Merge branch 'main' of
@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ on:
- '**/CMakeLists.txt'
- ''
- ".github/workflows/build_*.yml"
- ''
- 'build_release_vs2022.bat'
- ''
workflow_dispatch: # allows for manual dispatch
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
export ROOT=`pwd`
export NCORES=`nproc --all`
FOUND_GTK2=$(dpkg -l libgtk* | grep gtk2)
FOUND_GTK3=$(dpkg -l libgtk* | grep gtk-3)
export ROOT=$(dirname $(readlink -f ${0}))
set -e # exit on first error
@ -21,238 +17,167 @@ function check_available_memory_and_disk() {
exit 2
if [[ ${FREE_DISK_KB} -le ${MIN_DISK_KB} ]]; then
echo -e "\nERROR: Orca Slicer Builder requires at least $(echo $MIN_DISK_KB |awk '{ printf "%.1fG\n", $1/1024/1024; }') (systen has only $(echo ${FREE_DISK_KB} | awk '{ printf "%.1fG\n", $1/1024/1024; }') disk free)"
if [[ ${FREE_DISK_KB} -le ${MIN_DISK_KB} ]]; then
echo -e "\nERROR: Orca Slicer Builder requires at least $(echo ${MIN_DISK_KB} |awk '{ printf "%.1fG\n", $1/1024/1024; }') (systen has only $(echo ${FREE_DISK_KB} | awk '{ printf "%.1fG\n", $1/1024/1024; }') disk free)"
echo && df -h . && echo
exit 1
function usage() {
echo "Usage: ./ [-i][-u][-d][-s][-b][-g]"
echo " -i: Generate appimage (optional)"
echo " -g: force gtk2 build"
echo "Usage: ./ [-1][-b][-c][-d][-i][-r][-s][-u]"
echo " -1: limit builds to 1 core (where possible)"
echo " -b: build in debug mode"
echo " -c: force a clean build"
echo " -d: build deps (optional)"
echo " -h: this help output"
echo " -i: Generate appimage (optional)"
echo " -r: skip ram and disk checks (low ram compiling)"
echo " -s: build orca-slicer (optional)"
echo " -u: only update clock & dependency packets (optional and need sudo)"
echo " -r: skip free ram check (low ram compiling)"
echo " -u: update and build dependencies (optional and need sudo)"
echo "For a first use, you want to 'sudo ./ -u'"
echo " and then './ -dsi'"
unset name
while getopts ":dsiuhgbr" opt; do
while getopts ":1bcdghirsu" opt; do
case ${opt} in
u )
i )
d )
s )
1 )
b )
g )
c )
d )
r )
h ) usage
exit 0
i )
r )
s )
u )
if [ $OPTIND -eq 1 ]
if [ ${OPTIND} -eq 1 ]
exit 0
# Addtional Dev packages for OrcaSlicer
export REQUIRED_DEV_PACKAGES="libmspack-dev libgstreamerd-3-dev libsecret-1-dev libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libosmesa6-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev eglexternalplatform-dev libudev-dev libdbus-1-dev extra-cmake-modules texinfo"
# libwebkit2gtk-4.1-dev ??
if [ $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -E "$(echo ${REQUIRED_DEV_PACKAGES} | tr ' ' '|')" | wc -l) -lt ${DEV_PACKAGES_COUNT} ]; then
sudo apt install -y ${REQUIRED_DEV_PACKAGES} git cmake wget file gettext
#FIXME: require root for -u option
if [[ -n "$UPDATE_LIB" ]]
DISTRIBUTION=$(awk -F= '/^ID=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release)
if [ ! -f ./linux.d/${DISTRIBUTION} ]
echo -n -e "Updating linux ...\n"
# hwclock -s # DeftDawg: Why does SuperSlicer want to do this?
apt update
if [[ -z "$FOUND_GTK3" ]]
echo -e "\nInstalling: libgtk2.0-dev libglew-dev libudev-dev libdbus-1-dev cmake git\n"
apt install -y libgtk2.0-dev libglew-dev libudev-dev libdbus-1-dev cmake git
echo -e "\nFind libgtk-3, installing: libgtk-3-dev libglew-dev libudev-dev libdbus-1-dev cmake git\n"
apt install -y libgtk-3-dev libglew-dev libudev-dev libdbus-1-dev cmake git
# for ubuntu 22+ and 23+:
ubu_major_version="$(grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1 | tr -d /\"/)"
if [ $ubu_major_version == "22" ] || [ $ubu_major_version == "23" ]
apt install -y curl libfuse-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev m4
if [[ -n "$BUILD_DEBUG" ]]
echo -e "\nInstalling: libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev\n"
apt install -y libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
echo -e "done\n"
exit 0
echo "Your distribution does not appear to be currently supported by these build scripts"
exit 1
source ./linux.d/${DISTRIBUTION}
FOUND_GTK2_DEV=$(dpkg -l libgtk* | grep gtk2.0-dev || echo '')
FOUND_GTK3_DEV=$(dpkg -l libgtk* | grep gtk-3-dev || echo '')
if [[ -z "$FOUND_GTK2_DEV" ]]
if [[ -z "$FOUND_GTK3_DEV" ]]
if [[ -z "${FOUND_GTK3_DEV}" ]]
echo "Error, you must install the dependencies before."
echo "Use option -u with sudo"
exit 0
exit 1
echo "[1/9] Updating submodules..."
# update submodule profiles
pushd resources/profiles
git submodule update --init
echo "[2/9] Changing date in version..."
echo "Changing date in version..."
# change date in version
sed -i "s/+UNKNOWN/_$(date '+%F')/"
echo "done"
# mkdir in deps
if [ ! -d "deps/build" ]
if ! [[ -n "${SKIP_RAM_CHECK}" ]]
mkdir deps/build
if ! [[ -n "$SKIP_RAM_CHECK" ]]
if [[ -n "${BUILD_DEPS}" ]]
if [[ -n "$BUILD_DEPS" ]]
echo "[3/9] Configuring dependencies..."
if [[ -n "$FOUND_GTK3_DEV" ]]
echo "Configuring dependencies..."
if [[ -n "${CLEAN_BUILD}" ]]
rm -fr deps/build
if [[ -n "$BUILD_DEBUG" ]]
if [ ! -d "deps/build" ]
mkdir deps/build
if [[ -n "${BUILD_DEBUG}" ]]
# have to build deps with debug & release or the cmake won't find everything it needs
mkdir deps/build/release
pushd deps/build/release
echo -e "cmake ../.. -DDESTDIR=\"../destdir\" $BUILD_ARGS"
cmake ../.. -DDESTDIR="../destdir" $BUILD_ARGS
make -j$NCORES
cmake -S deps -B deps/build/release -G Ninja -DDESTDIR="../destdir" ${BUILD_ARGS}
cmake --build deps/build/release
# cmake deps
pushd deps/build
echo "cmake .. $BUILD_ARGS"
cmake .. $BUILD_ARGS
echo "done"
# make deps
echo "[4/9] Building dependencies..."
make deps -j$NCORES
echo "done"
# rename wxscintilla # TODO: DeftDawg: Does OrcaSlicer need this?
# echo "[5/9] Renaming wxscintilla library..."
# pushd destdir/usr/local/lib
# if [[ -z "$FOUND_GTK3_DEV" ]]
# then
# cp libwxscintilla-3.1.a libwx_gtk2u_scintilla-3.1.a
# else
# cp libwxscintilla-3.1.a libwx_gtk3u_scintilla-3.1.a
# fi
# popd
# echo "done"
# FIXME: only clean deps if compiling succeeds; otherwise reruns waste tonnes of time!
# clean deps
# echo "[6/9] Cleaning dependencies..."
# rm -rf dep_*
echo "done"
echo "cmake -S deps -B deps/build -G Ninja ${BUILD_ARGS}"
cmake -S deps -B deps/build -G Ninja ${BUILD_ARGS}
cmake --build deps/build
# Create main "build" directory
if [ ! -d "build" ]
mkdir build
if [[ -n "$BUILD_ORCA" ]]
if [[ -n "${BUILD_ORCA}" ]]
echo "[7/9] Configuring Slic3r..."
echo "Configuring OrcaSlicer..."
if [[ -n "${CLEAN_BUILD}" ]]
rm -fr build
if [[ -n "$FOUND_GTK3_DEV" ]]
if [[ -n "${FOUND_GTK3_DEV}" ]]
if [[ -n "$BUILD_DEBUG" ]]
if [[ -n "${BUILD_DEBUG}" ]]
# cmake
pushd build
echo -e "cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=\"$PWD/../deps/build/destdir/usr/local\" -DSLIC3R_STATIC=1 -DORCA_TOOLS=ON ${BUILD_ARGS}"
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$PWD/../deps/build/destdir/usr/local" -DSLIC3R_STATIC=1 ${BUILD_ARGS} -DORCA_TOOLS=ON
echo "done"
# make Slic3r
echo "[8/9] Building Slic3r..."
make -j$NCORES OrcaSlicer # Slic3r
# make OrcaSlicer_profile_validator
make -j$NCORES OrcaSlicer_profile_validator
echo -e "cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${PWD}/deps/build/destdir/usr/local" -DSLIC3R_STATIC=1 ${BUILD_ARGS}"
cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${PWD}/deps/build/destdir/usr/local" \
echo "done"
echo "Building OrcaSlicer ..."
cmake --build build --target OrcaSlicer
echo "Building OrcaSlicer_profile_validator .."
cmake --build build --target OrcaSlicer_profile_validator
echo "done"
if [[ -e $ROOT/build/src/ ]]; then
if [[ -e ${ROOT}/build/src/ ]]; then
# Give proper permissions to script
chmod 755 $ROOT/build/src/
chmod 755 ${ROOT}/build/src/
echo "[9/9] Generating Linux app..."
pushd build
if [[ -n "$BUILD_IMAGE" ]]
if [[ -n "${BUILD_IMAGE}" ]]
$ROOT/build/src/ -i
${ROOT}/build/src/ -i
echo "done"
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ The PA value for this test will be increased by 0.002 for every 1 mm increase in
1. Select the printer, filament, and process you would like to use for the test.
2. Examine each corner of the print and mark the height that yields the best overall result.
3. I selected a height of 8 mm for this case, so the pressure advance value should be calculated as `0.002x8 = 0.016`.
3. I selected a height of 8 mm for this case, so the pressure advance value should be calculated as `PressureAdvanceStart+(PressureAdvanceStep x measured)` example: `0+(0.002 x 8) = 0.016`.


@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ G29 L{adaptive_bed_mesh_min[0]} R{adaptive_bed_mesh_max[0]} F{adaptive_bed_mesh_
### Klipper:
; Always pass `ADAPTIVE_MARGIN=0` because Orca has already handled `adaptive_bed_mesh_margin` internally
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE mesh_min={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[0]},{adaptive_bed_mesh_min[1]} mesh_max={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[0]},{adaptive_bed_mesh_max[1]} ALGORITHM=[bed_mesh_algo] PROBE_COUNT={bed_mesh_probe_count[0]},{bed_mesh_probe_count[1]} ADAPTIVE=1 ADAPTIVE_MARGIN=0
; Make sure to set ADAPTIVE to 0 otherwise Klipper will use it's own adaptive bed mesh logic
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE mesh_min={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[0]},{adaptive_bed_mesh_min[1]} mesh_max={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[0]},{adaptive_bed_mesh_max[1]} ALGORITHM=[bed_mesh_algo] PROBE_COUNT={bed_mesh_probe_count[0]},{bed_mesh_probe_count[1]} ADAPTIVE=0 ADAPTIVE_MARGIN=0
### RRF:
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Files in this directory are named for the **exact** output of `awk -F= '/^ID=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release` for their respective distribution.
When `` is executed, the respective file for the distribution will be sourced so the distribution specific instructions/logic are used.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# these are the Arch Linux specific build functions
FOUND_GTK3=$(pacman -Q gtk3)
# Addtional Dev packages for OrcaSlicer
if [[ -n "$UPDATE_LIB" ]]
echo -n -e "Updating linux ...\n"
pacman -Q ${PKG} > /dev/null || NEEDED_PKGS+=" ${PKG}"
if [ -n "${NEEDED_PKGS}" ]; then
sudo pacman -Syy --noconfirm ${NEEDED_PKGS}
echo -e "done\n"
exit 0
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
FOUND_GTK3=$(rpm -qa | grep -P '^gtk3' || true)
if [[ -n "$UPDATE_LIB" ]]
rpm -q ${PKG} > /dev/null || NEEDED_PKGS+=" ${PKG}"
if [ -n "${NEEDED_PKGS}" ]; then
sudo dnf install -y ${NEEDED_PKGS}
echo -e "done\n"
exit 0
FOUND_GTK3_DEV=$(rpm -qa | grep -P '^gtk3-devel' || true)
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
FOUND_GTK3=$(dpkg -l libgtk* | grep gtk-3)
if [[ -n "$UPDATE_LIB" ]]
# for ubuntu 22+ and 23+:
ubu_major_version="$(grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1 | tr -d /\"/)"
if [ $ubu_major_version == "22" ] || [ $ubu_major_version == "23" ]
REQUIRED_DEV_PACKAGES+=(curl libfuse-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev m4)
if [[ -n "$BUILD_DEBUG" ]]
REQUIRED_DEV_PACKAGES+=(libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev)
# TODO: optimize this by checking which, if any, packages are already installed
# install them all at once
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ${REQUIRED_DEV_PACKAGES[@]}
echo -e "done\n"
exit 0
FOUND_GTK3_DEV=$(dpkg -l libgtk* | grep gtk-3-dev || echo '')
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-29 21:10+0800\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-15 22:59+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -257,6 +257,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "World coordinates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Object coordinates"
msgstr ""
msgid "°"
msgstr ""
@ -1738,7 +1741,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Filament %d"
msgstr ""
msgid "active"
msgid "current"
msgstr ""
msgid "Scale to build volume"
@ -1915,9 +1918,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Set Filament for selected items"
msgstr ""
msgid "current"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr ""
@ -2234,9 +2234,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Jump to Layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Jump to layer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Please enter the layer number"
msgstr ""
@ -2824,27 +2821,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Print with the filament mounted on the back of chassis"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cabin humidity"
msgid "Current Cabin humidity"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Green means that AMS humidity is normal, orange represent humidity is high, "
"red represent humidity is too high.(Hygrometer: lower the better.)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Desiccant status"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"A desiccant status lower than two bars indicates that desiccant may be "
"inactive. Please change the desiccant.(The bars: higher the better.)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Note: When the lid is open or the desiccant pack is changed, it can take "
"hours or a night to absorb the moisture. Low temperatures also slow down the "
"process. During this time, the indicator may not represent the chamber "
"Please change the desiccant when it is too wet. The indicator may not "
"represent accurately in following cases : when the lid is open or the "
"desiccant pack is changed. it take hours to absorb the moisture, low "
"temperatures also slow down the process."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
@ -2894,6 +2878,12 @@ msgid ""
"material type, and color)"
msgstr ""
msgid "DRY"
msgstr ""
msgid "WET"
msgstr ""
msgid "AMS Settings"
msgstr ""
@ -2906,7 +2896,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Note: if new filament is inserted during printing, the AMS will not "
"Note: if a new filament is inserted during printing, the AMS will not "
"automatically read any information until printing is completed."
msgstr ""
@ -3012,6 +3002,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stack overflow"
msgstr ""
msgid "Running post-processing scripts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Successfully executed post-processing script"
msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown error when export G-code."
msgstr ""
@ -3022,13 +3018,6 @@ msgid ""
"Source file %2%."
msgstr ""
#, possible-boost-format
msgid "Succeed to export G-code to %1%"
msgstr ""
msgid "Running post-processing scripts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Copying of the temporary G-code to the output G-code failed"
msgstr ""
@ -3101,6 +3090,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Bed Shape"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The recommended minimum temperature is less than 190 degree or the "
"recommended maximum temperature is greater than 300 degree.\n"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The recommended minimum temperature cannot be higher than the recommended "
"maximum temperature.\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Please check.\n"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Nozzle may be blocked when the temperature is out of recommended range.\n"
"Please make sure whether to use the temperature to print.\n"
@ -3158,20 +3160,6 @@ msgid ""
"The value will be reset to 0."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Spiral mode only works when wall loops is 1, support is disabled, top shell "
"layers is 0, sparse infill density is 0 and timelapse type is traditional."
msgstr ""
msgid " But machines with I3 structure will not generate timelapse videos."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Change these settings automatically? \n"
"Yes - Change these settings and enable spiral mode automatically\n"
"No - Give up using spiral mode this time"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Alternate extra wall does't work well when ensure vertical shell thickness "
"is set to All. "
@ -3216,6 +3204,20 @@ msgid ""
"Reset to 0."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Spiral mode only works when wall loops is 1, support is disabled, top shell "
"layers is 0, sparse infill density is 0 and timelapse type is traditional."
msgstr ""
msgid " But machines with I3 structure will not generate timelapse videos."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Change these settings automatically? \n"
"Yes - Change these settings and enable spiral mode automatically\n"
"No - Give up using spiral mode this time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Auto bed leveling"
msgstr ""
@ -3492,6 +3494,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Parameter validation"
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid "Value %s is out of range. The valid range is from %d to %d."
msgstr ""
msgid "Value is out of range."
msgstr ""
@ -3569,10 +3575,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Flushed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Total"
msgid "Tower"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tower"
msgid "Total"
msgstr ""
msgid "Total Estimation"
@ -3677,6 +3683,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Normal mode"
msgstr ""
msgid "Total Filament"
msgstr ""
msgid "Model Filament"
msgstr ""
msgid "Prepare time"
msgstr ""
@ -3770,6 +3782,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr ""
msgid "0 means auto spacing."
msgstr ""
msgid "Auto rotate for arrangement"
msgstr ""
@ -3908,6 +3923,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Go Live"
msgstr ""
msgid "Liveview Retry"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr ""
@ -4408,39 +4426,48 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Synchronization"
msgstr ""
msgid "Initialize failed (No Device)!"
msgid "The device cannot handle more conversations. Please retry later."
msgstr ""
msgid "Initialize failed (Device connection not ready)!"
msgid "Player is malfunctioning. Please reinstall the system player."
msgstr ""
msgid "Initialize failed (No Camera Device)!"
msgid "The player is not loaded, please click \"play\" button to retry."
msgstr ""
msgid "Printer is busy downloading, Please wait for the downloading to finish."
msgid "Please confirm if the printer is connected."
msgstr ""
msgid "Initialize failed (Not supported on the current printer version)!"
msgid ""
"The printer is currently busy downloading. Please try again after it "
msgstr ""
msgid "Initialize failed (Not accessible in LAN-only mode)!"
msgid "Printer camera is malfunctioning."
msgstr ""
msgid "Initialize failed (Missing LAN ip of printer)!"
msgid "Problem occured. Please update the printer firmware and try again."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"LAN Only Liveview is off. Please turn on the liveview on printer screen."
msgstr ""
msgid "Please enter the IP of printer to connect."
msgstr ""
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid "Initialize failed (%s)!"
msgid "Connection Failed. Please check the network and try again"
msgstr ""
msgid "Network unreachable"
msgid ""
"Please check the network and try again, You can restart or update the "
"printer if the issue persists."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid "Stopped [%d]!"
msgid "The printer has been logged out and cannot connect."
msgstr ""
msgid "Stopped."
@ -4467,16 +4494,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Virtual camera initialize failed (%s)!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Network unreachable"
msgstr ""
msgid "Information"
msgstr ""
msgid "Playing..."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid "Load failed [%d]!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""
@ -4528,6 +4554,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Batch manage files."
msgstr ""
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reload file list from printer."
msgstr ""
msgid "No printers."
msgstr ""
@ -4538,12 +4570,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Loading file list..."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid "No files [%d]"
msgid "No files"
msgstr ""
msgid "Load failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Initialize failed (Device connection not ready)!"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Browsing file in SD card is not supported in current firmware. Please update "
"the printer firmware."
msgstr ""
msgid "Initialize failed (Storage unavailable, insert SD card.)!"
msgstr ""
msgid "LAN Connection Failed (Failed to view sdcard)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Browsing file in SD card is not supported in LAN Only Mode."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid "Load failed [%d]"
msgid "Initialize failed (%s)!"
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
@ -4566,10 +4617,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fetching model infomations ..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to fetching model infomations from printer."
msgid "Failed to fetch model information from printer."
msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to parse model infomations."
msgid "Failed to parse model information."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
@ -4581,6 +4632,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File '%s' was lost! Please download it again."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid ""
"File: %s\n"
"Title: %s\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download waiting..."
msgstr ""
@ -4597,13 +4654,17 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Downloading %d%%..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Connection lost. Please retry."
msgid ""
"Reconnecting the printer, the operation cannot be completed immediately, "
"please try again later."
msgstr ""
msgid "The device cannot handle more conversations. Please retry later."
msgid ""
"Over 4 studio/handy are using remote access, you can close some and try "
msgstr ""
msgid "File not exists."
msgid "File does not exist."
msgstr ""
msgid "File checksum error. Please retry."
@ -4707,6 +4768,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Control"
msgstr ""
msgid "Printer Parts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Print Options"
msgstr ""
@ -4928,6 +4992,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Skip"
msgstr ""
msgid "Newer 3mf version"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The 3mf file version is in Beta and it is newer than the current Bambu "
"Studio version."
msgstr ""
msgid "If you would like to try Bambu Studio Beta, you may click to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download Beta Version"
msgstr ""
msgid "The 3mf file version is newer than the current Bambu Studio version."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Update your Bambu Studio could enable all functionality in the 3mf file."
msgstr ""
msgid "Current Version: "
msgstr ""
msgid "Latest Version: "
msgstr ""
msgid "Not for now"
msgstr ""
msgid "3D Mouse disconnected."
msgstr ""
@ -5108,6 +5202,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Filament Tangle Detect"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nozzle Type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stainless Steel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hardened Steel"
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid "%.1f"
msgstr ""
msgid "Global"
msgstr ""
@ -5293,9 +5400,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You'd better upgrade your software.\n"
msgstr ""
msgid "Newer 3mf version"
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid ""
"The 3mf's version %s is newer than %s's version %s, Suggest to upgrade your "
@ -5594,7 +5698,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Unable to perform boolean operation on model meshes. Only positive parts "
"will be exported."
"will be kept. You may fix the meshes and try agian."
msgstr ""
#, possible-boost-format
msgid "Reason: part \"%1%\" is empty."
msgstr ""
#, possible-boost-format
msgid "Reason: part \"%1%\" does not bound a volume."
msgstr ""
#, possible-boost-format
msgid "Reason: part \"%1%\" has self intersection."
msgstr ""
#, possible-boost-format
msgid "Reason: \"%1%\" and another part have no intersection."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
@ -5764,6 +5884,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Set the page opened on startup."
msgstr ""
msgid "Touchpad"
msgstr ""
msgid "Camera style"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Select camera navigation style.\n"
"Default: LMB+move for rotation, RMB/MMB+move for panning.\n"
"Touchpad: Alt+move for rotation, Shift+move for panning."
msgstr ""
msgid "Zoom to mouse position"
msgstr ""
@ -5778,6 +5910,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "If enabled, use free camera. If not enabled, use constrained camera."
msgstr ""
msgid "Reverse mouse zoom"
msgstr ""
msgid "If enabled, reverses the direction of zoom with mouse wheel."
msgstr ""
msgid "Show splash screen"
msgstr ""
@ -5796,6 +5934,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "If enabled, auto-calculate everytime the color changed."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Flushing volumes: Auto-calculate every time when the filament is changed."
msgstr ""
msgid "If enabled, auto-calculate every time when filament is changed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Remember printer configuration"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If enabled, Orca will remember and switch filament/process configuration for "
"each printer automatically."
msgstr ""
msgid "Network"
msgstr ""
@ -6010,6 +6163,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The selected preset is null!"
msgstr ""
msgid "End"
msgstr ""
msgid "Customize"
msgstr ""
msgid "Other layer filament sequence"
msgstr ""
msgid "Please input layer value (>= 2)."
msgstr ""
msgid "Plate name"
msgstr ""
@ -6019,7 +6184,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Print sequence"
msgstr ""
msgid "Customize"
msgid "Same as Global"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spiral vase"
msgstr ""
msgid "First layer filament sequence"
@ -6202,9 +6373,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Send print job to"
msgstr ""
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bed Leveling"
msgstr ""
@ -6285,7 +6453,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "An SD card needs to be inserted before printing."
msgstr ""
msgid "The selected printer is incompatible with the chosen printer presets."
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid ""
"The selected printer (%s) is incompatible with the chosen printer profile in "
"the slicer (%s)."
msgstr ""
msgid "An SD card needs to be inserted to record timelapse."
@ -6338,24 +6509,24 @@ msgid "nozzle memorized: %.1f %s"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Your nozzle diameter in preset is not consistent with memorized nozzle "
"diameter. Did you change your nozzle lately?"
"Your nozzle diameter in sliced file is not consistent with memorized nozzle. "
"If you changed your nozzle lately, please go to Device > Printer Parts to "
"change settings."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid "*Printing %s material with %s may cause nozzle damage"
msgid ""
"Printing high temperature material(%s material) with %s may cause nozzle "
msgstr ""
msgid "Please fix the error above, otherwise printing cannot continue."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Please click the confirm button if you still want to proceed with printing."
msgstr ""
msgid "Hardened Steel"
msgstr ""
msgid "Stainless Steel"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Connecting to the printer. Unable to cancel during the connection process."
msgstr ""
@ -6386,6 +6557,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Cannot send the print task when the upgrade is in progress"
msgstr ""
msgid "The selected printer is incompatible with the chosen printer presets."
msgstr ""
msgid "An SD card needs to be inserted before send to printer SD card."
msgstr ""
@ -6579,6 +6753,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Experimental feature: Retracting and cutting off the filament at a greater "
"distance during filament changes to minimize flush.Although it can notably "
"reduce flush, it may also elevate the risk of nozzle clogs or other "
"printing complications."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Experimental feature: Retracting and cutting off the filament at a greater "
"distance during filament changes to minimize flush.Although it can notably "
"reduce flush, it may also elevate the risk of nozzle clogs or other printing "
"complications.Please use with the latest printer firmware."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"When recording timelapse without toolhead, it is recommended to add a "
"\"Timelapse Wipe Tower\" \n"
@ -6959,22 +7147,25 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unsaved Changes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Transfer or discard changes"
msgid "Actions For Unsaved Changes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Old Value"
msgid "Preset Value"
msgstr ""
msgid "New Value"
msgid "Modified Value"
msgstr ""
msgid "Transfer"
msgid "Transfer Modified Value"
msgstr ""
msgid "Don't save"
msgstr ""
msgid "Discard"
msgid "Use Preset Value"
msgstr ""
msgid "Save Modified Value"
msgstr ""
msgid "Click the right mouse button to display the full text."
@ -7024,16 +7215,33 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, possible-boost-format
msgid ""
"You have changed some settings of preset \"%1%\". \n"
"Would you like to keep these changed settings (new value) after switching "
msgid "You have changed some settings of preset \"%1%\". "
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"You have changed some preset settings. \n"
"Would you like to keep these changed settings (new value) after switching "
"Would you like to save these changed settings(modified value)?"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Would you like to keep these changed settings(modified value) after "
"switching preset?"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"You have previously modified your settings and are about to overwrite them "
"with new ones."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Do you want to keep your current modified settings, or use preset settings?"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Do you want to save your current modified settings?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Extruders count"
@ -7051,6 +7259,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select presets to compare"
msgstr ""
msgid "Transfer"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"You can only transfer to current active profile because it has been modified."
msgstr ""
@ -7065,7 +7276,7 @@ msgid "Transfer values from left to right"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If enabled, this dialog can be used for transver selected values from left "
"If enabled, this dialog can be used for transfer selected values from left "
"to right preset."
msgstr ""
@ -7511,6 +7722,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
msgid "resume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Confirm and Update Nozzle"
msgstr ""
@ -8269,6 +8483,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "First layer print sequence"
msgstr ""
msgid "Other layers print sequence"
msgstr ""
msgid "The number of other layers print sequence"
msgstr ""
msgid "Other layers filament sequence"
msgstr ""
msgid "This G-code is inserted at every layer change before lifting z"
msgstr ""
@ -8954,6 +9177,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Nozzle height"
msgstr ""
msgid "The height of nozzle tip."
msgstr ""
msgid "Bed mesh min"
msgstr ""
@ -9551,6 +9780,15 @@ msgid ""
"printed more slowly"
msgstr ""
msgid "Precise Z height"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Enable this to get precise z height of object after slicing. It will get the "
"precise object height by fine-tuning the layer heights of the last few "
"layers. Note that this is an experimental parameter."
msgstr ""
msgid "Arc fitting"
msgstr ""
@ -10296,6 +10534,24 @@ msgid ""
"travel. Set zero to disable retraction"
msgstr ""
msgid "Long retraction when cut(experimental)"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Experimental feature.Retracting and cutting off the filament at a longer "
"distance during changes to minimize purge.While this reduces flush "
"significantly, it may also raise the risk of nozzle clogs or other printing "
msgstr ""
msgid "Retraction distance when cut"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Experimental feature.Retraction length before cutting off during filament "
msgstr ""
msgid "Z hop when retract"
msgstr ""
@ -10626,9 +10882,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Speed of internal solid infill, not the top and bottom surface"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spiral vase"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Spiralize smooths out the z moves of the outer contour. And turns a solid "
"model into a single walled print with solid bottom layers. The final "
@ -11919,12 +12172,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Max Volumetric Speed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Please enter the name you want to save to printer."
msgstr ""
msgid "The name cannot exceed 40 characters."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid ""
"Please input valid values:\n"
@ -12104,6 +12351,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Please enter the name you want to save to printer."
msgstr ""
msgid "The name cannot exceed 40 characters."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Only one of the results with the same name will be saved. Are you sure you "
"want to overrides the other results?"
@ -12197,9 +12450,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "- ℃"
msgstr ""
msgid " ℃"
msgstr ""
msgid "Plate Type"
msgstr ""
@ -12261,6 +12511,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Flow Dynamics Calibration Result"
msgstr ""
msgid "New"
msgstr ""
msgid "No History Result"
msgstr ""
@ -12276,6 +12529,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Edit Flow Dynamics Calibration"
msgstr ""
msgid "New Flow Dynamics Calibration"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ok"
msgstr ""
msgid "The filament must be selected."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid ""
"There is already a historical calibration result with the same name: %s. "
"Only one of the results with the same name is saved. Are you sure you want "
"to override the historical result?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Network lookup"
msgstr ""
@ -12640,6 +12909,13 @@ msgid ""
"You have not selected a printer or preset yet. Please select at least one."
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid ""
"The Filament name %s you created already exists. \n"
"If you continue creating, the preset created will be displayed with its full "
"name. Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Some existing presets have failed to be created, as follows:\n"
msgstr ""
@ -12831,10 +13107,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Please go to filament setting to edit your presets if you need.\n"
"Please note that nozzle temperature, hot bed temperature, and maximum "
"volumetric speed have a significant impact on printing quality. Please set "
"volumetric speed has a significant impact on printing quality. Please set "
"them carefully."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Studio has detected that your user presets synchronization function is not "
"enabled, which may result in unsuccessful Filament settings on the Device "
"page. \n"
"Click \"Sync user presets\" to enable the synchronization function."
msgstr ""
msgid "Printer Setting"
msgstr ""
@ -12923,6 +13208,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please select a type you want to export"
msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to create temporary folder, please try Export Configs again."
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit Filament"
msgstr ""
@ -12993,6 +13281,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Daily Tips"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Your nozzle diameter in preset is not consistent with memorized nozzle "
"diameter. Did you change your nozzle lately?"
msgstr ""
#, possible-c-format, possible-boost-format
msgid "*Printing %s material with %s may cause nozzle damage"
msgstr ""
msgid "Need select printer"
msgstr ""
Normal file
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"url": "",
"version": "",
"version": "",
"force_update": "0",
"description": "the initial version of BBL configurations",
"machine_model_list": [
@ -649,6 +649,26 @@
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"name": "fdm_filament_pe",
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"name": "fdm_filament_pp",
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"name": "fdm_filament_pha",
"sub_path": "filament/fdm_filament_pha.json"
"name": "fdm_filament_bvoh",
"sub_path": "filament/fdm_filament_bvoh.json"
"name": "Bambu PLA Matte @base",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu PLA Matte @base.json"
@ -745,6 +765,10 @@
"name": "Bambu PLA Galaxy @base",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu PLA Galaxy @base.json"
"name": "Bambu Support For PLA/PETG @base",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu Support For PLA-PETG @base.json"
"name": "Bambu TPU 95A @base",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu TPU 95A @base.json"
@ -789,6 +813,10 @@
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"name": "Bambu ABS @base",
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@ -801,6 +829,10 @@
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"name": "Bambu PC @base",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu PC @base.json"
@ -821,6 +853,10 @@
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"name": "Generic PVA @base",
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@ -865,6 +901,10 @@
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"name": "Generic HIPS @base",
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@ -885,6 +925,38 @@
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"sub_path": "filament/Generic PHA @base.json"
"name": "Generic BVOH @base",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic BVOH @base.json"
"name": "Bambu PLA Matte @BBL X1C",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu PLA Matte @BBL X1C.json"
@ -1553,6 +1625,38 @@
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"name": "Bambu Support For PLA/PETG @BBL X1C",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu Support For PLA-PETG @BBL X1C.json"
"name": "Bambu Support For PLA/PETG @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu Support For PLA-PETG @BBL X1C 0.2 nozzle.json"
"name": "Bambu Support For PLA/PETG @BBL P1P",
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"name": "Bambu Support For PLA/PETG @BBL P1P 0.2 nozzle",
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"name": "Bambu Support For PLA/PETG @BBL A1M",
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"name": "Bambu Support For PLA/PETG @BBL A1M 0.2 nozzle",
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"name": "Bambu Support For PLA/PETG @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu Support For PLA-PETG @BBL A1.json"
"name": "Bambu Support For PLA/PETG @BBL A1 0.2 nozzle",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu Support For PLA-PETG @BBL A1 0.2 nozzle.json"
"name": "Bambu TPU 95A @BBL X1C",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu TPU 95A @BBL X1C.json"
@ -1761,6 +1865,18 @@
"name": "Bambu PETG Translucent @BBL A1",
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"sub_path": "filament/Generic PCTG @BBL X1C.json"
"name": "Generic PCTG @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic PCTG @BBL A1.json"
"name": "Generic PCTG @BBL A1M",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic PCTG @BBL A1M.json"
"name": "Bambu ABS @BBL X1C",
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@ -1829,6 +1945,18 @@
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"name": "Bambu ABS-GF @BBL P1P",
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"name": "Bambu ABS-GF @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu ABS-GF @BBL A1.json"
"name": "Bambu PC @BBL X1C",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu PC @BBL X1C.json"
@ -1957,6 +2085,18 @@
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"name": "Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL X1C",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL X1C.json"
"name": "Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL P1P",
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"name": "Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL A1.json"
"name": "Generic PVA @0.2 nozzle",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic PVA @0.2 nozzle.json"
@ -2093,6 +2233,18 @@
"name": "Bambu PA6-CF @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu PA6-CF @BBL A1.json"
"name": "Bambu PA6-GF @BBL X1C",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu PA6-GF @BBL X1C.json"
"name": "Bambu PA6-GF @BBL P1P",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu PA6-GF @BBL P1P.json"
"name": "Bambu PA6-GF @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Bambu PA6-GF @BBL A1.json"
"name": "Generic HIPS @BBL X1C",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic HIPS @BBL X1C.json"
@ -2141,6 +2293,94 @@
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"sub_path": "filament/Generic PPA-GF @BBL X1E.json"
"name": "Generic PE @BBL X1C",
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"name": "Generic PE @BBL A1M",
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"name": "Generic PE-CF @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic PE-CF @BBL A1.json"
"name": "Generic PE-CF @BBL A1M",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic PE-CF @BBL A1M.json"
"name": "Generic PP @BBL X1C",
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"name": "Generic PP @BBL A1",
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"name": "Generic PP-GF @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic PP-GF @BBL A1.json"
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"name": "Generic EVA @BBL A1",
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"name": "Generic EVA @BBL A1M",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic EVA @BBL A1M.json"
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"name": "Generic PHA @BBL A1M",
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"name": "Generic PHA @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic PHA @BBL A1.json"
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"name": "Generic BVOH @BBL A1",
"sub_path": "filament/Generic BVOH @BBL A1.json"
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@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
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@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
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@ -5,9 +5,15 @@
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@ -5,12 +5,18 @@
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"Bambu Lab X1 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.8 nozzle",
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"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.6 nozzle",
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"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
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"filament_density": [
"filament_flow_ratio": [
"fan_max_speed": [
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"filament_vendor": [
"Bambu Lab"
"nozzle_temperature": [
"nozzle_temperature_initial_layer": [
"slow_down_layer_time": [
resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL A1.json
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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"name": "Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL A1",
"inherits": "Bambu ASA-Aero @base",
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSB02_02",
"instantiation": "true",
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab A1 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab A1 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab A1 0.8 nozzle"
resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL P1P.json
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"type": "filament",
"name": "Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL P1P",
"inherits": "Bambu ASA-Aero @base",
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSB02_01",
"instantiation": "true",
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab P1P 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1P 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1P 0.8 nozzle"
resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL X1C.json
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"type": "filament",
"name": "Bambu ASA-Aero @BBL X1C",
"inherits": "Bambu ASA-Aero @base",
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSB02_00",
"instantiation": "true",
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu ASA-Aero @base.json
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
"type": "filament",
"name": "Bambu ASA-Aero @base",
"inherits": "fdm_filament_asa",
"from": "system",
"filament_id": "GFB02",
"instantiation": "false",
"fan_cooling_layer_time": [
"fan_max_speed": [
"fan_min_speed": [
"filament_cost": [
"filament_density": [
"filament_flow_ratio": [
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"filament_retract_before_wipe": [
"filament_retraction_length": [
"filament_type": [
"filament_vendor": [
"Bambu Lab"
"filament_wipe_distance": [
"filament_z_hop_types": [
"Normal Lift"
"nozzle_temperature": [
"nozzle_temperature_initial_layer": [
"overhang_fan_speed": [
"reduce_fan_stop_start_freq": [
"slow_down_layer_time": [
resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu PA6-GF @BBL A1.json
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"type": "filament",
"name": "Bambu PA6-GF @BBL A1",
"inherits": "Bambu PA6-GF @base",
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSN08_02",
"instantiation": "true",
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"nozzle_temperature": [
"nozzle_temperature_initial_layer": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab A1 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab A1 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab A1 0.8 nozzle"
resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu PA6-GF @BBL P1P.json
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"type": "filament",
"name": "Bambu PA6-GF @BBL P1P",
"inherits": "Bambu PA6-GF @base",
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSN08_01",
"instantiation": "true",
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"nozzle_temperature": [
"nozzle_temperature_initial_layer": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab P1P 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1P 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1P 0.8 nozzle"
resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu PA6-GF @BBL X1C.json
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"type": "filament",
"name": "Bambu PA6-GF @BBL X1C",
"inherits": "Bambu PA6-GF @base",
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSN08_00",
"instantiation": "true",
"chamber_temperatures": [
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"nozzle_temperature": [
"nozzle_temperature_initial_layer": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
resources/profiles/BBL/filament/Bambu PA6-GF @base.json
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
"type": "filament",
"name": "Bambu PA6-GF @base",
"inherits": "fdm_filament_pa",
"from": "system",
"filament_id": "GFN08",
"instantiation": "false",
"fan_cooling_layer_time": [
"fan_max_speed": [
"fan_min_speed": [
"filament_cost": [
"filament_density": [
"filament_flow_ratio": [
"filament_type": [
"filament_vendor": [
"Bambu Lab"
"full_fan_speed_layer": [
"overhang_fan_speed": [
"overhang_fan_threshold": [
"temperature_vitrification": [
@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
"reduce_fan_stop_start_freq": [
"slow_down_layer_time": [
"textured_plate_temp": [
@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
"reduce_fan_stop_start_freq": [
"slow_down_layer_time": [
"textured_plate_temp": [
@ -5,12 +5,18 @@
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSC00_02",
"instantiation": "true",
"fan_max_speed": [
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"nozzle_temperature": [
"slow_down_layer_time": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.2 nozzle"
@ -5,9 +5,15 @@
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSC00_01",
"instantiation": "true",
"fan_max_speed": [
"nozzle_temperature": [
"slow_down_layer_time": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.6 nozzle"
@ -5,9 +5,15 @@
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSC00_00",
"instantiation": "true",
"fan_max_speed": [
"nozzle_temperature": [
"slow_down_layer_time": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.8 nozzle"
@ -5,6 +5,12 @@
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSC00",
"instantiation": "true",
"fan_max_speed": [
"slow_down_layer_time": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.4 nozzle"
@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"filament_long_retractions_when_cut": [
"filament_retraction_distances_when_cut": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.2 nozzle",
@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
"fan_min_speed": [
"filament_long_retractions_when_cut": [
"filament_retraction_distances_when_cut": [
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"filament_long_retractions_when_cut": [
"filament_retraction_distances_when_cut": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.4 nozzle",
@ -21,5 +21,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"filament_long_retractions_when_cut": [
"filament_retraction_distances_when_cut": [
"slow_down_layer_time": [
@ -5,6 +5,12 @@
"from": "system",
"setting_id": "GFSA00_00",
"instantiation": "true",
"filament_long_retractions_when_cut": [
"filament_retraction_distances_when_cut": [
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
@ -13,5 +19,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.2 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -8,9 +8,18 @@
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"filament_long_retractions_when_cut": [
"filament_retraction_distances_when_cut": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
"filament_max_volumetric_speed": [
"filament_long_retractions_when_cut": [
"filament_retraction_distances_when_cut": [
"compatible_printers": [
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.6 nozzle",
@ -15,5 +21,8 @@
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -19,5 +19,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.2 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -19,5 +19,8 @@
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -23,5 +23,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.6 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -13,5 +13,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.2 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -10,5 +10,8 @@
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -14,5 +14,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.6 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -12,5 +12,8 @@
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.4 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -9,5 +9,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -5,13 +5,16 @@
"from": "system",
"filament_id": "GFA03",
"instantiation": "false",
"filament_vendor": [
"Bambu Lab"
"filament_cost": [
"filament_flow_ratio": [
"filament_vendor": [
"Bambu Lab"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\n\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -15,5 +15,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -15,5 +15,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -13,5 +13,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.2 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -12,5 +12,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.8 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -15,5 +15,8 @@
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -13,5 +13,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.2 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -18,5 +18,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -13,5 +13,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab P1S 0.2 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.2 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -15,5 +15,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"
@ -15,5 +15,8 @@
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.4 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.6 nozzle",
"Bambu Lab X1E 0.8 nozzle"
"filament_start_gcode": [
"; filament start gcode\n{if (bed_temperature[current_extruder] >55)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >55)}M106 P3 S200\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >50)}M106 P3 S150\n{elsif(bed_temperature[current_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[current_extruder] >45)}M106 P3 S50\n{endif}\nM142 P1 R35 S40\n{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}\nM106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} \n{endif}"