package Slic3r::STL; use Moo; use CAD::Format::STL; use Math::Clipper qw(is_counter_clockwise); use XXX; use constant X => 0; use constant Y => 1; use constant Z => 2; use constant MIN => 0; use constant MAX => 1; sub parse_file { my $self = shift; my ($file) = @_; # open STL file my $stl = CAD::Format::STL->new->load($file); if ($Slic3r::rotate > 0) { my $deg = Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad($Slic3r::rotate); foreach my $facet ($stl->part->facets) { my ($normal, @vertices) = @$facet; foreach my $vertex (@vertices) { @$vertex = (@{ +(Slic3r::Geometry::rotate_points($deg, undef, [ $vertex->[X], $vertex->[Y] ]))[0] }, $vertex->[Z]); } } } # we only want to work with positive coordinates, so let's # find our object extents to calculate coordinate displacements my @extents = (map [99999999, -99999999], X,Y,Z); foreach my $facet ($stl->part->facets) { my ($normal, @vertices) = @$facet; foreach my $vertex (@vertices) { for (X,Y,Z) { $extents[$_][MIN] = $vertex->[$_] if $vertex->[$_] < $extents[$_][MIN]; $extents[$_][MAX] = $vertex->[$_] if $vertex->[$_] > $extents[$_][MAX]; } } } # scale extents for (X,Y,Z) { $extents[$_][MIN] *= $Slic3r::scale; $extents[$_][MAX] *= $Slic3r::scale; } # initialize print job my $print = Slic3r::Print->new( x_length => ($extents[X][MAX] - $extents[X][MIN]) / $Slic3r::resolution, y_length => ($extents[Y][MAX] - $extents[Y][MIN]) / $Slic3r::resolution, ); # calculate the displacements needed to # have lowest value for each axis at coordinate 0 my @shift = map -$extents[$_][MIN], X,Y,Z; # process facets foreach my $facet ($stl->part->facets) { # transform vertex coordinates my ($normal, @vertices) = @$facet; foreach my $vertex (@vertices) { $vertex->[$_] = sprintf('%.0f', ($Slic3r::scale * $vertex->[$_] + $shift[$_]) / $Slic3r::resolution) for X,Y,Z; } $self->_facet($print, @$facet); } print "\n==> PROCESSING SLICES:\n"; foreach my $layer (@{ $print->layers }) { printf "\nProcessing layer %d:\n", $layer->id; # build polylines of lines which do not already belong to a surface my $polylines = $layer->make_polylines; # build surfaces of polylines (distinguishing contours from holes) $layer->make_surfaces($polylines); # merge surfaces having a common line $layer->merge_contiguous_surfaces; } # detect which surfaces are near external layers $print->discover_horizontal_shells; return $print; } sub _facet { my $self = shift; my ($print, $normal, @vertices) = @_; Slic3r::debugf "\n==> FACET (%f,%f,%f - %f,%f,%f - %f,%f,%f):\n", map @$_, @vertices if $Slic3r::debug; # find the vertical extents of the facet my ($min_z, $max_z) = (99999999, -99999999); foreach my $vertex (@vertices) { $min_z = $vertex->[Z] if $vertex->[Z] < $min_z; $max_z = $vertex->[Z] if $vertex->[Z] > $max_z; } Slic3r::debugf "z: min = %.0f, max = %.0f\n", $min_z, $max_z; # calculate the layer extents my ($min_layer, $max_layer) = map { sprintf '%.0f', $_ * $Slic3r::resolution / $Slic3r::layer_height } $min_z, $max_z; Slic3r::debugf "layers: min = %.0f, max = %.0f\n", $min_layer, $max_layer; # is the facet horizontal? if ($min_layer == $max_layer) { Slic3r::debugf "Facet is horizontal\n"; my $layer = $print->layer($min_layer); my $surface = $layer->add_surface(@vertices); # to determine whether the surface is a top or bottom let's recompute # the normal using the right-hand rule # (this relies on the STL to be well-formed) # recompute the normal using the right-hand rule my $clockwise = !is_counter_clockwise([@vertices]); # defensive programming and/or input check if (($normal->[Z] > 0 && $clockwise > 0) || ($normal->[Z] < 0 && $clockwise < 0)) { YYY $normal; die sprintf "STL normal (%.0f) and right-hand rule computation (%s) differ!\n", $normal->[Z], $clockwise > 0 ? 'clockwise' : 'counter-clockwise'; } if ($layer->id == 0 && $clockwise < 0) { die "Right-hand rule gives bad result for facets on base layer!\n"; } $surface->surface_type($clockwise < 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom'); return; } # build the three segments of the triangle facet my @edges = ( [ $vertices[0], $vertices[1] ], [ $vertices[1], $vertices[2] ], [ $vertices[2], $vertices[0] ], ); for (my $layer_id = $min_layer; $layer_id <= $max_layer; $layer_id++) { my $layer = $print->layer($layer_id); my $z = $layer->z; my @intersection_points = (); foreach my $edge (@edges) { my ($a, $b) = @$edge; if ($a->[Z] == $b->[Z] && $a->[Z] == $z) { # edge is horizontal and belongs to the current layer $layer->add_line([$a->[X], $a->[Y]], [$b->[X], $b->[Y]]); } elsif (($a->[Z] < $z && $b->[Z] > $z) || ($b->[Z] < $z && $a->[Z] > $z)) { # edge intersects the current layer; calculate intersection push @intersection_points, Slic3r::Point->cast([ $b->[X] + ($a->[X] - $b->[X]) * ($z - $b->[Z]) / ($a->[Z] - $b->[Z]), $b->[Y] + ($a->[Y] - $b->[Y]) * ($z - $b->[Z]) / ($a->[Z] - $b->[Z]), ]); } } if (@intersection_points) { # defensive programming: die "Facets must intersect each plane 0 or 2 times" if @intersection_points != 2; # check whether the two points coincide due to resolution rounding if ($intersection_points[0]->coincides_with($intersection_points[1])) { Slic3r::debugf "Points coincide at layer %d; removing\n", $layer_id; next; } # connect points: $layer->add_line(@intersection_points); } } } 1;