{ "bbl_calib_mark_logo": "1", "type": "machine", "setting_id": "GM003", "name": "Kingroon KP3S PRO S1 0.4 nozzle", "instantiation": "true", "inherits": "fdm_machine_common", "printer_model": "Kingroon KP3S PRO S1", "default_print_profile": "0.20mm @Kingroon KP3S PRO S1 (0.4 nozzle)", "default_filament_profile": "Kingroon Generic PLA", "change_filament_gcode": "M600", "deretraction_speed": ["30"], "extruder_clearance_height_to_lid": "140", "extruder_clearance_height_to_rod": "36", "extruder_clearance_radius": "65", "extruder_colour": ["#FCE94F"], "extruder_offset": ["0x0"], "fan_kickstart": "0", "fan_speedup_overhangs": "1", "fan_speedup_time": "0", "from": "system", "gcode_flavor": "marlin", "layer_change_gcode": ";AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE\n;[layer_z]", "before_layer_change_gcode": ";BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE\n;[layer_z]\nG92 E0\n", "machine_end_gcode": "G91; relative positioning G1 Z1.0 F3000 ; move z up little to prevent scratching of print G90; absolute positioning M104 S0; turn off extruder M140 S0 ; turn off bed G1 X0 Y175 F1000 ; prepare for part removal M84 ; disable motors M106 S0 ; turn off fan", "machine_load_filament_time": "0", "machine_max_acceleration_e": ["5000", "5000"], "machine_max_acceleration_extruding": ["1250", "20000"], "machine_max_acceleration_retracting": ["1250", "5000"], "machine_max_acceleration_travel": ["9000", "9000"], "machine_max_acceleration_x": ["3000", "20000"], "machine_max_acceleration_y": ["3000", "20000"], "machine_max_acceleration_z": ["200", "200"], "machine_max_jerk_e": ["4.5", "2.5"], "machine_max_jerk_x": ["12", "9"], "machine_max_jerk_y": ["12", "9"], "machine_max_jerk_z": ["0.4", "0.4"], "machine_max_speed_e": ["120", "25"], "machine_max_speed_x": ["200", "200"], "machine_max_speed_y": ["200", "200"], "machine_max_speed_z": ["12", "12"], "machine_min_extruding_rate": ["0", "0"], "machine_min_travel_rate": ["0", "0"], "machine_pause_gcode": "PAUSE", "machine_start_gcode": "M117 Purge extruder G92 E0 ; reset extruder G1 Z1.0 F3000 ; move z up little to prevent scratching of surface G1 X2 Y20 Z0.3 F5000.0 ; move to start-line position G1 X2 Y175.0 Z0.3 F1500.0 E15 ; draw 1st line G1 X2 Y175.0 Z0.4 F5000.0 ; move to side a little G1 X2 Y20 Z0.4 F1500.0 E30 ; draw 2nd line G92 E0 ; reset extruder G1 Z1.0 F3000 ; move z up little to prevent scratching of surface", "machine_unload_filament_time": "0", "max_layer_height": ["0.3"], "min_layer_height": ["0.08"], "nozzle_diameter": ["0.4"], "nozzle_hrc": "0", "nozzle_type": "undefine", "nozzle_volume": "0", "print_host": "", "print_host_webui": "", "printable_area": ["0x0", "200x0", "200x200", "0x200"], "printable_height": "200", "printer_technology": "FFF", "printer_variant": "0.4", "printhost_apikey": "", "printhost_authorization_type": "key", "printhost_cafile": "", "printhost_password": "", "printhost_port": "", "printhost_ssl_ignore_revoke": "0", "printhost_user": "", "retract_before_wipe": ["70%"], "retract_length_toolchange": ["2"], "retract_restart_extra": ["0"], "retract_restart_extra_toolchange": ["0"], "retract_when_changing_layer": ["0"], "retraction_length": ["1.4"], "retraction_minimum_travel": ["1"], "retraction_speed": ["35"], "scan_first_layer": "0", "silent_mode": "0", "single_extruder_multi_material": "1", "template_custom_gcode": "", "thumbnails": ["300x300"], "upward_compatible_machine": [], "use_firmware_retraction": "0", "use_relative_e_distances": "1", "version": "", "wipe": ["0"], "wipe_distance": ["2"], "z_hop": ["0.5"], "z_hop_types": ["Auto Lift"] }