1. fix unsupported cantilever was not warned. We need to set support
type to stTreeAuto in is_support_necessary() to fully utilize the
power of feature detection.
2. fix tree support not generated on non-first plate.
Change-Id: I5b8aa827c9d62df0119db4e8e9212f33ce75ddaa
(cherry picked from commit 60f21b6fcb45fe56f7fc867a7fcad433282bc055)
When using "Flush into objects' infill" with support filament, it also get's flushed into the object's infill which shouldn't be happening.
Change-Id: I0f1cb3d5ee3cf5489ccab957989c6c24336f8845
(cherry picked from commit f83e63feb3ad5a14b0f4304e2e6fb1c5828270ec)
1.fix an occasional crash when slice a new plate after sliced.
2.layer height/line width/flow/fanspeed/temperature shall not display at travel/retract/wipe move, this five only display at extrude move.
Change-Id: I4d9f9d329b5ea656c42cb421ba54123ef7f2d6c5
1. continue post_init when gl window not ready under linux
2. use deleted_wipe_towers in reload_scene to judge whether it is deleted
Change-Id: I5be2ac876842e5432d254d47e4fe31f066455106
(cherry picked from commit 5e61a21d5662ccc656136b6a219c2358364c36d9)
On Linux, GLEW requires (at least, in EGL land) that an OpenGL context be
active before glew_Init is called -- otherwise, GLEW doesn't know what
extension symbols to look up. If glew_Init fails, then some symbols
elsewhere will not exist, and the app will shortly crash. We work around
this by detecting if we're actually ready for postinit, and if not,
resetting the flag so that wxEVT_IDLE will cause us to try again later, when
the window hopefully has gone into the foreground and is ready to be used.
When determining whether or not we need to update the object list, we check
all of the objects that are being deleted to see if they're a wipe tower.
Unfortunately, by the time we check, the objects have already been deleted,
and the memory has been freed! Avoid this by writing down for deleted
objects whether they are wipe towers, and if they were, we can indeed skip
updating the object list.
In generate_contact_points, the rotated_dims don't actually generate a
Point, but generate an abstract expression that holds a reference to
bounding_box_size. Unfortunately, this goes wrong because bounding_box_size
ages out instantly; GCC's Address Sanitizer complains that this is a
"stack-use-after-scope" issue.
Interestingly, the Eigen documentation says that this is a known problem
with using C++11 "auto" to generate matrices (which a Point is)! It is
buried here: https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TopicPitfalls.html
This is probably an extremely theoretical correctness improvement, and also
an extremely theoretical performance improvement. But it is an improvement
nonetheless, and, more importantly, it enables me to continue to run the
slicer with Address Sanitizer turned on to find other potential issues.
ImGuiWrapper::load_svg previously could load an image that was not of the
aspect ratio specified by the target_width and target_height, and as a
result, could create an output vector that was smaller (or differently
shaped!) than the target_width and target_height. GCC's Address Sanitizer
flagged this because init_font was reading over the end of the allocated
buffer, but this also meant that images with incorrect aspect ratios might
get rendered to the font canvas incorrectly.
To solve this, we pass the generated width and height out from load_svg, and
use it when copying images later.
So tree supports won't go outside the bed.
Known issue:
1. moving won't trigger support re-calculating, so if you want to
clip the supports in a different way after moving, you need to change
the support settings (eg change threshold angle to 31 degrees).
2. clipping with the occlusion region is not complete, and an error
message of "outside toolpath" will still be popped because we use
convex hull to detection confliction.
Jira: STUDIO-2036
Change-Id: I643b14618eb18ffa9825072c44f677e51b0ff937
(cherry picked from commit a6217824dc0f490027e16f80f810d176dec6004b)
fix the text errot of density of PolyTerra
z_hop_type change to auto
Signed-off-by: qing.zhang <qing.zhang@bambulab.com>
Change-Id: I7f59d2620b42d2f2092ebb4c01ac3a5455c40a4f
Support layers should be released in is_support_necessary.
Jira: STUDIO-2120
Change-Id: Id1c6fa2d8635e55be745095408dfbac38a25efa6
(cherry picked from commit f911e8d084c4fa273f8c9211112fa2f83515cfb1)