package Slic3r::Config; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use List::Util qw(first); # cemetery of old config settings our @Ignore = qw(duplicate_x duplicate_y multiply_x multiply_y support_material_tool acceleration adjust_overhang_flow standby_temperature); our $Options = print_config_def(); # generate accessors { no strict 'refs'; for my $opt_key (keys %$Options) { *{$opt_key} = sub { $_[0]->get($opt_key) }; } } sub new_from_defaults { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->new; $self->apply_static(Slic3r::Config::Print->new); return $self; } sub new_from_cli { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; delete $args{$_} for grep !defined $args{$_}, keys %args; for (qw(start end layer toolchange)) { my $opt_key = "${_}_gcode"; if ($args{$opt_key}) { if (-e $args{$opt_key}) { Slic3r::open(\my $fh, "<", $args{$opt_key}) or die "Failed to open $args{$opt_key}\n"; binmode $fh, ':utf8'; $args{$opt_key} = do { local $/; <$fh> }; close $fh; } } } my $self = $class->new; foreach my $opt_key (keys %args) { if ($opt_key =~ /^(?:print_center|bed_size|duplicate_grid|extruder_offset|retract_layer_change|wipe)$/) { $self->set_deserialize($opt_key, $args{$opt_key}); } else { $self->set($opt_key, $args{$opt_key}); } } return $self; } sub merge { my $class = shift; my $config = $class->new; $config->apply($_) for @_; return $config; } sub load { my $class = shift; my ($file) = @_; my $ini = __PACKAGE__->read_ini($file); my $config = __PACKAGE__->new; $config->set_deserialize(handle_legacy($_, $ini->{_}{$_})) for keys %{$ini->{_}}; return $config; } sub clone { my $self = shift; my $new = __PACKAGE__->new; $new->apply($self); return $new; } sub get_value { my $self = shift; my ($opt_key) = @_; return $Options->{$opt_key}{ratio_over} ? $self->get_abs_value($opt_key) : $self->get($opt_key); } sub handle_legacy { my $self = shift; my ($opt_key, $value) = @_; # handle legacy options return if first { $_ eq $opt_key } @Ignore; if ($opt_key =~ /^(extrusion_width|bottom_layer_speed|first_layer_height)_ratio$/) { $opt_key = $1; $opt_key =~ s/^bottom_layer_speed$/first_layer_speed/; $value = $value =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ && $value != 0 ? ($value*100) . "%" : 0; } if ($opt_key eq 'threads' && !$Slic3r::have_threads) { $value = 1; } if ($opt_key eq 'gcode_flavor' && $value eq 'makerbot') { $value = 'makerware'; } # For historical reasons, the world's full of configs having these very low values; # to avoid unexpected behavior we need to ignore them. Banning these two hard-coded # values is a dirty hack and will need to be removed sometime in the future, but it # will avoid lots of complaints for now. if ($opt_key eq 'perimeter_acceleration' && $value == '25') { $value = 0; } if ($opt_key eq 'infill_acceleration' && $value == '50') { $value = 0; } if (!exists $Options->{$opt_key}) { my @keys = grep { $Options->{$_}{aliases} && grep $_ eq $opt_key, @{$Options->{$_}{aliases}} } keys %$Options; if (!@keys) { warn "Unknown option $opt_key\n"; return; } $opt_key = $keys[0]; } return ($opt_key, $value); } sub set_ifndef { my $self = shift; my ($opt_key, $value, $deserialize) = @_; if (!$self->has($opt_key)) { if ($deserialize) { $self->set_deserialize($opt_key, $value); } else { $self->set($opt_key, $value); } } } sub save { my $self = shift; my ($file) = @_; my $ini = { _ => {} }; foreach my $opt_key (sort @{$self->get_keys}) { next if $Options->{$opt_key}{shortcut}; $ini->{_}{$opt_key} = $self->serialize($opt_key); } __PACKAGE__->write_ini($file, $ini); } sub setenv { my $self = shift; foreach my $opt_key (sort keys %$Options) { $ENV{"SLIC3R_" . uc $opt_key} = $self->serialize($opt_key); } } # this method is idempotent by design sub validate { my $self = shift; # -j, --threads die "Invalid value for --threads\n" if $self->threads < 1; die "Your perl wasn't built with multithread support\n" if $self->threads > 1 && !$Slic3r::have_threads; # --layer-height die "Invalid value for --layer-height\n" if $self->layer_height <= 0; die "--layer-height must be a multiple of print resolution\n" if $self->layer_height / &Slic3r::SCALING_FACTOR % 1 != 0; # --first-layer-height die "Invalid value for --first-layer-height\n" if $self->first_layer_height !~ /^(?:\d*(?:\.\d+)?)%?$/; # --filament-diameter die "Invalid value for --filament-diameter\n" if grep $_ < 1, @{$self->filament_diameter}; # --nozzle-diameter die "Invalid value for --nozzle-diameter\n" if grep $_ < 0, @{$self->nozzle_diameter}; die "--layer-height can't be greater than --nozzle-diameter\n" if grep $self->layer_height > $_, @{$self->nozzle_diameter}; die "First layer height can't be greater than --nozzle-diameter\n" if grep $self->get_value('first_layer_height') > $_, @{$self->nozzle_diameter}; # --perimeters die "Invalid value for --perimeters\n" if $self->perimeters < 0; # --solid-layers die "Invalid value for --solid-layers\n" if defined $self->solid_layers && $self->solid_layers < 0; die "Invalid value for --top-solid-layers\n" if $self->top_solid_layers < 0; die "Invalid value for --bottom-solid-layers\n" if $self->bottom_solid_layers < 0; # --gcode-flavor die "Invalid value for --gcode-flavor\n" if !first { $_ eq $self->gcode_flavor } @{$Options->{gcode_flavor}{values}}; die "--use-firmware-retraction is only supported by Marlin firmware\n" if $self->use_firmware_retraction && $self->gcode_flavor ne 'reprap'; die "--use-firmware-retraction is not compatible with --wipe\n" if $self->use_firmware_retraction && first {$_} @{$self->wipe}; # --print-center die "Invalid value for --print-center\n" if !ref $self->print_center && (!$self->print_center || $self->print_center !~ /^\d+,\d+$/); # --fill-pattern die "Invalid value for --fill-pattern\n" if !first { $_ eq $self->fill_pattern } @{$Options->{fill_pattern}{values}}; # --solid-fill-pattern die "Invalid value for --solid-fill-pattern\n" if !first { $_ eq $self->solid_fill_pattern } @{$Options->{solid_fill_pattern}{values}}; # --fill-density die "Invalid value for --fill-density\n" if $self->fill_density < 0 || $self->fill_density > 1; die "The selected fill pattern is not supposed to work at 100% density\n" if $self->fill_density == 1 && !first { $_ eq $self->fill_pattern } @{$Options->{solid_fill_pattern}{values}}; # --infill-every-layers die "Invalid value for --infill-every-layers\n" if $self->infill_every_layers !~ /^\d+$/ || $self->infill_every_layers < 1; # --scale die "Invalid value for --scale\n" if $self->scale <= 0; # --bed-size die "Invalid value for --bed-size\n" if !ref $self->bed_size && (!$self->bed_size || $self->bed_size !~ /^\d+,\d+$/); # --duplicate-grid die "Invalid value for --duplicate-grid\n" if !ref $self->duplicate_grid && (!$self->duplicate_grid || $self->duplicate_grid !~ /^\d+,\d+$/); # --duplicate die "Invalid value for --duplicate or --duplicate-grid\n" if !$self->duplicate || $self->duplicate < 1 || !$self->duplicate_grid || (grep !$_, @{$self->duplicate_grid}); die "Use either --duplicate or --duplicate-grid (using both doesn't make sense)\n" if $self->duplicate > 1 && $self->duplicate_grid && (grep $_ && $_ > 1, @{$self->duplicate_grid}); # --skirt-height die "Invalid value for --skirt-height\n" if $self->skirt_height < 0; # --bridge-flow-ratio die "Invalid value for --bridge-flow-ratio\n" if $self->bridge_flow_ratio <= 0; # extruder clearance die "Invalid value for --extruder-clearance-radius\n" if $self->extruder_clearance_radius <= 0; die "Invalid value for --extruder-clearance-height\n" if $self->extruder_clearance_height <= 0; # --extrusion-multiplier die "Invalid value for --extrusion-multiplier\n" if defined first { $_ <= 0 } @{$self->extrusion_multiplier}; # --default-acceleration die "Invalid zero value for --default-acceleration when using other acceleration settings\n" if ($self->perimeter_acceleration || $self->infill_acceleration || $self->bridge_acceleration || $self->first_layer_acceleration) && !$self->default_acceleration; # general validation, quick and dirty foreach my $opt_key (keys %$Options) { my $opt = $Options->{$opt_key}; next unless defined $self->$opt_key; next unless defined $opt->{cli} && $opt->{cli} =~ /=(.+)$/; my $type = $1; my @values = (); if ($type =~ s/\@$//) { die "Invalid value for $opt_key\n" if ref($self->$opt_key) ne 'ARRAY'; @values = @{ $self->$opt_key }; } else { @values = ($self->$opt_key); } foreach my $value (@values) { if ($type eq 'i' || $type eq 'f') { die "Invalid value for $opt_key\n" if ($type eq 'i' && $value !~ /^-?\d+$/) || ($type eq 'f' && $value !~ /^-?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d+)$/) || (defined $opt->{min} && $value < $opt->{min}) || (defined $opt->{max} && $value > $opt->{max}); } elsif ($type eq 's' && $opt->{type} eq 'select') { die "Invalid value for $opt_key\n" unless first { $_ eq $value } @{ $opt->{values} }; } } } } sub replace_options { my $self = shift; my ($string, $more_variables) = @_; $more_variables ||= {}; $more_variables->{$_} = $ENV{$_} for grep /^SLIC3R_/, keys %ENV; { my $variables_regex = join '|', keys %$more_variables; $string =~ s/\[($variables_regex)\]/$more_variables->{$1}/eg; } my @lt = localtime; $lt[5] += 1900; $lt[4] += 1; $string =~ s/\[timestamp\]/sprintf '%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d', @lt[5,4,3,2,1,0]/egx; $string =~ s/\[year\]/$lt[5]/eg; $string =~ s/\[month\]/$lt[4]/eg; $string =~ s/\[day\]/$lt[3]/eg; $string =~ s/\[hour\]/$lt[2]/eg; $string =~ s/\[minute\]/$lt[1]/eg; $string =~ s/\[second\]/$lt[0]/eg; $string =~ s/\[version\]/$Slic3r::VERSION/eg; # build a regexp to match the available options my @options = grep !$Slic3r::Config::Options->{$_}{multiline}, grep $self->has($_), keys %{$Slic3r::Config::Options}; my $options_regex = join '|', @options; # use that regexp to search and replace option names with option values $string =~ s/\[($options_regex)\]/$self->serialize($1)/eg; foreach my $opt_key (grep ref $self->$_ eq 'ARRAY', @options) { my $value = $self->$opt_key; $string =~ s/\[${opt_key}_${_}\]/$value->[$_]/eg for 0 .. $#$value; if ($Options->{$opt_key}{type} eq 'point') { $string =~ s/\[${opt_key}_X\]/$value->[0]/eg; $string =~ s/\[${opt_key}_Y\]/$value->[1]/eg; } } return $string; } # min object distance is max(duplicate_distance, clearance_radius) sub min_object_distance { my $self = shift; return ($self->complete_objects && $self->extruder_clearance_radius > $self->duplicate_distance) ? $self->extruder_clearance_radius : $self->duplicate_distance; } # CLASS METHODS: sub write_ini { my $class = shift; my ($file, $ini) = @_; Slic3r::open(\my $fh, '>', $file); binmode $fh, ':utf8'; my $localtime = localtime; printf $fh "# generated by Slic3r $Slic3r::VERSION on %s\n", "$localtime"; foreach my $category (sort keys %$ini) { printf $fh "\n[%s]\n", $category if $category ne '_'; foreach my $key (sort keys %{$ini->{$category}}) { printf $fh "%s = %s\n", $key, $ini->{$category}{$key}; } } close $fh; } sub read_ini { my $class = shift; my ($file) = @_; local $/ = "\n"; Slic3r::open(\my $fh, '<', $file); binmode $fh, ':utf8'; my $ini = { _ => {} }; my $category = '_'; while (<$fh>) { s/\R+$//; next if /^\s+/; next if /^$/; next if /^\s*#/; if (/^\[(\w+)\]$/) { $category = $1; next; } /^(\w+) = (.*)/ or die "Unreadable configuration file (invalid data at line $.)\n"; $ini->{$category}{$1} = $2; } close $fh; return $ini; } 1;