#ifndef slic3r_Plater_hpp_ #define slic3r_Plater_hpp_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Preset.hpp" #include "3DScene.hpp" #include "GLTexture.hpp" class wxButton; class wxBoxSizer; class wxGLCanvas; class wxScrolledWindow; class wxString; namespace Slic3r { class Model; class ModelObject; class Print; class SLAPrint; namespace GUI { class MainFrame; class ConfigOptionsGroup; class ObjectManipulation; class ObjectSettings; class ObjectList; class GLCanvas3D; using t_optgroups = std::vector >; class Plater; enum class ActionButtonType : int; class PresetComboBox : public wxBitmapComboBox { public: PresetComboBox(wxWindow *parent, Preset::Type preset_type); ~PresetComboBox(); wxButton* edit_btn { nullptr }; enum LabelItemType { LABEL_ITEM_MARKER = 0x4d, LABEL_ITEM_CONFIG_WIZARD = 0x4e }; void set_label_marker(int item, LabelItemType label_item_type = LABEL_ITEM_MARKER); void set_extruder_idx(const int extr_idx) { extruder_idx = extr_idx; } int get_extruder_idx() const { return extruder_idx; } void check_selection(); private: typedef std::size_t Marker; Preset::Type preset_type; int last_selected; int extruder_idx = -1; }; class Sidebar : public wxPanel { ConfigOptionMode m_mode; public: Sidebar(Plater *parent); Sidebar(Sidebar &&) = delete; Sidebar(const Sidebar &) = delete; Sidebar &operator=(Sidebar &&) = delete; Sidebar &operator=(const Sidebar &) = delete; ~Sidebar(); void init_filament_combo(PresetComboBox **combo, const int extr_idx); void remove_unused_filament_combos(const int current_extruder_count); void update_presets(Slic3r::Preset::Type preset_type); void update_mode_sizer() const; void update_reslice_btn_tooltip() const; ObjectManipulation* obj_manipul(); ObjectList* obj_list(); ObjectSettings* obj_settings(); wxScrolledWindow* scrolled_panel(); wxPanel* presets_panel(); ConfigOptionsGroup* og_freq_chng_params(const bool is_fff); wxButton* get_wiping_dialog_button(); void update_objects_list_extruder_column(int extruders_count); void show_info_sizer(); void show_sliced_info_sizer(const bool show); void enable_buttons(bool enable); void set_btn_label(const ActionButtonType btn_type, const wxString& label) const; void show_reslice(bool show) const; void show_export(bool show) const; void show_send(bool show) const; bool is_multifilament(); void update_mode(); std::vector& combos_filament(); private: struct priv; std::unique_ptr p; }; class Plater: public wxPanel { public: using fs_path = boost::filesystem::path; Plater(wxWindow *parent, MainFrame *main_frame); Plater(Plater &&) = delete; Plater(const Plater &) = delete; Plater &operator=(Plater &&) = delete; Plater &operator=(const Plater &) = delete; ~Plater(); Sidebar& sidebar(); Model& model(); const Print& fff_print() const; Print& fff_print(); const SLAPrint& sla_print() const; SLAPrint& sla_print(); void load_project(); void add_model(); void extract_config_from_project(); void load_files(const std::vector& input_files, bool load_model = true, bool load_config = true); // To be called when providing a list of files to the GUI slic3r on command line. void load_files(const std::vector& input_files, bool load_model = true, bool load_config = true); void update(); void select_view(const std::string& direction); void select_view_3D(const std::string& name); // Called after the Preferences dialog is closed and the program settings are saved. // Update the UI based on the current preferences. void update_ui_from_settings(); void select_all(); void remove(size_t obj_idx); void reset(); void delete_object_from_model(size_t obj_idx); void remove_selected(); void increase_instances(size_t num = 1); void decrease_instances(size_t num = 1); void set_number_of_copies(/*size_t num*/); bool is_selection_empty() const; void cut(size_t obj_idx, size_t instance_idx, coordf_t z, bool keep_upper = true, bool keep_lower = true, bool rotate_lower = false); void export_gcode(); void export_stl(bool selection_only = false); void export_amf(); void export_3mf(const boost::filesystem::path& output_path = boost::filesystem::path()); void reslice(); void reslice_SLA_supports(const ModelObject &object); void changed_object(int obj_idx); void changed_objects(const std::vector& object_idxs); void schedule_background_process(); void fix_through_netfabb(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx = -1); void send_gcode(); void on_extruders_change(int extruders_count); void on_config_change(const DynamicPrintConfig &config); // On activating the parent window. void on_activate(); void update_object_menu(); const wxString& get_project_filename() const; bool is_export_gcode_scheduled() const; int get_selected_object_idx(); bool is_single_full_object_selection() const; GLCanvas3D* canvas3D(); PrinterTechnology printer_technology() const; void set_printer_technology(PrinterTechnology printer_technology); void copy_selection_to_clipboard(); void paste_from_clipboard(); bool can_paste_from_clipboard() const; bool can_delete() const; bool can_delete_all() const; bool can_increase_instances() const; bool can_decrease_instances() const; bool can_split_to_objects() const; bool can_split_to_volumes() const; bool can_arrange() const; bool can_layers_editing() const; bool can_copy() const; bool can_paste() const; private: struct priv; std::unique_ptr p; }; }} #endif