#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "GLGizmosManager.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/3DScene.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Camera.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectManipulation.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Plater.hpp" #include "slic3r/Utils/UndoRedo.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/NotificationManager.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMove.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoScale.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoRotate.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoFlatten.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSlaSupports.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoFdmSupports.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoCut.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoHollow.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSeam.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMmuSegmentation.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSimplify.hpp" #include "libslic3r/format.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Model.hpp" #include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp" #include namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { const float GLGizmosManager::Default_Icons_Size = 64; GLGizmosManager::GLGizmosManager(GLCanvas3D& parent) : m_parent(parent) , m_enabled(false) , m_icons_texture_dirty(true) , m_current(Undefined) , m_tooltip("") , m_serializing(false) { } std::vector GLGizmosManager::get_selectable_idxs() const { std::vector out; for (size_t i=0; iis_selectable()) out.push_back(i); return out; } size_t GLGizmosManager::get_gizmo_idx_from_mouse(const Vec2d& mouse_pos) const { if (! m_enabled) return Undefined; float cnv_h = (float)m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_height(); float height = get_scaled_total_height(); float icons_size = m_layout.scaled_icons_size(); float border = m_layout.scaled_border(); float stride_y = m_layout.scaled_stride_y(); float top_y = 0.5f * (cnv_h - height) + border; // is mouse horizontally in the area? if ((border <= (float)mouse_pos(0) && ((float)mouse_pos(0) <= border + icons_size))) { // which icon is it on? size_t from_top = (size_t)((float)mouse_pos(1) - top_y) / stride_y; // is it really on the icon or already past the border? if ((float)mouse_pos(1) <= top_y + from_top * stride_y + icons_size) { std::vector selectable = get_selectable_idxs(); if (from_top < selectable.size()) return selectable[from_top]; } } return Undefined; } bool GLGizmosManager::init() { m_background_texture.metadata.filename = "toolbar_background.png"; m_background_texture.metadata.left = 16; m_background_texture.metadata.top = 16; m_background_texture.metadata.right = 16; m_background_texture.metadata.bottom = 16; if (!m_background_texture.metadata.filename.empty()) { if (!m_background_texture.texture.load_from_file(resources_dir() + "/icons/" + m_background_texture.metadata.filename, false, GLTexture::SingleThreaded, false)) return false; } // Order of gizmos in the vector must match order in EType! m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoMove3D(m_parent, "move.svg", 0)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoScale3D(m_parent, "scale.svg", 1)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoRotate3D(m_parent, "rotate.svg", 2)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoFlatten(m_parent, "place.svg", 3)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoCut(m_parent, "cut.svg", 4)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoHollow(m_parent, "hollow.svg", 5)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoSlaSupports(m_parent, "sla_supports.svg", 6)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoFdmSupports(m_parent, "fdm_supports.svg", 7)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoSeam(m_parent, "seam.svg", 8)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoMmuSegmentation(m_parent, "mmu_segmentation.svg", 9)); m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoSimplify(m_parent, "cut.svg", 10)); m_common_gizmos_data.reset(new CommonGizmosDataPool(&m_parent)); for (auto& gizmo : m_gizmos) { if (! gizmo->init()) { m_gizmos.clear(); return false; } gizmo->set_common_data_pool(m_common_gizmos_data.get()); } m_current = Undefined; m_hover = Undefined; m_highlight = std::pair(Undefined, false); return true; } bool GLGizmosManager::init_arrow(const BackgroundTexture::Metadata& arrow_texture) { if (m_arrow_texture.texture.get_id() != 0) return true; std::string path = resources_dir() + "/icons/"; bool res = false; if (!arrow_texture.filename.empty()) res = m_arrow_texture.texture.load_from_svg_file(path + arrow_texture.filename, false, false, false, 1000); if (res) m_arrow_texture.metadata = arrow_texture; return res; } void GLGizmosManager::set_overlay_icon_size(float size) { if (m_layout.icons_size != size) { m_layout.icons_size = size; m_icons_texture_dirty = true; } } void GLGizmosManager::set_overlay_scale(float scale) { if (m_layout.scale != scale) { m_layout.scale = scale; m_icons_texture_dirty = true; } } void GLGizmosManager::refresh_on_off_state() { if (m_serializing || m_current == Undefined || m_gizmos.empty()) return; if (m_current != Undefined && ! m_gizmos[m_current]->is_activable()) { activate_gizmo(Undefined); update_data(); } } void GLGizmosManager::reset_all_states() { if (! m_enabled || m_serializing) return; activate_gizmo(Undefined); m_hover = Undefined; } bool GLGizmosManager::open_gizmo(EType type) { int idx = int(type); if (m_gizmos[idx]->is_activable()) { activate_gizmo(m_current == idx ? Undefined : (EType)idx); update_data(); return true; } return false; } void GLGizmosManager::set_hover_id(int id) { if (!m_enabled || m_current == Undefined) return; m_gizmos[m_current]->set_hover_id(id); } void GLGizmosManager::enable_grabber(EType type, unsigned int id, bool enable) { if (!m_enabled || type == Undefined || m_gizmos.empty()) return; if (enable) m_gizmos[type]->enable_grabber(id); else m_gizmos[type]->disable_grabber(id); } void GLGizmosManager::update(const Linef3& mouse_ray, const Point& mouse_pos) { if (!m_enabled) return; GLGizmoBase* curr = get_current(); if (curr != nullptr) curr->update(GLGizmoBase::UpdateData(mouse_ray, mouse_pos)); } void GLGizmosManager::update_data() { if (!m_enabled) return; const Selection& selection = m_parent.get_selection(); bool is_wipe_tower = selection.is_wipe_tower(); enable_grabber(Move, 2, !is_wipe_tower); enable_grabber(Rotate, 0, !is_wipe_tower); enable_grabber(Rotate, 1, !is_wipe_tower); bool enable_scale_xyz = selection.is_single_full_instance() || selection.is_single_volume() || selection.is_single_modifier(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { enable_grabber(Scale, i, enable_scale_xyz); } if (m_common_gizmos_data) m_common_gizmos_data->update(get_current() ? get_current()->get_requirements() : CommonGizmosDataID(0)); if (selection.is_single_full_instance()) { // all volumes in the selection belongs to the same instance, any of them contains the needed data, so we take the first const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()); set_scale(volume->get_instance_scaling_factor()); set_rotation(Vec3d::Zero()); ModelObject* model_object = selection.get_model()->objects[selection.get_object_idx()]; set_flattening_data(model_object); set_sla_support_data(model_object); set_painter_gizmo_data(); } else if (selection.is_single_volume() || selection.is_single_modifier()) { const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()); set_scale(volume->get_volume_scaling_factor()); set_rotation(Vec3d::Zero()); set_flattening_data(nullptr); set_sla_support_data(nullptr); set_painter_gizmo_data(); } else if (is_wipe_tower) { DynamicPrintConfig& config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config; set_scale(Vec3d::Ones()); set_rotation(Vec3d(0., 0., (M_PI/180.) * dynamic_cast(config.option("wipe_tower_rotation_angle"))->value)); set_flattening_data(nullptr); set_sla_support_data(nullptr); set_painter_gizmo_data(); } else { set_scale(Vec3d::Ones()); set_rotation(Vec3d::Zero()); set_flattening_data(selection.is_from_single_object() ? selection.get_model()->objects[selection.get_object_idx()] : nullptr); set_sla_support_data(selection.is_from_single_instance() ? selection.get_model()->objects[selection.get_object_idx()] : nullptr); set_painter_gizmo_data(); } } bool GLGizmosManager::is_running() const { if (!m_enabled) return false; //GLGizmoBase* curr = get_current(); //return (curr != nullptr) ? (curr->get_state() == GLGizmoBase::On) : false; return m_current != Undefined; } bool GLGizmosManager::handle_shortcut(int key) { if (!m_enabled || m_parent.get_selection().is_empty()) return false; auto it = std::find_if(m_gizmos.begin(), m_gizmos.end(), [key](const std::unique_ptr& gizmo) { int gizmo_key = gizmo->get_shortcut_key(); return gizmo->is_activable() && ((gizmo_key == key - 64) || (gizmo_key == key - 96)); }); if (it == m_gizmos.end()) return false; EType gizmo_type = EType(it - m_gizmos.begin()); return open_gizmo(gizmo_type); } bool GLGizmosManager::is_dragging() const { if (! m_enabled || m_current == Undefined) return false; return m_gizmos[m_current]->is_dragging(); } void GLGizmosManager::start_dragging() { if (! m_enabled || m_current == Undefined) return; m_gizmos[m_current]->start_dragging(); } void GLGizmosManager::stop_dragging() { if (! m_enabled || m_current == Undefined) return; m_gizmos[m_current]->stop_dragging(); } Vec3d GLGizmosManager::get_displacement() const { if (!m_enabled) return Vec3d::Zero(); return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Move].get())->get_displacement(); } Vec3d GLGizmosManager::get_scale() const { if (!m_enabled) return Vec3d::Ones(); return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Scale].get())->get_scale(); } void GLGizmosManager::set_scale(const Vec3d& scale) { if (!m_enabled || m_gizmos.empty()) return; dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Scale].get())->set_scale(scale); } Vec3d GLGizmosManager::get_scale_offset() const { if (!m_enabled || m_gizmos.empty()) return Vec3d::Zero(); return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Scale].get())->get_offset(); } Vec3d GLGizmosManager::get_rotation() const { if (!m_enabled || m_gizmos.empty()) return Vec3d::Zero(); return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Rotate].get())->get_rotation(); } void GLGizmosManager::set_rotation(const Vec3d& rotation) { if (!m_enabled || m_gizmos.empty()) return; dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Rotate].get())->set_rotation(rotation); } Vec3d GLGizmosManager::get_flattening_normal() const { if (!m_enabled || m_gizmos.empty()) return Vec3d::Zero(); return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Flatten].get())->get_flattening_normal(); } void GLGizmosManager::set_flattening_data(const ModelObject* model_object) { if (!m_enabled || m_gizmos.empty()) return; dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Flatten].get())->set_flattening_data(model_object); } void GLGizmosManager::set_sla_support_data(ModelObject* model_object) { if (! m_enabled || m_gizmos.empty() || wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() != ptSLA) return; auto* gizmo_hollow = dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Hollow].get()); auto* gizmo_supports = dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[SlaSupports].get()); gizmo_hollow->set_sla_support_data(model_object, m_parent.get_selection()); gizmo_supports->set_sla_support_data(model_object, m_parent.get_selection()); } void GLGizmosManager::set_painter_gizmo_data() { if (!m_enabled || m_gizmos.empty()) return; dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[FdmSupports].get())->set_painter_gizmo_data(m_parent.get_selection()); dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Seam].get())->set_painter_gizmo_data(m_parent.get_selection()); dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[MmuSegmentation].get())->set_painter_gizmo_data(m_parent.get_selection()); } // Returns true if the gizmo used the event to do something, false otherwise. bool GLGizmosManager::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mouse_position, bool shift_down, bool alt_down, bool control_down) { if (!m_enabled || m_gizmos.empty()) return false; if (m_current == SlaSupports) return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[SlaSupports].get())->gizmo_event(action, mouse_position, shift_down, alt_down, control_down); else if (m_current == Hollow) return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Hollow].get())->gizmo_event(action, mouse_position, shift_down, alt_down, control_down); else if (m_current == FdmSupports) return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[FdmSupports].get())->gizmo_event(action, mouse_position, shift_down, alt_down, control_down); else if (m_current == Seam) return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[Seam].get())->gizmo_event(action, mouse_position, shift_down, alt_down, control_down); else if (m_current == MmuSegmentation) return dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[MmuSegmentation].get())->gizmo_event(action, mouse_position, shift_down, alt_down, control_down); else return false; } ClippingPlane GLGizmosManager::get_clipping_plane() const { if (! m_common_gizmos_data || ! m_common_gizmos_data->object_clipper() || m_common_gizmos_data->object_clipper()->get_position() == 0.) return ClippingPlane::ClipsNothing(); else { const ClippingPlane& clp = *m_common_gizmos_data->object_clipper()->get_clipping_plane(); return ClippingPlane(-clp.get_normal(), clp.get_data()[3]); } } bool GLGizmosManager::wants_reslice_supports_on_undo() const { return (m_current == SlaSupports && dynamic_cast(m_gizmos.at(SlaSupports).get())->has_backend_supports()); } void GLGizmosManager::render_current_gizmo() const { if (!m_enabled || m_current == Undefined) return; m_gizmos[m_current]->render(); } void GLGizmosManager::render_painter_gizmo() const { // This function shall only be called when current gizmo is // derived from GLGizmoPainterBase. if (!m_enabled || m_current == Undefined) return; auto* gizmo = dynamic_cast(get_current()); assert(gizmo); // check the precondition gizmo->render_painter_gizmo(); } void GLGizmosManager::render_current_gizmo_for_picking_pass() const { if (! m_enabled || m_current == Undefined) return; m_gizmos[m_current]->render_for_picking(); } void GLGizmosManager::render_overlay() const { if (!m_enabled) return; if (m_icons_texture_dirty) generate_icons_texture(); do_render_overlay(); } std::string GLGizmosManager::get_tooltip() const { if (!m_tooltip.empty()) return m_tooltip; const GLGizmoBase* curr = get_current(); return (curr != nullptr) ? curr->get_tooltip() : ""; } bool GLGizmosManager::on_mouse_wheel(wxMouseEvent& evt) { bool processed = false; if (m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow || m_current == FdmSupports || m_current == Seam || m_current == MmuSegmentation) { float rot = (float)evt.GetWheelRotation() / (float)evt.GetWheelDelta(); if (gizmo_event((rot > 0.f ? SLAGizmoEventType::MouseWheelUp : SLAGizmoEventType::MouseWheelDown), Vec2d::Zero(), evt.ShiftDown(), evt.AltDown(), evt.ControlDown())) processed = true; } return processed; } bool GLGizmosManager::on_mouse(wxMouseEvent& evt) { // used to set a right up event as processed when needed static bool pending_right_up = false; Point pos(evt.GetX(), evt.GetY()); Vec2d mouse_pos((double)evt.GetX(), (double)evt.GetY()); Selection& selection = m_parent.get_selection(); int selected_object_idx = selection.get_object_idx(); bool processed = false; // when control is down we allow scene pan and rotation even when clicking over some object bool control_down = evt.CmdDown(); // mouse anywhere if (evt.Moving()) { m_tooltip = update_hover_state(mouse_pos); if (m_current == MmuSegmentation) gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::Moving, mouse_pos, evt.ShiftDown(), evt.AltDown()); } else if (evt.LeftUp()) { if (m_mouse_capture.left) { processed = true; m_mouse_capture.left = false; } else if (is_dragging()) { switch (m_current) { case Move: { m_parent.do_move(L("Gizmo-Move")); break; } case Scale: { m_parent.do_scale(L("Gizmo-Scale")); break; } case Rotate: { m_parent.do_rotate(L("Gizmo-Rotate")); break; } default: break; } stop_dragging(); update_data(); wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->set_dirty(); // Let the plater know that the dragging finished, so a delayed refresh // of the scene with the background processing data should be performed. m_parent.post_event(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLCANVAS_MOUSE_DRAGGING_FINISHED)); // updates camera target constraints m_parent.refresh_camera_scene_box(); processed = true; } // else // return false; } else if (evt.MiddleUp()) { if (m_mouse_capture.middle) { processed = true; m_mouse_capture.middle = false; } else return false; } else if (evt.RightUp()) { if (pending_right_up) { pending_right_up = false; return true; } if (m_mouse_capture.right) { processed = true; m_mouse_capture.right = false; } // else // return false; } else if (evt.Dragging() && !is_dragging()) { if (m_mouse_capture.any()) // if the button down was done on this toolbar, prevent from dragging into the scene processed = true; // else // return false; } else if (evt.Dragging() && is_dragging()) { if (!m_parent.get_wxglcanvas()->HasCapture()) m_parent.get_wxglcanvas()->CaptureMouse(); m_parent.set_mouse_as_dragging(); update(m_parent.mouse_ray(pos), pos); switch (m_current) { case Move: { // Apply new temporary offset selection.translate(get_displacement()); wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->set_dirty(); break; } case Scale: { // Apply new temporary scale factors TransformationType transformation_type(TransformationType::Local_Absolute_Joint); if (evt.AltDown()) transformation_type.set_independent(); selection.scale(get_scale(), transformation_type); if (control_down) selection.translate(get_scale_offset(), true); wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->set_dirty(); break; } case Rotate: { // Apply new temporary rotations TransformationType transformation_type(TransformationType::World_Relative_Joint); if (evt.AltDown()) transformation_type.set_independent(); selection.rotate(get_rotation(), transformation_type); wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->set_dirty(); break; } default: break; } m_parent.set_as_dirty(); processed = true; } if (get_gizmo_idx_from_mouse(mouse_pos) == Undefined) { // mouse is outside the toolbar m_tooltip = ""; if (evt.LeftDown() && (!control_down || grabber_contains_mouse())) { if ((m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow || m_current == FdmSupports || m_current == Seam || m_current == MmuSegmentation) && gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::LeftDown, mouse_pos, evt.ShiftDown(), evt.AltDown())) // the gizmo got the event and took some action, there is no need to do anything more processed = true; else if (!selection.is_empty() && grabber_contains_mouse()) { update_data(); selection.start_dragging(); start_dragging(); // Let the plater know that the dragging started m_parent.post_event(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLCANVAS_MOUSE_DRAGGING_STARTED)); if (m_current == Flatten) { // Rotate the object so the normal points downward: m_parent.do_flatten(get_flattening_normal(), L("Gizmo-Place on Face")); wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->set_dirty(); } m_parent.set_as_dirty(); processed = true; } } else if (evt.RightDown() && selected_object_idx != -1 && (m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow) && gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::RightDown, mouse_pos)) { // we need to set the following right up as processed to avoid showing the context menu if the user release the mouse over the object pending_right_up = true; // event was taken care of by the SlaSupports gizmo processed = true; } else if (evt.RightDown() && !control_down && selected_object_idx != -1 && (m_current == FdmSupports || m_current == Seam || m_current == MmuSegmentation) && gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::RightDown, mouse_pos)) { // event was taken care of by the FdmSupports / Seam / MMUPainting gizmo processed = true; } else if (evt.Dragging() && m_parent.get_move_volume_id() != -1 && (m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow || m_current == FdmSupports || m_current == Seam || m_current == MmuSegmentation)) // don't allow dragging objects with the Sla gizmo on processed = true; else if (evt.Dragging() && !control_down && (m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow || m_current == FdmSupports || m_current == Seam || m_current == MmuSegmentation) && gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::Dragging, mouse_pos, evt.ShiftDown(), evt.AltDown())) { // the gizmo got the event and took some action, no need to do anything more here m_parent.set_as_dirty(); processed = true; } else if (evt.Dragging() && control_down && (evt.LeftIsDown() || evt.RightIsDown())) { // CTRL has been pressed while already dragging -> stop current action if (evt.LeftIsDown()) gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::LeftUp, mouse_pos, evt.ShiftDown(), evt.AltDown(), true); else if (evt.RightIsDown()) gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::RightUp, mouse_pos, evt.ShiftDown(), evt.AltDown(), true); } else if (evt.LeftUp() && (m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow || m_current == FdmSupports || m_current == Seam || m_current == MmuSegmentation) && !m_parent.is_mouse_dragging()) { // in case SLA/FDM gizmo is selected, we just pass the LeftUp event and stop processing - neither // object moving or selecting is suppressed in that case gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::LeftUp, mouse_pos, evt.ShiftDown(), evt.AltDown(), control_down); processed = true; } else if (evt.LeftUp() && m_current == Flatten && m_gizmos[m_current]->get_hover_id() != -1) { // to avoid to loose the selection when user clicks an the white faces of a different object while the Flatten gizmo is active processed = true; } else if (evt.RightUp() && (m_current == FdmSupports || m_current == Seam || m_current == MmuSegmentation) && !m_parent.is_mouse_dragging()) { gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::RightUp, mouse_pos, evt.ShiftDown(), evt.AltDown(), control_down); processed = true; } } else { // mouse inside toolbar if (evt.LeftDown() || evt.LeftDClick()) { m_mouse_capture.left = true; m_mouse_capture.parent = &m_parent; processed = true; if (!selection.is_empty()) { update_on_off_state(mouse_pos); update_data(); m_parent.set_as_dirty(); } } else if (evt.MiddleDown()) { m_mouse_capture.middle = true; m_mouse_capture.parent = &m_parent; } else if (evt.RightDown()) { m_mouse_capture.right = true; m_mouse_capture.parent = &m_parent; } } return processed; } bool GLGizmosManager::on_char(wxKeyEvent& evt) { // see include/wx/defs.h enum wxKeyCode int keyCode = evt.GetKeyCode(); int ctrlMask = wxMOD_CONTROL; bool processed = false; if ((evt.GetModifiers() & ctrlMask) != 0) { switch (keyCode) { #ifdef __APPLE__ case 'a': case 'A': #else /* __APPLE__ */ case WXK_CONTROL_A: #endif /* __APPLE__ */ { // Sla gizmo selects all support points if ((m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow) && gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::SelectAll)) processed = true; break; } } } else if (!evt.HasModifiers()) { switch (keyCode) { // key ESC case WXK_ESCAPE: { if (m_current != Undefined) { if ((m_current != SlaSupports) || !gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::DiscardChanges)) reset_all_states(); processed = true; } break; } case WXK_RETURN: { if ((m_current == SlaSupports) && gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::ApplyChanges)) processed = true; break; } case 'r' : case 'R' : { if ((m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow || m_current == FdmSupports || m_current == Seam || m_current == MmuSegmentation) && gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::ResetClippingPlane)) processed = true; break; } case WXK_BACK: case WXK_DELETE: { if ((m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow) && gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::Delete)) processed = true; break; } case 'A': case 'a': { if (m_current == SlaSupports) { gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::AutomaticGeneration); // set as processed no matter what's returned by gizmo_event() to avoid the calling canvas to process 'A' as arrange processed = true; } break; } case 'M': case 'm': { if ((m_current == SlaSupports) && gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::ManualEditing)) processed = true; break; } case 'F': case 'f': { if (m_current == Scale) { if (!is_dragging()) wxGetApp().plater()->scale_selection_to_fit_print_volume(); processed = true; } break; } } } if (!processed && !evt.HasModifiers()) { if (handle_shortcut(keyCode)) processed = true; } if (processed) m_parent.set_as_dirty(); return processed; } bool GLGizmosManager::on_key(wxKeyEvent& evt) { const int keyCode = evt.GetKeyCode(); bool processed = false; if (evt.GetEventType() == wxEVT_KEY_UP) { if (m_current == SlaSupports || m_current == Hollow) { bool is_editing = true; bool is_rectangle_dragging = false; if (m_current == SlaSupports) { GLGizmoSlaSupports* gizmo = dynamic_cast(get_current()); is_editing = gizmo->is_in_editing_mode(); is_rectangle_dragging = gizmo->is_selection_rectangle_dragging(); } else { GLGizmoHollow* gizmo = dynamic_cast(get_current()); is_rectangle_dragging = gizmo->is_selection_rectangle_dragging(); } if (keyCode == WXK_SHIFT) { // shift has been just released - SLA gizmo might want to close rectangular selection. if (gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::ShiftUp) || (is_editing && is_rectangle_dragging)) processed = true; } else if (keyCode == WXK_ALT) { // alt has been just released - SLA gizmo might want to close rectangular selection. if (gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType::AltUp) || (is_editing && is_rectangle_dragging)) processed = true; } } // if (processed) // m_parent.set_cursor(GLCanvas3D::Standard); } else if (evt.GetEventType() == wxEVT_KEY_DOWN) { if ((m_current == SlaSupports) && ((keyCode == WXK_SHIFT) || (keyCode == WXK_ALT)) && dynamic_cast(get_current())->is_in_editing_mode()) { // m_parent.set_cursor(GLCanvas3D::Cross); processed = true; } else if (m_current == Cut) { auto do_move = [this, &processed](double delta_z) { GLGizmoCut* cut = dynamic_cast(get_current()); cut->set_cut_z(delta_z + cut->get_cut_z()); processed = true; }; switch (keyCode) { case WXK_NUMPAD_UP: case WXK_UP: { do_move(1.0); break; } case WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN: case WXK_DOWN: { do_move(-1.0); break; } default: { break; } } } } if (processed) m_parent.set_as_dirty(); return processed; } void GLGizmosManager::update_after_undo_redo(const UndoRedo::Snapshot& snapshot) { update_data(); m_serializing = false; if (m_current == SlaSupports && snapshot.snapshot_data.flags & UndoRedo::SnapshotData::RECALCULATE_SLA_SUPPORTS) dynamic_cast(m_gizmos[SlaSupports].get())->reslice_SLA_supports(true); } void GLGizmosManager::render_background(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float border) const { unsigned int tex_id = m_background_texture.texture.get_id(); float tex_width = (float)m_background_texture.texture.get_width(); float tex_height = (float)m_background_texture.texture.get_height(); if ((tex_id != 0) && (tex_width > 0) && (tex_height > 0)) { float inv_tex_width = (tex_width != 0.0f) ? 1.0f / tex_width : 0.0f; float inv_tex_height = (tex_height != 0.0f) ? 1.0f / tex_height : 0.0f; float internal_left = left + border; float internal_right = right - border; float internal_top = top - border; float internal_bottom = bottom + border; // float left_uv = 0.0f; float right_uv = 1.0f; float top_uv = 1.0f; float bottom_uv = 0.0f; float internal_left_uv = (float)m_background_texture.metadata.left * inv_tex_width; float internal_right_uv = 1.0f - (float)m_background_texture.metadata.right * inv_tex_width; float internal_top_uv = 1.0f - (float)m_background_texture.metadata.top * inv_tex_height; float internal_bottom_uv = (float)m_background_texture.metadata.bottom * inv_tex_height; // top-left corner GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, left, internal_left, internal_top, top, { { internal_left_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_top_uv }, { internal_left_uv, internal_top_uv } }); // top edge GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, internal_left, internal_right, internal_top, top, { { internal_left_uv, internal_top_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_top_uv }, { internal_right_uv, top_uv }, { internal_left_uv, top_uv } }); // top-right corner GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, internal_right, right, internal_top, top, { { internal_right_uv, internal_top_uv }, { right_uv, internal_top_uv }, { right_uv, top_uv }, { internal_right_uv, top_uv } }); // center-left edge GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, left, internal_left, internal_bottom, internal_top, { { internal_left_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_top_uv }, { internal_left_uv, internal_top_uv } }); // center GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, internal_left, internal_right, internal_bottom, internal_top, { { internal_left_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_top_uv }, { internal_left_uv, internal_top_uv } }); // center-right edge GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, internal_right, right, internal_bottom, internal_top, { { internal_right_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { right_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { right_uv, internal_top_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_top_uv } }); // bottom-left corner GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, left, internal_left, bottom, internal_bottom, { { internal_left_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_top_uv }, { internal_left_uv, internal_top_uv } }); // bottom edge GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, internal_left, internal_right, bottom, internal_bottom, { { internal_left_uv, bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_left_uv, internal_bottom_uv } }); // bottom-right corner GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, internal_right, right, bottom, internal_bottom, { { internal_right_uv, bottom_uv }, { right_uv, bottom_uv }, { right_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_bottom_uv } }); } } void GLGizmosManager::render_arrow(const GLCanvas3D& parent, EType highlighted_type) const { std::vector selectable_idxs = get_selectable_idxs(); if (selectable_idxs.empty()) return; float cnv_w = (float)m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_width(); float inv_zoom = (float)wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera().get_inv_zoom(); float height = get_scaled_total_height(); float zoomed_border = m_layout.scaled_border() * inv_zoom; float zoomed_top_x = (-0.5f * cnv_w) * inv_zoom; float zoomed_top_y = (0.5f * height) * inv_zoom; zoomed_top_x += zoomed_border; zoomed_top_y -= zoomed_border; float icons_size = m_layout.scaled_icons_size(); float zoomed_icons_size = icons_size * inv_zoom; float zoomed_stride_y = m_layout.scaled_stride_y() * inv_zoom; for (size_t idx : selectable_idxs) { if (idx == highlighted_type) { int tex_width = m_icons_texture.get_width(); int tex_height = m_icons_texture.get_height(); unsigned int tex_id = m_arrow_texture.texture.get_id(); float inv_tex_width = (tex_width != 0.0f) ? 1.0f / tex_width : 0.0f; float inv_tex_height = (tex_height != 0.0f) ? 1.0f / tex_height : 0.0f; float internal_left_uv = (float)m_arrow_texture.metadata.left * inv_tex_width; float internal_right_uv = 1.0f - (float)m_arrow_texture.metadata.right * inv_tex_width; float internal_top_uv = 1.0f - (float)m_arrow_texture.metadata.top * inv_tex_height; float internal_bottom_uv = (float)m_arrow_texture.metadata.bottom * inv_tex_height; float arrow_sides_ratio = (float)m_arrow_texture.texture.get_height() / (float)m_arrow_texture.texture.get_width(); GLTexture::render_sub_texture(tex_id, zoomed_top_x + zoomed_icons_size * 1.2f, zoomed_top_x + zoomed_icons_size * 1.2f + zoomed_icons_size * 2.2f * arrow_sides_ratio, zoomed_top_y - zoomed_icons_size * 1.6f , zoomed_top_y + zoomed_icons_size * 0.6f, { { internal_left_uv, internal_bottom_uv }, { internal_left_uv, internal_top_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_top_uv }, { internal_right_uv, internal_bottom_uv } }); break; } zoomed_top_y -= zoomed_stride_y; } } void GLGizmosManager::do_render_overlay() const { std::vector selectable_idxs = get_selectable_idxs(); if (selectable_idxs.empty()) return; float cnv_w = (float)m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_width(); float cnv_h = (float)m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_height(); float zoom = (float)wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera().get_zoom(); float inv_zoom = (float)wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera().get_inv_zoom(); float height = get_scaled_total_height(); float width = get_scaled_total_width(); float zoomed_border = m_layout.scaled_border() * inv_zoom; float zoomed_top_x = (-0.5f * cnv_w) * inv_zoom; float zoomed_top_y = (0.5f * height) * inv_zoom; float zoomed_left = zoomed_top_x; float zoomed_top = zoomed_top_y; float zoomed_right = zoomed_left + width * inv_zoom; float zoomed_bottom = zoomed_top - height * inv_zoom; render_background(zoomed_left, zoomed_top, zoomed_right, zoomed_bottom, zoomed_border); zoomed_top_x += zoomed_border; zoomed_top_y -= zoomed_border; float icons_size = m_layout.scaled_icons_size(); float zoomed_icons_size = icons_size * inv_zoom; float zoomed_stride_y = m_layout.scaled_stride_y() * inv_zoom; unsigned int icons_texture_id = m_icons_texture.get_id(); int tex_width = m_icons_texture.get_width(); int tex_height = m_icons_texture.get_height(); if ((icons_texture_id == 0) || (tex_width <= 1) || (tex_height <= 1)) return; float du = (float)(tex_width - 1) / (6.0f * (float)tex_width); // 6 is the number of possible states if the icons float dv = (float)(tex_height - 1) / (float)(m_gizmos.size() * tex_height); // tiles in the texture are spaced by 1 pixel float u_offset = 1.0f / (float)tex_width; float v_offset = 1.0f / (float)tex_height; float current_y = FLT_MAX; for (size_t idx : selectable_idxs) { GLGizmoBase* gizmo = m_gizmos[idx].get(); unsigned int sprite_id = gizmo->get_sprite_id(); // higlighted state needs to be decided first so its highlighting in every other state int icon_idx = (m_highlight.first == idx ? (m_highlight.second ? 4 : 5) : (m_current == idx) ? 2 : ((m_hover == idx) ? 1 : (gizmo->is_activable()? 0 : 3))); float v_top = v_offset + sprite_id * dv; float u_left = u_offset + icon_idx * du; float v_bottom = v_top + dv - v_offset; float u_right = u_left + du - u_offset; GLTexture::render_sub_texture(icons_texture_id, zoomed_top_x, zoomed_top_x + zoomed_icons_size, zoomed_top_y - zoomed_icons_size, zoomed_top_y, { { u_left, v_bottom }, { u_right, v_bottom }, { u_right, v_top }, { u_left, v_top } }); if (idx == m_current || current_y == FLT_MAX) { // The FLT_MAX trick is here so that even non-selectable but activable // gizmos are passed some meaningful value. current_y = 0.5f * cnv_h - zoomed_top_y * zoom; } zoomed_top_y -= zoomed_stride_y; } if (m_current != Undefined) { float toolbar_top = cnv_h - wxGetApp().plater()->get_view_toolbar().get_height(); m_gizmos[m_current]->render_input_window(width, current_y, toolbar_top); } } float GLGizmosManager::get_scaled_total_height() const { return m_layout.scale * (2.0f * m_layout.border + (float)get_selectable_idxs().size() * m_layout.stride_y() - m_layout.gap_y); } float GLGizmosManager::get_scaled_total_width() const { return 2.0f * m_layout.scaled_border() + m_layout.scaled_icons_size(); } GLGizmoBase* GLGizmosManager::get_current() const { return ((m_current == Undefined) || m_gizmos.empty()) ? nullptr : m_gizmos[m_current].get(); } GLGizmosManager::EType GLGizmosManager::get_gizmo_from_name(const std::string& gizmo_name) const { std::vector selectable_idxs = get_selectable_idxs(); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < selectable_idxs.size(); ++idx) { std::string filename = m_gizmos[selectable_idxs[idx]]->get_icon_filename(); filename = filename.substr(0, filename.find_first_of('.')); if (filename == gizmo_name) return (GLGizmosManager::EType)selectable_idxs[idx]; } return GLGizmosManager::EType::Undefined; } bool GLGizmosManager::generate_icons_texture() const { std::string path = resources_dir() + "/icons/"; std::vector filenames; for (size_t idx=0; idxget_icon_filename(); if (!icon_filename.empty()) filenames.push_back(path + icon_filename); } } std::vector> states; states.push_back(std::make_pair(1, false)); // Activable states.push_back(std::make_pair(0, false)); // Hovered states.push_back(std::make_pair(0, true)); // Selected states.push_back(std::make_pair(2, false)); // Disabled states.push_back(std::make_pair(0, false)); // HighlightedShown states.push_back(std::make_pair(2, false)); // HighlightedHidden unsigned int sprite_size_px = (unsigned int)m_layout.scaled_icons_size(); // // force even size // if (sprite_size_px % 2 != 0) // sprite_size_px += 1; bool res = m_icons_texture.load_from_svg_files_as_sprites_array(filenames, states, sprite_size_px, false); if (res) m_icons_texture_dirty = false; return res; } void GLGizmosManager::update_on_off_state(const Vec2d& mouse_pos) { if (!m_enabled) return; size_t idx = get_gizmo_idx_from_mouse(mouse_pos); if (idx != Undefined && m_gizmos[idx]->is_activable() && m_hover == idx) { activate_gizmo(m_current == idx ? Undefined : (EType)idx); wxGetApp().obj_list()->select_object_item((EType)idx <= Rotate); } } std::string GLGizmosManager::update_hover_state(const Vec2d& mouse_pos) { std::string name = ""; if (!m_enabled) return name; m_hover = Undefined; size_t idx = get_gizmo_idx_from_mouse(mouse_pos); if (idx != Undefined) { name = m_gizmos[idx]->get_name(); if (m_gizmos[idx]->is_activable()) m_hover = (EType)idx; } return name; } void GLGizmosManager::activate_gizmo(EType type) { if (m_gizmos.empty() || m_current == type) return; GLGizmoBase* old_gizmo = m_current == Undefined ? nullptr : m_gizmos[m_current].get(); GLGizmoBase* new_gizmo = type == Undefined ? nullptr : m_gizmos[type].get(); if (old_gizmo) { old_gizmo->set_state(GLGizmoBase::Off); if (old_gizmo->get_state() != GLGizmoBase::Off) return; // gizmo refused to be turned off, do nothing. if (! m_parent.get_gizmos_manager().is_serializing() && old_gizmo->wants_enter_leave_snapshots()) Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), Slic3r::format(_utf8("Leaving %1%"), old_gizmo->get_name())); } if (new_gizmo && ! m_parent.get_gizmos_manager().is_serializing() && new_gizmo->wants_enter_leave_snapshots()) Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), Slic3r::format(_utf8("Entering %1%"), new_gizmo->get_name())); m_current = type; if (new_gizmo) new_gizmo->set_state(GLGizmoBase::On); } bool GLGizmosManager::grabber_contains_mouse() const { if (!m_enabled) return false; GLGizmoBase* curr = get_current(); return (curr != nullptr) ? (curr->get_hover_id() != -1) : false; } bool GLGizmosManager::is_in_editing_mode(bool error_notification) const { if (m_current != SlaSupports || ! dynamic_cast(get_current())->is_in_editing_mode()) return false; if (error_notification) wxGetApp().plater()->get_notification_manager()->push_notification( NotificationType::QuitSLAManualMode, NotificationManager::NotificationLevel::ErrorNotification, _u8L("You are currently editing SLA support points. Please, " "apply or discard your changes first.")); return true; } bool GLGizmosManager::is_hiding_instances() const { return (m_common_gizmos_data && m_common_gizmos_data->instances_hider() && m_common_gizmos_data->instances_hider()->is_valid()); } int GLGizmosManager::get_shortcut_key(GLGizmosManager::EType type) const { return m_gizmos[type]->get_shortcut_key(); } } // namespace GUI } // namespace Slic3r