package Slic3r::Layer; use Moose; use XXX; # a sequential number of layer, starting at 0 has 'id' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 1, ); # index of points generated by slicing the original geometry # keys are stringified coordinates (example: "0,0") # each points connects exactly two segments has 'pointmap' => ( traits => ['Hash'], is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef[Slic3r::Point]', default => sub { {} }, handles => { points => 'values', }, ); # collection of segments generated by slicing the original geometry # each segment is part of a closed polyline has 'lines' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::Line]', default => sub { [] }, ); # collection of surfaces generated by slicing the original geometry has 'surfaces' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::Surface]', default => sub { [] }, ); # ordered collection of extrusion paths to build all perimeters has 'perimeters' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::ExtrusionPath]', default => sub { [] }, ); # collection of surfaces generated by offsetting the innermost perimeter(s) # they represent boundaries of areas to fill has 'fill_surfaces' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::Surface]', default => sub { [] }, ); # ordered collection of extrusion paths to fill surfaces has 'fills' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::ExtrusionPath]', default => sub { [] }, ); sub z { my $self = shift; return $self->id * $Slic3r::layer_height / $Slic3r::resolution; } sub add_surface { my $self = shift; my (@vertices) = @_; my @points = map $self->add_point($_), @vertices; my $polyline = Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->new_from_points(@points); my @lines = map $self->add_line($_), @{ $polyline->lines }; my $surface = Slic3r::Surface->new( contour => Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->new(lines => \@lines), ); push @{ $self->surfaces }, $surface; return $surface; } sub add_line { my $self = shift; my ($a, $b) = @_; # we accept either a Line object or a couple of points my $line; if ($b) { ($a, $b) = map $self->add_point($_), ($a, $b); $line = Slic3r::Line->new(a => $a, b => $b); } elsif (ref $a eq 'Slic3r::Line') { $line = $a; } # check whether we already have such a line foreach my $point ($line->a, $line->b) { foreach my $existing_line (grep $_, @{$point->lines}) { return $existing_line if $line->coincides_with($existing_line) && $line ne $existing_line; } } push @{ $self->lines }, $line; return $line; } sub add_point { my $self = shift; my ($point) = @_; # we accept either a Point object or a pair of coordinates if (ref $point eq 'ARRAY') { $point = Slic3r::Point->new('x' => $point->[0], 'y' => $point->[1]); } # check whether we already defined this point if (my $existing_point = $self->pointmap_get($point->x, $point->y)) { #) return $existing_point; } # define the new point $self->pointmap->{ $point->id } = $point; #}} return $point; } sub pointmap_get { my $self = shift; my ($x, $y) = @_; return $self->pointmap->{"$x,$y"}; } sub remove_point { my $self = shift; my ($point) = @_; delete $self->pointmap->{ $point->id }; #}} } sub remove_line { my $self = shift; my ($line) = @_; @{ $self->lines } = grep $_ ne $line, @{ $self->lines }; } sub remove_surface { my $self = shift; my ($surface) = @_; @{ $self->surfaces } = grep $_ ne $surface, @{ $self->surfaces }; } # merge parallel and continuous lines sub merge_continuous_lines { my $self = shift; my $finished = 0; CYCLE: while (!$finished) { foreach my $line (@{ $self->lines }) { # TODO: we shouldn't skip lines already included in polylines next if $line->polyline; my $slope = $line->slope; foreach my $point ($line->points) { # skip points connecting more than two lines next if @{ $point->lines } > 2; foreach my $neighbor_line (@{ $point->lines }) { next if $neighbor_line eq $line; # skip line if it's not parallel to ours my $neighbor_slope = $neighbor_line->slope; next if (!defined $neighbor_slope && defined $slope) || (defined $neighbor_slope && !defined $slope) || (defined $neighbor_slope && defined $slope && $neighbor_slope != $slope); # create new line my ($a, $b) = grep $_ ne $point, $line->points, $neighbor_line->points; my $new_line = $self->add_line($a, $b); Slic3r::debugf "Merging continuous lines %s and %s into %s\n", $line->id, $neighbor_line->id, $new_line->id if $Slic3r::debug; # delete merged lines $self->remove_line($_) for ($line, $neighbor_line); # restart cycle next CYCLE; } } } $finished = 1; } } # build polylines of lines which do not already belong to a surface sub make_polylines { my $self = shift; # defensive programming: let's check that every point # connects at least two lines foreach my $point ($self->points) { if (grep $_, @{ $point->lines } < 2) { warn "Found point connecting less than 2 lines:"; XXX $point; } } my $polylines = []; foreach my $line (@{ $self->lines }) { next if $line->polyline; my %points = map {$_ => $_} $line->points; my %visited_lines = (); my ($cur_line, $next_line) = ($line, undef); while (!$next_line || $next_line ne $line) { $visited_lines{ $cur_line } = $cur_line; $next_line = +(grep !$visited_lines{$_}, $cur_line->neighbors)[0] or last; $points{$_} = $_ for grep $_ ne $cur_line->a && $_ ne $cur_line->b, $next_line->points; $cur_line = $next_line; } Slic3r::debugf "Discovered polyline of %d lines (%s)\n", scalar keys %points, join('-', map $_->id, values %visited_lines) if $Slic3r::debug; push @$polylines, Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->new(lines => [values %visited_lines]); } return $polylines; } sub make_surfaces { my $self = shift; my ($polylines) = @_; # count how many other polylines enclose each polyline # even = contour; odd = hole my %enclosing_polylines = (); my %enclosing_polylines_count = (); my $max_depth = 0; foreach my $polyline (@$polylines) { # a polyline encloses another one if any point of it is enclosed # in the other my $point = $polyline->lines->[0]->a; $enclosing_polylines{$polyline} = [ grep $_ ne $polyline && $_->encloses_point($point), @$polylines ]; $enclosing_polylines_count{$polyline} = scalar @{ $enclosing_polylines{$polyline} }; $max_depth = $enclosing_polylines_count{$polyline} if $enclosing_polylines_count{$polyline} > $max_depth; } # start looking at most inner polylines for (; $max_depth > -1; $max_depth--) { foreach my $polyline (@$polylines) { next if $polyline->contour_of or $polyline->hole_of; next unless $enclosing_polylines_count{$polyline} == $max_depth; my $surface; if ($enclosing_polylines_count{$polyline} % 2 == 0) { # this is a contour $surface = Slic3r::Surface->new(contour => $polyline); } else { # this is a hole # find the enclosing polyline having immediately close depth my ($contour) = grep $enclosing_polylines_count{$_} == ($max_depth-1), @{ $enclosing_polylines{$polyline} }; if ($contour->contour_of) { $surface = $contour->contour_of; $surface->add_hole($polyline); } else { $surface = Slic3r::Surface->new( contour => $contour, holes => [$polyline], ); } } $surface->surface_type('internal'); push @{ $self->surfaces }, $surface; Slic3r::debugf "New surface: %s (holes: %s)\n", $surface->id, join(', ', map $_->id, @{$surface->holes}) || 'none' if $Slic3r::debug; } } } sub merge_contiguous_surfaces { my $self = shift; my $finished = 0; CYCLE: while (!$finished) { foreach my $surface (@{ $self->surfaces }) { # look for a surface sharing one edge with this one foreach my $neighbor_surface (@{ $self->surfaces }) { next if $surface eq $neighbor_surface; # find lines shared by the two surfaces (might be 0, 1, 2) my @common_lines = (); foreach my $line (@{ $neighbor_surface->contour->lines }) { next unless grep $_ eq $line, @{ $surface->contour->lines }; push @common_lines, $line; } next if !@common_lines; # defensive programming if (@common_lines > 2) { Slic3r::debugf "Surfaces %s and %s share %d lines! How's it possible?\n", $surface->id, $neighbor_surface->id, scalar @common_lines if $Slic3r::debug; } Slic3r::debugf "Surfaces %s and %s share line/lines %s!\n", $surface->id, $neighbor_surface->id, join(', ', map $_->id, @common_lines) if $Slic3r::debug; # defensive programming if ($surface->surface_type ne $neighbor_surface->surface_type) { die "Surfaces %s and %s are of different types: %s, %s!\n", $surface->id, $neighbor_surface->id, $surface->surface_type, $neighbor_surface->surface_type; } # build new contour taking all lines of the surfaces' contours # and removing the ones that matched my @new_lines = map @{$_->contour->lines}, $surface, $neighbor_surface; foreach my $line (@common_lines) { @new_lines = grep $_ ne $line, @new_lines; } my $new_contour = Slic3r::Polyline::Closed->new( lines => [ @new_lines ], ); # build new surface by combining all holes in the two surfaces my $new_surface = Slic3r::Surface->new( contour => $new_contour, holes => [ map @{$_->holes}, $surface, $neighbor_surface ], surface_type => $surface->surface_type, ); Slic3r::debugf " merging into new surface %s\n", $new_surface->id; push @{ $self->surfaces }, $new_surface; $self->remove_surface($_) for ($surface, $neighbor_surface); } } $finished = 1; } } 1;