1. Change default ensure_vertical_shell_thickness value back to ensure_all as suggested by @igiannakas
2. Change default sparse_infill_pattern vaule to ipCrossHatch
* Initial add of N4Plus profile
Still some tuning to get it "right" but way better than nothing or just copying the Max profile.
* Fixing machine_start and manual filament change
Adding PRINT_START to the machine_start_gcode
Adding manual_filament_change override to True since this printer doesn't have automatic filament change.
* Adjusting accelerations and removing Z-Hop
Bumping accelerations to stock levels for all sizes and removing Z-Hop by default.
* Adding Z-Hop back in to be safe
Getting more stringing with Z-hop on but also rubbing prints during some moves.
* Removing print_start and lower accels a little
PRINT_START is automatically called on this printer so removing it from machine start gcode
Lowering accelerations a tiny bit. May bump it back up later but wanted a safer value.
Thanks OrcaSlicer.
Also fix wrong setting id of these profile
Signed-off-by: salt.wei <salt.wei@bambulab.com>
Change-Id: Ib34a46d1b1ae5681b755a7f5b1ef227b502b5262