#include "PresetComboBoxes.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp" #include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "Plater.hpp" #include "MainFrame.hpp" #include "format.hpp" #include "Tab.hpp" #include "PrintHostDialogs.hpp" #include "ConfigWizard.hpp" #include "../Utils/ASCIIFolding.hpp" #include "../Utils/PrintHost.hpp" #include "../Utils/FixModelByWin10.hpp" #include "../Utils/UndoRedo.hpp" #include "RemovableDriveManager.hpp" #include "BitmapCache.hpp" #include "BonjourDialog.hpp" using Slic3r::GUI::format_wxstr; static const std::pair THUMBNAIL_SIZE_3MF = { 256, 256 }; namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { // --------------------------------- // *** PresetComboBox *** // --------------------------------- /* For PresetComboBox we use bitmaps that are created from images that are already scaled appropriately for Retina * (Contrary to the intuition, the `scale` argument for Bitmap's constructor doesn't mean * "please scale this to such and such" but rather * "the wxImage is already sized for backing scale such and such". ) * Unfortunately, the constructor changes the size of wxBitmap too. * Thus We need to use unscaled size value for bitmaps that we use * to avoid scaled size of control items. * For this purpose control drawing methods and * control size calculation methods (virtual) are overridden. **/ PresetComboBox::PresetComboBox(wxWindow* parent, Preset::Type preset_type, const wxSize& size) : wxBitmapComboBox(parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, size, 0, nullptr, wxCB_READONLY), m_type(preset_type), m_last_selected(wxNOT_FOUND), m_em_unit(em_unit(this)), m_preset_bundle(wxGetApp().preset_bundle), m_bitmap_cache(new BitmapCache) { SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); #ifdef _WIN32 // Workaround for ignoring CBN_EDITCHANGE events, which are processed after the content of the combo box changes, so that // the index of the item inside CBN_EDITCHANGE may no more be valid. EnableTextChangedEvents(false); #endif /* _WIN32 */ switch (m_type) { case Preset::TYPE_PRINT: { m_collection = &m_preset_bundle->prints; m_main_bitmap_name = "cog"; break; } case Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT: { m_collection = &m_preset_bundle->filaments; m_main_bitmap_name = "spool"; break; } case Preset::TYPE_SLA_PRINT: { m_collection = &m_preset_bundle->sla_prints; m_main_bitmap_name = "cog"; break; } case Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL: { m_collection = &m_preset_bundle->sla_materials; m_main_bitmap_name = "resin"; break; } case Preset::TYPE_PRINTER: { m_collection = &m_preset_bundle->printers; m_main_bitmap_name = "printer"; break; } default: break; } m_bitmapCompatible = ScalableBitmap(this, "flag_green"); m_bitmapIncompatible = ScalableBitmap(this, "flag_red"); m_bitmapLock = ScalableBitmap(this, "lock_closed"); // parameters for an icon's drawing fill_width_height(); } PresetComboBox::~PresetComboBox() { delete m_bitmap_cache; m_bitmap_cache = nullptr; } void PresetComboBox::set_label_marker(int item, LabelItemType label_item_type) { this->SetClientData(item, (void*)label_item_type); } void PresetComboBox::msw_rescale() { m_em_unit = em_unit(this); m_bitmapLock.msw_rescale(); m_bitmapIncompatible.msw_rescale(); m_bitmapCompatible.msw_rescale(); // parameters for an icon's drawing fill_width_height(); // update the control to redraw the icons update(); } void PresetComboBox::fill_width_height() { // To avoid asserts, each added bitmap to wxBitmapCombobox should be the same size, so // set a bitmap's height to m_bitmapLock->GetHeight() and norm_icon_width to m_bitmapLock->GetWidth() icon_height = m_bitmapLock.GetBmpHeight(); norm_icon_width = m_bitmapLock.GetBmpWidth(); /* It's supposed that standard size of an icon is 16px*16px for 100% scaled display. * So set sizes for solid_colored icons used for filament preset * and scale them in respect to em_unit value */ const float scale_f = (float)m_em_unit * 0.1f; thin_icon_width = lroundf(8 * scale_f); // analogue to 8px; wide_icon_width = norm_icon_width + thin_icon_width; space_icon_width = lroundf(2 * scale_f); thin_space_icon_width = 2 * space_icon_width; wide_space_icon_width = 3 * space_icon_width; } wxString PresetComboBox::separator(const std::string& label) { return wxString::FromUTF8(separator_head()) + _(label) + wxString::FromUTF8(separator_tail()); } #ifdef __APPLE__ bool PresetComboBox::OnAddBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap) { if (bitmap.IsOk()) { // we should use scaled! size values of bitmap int width = (int)bitmap.GetScaledWidth(); int height = (int)bitmap.GetScaledHeight(); if (m_usedImgSize.x < 0) { // If size not yet determined, get it from this image. m_usedImgSize.x = width; m_usedImgSize.y = height; // Adjust control size to vertically fit the bitmap wxWindow* ctrl = GetControl(); ctrl->InvalidateBestSize(); wxSize newSz = ctrl->GetBestSize(); wxSize sz = ctrl->GetSize(); if (newSz.y > sz.y) ctrl->SetSize(sz.x, newSz.y); else DetermineIndent(); } wxCHECK_MSG(width == m_usedImgSize.x && height == m_usedImgSize.y, false, "you can only add images of same size"); return true; } return false; } void PresetComboBox::OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int item, int flags) const { const wxBitmap& bmp = *(wxBitmap*)m_bitmaps[item]; if (bmp.IsOk()) { // we should use scaled! size values of bitmap wxCoord w = bmp.GetScaledWidth(); wxCoord h = bmp.GetScaledHeight(); const int imgSpacingLeft = 4; // Draw the image centered dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, rect.x + (m_usedImgSize.x - w) / 2 + imgSpacingLeft, rect.y + (rect.height - h) / 2, true); } wxString text = GetString(item); if (!text.empty()) dc.DrawText(text, rect.x + m_imgAreaWidth + 1, rect.y + (rect.height - dc.GetCharHeight()) / 2); } #endif // --------------------------------- // *** PlaterPresetComboBox *** // --------------------------------- PlaterPresetComboBox::PlaterPresetComboBox(wxWindow *parent, Preset::Type preset_type) : PresetComboBox(parent, preset_type, wxSize(15 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1)) { Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { auto selected_item = evt.GetSelection(); auto marker = reinterpret_cast(this->GetClientData(selected_item)); if (marker >= LABEL_ITEM_MARKER && marker < LABEL_ITEM_MAX) { this->SetSelection(this->m_last_selected); evt.StopPropagation(); if (marker == LABEL_ITEM_PHYSICAL_PRINTERS) { PhysicalPrinterDialog dlg(wxEmptyString); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) this->update(); return; } if (marker >= LABEL_ITEM_WIZARD_PRINTERS) { ConfigWizard::StartPage sp = ConfigWizard::SP_WELCOME; switch (marker) { case LABEL_ITEM_WIZARD_PRINTERS: sp = ConfigWizard::SP_PRINTERS; break; case LABEL_ITEM_WIZARD_FILAMENTS: sp = ConfigWizard::SP_FILAMENTS; break; case LABEL_ITEM_WIZARD_MATERIALS: sp = ConfigWizard::SP_MATERIALS; break; default: break; } wxTheApp->CallAfter([sp]() { wxGetApp().run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_USER, sp); }); } } else if (marker == LABEL_ITEM_PHYSICAL_PRINTER || this->m_last_selected != selected_item || m_collection->current_is_dirty() ) { this->m_last_selected = selected_item; evt.SetInt(this->m_type); evt.Skip(); } else { evt.StopPropagation(); } }); if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT) { Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, [this](wxMouseEvent &event) { const Preset* selected_preset = m_collection->find_preset(m_preset_bundle->filament_presets[m_extruder_idx]); // Wide icons are shown if the currently selected preset is not compatible with the current printer, // and red flag is drown in front of the selected preset. bool wide_icons = selected_preset != nullptr && !selected_preset->is_compatible; float scale = m_em_unit*0.1f; int shifl_Left = wide_icons ? int(scale * 16 + 0.5) : 0; #if defined(wxBITMAPCOMBOBOX_OWNERDRAWN_BASED) shifl_Left += int(scale * 4 + 0.5f); // IMAGE_SPACING_RIGHT = 4 for wxBitmapComboBox -> Space left of image #endif int icon_right_pos = shifl_Left + int(scale * (24+4) + 0.5); int mouse_pos = event.GetLogicalPosition(wxClientDC(this)).x; if (mouse_pos < shifl_Left || mouse_pos > icon_right_pos ) { // Let the combo box process the mouse click. event.Skip(); return; } // Swallow the mouse click and open the color picker. // get current color DynamicPrintConfig* cfg = wxGetApp().get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINTER)->get_config(); auto colors = static_cast(cfg->option("extruder_colour")->clone()); wxColour clr(colors->values[m_extruder_idx]); if (!clr.IsOk()) clr = wxColour(0,0,0); // Don't set alfa to transparence auto data = new wxColourData(); data->SetChooseFull(1); data->SetColour(clr); wxColourDialog dialog(this, data); dialog.CenterOnParent(); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { colors->values[m_extruder_idx] = dialog.GetColourData().GetColour().GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX).ToStdString(); DynamicPrintConfig cfg_new = *cfg; cfg_new.set_key_value("extruder_colour", colors); wxGetApp().get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINTER)->load_config(cfg_new); this->update(); wxGetApp().plater()->on_config_change(cfg_new); } }); } edit_btn = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, "cog"); edit_btn->SetToolTip(_L("Click to edit preset")); edit_btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent) { // In a case of a physical printer, for its editing open PhysicalPrinterDialog if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER && this->is_selected_physical_printer()) { this->show_edit_menu(); return; } if (!switch_to_tab()) return; /* In a case of a multi-material printing, for editing another Filament Preset * it's needed to select this preset for the "Filament settings" Tab */ if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT && wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt() > 1) { const std::string& selected_preset = GetString(GetSelection()).ToUTF8().data(); // Call select_preset() only if there is new preset and not just modified if ( !boost::algorithm::ends_with(selected_preset, Preset::suffix_modified()) ) { const std::string& preset_name = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->filaments.get_preset_name_by_alias(selected_preset); wxGetApp().get_tab(m_type)->select_preset(preset_name); } } }); } PlaterPresetComboBox::~PlaterPresetComboBox() { if (edit_btn) edit_btn->Destroy(); } bool PlaterPresetComboBox::is_selected_physical_printer() { auto selected_item = this->GetSelection(); auto marker = reinterpret_cast(this->GetClientData(selected_item)); return marker == LABEL_ITEM_PHYSICAL_PRINTER; } bool PlaterPresetComboBox::switch_to_tab() { Tab* tab = wxGetApp().get_tab(m_type); if (!tab) return false; int page_id = wxGetApp().tab_panel()->FindPage(tab); if (page_id == wxNOT_FOUND) return false; wxGetApp().tab_panel()->SetSelection(page_id); // Switch to Settings NotePad wxGetApp().mainframe->select_tab(); return true; } void PlaterPresetComboBox::show_edit_menu() { wxMenu* menu = new wxMenu(); append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Edit related printer profile"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { this->switch_to_tab(); }, "cog", menu, []() { return true; }, wxGetApp().plater()); append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Edit physical printer"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { PhysicalPrinterDialog dlg(this->GetString(this->GetSelection())); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) update(); }, "cog", menu, []() { return true; }, wxGetApp().plater()); append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Delete physical printer"), "", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { const std::string& printer_name = m_preset_bundle->physical_printers.get_selected_printer_name(); if (printer_name.empty()) return; const wxString msg = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Are you sure you want to delete \"%1%\" printer?")) % printer_name).str()); if (wxMessageDialog(this, msg, _L("Delete Physical Printer"), wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION).ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; m_preset_bundle->physical_printers.delete_selected_printer(); update(); }, "cross", menu, []() { return true; }, wxGetApp().plater()); wxGetApp().plater()->PopupMenu(menu); } // Only the compatible presets are shown. // If an incompatible preset is selected, it is shown as well. void PlaterPresetComboBox::update() { if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT && (m_preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA || m_preset_bundle->filament_presets.size() <= m_extruder_idx) ) return; // Otherwise fill in the list from scratch. this->Freeze(); this->Clear(); size_t selected_preset_item = INT_MAX; // some value meaning that no one item is selected const Preset* selected_filament_preset; std::string extruder_color; if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT) { unsigned char rgb[3]; extruder_color = m_preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config.opt_string("extruder_colour", (unsigned int)m_extruder_idx); if (!m_bitmap_cache->parse_color(extruder_color, rgb)) // Extruder color is not defined. extruder_color.clear(); selected_filament_preset = m_collection->find_preset(m_preset_bundle->filament_presets[m_extruder_idx]); assert(selected_filament_preset); } const Preset& selected_preset = m_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT ? *selected_filament_preset : m_collection->get_selected_preset(); // Show wide icons if the currently selected preset is not compatible with the current printer, // and draw a red flag in front of the selected preset. bool wide_icons = !selected_preset.is_compatible; std::map nonsys_presets; wxString selected = ""; wxString tooltip = ""; const std::deque& presets = m_collection->get_presets(); if (!presets.front().is_visible) this->set_label_marker(this->Append(separator(L("System presets")), wxNullBitmap)); for (size_t i = presets.front().is_visible ? 0 : m_collection->num_default_presets(); i < presets.size(); ++i) { const Preset& preset = presets[i]; bool is_selected = m_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT ? m_preset_bundle->filament_presets[m_extruder_idx] == preset.name : // The case, when some physical printer is selected m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER && m_preset_bundle->physical_printers.has_selection() ? false : i == m_collection->get_selected_idx(); if (!preset.is_visible || (!preset.is_compatible && !is_selected)) continue; std::string bitmap_key, filament_rgb, extruder_rgb; bool single_bar = false; if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER && preset.printer_technology() == ptSLA) bitmap_key = "sla_printer"; else if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT) { // Assign an extruder color to the selected item if the extruder color is defined. filament_rgb = preset.config.opt_string("filament_colour", 0); extruder_rgb = (selected && !extruder_color.empty()) ? extruder_color : filament_rgb; single_bar = filament_rgb == extruder_rgb; bitmap_key = single_bar ? filament_rgb : filament_rgb + extruder_rgb; } wxBitmap main_bmp = create_scaled_bitmap(m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER && preset.printer_technology() == ptSLA ? "sla_printer" : m_main_bitmap_name); // If the filament preset is not compatible and there is a "red flag" icon loaded, show it left // to the filament color image. if (wide_icons) bitmap_key += preset.is_compatible ? ",cmpt" : ",ncmpt"; bitmap_key += (preset.is_system || preset.is_default) ? ",syst" : ",nsyst"; bitmap_key += "-h" + std::to_string(icon_height); wxBitmap* bmp = m_bitmap_cache->find(bitmap_key); if (bmp == nullptr) { // Create the bitmap with color bars. std::vector bmps; if (wide_icons) // Paint a red flag for incompatible presets. bmps.emplace_back(preset.is_compatible ? m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(norm_icon_width, icon_height) : m_bitmapIncompatible.bmp()); if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_FILAMENT) { unsigned char rgb[3]; // Paint the color bars. m_bitmap_cache->parse_color(filament_rgb, rgb); bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mksolid(single_bar ? wide_icon_width : norm_icon_width, icon_height, rgb)); if (!single_bar) { m_bitmap_cache->parse_color(extruder_rgb, rgb); bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mksolid(thin_icon_width, icon_height, rgb)); } // Paint a lock at the system presets. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(space_icon_width, icon_height)); } else { // Paint the color bars. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(thin_space_icon_width, icon_height)); bmps.emplace_back(main_bmp); // Paint a lock at the system presets. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(wide_space_icon_width, icon_height)); } bmps.emplace_back((preset.is_system || preset.is_default) ? m_bitmapLock.bmp() : m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(norm_icon_width, icon_height)); bmp = m_bitmap_cache->insert(bitmap_key, bmps); } const std::string name = preset.alias.empty() ? preset.name : preset.alias; if (preset.is_default || preset.is_system) { Append(wxString::FromUTF8((name + (preset.is_dirty ? Preset::suffix_modified() : "")).c_str()), !bmp ? main_bmp : *bmp); if (is_selected || // just in case: mark selected_preset_item as a first added element selected_preset_item == INT_MAX) { selected_preset_item = GetCount() - 1; tooltip = wxString::FromUTF8(preset.name.c_str()); } } else { nonsys_presets.emplace(wxString::FromUTF8((name + (preset.is_dirty ? Preset::suffix_modified() : "")).c_str()), bmp); if (is_selected) { selected = wxString::FromUTF8((name + (preset.is_dirty ? Preset::suffix_modified() : "")).c_str()); tooltip = wxString::FromUTF8(preset.name.c_str()); } } if (i + 1 == m_collection->num_default_presets()) set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("System presets")), wxNullBitmap)); } if (!nonsys_presets.empty()) { set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("User presets")), wxNullBitmap)); for (std::map::iterator it = nonsys_presets.begin(); it != nonsys_presets.end(); ++it) { Append(it->first, *it->second); if (it->first == selected || // just in case: mark selected_preset_item as a first added element selected_preset_item == INT_MAX) selected_preset_item = GetCount() - 1; } } if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER || m_type == Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL) { std::string bitmap_key = ""; // If the filament preset is not compatible and there is a "red flag" icon loaded, show it left // to the filament color image. if (wide_icons) bitmap_key += "wide,"; bitmap_key += "edit_preset_list"; bitmap_key += "-h" + std::to_string(icon_height); wxBitmap* bmp = m_bitmap_cache->find(bitmap_key); if (bmp == nullptr) { // Create the bitmap with color bars.update_plater_ui std::vector bmps; if (wide_icons) // Paint a red flag for incompatible presets. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(norm_icon_width, icon_height)); // Paint the color bars. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(thin_space_icon_width, icon_height)); bmps.emplace_back(create_scaled_bitmap(m_main_bitmap_name)); // Paint a lock at the system presets. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(wide_space_icon_width, icon_height)); bmps.emplace_back(create_scaled_bitmap("edit_uni")); bmp = m_bitmap_cache->insert(bitmap_key, bmps); } if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_SLA_MATERIAL) set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("Add/Remove materials")), *bmp), LABEL_ITEM_WIZARD_MATERIALS); else set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("Add/Remove printers")), *bmp), LABEL_ITEM_WIZARD_PRINTERS); } if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { // add Physical printers, if any exists if (!m_preset_bundle->physical_printers.empty()) { set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("Physical printers")), wxNullBitmap)); const PhysicalPrinterCollection& ph_printers = m_preset_bundle->physical_printers; for (PhysicalPrinterCollection::ConstIterator it = ph_printers.begin(); it != ph_printers.end(); ++it) { std::string bitmap_key = it->printer_technology() == ptSLA ? "sla_printer" : m_main_bitmap_name; if (wide_icons) bitmap_key += "wide,"; bitmap_key += "-h" + std::to_string(icon_height); wxBitmap* bmp = m_bitmap_cache->find(bitmap_key); if (bmp == nullptr) { // Create the bitmap with color bars. std::vector bmps; if (wide_icons) // Paint a red flag for incompatible presets. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(norm_icon_width, icon_height)); // Paint the color bars. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(thin_space_icon_width, icon_height)); bmps.emplace_back(create_scaled_bitmap(it->printer_technology() == ptSLA ? "sla_printer" : m_main_bitmap_name)); // Paint a lock at the system presets. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(wide_space_icon_width+norm_icon_width, icon_height)); bmp = m_bitmap_cache->insert(bitmap_key, bmps); } set_label_marker(Append(wxString::FromUTF8((it->name).c_str()), *bmp), LABEL_ITEM_PHYSICAL_PRINTER); if (ph_printers.has_selection() && it->name == ph_printers.get_selected_printer_name() || // just in case: mark selected_preset_item as a first added element selected_preset_item == INT_MAX) selected_preset_item = GetCount() - 1; } } // add LABEL_ITEM_PHYSICAL_PRINTERS std::string bitmap_key; if (wide_icons) bitmap_key += "wide,"; bitmap_key += "edit_preset_list"; bitmap_key += "-h" + std::to_string(icon_height); wxBitmap* bmp = m_bitmap_cache->find(bitmap_key); if (bmp == nullptr) { // Create the bitmap with color bars. std::vector bmps; if (wide_icons) // Paint a red flag for incompatible presets. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(norm_icon_width, icon_height)); // Paint the color bars. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(thin_space_icon_width, icon_height)); bmps.emplace_back(create_scaled_bitmap("printer")); // Paint a lock at the system presets. bmps.emplace_back(m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(wide_space_icon_width, icon_height)); bmps.emplace_back(create_scaled_bitmap("edit_uni")); bmp = m_bitmap_cache->insert(bitmap_key, bmps); } set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("Add physical printer")), *bmp), LABEL_ITEM_PHYSICAL_PRINTERS); } /* But, if selected_preset_item is still equal to INT_MAX, it means that * there is no presets added to the list. * So, select last combobox item ("Add/Remove preset") */ if (selected_preset_item == INT_MAX) selected_preset_item = GetCount() - 1; SetSelection(selected_preset_item); SetToolTip(tooltip.IsEmpty() ? GetString(selected_preset_item) : tooltip); m_last_selected = selected_preset_item; Thaw(); // Update control min size after rescale (changed Display DPI under MSW) if (GetMinWidth() != 20 * m_em_unit) SetMinSize(wxSize(20 * m_em_unit, GetSize().GetHeight())); } void PlaterPresetComboBox::msw_rescale() { PresetComboBox::msw_rescale(); edit_btn->msw_rescale(); } // --------------------------------- // *** TabPresetComboBox *** // --------------------------------- TabPresetComboBox::TabPresetComboBox(wxWindow* parent, Preset::Type preset_type) : PresetComboBox(parent, preset_type, wxSize(35 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1)) { Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& evt) { // see https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/3889 // Under OSX: in case of use of a same names written in different case (like "ENDER" and "Ender") // m_presets_choice->GetSelection() will return first item, because search in PopupListCtrl is case-insensitive. // So, use GetSelection() from event parameter auto selected_item = evt.GetSelection(); auto marker = reinterpret_cast(this->GetClientData(selected_item)); if (marker >= LABEL_ITEM_MARKER && marker < LABEL_ITEM_MAX) { this->SetSelection(this->m_last_selected); if (marker == LABEL_ITEM_WIZARD_PRINTERS) wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]() { wxGetApp().run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_USER, ConfigWizard::SP_PRINTERS); // update combobox if its parent is a PhysicalPrinterDialog PhysicalPrinterDialog* parent = dynamic_cast(this->GetParent()); if (parent != nullptr) update(); }); } else if (on_selection_changed && (m_last_selected != selected_item || m_collection->current_is_dirty()) ) on_selection_changed(selected_item); evt.StopPropagation(); }); } // Update the choice UI from the list of presets. // If show_incompatible, all presets are shown, otherwise only the compatible presets are shown. // If an incompatible preset is selected, it is shown as well. void TabPresetComboBox::update() { Freeze(); Clear(); size_t selected_preset_item = INT_MAX; // some value meaning that no one item is selected const std::deque& presets = m_collection->get_presets(); std::map nonsys_presets; wxString selected = ""; if (!presets.front().is_visible) set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("System presets")), wxNullBitmap)); int idx_selected = m_collection->get_selected_idx(); for (size_t i = presets.front().is_visible ? 0 : m_collection->num_default_presets(); i < presets.size(); ++i) { const Preset& preset = presets[i]; if (!preset.is_visible || (!show_incompatible && !preset.is_compatible && i != idx_selected)) continue; std::string bitmap_key = "tab"; wxBitmap main_bmp = create_scaled_bitmap(m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER && preset.printer_technology() == ptSLA ? "sla_printer" : m_main_bitmap_name, this); if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { bitmap_key += "_printer"; if (preset.printer_technology() == ptSLA) bitmap_key += "_sla"; } bitmap_key += preset.is_compatible ? ",cmpt" : ",ncmpt"; bitmap_key += (preset.is_system || preset.is_default) ? ",syst" : ",nsyst"; bitmap_key += "-h" + std::to_string(icon_height); wxBitmap* bmp = m_bitmap_cache->find(bitmap_key); if (bmp == nullptr) { // Create the bitmap with color bars. std::vector bmps; bmps.emplace_back(m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER ? main_bmp : preset.is_compatible ? m_bitmapCompatible.bmp() : m_bitmapIncompatible.bmp()); // Paint a lock at the system presets. bmps.emplace_back((preset.is_system || preset.is_default) ? m_bitmapLock.bmp() : m_bitmap_cache->mkclear(norm_icon_width, icon_height)); bmp = m_bitmap_cache->insert(bitmap_key, bmps); } if (preset.is_default || preset.is_system) { Append(wxString::FromUTF8((preset.name + (preset.is_dirty ? Preset::suffix_modified() : "")).c_str()), (bmp == 0) ? main_bmp : *bmp); if (i == idx_selected || // just in case: mark selected_preset_item as a first added element selected_preset_item == INT_MAX) selected_preset_item = GetCount() - 1; } else { nonsys_presets.emplace(wxString::FromUTF8((preset.name + (preset.is_dirty ? Preset::suffix_modified() : "")).c_str()), bmp); if (i == idx_selected) selected = wxString::FromUTF8((preset.name + (preset.is_dirty ? Preset::suffix_modified() : "")).c_str()); } if (i + 1 == m_collection->num_default_presets()) set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("System presets")), wxNullBitmap)); } if (!nonsys_presets.empty()) { set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("User presets")), wxNullBitmap)); for (std::map::iterator it = nonsys_presets.begin(); it != nonsys_presets.end(); ++it) { Append(it->first, *it->second); if (it->first == selected || // just in case: mark selected_preset_item as a first added element selected_preset_item == INT_MAX) selected_preset_item = GetCount() - 1; } } if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { std::string bitmap_key = "edit_preset_list"; bitmap_key += "-h" + std::to_string(icon_height); wxBitmap* bmp = m_bitmap_cache->find(bitmap_key); if (bmp == nullptr) { // Create the bitmap with color bars. std::vector bmps; bmps.emplace_back(create_scaled_bitmap(m_main_bitmap_name, this)); bmps.emplace_back(create_scaled_bitmap("edit_uni", this)); bmp = m_bitmap_cache->insert(bitmap_key, bmps); } set_label_marker(Append(separator(L("Add/Remove printers")), *bmp), LABEL_ITEM_WIZARD_PRINTERS); } /* But, if selected_preset_item is still equal to INT_MAX, it means that * there is no presets added to the list. * So, select last combobox item ("Add/Remove preset") */ if (selected_preset_item == INT_MAX) selected_preset_item = GetCount() - 1; SetSelection(selected_preset_item); SetToolTip(GetString(selected_preset_item)); Thaw(); m_last_selected = selected_preset_item; } void TabPresetComboBox::msw_rescale() { PresetComboBox::msw_rescale(); wxSize sz = wxSize(35 * m_em_unit, -1); SetMinSize(sz); SetSize(sz); } void TabPresetComboBox::update_dirty() { // 1) Update the dirty flag of the current preset. m_collection->update_dirty(); // 2) Update the labels. wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(this); for (unsigned int ui_id = 0; ui_id < GetCount(); ++ui_id) { std::string old_label = GetString(ui_id).utf8_str().data(); std::string preset_name = Preset::remove_suffix_modified(old_label); const Preset* preset = m_collection->find_preset(preset_name, false); if (preset) { std::string new_label = preset->is_dirty ? preset->name + Preset::suffix_modified() : preset->name; if (old_label != new_label) SetString(ui_id, wxString::FromUTF8(new_label.c_str())); } } #ifdef __APPLE__ // wxWidgets on OSX do not upload the text of the combo box line automatically. // Force it to update by re-selecting. SetSelection(GetSelection()); #endif /* __APPLE __ */ } //------------------------------------------ // PhysicalPrinterDialog //------------------------------------------ PhysicalPrinterDialog::PhysicalPrinterDialog(wxString printer_name) : DPIDialog(NULL, wxID_ANY, _L("Physical Printer"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(45 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER) { SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); int border = 10; m_printer_presets = new TabPresetComboBox(this, Preset::TYPE_PRINTER); m_printer_presets->set_selection_changed_function([this](int selection) { std::string selected_string = Preset::remove_suffix_modified(m_printer_presets->GetString(selection).ToUTF8().data()); Preset* preset = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.find_preset(selected_string); assert(preset); Preset& edited_preset = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset(); if (preset->name == edited_preset.name) preset = &edited_preset; m_printer.update_from_preset(*preset); // update values m_optgroup->reload_config(); update(); }); m_printer_presets->update(); wxString preset_name = m_printer_presets->GetString(m_printer_presets->GetSelection()); if (printer_name.IsEmpty()) printer_name = preset_name + " - "+_L("Physical Printer"); m_printer_name = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, printer_name, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER); PhysicalPrinterCollection& printers = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->physical_printers; PhysicalPrinter* printer = printers.find_printer(into_u8(printer_name)); if (!printer) { const Preset& preset = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset(); printer = new PhysicalPrinter(into_u8(printer_name), preset); } assert(printer); m_printer = *printer; m_config = &m_printer.config; m_optgroup = new ConfigOptionsGroup(this, _L("Print Host upload"), m_config); build_printhost_settings(m_optgroup); m_optgroup->reload_config(); wxStdDialogButtonSizer* btns = this->CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL); wxButton* btnOK = static_cast(this->FindWindowById(wxID_OK, this)); btnOK->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &PhysicalPrinterDialog::OnOK, this); wxBoxSizer* topSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); topSizer->Add(m_printer_name , 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxTOP | wxRIGHT, border); topSizer->Add(m_printer_presets , 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxTOP | wxRIGHT, border); topSizer->Add(m_optgroup->sizer , 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxTOP | wxRIGHT, border); topSizer->Add(btns , 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, border); SetSizer(topSizer); topSizer->SetSizeHints(this); } void PhysicalPrinterDialog::build_printhost_settings(ConfigOptionsGroup* m_optgroup) { m_optgroup->m_on_change = [this](t_config_option_key opt_key, boost::any value) { if (opt_key == "authorization_type") this->update(); }; m_optgroup->append_single_option_line("host_type"); auto create_sizer_with_btn = [this](wxWindow* parent, ScalableButton** btn, const std::string& icon_name, const wxString& label) { *btn = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, icon_name, label, wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultPosition, wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT); (*btn)->SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(*btn); return sizer; }; auto printhost_browse = [=](wxWindow* parent) { auto sizer = create_sizer_with_btn(parent, &m_printhost_browse_btn, "browse", _L("Browse") + " " + dots); m_printhost_browse_btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent& e) { BonjourDialog dialog(this, Preset::printer_technology(m_printer.config)); if (dialog.show_and_lookup()) { m_optgroup->set_value("print_host", std::move(dialog.get_selected()), true); m_optgroup->get_field("print_host")->field_changed(); } }); return sizer; }; auto print_host_test = [=](wxWindow* parent) { auto sizer = create_sizer_with_btn(parent, &m_printhost_test_btn, "test", _L("Test")); m_printhost_test_btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent& e) { std::unique_ptr host(PrintHost::get_print_host(m_config)); if (!host) { const wxString text = _L("Could not get a valid Printer Host reference"); show_error(this, text); return; } wxString msg; if (host->test(msg)) { show_info(this, host->get_test_ok_msg(), _L("Success!")); } else { show_error(this, host->get_test_failed_msg(msg)); } }); return sizer; }; // Set a wider width for a better alignment Option option = m_optgroup->get_option("print_host"); option.opt.width = Field::def_width_wider(); Line host_line = m_optgroup->create_single_option_line(option); host_line.append_widget(printhost_browse); host_line.append_widget(print_host_test); m_optgroup->append_line(host_line); m_optgroup->append_single_option_line("authorization_type"); option = m_optgroup->get_option("printhost_apikey"); option.opt.width = Field::def_width_wider(); m_optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); const auto ca_file_hint = _u8L("HTTPS CA file is optional. It is only needed if you use HTTPS with a self-signed certificate."); if (Http::ca_file_supported()) { option = m_optgroup->get_option("printhost_cafile"); option.opt.width = Field::def_width_wider(); Line cafile_line = m_optgroup->create_single_option_line(option); auto printhost_cafile_browse = [=](wxWindow* parent) { auto sizer = create_sizer_with_btn(parent, &m_printhost_cafile_browse_btn, "browse", _L("Browse") + " " + dots); m_printhost_cafile_browse_btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this, m_optgroup](wxCommandEvent e) { static const auto filemasks = _L("Certificate files (*.crt, *.pem)|*.crt;*.pem|All files|*.*"); wxFileDialog openFileDialog(this, _L("Open CA certificate file"), "", "", filemasks, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (openFileDialog.ShowModal() != wxID_CANCEL) { m_optgroup->set_value("printhost_cafile", std::move(openFileDialog.GetPath()), true); m_optgroup->get_field("printhost_cafile")->field_changed(); } }); return sizer; }; cafile_line.append_widget(printhost_cafile_browse); m_optgroup->append_line(cafile_line); Line cafile_hint{ "", "" }; cafile_hint.full_width = 1; cafile_hint.widget = [this, ca_file_hint](wxWindow* parent) { auto txt = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, ca_file_hint); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(txt); return sizer; }; m_optgroup->append_line(cafile_hint); } else { Line line{ "", "" }; line.full_width = 1; line.widget = [ca_file_hint](wxWindow* parent) { std::string info = _u8L("HTTPS CA File") + ":\n\t" + (boost::format(_u8L("On this system, %s uses HTTPS certificates from the system Certificate Store or Keychain.")) % SLIC3R_APP_NAME).str() + "\n\t" + _u8L("To use a custom CA file, please import your CA file into Certificate Store / Keychain."); //auto txt = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, from_u8((boost::format("%1%\n\n\t%2%") % info % ca_file_hint).str())); auto txt = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, from_u8((boost::format("%1%\n\t%2%") % info % ca_file_hint).str())); txt->SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizer->Add(txt, 1, wxEXPAND); return sizer; }; m_optgroup->append_line(line); } for (const std::string& opt_key : std::vector{ "login", "password" }) { option = m_optgroup->get_option(opt_key); option.opt.width = Field::def_width_wider(); m_optgroup->append_single_option_line(option); } update(); } void PhysicalPrinterDialog::update() { const PrinterTechnology tech = Preset::printer_technology(m_printer.config); // Only offer the host type selection for FFF, for SLA it's always the SL1 printer (at the moment) if (tech == ptFFF) { m_optgroup->show_field("host_type"); m_optgroup->hide_field("authorization_type"); for (const std::string& opt_key : std::vector{ "login", "password" }) m_optgroup->hide_field(opt_key); } else { m_optgroup->set_value("host_type", int(PrintHostType::htOctoPrint), false); m_optgroup->hide_field("host_type"); m_optgroup->show_field("authorization_type"); AuthorizationType auth_type = m_config->option>("authorization_type")->value; m_optgroup->show_field("printhost_apikey", auth_type == AuthorizationType::atKeyPassword); for (const std::string& opt_key : std::vector{ "login", "password" }) m_optgroup->show_field(opt_key, auth_type == AuthorizationType::atUserPassword); } this->Layout(); } void PhysicalPrinterDialog::on_dpi_changed(const wxRect& suggested_rect) { const int& em = em_unit(); m_printhost_browse_btn->msw_rescale(); m_printhost_test_btn->msw_rescale(); if (m_printhost_cafile_browse_btn) m_printhost_cafile_browse_btn->msw_rescale(); m_optgroup->msw_rescale(); msw_buttons_rescale(this, em, { wxID_OK, wxID_CANCEL }); const wxSize& size = wxSize(45 * em, 35 * em); SetMinSize(size); Fit(); Refresh(); } void PhysicalPrinterDialog::OnOK(wxEvent& event) { wxString printer_name = m_printer_name->GetValue(); if (printer_name.IsEmpty()) { show_error(this, _L("The supplied name is empty. It can't be saved.")); return; } PhysicalPrinterCollection& printers = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->physical_printers; const PhysicalPrinter* existing = printers.find_printer(into_u8(printer_name)); if (existing && into_u8(printer_name) != printers.get_selected_printer_name()) { wxString msg_text = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Printer with name \"%1%\" already exists.")) % printer_name).str()); msg_text += "\n" + _L("Replace?"); wxMessageDialog dialog(nullptr, msg_text, _L("Warning"), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_NO) return; // Remove the printer from the list. printers.delete_printer(into_u8(printer_name)); } //upadte printer name, if it was changed m_printer.name = into_u8(printer_name); // save new physical printer printers.save_printer(m_printer); // update selection on the tab only when it was changed if (m_printer.get_preset_name() != wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset_name()) { Tab* tab = wxGetApp().get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINTER); if (tab) { wxString preset_name = m_printer_presets->GetString(m_printer_presets->GetSelection()); tab->select_preset(into_u8(preset_name)); } } event.Skip(); } }} // namespace Slic3r::GUI