{ "type": "machine", "setting_id": "GM003", "name": "FLSun Super Racer 0.4 nozzle", "from": "system", "instantiation": "true", "inherits": "fdm_machine_common", "printer_model": "FLSun Super Racer (SR)", "default_print_profile": "0.20mm Standard @FLSun SR", "gcode_flavor": "marlin", "nozzle_diameter": [ "0.4" ], "nozzle_type": "brass", "default_filament_profile": [ "FLSun Generic PLA" ], "bed_exclude_area": [ "0x0" ], "auxiliary_fan": "0", "before_layer_change_gcode": ";BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE\nG92 E0.0\n;[layer_z]", "change_filament_gcode": ";FILAMENT_CHANGE\nM600", "deretraction_speed": [ "40" ], "extruder_clearance_height_to_lid": "140", "extruder_clearance_height_to_rod": "36", "extruder_clearance_radius": "65", "machine_end_gcode": "; printing object ENDGCODE\nG92 E0.0 ; prepare to retract\nG1 E-6 F3000; retract to avoid stringing\n; Anti-stringing end wiggle\n{if layer_z < max_print_height}G1 Z{min(layer_z+100, max_print_height)}{endif} F4000 ; Move print head up\nG1 X0 Y120 F3000 ; present print\n; Reset print setting overrides\nG92 E0\nM200 D0 ; disable volumetric e\nM220 S100 ; reset speed factor to 100%\nM221 S100 ; reset extruder factor to 100%\n;M900 K0 ; reset linear acceleration(Marlin)\n; Shut down printer\nM104 S0 ; turn off temperature\nM140 S0 ; turn off heatbed\nM107 ; turn off fan\nM18 S180 ;disable motors after 180s\nM300 S40 P10 ; Bip\nM117 Print finish.", "machine_max_acceleration_e": [ "5000", "5000" ], "machine_max_acceleration_extruding": [ "5000", "2000" ], "machine_max_acceleration_retracting": [ "5000", "5000" ], "machine_max_acceleration_travel": [ "3000", "3000" ], "machine_max_acceleration_x": [ "5000", "2000" ], "machine_max_acceleration_y": [ "5000", "2000" ], "machine_max_acceleration_z": [ "1500", "200" ], "machine_max_jerk_e": [ "2.5", "2.5" ], "machine_max_jerk_x": [ "9", "9" ], "machine_max_jerk_y": [ "9", "9" ], "machine_max_jerk_z": [ "3", "0.4" ], "machine_max_speed_e": [ "30", "25" ], "machine_max_speed_x": [ "300", "200" ], "machine_max_speed_y": [ "300", "200" ], "machine_max_speed_z": [ "20", "12" ], "machine_min_extruding_rate": [ "0", "0" ], "machine_min_travel_rate": [ "0", "0" ], "machine_pause_gcode": "M600", "machine_start_gcode": ";STARTGCODE\nM117 Initializing\n; Set coordinate modes\nG90 ; use absolute coordinates\nM83 ; extruder relative mode\n; Reset speed and extrusion rates\nM200 D0 ; disable volumetric E\nM220 S100 ; reset speed\n; Set initial warmup temps\nM117 Nozzle preheat\nM104 S100 ; preheat extruder to no ooze temp\nM140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; set bed temp\nM190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed final temp\nM300 S40 P10 ; Bip\n; Home\nM117 Homing\nG28 ; home all with default mesh bed level\n; For ABL users put G29 for a leveling request\n; Final warmup routine\nM117 Final warmup\nM104 S[first_layer_temperature] ; set extruder final temp\nM109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for extruder final temp\nM190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed final temp\nM300 S440 P200 ; 1st beep for printer ready and allow some time to clean nozzle\nM300 S0 P250 ; wait between dual beep\nM300 S440 P200 ; 2nd beep for printer ready\nG4 S10 ; wait to clean the nozzle\nM300 S440 P200 ; 3rd beep for ready to start printing\n; Prime line routine\nM117 Printing prime line\n;M900 K0; Disable Linear Advance (Marlin) for prime line\nG92 E0.0; reset extrusion distance\nG1 F3000 Z1\nG1 X-150 Y0 Z0.4\nG92 E0\nG3 X0 Y-130 I150 Z0.3 E30 F2000\nG92 E0.0 ; reset extrusion distance\n; Final print adjustments\nM117 Preparing to print\n;M82 ; extruder absolute mode\nM221 S{if layer_height<0.075}100{else}95{endif}\nM300 S40 P10 ; chirp\nM117 Print [input_filename_base]; Display: Printing started...", "machine_unload_filament_time": "0", "max_layer_height": [ "0.2" ], "min_layer_height": [ "0.08" ], "printable_area": [ "134.486x11.766", "132.949x23.4425", "130.4x34.9406", "126.859x46.1727", "122.352x57.0535", "116.913x67.5", "110.586x77.4328", "103.416x86.7763", "95.4594x95.4594", "86.7763x103.416", "77.4328x110.586", "67.5x116.913", "57.0535x122.352", "46.1727x126.859", "34.9406x130.4", "23.4425x132.949", "11.766x134.486", "8.26637e-15x135", "-11.766x134.486", "-23.4425x132.949", "-34.9406x130.4", "-46.1727x126.859", "-57.0535x122.352", "-67.5x116.913", "-77.4328x110.586", "-86.7763x103.416", "-95.4594x95.4594", "-103.416x86.7763", "-110.586x77.4328", "-116.913x67.5", "-122.352x57.0535", "-126.859x46.1727", "-130.4x34.9406", "-132.949x23.4425", "-134.486x11.766", "-135x1.65327e-14", "-134.486x-11.766", "-132.949x-23.4425", "-130.4x-34.9406", "-126.859x-46.1727", "-122.352x-57.0535", "-116.913x-67.5", "-110.586x-77.4328", "-103.416x-86.7763", "-95.4594x-95.4594", "-86.7763x-103.416", "-77.4328x-110.586", "-67.5x-116.913", "-57.0535x-122.352", "-46.1727x-126.859", "-34.9406x-130.4", "-23.4425x-132.949", "-11.766x-134.486", "-2.47991e-14x-135", "11.766x-134.486", "23.4425x-132.949", "34.9406x-130.4", "46.1727x-126.859", "57.0535x-122.352", "67.5x-116.913", "77.4328x-110.586", "86.7763x-103.416", "95.4594x-95.4594", "103.416x-86.7763", "110.586x-77.4328", "116.913x-67.5", "122.352x-57.0535", "126.859x-46.1727", "130.4x-34.9406", "132.949x-23.4425", "134.486x-11.766", "135x-3.30655e-14" ], "printable_height": "330", "printer_technology": "FFF", "printer_variant": "0.4", "printhost_apikey": "", "printhost_authorization_type": "key", "printhost_cafile": "", "printhost_password": "", "printhost_port": "", "printhost_ssl_ignore_revoke": "0", "printhost_user": "", "retract_before_wipe": [ "70%" ], "retract_length_toolchange": [ "2" ], "retract_lift_above": [ "0" ], "retract_lift_below": [ "0" ], "retract_restart_extra": [ "0" ], "retract_restart_extra_toolchange": [ "0" ], "retract_when_changing_layer": [ "1" ], "retraction_length": [ "6.5" ], "retraction_minimum_travel": [ "1" ], "retraction_speed": [ "40" ], "template_custom_gcode": ";FILAMENT_CHANGE\nM600", "thumbnails": [ "260x260" ], "wipe": [ "1" ], "wipe_distance": [ "1" ], "z_hop": [ "0.3" ], "z_hop_types": [ "Normal Lift" ] }