From the Win 2004 preset combobox lose a focus after change the preset selection and that is why the up/down arrow doesn't work properly.
So, set the focus to the combobox explicitly.
Always set parent for the Dialog, if we want to see the Dialog in the same display as a parent.
Dialog will be shown in the primary monitor otherwise.
+ fixed a draw of the canvas legend when we move application between Retina and non-Retina displays
* OG_CustomCtrl is inherited from the wxPanel instead of the wxControl now.
As a result, Tab-key is working now for the fields inside the custom control
* Open localized web-page if any exist for labels
+ Fixed update of icons inside the PresetComboBoxes after switching between Dark/Light modes
"Cog" icon is enabled now every time, but it will had next behavior:
1. Add physical printer, if logical printer is selected
2. Edit physical printer, if it is selected.
+ PresetComboBox: Fixed the black rectangle instead of icon for the "Add/Remove presets" item
* Added "Remember my choice" checkbox
* Center on the screen and set position in respect to the position of mainframe or settings dialog
Preferences : Added checkboxes for enable/suppress showing of the UnsavedChangeDialog
SearchImGui : close after parameter selection_is_changed_according_to_physical_printers
PhysicalPrinterDialog, SavePresetDialog : Center on the screen
UnsavedChangesDialog: Disabled "Move changes to selected preset" button, when printer technology is changed
PresetComboBox: Fixed color of the filament, if it is modified
- changed width of the "Save dialog"
- SavePresetDialog: added info for Print/Filament user presets incompatible with selected printer_technology
- fixed missed "modified" suffix when options are moved to the another preset
- "move selected options" button is added for dependent presets
* Now we show a list of printers name with selected preset
+ Added a edit_button for the editing of the physical printer fro the Settings Tab
+ Show whole list of the loaded presets with "Print host upload"
- Added possibility to correct delete presets considering with the physical printers
- Smart switching to the printer preset if physical printer was selected
* Create full printer name as a PrinterName + RelatedPresetName
* Added printer model to the PhysicalPrinter.config => Enable to select just between presets with same printer model
* When physical printer is selected and create new preset ask if should we use this preset for selected ph_printer or just to switch for it
- PresetCombpBoxes are extracted to the separate file.
- All preset icons are moved to the PresetComboBox from Preset and PresetBundle
- First "steps" to add physical printers to the printers list on the sidebar.