package Slic3r::Skein; use Moo; use Config; use File::Basename qw(basename fileparse); use Slic3r::Geometry qw(PI); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use XXX; # full path (relative or absolute) to the input file has 'input_file' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # full path (relative or absolute) to the output file; it may contain # formatting variables like [layer_height] etc. has 'output_file' => (is => 'rw', required => 0); has 'status_cb' => (is => 'rw', required => 0, default => sub { sub {} }); has 'processing_time' => (is => 'rw', required => 0); sub go { my $self = shift; my $t0 = [gettimeofday]; # skein the STL into layers # each layer has surfaces with holes $self->status_cb->(10, "Processing triangulated mesh..."); my $print; { my $mesh = $self->input_file =~ /\.stl$/i ? Slic3r::STL->read_file($self->input_file) : $self->input_file =~ /\.amf(\.xml)?$/i ? Slic3r::AMF->read_file($self->input_file) : die "Input file must have .stl or .amf(.xml) extension\n"; $mesh->check_manifoldness; $print = Slic3r::Print->new_from_mesh($mesh); } # make perimeters # this will add a set of extrusion loops to each layer # as well as generate infill boundaries $self->status_cb->(20, "Generating perimeters..."); { my $perimeter_maker = Slic3r::Perimeter->new; $perimeter_maker->make_perimeter($_) for @{$print->layers}; } # this will clip $layer->surfaces to the infill boundaries # and split them in top/bottom/internal surfaces; $self->status_cb->(30, "Detecting solid surfaces..."); $print->detect_surfaces_type; # decide what surfaces are to be filled $self->status_cb->(35, "Preparing infill surfaces..."); $_->prepare_fill_surfaces for @{$print->layers}; # this will remove unprintable surfaces # (those that are too tight for extrusion) $self->status_cb->(40, "Cleaning up..."); $_->remove_small_surfaces for @{$print->layers}; # this will detect bridges and reverse bridges # and rearrange top/bottom/internal surfaces $self->status_cb->(45, "Detect bridges..."); $_->process_bridges for @{$print->layers}; # this will remove unprintable perimeter loops # (those that are too tight for extrusion) $self->status_cb->(50, "Cleaning up the perimeters..."); $_->remove_small_perimeters for @{$print->layers}; # detect which fill surfaces are near external layers # they will be split in internal and internal-solid surfaces $self->status_cb->(60, "Generating horizontal shells..."); $print->discover_horizontal_shells; # free memory @{$_->surfaces} = () for @{$print->layers}; # combine fill surfaces to honor the "infill every N layers" option $self->status_cb->(70, "Combining infill..."); $print->infill_every_layers; # this will generate extrusion paths for each layer $self->status_cb->(80, "Infilling layers..."); { my $fill_maker = Slic3r::Fill->new('print' => $print); if ($Config{useithreads} && $Slic3r::threads > 1 && eval "use threads; use Thread::Queue; 1") { my $q = Thread::Queue->new; $q->enqueue(0..($print->layer_count-1), (map undef, 1..$Slic3r::threads)); my $thread_cb = sub { $Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::clipper = Math::Clipper->new; my $fills = {}; while (defined (my $layer_id = $q->dequeue)) { $fills->{$layer_id} = [ $fill_maker->make_fill($print->layers->[$layer_id]) ]; } return $fills; }; foreach my $th (map threads->create($thread_cb), 1..$Slic3r::threads) { my $fills = $th->join; foreach my $layer_id (keys %$fills) { @{$print->layers->[$layer_id]->fills} = @{$fills->{$layer_id}}; } } } else { foreach my $layer (@{$print->layers}) { @{$layer->fills} = $fill_maker->make_fill($layer); } } } # free memory @{$_->fill_surfaces} = () for @{$print->layers}; # generate support material if ($Slic3r::support_material) { $self->status_cb->(85, "Generating support material..."); $print->generate_support_material; } # make skirt $self->status_cb->(88, "Generating skirt..."); $print->extrude_skirt; # output everything to a GCODE file $self->status_cb->(90, "Exporting GCODE..."); $print->export_gcode($self->expanded_output_filepath); # output some statistics $self->processing_time(tv_interval($t0)); printf "Done. Process took %d minutes and %.3f seconds\n", int($self->processing_time/60), $self->processing_time - int($self->processing_time/60)*60; # TODO: more statistics! printf "Filament required: %.1fmm (%.1fcm3)\n", $print->total_extrusion_length, $print->total_extrusion_volume; } # this method will return the value of $self->output_file after expanding its # format variables with their values sub expanded_output_filepath { my $self = shift; my $path = $self->output_file; # if no explicit output file was defined, we take the input # file directory and append the specified filename format $path ||= (fileparse($self->input_file))[1] . $Slic3r::output_filename_format; my $input_basename = basename($self->input_file); $path =~ s/\[input_filename\]/$input_basename/g; $input_basename =~ s/\.(?:stl|amf(?:\.xml)?)$//i; $path =~ s/\[input_filename_base\]/$input_basename/g; # build a regexp to match the available options my $options = join '|', grep !$Slic3r::Config::Options->{$_}{multiline}, keys %$Slic3r::Config::Options; # use that regexp to search and replace option names with option values $path =~ s/\[($options)\]/Slic3r::Config->serialize($1)/eg; return $path; } 1;