#include "PresetUpdater.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/GUI.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/I18N.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/PresetBundle.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/UpdateDialogs.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/ConfigWizard.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp" #include "slic3r/Utils/Http.hpp" #include "slic3r/Config/Version.hpp" #include "slic3r/Config/Snapshot.hpp" namespace fs = boost::filesystem; using Slic3r::GUI::Config::Index; using Slic3r::GUI::Config::Version; using Slic3r::GUI::Config::Snapshot; using Slic3r::GUI::Config::SnapshotDB; // FIXME: Incompat bundle resolution doesn't deal with inherited user presets namespace Slic3r { enum { SLIC3R_VERSION_BODY_MAX = 256, }; static const char *INDEX_FILENAME = "index.idx"; static const char *TMP_EXTENSION = ".download"; void copy_file_fix(const fs::path &source, const fs::path &target) { static const auto perms = fs::owner_read | fs::owner_write | fs::group_read | fs::others_read; // aka 644 BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << boost::format("PresetUpdater: Copying %1% -> %2%") % source % target; // Make sure the file has correct permission both before and after we copy over it if (fs::exists(target)) { fs::permissions(target, perms); } fs::copy_file(source, target, fs::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists); fs::permissions(target, perms); } struct Update { fs::path source; fs::path target; Version version; std::string vendor; std::string changelog_url; Update(fs::path &&source, fs::path &&target, const Version &version, std::string vendor, std::string changelog_url) : source(std::move(source)) , target(std::move(target)) , version(version) , vendor(std::move(vendor)) , changelog_url(std::move(changelog_url)) {} void install() const { copy_file_fix(source, target); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Update &self) { os << "Update(" << self.source.string() << " -> " << self.target.string() << ')'; return os; } }; struct Incompat { fs::path bundle; Version version; std::string vendor; Incompat(fs::path &&bundle, const Version &version, std::string vendor) : bundle(std::move(bundle)) , version(version) , vendor(std::move(vendor)) {} void remove() { // Remove the bundle file fs::remove(bundle); // Look for an installed index and remove it too if any const fs::path installed_idx = bundle.replace_extension("idx"); if (fs::exists(installed_idx)) { fs::remove(installed_idx); } } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os , const Incompat &self) { os << "Incompat(" << self.bundle.string() << ')'; return os; } }; struct Updates { std::vector incompats; std::vector updates; }; wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_SLIC3R_VERSION_ONLINE, wxCommandEvent); struct PresetUpdater::priv { std::vector index_db; bool enabled_version_check; bool enabled_config_update; std::string version_check_url; fs::path cache_path; fs::path rsrc_path; fs::path vendor_path; bool cancel; std::thread thread; priv(); void set_download_prefs(AppConfig *app_config); bool get_file(const std::string &url, const fs::path &target_path) const; void prune_tmps() const; void sync_version() const; void sync_config(const std::set vendors); void check_install_indices() const; Updates get_config_updates() const; void perform_updates(Updates &&updates, bool snapshot = true) const; }; PresetUpdater::priv::priv() : cache_path(fs::path(Slic3r::data_dir()) / "cache") , rsrc_path(fs::path(resources_dir()) / "profiles") , vendor_path(fs::path(Slic3r::data_dir()) / "vendor") , cancel(false) { set_download_prefs(GUI::wxGetApp().app_config); check_install_indices(); index_db = Index::load_db(); } // Pull relevant preferences from AppConfig void PresetUpdater::priv::set_download_prefs(AppConfig *app_config) { enabled_version_check = app_config->get("version_check") == "1"; version_check_url = app_config->version_check_url(); enabled_config_update = app_config->get("preset_update") == "1" && !app_config->legacy_datadir(); } // Downloads a file (http get operation). Cancels if the Updater is being destroyed. bool PresetUpdater::priv::get_file(const std::string &url, const fs::path &target_path) const { bool res = false; fs::path tmp_path = target_path; tmp_path += (boost::format(".%1%%2%") % get_current_pid() % TMP_EXTENSION).str(); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Get: `%1%`\n\t-> `%2%`\n\tvia tmp path `%3%`") % url % target_path.string() % tmp_path.string(); Http::get(url) .on_progress([this](Http::Progress, bool &cancel) { if (cancel) { cancel = true; } }) .on_error([&](std::string body, std::string error, unsigned http_status) { (void)body; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Error getting: `%1%`: HTTP %2%, %3%") % url % http_status % error; }) .on_complete([&](std::string body, unsigned /* http_status */) { fs::fstream file(tmp_path, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc); file.write(body.c_str(), body.size()); file.close(); fs::rename(tmp_path, target_path); res = true; }) .perform_sync(); return res; } // Remove leftover paritally downloaded files, if any. void PresetUpdater::priv::prune_tmps() const { for (auto &dir_entry : boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(cache_path)) if (is_plain_file(dir_entry) && dir_entry.path().extension() == TMP_EXTENSION) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Cache prune: " << dir_entry.path().string(); fs::remove(dir_entry.path()); } } // Get Slic3rPE version available online, save in AppConfig. void PresetUpdater::priv::sync_version() const { if (! enabled_version_check) { return; } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Downloading %1% online version from: `%2%`") % SLIC3R_APP_NAME % version_check_url; Http::get(version_check_url) .size_limit(SLIC3R_VERSION_BODY_MAX) .on_progress([this](Http::Progress, bool &cancel) { cancel = this->cancel; }) .on_error([&](std::string body, std::string error, unsigned http_status) { (void)body; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Error getting: `%1%`: HTTP %2%, %3%") % version_check_url % http_status % error; }) .on_complete([&](std::string body, unsigned /* http_status */) { boost::trim(body); const auto nl_pos = body.find_first_of("\n\r"); if (nl_pos != std::string::npos) { body.resize(nl_pos); } if (! Semver::parse(body)) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << boost::format("Received invalid contents from `%1%`: Not a correct semver: `%2%`") % SLIC3R_APP_NAME % body; return; } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Got %1% online version: `%2%`. Sending to GUI thread...") % SLIC3R_APP_NAME % body; wxCommandEvent* evt = new wxCommandEvent(EVT_SLIC3R_VERSION_ONLINE); evt->SetString(GUI::from_u8(body)); GUI::wxGetApp().QueueEvent(evt); }) .perform_sync(); } // Download vendor indices. Also download new bundles if an index indicates there's a new one available. // Both are saved in cache. void PresetUpdater::priv::sync_config(const std::set vendors) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Syncing configuration cache"; if (!enabled_config_update) { return; } // Donwload vendor preset bundles for (auto &index : index_db) { if (cancel) { return; } const auto vendor_it = vendors.find(VendorProfile(index.vendor())); if (vendor_it == vendors.end()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "No such vendor: " << index.vendor(); continue; } const VendorProfile &vendor = *vendor_it; if (vendor.config_update_url.empty()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Vendor has no config_update_url: " << vendor.name; continue; } // Download a fresh index BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Downloading index for vendor: " << vendor.name; const auto idx_url = vendor.config_update_url + "/" + INDEX_FILENAME; const std::string idx_path = (cache_path / (vendor.id + ".idx")).string(); const std::string idx_path_temp = idx_path + "-update"; if (!get_file(idx_url, idx_path_temp)) { continue; } if (cancel) { return; } // Load the fresh index up { Index new_index; try { new_index.load(idx_path_temp); } catch (const std::exception & /* err */) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Could not load downloaded index %1% for vendor %2%: invalid index?") % idx_path_temp % vendor.name; continue; } if (new_index.version() < index.version()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << boost::format("The downloaded index %1% for vendor %2% is older than the active one. Ignoring the downloaded index.") % idx_path_temp % vendor.name; continue; } Slic3r::rename_file(idx_path_temp, idx_path); index = std::move(new_index); if (cancel) return; } // See if a there's a new version to download const auto recommended_it = index.recommended(); if (recommended_it == index.end()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("No recommended version for vendor: %1%, invalid index?") % vendor.name; continue; } const auto recommended = recommended_it->config_version; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << boost::format("Got index for vendor: %1%: current version: %2%, recommended version: %3%") % vendor.name % vendor.config_version.to_string() % recommended.to_string(); if (vendor.config_version >= recommended) { continue; } // Download a fresh bundle BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Downloading new bundle for vendor: " << vendor.name; const auto bundle_url = (boost::format("%1%/%2%.ini") % vendor.config_update_url % recommended.to_string()).str(); const auto bundle_path = cache_path / (vendor.id + ".ini"); if (! get_file(bundle_url, bundle_path)) { continue; } if (cancel) { return; } } } // Install indicies from resources. Only installs those that are either missing or older than in resources. void PresetUpdater::priv::check_install_indices() const { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Checking if indices need to be installed from resources..."; for (auto &dir_entry : boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(rsrc_path)) if (is_idx_file(dir_entry)) { const auto &path = dir_entry.path(); const auto path_in_cache = cache_path / path.filename(); if (! fs::exists(path_in_cache)) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Install index from resources: " << path.filename(); copy_file_fix(path, path_in_cache); } else { Index idx_rsrc, idx_cache; idx_rsrc.load(path); idx_cache.load(path_in_cache); if (idx_cache.version() < idx_rsrc.version()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Update index from resources: " << path.filename(); copy_file_fix(path, path_in_cache); } } } } // Generates a list of bundle updates that are to be performed Updates PresetUpdater::priv::get_config_updates() const { Updates updates; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Checking for cached configuration updates..."; for (const auto idx : index_db) { auto bundle_path = vendor_path / (idx.vendor() + ".ini"); auto bundle_path_idx = vendor_path / idx.path().filename(); if (! fs::exists(bundle_path)) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Bundle not present for index, skipping: " << idx.vendor(); continue; } // Perform a basic load and check the version auto vp = VendorProfile::from_ini(bundle_path, false); // Getting a recommended version from the latest index, wich may have been downloaded // from the internet, or installed / updated from the installation resources. const auto recommended = idx.recommended(); if (recommended == idx.end()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("No recommended version for vendor: %1%, invalid index?") % idx.vendor(); // XXX: what should be done here? continue; } const auto ver_current = idx.find(vp.config_version); const bool ver_current_found = ver_current != idx.end(); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << boost::format("Vendor: %1%, version installed: %2%%3%, version cached: %4%") % vp.name % vp.config_version.to_string() % (ver_current_found ? "" : " (not found in index!)") % recommended->config_version.to_string(); if (! ver_current_found) { auto message = (boost::format("Preset bundle `%1%` version not found in index: %2%") % idx.vendor() % vp.config_version.to_string()).str(); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << message; GUI::show_error(nullptr, GUI::from_u8(message)); continue; } if (ver_current_found && !ver_current->is_current_slic3r_supported()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "Current Slic3r incompatible with installed bundle: " << bundle_path.string(); updates.incompats.emplace_back(std::move(bundle_path), *ver_current, vp.name); } else if (recommended->config_version > vp.config_version) { // Config bundle update situation // Load 'installed' idx, if any. // 'Installed' indices are kept alongside the bundle in the `vendor` subdir // for bookkeeping to remember a cancelled update and not offer it again. if (fs::exists(bundle_path_idx)) { Index existing_idx; try { existing_idx.load(bundle_path_idx); const auto existing_recommended = existing_idx.recommended(); if (existing_recommended != existing_idx.end() && recommended->config_version == existing_recommended->config_version) { // The user has already seen (and presumably rejected) this update BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Downloaded index for `%1%` is the same as installed one, not offering an update.") % idx.vendor(); continue; } } catch (const std::exception &err) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Could not load installed index at `%1%`: %2%") % bundle_path_idx % err.what(); } } // Check if the update is already present in a snapshot const auto recommended_snap = SnapshotDB::singleton().snapshot_with_vendor_preset(vp.name, recommended->config_version); if (recommended_snap != SnapshotDB::singleton().end()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Bundle update %1% %2% already found in snapshot %3%, skipping...") % vp.name % recommended->config_version.to_string() % recommended_snap->id; continue; } auto path_src = cache_path / (idx.vendor() + ".ini"); auto path_in_rsrc = rsrc_path / (idx.vendor() + ".ini"); if (! fs::exists(path_src)) { if (! fs::exists(path_in_rsrc)) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << boost::format("Index for vendor %1% indicates update, but bundle found in neither cache nor resources") % idx.vendor(); continue; } else { path_src = std::move(path_in_rsrc); path_in_rsrc.clear(); } } auto new_vp = VendorProfile::from_ini(path_src, false); bool found = false; if (new_vp.config_version == recommended->config_version) { updates.updates.emplace_back(std::move(path_src), std::move(bundle_path), *recommended, vp.name, vp.changelog_url); found = true; } else if (! path_in_rsrc.empty() && fs::exists(path_in_rsrc)) { new_vp = VendorProfile::from_ini(path_in_rsrc, false); if (new_vp.config_version == recommended->config_version) { updates.updates.emplace_back(std::move(path_in_rsrc), std::move(bundle_path), *recommended, vp.name, vp.changelog_url); found = true; } } if (found) { // 'Install' the index in the vendor directory. This is used to memoize // offered updates and to not offer the same update again if it was cancelled by the user. copy_file_fix(idx.path(), bundle_path_idx); } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << boost::format("Index for vendor %1% indicates update (%2%) but the new bundle was found neither in cache nor resources") % idx.vendor() % recommended->config_version.to_string(); } } } return updates; } void PresetUpdater::priv::perform_updates(Updates &&updates, bool snapshot) const { if (updates.incompats.size() > 0) { if (snapshot) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Taking a snapshot..."; SnapshotDB::singleton().take_snapshot(*GUI::wxGetApp().app_config, Snapshot::SNAPSHOT_DOWNGRADE); } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Deleting %1% incompatible bundles") % updates.incompats.size(); for (auto &incompat : updates.incompats) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << '\t' << incompat; incompat.remove(); } } else if (updates.updates.size() > 0) { if (snapshot) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Taking a snapshot..."; SnapshotDB::singleton().take_snapshot(*GUI::wxGetApp().app_config, Snapshot::SNAPSHOT_UPGRADE); } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Performing %1% updates") % updates.updates.size(); for (const auto &update : updates.updates) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << '\t' << update; update.install(); PresetBundle bundle; bundle.load_configbundle(update.source.string(), PresetBundle::LOAD_CFGBNDLE_SYSTEM); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Deleting %1% conflicting presets") % (bundle.prints.size() + bundle.filaments.size() + bundle.printers.size()); auto preset_remover = [](const Preset &preset) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << '\t' << preset.file; fs::remove(preset.file); }; for (const auto &preset : bundle.prints) { preset_remover(preset); } for (const auto &preset : bundle.filaments) { preset_remover(preset); } for (const auto &preset : bundle.printers) { preset_remover(preset); } // Also apply the `obsolete_presets` property, removing obsolete ini files BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Deleting %1% obsolete presets") % (bundle.obsolete_presets.prints.size() + bundle.obsolete_presets.filaments.size() + bundle.obsolete_presets.printers.size()); auto obsolete_remover = [](const char *subdir, const std::string &preset) { auto path = fs::path(Slic3r::data_dir()) / subdir / preset; path += ".ini"; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << '\t' << path.string(); fs::remove(path); }; for (const auto &name : bundle.obsolete_presets.prints) { obsolete_remover("print", name); } for (const auto &name : bundle.obsolete_presets.filaments) { obsolete_remover("filament", name); } for (const auto &name : bundle.obsolete_presets.sla_prints) { obsolete_remover("sla_print", name); } for (const auto &name : bundle.obsolete_presets.sla_materials/*filaments*/) { obsolete_remover("sla_material", name); } for (const auto &name : bundle.obsolete_presets.printers) { obsolete_remover("printer", name); } } } } PresetUpdater::PresetUpdater() : p(new priv()) {} // Public PresetUpdater::~PresetUpdater() { if (p && p->thread.joinable()) { // This will stop transfers being done by the thread, if any. // Cancelling takes some time, but should complete soon enough. p->cancel = true; p->thread.join(); } } void PresetUpdater::sync(PresetBundle *preset_bundle) { p->set_download_prefs(GUI::wxGetApp().app_config); if (!p->enabled_version_check && !p->enabled_config_update) { return; } // Copy the whole vendors data for use in the background thread // Unfortunatelly as of C++11, it needs to be copied again // into the closure (but perhaps the compiler can elide this). std::set vendors = preset_bundle->vendors; p->thread = std::move(std::thread([this, vendors]() { this->p->prune_tmps(); this->p->sync_version(); this->p->sync_config(std::move(vendors)); })); } void PresetUpdater::slic3r_update_notify() { if (! p->enabled_version_check) { return; } auto* app_config = GUI::wxGetApp().app_config; const auto ver_online_str = app_config->get("version_online"); const auto ver_online = Semver::parse(ver_online_str); const auto ver_online_seen = Semver::parse(app_config->get("version_online_seen")); if (ver_online) { // Only display the notification if the version available online is newer AND if we haven't seen it before if (*ver_online > Slic3r::SEMVER && (! ver_online_seen || *ver_online_seen < *ver_online)) { GUI::MsgUpdateSlic3r notification(Slic3r::SEMVER, *ver_online); notification.ShowModal(); if (notification.disable_version_check()) { app_config->set("version_check", "0"); p->enabled_version_check = false; } } app_config->set("version_online_seen", ver_online_str); } } PresetUpdater::UpdateResult PresetUpdater::config_update() const { if (! p->enabled_config_update) { return R_NOOP; } auto updates = p->get_config_updates(); if (updates.incompats.size() > 0) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("%1% bundles incompatible. Asking for action...") % updates.incompats.size(); std::unordered_map incompats_map; for (const auto &incompat : updates.incompats) { const auto min_slic3r = incompat.version.min_slic3r_version; const auto max_slic3r = incompat.version.max_slic3r_version; wxString restrictions; if (min_slic3r != Semver::zero() && max_slic3r != Semver::inf()) { restrictions = wxString::Format(_(L("requires min. %s and max. %s")), min_slic3r.to_string(), max_slic3r.to_string() ); } else if (min_slic3r != Semver::zero()) { restrictions = wxString::Format(_(L("requires min. %s")), min_slic3r.to_string()); } else { restrictions = wxString::Format(_(L("requires max. %s")), max_slic3r.to_string()); } incompats_map.emplace(std::make_pair(incompat.vendor, std::move(restrictions))); } GUI::MsgDataIncompatible dlg(std::move(incompats_map)); const auto res = dlg.ShowModal(); if (res == wxID_REPLACE) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "User wants to re-configure..."; // This effectively removes the incompatible bundles: // (snapshot is taken beforehand) p->perform_updates(std::move(updates)); GUI::ConfigWizard wizard(nullptr, GUI::ConfigWizard::RR_DATA_INCOMPAT); if (! wizard.run(GUI::wxGetApp().preset_bundle, this)) { return R_INCOMPAT_EXIT; } GUI::wxGetApp().load_current_presets(); return R_INCOMPAT_CONFIGURED; } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "User wants to exit Slic3r, bye..."; return R_INCOMPAT_EXIT; } } else if (updates.updates.size() > 0) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Update of %1% bundles available. Asking for confirmation ...") % updates.updates.size(); std::vector updates_msg; for (const auto &update : updates.updates) { std::string changelog_url = update.version.config_version.prerelease() == nullptr ? update.changelog_url : std::string(); updates_msg.emplace_back(update.vendor, update.version.config_version, update.version.comment, std::move(changelog_url)); } GUI::MsgUpdateConfig dlg(updates_msg); const auto res = dlg.ShowModal(); if (res == wxID_OK) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "User agreed to perform the update"; p->perform_updates(std::move(updates)); // Reload global configuration auto *app_config = GUI::wxGetApp().app_config; GUI::wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_presets(*app_config); GUI::wxGetApp().load_current_presets(); return R_UPDATE_INSTALLED; } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "User refused the update"; return R_UPDATE_REJECT; } } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "No configuration updates available."; } return R_NOOP; } void PresetUpdater::install_bundles_rsrc(std::vector bundles, bool snapshot) const { Updates updates; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Installing %1% bundles from resources ...") % bundles.size(); for (const auto &bundle : bundles) { auto path_in_rsrc = p->rsrc_path / bundle; auto path_in_vendors = p->vendor_path / bundle; updates.updates.emplace_back(std::move(path_in_rsrc), std::move(path_in_vendors), Version(), "", ""); } p->perform_updates(std::move(updates), snapshot); } }