pt_min + 1); Vector v = (p3 - p2) + (p1 - p2); double l2 = double(v(0))*double(v(0))+double(v(1))*double(v(1)); if (l2 == 0.) return p2; double coef = 20. / sqrt(l2); return Point(p2(0) + coef * v(0), p2(1) + coef * v(1)); } #endif // Sample one internal point per expolygon. // FIXME this is quite an overkill to calculate a complete offset just to get a single point, but at least it is robust. static Points island_samples(const ExPolygons &expolygons) { Points pts; pts.reserve(expolygons.size()); for (const ExPolygon &expoly : expolygons) if (expoly.contour.points.size() > 2) { #if 0 pts.push_back(island_sample(expoly)); #else Polygons polygons = offset(expoly, - 20.f); for (const Polygon &poly : polygons) if (! poly.points.empty()) { // Take a small fixed number of samples of this polygon for robustness. int num_points = int(poly.points.size()); int num_samples = std::min(num_points, 4); int stride = num_points / num_samples; for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i += stride) pts.push_back(poly.points[i]); break; } #endif } // Sort the points lexicographically, so a binary search could be used to locate points inside a bounding box. std::sort(pts.begin(), pts.end()); return pts; } SupportMaterialStyle m_style; const Polygons *m_support_polygons; const Polygons *m_trimming_polygons; Polygons m_support_polygons_rotated; Polygons m_trimming_polygons_rotated; // Angle in radians, by which the whole support is rotated. coordf_t m_support_angle; // X spacing of the support lines parallel with the Y axis. coordf_t m_support_spacing; coordf_t m_extrusion_width; // For snug supports: Morphological closing of support areas. coordf_t m_support_material_closing_radius; #ifdef SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER Vec2i m_grid_size; double m_pixel_size; BoundingBox m_bbox; std::vector<unsigned char> m_grid2; #else // SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER Slic3r::EdgeGrid::Grid m_grid; #endif // SUPPORT_USE_AGG_RASTERIZER #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG // support for deserialization of m_support_polygons, m_trimming_polygons Polygons m_support_polygons_deserialized; Polygons m_trimming_polygons_deserialized; #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ }; namespace SupportMaterialInternal { static inline bool has_bridging_perimeters(const ExtrusionLoop &loop) { for (const ExtrusionPath &ep : loop.paths) if (ep.role() == erOverhangPerimeter && ! ep.polyline.empty()) return int(ep.size()) >= (ep.is_closed() ? 3 : 2); return false; } static bool has_bridging_perimeters(const ExtrusionEntityCollection &perimeters) { for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee : perimeters.entities) { if (ee->is_collection()) { for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee2 : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee)->entities) { assert(! ee2->is_collection()); if (ee2->is_loop()) if (has_bridging_perimeters(*static_cast<const ExtrusionLoop*>(ee2))) return true; } } else if (ee->is_loop() && has_bridging_perimeters(*static_cast<const ExtrusionLoop*>(ee))) return true; } return false; } static bool has_bridging_fills(const ExtrusionEntityCollection &fills) { for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee : fills.entities) { assert(ee->is_collection()); for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee2 : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee)->entities) { assert(! ee2->is_collection()); assert(! ee2->is_loop()); if (ee2->role() == erBridgeInfill) return true; } } return false; } static bool has_bridging_extrusions(const Layer &layer) { for (const LayerRegion *region : layer.regions()) { if (SupportMaterialInternal::has_bridging_perimeters(region->perimeters)) return true; if (region->fill_surfaces.has(stBottomBridge) && has_bridging_fills(region->fills)) return true; } return false; } static inline void collect_bridging_perimeter_areas(const ExtrusionLoop &loop, const float expansion_scaled, Polygons &out) { assert(expansion_scaled >= 0.f); for (const ExtrusionPath &ep : loop.paths) if (ep.role() == erOverhangPerimeter && ! ep.polyline.empty()) { float exp = 0.5f * (float)scale_(ep.width) + expansion_scaled; if (ep.is_closed()) { if (ep.size() >= 3) { // This is a complete loop. // Add the outer contour first. Polygon poly; poly.points = ep.polyline.points; poly.points.pop_back(); if (poly.area() < 0) poly.reverse(); polygons_append(out, offset(poly, exp, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); Polygons holes = offset(poly, - exp, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS); polygons_reverse(holes); polygons_append(out, holes); } } else if (ep.size() >= 2) { // Offset the polyline. polygons_append(out, offset(ep.polyline, exp, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); } } } static void collect_bridging_perimeter_areas(const ExtrusionEntityCollection &perimeters, const float expansion_scaled, Polygons &out) { for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee : perimeters.entities) { if (ee->is_collection()) { for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee2 : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee)->entities) { assert(! ee2->is_collection()); if (ee2->is_loop()) collect_bridging_perimeter_areas(*static_cast<const ExtrusionLoop*>(ee2), expansion_scaled, out); } } else if (ee->is_loop()) collect_bridging_perimeter_areas(*static_cast<const ExtrusionLoop*>(ee), expansion_scaled, out); } } static void remove_bridges_from_contacts( const PrintConfig &print_config, const Layer &lower_layer, const Polygons &lower_layer_polygons, const LayerRegion &layerm, float fw, Polygons &contact_polygons) { // compute the area of bridging perimeters Polygons bridges; { // Surface supporting this layer, expanded by 0.5 * nozzle_diameter, as we consider this kind of overhang to be sufficiently supported. Polygons lower_grown_slices = expand(lower_layer_polygons, //FIXME to mimic the decision in the perimeter generator, we should use half the external perimeter width. 0.5f * float(scale_(print_config.nozzle_diameter.get_at(layerm.region().config().perimeter_extruder-1))), SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS); // Collect perimeters of this layer. //FIXME split_at_first_point() could split a bridge mid-way #if 0 Polylines overhang_perimeters = layerm.perimeters.as_polylines(); // workaround for Clipper bug, see Slic3r::Polygon::clip_as_polyline() for (Polyline &polyline : overhang_perimeters) polyline.points[0].x += 1; // Trim the perimeters of this layer by the lower layer to get the unsupported pieces of perimeters. overhang_perimeters = diff_pl(overhang_perimeters, lower_grown_slices); #else Polylines overhang_perimeters = diff_pl(layerm.perimeters.as_polylines(), lower_grown_slices); #endif // only consider straight overhangs // only consider overhangs having endpoints inside layer's slices // convert bridging polylines into polygons by inflating them with their thickness // since we're dealing with bridges, we can't assume width is larger than spacing, // so we take the largest value and also apply safety offset to be ensure no gaps // are left in between Flow perimeter_bridge_flow = layerm.bridging_flow(frPerimeter); float w = float(std::max(perimeter_bridge_flow.scaled_width(), perimeter_bridge_flow.scaled_spacing())); for (Polyline &polyline : overhang_perimeters) if (polyline.is_straight()) { // This is a bridge polyline.extend_start(fw); polyline.extend_end(fw); // Is the straight perimeter segment supported at both sides? Point pts[2] = { polyline.first_point(), polyline.last_point() }; bool supported[2] = { false, false }; for (size_t i = 0; i < lower_layer.lslices.size() && ! (supported[0] && supported[1]); ++ i) for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++ j) if (! supported[j] && lower_layer.lslices_bboxes[i].contains(pts[j]) && lower_layer.lslices[i].contains(pts[j])) supported[j] = true; if (supported[0] && supported[1]) // Offset a polyline into a thick line. polygons_append(bridges, offset(polyline, 0.5f * w + 10.f)); } bridges = union_(bridges); } // remove the entire bridges and only support the unsupported edges //FIXME the brided regions are already collected as layerm.bridged. Use it? for (const Surface &surface : layerm.fill_surfaces.surfaces) if (surface.surface_type == stBottomBridge && surface.bridge_angle != -1) polygons_append(bridges, surface.expolygon); //FIXME add the gap filled areas. Extrude the gaps with a bridge flow? // Remove the unsupported ends of the bridges from the bridged areas. //FIXME add supports at regular intervals to support long bridges! bridges = diff(bridges, // Offset unsupported edges into polygons. offset(layerm.unsupported_bridge_edges, scale_(SUPPORT_MATERIAL_MARGIN), SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); // Remove bridged areas from the supported areas. contact_polygons = diff(contact_polygons, bridges, ApplySafetyOffset::Yes); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG static int iRun = 0; SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-remove-bridges-run%d.svg", iRun ++), { { { union_ex(offset(layerm.unsupported_bridge_edges, scale_(SUPPORT_MATERIAL_MARGIN), SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)) }, { "unsupported_bridge_edges", "orange", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(contact_polygons) }, { "contact_polygons", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(bridges) }, { "bridges", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ } } std::vector<Polygons> PrintObjectSupportMaterial::buildplate_covered(const PrintObject &object) const { // Build support on a build plate only? If so, then collect and union all the surfaces below the current layer. // Unfortunately this is an inherently serial process. const bool buildplate_only = this->build_plate_only(); std::vector<Polygons> buildplate_covered; if (buildplate_only) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::buildplate_covered() - start"; buildplate_covered.assign(object.layers().size(), Polygons()); //FIXME prefix sum algorithm, parallelize it! Parallelization will also likely be more numerically stable. for (size_t layer_id = 1; layer_id < object.layers().size(); ++ layer_id) { const Layer &lower_layer = *object.layers()[layer_id-1]; // Merge the new slices with the preceding slices. // Apply the safety offset to the newly added polygons, so they will connect // with the polygons collected before, // but don't apply the safety offset during the union operation as it would // inflate the polygons over and over. Polygons &covered = buildplate_covered[layer_id]; covered = buildplate_covered[layer_id - 1]; polygons_append(covered, offset(lower_layer.lslices, scale_(0.01))); covered = union_(covered); } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::buildplate_covered() - end"; } return buildplate_covered; } struct SupportAnnotations { SupportAnnotations(const PrintObject &object, const std::vector<Polygons> &buildplate_covered) : enforcers_layers(object.slice_support_enforcers()), blockers_layers(object.slice_support_blockers()), buildplate_covered(buildplate_covered) { // Append custom supports. object.project_and_append_custom_facets(false, EnforcerBlockerType::ENFORCER, enforcers_layers); object.project_and_append_custom_facets(false, EnforcerBlockerType::BLOCKER, blockers_layers); } std::vector<Polygons> enforcers_layers; std::vector<Polygons> blockers_layers; const std::vector<Polygons>& buildplate_covered; }; struct SlicesMarginCache { float offset { -1 }; // Trimming polygons, including possibly the "build plate only" mask. Polygons polygons; // Trimming polygons, without the "build plate only" mask. If empty, use polygons. Polygons all_polygons; }; // Tuple: overhang_polygons, contact_polygons, enforcer_polygons, no_interface_offset // no_interface_offset: minimum of external perimeter widths static inline std::tuple<Polygons, Polygons, Polygons, float> detect_overhangs( const Layer &layer, const size_t layer_id, const Polygons &lower_layer_polygons, const PrintConfig &print_config, const PrintObjectConfig &object_config, SupportAnnotations &annotations, SlicesMarginCache &slices_margin, const double gap_xy #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , size_t iRun #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ) { // Snug overhang polygons. Polygons overhang_polygons; // Expanded for stability, trimmed by gap_xy. Polygons contact_polygons; // Enforcers projected to overhangs, trimmed Polygons enforcer_polygons; const bool support_auto = object_config.support_material.value && object_config.support_material_auto.value; const bool buildplate_only = ! annotations.buildplate_covered.empty(); // If user specified a custom angle threshold, convert it to radians. // Zero means automatic overhang detection. const double threshold_rad = (object_config.support_material_threshold.value > 0) ? M_PI * double(object_config.support_material_threshold.value + 1) / 180. : // +1 makes the threshold inclusive 0.; float no_interface_offset = 0.f; if (layer_id == 0) { // This is the first object layer, so the object is being printed on a raft and // we're here just to get the object footprint for the raft. #if 0 // The following line was filling excessive holes in the raft, see GH #430 overhang_polygons = collect_slices_outer(layer); #else // Don't fill in the holes. The user may apply a higher raft_expansion if one wants a better 1st layer adhesion. overhang_polygons = to_polygons(layer.lslices); #endif // Expand for better stability. contact_polygons = expand(overhang_polygons, scaled<float>(object_config.raft_expansion.value)); } else if (! layer.regions().empty()) { // Generate overhang / contact_polygons for non-raft layers. const Layer &lower_layer = *layer.lower_layer; const bool has_enforcer = ! annotations.enforcers_layers.empty() && ! annotations.enforcers_layers[layer_id].empty(); // Cache support trimming polygons derived from lower layer polygons, possible merged with "on build plate only" trimming polygons. auto slices_margin_update = [&slices_margin, &lower_layer, &lower_layer_polygons, buildplate_only, has_enforcer, &annotations, layer_id] (float slices_margin_offset, float no_interface_offset) { if (slices_margin.offset != slices_margin_offset) { slices_margin.offset = slices_margin_offset; slices_margin.polygons = (slices_margin_offset == 0.f) ? lower_layer_polygons : // What is the purpose of no_interface_offset? Likely to not trim the contact layer by lower layer regions that are too thin to extrude? offset2(lower_layer.lslices, -no_interface_offset * 0.5f, slices_margin_offset + no_interface_offset * 0.5f, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS); if (buildplate_only && !annotations.buildplate_covered[layer_id].empty()) { if (has_enforcer) // Make a backup of trimming polygons before enforcing "on build plate only". slices_margin.all_polygons = slices_margin.polygons; // Trim the inflated contact surfaces by the top surfaces as well. slices_margin.polygons = union_(slices_margin.polygons, annotations.buildplate_covered[layer_id]); } } }; no_interface_offset = std::accumulate(layer.regions().begin(), layer.regions().end(), FLT_MAX, [](float acc, const LayerRegion *layerm) { return std::min(acc, float(layerm->flow(frExternalPerimeter).scaled_width())); }); float lower_layer_offset = 0; for (LayerRegion *layerm : layer.regions()) { // Extrusion width accounts for the roundings of the extrudates. // It is the maximum widh of the extrudate. float fw = float(layerm->flow(frExternalPerimeter).scaled_width()); lower_layer_offset = (layer_id < (size_t)object_config.support_material_enforce_layers.value) ? // Enforce a full possible support, ignore the overhang angle. 0.f : (threshold_rad > 0. ? // Overhang defined by an angle. float(scale_(lower_layer.height / tan(threshold_rad))) : // Overhang defined by half the extrusion width. 0.5f * fw); // Overhang polygons for this layer and region. Polygons diff_polygons; Polygons layerm_polygons = to_polygons(layerm->slices.surfaces); if (lower_layer_offset == 0.f) { // Support everything. diff_polygons = diff(layerm_polygons, lower_layer_polygons); if (buildplate_only) { // Don't support overhangs above the top surfaces. // This step is done before the contact surface is calculated by growing the overhang region. diff_polygons = diff(diff_polygons, annotations.buildplate_covered[layer_id]); } } else if (support_auto) { // Get the regions needing a suport, collapse very tiny spots. //FIXME cache the lower layer offset if this layer has multiple regions. #if 0 //FIXME this solution will trigger stupid supports for sharp corners, see GH #4874 diff_polygons = opening( diff(layerm_polygons, // Likely filtering out thin regions from the lower layer, that will not be covered by perimeters, thus they // are not supporting this layer. // However this may lead to a situation where regions at the current layer that are narrow thus not extrudable will generate unnecessary supports. // For example, see GH issue #3094 opening(lower_layer_polygons, 0.5f * fw, lower_layer_offset + 0.5f * fw, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)), //FIXME This opening is targeted to reduce very thin regions to support, but it may lead to // no support at all for not so steep overhangs. 0.1f * fw); #else diff_polygons = diff(layerm_polygons, expand(lower_layer_polygons, lower_layer_offset, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); #endif if (buildplate_only && ! annotations.buildplate_covered[layer_id].empty()) { // Don't support overhangs above the top surfaces. // This step is done before the contact surface is calculated by growing the overhang region. diff_polygons = diff(diff_polygons, annotations.buildplate_covered[layer_id]); } if (! diff_polygons.empty()) { // Offset the support regions back to a full overhang, restrict them to the full overhang. // This is done to increase size of the supporting columns below, as they are calculated by // propagating these contact surfaces downwards. diff_polygons = diff( intersection(expand(diff_polygons, lower_layer_offset, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS), layerm_polygons), lower_layer_polygons); } //FIXME add user defined filtering here based on minimal area or minimum radius or whatever. } if (diff_polygons.empty()) continue; // Apply the "support blockers". if (! annotations.blockers_layers.empty() && ! annotations.blockers_layers[layer_id].empty()) { // Expand the blocker a bit. Custom blockers produce strips // spanning just the projection between the two slices. // Subtracting them as they are may leave unwanted narrow // residues of diff_polygons that would then be supported. diff_polygons = diff(diff_polygons, expand(union_(annotations.blockers_layers[layer_id]), float(1000.*SCALED_EPSILON))); } #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG { ::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-raw-run%d-layer%d-region%d.svg", iRun, layer_id, std::find_if(layer.regions().begin(), layer.regions().end(), [layerm](const LayerRegion* other){return other == layerm;}) - layer.regions().begin()), get_extents(diff_polygons)); Slic3r::ExPolygons expolys = union_ex(diff_polygons); svg.draw(expolys); } #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ if (object_config.dont_support_bridges) //FIXME Expensive, potentially not precise enough. Misses gap fill extrusions, which bridge. SupportMaterialInternal::remove_bridges_from_contacts( print_config, lower_layer, lower_layer_polygons, *layerm, fw, diff_polygons); if (diff_polygons.empty()) continue; #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-filtered-run%d-layer%d-region%d-z%f.svg", iRun, layer_id, std::find_if(layer.regions().begin(), layer.regions().end(), [layerm](const LayerRegion* other){return other == layerm;}) - layer.regions().begin(), layer.print_z), union_ex(diff_polygons)); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ //FIXME the overhang_polygons are used to construct the support towers as well. //if (this->has_contact_loops()) // Store the exact contour of the overhang for the contact loops. polygons_append(overhang_polygons, diff_polygons); // Let's define the required contact area by using a max gap of half the upper // extrusion width and extending the area according to the configured margin. // We increment the area in steps because we don't want our support to overflow // on the other side of the object (if it's very thin). { //FIMXE 1) Make the offset configurable, 2) Make the Z span configurable. //FIXME one should trim with the layer span colliding with the support layer, this layer // may be lower than lower_layer, so the support area needed may need to be actually bigger! // For the same reason, the non-bridging support area may be smaller than the bridging support area! slices_margin_update(std::min(lower_layer_offset, float(scale_(gap_xy))), no_interface_offset); // Offset the contact polygons outside. #if 0 for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_MARGIN_STEPS; ++ i) { diff_polygons = diff( offset( diff_polygons, scaled<float>(SUPPORT_MATERIAL_MARGIN / NUM_MARGIN_STEPS), ClipperLib::jtRound, // round mitter limit scale_(0.05)), slices_margin.polygons); } #else diff_polygons = diff(diff_polygons, slices_margin.polygons); #endif } polygons_append(contact_polygons, diff_polygons); } // for each layer.region if (has_enforcer) { // Enforce supports (as if with 90 degrees of slope) for the regions covered by the enforcer meshes. #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG ExPolygons enforcers_united = union_ex(annotations.enforcers_layers[layer_id]); #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG enforcer_polygons = diff(intersection(layer.lslices, annotations.enforcers_layers[layer_id]), // Inflate just a tiny bit to avoid intersection of the overhang areas with the object. expand(lower_layer_polygons, 0.05f * no_interface_offset, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-enforcers-run%d-layer%d-z%f.svg", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z), { { layer.lslices, { "layer.lslices", "gray", 0.2f } }, { { union_ex(lower_layer_polygons) }, { "lower_layer_polygons", "green", 0.5f } }, { enforcers_united, { "enforcers", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(enforcer_polygons) }, { "new_contacts", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ polygons_append(overhang_polygons, enforcer_polygons); slices_margin_update(std::min(lower_layer_offset, float(scale_(gap_xy))), no_interface_offset); polygons_append(contact_polygons, diff(enforcer_polygons, slices_margin.all_polygons.empty() ? slices_margin.polygons : slices_margin.all_polygons)); } } return std::make_tuple(std::move(overhang_polygons), std::move(contact_polygons), std::move(enforcer_polygons), no_interface_offset); } // Allocate one, possibly two support contact layers. // For "thick" overhangs, one support layer will be generated to support normal extrusions, the other to support the "thick" extrusions. static inline std::pair<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer*, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer*> new_contact_layer( const PrintConfig &print_config, const PrintObjectConfig &object_config, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const coordf_t support_layer_height_min, const Layer &layer, std::deque<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer> &layer_storage, tbb::spin_mutex &layer_storage_mutex) { double print_z, bottom_z, height; PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer* bridging_layer = nullptr; assert(layer.id() >= slicing_params.raft_layers()); size_t layer_id = layer.id() - slicing_params.raft_layers(); if (layer_id == 0) { // This is a raft contact layer sitting directly on the print bed. assert(slicing_params.has_raft()); print_z = slicing_params.raft_contact_top_z; bottom_z = slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z; height = slicing_params.contact_raft_layer_height; } else if (slicing_params.soluble_interface) { // Align the contact surface height with a layer immediately below the supported layer. // Interface layer will be synchronized with the object. print_z = layer.bottom_z(); height = layer.lower_layer->height; bottom_z = (layer_id == 1) ? slicing_params.object_print_z_min : layer.lower_layer->lower_layer->print_z; } else { print_z = layer.bottom_z() - slicing_params.gap_support_object; bottom_z = print_z; height = 0.; // Ignore this contact area if it's too low. // Don't want to print a layer below the first layer height as it may not stick well. //FIXME there may be a need for a single layer support, then one may decide to print it either as a bottom contact or a top contact // and it may actually make sense to do it with a thinner layer than the first layer height. if (print_z < slicing_params.first_print_layer_height - EPSILON) { // This contact layer is below the first layer height, therefore not printable. Don't support this surface. return std::pair<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer*, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer*>(nullptr, nullptr); } const bool has_raft = slicing_params.raft_layers() > 1; const coordf_t min_print_z = has_raft ? slicing_params.raft_contact_top_z : slicing_params.first_print_layer_height; if (print_z < min_print_z + support_layer_height_min) { // Align the layer with the 1st layer height or the raft contact layer. // With raft active, any contact layer below the raft_contact_top_z will be brought to raft_contact_top_z to extend the raft area. print_z = min_print_z; bottom_z = has_raft ? slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z : 0; height = has_raft ? slicing_params.contact_raft_layer_height : min_print_z; } else { // Don't know the height of the top contact layer yet. The top contact layer is printed with a normal flow and // its height will be set adaptively later on. } // Contact layer will be printed with a normal flow, but // it will support layers printed with a bridging flow. if (object_config.thick_bridges && SupportMaterialInternal::has_bridging_extrusions(layer)) { coordf_t bridging_height = 0.; for (const LayerRegion* region : layer.regions()) bridging_height += region->region().bridging_height_avg(print_config); bridging_height /= coordf_t(layer.regions().size()); coordf_t bridging_print_z = layer.print_z - bridging_height - slicing_params.gap_support_object; if (bridging_print_z >= min_print_z) { // Not below the first layer height means this layer is printable. if (print_z < min_print_z + support_layer_height_min) { // Align the layer with the 1st layer height or the raft contact layer. bridging_print_z = min_print_z; } if (bridging_print_z < print_z - EPSILON) { // Allocate the new layer. bridging_layer = &layer_allocate(layer_storage, layer_storage_mutex, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltTopContact); bridging_layer->idx_object_layer_above = layer_id; bridging_layer->print_z = bridging_print_z; if (bridging_print_z == slicing_params.first_print_layer_height) { bridging_layer->bottom_z = 0; bridging_layer->height = slicing_params.first_print_layer_height; } else { // Don't know the height yet. bridging_layer->bottom_z = bridging_print_z; bridging_layer->height = 0; } } } } } PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &new_layer = layer_allocate(layer_storage, layer_storage_mutex, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltTopContact); new_layer.idx_object_layer_above = layer_id; new_layer.print_z = print_z; new_layer.bottom_z = bottom_z; new_layer.height = height; return std::make_pair(&new_layer, bridging_layer); } static inline void fill_contact_layer( PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &new_layer, size_t layer_id, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const PrintObjectConfig &object_config, const SlicesMarginCache &slices_margin, const Polygons &overhang_polygons, const Polygons &contact_polygons, const Polygons &enforcer_polygons, const Polygons &lower_layer_polygons, const Flow &support_material_flow, float no_interface_offset #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , size_t iRun, const Layer &layer #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ) { const SupportGridParams grid_params(object_config, support_material_flow); Polygons lower_layer_polygons_for_dense_interface_cache; auto lower_layer_polygons_for_dense_interface = [&lower_layer_polygons_for_dense_interface_cache, &lower_layer_polygons, no_interface_offset]() -> const Polygons& { if (lower_layer_polygons_for_dense_interface_cache.empty()) lower_layer_polygons_for_dense_interface_cache = //FIXME no_interface_offset * 0.6f offset is not quite correct, one shall derive it based on an angle thus depending on layer height. opening(lower_layer_polygons, no_interface_offset * 0.5f, no_interface_offset * (0.6f + 0.5f), SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS); return lower_layer_polygons_for_dense_interface_cache; }; // Stretch support islands into a grid, trim them. SupportGridPattern support_grid_pattern(&contact_polygons, &slices_margin.polygons, grid_params); // 1) Contact polygons will be projected down. To keep the interface and base layers from growing, return a contour a tiny bit smaller than the grid cells. new_layer.contact_polygons = std::make_unique<Polygons>(support_grid_pattern.extract_support(grid_params.expansion_to_propagate, true #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , "top_contact_polygons", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG )); // 2) infill polygons, expand them by half the extrusion width + a tiny bit of extra. bool reduce_interfaces = object_config.support_material_style.value != smsSnug && layer_id > 0 && !slicing_params.soluble_interface; if (reduce_interfaces) { // Reduce the amount of dense interfaces: Do not generate dense interfaces below overhangs with 60% overhang of the extrusions. Polygons dense_interface_polygons = diff(overhang_polygons, lower_layer_polygons_for_dense_interface()); if (! dense_interface_polygons.empty()) { dense_interface_polygons = diff( // Regularize the contour. expand(dense_interface_polygons, no_interface_offset * 0.1f), slices_margin.polygons); // Support islands, to be stretched into a grid. //FIXME The regularization of dense_interface_polygons above may stretch dense_interface_polygons outside of the contact polygons, // thus some dense interface areas may not get supported. Trim the excess with contact_polygons at the following line. // See for example GH #4874. Polygons dense_interface_polygons_trimmed = intersection(dense_interface_polygons, *new_layer.contact_polygons); // Stretch support islands into a grid, trim them. SupportGridPattern support_grid_pattern(&dense_interface_polygons_trimmed, &slices_margin.polygons, grid_params); new_layer.polygons = support_grid_pattern.extract_support(grid_params.expansion_to_slice, false #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , "top_contact_polygons2", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-final1-run%d-layer%d-z%f.svg", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z), { { { union_ex(lower_layer_polygons) }, { "lower_layer_polygons", "gray", 0.2f } }, { { union_ex(*new_layer.contact_polygons) }, { "new_layer.contact_polygons", "yellow", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(slices_margin.polygons) }, { "slices_margin_cached", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(dense_interface_polygons) }, { "dense_interface_polygons", "green", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(new_layer.polygons) }, { "new_layer.polygons", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); //support_grid_pattern.serialize(debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-final-run%d-layer%d-z%f.bin", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z)); SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-final2-run%d-layer%d-z%f.svg", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z), { { { union_ex(lower_layer_polygons) }, { "lower_layer_polygons", "gray", 0.2f } }, { { union_ex(*new_layer.contact_polygons) }, { "new_layer.contact_polygons", "yellow", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(contact_polygons) }, { "contact_polygons", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(dense_interface_polygons) }, { "dense_interface_polygons", "green", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(new_layer.polygons) }, { "new_layer.polygons", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ } } else { new_layer.polygons = support_grid_pattern.extract_support(grid_params.expansion_to_slice, true #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , "top_contact_polygons3", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ); } if (! enforcer_polygons.empty() && ! slices_margin.all_polygons.empty() && layer_id > 0) { // Support enforcers used together with support enforcers. The support enforcers need to be handled separately from the rest of the support. SupportGridPattern support_grid_pattern(&enforcer_polygons, &slices_margin.all_polygons, grid_params); // 1) Contact polygons will be projected down. To keep the interface and base layers from growing, return a contour a tiny bit smaller than the grid cells. new_layer.enforcer_polygons = std::make_unique<Polygons>(support_grid_pattern.extract_support(grid_params.expansion_to_propagate, true #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , "top_contact_polygons4", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG )); Polygons new_polygons; bool needs_union = ! new_layer.polygons.empty(); if (reduce_interfaces) { // 2) infill polygons, expand them by half the extrusion width + a tiny bit of extra. // Reduce the amount of dense interfaces: Do not generate dense interfaces below overhangs with 60% overhang of the extrusions. Polygons dense_interface_polygons = diff(enforcer_polygons, lower_layer_polygons_for_dense_interface()); if (! dense_interface_polygons.empty()) { dense_interface_polygons = diff( // Regularize the contour. expand(dense_interface_polygons, no_interface_offset * 0.1f), slices_margin.all_polygons); // Support islands, to be stretched into a grid. //FIXME The regularization of dense_interface_polygons above may stretch dense_interface_polygons outside of the contact polygons, // thus some dense interface areas may not get supported. Trim the excess with contact_polygons at the following line. // See for example GH #4874. Polygons dense_interface_polygons_trimmed = intersection(dense_interface_polygons, *new_layer.enforcer_polygons); SupportGridPattern support_grid_pattern(&dense_interface_polygons_trimmed, &slices_margin.all_polygons, grid_params); // Extend the polygons to extrude with the contact polygons of support enforcers. new_polygons = support_grid_pattern.extract_support(grid_params.expansion_to_slice, false #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , "top_contact_polygons5", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ); } } else { new_polygons = support_grid_pattern.extract_support(grid_params.expansion_to_slice, true #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , "top_contact_polygons6", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ); } append(new_layer.polygons, std::move(new_polygons)); if (needs_union) new_layer.polygons = union_(new_layer.polygons); } #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-top-contacts-final0-run%d-layer%d-z%f.svg", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z), { { { union_ex(lower_layer_polygons) }, { "lower_layer_polygons", "gray", 0.2f } }, { { union_ex(*new_layer.contact_polygons) }, { "new_layer.contact_polygons", "yellow", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(contact_polygons) }, { "contact_polygons", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(overhang_polygons) }, { "overhang_polygons", "green", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(new_layer.polygons) }, { "new_layer.polygons", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ // Even after the contact layer was expanded into a grid, some of the contact islands may be too tiny to be extruded. // Remove those tiny islands from new_layer.polygons and new_layer.contact_polygons. // Store the overhang polygons. // The overhang polygons are used in the path generator for planning of the contact loops. // if (this->has_contact_loops()). Compared to "polygons", "overhang_polygons" are snug. new_layer.overhang_polygons = std::make_unique<Polygons>(std::move(overhang_polygons)); if (! enforcer_polygons.empty()) new_layer.enforcer_polygons = std::make_unique<Polygons>(std::move(enforcer_polygons)); } // Merge close contact layers conservatively: If two layers are closer than the minimum allowed print layer height (the min_layer_height parameter), // the top contact layer is merged into the bottom contact layer. static void merge_contact_layers(const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, double support_layer_height_min, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr &layers) { // Sort the layers, as one layer may produce bridging and non-bridging contact layers with different print_z. std::sort(layers.begin(), layers.end(), [](const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer *l1, const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer *l2) { return l1->print_z < l2->print_z; }); int i = 0; int k = 0; { // Find the span of layers, which are to be printed at the first layer height. int j = 0; for (; j < (int)layers.size() && layers[j]->print_z < slicing_params.first_print_layer_height + support_layer_height_min - EPSILON; ++ j); if (j > 0) { // Merge the layers layers (0) to (j - 1) into the layers[0]. PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &dst = *layers.front(); for (int u = 1; u < j; ++ u) dst.merge(std::move(*layers[u])); // Snap the first layer to the 1st layer height. dst.print_z = slicing_params.first_print_layer_height; dst.height = slicing_params.first_print_layer_height; dst.bottom_z = 0; ++ k; } i = j; } for (; i < int(layers.size()); ++ k) { // Find the span of layers closer than m_support_layer_height_min. int j = i + 1; coordf_t zmax = layers[i]->print_z + support_layer_height_min + EPSILON; for (; j < (int)layers.size() && layers[j]->print_z < zmax; ++ j) ; if (i + 1 < j) { // Merge the layers layers (i + 1) to (j - 1) into the layers[i]. PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &dst = *layers[i]; for (int u = i + 1; u < j; ++ u) dst.merge(std::move(*layers[u])); } if (k < i) layers[k] = layers[i]; i = j; } if (k < (int)layers.size()) layers.erase(layers.begin() + k, layers.end()); } // Generate top contact layers supporting overhangs. // For a soluble interface material synchronize the layer heights with the object, otherwise leave the layer height undefined. // If supports over bed surface only are requested, don't generate contact layers over an object. PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr PrintObjectSupportMaterial::top_contact_layers( const PrintObject &object, const std::vector<Polygons> &buildplate_covered, MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const { #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG static int iRun = 0; ++ iRun; #define SLIC3R_IRUN , iRun #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ // Slice support enforcers / support blockers. SupportAnnotations annotations(object, buildplate_covered); // Output layers, sorted by top Z. MyLayersPtr contact_out; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::top_contact_layers() in parallel - start"; // Determine top contact areas. // If generating raft only (no support), only calculate top contact areas for the 0th layer. // If having a raft, start with 0th layer, otherwise with 1st layer. // Note that layer_id < layer->id when raft_layers > 0 as the layer->id incorporates the raft layers. // So layer_id == 0 means first object layer and layer->id == 0 means first print layer if there are no explicit raft layers. size_t num_layers = this->has_support() ? object.layer_count() : 1; // For each overhang layer, two supporting layers may be generated: One for the overhangs extruded with a bridging flow, // and the other for the overhangs extruded with a normal flow. contact_out.assign(num_layers * 2, nullptr); tbb::spin_mutex layer_storage_mutex; tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(this->has_raft() ? 0 : 1, num_layers), [this, &object, &annotations, &layer_storage, &layer_storage_mutex, &contact_out] (const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) { for (size_t layer_id = range.begin(); layer_id < range.end(); ++ layer_id) { const Layer &layer = *object.layers()[layer_id]; Polygons lower_layer_polygons = (layer_id == 0) ? Polygons() : to_polygons(object.layers()[layer_id - 1]->lslices); SlicesMarginCache slices_margin; auto [overhang_polygons, contact_polygons, enforcer_polygons, no_interface_offset] = detect_overhangs(layer, layer_id, lower_layer_polygons, *m_print_config, *m_object_config, annotations, slices_margin, m_support_params.gap_xy #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , iRun #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ); // Now apply the contact areas to the layer where they need to be made. if (! contact_polygons.empty() || ! overhang_polygons.empty()) { // Allocate the two empty layers. auto [new_layer, bridging_layer] = new_contact_layer(*m_print_config, *m_object_config, m_slicing_params, m_support_params.support_layer_height_min, layer, layer_storage, layer_storage_mutex); if (new_layer) { // Fill the non-bridging layer with polygons. fill_contact_layer(*new_layer, layer_id, m_slicing_params, *m_object_config, slices_margin, overhang_polygons, contact_polygons, enforcer_polygons, lower_layer_polygons, m_support_params.support_material_flow, no_interface_offset #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , iRun, layer #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ); // Insert new layer even if there is no interface generated: Likely the support angle is not steep enough to require dense interface, // however generating a sparse support will be useful for the object stability. // if (! new_layer->polygons.empty()) contact_out[layer_id * 2] = new_layer; if (bridging_layer != nullptr) { bridging_layer->polygons = new_layer->polygons; bridging_layer->contact_polygons = std::make_unique<Polygons>(*new_layer->contact_polygons); bridging_layer->overhang_polygons = std::make_unique<Polygons>(*new_layer->overhang_polygons); if (new_layer->enforcer_polygons) bridging_layer->enforcer_polygons = std::make_unique<Polygons>(*new_layer->enforcer_polygons); contact_out[layer_id * 2 + 1] = bridging_layer; } } } } }); // Compress contact_out, remove the nullptr items. remove_nulls(contact_out); // Merge close contact layers conservatively: If two layers are closer than the minimum allowed print layer height (the min_layer_height parameter), // the top contact layer is merged into the bottom contact layer. merge_contact_layers(m_slicing_params, m_support_params.support_layer_height_min, contact_out); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::top_contact_layers() in parallel - end"; return contact_out; } // Find the bottom contact layers above the top surfaces of this layer. static inline PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer* detect_bottom_contacts( const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::SupportParams &support_params, const PrintObject &object, const Layer &layer, // Existing top contact layers, to which this newly created bottom contact layer will be snapped to guarantee a minimum layer height. const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr &top_contacts, // First top contact layer index overlapping with this new bottom interface layer. size_t contact_idx, // To allocate a new layer from. std::deque<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer> &layer_storage, // To trim the support areas above this bottom interface layer with this newly created bottom interface layer. std::vector<Polygons> &layer_support_areas, // Support areas projected from top to bottom, starting with top support interfaces. const Polygons &supports_projected #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , size_t iRun , const Polygons &polygons_new #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ) { Polygons top = collect_region_slices_by_type(layer, stTop); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-bottom-layers-raw-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, layer.print_z), { { { union_ex(top) }, { "top", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(supports_projected) }, { "overhangs", "magenta", 0.5f } }, { layer.lslices, { "layer.lslices", "green", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(polygons_new) }, { "polygons_new", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ // Now find whether any projection of the contact surfaces above layer.print_z not yet supported by any // top surfaces above layer.print_z falls onto this top surface. // Touching are the contact surfaces supported exclusively by this top surfaces. // Don't use a safety offset as it has been applied during insertion of polygons. if (top.empty()) return nullptr; Polygons touching = intersection(top, supports_projected); if (touching.empty()) return nullptr; assert(layer.id() >= slicing_params.raft_layers()); size_t layer_id = layer.id() - slicing_params.raft_layers(); // Allocate a new bottom contact layer. PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &layer_new = layer_allocate(layer_storage, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBottomContact); // Grow top surfaces so that interface and support generation are generated // with some spacing from object - it looks we don't need the actual // top shapes so this can be done here //FIXME calculate layer height based on the actual thickness of the layer: // If the layer is extruded with no bridging flow, support just the normal extrusions. layer_new.height = slicing_params.soluble_interface ? // Align the interface layer with the object's layer height. layer.upper_layer->height : // Place a bridge flow interface layer or the normal flow interface layer over the top surface. support_params.support_material_bottom_interface_flow.height(); layer_new.print_z = slicing_params.soluble_interface ? layer.upper_layer->print_z : layer.print_z + layer_new.height + slicing_params.gap_object_support; layer_new.bottom_z = layer.print_z; layer_new.idx_object_layer_below = layer_id; layer_new.bridging = !slicing_params.soluble_interface && object.config().thick_bridges; //FIXME how much to inflate the bottom surface, as it is being extruded with a bridging flow? The following line uses a normal flow. layer_new.polygons = expand(touching, float(support_params.support_material_flow.scaled_width()), SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS); if (! slicing_params.soluble_interface) { // Walk the top surfaces, snap the top of the new bottom surface to the closest top of the top surface, // so there will be no support surfaces generated with thickness lower than m_support_layer_height_min. for (size_t top_idx = size_t(std::max<int>(0, contact_idx)); top_idx < top_contacts.size() && top_contacts[top_idx]->print_z < layer_new.print_z + support_params.support_layer_height_min + EPSILON; ++ top_idx) { if (top_contacts[top_idx]->print_z > layer_new.print_z - support_params.support_layer_height_min - EPSILON) { // A top layer has been found, which is close to the new bottom layer. coordf_t diff = layer_new.print_z - top_contacts[top_idx]->print_z; assert(std::abs(diff) <= support_params.support_layer_height_min + EPSILON); if (diff > 0.) { // The top contact layer is below this layer. Make the bridging layer thinner to align with the existing top layer. assert(diff < layer_new.height + EPSILON); assert(layer_new.height - diff >= support_params.support_layer_height_min - EPSILON); layer_new.print_z = top_contacts[top_idx]->print_z; layer_new.height -= diff; } else { // The top contact layer is above this layer. One may either make this layer thicker or thinner. // By making the layer thicker, one will decrease the number of discrete layers with the price of extruding a bit too thick bridges. // By making the layer thinner, one adds one more discrete layer. layer_new.print_z = top_contacts[top_idx]->print_z; layer_new.height -= diff; } break; } } } #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-bottom-contacts-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, layer_new.print_z), union_ex(layer_new.polygons)); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ // Trim the already created base layers above the current layer intersecting with the new bottom contacts layer. //FIXME Maybe this is no more needed, as the overlapping base layers are trimmed by the bottom layers at the final stage? touching = expand(touching, float(SCALED_EPSILON)); for (int layer_id_above = layer_id + 1; layer_id_above < int(object.total_layer_count()); ++ layer_id_above) { const Layer &layer_above = *object.layers()[layer_id_above]; if (layer_above.print_z > layer_new.print_z - EPSILON) break; if (Polygons &above = layer_support_areas[layer_id_above]; ! above.empty()) { #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-support-areas-raw-before-trimming-%d-with-%f-%lf.svg", iRun, layer.print_z, layer_above.print_z), { { { union_ex(touching) }, { "touching", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(above) }, { "above", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ above = diff(above, touching); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-support-areas-raw-after-trimming-%d-with-%f-%lf.svg", iRun, layer.print_z, layer_above.print_z), union_ex(above)); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ } } return &layer_new; } // Returns polygons to print + polygons to propagate downwards. // Called twice: First for normal supports, possibly trimmed by "on build plate only", second for support enforcers not trimmed by "on build plate only". static inline std::pair<Polygons, Polygons> project_support_to_grid(const Layer &layer, const SupportGridParams &grid_params, const Polygons &overhangs, Polygons *layer_buildplate_covered #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , size_t iRun, size_t layer_id, const char *debug_name #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ ) { // Remove the areas that touched from the projection that will continue on next, lower, top surfaces. // Polygons trimming = union_(to_polygons(layer.slices), touching, true); Polygons trimming = layer_buildplate_covered ? std::move(*layer_buildplate_covered) : offset(layer.lslices, float(SCALED_EPSILON)); Polygons overhangs_projection = diff(overhangs, trimming); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-support-areas-%s-raw-%d-%lf.svg", debug_name, iRun, layer.print_z), { { { union_ex(trimming) }, { "trimming", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(overhangs_projection) }, { "overhangs_projection", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ remove_sticks(overhangs_projection); remove_degenerate(overhangs_projection); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-support-areas-%s-raw-cleaned-%d-%lf.svg", debug_name, iRun, layer.print_z), { { { union_ex(trimming) }, { "trimming", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_ex(overhangs_projection) }, { "overhangs_projection", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ SupportGridPattern support_grid_pattern(&overhangs_projection, &trimming, grid_params); tbb::task_group task_group_inner; std::pair<Polygons, Polygons> out; // 1) Cache the slice of a support volume. The support volume is expanded by 1/2 of support material flow spacing // to allow a placement of suppot zig-zag snake along the grid lines. task_group_inner.run([&grid_params, &support_grid_pattern, &out #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , &layer, layer_id, iRun, debug_name #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ ] { out.first = support_grid_pattern.extract_support(grid_params.expansion_to_slice, true #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , (std::string(debug_name) + "_support_area").c_str(), iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-layer_support_area-gridded-%s-%d-%lf.svg", debug_name, iRun, layer.print_z), union_ex(out.first)); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ }); // 2) Support polygons will be projected down. To keep the interface and base layers from growing, return a contour a tiny bit smaller than the grid cells. task_group_inner.run([&grid_params, &support_grid_pattern, &out #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , &layer, layer_id, &overhangs_projection, &trimming, iRun, debug_name #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ ] { out.second = support_grid_pattern.extract_support(grid_params.expansion_to_propagate, true #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , "support_projection", iRun, layer_id, layer.print_z #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-projection_new-gridded-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, layer.print_z), union_ex(out.second)); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("support-projection_new-gridded-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, layer.print_z), { { { union_ex(trimming) }, { "trimming", "gray", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(overhangs_projection) }, { "overhangs_projection", "blue", 0.5f } }, { { union_safety_offset_ex(out.second) }, { "projection_new", "red", "black", "", scaled<coord_t>(0.1f), 0.5f } } }); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ }); task_group_inner.wait(); return out; } // Generate bottom contact layers supporting the top contact layers. // For a soluble interface material synchronize the layer heights with the object, // otherwise set the layer height to a bridging flow of a support interface nozzle. PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr PrintObjectSupportMaterial::bottom_contact_layers_and_layer_support_areas( const PrintObject &object, const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts, std::vector<Polygons> &buildplate_covered, MyLayerStorage &layer_storage, std::vector<Polygons> &layer_support_areas) const { if (top_contacts.empty()) return MyLayersPtr(); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG static size_t s_iRun = 0; size_t iRun = s_iRun ++; #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ //FIXME higher expansion_to_slice here? why? //const auto expansion_to_slice = m_support_material_flow.scaled_spacing() / 2 + 25; const SupportGridParams grid_params(*m_object_config, m_support_params.support_material_flow); const bool buildplate_only = ! buildplate_covered.empty(); // Allocate empty surface areas, one per object layer. layer_support_areas.assign(object.total_layer_count(), Polygons()); // find object top surfaces // we'll use them to clip our support and detect where does it stick MyLayersPtr bottom_contacts; // There is some support to be built, if there are non-empty top surfaces detected. // Sum of unsupported contact areas above the current layer.print_z. Polygons overhangs_projection; // Sum of unsupported enforcer contact areas above the current layer.print_z. // Only used if "supports on build plate only" is enabled and both automatic and support enforcers are enabled. Polygons enforcers_projection; // Last top contact layer visited when collecting the projection of contact areas. int contact_idx = int(top_contacts.size()) - 1; for (int layer_id = int(object.total_layer_count()) - 2; layer_id >= 0; -- layer_id) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Support generator - bottom_contact_layers - layer " << layer_id; const Layer &layer = *object.get_layer(layer_id); // Collect projections of all contact areas above or at the same level as this top surface. #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG Polygons polygons_new; Polygons enforcers_new; #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG for (; contact_idx >= 0 && top_contacts[contact_idx]->print_z > layer.print_z - EPSILON; -- contact_idx) { MyLayer &top_contact = *top_contacts[contact_idx]; #ifndef SLIC3R_DEBUG Polygons polygons_new; Polygons enforcers_new; #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG // Contact surfaces are expanded away from the object, trimmed by the object. // Use a slight positive offset to overlap the touching regions. #if 0 // Merge and collect the contact polygons. The contact polygons are inflated, but not extended into a grid form. polygons_append(polygons_new, offset(*top_contact.contact_polygons, SCALED_EPSILON)); if (top_contact.enforcer_polygons) polygons_append(enforcers_new, offset(*top_contact.enforcer_polygons, SCALED_EPSILON)); #else // Consume the contact_polygons. The contact polygons are already expanded into a grid form, and they are a tiny bit smaller // than the grid cells. polygons_append(polygons_new, std::move(*top_contact.contact_polygons)); if (top_contact.enforcer_polygons) polygons_append(enforcers_new, std::move(*top_contact.enforcer_polygons)); #endif // These are the overhang surfaces. They are touching the object and they are not expanded away from the object. // Use a slight positive offset to overlap the touching regions. polygons_append(polygons_new, expand(*top_contact.overhang_polygons, float(SCALED_EPSILON))); polygons_append(overhangs_projection, union_(polygons_new)); polygons_append(enforcers_projection, enforcers_new); } if (overhangs_projection.empty() && enforcers_projection.empty()) continue; // Overhangs_projection will be filled in asynchronously, move it away. Polygons overhangs_projection_raw = union_(std::move(overhangs_projection)); Polygons enforcers_projection_raw = union_(std::move(enforcers_projection)); tbb::task_group task_group; const Polygons &overhangs_for_bottom_contacts = buildplate_only ? enforcers_projection_raw : overhangs_projection_raw; if (! overhangs_for_bottom_contacts.empty()) // Find the bottom contact layers above the top surfaces of this layer. task_group.run([this, &object, &layer, &top_contacts, contact_idx, &layer_storage, &layer_support_areas, &bottom_contacts, &overhangs_for_bottom_contacts #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , iRun, &polygons_new #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ] { // Find the bottom contact layers above the top surfaces of this layer. MyLayer *layer_new = detect_bottom_contacts( m_slicing_params, m_support_params, object, layer, top_contacts, contact_idx, layer_storage, layer_support_areas, overhangs_for_bottom_contacts #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , iRun, polygons_new #endif // SLIC3R_DEBUG ); if (layer_new) bottom_contacts.push_back(layer_new); }); Polygons &layer_support_area = layer_support_areas[layer_id]; Polygons *layer_buildplate_covered = buildplate_covered.empty() ? nullptr : &buildplate_covered[layer_id]; task_group.run([&grid_params, &overhangs_projection, &overhangs_projection_raw, &layer, &layer_support_area, layer_buildplate_covered #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , iRun, layer_id #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ ] { // buildplate_covered[layer_id] will be consumed here. std::tie(layer_support_area, overhangs_projection) = project_support_to_grid(layer, grid_params, overhangs_projection_raw, layer_buildplate_covered #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , iRun, layer_id, "general" #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ ); }); Polygons layer_support_area_enforcers; if (! enforcers_projection.empty()) // Project the enforcers polygons downwards, don't trim them with the "buildplate only" polygons. task_group.run([&grid_params, &enforcers_projection, &enforcers_projection_raw, &layer, &layer_support_area_enforcers #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , iRun, layer_id #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ ]{ std::tie(layer_support_area_enforcers, enforcers_projection) = project_support_to_grid(layer, grid_params, enforcers_projection_raw, nullptr #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG , iRun, layer_id, "enforcers" #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ ); }); task_group.wait(); if (! layer_support_area_enforcers.empty()) { if (layer_support_area.empty()) layer_support_area = std::move(layer_support_area_enforcers); else layer_support_area = union_(layer_support_area, layer_support_area_enforcers); } } // over all layers downwards std::reverse(bottom_contacts.begin(), bottom_contacts.end()); trim_support_layers_by_object(object, bottom_contacts, m_slicing_params.gap_support_object, m_slicing_params.gap_object_support, m_support_params.gap_xy); return bottom_contacts; } // FN_HIGHER_EQUAL: the provided object pointer has a Z value >= of an internal threshold. // Find the first item with Z value >= of an internal threshold of fn_higher_equal. // If no vec item with Z value >= of an internal threshold of fn_higher_equal is found, return vec.size() // If the initial idx is size_t(-1), then use binary search. // Otherwise search linearly upwards. template<typename IteratorType, typename IndexType, typename FN_HIGHER_EQUAL> IndexType idx_higher_or_equal(IteratorType begin, IteratorType end, IndexType idx, FN_HIGHER_EQUAL fn_higher_equal) { auto size = int(end - begin); if (size == 0) { idx = 0; } else if (idx == IndexType(-1)) { // First of the batch of layers per thread pool invocation. Use binary search. int idx_low = 0; int idx_high = std::max(0, size - 1); while (idx_low + 1 < idx_high) { int idx_mid = (idx_low + idx_high) / 2; if (fn_higher_equal(begin[idx_mid])) idx_high = idx_mid; else idx_low = idx_mid; } idx = fn_higher_equal(begin[idx_low]) ? idx_low : (fn_higher_equal(begin[idx_high]) ? idx_high : size); } else { // For the other layers of this batch of layers, search incrementally, which is cheaper than the binary search. while (int(idx) < size && ! fn_higher_equal(begin[idx])) ++ idx; } return idx; } template<typename T, typename IndexType, typename FN_HIGHER_EQUAL> IndexType idx_higher_or_equal(const std::vector<T>& vec, IndexType idx, FN_HIGHER_EQUAL fn_higher_equal) { return idx_higher_or_equal(vec.begin(), vec.end(), idx, fn_higher_equal); } // FN_LOWER_EQUAL: the provided object pointer has a Z value <= of an internal threshold. // Find the first item with Z value <= of an internal threshold of fn_lower_equal. // If no vec item with Z value <= of an internal threshold of fn_lower_equal is found, return -1. // If the initial idx is < -1, then use binary search. // Otherwise search linearly downwards. template<typename IT, typename FN_LOWER_EQUAL> int idx_lower_or_equal(IT begin, IT end, int idx, FN_LOWER_EQUAL fn_lower_equal) { auto size = int(end - begin); if (size == 0) { idx = -1; } else if (idx < -1) { // First of the batch of layers per thread pool invocation. Use binary search. int idx_low = 0; int idx_high = std::max(0, size - 1); while (idx_low + 1 < idx_high) { int idx_mid = (idx_low + idx_high) / 2; if (fn_lower_equal(begin[idx_mid])) idx_low = idx_mid; else idx_high = idx_mid; } idx = fn_lower_equal(begin[idx_high]) ? idx_high : (fn_lower_equal(begin[idx_low ]) ? idx_low : -1); } else { // For the other layers of this batch of layers, search incrementally, which is cheaper than the binary search. while (idx >= 0 && ! fn_lower_equal(begin[idx])) -- idx; } return idx; } template<typename T, typename FN_LOWER_EQUAL> int idx_lower_or_equal(const std::vector<T*> &vec, int idx, FN_LOWER_EQUAL fn_lower_equal) { return idx_lower_or_equal(vec.begin(), vec.end(), idx, fn_lower_equal); } // Trim the top_contacts layers with the bottom_contacts layers if they overlap, so there would not be enough vertical space for both of them. void PrintObjectSupportMaterial::trim_top_contacts_by_bottom_contacts( const PrintObject &object, const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts, MyLayersPtr &top_contacts) const { tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, int(top_contacts.size())), [&bottom_contacts, &top_contacts](const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range) { int idx_bottom_overlapping_first = -2; // For all top contact layers, counting downwards due to the way idx_higher_or_equal caches the last index to avoid repeated binary search. for (int idx_top = range.end() - 1; idx_top >= range.begin(); -- idx_top) { MyLayer &layer_top = *top_contacts[idx_top]; // Find the first bottom layer overlapping with layer_top. idx_bottom_overlapping_first = idx_lower_or_equal(bottom_contacts, idx_bottom_overlapping_first, [&layer_top](const MyLayer *layer_bottom){ return layer_bottom->bottom_print_z() - EPSILON <= layer_top.bottom_z; }); // For all top contact layers overlapping with the thick bottom contact layer: for (int idx_bottom_overlapping = idx_bottom_overlapping_first; idx_bottom_overlapping >= 0; -- idx_bottom_overlapping) { const MyLayer &layer_bottom = *bottom_contacts[idx_bottom_overlapping]; assert(layer_bottom.bottom_print_z() - EPSILON <= layer_top.bottom_z); if (layer_top.print_z < layer_bottom.print_z + EPSILON) { // Layers overlap. Trim layer_top with layer_bottom. layer_top.polygons = diff(layer_top.polygons, layer_bottom.polygons); } else break; } } }); } PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr PrintObjectSupportMaterial::raft_and_intermediate_support_layers( const PrintObject &object, const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts, const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts, MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const { MyLayersPtr intermediate_layers; // Collect and sort the extremes (bottoms of the top contacts and tops of the bottom contacts). MyLayersPtr extremes; extremes.reserve(top_contacts.size() + bottom_contacts.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < top_contacts.size(); ++ i) // Bottoms of the top contact layers. In case of non-soluble supports, // the top contact layer thickness is not known yet. extremes.push_back(top_contacts[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < bottom_contacts.size(); ++ i) // Tops of the bottom contact layers. extremes.push_back(bottom_contacts[i]); if (extremes.empty()) return intermediate_layers; auto layer_extreme_lower = [](const MyLayer *l1, const MyLayer *l2) { coordf_t z1 = l1->extreme_z(); coordf_t z2 = l2->extreme_z(); // If the layers are aligned, return the top contact surface first. return z1 < z2 || (z1 == z2 && l1->layer_type == PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltTopContact && l2->layer_type == PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBottomContact); }; std::sort(extremes.begin(), extremes.end(), layer_extreme_lower); assert(extremes.empty() || (extremes.front()->extreme_z() > m_slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z - EPSILON && (m_slicing_params.raft_layers() == 1 || // only raft contact layer extremes.front()->layer_type == sltTopContact || // first extreme is a top contact layer extremes.front()->extreme_z() > m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height - EPSILON))); bool synchronize = this->synchronize_layers(); #ifdef _DEBUG // Verify that the extremes are separated by m_support_layer_height_min. for (size_t i = 1; i < extremes.size(); ++ i) { assert(extremes[i]->extreme_z() - extremes[i-1]->extreme_z() == 0. || extremes[i]->extreme_z() - extremes[i-1]->extreme_z() > m_support_params.support_layer_height_min - EPSILON); assert(extremes[i]->extreme_z() - extremes[i-1]->extreme_z() > 0. || extremes[i]->layer_type == extremes[i-1]->layer_type || (extremes[i]->layer_type == sltBottomContact && extremes[i - 1]->layer_type == sltTopContact)); } #endif // Generate intermediate layers. // The first intermediate layer is the same as the 1st layer if there is no raft, // or the bottom of the first intermediate layer is aligned with the bottom of the raft contact layer. // Intermediate layers are always printed with a normal etrusion flow (non-bridging). size_t idx_layer_object = 0; size_t idx_extreme_first = 0; if (! extremes.empty() && std::abs(extremes.front()->extreme_z() - m_slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z) < EPSILON) { // This is a raft contact layer, its height has been decided in this->top_contact_layers(). // Ignore this layer when calculating the intermediate support layers. assert(extremes.front()->layer_type == sltTopContact); ++ idx_extreme_first; } for (size_t idx_extreme = idx_extreme_first; idx_extreme < extremes.size(); ++ idx_extreme) { MyLayer *extr2 = extremes[idx_extreme]; coordf_t extr2z = extr2->extreme_z(); if (std::abs(extr2z - m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height) < EPSILON) { // This is a bottom of a synchronized (or soluble) top contact layer, its height has been decided in this->top_contact_layers(). assert(extr2->layer_type == sltTopContact); assert(extr2->bottom_z == m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height); assert(extr2->print_z >= m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height + m_support_params.support_layer_height_min - EPSILON); if (intermediate_layers.empty() || intermediate_layers.back()->print_z < m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height) { MyLayer &layer_new = layer_allocate(layer_storage, sltIntermediate); layer_new.bottom_z = 0.; layer_new.print_z = m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height; layer_new.height = m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height; intermediate_layers.push_back(&layer_new); } continue; } assert(extr2z >= m_slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z + EPSILON); assert(extr2z >= m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height + EPSILON); MyLayer *extr1 = (idx_extreme == idx_extreme_first) ? nullptr : extremes[idx_extreme - 1]; // Fuse a support layer firmly to the raft top interface (not to the raft contacts). coordf_t extr1z = (extr1 == nullptr) ? m_slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z : extr1->extreme_z(); assert(extr2z >= extr1z); assert(extr2z > extr1z || (extr1 != nullptr && extr2->layer_type == sltBottomContact)); if (std::abs(extr1z) < EPSILON) { // This layer interval starts with the 1st layer. Print the 1st layer using the prescribed 1st layer thickness. // assert(! m_slicing_params.has_raft()); RaftingEdition: unclear where the issue is: assert fails with 1-layer raft & base supports assert(intermediate_layers.empty() || intermediate_layers.back()->print_z <= m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height); // At this point only layers above first_print_layer_heigth + EPSILON are expected as the other cases were captured earlier. assert(extr2z >= m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height + EPSILON); // Generate a new intermediate layer. MyLayer &layer_new = layer_allocate(layer_storage, sltIntermediate); layer_new.bottom_z = 0.; layer_new.print_z = extr1z = m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height; layer_new.height = extr1z; intermediate_layers.push_back(&layer_new); // Continue printing the other layers up to extr2z. } coordf_t dist = extr2z - extr1z; assert(dist >= 0.); if (dist == 0.) continue; // The new layers shall be at least m_support_layer_height_min thick. assert(dist >= m_support_params.support_layer_height_min - EPSILON); if (synchronize) { // Emit support layers synchronized with the object layers. // Find the first object layer, which has its print_z in this support Z range. while (idx_layer_object < object.layers().size() && object.layers()[idx_layer_object]->print_z < extr1z + EPSILON) ++ idx_layer_object; if (idx_layer_object == 0 && extr1z == m_slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z) { // Insert one base support layer below the object. MyLayer &layer_new = layer_allocate(layer_storage, sltIntermediate); layer_new.print_z = m_slicing_params.object_print_z_min; layer_new.bottom_z = m_slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z; layer_new.height = layer_new.print_z - layer_new.bottom_z; intermediate_layers.push_back(&layer_new); } // Emit all intermediate support layers synchronized with object layers up to extr2z. for (; idx_layer_object < object.layers().size() && object.layers()[idx_layer_object]->print_z < extr2z + EPSILON; ++ idx_layer_object) { MyLayer &layer_new = layer_allocate(layer_storage, sltIntermediate); layer_new.print_z = object.layers()[idx_layer_object]->print_z; layer_new.height = object.layers()[idx_layer_object]->height; layer_new.bottom_z = (idx_layer_object > 0) ? object.layers()[idx_layer_object - 1]->print_z : (layer_new.print_z - layer_new.height); assert(intermediate_layers.empty() || intermediate_layers.back()->print_z < layer_new.print_z + EPSILON); intermediate_layers.push_back(&layer_new); } } else { // Insert intermediate layers. size_t n_layers_extra = size_t(ceil(dist / m_slicing_params.max_suport_layer_height)); assert(n_layers_extra > 0); coordf_t step = dist / coordf_t(n_layers_extra); if (extr1 != nullptr && extr1->layer_type == sltTopContact && extr1->print_z + m_support_params.support_layer_height_min > extr1->bottom_z + step) { // The bottom extreme is a bottom of a top surface. Ensure that the gap // between the 1st intermediate layer print_z and extr1->print_z is not too small. assert(extr1->bottom_z + m_support_params.support_layer_height_min < extr1->print_z + EPSILON); // Generate the first intermediate layer. MyLayer &layer_new = layer_allocate(layer_storage, sltIntermediate); layer_new.bottom_z = extr1->bottom_z; layer_new.print_z = extr1z = extr1->print_z; layer_new.height = extr1->height; intermediate_layers.push_back(&layer_new); dist = extr2z - extr1z; n_layers_extra = size_t(ceil(dist / m_slicing_params.max_suport_layer_height)); if (n_layers_extra == 0) continue; // Continue printing the other layers up to extr2z. step = dist / coordf_t(n_layers_extra); } if (! m_slicing_params.soluble_interface && extr2->layer_type == sltTopContact) { // This is a top interface layer, which does not have a height assigned yet. Do it now. assert(extr2->height == 0.); assert(extr1z > m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height - EPSILON); extr2->height = step; extr2->bottom_z = extr2z = extr2->print_z - step; if (-- n_layers_extra == 0) continue; } coordf_t extr2z_large_steps = extr2z; // Take the largest allowed step in the Z axis until extr2z_large_steps is reached. for (size_t i = 0; i < n_layers_extra; ++ i) { MyLayer &layer_new = layer_allocate(layer_storage, sltIntermediate); if (i + 1 == n_layers_extra) { // Last intermediate layer added. Align the last entered layer with extr2z_large_steps exactly. layer_new.bottom_z = (i == 0) ? extr1z : intermediate_layers.back()->print_z; layer_new.print_z = extr2z_large_steps; layer_new.height = layer_new.print_z - layer_new.bottom_z; } else { // Intermediate layer, not the last added. layer_new.height = step; layer_new.bottom_z = extr1z + i * step; layer_new.print_z = layer_new.bottom_z + step; } assert(intermediate_layers.empty() || intermediate_layers.back()->print_z <= layer_new.print_z); intermediate_layers.push_back(&layer_new); } } } #ifdef _DEBUG for (size_t i = 0; i < top_contacts.size(); ++i) assert(top_contacts[i]->height > 0.); #endif /* _DEBUG */ return intermediate_layers; } // At this stage there shall be intermediate_layers allocated between bottom_contacts and top_contacts, but they have no polygons assigned. // Also the bottom/top_contacts shall have a layer thickness assigned already. void PrintObjectSupportMaterial::generate_base_layers( const PrintObject &object, const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts, const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts, MyLayersPtr &intermediate_layers, const std::vector<Polygons> &layer_support_areas) const { #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG static int iRun = 0; #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ if (top_contacts.empty()) // No top contacts -> no intermediate layers will be produced. return; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::generate_base_layers() in parallel - start"; tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, intermediate_layers.size()), [&object, &bottom_contacts, &top_contacts, &intermediate_layers, &layer_support_areas](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) { // index -2 means not initialized yet, -1 means intialized and decremented to 0 and then -1. int idx_top_contact_above = -2; int idx_bottom_contact_overlapping = -2; int idx_object_layer_above = -2; // Counting down due to the way idx_lower_or_equal caches indices to avoid repeated binary search over the complete sequence. for (int idx_intermediate = int(range.end()) - 1; idx_intermediate >= int(range.begin()); -- idx_intermediate) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Support generator - generate_base_layers - creating layer " << idx_intermediate << " of " << intermediate_layers.size(); MyLayer &layer_intermediate = *intermediate_layers[idx_intermediate]; // Layers must be sorted by print_z. assert(idx_intermediate == 0 || layer_intermediate.print_z >= intermediate_layers[idx_intermediate - 1]->print_z); // Find a top_contact layer touching the layer_intermediate from above, if any, and collect its polygons into polygons_new. // New polygons for layer_intermediate. Polygons polygons_new; // Use the precomputed layer_support_areas. "idx_object_layer_above": above means above since the last iteration, not above after this call. idx_object_layer_above = idx_lower_or_equal(object.layers().begin(), object.layers().end(), idx_object_layer_above, [&layer_intermediate](const Layer* layer) { return layer->print_z <= layer_intermediate.print_z + EPSILON; }); // Polygons to trim polygons_new. Polygons polygons_trimming; // Trimming the base layer with any overlapping top layer. // Following cases are recognized: // 1) top.bottom_z >= base.top_z -> No overlap, no trimming needed. // 2) base.bottom_z >= top.print_z -> No overlap, no trimming needed. // 3) base.print_z > top.print_z && base.bottom_z >= top.bottom_z -> Overlap, which will be solved inside generate_toolpaths() by reducing the base layer height where it overlaps the top layer. No trimming needed here. // 4) base.print_z > top.bottom_z && base.bottom_z < top.bottom_z -> Base overlaps with top.bottom_z. This must not happen. // 5) base.print_z <= top.print_z && base.bottom_z >= top.bottom_z -> Base is fully inside top. Trim base by top. idx_top_contact_above = idx_lower_or_equal(top_contacts, idx_top_contact_above, [&layer_intermediate](const MyLayer *layer){ return layer->bottom_z <= layer_intermediate.print_z - EPSILON; }); // Collect all the top_contact layer intersecting with this layer. for (int idx_top_contact_overlapping = idx_top_contact_above; idx_top_contact_overlapping >= 0; -- idx_top_contact_overlapping) { MyLayer &layer_top_overlapping = *top_contacts[idx_top_contact_overlapping]; if (layer_top_overlapping.print_z < layer_intermediate.bottom_z + EPSILON) break; // Base must not overlap with top.bottom_z. assert(! (layer_intermediate.print_z > layer_top_overlapping.bottom_z + EPSILON && layer_intermediate.bottom_z < layer_top_overlapping.bottom_z - EPSILON)); if (layer_intermediate.print_z <= layer_top_overlapping.print_z + EPSILON && layer_intermediate.bottom_z >= layer_top_overlapping.bottom_z - EPSILON) // Base is fully inside top. Trim base by top. polygons_append(polygons_trimming, layer_top_overlapping.polygons); } if (idx_object_layer_above < 0) { // layer_support_areas are synchronized with object layers and they contain projections of the contact layers above them. // This intermediate layer is not above any object layer, thus there is no information in layer_support_areas about // towers supporting contact layers intersecting the first object layer. Project these contact layers now. polygons_new = layer_support_areas.front(); double first_layer_z = object.layers().front()->print_z; for (int i = idx_top_contact_above + 1; i < int(top_contacts.size()); ++ i) { MyLayer &contacts = *top_contacts[i]; if (contacts.print_z > first_layer_z + EPSILON) break; assert(contacts.bottom_z > layer_intermediate.print_z - EPSILON); polygons_append(polygons_new, contacts.polygons); } } else polygons_new = layer_support_areas[idx_object_layer_above]; // Trimming the base layer with any overlapping bottom layer. // Following cases are recognized: // 1) bottom.bottom_z >= base.top_z -> No overlap, no trimming needed. // 2) base.bottom_z >= bottom.print_z -> No overlap, no trimming needed. // 3) base.print_z > bottom.bottom_z && base.bottom_z < bottom.bottom_z -> Overlap, which will be solved inside generate_toolpaths() by reducing the bottom layer height where it overlaps the base layer. No trimming needed here. // 4) base.print_z > bottom.print_z && base.bottom_z >= bottom.print_z -> Base overlaps with bottom.print_z. This must not happen. // 5) base.print_z <= bottom.print_z && base.bottom_z >= bottom.bottom_z -> Base is fully inside top. Trim base by top. idx_bottom_contact_overlapping = idx_lower_or_equal(bottom_contacts, idx_bottom_contact_overlapping, [&layer_intermediate](const MyLayer *layer){ return layer->bottom_print_z() <= layer_intermediate.print_z - EPSILON; }); // Collect all the bottom_contacts layer intersecting with this layer. for (int i = idx_bottom_contact_overlapping; i >= 0; -- i) { MyLayer &layer_bottom_overlapping = *bottom_contacts[i]; if (layer_bottom_overlapping.print_z < layer_intermediate.bottom_print_z() + EPSILON) break; // Base must not overlap with bottom.top_z. assert(! (layer_intermediate.print_z > layer_bottom_overlapping.print_z + EPSILON && layer_intermediate.bottom_z < layer_bottom_overlapping.print_z - EPSILON)); if (layer_intermediate.print_z <= layer_bottom_overlapping.print_z + EPSILON && layer_intermediate.bottom_z >= layer_bottom_overlapping.bottom_print_z() - EPSILON) // Base is fully inside bottom. Trim base by bottom. polygons_append(polygons_trimming, layer_bottom_overlapping.polygons); } #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG { BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(polygons_new); bbox.merge(get_extents(polygons_trimming)); ::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path("support-intermediate-layers-raw-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, layer_intermediate.print_z), bbox); svg.draw(union_ex(polygons_new), "blue", 0.5f); svg.draw(to_polylines(polygons_new), "blue"); svg.draw(union_safety_offset_ex(polygons_trimming), "red", 0.5f); svg.draw(to_polylines(polygons_trimming), "red"); } #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ // Trim the polygons, store them. if (polygons_trimming.empty()) layer_intermediate.polygons = std::move(polygons_new); else layer_intermediate.polygons = diff( polygons_new, polygons_trimming, ApplySafetyOffset::Yes); // safety offset to merge the touching source polygons layer_intermediate.layer_type = sltBase; #if 0 // coordf_t fillet_radius_scaled = scale_(m_object_config->support_material_spacing); // Fillet the base polygons and trim them again with the top, interface and contact layers. $base->{$i} = diff( offset2( $base->{$i}, $fillet_radius_scaled, -$fillet_radius_scaled, # Use a geometric offsetting for filleting. JT_ROUND, 0.2*$fillet_radius_scaled), $trim_polygons, false); // don't apply the safety offset. } #endif } }); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::generate_base_layers() in parallel - end"; #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG for (MyLayersPtr::const_iterator it = intermediate_layers.begin(); it != intermediate_layers.end(); ++it) ::Slic3r::SVG::export_expolygons( debug_out_path("support-intermediate-layers-untrimmed-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, (*it)->print_z), union_ex((*it)->polygons)); ++ iRun; #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ this->trim_support_layers_by_object(object, intermediate_layers, m_slicing_params.gap_support_object, m_slicing_params.gap_object_support, m_support_params.gap_xy); } void PrintObjectSupportMaterial::trim_support_layers_by_object( const PrintObject &object, MyLayersPtr &support_layers, const coordf_t gap_extra_above, const coordf_t gap_extra_below, const coordf_t gap_xy) const { const float gap_xy_scaled = float(scale_(gap_xy)); // Collect non-empty layers to be processed in parallel. // This is a good idea as pulling a thread from a thread pool for an empty task is expensive. MyLayersPtr nonempty_layers; nonempty_layers.reserve(support_layers.size()); for (size_t idx_layer = 0; idx_layer < support_layers.size(); ++ idx_layer) { MyLayer *support_layer = support_layers[idx_layer]; if (! support_layer->polygons.empty() && support_layer->print_z >= m_slicing_params.raft_contact_top_z + EPSILON) // Non-empty support layer and not a raft layer. nonempty_layers.push_back(support_layer); } // For all intermediate support layers: BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::trim_support_layers_by_object() in parallel - start"; tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, nonempty_layers.size()), [this, &object, &nonempty_layers, gap_extra_above, gap_extra_below, gap_xy_scaled](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) { size_t idx_object_layer_overlapping = size_t(-1); for (size_t idx_layer = range.begin(); idx_layer < range.end(); ++ idx_layer) { MyLayer &support_layer = *nonempty_layers[idx_layer]; // BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Support generator - trim_support_layers_by_object - trimmming non-empty layer " << idx_layer << " of " << nonempty_layers.size(); assert(! support_layer.polygons.empty() && support_layer.print_z >= m_slicing_params.raft_contact_top_z + EPSILON); // Find the overlapping object layers including the extra above / below gap. coordf_t z_threshold = support_layer.bottom_print_z() - gap_extra_below + EPSILON; idx_object_layer_overlapping = idx_higher_or_equal( object.layers().begin(), object.layers().end(), idx_object_layer_overlapping, [z_threshold](const Layer *layer){ return layer->print_z >= z_threshold; }); // Collect all the object layers intersecting with this layer. Polygons polygons_trimming; size_t i = idx_object_layer_overlapping; for (; i < object.layers().size(); ++ i) { const Layer &object_layer = *object.layers()[i]; if (object_layer.bottom_z() > support_layer.print_z + gap_extra_above - EPSILON) break; polygons_append(polygons_trimming, offset(object_layer.lslices, gap_xy_scaled, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); } if (! m_slicing_params.soluble_interface && m_object_config->thick_bridges) { // Collect all bottom surfaces, which will be extruded with a bridging flow. for (; i < object.layers().size(); ++ i) { const Layer &object_layer = *object.layers()[i]; bool some_region_overlaps = false; for (LayerRegion *region : object_layer.regions()) { coordf_t bridging_height = region->region().bridging_height_avg(*m_print_config); if (object_layer.print_z - bridging_height > support_layer.print_z + gap_extra_above - EPSILON) break; some_region_overlaps = true; polygons_append(polygons_trimming, offset(region->fill_surfaces.filter_by_type(stBottomBridge), gap_xy_scaled, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); if (region->region().config().overhangs.value) // Add bridging perimeters. SupportMaterialInternal::collect_bridging_perimeter_areas(region->perimeters, gap_xy_scaled, polygons_trimming); } if (! some_region_overlaps) break; } } // $layer->slices contains the full shape of layer, thus including // perimeter's width. $support contains the full shape of support // material, thus including the width of its foremost extrusion. // We leave a gap equal to a full extrusion width. support_layer.polygons = diff(support_layer.polygons, polygons_trimming); } }); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::trim_support_layers_by_object() in parallel - end"; } PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr PrintObjectSupportMaterial::generate_raft_base( const PrintObject &object, const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts, const MyLayersPtr &interface_layers, const MyLayersPtr &base_interface_layers, const MyLayersPtr &base_layers, MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const { // If there is brim to be generated, calculate the trimming regions. Polygons brim; if (object.has_brim()) { // Calculate the area covered by the brim. const BrimType brim_type = object.config().brim_type; const bool brim_outer = brim_type == btOuterOnly || brim_type == btOuterAndInner; const bool brim_inner = brim_type == btInnerOnly || brim_type == btOuterAndInner; const auto brim_separation = scaled<float>(object.config().brim_separation.value + object.config().brim_width.value); for (const ExPolygon &ex : object.layers().front()->lslices) { if (brim_outer && brim_inner) polygons_append(brim, offset(ex, brim_separation)); else { if (brim_outer) polygons_append(brim, offset(ex.contour, brim_separation, ClipperLib::jtRound, float(scale_(0.1)))); else brim.emplace_back(ex.contour); if (brim_inner) { Polygons holes = ex.holes; polygons_reverse(holes); holes = shrink(holes, brim_separation, ClipperLib::jtRound, float(scale_(0.1))); polygons_reverse(holes); polygons_append(brim, std::move(holes)); } else polygons_append(brim, ex.holes); } } brim = union_(brim); } // How much to inflate the support columns to be stable. This also applies to the 1st layer, if no raft layers are to be printed. const float inflate_factor_fine = float(scale_((m_slicing_params.raft_layers() > 1) ? 0.5 : EPSILON)); const float inflate_factor_1st_layer = std::max(0.f, float(scale_(object.config().raft_first_layer_expansion)) - inflate_factor_fine); MyLayer *contacts = top_contacts .empty() ? nullptr : top_contacts .front(); MyLayer *interfaces = interface_layers .empty() ? nullptr : interface_layers .front(); MyLayer *base_interfaces = base_interface_layers.empty() ? nullptr : base_interface_layers.front(); MyLayer *columns_base = base_layers .empty() ? nullptr : base_layers .front(); if (contacts != nullptr && contacts->print_z > std::max(m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height, m_slicing_params.raft_contact_top_z) + EPSILON) // This is not the raft contact layer. contacts = nullptr; if (interfaces != nullptr && interfaces->bottom_print_z() > m_slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z + EPSILON) // This is not the raft column base layer. interfaces = nullptr; if (base_interfaces != nullptr && base_interfaces->bottom_print_z() > m_slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z + EPSILON) // This is not the raft column base layer. base_interfaces = nullptr; if (columns_base != nullptr && columns_base->bottom_print_z() > m_slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z + EPSILON) // This is not the raft interface layer. columns_base = nullptr; Polygons interface_polygons; if (contacts != nullptr && ! contacts->polygons.empty()) polygons_append(interface_polygons, expand(contacts->polygons, inflate_factor_fine, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); if (interfaces != nullptr && ! interfaces->polygons.empty()) polygons_append(interface_polygons, expand(interfaces->polygons, inflate_factor_fine, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); if (base_interfaces != nullptr && ! base_interfaces->polygons.empty()) polygons_append(interface_polygons, expand(base_interfaces->polygons, inflate_factor_fine, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)); // Output vector. MyLayersPtr raft_layers; if (m_slicing_params.raft_layers() > 1) { Polygons base; Polygons columns; if (columns_base != nullptr) { base = columns_base->polygons; columns = base; if (! interface_polygons.empty()) // Trim the 1st layer columns with the inflated interface polygons. columns = diff(columns, interface_polygons); } if (! interface_polygons.empty()) { // Merge the untrimmed columns base with the expanded raft interface, to be used for the support base and interface. base = union_(base, interface_polygons); } // Do not add the raft contact layer, only add the raft layers below the contact layer. // Insert the 1st layer. { MyLayer &new_layer = layer_allocate(layer_storage, (m_slicing_params.base_raft_layers > 0) ? sltRaftBase : sltRaftInterface); raft_layers.push_back(&new_layer); new_layer.print_z = m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height; new_layer.height = m_slicing_params.first_print_layer_height; new_layer.bottom_z = 0.; new_layer.polygons = inflate_factor_1st_layer > 0 ? expand(base, inflate_factor_1st_layer) : base; } // Insert the base layers. for (size_t i = 1; i < m_slicing_params.base_raft_layers; ++ i) { coordf_t print_z = raft_layers.back()->print_z; MyLayer &new_layer = layer_allocate(layer_storage, sltRaftBase); raft_layers.push_back(&new_layer); new_layer.print_z = print_z + m_slicing_params.base_raft_layer_height; new_layer.height = m_slicing_params.base_raft_layer_height; new_layer.bottom_z = print_z; new_layer.polygons = base; } // Insert the interface layers. for (size_t i = 1; i < m_slicing_params.interface_raft_layers; ++ i) { coordf_t print_z = raft_layers.back()->print_z; MyLayer &new_layer = layer_allocate(layer_storage, sltRaftInterface); raft_layers.push_back(&new_layer); new_layer.print_z = print_z + m_slicing_params.interface_raft_layer_height; new_layer.height = m_slicing_params.interface_raft_layer_height; new_layer.bottom_z = print_z; new_layer.polygons = interface_polygons; //FIXME misusing contact_polygons for support columns. new_layer.contact_polygons = std::make_unique<Polygons>(columns); } } else { if (columns_base != nullptr) { // Expand the bases of the support columns in the 1st layer. Polygons &raft = columns_base->polygons; Polygons trimming = offset(m_object->layers().front()->lslices, (float)scale_(m_support_params.gap_xy), SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS); if (inflate_factor_1st_layer > SCALED_EPSILON) { // Inflate in multiple steps to avoid leaking of the support 1st layer through object walls. auto nsteps = std::max(5, int(ceil(inflate_factor_1st_layer / m_support_params.first_layer_flow.scaled_width()))); float step = inflate_factor_1st_layer / nsteps; for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; ++ i) raft = diff(expand(raft, step), trimming); } else raft = diff(raft, trimming); if (contacts != nullptr) columns_base->polygons = diff(columns_base->polygons, interface_polygons); } if (! brim.empty()) { if (columns_base) columns_base->polygons = diff(columns_base->polygons, brim); if (contacts) contacts->polygons = diff(contacts->polygons, brim); if (interfaces) interfaces->polygons = diff(interfaces->polygons, brim); if (base_interfaces) base_interfaces->polygons = diff(base_interfaces->polygons, brim); } } return raft_layers; } // Convert some of the intermediate layers into top/bottom interface layers as well as base interface layers. std::pair<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr> PrintObjectSupportMaterial::generate_interface_layers( const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts, const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts, MyLayersPtr &intermediate_layers, MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const { // my $area_threshold = $self->interface_flow->scaled_spacing ** 2; std::pair<MyLayersPtr, MyLayersPtr> base_and_interface_layers; MyLayersPtr &interface_layers = base_and_interface_layers.first; MyLayersPtr &base_interface_layers = base_and_interface_layers.second; // distinguish between interface and base interface layers // Contact layer is considered an interface layer, therefore run the following block only if support_material_interface_layers > 1. // Contact layer needs a base_interface layer, therefore run the following block if support_material_interface_layers > 0, has soluble support and extruders are different. bool soluble_interface_non_soluble_base = // Zero z-gap between the overhangs and the support interface. m_slicing_params.soluble_interface && // Interface extruder soluble. m_object_config->support_material_interface_extruder.value > 0 && m_print_config->filament_soluble.get_at(m_object_config->support_material_interface_extruder.value - 1) && // Base extruder: Either "print with active extruder" not soluble. (m_object_config->support_material_extruder.value == 0 || ! m_print_config->filament_soluble.get_at(m_object_config->support_material_extruder.value - 1)); bool snug_supports = m_object_config->support_material_style.value == smsSnug; int num_interface_layers_top = m_object_config->support_material_interface_layers; int num_interface_layers_bottom = m_object_config->support_material_bottom_interface_layers; if (num_interface_layers_bottom < 0) num_interface_layers_bottom = num_interface_layers_top; int num_base_interface_layers_top = soluble_interface_non_soluble_base ? std::min(num_interface_layers_top / 2, 2) : 0; int num_base_interface_layers_bottom = soluble_interface_non_soluble_base ? std::min(num_interface_layers_bottom / 2, 2) : 0; if (! intermediate_layers.empty() && (num_interface_layers_top > 1 || num_interface_layers_bottom > 1)) { // For all intermediate layers, collect top contact surfaces, which are not further than support_material_interface_layers. BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::generate_interface_layers() in parallel - start"; // Since the intermediate layer index starts at zero the number of interface layer needs to be reduced by 1. -- num_interface_layers_top; -- num_interface_layers_bottom; int num_interface_layers_only_top = num_interface_layers_top - num_base_interface_layers_top; int num_interface_layers_only_bottom = num_interface_layers_bottom - num_base_interface_layers_bottom; interface_layers.assign(intermediate_layers.size(), nullptr); if (num_base_interface_layers_top || num_base_interface_layers_bottom) base_interface_layers.assign(intermediate_layers.size(), nullptr); auto smoothing_distance = m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.scaled_spacing() * 1.5; auto minimum_island_radius = m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.scaled_spacing() / m_support_params.interface_density; auto closing_distance = smoothing_distance; // scaled<float>(m_object_config->support_material_closing_radius.value); tbb::spin_mutex layer_storage_mutex; // Insert a new layer into base_interface_layers, if intersection with base exists. auto insert_layer = [&layer_storage, &layer_storage_mutex, snug_supports, closing_distance, smoothing_distance, minimum_island_radius]( MyLayer &intermediate_layer, Polygons &bottom, Polygons &&top, const Polygons *subtract, SupporLayerType type) -> MyLayer* { assert(! bottom.empty() || ! top.empty()); // Merge top into bottom, unite them with a safety offset. append(bottom, std::move(top)); // Merge top / bottom interfaces. For snug supports, merge using closing distance and regularize (close concave corners). bottom = intersection( snug_supports ? smooth_outward(closing(std::move(bottom), closing_distance + minimum_island_radius, closing_distance, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS), smoothing_distance) : union_safety_offset(std::move(bottom)), intermediate_layer.polygons); if (! bottom.empty()) { //FIXME Remove non-printable tiny islands, let them be printed using the base support. //bottom = opening(std::move(bottom), minimum_island_radius); if (! bottom.empty()) { MyLayer &layer_new = layer_allocate(layer_storage, layer_storage_mutex, type); layer_new.polygons = std::move(bottom); layer_new.print_z = intermediate_layer.print_z; layer_new.bottom_z = intermediate_layer.bottom_z; layer_new.height = intermediate_layer.height; layer_new.bridging = intermediate_layer.bridging; // Subtract the interface from the base regions. intermediate_layer.polygons = diff(intermediate_layer.polygons, layer_new.polygons); if (subtract) // Trim the base interface layer with the interface layer. layer_new.polygons = diff(std::move(layer_new.polygons), *subtract); //FIXME filter layer_new.polygons islands by a minimum area? // $interface_area = [ grep abs($_->area) >= $area_threshold, @$interface_area ]; return &layer_new; } } return nullptr; }; tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, int(intermediate_layers.size())), [&bottom_contacts, &top_contacts, &intermediate_layers, &insert_layer, num_interface_layers_top, num_interface_layers_bottom, num_base_interface_layers_top, num_base_interface_layers_bottom, num_interface_layers_only_top, num_interface_layers_only_bottom, snug_supports, &interface_layers, &base_interface_layers](const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range) { // Gather the top / bottom contact layers intersecting with num_interface_layers resp. num_interface_layers_only intermediate layers above / below // this intermediate layer. // Index of the first top contact layer intersecting the current intermediate layer. auto idx_top_contact_first = -1; // Index of the first bottom contact layer intersecting the current intermediate layer. auto idx_bottom_contact_first = -1; auto num_intermediate = int(intermediate_layers.size()); for (int idx_intermediate_layer = range.begin(); idx_intermediate_layer < range.end(); ++ idx_intermediate_layer) { MyLayer &intermediate_layer = *intermediate_layers[idx_intermediate_layer]; Polygons polygons_top_contact_projected_interface; Polygons polygons_top_contact_projected_base; Polygons polygons_bottom_contact_projected_interface; Polygons polygons_bottom_contact_projected_base; if (num_interface_layers_top > 0) { // Top Z coordinate of a slab, over which we are collecting the top / bottom contact surfaces coordf_t top_z = intermediate_layers[std::min(num_intermediate - 1, idx_intermediate_layer + num_interface_layers_top - 1)]->print_z; coordf_t top_inteface_z = std::numeric_limits<coordf_t>::max(); if (num_base_interface_layers_top > 0) // Some top base interface layers will be generated. top_inteface_z = num_interface_layers_only_top == 0 ? // Only base interface layers to generate. - std::numeric_limits<coordf_t>::max() : intermediate_layers[std::min(num_intermediate - 1, idx_intermediate_layer + num_interface_layers_only_top - 1)]->print_z; // Move idx_top_contact_first up until above the current print_z. idx_top_contact_first = idx_higher_or_equal(top_contacts, idx_top_contact_first, [&intermediate_layer](const MyLayer *layer){ return layer->print_z >= intermediate_layer.print_z; }); // - EPSILON // Collect the top contact areas above this intermediate layer, below top_z. for (int idx_top_contact = idx_top_contact_first; idx_top_contact < int(top_contacts.size()); ++ idx_top_contact) { const MyLayer &top_contact_layer = *top_contacts[idx_top_contact]; //FIXME maybe this adds one interface layer in excess? if (top_contact_layer.bottom_z - EPSILON > top_z) break; polygons_append(top_contact_layer.bottom_z - EPSILON > top_inteface_z ? polygons_top_contact_projected_base : polygons_top_contact_projected_interface, // For snug supports, project the overhang polygons covering the whole overhang, so that they will merge without a gap with support polygons of the other layers. // For grid supports, merging of support regions will be performed by the projection into grid. snug_supports ? *top_contact_layer.overhang_polygons : top_contact_layer.polygons); } } if (num_interface_layers_bottom > 0) { // Bottom Z coordinate of a slab, over which we are collecting the top / bottom contact surfaces coordf_t bottom_z = intermediate_layers[std::max(0, idx_intermediate_layer - num_interface_layers_bottom + 1)]->bottom_z; coordf_t bottom_interface_z = - std::numeric_limits<coordf_t>::max(); if (num_base_interface_layers_bottom > 0) // Some bottom base interface layers will be generated. bottom_interface_z = num_interface_layers_only_bottom == 0 ? // Only base interface layers to generate. std::numeric_limits<coordf_t>::max() : intermediate_layers[std::max(0, idx_intermediate_layer - num_interface_layers_only_bottom)]->bottom_z; // Move idx_bottom_contact_first up until touching bottom_z. idx_bottom_contact_first = idx_higher_or_equal(bottom_contacts, idx_bottom_contact_first, [bottom_z](const MyLayer *layer){ return layer->print_z >= bottom_z - EPSILON; }); // Collect the top contact areas above this intermediate layer, below top_z. for (int idx_bottom_contact = idx_bottom_contact_first; idx_bottom_contact < int(bottom_contacts.size()); ++ idx_bottom_contact) { const MyLayer &bottom_contact_layer = *bottom_contacts[idx_bottom_contact]; if (bottom_contact_layer.print_z - EPSILON > intermediate_layer.bottom_z) break; polygons_append(bottom_contact_layer.print_z - EPSILON > bottom_interface_z ? polygons_bottom_contact_projected_interface : polygons_bottom_contact_projected_base, bottom_contact_layer.polygons); } } MyLayer *interface_layer = nullptr; if (! polygons_bottom_contact_projected_interface.empty() || ! polygons_top_contact_projected_interface.empty()) { interface_layer = insert_layer( intermediate_layer, polygons_bottom_contact_projected_interface, std::move(polygons_top_contact_projected_interface), nullptr, polygons_top_contact_projected_interface.empty() ? sltBottomInterface : sltTopInterface); interface_layers[idx_intermediate_layer] = interface_layer; } if (! polygons_bottom_contact_projected_base.empty() || ! polygons_top_contact_projected_base.empty()) base_interface_layers[idx_intermediate_layer] = insert_layer( intermediate_layer, polygons_bottom_contact_projected_base, std::move(polygons_top_contact_projected_base), interface_layer ? &interface_layer->polygons : nullptr, sltBase); } }); // Compress contact_out, remove the nullptr items. remove_nulls(interface_layers); remove_nulls(base_interface_layers); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrintObjectSupportMaterial::generate_interface_layers() in parallel - end"; } return base_and_interface_layers; } static inline void fill_expolygon_generate_paths( ExtrusionEntitiesPtr &dst, ExPolygon &&expolygon, Fill *filler, const FillParams &fill_params, float density, ExtrusionRole role, const Flow &flow) { Surface surface(stInternal, std::move(expolygon)); Polylines polylines; try { polylines = filler->fill_surface(&surface, fill_params); } catch (InfillFailedException &) { } extrusion_entities_append_paths( dst, std::move(polylines), role, flow.mm3_per_mm(), flow.width(), flow.height()); } static inline void fill_expolygons_generate_paths( ExtrusionEntitiesPtr &dst, ExPolygons &&expolygons, Fill *filler, const FillParams &fill_params, float density, ExtrusionRole role, const Flow &flow) { for (ExPolygon &expoly : expolygons) fill_expolygon_generate_paths(dst, std::move(expoly), filler, fill_params, density, role, flow); } static inline void fill_expolygons_generate_paths( ExtrusionEntitiesPtr &dst, ExPolygons &&expolygons, Fill *filler, float density, ExtrusionRole role, const Flow &flow) { FillParams fill_params; fill_params.density = density; fill_params.dont_adjust = true; fill_expolygons_generate_paths(dst, std::move(expolygons), filler, fill_params, density, role, flow); } static inline void fill_expolygons_with_sheath_generate_paths( ExtrusionEntitiesPtr &dst, const Polygons &polygons, Fill *filler, float density, ExtrusionRole role, const Flow &flow, bool with_sheath, bool no_sort) { if (polygons.empty()) return; if (! with_sheath) { fill_expolygons_generate_paths(dst, closing_ex(polygons, float(SCALED_EPSILON)), filler, density, role, flow); return; } FillParams fill_params; fill_params.density = density; fill_params.dont_adjust = true; double spacing = flow.scaled_spacing(); // Clip the sheath path to avoid the extruder to get exactly on the first point of the loop. double clip_length = spacing * 0.15; for (ExPolygon &expoly : closing_ex(polygons, float(SCALED_EPSILON), float(SCALED_EPSILON + 0.5*flow.scaled_width()))) { // Don't reorder the skirt and its infills. std::unique_ptr<ExtrusionEntityCollection> eec; if (no_sort) { eec = std::make_unique<ExtrusionEntityCollection>(); eec->no_sort = true; } ExtrusionEntitiesPtr &out = no_sort ? eec->entities : dst; // Draw the perimeters. Polylines polylines; polylines.reserve(expoly.holes.size() + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i <= expoly.holes.size(); ++ i) { Polyline pl(i == 0 ? expoly.contour.points : expoly.holes[i - 1].points); pl.points.emplace_back(pl.points.front()); pl.clip_end(clip_length); polylines.emplace_back(std::move(pl)); } extrusion_entities_append_paths(out, polylines, erSupportMaterial, flow.mm3_per_mm(), flow.width(), flow.height()); // Fill in the rest. fill_expolygons_generate_paths(out, offset_ex(expoly, float(-0.4 * spacing)), filler, fill_params, density, role, flow); if (no_sort && ! eec->empty()) dst.emplace_back(eec.release()); } } // Support layers, partially processed. struct MyLayerExtruded { MyLayerExtruded& operator=(MyLayerExtruded &&rhs) { this->layer = rhs.layer; this->extrusions = std::move(rhs.extrusions); m_polygons_to_extrude = std::move(rhs.m_polygons_to_extrude); rhs.layer = nullptr; return *this; } bool empty() const { return layer == nullptr || layer->polygons.empty(); } void set_polygons_to_extrude(Polygons &&polygons) { if (m_polygons_to_extrude == nullptr) m_polygons_to_extrude = std::make_unique<Polygons>(std::move(polygons)); else *m_polygons_to_extrude = std::move(polygons); } Polygons& polygons_to_extrude() { return (m_polygons_to_extrude == nullptr) ? layer->polygons : *m_polygons_to_extrude; } const Polygons& polygons_to_extrude() const { return (m_polygons_to_extrude == nullptr) ? layer->polygons : *m_polygons_to_extrude; } bool could_merge(const MyLayerExtruded &other) const { return ! this->empty() && ! other.empty() && std::abs(this->layer->height - other.layer->height) < EPSILON && this->layer->bridging == other.layer->bridging; } // Merge regions, perform boolean union over the merged polygons. void merge(MyLayerExtruded &&other) { assert(this->could_merge(other)); // 1) Merge the rest polygons to extrude, if there are any. if (other.m_polygons_to_extrude != nullptr) { if (m_polygons_to_extrude == nullptr) { // This layer has no extrusions generated yet, if it has no m_polygons_to_extrude (its area to extrude was not reduced yet). assert(this->extrusions.empty()); m_polygons_to_extrude = std::make_unique<Polygons>(this->layer->polygons); } Slic3r::polygons_append(*m_polygons_to_extrude, std::move(*other.m_polygons_to_extrude)); *m_polygons_to_extrude = union_safety_offset(*m_polygons_to_extrude); other.m_polygons_to_extrude.reset(); } else if (m_polygons_to_extrude != nullptr) { assert(other.m_polygons_to_extrude == nullptr); // The other layer has no extrusions generated yet, if it has no m_polygons_to_extrude (its area to extrude was not reduced yet). assert(other.extrusions.empty()); Slic3r::polygons_append(*m_polygons_to_extrude, other.layer->polygons); *m_polygons_to_extrude = union_safety_offset(*m_polygons_to_extrude); } // 2) Merge the extrusions. this->extrusions.insert(this->extrusions.end(), other.extrusions.begin(), other.extrusions.end()); other.extrusions.clear(); // 3) Merge the infill polygons. Slic3r::polygons_append(this->layer->polygons, std::move(other.layer->polygons)); this->layer->polygons = union_safety_offset(this->layer->polygons); other.layer->polygons.clear(); } void polygons_append(Polygons &dst) const { if (layer != NULL && ! layer->polygons.empty()) Slic3r::polygons_append(dst, layer->polygons); } // The source layer. It carries the height and extrusion type (bridging / non bridging, extrusion height). PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer *layer { nullptr }; // Collect extrusions. They will be exported sorted by the bottom height. ExtrusionEntitiesPtr extrusions; private: // In case the extrusions are non-empty, m_polygons_to_extrude may contain the rest areas yet to be filled by additional support. // This is useful mainly for the loop interfaces, which are generated before the zig-zag infills. std::unique_ptr<Polygons> m_polygons_to_extrude; }; typedef std::vector<MyLayerExtruded*> MyLayerExtrudedPtrs; struct LoopInterfaceProcessor { LoopInterfaceProcessor(coordf_t circle_r) : n_contact_loops(0), circle_radius(circle_r), circle_distance(circle_r * 3.) { // Shape of the top contact area. circle.points.reserve(6); for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; ++ i) { double angle = double(i) * M_PI / 3.; circle.points.push_back(Point(circle_radius * cos(angle), circle_radius * sin(angle))); } } // Generate loop contacts at the top_contact_layer, // trim the top_contact_layer->polygons with the areas covered by the loops. void generate(MyLayerExtruded &top_contact_layer, const Flow &interface_flow_src) const; int n_contact_loops; coordf_t circle_radius; coordf_t circle_distance; Polygon circle; }; void LoopInterfaceProcessor::generate(MyLayerExtruded &top_contact_layer, const Flow &interface_flow_src) const { if (n_contact_loops == 0 || top_contact_layer.empty()) return; Flow flow = interface_flow_src.with_height(top_contact_layer.layer->height); Polygons overhang_polygons; if (top_contact_layer.layer->overhang_polygons != nullptr) overhang_polygons = std::move(*top_contact_layer.layer->overhang_polygons); // Generate the outermost loop. // Find centerline of the external loop (or any other kind of extrusions should the loop be skipped) ExPolygons top_contact_expolygons = offset_ex(union_ex(top_contact_layer.layer->polygons), - 0.5f * flow.scaled_width()); // Grid size and bit shifts for quick and exact to/from grid coordinates manipulation. coord_t circle_grid_resolution = 1; coord_t circle_grid_powerof2 = 0; { // epsilon to account for rounding errors coord_t circle_grid_resolution_non_powerof2 = coord_t(2. * circle_distance + 3.); while (circle_grid_resolution < circle_grid_resolution_non_powerof2) { circle_grid_resolution <<= 1; ++ circle_grid_powerof2; } } struct PointAccessor { const Point* operator()(const Point &pt) const { return &pt; } }; typedef ClosestPointInRadiusLookup<Point, PointAccessor> ClosestPointLookupType; Polygons loops0; { // find centerline of the external loop of the contours // Only consider the loops facing the overhang. Polygons external_loops; // Holes in the external loops. Polygons circles; Polygons overhang_with_margin = offset(union_ex(overhang_polygons), 0.5f * flow.scaled_width()); for (ExPolygons::iterator it_contact_expoly = top_contact_expolygons.begin(); it_contact_expoly != top_contact_expolygons.end(); ++ it_contact_expoly) { // Store the circle centers placed for an expolygon into a regular grid, hashed by the circle centers. ClosestPointLookupType circle_centers_lookup(coord_t(circle_distance - SCALED_EPSILON)); Points circle_centers; Point center_last; // For each contour of the expolygon, start with the outer contour, continue with the holes. for (size_t i_contour = 0; i_contour <= it_contact_expoly->holes.size(); ++ i_contour) { Polygon &contour = (i_contour == 0) ? it_contact_expoly->contour : it_contact_expoly->holes[i_contour - 1]; const Point *seg_current_pt = nullptr; coordf_t seg_current_t = 0.; if (! intersection_pl(contour.split_at_first_point(), overhang_with_margin).empty()) { // The contour is below the overhang at least to some extent. //FIXME ideally one would place the circles below the overhang only. // Walk around the contour and place circles so their centers are not closer than circle_distance from each other. if (circle_centers.empty()) { // Place the first circle. seg_current_pt = &contour.points.front(); seg_current_t = 0.; center_last = *seg_current_pt; circle_centers_lookup.insert(center_last); circle_centers.push_back(center_last); } for (Points::const_iterator it = contour.points.begin() + 1; it != contour.points.end(); ++it) { // Is it possible to place a circle on this segment? Is it not too close to any of the circles already placed on this contour? const Point &p1 = *(it-1); const Point &p2 = *it; // Intersection of a ray (p1, p2) with a circle placed at center_last, with radius of circle_distance. const Vec2d v_seg(coordf_t(p2(0)) - coordf_t(p1(0)), coordf_t(p2(1)) - coordf_t(p1(1))); const Vec2d v_cntr(coordf_t(p1(0) - center_last(0)), coordf_t(p1(1) - center_last(1))); coordf_t a = v_seg.squaredNorm(); coordf_t b = 2. * v_seg.dot(v_cntr); coordf_t c = v_cntr.squaredNorm() - circle_distance * circle_distance; coordf_t disc = b * b - 4. * a * c; if (disc > 0.) { // The circle intersects a ray. Avoid the parts of the segment inside the circle. coordf_t t1 = (-b - sqrt(disc)) / (2. * a); coordf_t t2 = (-b + sqrt(disc)) / (2. * a); coordf_t t0 = (seg_current_pt == &p1) ? seg_current_t : 0.; // Take the lowest t in <t0, 1.>, excluding <t1, t2>. coordf_t t; if (t0 <= t1) t = t0; else if (t2 <= 1.) t = t2; else { // Try the following segment. seg_current_pt = nullptr; continue; } seg_current_pt = &p1; seg_current_t = t; center_last = Point(p1(0) + coord_t(v_seg(0) * t), p1(1) + coord_t(v_seg(1) * t)); // It has been verified that the new point is far enough from center_last. // Ensure, that it is far enough from all the centers. std::pair<const Point*, coordf_t> circle_closest = circle_centers_lookup.find(center_last); if (circle_closest.first != nullptr) { -- it; continue; } } else { // All of the segment is outside the circle. Take the first point. seg_current_pt = &p1; seg_current_t = 0.; center_last = p1; } // Place the first circle. circle_centers_lookup.insert(center_last); circle_centers.push_back(center_last); } external_loops.push_back(std::move(contour)); for (const Point ¢er : circle_centers) { circles.push_back(circle); circles.back().translate(center); } } } } // Apply a pattern to the external loops. loops0 = diff(external_loops, circles); } Polylines loop_lines; { // make more loops Polygons loop_polygons = loops0; for (int i = 1; i < n_contact_loops; ++ i) polygons_append(loop_polygons, opening( loops0, i * flow.scaled_spacing() + 0.5f * flow.scaled_spacing(), 0.5f * flow.scaled_spacing())); // Clip such loops to the side oriented towards the object. // Collect split points, so they will be recognized after the clipping. // At the split points the clipped pieces will be stitched back together. loop_lines.reserve(loop_polygons.size()); std::unordered_map<Point, int, PointHash> map_split_points; for (Polygons::const_iterator it = loop_polygons.begin(); it != loop_polygons.end(); ++ it) { assert(map_split_points.find(it->first_point()) == map_split_points.end()); map_split_points[it->first_point()] = -1; loop_lines.push_back(it->split_at_first_point()); } loop_lines = intersection_pl(loop_lines, expand(overhang_polygons, scale_(SUPPORT_MATERIAL_MARGIN))); // Because a closed loop has been split to a line, loop_lines may contain continuous segments split to 2 pieces. // Try to connect them. for (int i_line = 0; i_line < int(loop_lines.size()); ++ i_line) { Polyline &polyline = loop_lines[i_line]; auto it = map_split_points.find(polyline.first_point()); if (it != map_split_points.end()) { // This is a stitching point. // If this assert triggers, multiple source polygons likely intersected at this point. assert(it->second != -2); if (it->second < 0) { // First occurence. it->second = i_line; } else { // Second occurence. Join the lines. Polyline &polyline_1st = loop_lines[it->second]; assert(polyline_1st.first_point() == it->first || polyline_1st.last_point() == it->first); if (polyline_1st.first_point() == it->first) polyline_1st.reverse(); polyline_1st.append(std::move(polyline)); it->second = -2; } continue; } it = map_split_points.find(polyline.last_point()); if (it != map_split_points.end()) { // This is a stitching point. // If this assert triggers, multiple source polygons likely intersected at this point. assert(it->second != -2); if (it->second < 0) { // First occurence. it->second = i_line; } else { // Second occurence. Join the lines. Polyline &polyline_1st = loop_lines[it->second]; assert(polyline_1st.first_point() == it->first || polyline_1st.last_point() == it->first); if (polyline_1st.first_point() == it->first) polyline_1st.reverse(); polyline.reverse(); polyline_1st.append(std::move(polyline)); it->second = -2; } } } // Remove empty lines. remove_degenerate(loop_lines); } // add the contact infill area to the interface area // note that growing loops by $circle_radius ensures no tiny // extrusions are left inside the circles; however it creates // a very large gap between loops and contact_infill_polygons, so maybe another // solution should be found to achieve both goals // Store the trimmed polygons into a separate polygon set, so the original infill area remains intact for // "modulate by layer thickness". top_contact_layer.set_polygons_to_extrude(diff(top_contact_layer.layer->polygons, offset(loop_lines, float(circle_radius * 1.1)))); // Transform loops into ExtrusionPath objects. extrusion_entities_append_paths( top_contact_layer.extrusions, std::move(loop_lines), erSupportMaterialInterface, flow.mm3_per_mm(), flow.width(), flow.height()); } #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG static std::string dbg_index_to_color(int idx) { if (idx < 0) return "yellow"; idx = idx % 3; switch (idx) { case 0: return "red"; case 1: return "green"; default: return "blue"; } } #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ // When extruding a bottom interface layer over an object, the bottom interface layer is extruded in a thin air, therefore // it is being extruded with a bridging flow to not shrink excessively (the die swell effect). // Tiny extrusions are better avoided and it is always better to anchor the thread to an existing support structure if possible. // Therefore the bottom interface spots are expanded a bit. The expanded regions may overlap with another bottom interface layers, // leading to over extrusion, where they overlap. The over extrusion is better avoided as it often makes the interface layers // to stick too firmly to the object. // // Modulate thickness (increase bottom_z) of extrusions_in_out generated for this_layer // if they overlap with overlapping_layers, whose print_z is above this_layer.bottom_z() and below this_layer.print_z. void modulate_extrusion_by_overlapping_layers( // Extrusions generated for this_layer. ExtrusionEntitiesPtr &extrusions_in_out, const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &this_layer, // Multiple layers overlapping with this_layer, sorted bottom up. const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayersPtr &overlapping_layers) { size_t n_overlapping_layers = overlapping_layers.size(); if (n_overlapping_layers == 0 || extrusions_in_out.empty()) // The extrusions do not overlap with any other extrusion. return; // Get the initial extrusion parameters. ExtrusionPath *extrusion_path_template = dynamic_cast<ExtrusionPath*>(extrusions_in_out.front()); assert(extrusion_path_template != nullptr); ExtrusionRole extrusion_role = extrusion_path_template->role(); float extrusion_width = extrusion_path_template->width; struct ExtrusionPathFragment { ExtrusionPathFragment() : mm3_per_mm(-1), width(-1), height(-1) {}; ExtrusionPathFragment(double mm3_per_mm, float width, float height) : mm3_per_mm(mm3_per_mm), width(width), height(height) {}; Polylines polylines; double mm3_per_mm; float width; float height; }; // Split the extrusions by the overlapping layers, reduce their extrusion rate. // The last path_fragment is from this_layer. std::vector<ExtrusionPathFragment> path_fragments( n_overlapping_layers + 1, ExtrusionPathFragment(extrusion_path_template->mm3_per_mm, extrusion_path_template->width, extrusion_path_template->height)); // Don't use it, it will be released. extrusion_path_template = nullptr; #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG static int iRun = 0; ++ iRun; BoundingBox bbox; for (size_t i_overlapping_layer = 0; i_overlapping_layer < n_overlapping_layers; ++ i_overlapping_layer) { const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &overlapping_layer = *overlapping_layers[i_overlapping_layer]; bbox.merge(get_extents(overlapping_layer.polygons)); } for (ExtrusionEntitiesPtr::const_iterator it = extrusions_in_out.begin(); it != extrusions_in_out.end(); ++ it) { ExtrusionPath *path = dynamic_cast<ExtrusionPath*>(*it); assert(path != nullptr); bbox.merge(get_extents(path->polyline)); } SVG svg(debug_out_path("support-fragments-%d-%lf.svg", iRun, this_layer.print_z).c_str(), bbox); const float transparency = 0.5f; // Filled polygons for the overlapping regions. svg.draw(union_ex(this_layer.polygons), dbg_index_to_color(-1), transparency); for (size_t i_overlapping_layer = 0; i_overlapping_layer < n_overlapping_layers; ++ i_overlapping_layer) { const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &overlapping_layer = *overlapping_layers[i_overlapping_layer]; svg.draw(union_ex(overlapping_layer.polygons), dbg_index_to_color(int(i_overlapping_layer)), transparency); } // Contours of the overlapping regions. svg.draw(to_polylines(this_layer.polygons), dbg_index_to_color(-1), scale_(0.2)); for (size_t i_overlapping_layer = 0; i_overlapping_layer < n_overlapping_layers; ++ i_overlapping_layer) { const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &overlapping_layer = *overlapping_layers[i_overlapping_layer]; svg.draw(to_polylines(overlapping_layer.polygons), dbg_index_to_color(int(i_overlapping_layer)), scale_(0.1)); } // Fill extrusion, the source. for (ExtrusionEntitiesPtr::const_iterator it = extrusions_in_out.begin(); it != extrusions_in_out.end(); ++ it) { ExtrusionPath *path = dynamic_cast<ExtrusionPath*>(*it); std::string color_name; switch ((it - extrusions_in_out.begin()) % 9) { case 0: color_name = "magenta"; break; case 1: color_name = "deepskyblue"; break; case 2: color_name = "coral"; break; case 3: color_name = "goldenrod"; break; case 4: color_name = "orange"; break; case 5: color_name = "olivedrab"; break; case 6: color_name = "blueviolet"; break; case 7: color_name = "brown"; break; default: color_name = "orchid"; break; } svg.draw(path->polyline, color_name, scale_(0.2)); } #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ // End points of the original paths. std::vector<std::pair<Point, Point>> path_ends; // Collect the paths of this_layer. { Polylines &polylines = path_fragments.back().polylines; for (ExtrusionEntity *ee : extrusions_in_out) { ExtrusionPath *path = dynamic_cast<ExtrusionPath*>(ee); assert(path != nullptr); polylines.emplace_back(Polyline(std::move(path->polyline))); path_ends.emplace_back(std::pair<Point, Point>(polylines.back().points.front(), polylines.back().points.back())); } } // Destroy the original extrusion paths, their polylines were moved to path_fragments already. // This will be the destination for the new paths. extrusions_in_out.clear(); // Fragment the path segments by overlapping layers. The overlapping layers are sorted by an increasing print_z. // Trim by the highest overlapping layer first. for (int i_overlapping_layer = int(n_overlapping_layers) - 1; i_overlapping_layer >= 0; -- i_overlapping_layer) { const PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer &overlapping_layer = *overlapping_layers[i_overlapping_layer]; ExtrusionPathFragment &frag = path_fragments[i_overlapping_layer]; Polygons polygons_trimming = offset(union_ex(overlapping_layer.polygons), float(scale_(0.5*extrusion_width))); frag.polylines = intersection_pl(path_fragments.back().polylines, polygons_trimming); path_fragments.back().polylines = diff_pl(path_fragments.back().polylines, polygons_trimming); // Adjust the extrusion parameters for a reduced layer height and a non-bridging flow (nozzle_dmr = -1, does not matter). assert(this_layer.print_z > overlapping_layer.print_z); frag.height = float(this_layer.print_z - overlapping_layer.print_z); frag.mm3_per_mm = Flow(frag.width, frag.height, -1.f).mm3_per_mm(); #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG svg.draw(frag.polylines, dbg_index_to_color(i_overlapping_layer), scale_(0.1)); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ } #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG svg.draw(path_fragments.back().polylines, dbg_index_to_color(-1), scale_(0.1)); svg.Close(); #endif /* SLIC3R_DEBUG */ // Now chain the split segments using hashing and a nearly exact match, maintaining the order of segments. // Create a single ExtrusionPath or ExtrusionEntityCollection per source ExtrusionPath. // Map of fragment start/end points to a pair of <i_overlapping_layer, i_polyline_in_layer> // Because a non-exact matching is used for the end points, a multi-map is used. // As the clipper library may reverse the order of some clipped paths, store both ends into the map. struct ExtrusionPathFragmentEnd { ExtrusionPathFragmentEnd(size_t alayer_idx, size_t apolyline_idx, bool ais_start) : layer_idx(alayer_idx), polyline_idx(apolyline_idx), is_start(ais_start) {} size_t layer_idx; size_t polyline_idx; bool is_start; }; class ExtrusionPathFragmentEndPointAccessor { public: ExtrusionPathFragmentEndPointAccessor(const std::vector<ExtrusionPathFragment> &path_fragments) : m_path_fragments(path_fragments) {} // Return an end point of a fragment, or nullptr if the fragment has been consumed already. const Point* operator()(const ExtrusionPathFragmentEnd &fragment_end) const { const Polyline &polyline = m_path_fragments[fragment_end.layer_idx].polylines[fragment_end.polyline_idx]; return polyline.points.empty() ? nullptr : (fragment_end.is_start ? &polyline.points.front() : &polyline.points.back()); } private: ExtrusionPathFragmentEndPointAccessor& operator=(const ExtrusionPathFragmentEndPointAccessor&) { return *this; } const std::vector<ExtrusionPathFragment> &m_path_fragments; }; const coord_t search_radius = 7; ClosestPointInRadiusLookup<ExtrusionPathFragmentEnd, ExtrusionPathFragmentEndPointAccessor> map_fragment_starts( search_radius, ExtrusionPathFragmentEndPointAccessor(path_fragments)); for (size_t i_overlapping_layer = 0; i_overlapping_layer <= n_overlapping_layers; ++ i_overlapping_layer) { const Polylines &polylines = path_fragments[i_overlapping_layer].polylines; for (size_t i_polyline = 0; i_polyline < polylines.size(); ++ i_polyline) { // Map a starting point of a polyline to a pair of <layer, polyline> if (polylines[i_polyline].points.size() >= 2) { map_fragment_starts.insert(ExtrusionPathFragmentEnd(i_overlapping_layer, i_polyline, true)); map_fragment_starts.insert(ExtrusionPathFragmentEnd(i_overlapping_layer, i_polyline, false)); } } } // For each source path: for (size_t i_path = 0; i_path < path_ends.size(); ++ i_path) { const Point &pt_start = path_ends[i_path].first; const Point &pt_end = path_ends[i_path].second; Point pt_current = pt_start; // Find a chain of fragments with the original / reduced print height. ExtrusionMultiPath multipath; for (;;) { // Find a closest end point to pt_current. std::pair<const ExtrusionPathFragmentEnd*, coordf_t> end_and_dist2 = map_fragment_starts.find(pt_current); // There may be a bug in Clipper flipping the order of two last points in a fragment? // assert(end_and_dist2.first != nullptr); assert(end_and_dist2.first == nullptr || end_and_dist2.second < search_radius * search_radius); if (end_and_dist2.first == nullptr) { // New fragment connecting to pt_current was not found. // Verify that the last point found is close to the original end point of the unfragmented path. //const double d2 = (pt_end - pt_current).cast<double>.squaredNorm(); //assert(d2 < coordf_t(search_radius * search_radius)); // End of the path. break; } const ExtrusionPathFragmentEnd &fragment_end_min = *end_and_dist2.first; // Fragment to consume. ExtrusionPathFragment &frag = path_fragments[fragment_end_min.layer_idx]; Polyline &frag_polyline = frag.polylines[fragment_end_min.polyline_idx]; // Path to append the fragment to. ExtrusionPath *path = multipath.paths.empty() ? nullptr : &multipath.paths.back(); if (path != nullptr) { // Verify whether the path is compatible with the current fragment. assert(this_layer.layer_type == PrintObjectSupportMaterial::sltBottomContact || path->height != frag.height || path->mm3_per_mm != frag.mm3_per_mm); if (path->height != frag.height || path->mm3_per_mm != frag.mm3_per_mm) { path = nullptr; } // Merging with the previous path. This can only happen if the current layer was reduced by a base layer, which was split into a base and interface layer. } if (path == nullptr) { // Allocate a new path. multipath.paths.push_back(ExtrusionPath(extrusion_role, frag.mm3_per_mm, frag.width, frag.height)); path = &multipath.paths.back(); } // The Clipper library may flip the order of the clipped polylines arbitrarily. // Reverse the source polyline, if connecting to the end. if (! fragment_end_min.is_start) frag_polyline.reverse(); // Enforce exact overlap of the end points of successive fragments. assert(frag_polyline.points.front() == pt_current); frag_polyline.points.front() = pt_current; // Don't repeat the first point. if (! path->polyline.points.empty()) path->polyline.points.pop_back(); // Consume the fragment's polyline, remove it from the input fragments, so it will be ignored the next time. path->polyline.append(std::move(frag_polyline)); frag_polyline.points.clear(); pt_current = path->polyline.points.back(); if (pt_current == pt_end) { // End of the path. break; } } if (!multipath.paths.empty()) { if (multipath.paths.size() == 1) { // This path was not fragmented. extrusions_in_out.push_back(new ExtrusionPath(std::move(multipath.paths.front()))); } else { // This path was fragmented. Copy the collection as a whole object, so the order inside the collection will not be changed // during the chaining of extrusions_in_out. extrusions_in_out.push_back(new ExtrusionMultiPath(std::move(multipath))); } } } // If there are any non-consumed fragments, add them separately. //FIXME this shall not happen, if the Clipper works as expected and all paths split to fragments could be re-connected. for (auto it_fragment = path_fragments.begin(); it_fragment != path_fragments.end(); ++ it_fragment) extrusion_entities_append_paths(extrusions_in_out, std::move(it_fragment->polylines), extrusion_role, it_fragment->mm3_per_mm, it_fragment->width, it_fragment->height); } void PrintObjectSupportMaterial::generate_toolpaths( SupportLayerPtrs &support_layers, const MyLayersPtr &raft_layers, const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts, const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts, const MyLayersPtr &intermediate_layers, const MyLayersPtr &interface_layers, const MyLayersPtr &base_interface_layers) const { // loop_interface_processor with a given circle radius. LoopInterfaceProcessor loop_interface_processor(1.5 * m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.scaled_width()); loop_interface_processor.n_contact_loops = this->has_contact_loops() ? 1 : 0; std::vector<float> angles { m_support_params.base_angle }; if (m_object_config->support_material_pattern == smpRectilinearGrid) angles.push_back(m_support_params.interface_angle); BoundingBox bbox_object(Point(-scale_(1.), -scale_(1.0)), Point(scale_(1.), scale_(1.))); // const coordf_t link_max_length_factor = 3.; const coordf_t link_max_length_factor = 0.; float raft_angle_1st_layer = 0.f; float raft_angle_base = 0.f; float raft_angle_interface = 0.f; if (m_slicing_params.base_raft_layers > 1) { // There are all raft layer types (1st layer, base, interface & contact layers) available. raft_angle_1st_layer = m_support_params.interface_angle; raft_angle_base = m_support_params.base_angle; raft_angle_interface = m_support_params.interface_angle; } else if (m_slicing_params.base_raft_layers == 1 || m_slicing_params.interface_raft_layers > 1) { // 1st layer, interface & contact layers available. raft_angle_1st_layer = m_support_params.base_angle; if (this->has_support()) // Print 1st layer at 45 degrees from both the interface and base angles as both can land on the 1st layer. raft_angle_1st_layer += 0.7854f; raft_angle_interface = m_support_params.interface_angle; } else if (m_slicing_params.interface_raft_layers == 1) { // Only the contact raft layer is non-empty, which will be printed as the 1st layer. assert(m_slicing_params.base_raft_layers == 0); assert(m_slicing_params.interface_raft_layers == 1); assert(m_slicing_params.raft_layers() == 1 && raft_layers.size() == 0); } else { // No raft. assert(m_slicing_params.base_raft_layers == 0); assert(m_slicing_params.interface_raft_layers == 0); assert(m_slicing_params.raft_layers() == 0 && raft_layers.size() == 0); } // Insert the raft base layers. size_t n_raft_layers = size_t(std::max(0, int(m_slicing_params.raft_layers()) - 1)); tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, n_raft_layers), [this, &support_layers, &raft_layers, &bbox_object, raft_angle_1st_layer, raft_angle_base, raft_angle_interface, link_max_length_factor] (const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) { for (size_t support_layer_id = range.begin(); support_layer_id < range.end(); ++ support_layer_id) { assert(support_layer_id < raft_layers.size()); SupportLayer &support_layer = *support_layers[support_layer_id]; assert(support_layer.support_fills.entities.empty()); MyLayer &raft_layer = *raft_layers[support_layer_id]; std::unique_ptr<Fill> filler_interface = std::unique_ptr<Fill>(Fill::new_from_type(m_support_params.interface_fill_pattern)); std::unique_ptr<Fill> filler_support = std::unique_ptr<Fill>(Fill::new_from_type(m_support_params.base_fill_pattern)); filler_interface->set_bounding_box(bbox_object); filler_support->set_bounding_box(bbox_object); // Print the support base below the support columns, or the support base for the support columns plus the contacts. if (support_layer_id > 0) { const Polygons &to_infill_polygons = (support_layer_id < m_slicing_params.base_raft_layers) ? raft_layer.polygons : //FIXME misusing contact_polygons for support columns. ((raft_layer.contact_polygons == nullptr) ? Polygons() : *raft_layer.contact_polygons); if (! to_infill_polygons.empty()) { assert(! raft_layer.bridging); Flow flow(float(m_support_params.support_material_flow.width()), float(raft_layer.height), m_support_params.support_material_flow.nozzle_diameter()); Fill * filler = filler_support.get(); filler->angle = raft_angle_base; filler->spacing = m_support_params.support_material_flow.spacing(); filler->link_max_length = coord_t(scale_(filler->spacing * link_max_length_factor / m_support_params.support_density)); fill_expolygons_with_sheath_generate_paths( // Destination support_layer.support_fills.entities, // Regions to fill to_infill_polygons, // Filler and its parameters filler, float(m_support_params.support_density), // Extrusion parameters erSupportMaterial, flow, m_support_params.with_sheath, false); } } Fill *filler = filler_interface.get(); Flow flow = m_support_params.first_layer_flow; float density = 0.f; if (support_layer_id == 0) { // Base flange. filler->angle = raft_angle_1st_layer; filler->spacing = m_support_params.first_layer_flow.spacing(); density = float(m_object_config->raft_first_layer_density.value * 0.01); } else if (support_layer_id >= m_slicing_params.base_raft_layers) { filler->angle = raft_angle_interface; // We don't use $base_flow->spacing because we need a constant spacing // value that guarantees that all layers are correctly aligned. filler->spacing = m_support_params.support_material_flow.spacing(); assert(! raft_layer.bridging); flow = Flow(float(m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.width()), float(raft_layer.height), m_support_params.support_material_flow.nozzle_diameter()); density = float(m_support_params.interface_density); } else continue; filler->link_max_length = coord_t(scale_(filler->spacing * link_max_length_factor / density)); fill_expolygons_with_sheath_generate_paths( // Destination support_layer.support_fills.entities, // Regions to fill raft_layer.polygons, // Filler and its parameters filler, density, // Extrusion parameters (support_layer_id < m_slicing_params.base_raft_layers) ? erSupportMaterial : erSupportMaterialInterface, flow, // sheath at first layer support_layer_id == 0, support_layer_id == 0); } }); struct LayerCacheItem { LayerCacheItem(MyLayerExtruded *layer_extruded = nullptr) : layer_extruded(layer_extruded) {} MyLayerExtruded *layer_extruded; std::vector<MyLayer*> overlapping; }; struct LayerCache { MyLayerExtruded bottom_contact_layer; MyLayerExtruded top_contact_layer; MyLayerExtruded base_layer; MyLayerExtruded interface_layer; MyLayerExtruded base_interface_layer; boost::container::static_vector<LayerCacheItem, 5> nonempty; void add_nonempty_and_sort() { for (MyLayerExtruded *item : { &bottom_contact_layer, &top_contact_layer, &interface_layer, &base_interface_layer, &base_layer }) if (! item->empty()) this->nonempty.emplace_back(item); // Sort the layers with the same print_z coordinate by their heights, thickest first. std::stable_sort(this->nonempty.begin(), this->nonempty.end(), [](const LayerCacheItem &lc1, const LayerCacheItem &lc2) { return lc1.layer_extruded->layer->height > lc2.layer_extruded->layer->height; }); } }; std::vector<LayerCache> layer_caches(support_layers.size()); tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(n_raft_layers, support_layers.size()), [this, &support_layers, &bottom_contacts, &top_contacts, &intermediate_layers, &interface_layers, &base_interface_layers, &layer_caches, &loop_interface_processor, &bbox_object, &angles, link_max_length_factor] (const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) { // Indices of the 1st layer in their respective container at the support layer height. size_t idx_layer_bottom_contact = size_t(-1); size_t idx_layer_top_contact = size_t(-1); size_t idx_layer_intermediate = size_t(-1); size_t idx_layer_interface = size_t(-1); size_t idx_layer_base_interface = size_t(-1); const auto fill_type_first_layer = ipRectilinear; auto filler_interface = std::unique_ptr<Fill>(Fill::new_from_type(m_support_params.contact_fill_pattern)); // Filler for the 1st layer interface, if different from filler_interface. auto filler_first_layer_ptr = std::unique_ptr<Fill>(range.begin() == 0 && m_support_params.contact_fill_pattern != fill_type_first_layer ? Fill::new_from_type(fill_type_first_layer) : nullptr); // Pointer to the 1st layer interface filler. auto filler_first_layer = filler_first_layer_ptr ? filler_first_layer_ptr.get() : filler_interface.get(); // Filler for the base interface (to be used for soluble interface / non soluble base, to produce non soluble interface layer below soluble interface layer). auto filler_base_interface = std::unique_ptr<Fill>(base_interface_layers.empty() ? nullptr : Fill::new_from_type(m_support_params.interface_density > 0.95 ? ipRectilinear : ipSupportBase)); auto filler_support = std::unique_ptr<Fill>(Fill::new_from_type(m_support_params.base_fill_pattern)); filler_interface->set_bounding_box(bbox_object); if (filler_first_layer_ptr) filler_first_layer_ptr->set_bounding_box(bbox_object); if (filler_base_interface) filler_base_interface->set_bounding_box(bbox_object); filler_support->set_bounding_box(bbox_object); for (size_t support_layer_id = range.begin(); support_layer_id < range.end(); ++ support_layer_id) { SupportLayer &support_layer = *support_layers[support_layer_id]; LayerCache &layer_cache = layer_caches[support_layer_id]; float interface_angle_delta = m_object_config->support_material_style.value == smsSnug ? (support_layer.interface_id() & 1) ? float(- M_PI / 4.) : float(+ M_PI / 4.) : 0; // Find polygons with the same print_z. MyLayerExtruded &bottom_contact_layer = layer_cache.bottom_contact_layer; MyLayerExtruded &top_contact_layer = layer_cache.top_contact_layer; MyLayerExtruded &base_layer = layer_cache.base_layer; MyLayerExtruded &interface_layer = layer_cache.interface_layer; MyLayerExtruded &base_interface_layer = layer_cache.base_interface_layer; // Increment the layer indices to find a layer at support_layer.print_z. { auto fun = [&support_layer](const MyLayer *l){ return l->print_z >= support_layer.print_z - EPSILON; }; idx_layer_bottom_contact = idx_higher_or_equal(bottom_contacts, idx_layer_bottom_contact, fun); idx_layer_top_contact = idx_higher_or_equal(top_contacts, idx_layer_top_contact, fun); idx_layer_intermediate = idx_higher_or_equal(intermediate_layers, idx_layer_intermediate, fun); idx_layer_interface = idx_higher_or_equal(interface_layers, idx_layer_interface, fun); idx_layer_base_interface = idx_higher_or_equal(base_interface_layers, idx_layer_base_interface,fun); } // Copy polygons from the layers. if (idx_layer_bottom_contact < bottom_contacts.size() && bottom_contacts[idx_layer_bottom_contact]->print_z < support_layer.print_z + EPSILON) bottom_contact_layer.layer = bottom_contacts[idx_layer_bottom_contact]; if (idx_layer_top_contact < top_contacts.size() && top_contacts[idx_layer_top_contact]->print_z < support_layer.print_z + EPSILON) top_contact_layer.layer = top_contacts[idx_layer_top_contact]; if (idx_layer_interface < interface_layers.size() && interface_layers[idx_layer_interface]->print_z < support_layer.print_z + EPSILON) interface_layer.layer = interface_layers[idx_layer_interface]; if (idx_layer_base_interface < base_interface_layers.size() && base_interface_layers[idx_layer_base_interface]->print_z < support_layer.print_z + EPSILON) base_interface_layer.layer = base_interface_layers[idx_layer_base_interface]; if (idx_layer_intermediate < intermediate_layers.size() && intermediate_layers[idx_layer_intermediate]->print_z < support_layer.print_z + EPSILON) base_layer.layer = intermediate_layers[idx_layer_intermediate]; if (m_object_config->support_material_interface_layers == 0) { // If no top interface layers were requested, we treat the contact layer exactly as a generic base layer. if (m_support_params.can_merge_support_regions) { if (base_layer.could_merge(top_contact_layer)) base_layer.merge(std::move(top_contact_layer)); else if (base_layer.empty()) base_layer = std::move(top_contact_layer); } } else { loop_interface_processor.generate(top_contact_layer, m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow); // If no loops are allowed, we treat the contact layer exactly as a generic interface layer. // Merge interface_layer into top_contact_layer, as the top_contact_layer is not synchronized and therefore it will be used // to trim other layers. if (top_contact_layer.could_merge(interface_layer)) top_contact_layer.merge(std::move(interface_layer)); } if ((m_object_config->support_material_interface_layers == 0 || m_object_config->support_material_bottom_interface_layers == 0) && m_support_params.can_merge_support_regions) { if (base_layer.could_merge(bottom_contact_layer)) base_layer.merge(std::move(bottom_contact_layer)); else if (base_layer.empty() && ! bottom_contact_layer.empty() && ! bottom_contact_layer.layer->bridging) base_layer = std::move(bottom_contact_layer); } #if 0 if ( ! interface_layer.empty() && ! base_layer.empty()) { // turn base support into interface when it's contained in our holes // (this way we get wider interface anchoring) //FIXME The intention of the code below is unclear. One likely wanted to just merge small islands of base layers filling in the holes // inside interface layers, but the code below fills just too much, see GH #4570 Polygons islands = top_level_islands(interface_layer.layer->polygons); polygons_append(interface_layer.layer->polygons, intersection(base_layer.layer->polygons, islands)); base_layer.layer->polygons = diff(base_layer.layer->polygons, islands); } #endif // Top and bottom contacts, interface layers. for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { MyLayerExtruded &layer_ex = (i == 0) ? top_contact_layer : (i == 1 ? bottom_contact_layer : interface_layer); if (layer_ex.empty() || layer_ex.polygons_to_extrude().empty()) continue; bool interface_as_base = m_object_config->support_material_interface_layers.value == 0 || (m_object_config->support_material_bottom_interface_layers == 0 && &layer_ex == &bottom_contact_layer); //FIXME Bottom interfaces are extruded with the briding flow. Some bridging layers have its height slightly reduced, therefore // the bridging flow does not quite apply. Reduce the flow to area of an ellipse? (A = pi * a * b) auto interface_flow = layer_ex.layer->bridging ? Flow::bridging_flow(layer_ex.layer->height, m_support_params.support_material_bottom_interface_flow.nozzle_diameter()) : (interface_as_base ? &m_support_params.support_material_flow : &m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow)->with_height(float(layer_ex.layer->height)); filler_interface->angle = interface_as_base ? // If zero interface layers are configured, use the same angle as for the base layers. angles[support_layer_id % angles.size()] : // Use interface angle for the interface layers. m_support_params.interface_angle + interface_angle_delta; double density = interface_as_base ? m_support_params.support_density : m_support_params.interface_density; filler_interface->spacing = interface_as_base ? m_support_params.support_material_flow.spacing() : m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.spacing(); filler_interface->link_max_length = coord_t(scale_(filler_interface->spacing * link_max_length_factor / density)); fill_expolygons_generate_paths( // Destination layer_ex.extrusions, // Regions to fill union_safety_offset_ex(layer_ex.polygons_to_extrude()), // Filler and its parameters filler_interface.get(), float(density), // Extrusion parameters erSupportMaterialInterface, interface_flow); } // Base interface layers under soluble interfaces if ( ! base_interface_layer.empty() && ! base_interface_layer.polygons_to_extrude().empty()) { Fill *filler = filler_base_interface.get(); //FIXME Bottom interfaces are extruded with the briding flow. Some bridging layers have its height slightly reduced, therefore // the bridging flow does not quite apply. Reduce the flow to area of an ellipse? (A = pi * a * b) assert(! base_interface_layer.layer->bridging); Flow interface_flow = m_support_params.support_material_flow.with_height(float(base_interface_layer.layer->height)); filler->angle = m_support_params.interface_angle + interface_angle_delta; filler->spacing = m_support_params.support_material_interface_flow.spacing(); filler->link_max_length = coord_t(scale_(filler->spacing * link_max_length_factor / m_support_params.interface_density)); fill_expolygons_generate_paths( // Destination base_interface_layer.extrusions, //base_layer_interface.extrusions, // Regions to fill union_safety_offset_ex(base_interface_layer.polygons_to_extrude()), // Filler and its parameters filler, float(m_support_params.interface_density), // Extrusion parameters erSupportMaterial, interface_flow); } // Base support or flange. if (! base_layer.empty() && ! base_layer.polygons_to_extrude().empty()) { Fill *filler = filler_support.get(); filler->angle = angles[support_layer_id % angles.size()]; // We don't use $base_flow->spacing because we need a constant spacing // value that guarantees that all layers are correctly aligned. assert(! base_layer.layer->bridging); auto flow = m_support_params.support_material_flow.with_height(float(base_layer.layer->height)); filler->spacing = m_support_params.support_material_flow.spacing(); filler->link_max_length = coord_t(scale_(filler->spacing * link_max_length_factor / m_support_params.support_density)); float density = float(m_support_params.support_density); bool sheath = m_support_params.with_sheath; bool no_sort = false; if (base_layer.layer->bottom_z < EPSILON) { // Base flange (the 1st layer). filler = filler_first_layer; filler->angle = Geometry::deg2rad(float(m_object_config->support_material_angle.value + 90.)); density = float(m_object_config->raft_first_layer_density.value * 0.01); flow = m_support_params.first_layer_flow; // use the proper spacing for first layer as we don't need to align // its pattern to the other layers //FIXME When paralellizing, each thread shall have its own copy of the fillers. filler->spacing = flow.spacing(); filler->link_max_length = coord_t(scale_(filler->spacing * link_max_length_factor / density)); sheath = true; no_sort = true; } fill_expolygons_with_sheath_generate_paths( // Destination base_layer.extrusions, // Regions to fill base_layer.polygons_to_extrude(), // Filler and its parameters filler, density, // Extrusion parameters erSupportMaterial, flow, sheath, no_sort); } // Merge base_interface_layers to base_layers to avoid unneccessary retractions if (! base_layer.empty() && ! base_interface_layer.empty() && ! base_layer.polygons_to_extrude().empty() && ! base_interface_layer.polygons_to_extrude().empty() && base_layer.could_merge(base_interface_layer)) base_layer.merge(std::move(base_interface_layer)); layer_cache.add_nonempty_and_sort(); // Collect the support areas with this print_z into islands, as there is no need // for retraction over these islands. Polygons polys; // Collect the extrusions, sorted by the bottom extrusion height. for (LayerCacheItem &layer_cache_item : layer_cache.nonempty) { // Collect islands to polys. layer_cache_item.layer_extruded->polygons_append(polys); // The print_z of the top contact surfaces and bottom_z of the bottom contact surfaces are "free" // in a sense that they are not synchronized with other support layers. As the top and bottom contact surfaces // are inflated to achieve a better anchoring, it may happen, that these surfaces will at least partially // overlap in Z with another support layers, leading to over-extrusion. // Mitigate the over-extrusion by modulating the extrusion rate over these regions. // The print head will follow the same print_z, but the layer thickness will be reduced // where it overlaps with another support layer. //FIXME When printing a briging path, what is an equivalent height of the squished extrudate of the same width? // Collect overlapping top/bottom surfaces. layer_cache_item.overlapping.reserve(20); coordf_t bottom_z = layer_cache_item.layer_extruded->layer->bottom_print_z() + EPSILON; auto add_overlapping = [&layer_cache_item, bottom_z](const MyLayersPtr &layers, size_t idx_top) { for (int i = int(idx_top) - 1; i >= 0 && layers[i]->print_z > bottom_z; -- i) layer_cache_item.overlapping.push_back(layers[i]); }; add_overlapping(top_contacts, idx_layer_top_contact); if (layer_cache_item.layer_extruded->layer->layer_type == sltBottomContact) { // Bottom contact layer may overlap with a base layer, which may be changed to interface layer. add_overlapping(intermediate_layers, idx_layer_intermediate); add_overlapping(interface_layers, idx_layer_interface); add_overlapping(base_interface_layers, idx_layer_base_interface); } // Order the layers by lexicographically by an increasing print_z and a decreasing layer height. std::stable_sort(layer_cache_item.overlapping.begin(), layer_cache_item.overlapping.end(), [](auto *l1, auto *l2) { return *l1 < *l2; }); } if (! polys.empty()) expolygons_append(support_layer.support_islands.expolygons, union_ex(polys)); } // for each support_layer_id }); // Now modulate the support layer height in parallel. tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(n_raft_layers, support_layers.size()), [&support_layers, &layer_caches] (const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) { for (size_t support_layer_id = range.begin(); support_layer_id < range.end(); ++ support_layer_id) { SupportLayer &support_layer = *support_layers[support_layer_id]; LayerCache &layer_cache = layer_caches[support_layer_id]; // For all extrusion types at this print_z, ordered by decreasing layer height: for (LayerCacheItem &layer_cache_item : layer_cache.nonempty) { // Trim the extrusion height from the bottom by the overlapping layers. modulate_extrusion_by_overlapping_layers(layer_cache_item.layer_extruded->extrusions, *layer_cache_item.layer_extruded->layer, layer_cache_item.overlapping); support_layer.support_fills.append(std::move(layer_cache_item.layer_extruded->extrusions)); } } }); #ifndef NDEBUG struct Test { static bool verify_nonempty(const ExtrusionEntityCollection *collection) { for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee : collection->entities) { if (const ExtrusionPath *path = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionPath*>(ee)) assert(! path->empty()); else if (const ExtrusionMultiPath *multipath = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionMultiPath*>(ee)) assert(! multipath->empty()); else if (const ExtrusionEntityCollection *eecol = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee)) { assert(! eecol->empty()); return verify_nonempty(eecol); } else assert(false); } return true; } }; for (const SupportLayer *support_layer : support_layers) assert(Test::verify_nonempty(&support_layer->support_fills)); #endif // NDEBUG } /* void PrintObjectSupportMaterial::clip_by_pillars( const PrintObject &object, LayersPtr &bottom_contacts, LayersPtr &top_contacts, LayersPtr &intermediate_contacts); { // this prevents supplying an empty point set to BoundingBox constructor if (top_contacts.empty()) return; coord_t pillar_size = scale_(PILLAR_SIZE); coord_t pillar_spacing = scale_(PILLAR_SPACING); // A regular grid of pillars, filling the 2D bounding box. Polygons grid; { // Rectangle with a side of 2.5x2.5mm. Polygon pillar; pillar.points.push_back(Point(0, 0)); pillar.points.push_back(Point(pillar_size, 0)); pillar.points.push_back(Point(pillar_size, pillar_size)); pillar.points.push_back(Point(0, pillar_size)); // 2D bounding box of the projection of all contact polygons. BoundingBox bbox; for (LayersPtr::const_iterator it = top_contacts.begin(); it != top_contacts.end(); ++ it) bbox.merge(get_extents((*it)->polygons)); grid.reserve(size_t(ceil(bb.size()(0) / pillar_spacing)) * size_t(ceil(bb.size()(1) / pillar_spacing))); for (coord_t x = bb.min(0); x <= bb.max(0) - pillar_size; x += pillar_spacing) { for (coord_t y = bb.min(1); y <= bb.max(1) - pillar_size; y += pillar_spacing) { grid.push_back(pillar); for (size_t i = 0; i < pillar.points.size(); ++ i) grid.back().points[i].translate(Point(x, y)); } } } // add pillars to every layer for my $i (0..n_support_z) { $shape->[$i] = [ @$grid ]; } // build capitals for my $i (0..n_support_z) { my $z = $support_z->[$i]; my $capitals = intersection( $grid, $contact->{$z} // [], ); // work on one pillar at time (if any) to prevent the capitals from being merged // but store the contact area supported by the capital because we need to make // sure nothing is left my $contact_supported_by_capitals = []; foreach my $capital (@$capitals) { // enlarge capital tops $capital = offset([$capital], +($pillar_spacing - $pillar_size)/2); push @$contact_supported_by_capitals, @$capital; for (my $j = $i-1; $j >= 0; $j--) { my $jz = $support_z->[$j]; $capital = offset($capital, -$self->interface_flow->scaled_width/2); last if !@$capitals; push @{ $shape->[$j] }, @$capital; } } // Capitals will not generally cover the whole contact area because there will be // remainders. For now we handle this situation by projecting such unsupported // areas to the ground, just like we would do with a normal support. my $contact_not_supported_by_capitals = diff( $contact->{$z} // [], $contact_supported_by_capitals, ); if (@$contact_not_supported_by_capitals) { for (my $j = $i-1; $j >= 0; $j--) { push @{ $shape->[$j] }, @$contact_not_supported_by_capitals; } } } } sub clip_with_shape { my ($self, $support, $shape) = @_; foreach my $i (keys %$support) { // don't clip bottom layer with shape so that we // can generate a continuous base flange // also don't clip raft layers next if $i == 0; next if $i < $self->object_config->raft_layers; $support->{$i} = intersection( $support->{$i}, $shape->[$i], ); } } */ } // namespace Slic3r