use Test::More tests => 16; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; } use Slic3r; use Slic3r::Test qw(_eq); my $config = Slic3r::Config->new_from_defaults; my $test = sub { my ($conf) = @_; $conf ||= $config; my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $conf); my $tool = 0; my @toolchange_count = (); # track first usages so that we don't expect retract_length_toolchange when extruders are used for the first time my @retracted = (1); # ignore the first travel move from home to first point my @retracted_length = (0); my $lifted = 0; my $changed_tool = 0; my $wait_for_toolchange = 0; Slic3r::Test::GCodeReader->new(gcode => Slic3r::Test::gcode($print))->parse(sub { my ($self, $cmd, $args, $info) = @_; if ($cmd =~ /^T(\d+)/) { $tool = $1; $changed_tool = 1; $wait_for_toolchange = 0; $toolchange_count[$tool] //= 0; $toolchange_count[$tool]++; } elsif ($cmd =~ /^G[01]$/ && !$args->{Z}) { # ignore lift taking place after retraction fail 'toolchange happens right after retraction' if $wait_for_toolchange; } if ($info->{dist_Z}) { # lift move or lift + change layer if (_eq($info->{dist_Z}, $print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_lift) || (_eq($info->{dist_Z}, $conf->layer_height + $print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_lift) && $print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_lift > 0)) { fail 'only lifting while retracted' if !$retracted[$tool] && !($conf->g0 && $info->{retracting}); fail 'double lift' if $lifted; $lifted = 1; } if ($info->{dist_Z} < 0) { fail 'going down only after lifting' if !$lifted; fail 'going down by the same amount of the lift' if !_eq($info->{dist_Z}, -$print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_lift); $lifted = 0; } } if ($info->{retracting}) { $retracted[$tool] = 1; $retracted_length[$tool] += -$info->{dist_E}; if (_eq($retracted_length[$tool], $print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_length)) { # okay } elsif (_eq($retracted_length[$tool], $print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_length_toolchange)) { $wait_for_toolchange = 1; } else { fail 'retracted by the correct amount'; } fail 'combining retraction and travel with G0' if $cmd ne 'G0' && $conf->g0 && ($info->{dist_Z} || $info->{dist_XY}); } if ($info->{extruding}) { fail 'only extruding while not lifted' if $lifted; if ($retracted[$tool]) { my $expected_amount = $retracted_length[$tool] + $print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_restart_extra; if ($changed_tool && $toolchange_count[$tool] > 1) { $expected_amount = $print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_length_toolchange + $print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_restart_extra_toolchange; $changed_tool = 0; } fail 'unretracted by the correct amount' if !_eq($info->{dist_E}, $expected_amount); $retracted[$tool] = 0; $retracted_length[$tool] = 0; } } if ($info->{travel} && $info->{dist_XY} >= $print->extruders->[$tool]->retract_before_travel) { fail 'retracted before long travel move' if !$retracted[$tool]; } }); 1; }; $config->set('start_gcode', ''); # to avoid dealing with the nozzle lift in start G-code $config->set('retract_length', [1.5]); $config->set('retract_before_travel', [3]); $config->set('only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters', 0); my $retract_tests = sub { my ($descr) = @_; ok $test->(), "retraction$descr"; my $conf = $config->clone; $conf->set('retract_restart_extra', [1]); ok $test->($conf), "restart extra length$descr"; $conf->set('retract_restart_extra', [-1]); ok $test->($conf), "negative restart extra length$descr"; $conf->set('retract_lift', [1]); ok $test->($conf), "lift$descr"; }; $retract_tests->(''); $config->set('duplicate', 2); $retract_tests->(' (duplicate)'); $config->set('g0', 1); $retract_tests->(' (G0 and duplicate)'); $config->set('duplicate', 1); $config->set('g0', 0); $config->set('infill_extruder', 2); $retract_tests->(' (dual extruder)'); __END__