OrcaSlicer use `M106 P3` command to control air-filtration/exhaust fan. If you are using Klipper, you can define a `M106` macro to control the both normal part cooling fan and auxiliary fan and exhaust fan. Below is a reference configuration for Klipper. *Note: Don't forget to change the pin name to the actual pin name you are using in the configuration* ``` # instead of using [fan], we define the default part cooling fan with [fan_generic] here # this is the default part cooling fan [fan_generic fan0] pin: PA7 cycle_time: 0.01 hardware_pwm: false # this is the auxiliary fan # comment out it if you don't have auxiliary fan [fan_generic fan2] pin: PA8 cycle_time: 0.01 hardware_pwm: false # this is the exhaust fan # comment out it if you don't have exhaust fan [fan_generic fan3] pin: PA9 cycle_time: 0.01 hardware_pwm: false [gcode_macro M106] gcode: {% set fan = 'fan' + (params.P|int if params.P is defined else 0)|string %} {% set speed = (params.S|float / 255 if params.S is defined else 1.0) %} SET_FAN_SPEED FAN={fan} SPEED={speed} ```