FIX: false alarms due to wrong print z of gcode paths
The print z was wrong previously when there is a wipe tower, or there is an object with floating parts. Jira: STUDIO-2719 udesk: Change-Id: Ifa070aeb548d692549cf88df0d405ecdf0160c80 (cherry picked from commit be3097d8044ce9e0079ebf7070b15c7aad7aff0e)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 136 additions and 92 deletions
@ -89,14 +89,10 @@ inline Grids line_rasterization(const Line &line, int64_t xdist = RasteXDistance
} // namespace RasterizationImpl
void LinesBucketQueue::emplace_back_bucket(std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> &&paths, const void *objPtr, Point offset)
void LinesBucketQueue::emplace_back_bucket(ExtrusionLayers &&els, const void *objPtr, Point offset)
auto oldSize = _buckets.capacity();
if (_objsPtrToId.find(objPtr) == _objsPtrToId.end()) {
_objsPtrToId.insert({objPtr, _objsPtrToId.size()});
_idToObjsPtr.insert({_objsPtrToId.size() - 1, objPtr});
_buckets.emplace_back(std::move(paths), _objsPtrToId[objPtr], offset);
_buckets.emplace_back(std::move(els), objPtr, offset);
auto newSize = _buckets.capacity();
if (oldSize != newSize) { // pointers change
@ -106,15 +102,16 @@ void LinesBucketQueue::emplace_back_bucket(std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> &&paths,
double LinesBucketQueue::removeLowests()
// remove lowest and get the current bottom z
float LinesBucketQueue::getCurrBottomZ()
auto lowest =;
double curHeight = lowest->curHeight();
float layerBottomZ = lowest->curBottomZ();
std::vector<LinesBucket *> lowests;
while (_pq.empty() == false && std::abs(>curHeight() - lowest->curHeight()) < EPSILON) {
while (_pq.empty() == false && std::abs(>curBottomZ() - lowest->curBottomZ()) < EPSILON) {
@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ double LinesBucketQueue::removeLowests()
if (bp->valid()) { _pq.push(bp); }
return curHeight;
return layerBottomZ;
LineWithIDs LinesBucketQueue::getCurLines() const
@ -156,32 +153,44 @@ void getExtrusionPathsFromEntity(const ExtrusionEntityCollection *entity, Extrus
getExtrusionPathImpl(entity, paths);
ExtrusionPaths getExtrusionPathsFromLayer(LayerRegionPtrs layerRegionPtrs)
ExtrusionLayers getExtrusionPathsFromLayer(const LayerRegionPtrs layerRegionPtrs)
ExtrusionPaths paths;
for (auto regionPtr : layerRegionPtrs) {
getExtrusionPathsFromEntity(®ionPtr->perimeters, paths);
if (regionPtr->perimeters.empty() == false) { getExtrusionPathsFromEntity(®ionPtr->fills, paths); }
ExtrusionLayers perimeters; // periments and infills
int i = 0;
for (LayerRegion *regionPtr : layerRegionPtrs) {
perimeters[i].layer = regionPtr->layer();
perimeters[i].bottom_z = regionPtr->layer()->bottom_z();
perimeters[i].height = regionPtr->layer()->height;
getExtrusionPathsFromEntity(®ionPtr->perimeters, perimeters[i].paths);
getExtrusionPathsFromEntity(®ionPtr->fills, perimeters[i].paths);
return paths;
return perimeters;
ExtrusionPaths getExtrusionPathsFromSupportLayer(SupportLayer *supportLayer)
ExtrusionLayer getExtrusionPathsFromSupportLayer(SupportLayer *supportLayer)
ExtrusionPaths paths;
getExtrusionPathsFromEntity(&supportLayer->support_fills, paths);
return paths;
ExtrusionLayer el;
getExtrusionPathsFromEntity(&supportLayer->support_fills, el.paths);
el.layer = supportLayer;
el.bottom_z = supportLayer->bottom_z();
el.height = supportLayer->height;
return el;
std::pair<std::vector<ExtrusionPaths>, std::vector<ExtrusionPaths>> getAllLayersExtrusionPathsFromObject(PrintObject *obj)
ObjectExtrusions getAllLayersExtrusionPathsFromObject(PrintObject *obj)
std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> objPaths, supportPaths;
ObjectExtrusions oe;
for (auto layerPtr : obj->layers()) { objPaths.push_back(getExtrusionPathsFromLayer(layerPtr->regions())); }
for (auto layerPtr : obj->layers()) {
auto perimeters = getExtrusionPathsFromLayer(layerPtr->regions());
oe.perimeters.insert(oe.perimeters.end(), perimeters.begin(), perimeters.end());
for (auto supportLayerPtr : obj->support_layers()) { supportPaths.push_back(getExtrusionPathsFromSupportLayer(supportLayerPtr)); }
for (auto supportLayerPtr : obj->support_layers()) {; }
return {std::move(objPaths), std::move(supportPaths)};
return oe;
ConflictComputeOpt ConflictChecker::find_inter_of_lines(const LineWithIDs &lines)
@ -205,78 +214,86 @@ ConflictComputeOpt ConflictChecker::find_inter_of_lines(const LineWithIDs &lines
ConflictResultOpt ConflictChecker::find_inter_of_lines_in_diff_objs(PrintObjectPtrs objs,
std::optional<const FakeWipeTower *> wtdptr) // find the first intersection point of lines in different objects
std::optional<const FakeWipeTower *> wtdptr) // find the first intersection point of lines in different objects
if (objs.size() <= 1 && !wtdptr) { return {}; }
LinesBucketQueue conflictQueue;
if (wtdptr.has_value()) { // wipe tower at 0 by default
auto wtpaths = wtdptr.value()->getFakeExtrusionPathsFromWipeTower();
conflictQueue.emplace_back_bucket(std::move(wtpaths), wtdptr.value(), {wtdptr.value()->plate_origin.x(),wtdptr.value()->plate_origin.y()});
auto wtpaths = wtdptr.value()->getFakeExtrusionPathsFromWipeTower();
ExtrusionLayers wtels;
wtels.type = ExtrusionLayersType::WIPE_TOWER;
for (int i = 0; i < wtpaths.size(); ++i) { // assume that wipe tower always has same height
ExtrusionLayer el;
el.paths = wtpaths[i];
el.bottom_z = wtpaths[i].front().height * (float) i;
el.layer = nullptr;
conflictQueue.emplace_back_bucket(std::move(wtels), wtdptr.value(), {wtdptr.value()->plate_origin.x(), wtdptr.value()->plate_origin.y()});
for (PrintObject *obj : objs) {
auto layers = getAllLayersExtrusionPathsFromObject(obj);
conflictQueue.emplace_back_bucket(std::move(layers.first), obj, obj->instances().front().shift);
conflictQueue.emplace_back_bucket(std::move(layers.second), obj, obj->instances().front().shift);
conflictQueue.emplace_back_bucket(std::move(layers.perimeters), obj, obj->instances().front().shift);
conflictQueue.emplace_back_bucket(std::move(, obj, obj->instances().front().shift);
std::vector<LineWithIDs> layersLines;
std::vector<double> heights;
std::vector<float> bottomZs;
while (conflictQueue.valid()) {
LineWithIDs lines = conflictQueue.getCurLines();
double curHeight = conflictQueue.removeLowests();
LineWithIDs lines = conflictQueue.getCurLines();
float curBottomZ = conflictQueue.getCurrBottomZ();
bool find = false;
tbb::concurrent_vector<std::pair<ConflictComputeResult,double>> conflict;
bool find = false;
tbb::concurrent_vector<std::pair<ConflictComputeResult, float>> conflict;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, layersLines.size()), [&](tbb::blocked_range<size_t> range) {
for (size_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); i++) {
auto interRes = find_inter_of_lines(layersLines[i]);
if (interRes.has_value()) {
find = true;
conflict.emplace_back(interRes.value(), bottomZs[i]);
if (find) {
const void *ptr1 = conflictQueue.idToObjsPtr(conflict[0].first._obj1);
const void *ptr2 = conflictQueue.idToObjsPtr(conflict[0].first._obj2);
double conflictHeight = conflict[0].second;
const void *ptr1 = conflict[0].first._obj1;
const void *ptr2 = conflict[0].first._obj2;
float conflictPrintZ = conflict[0].second;
if (wtdptr.has_value()) {
const FakeWipeTower *wtdp = wtdptr.value();
if (ptr1 == wtdp || ptr2 == wtdp) {
if (ptr2 == wtdp) { std::swap(ptr1, ptr2); }
const PrintObject *obj2 = reinterpret_cast<const PrintObject *>(ptr2);
return std::make_optional<ConflictResult>("WipeTower", obj2->model_object()->name, conflictHeight, nullptr, ptr2);
return std::make_optional<ConflictResult>("WipeTower", obj2->model_object()->name, conflictPrintZ, nullptr, ptr2);
const PrintObject *obj1 = reinterpret_cast<const PrintObject *>(ptr1);
const PrintObject *obj2 = reinterpret_cast<const PrintObject *>(ptr2);
return std::make_optional<ConflictResult>(obj1->model_object()->name, obj2->model_object()->name, conflictHeight, ptr1, ptr2);
return std::make_optional<ConflictResult>(obj1->model_object()->name, obj2->model_object()->name, conflictPrintZ, ptr1, ptr2);
} else
return {};
ConflictComputeOpt ConflictChecker::line_intersect(const LineWithID &l1, const LineWithID &l2)
constexpr double SUPPORT_THRESHOLD = 1.0;
constexpr double SUPPORT_THRESHOLD = 100; // this large almost disables conflict check of supports
constexpr double OTHER_THRESHOLD = 0.01;
if (l1._id == l2._id) { return {}; } // return true if lines are from same object
Point inter;
bool intersect = l1._line.intersection(l2._line, &inter);
if (intersect) {
auto dist1 = std::min(unscale(Point(l1._line.a - inter)).norm(), unscale(Point(l1._line.b - inter)).norm());
auto dist2 = std::min(unscale(Point(l2._line.a - inter)).norm(), unscale(Point(l2._line.b - inter)).norm());
auto dist = std::min(dist1, dist2);
double dist1 = std::min(unscale(Point(l1._line.a - inter)).norm(), unscale(Point(l1._line.b - inter)).norm());
double dist2 = std::min(unscale(Point(l2._line.a - inter)).norm(), unscale(Point(l2._line.b - inter)).norm());
double dist = std::min(dist1, dist2);
ExtrusionRole r1 = l1._role;
ExtrusionRole r2 = l2._role;
bool both_support = r1 == ExtrusionRole::erSupportMaterial || r1 == ExtrusionRole::erSupportMaterialInterface || r1 == ExtrusionRole::erSupportTransition;
both_support &= r2 == ExtrusionRole::erSupportMaterial || r2 == ExtrusionRole::erSupportMaterialInterface || r2 == ExtrusionRole::erSupportTransition;
both_support = both_support && ( r2 == ExtrusionRole::erSupportMaterial || r2 == ExtrusionRole::erSupportMaterialInterface || r2 == ExtrusionRole::erSupportTransition);
if (dist > (both_support ? SUPPORT_THRESHOLD:OTHER_THRESHOLD)) {
// the two lines intersects if dist>0.01mm for regular lines, and if dist>1mm for both supports
return std::make_optional<ConflictComputeResult>(l1._id, l2._id);
@ -14,55 +14,91 @@ namespace Slic3r {
struct LineWithID
Line _line;
int _id;
Line _line;
const void * _id;
ExtrusionRole _role;
LineWithID(const Line &line, int id, ExtrusionRole role) : _line(line), _id(id), _role(role) {}
LineWithID(const Line &line, const void* id, ExtrusionRole role) : _line(line), _id(id), _role(role) {}
using LineWithIDs = std::vector<LineWithID>;
struct ExtrusionLayer
ExtrusionPaths paths;
const Layer * layer;
float bottom_z;
float height;
enum class ExtrusionLayersType { INFILL, PERIMETERS, SUPPORT, WIPE_TOWER };
struct ExtrusionLayers : public std::vector<ExtrusionLayer>
ExtrusionLayersType type;
struct ObjectExtrusions
ExtrusionLayers perimeters;
ExtrusionLayers support;
perimeters.type = ExtrusionLayersType::PERIMETERS;
support.type = ExtrusionLayersType::SUPPORT;
class LinesBucket
double _curHeight = 0.0;
float _curBottomZ = 0.0;
unsigned _curPileIdx = 0;
std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> _piles;
int _id;
Point _offset;
ExtrusionLayers _piles;
const void* _id;
Point _offset;
LinesBucket(std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> &&paths, int id, Point offset) : _piles(paths), _id(id), _offset(offset) {}
LinesBucket(ExtrusionLayers &&paths, const void* id, Point offset) : _piles(paths), _id(id), _offset(offset) {}
LinesBucket(LinesBucket &&) = default;
std::pair<int, int> curRange() const
auto begin = std::lower_bound(_piles.begin(), _piles.end(), _piles[_curPileIdx], [](const ExtrusionLayer &l, const ExtrusionLayer &r) { return l.bottom_z < r.bottom_z; });
auto end = std::upper_bound(_piles.begin(), _piles.end(), _piles[_curPileIdx], [](const ExtrusionLayer &l, const ExtrusionLayer &r) { return l.bottom_z < r.bottom_z; });
return std::make_pair<int, int>(std::distance(_piles.begin(), begin), std::distance(_piles.begin(), end));
bool valid() const { return _curPileIdx < _piles.size(); }
void raise()
if (valid()) {
if (_piles[_curPileIdx].empty() == false) { _curHeight += _piles[_curPileIdx].front().height; }
if (!valid()) { return; }
auto [b, e] = curRange();
_curPileIdx += (e - b);
_curBottomZ = _curPileIdx == _piles.size() ? _piles.back().bottom_z : _piles[_curPileIdx].bottom_z;
double curHeight() const { return _curHeight; }
float curBottomZ() const { return _curBottomZ; }
LineWithIDs curLines() const
auto [b, e] = curRange();
LineWithIDs lines;
for (const ExtrusionPath &path : _piles[_curPileIdx]) {
if (path.is_force_no_extrusion() == false) {
Polyline check_polyline = path.polyline;
Lines tmpLines = check_polyline.lines();
for (const Line &line : tmpLines) { lines.emplace_back(line, _id, path.role()); }
for (int i = b; i < e; ++i) {
for (const ExtrusionPath &path : _piles[i].paths) {
if (path.is_force_no_extrusion() == false) {
Polyline check_polyline = path.polyline;
Lines tmpLines = check_polyline.lines();
for (const Line &line : tmpLines) { lines.emplace_back(line, _id, path.role()); }
return lines;
friend bool operator>(const LinesBucket &left, const LinesBucket &right) { return left._curHeight > right._curHeight; }
friend bool operator<(const LinesBucket &left, const LinesBucket &right) { return left._curHeight < right._curHeight; }
friend bool operator==(const LinesBucket &left, const LinesBucket &right) { return left._curHeight == right._curHeight; }
friend bool operator>(const LinesBucket &left, const LinesBucket &right) { return left._curBottomZ > right._curBottomZ; }
friend bool operator<(const LinesBucket &left, const LinesBucket &right) { return left._curBottomZ < right._curBottomZ; }
friend bool operator==(const LinesBucket &left, const LinesBucket &right) { return left._curBottomZ == right._curBottomZ; }
struct LinesBucketPtrComp
@ -72,40 +108,31 @@ struct LinesBucketPtrComp
class LinesBucketQueue
std::vector<LinesBucket> _buckets;
std::priority_queue<LinesBucket *, std::vector<LinesBucket *>, LinesBucketPtrComp> _pq;
std::map<int, const void *> _idToObjsPtr;
std::map<const void *, int> _objsPtrToId;
void emplace_back_bucket(std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> &&paths, const void *objPtr, Point offset);
void emplace_back_bucket(ExtrusionLayers &&els, const void *objPtr, Point offset);
bool valid() const { return _pq.empty() == false; }
const void *idToObjsPtr(int id)
if (_idToObjsPtr.find(id) != _idToObjsPtr.end())
return _idToObjsPtr[id];
return nullptr;
double removeLowests();
float getCurrBottomZ();
LineWithIDs getCurLines() const;
void getExtrusionPathsFromEntity(const ExtrusionEntityCollection *entity, ExtrusionPaths &paths);
ExtrusionPaths getExtrusionPathsFromLayer(LayerRegionPtrs layerRegionPtrs);
ExtrusionLayers getExtrusionPathsFromLayer(const LayerRegionPtrs layerRegionPtrs);
ExtrusionPaths getExtrusionPathsFromSupportLayer(SupportLayer *supportLayer);
ExtrusionLayer getExtrusionPathsFromSupportLayer(SupportLayer *supportLayer);
std::pair<std::vector<ExtrusionPaths>, std::vector<ExtrusionPaths>> getAllLayersExtrusionPathsFromObject(PrintObject *obj);
ObjectExtrusions getAllLayersExtrusionPathsFromObject(PrintObject *obj);
struct ConflictComputeResult
int _obj1;
int _obj2;
const void* _obj1;
const void* _obj2;
ConflictComputeResult(int o1, int o2) : _obj1(o1), _obj2(o2) {}
ConflictComputeResult(const void* o1, const void* o2) : _obj1(o1), _obj2(o2) {}
ConflictComputeResult() = default;
@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ namespace Slic3r {
std::string _objName1;
std::string _objName2;
double _height;
float _height;
const void *_obj1; // nullptr means wipe tower
const void *_obj2;
int layer = -1;
ConflictResult(const std::string &objName1, const std::string &objName2, double height, const void *obj1, const void *obj2)
ConflictResult(const std::string &objName1, const std::string &objName2, float height, const void *obj1, const void *obj2)
: _objName1(objName1), _objName2(objName2), _height(height), _obj1(obj1), _obj2(obj2)
ConflictResult() = default;
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ class GCodeViewer
std::vector<Endpoints>& get_endpoints() { return m_endpoints; }
double get_z_at(unsigned int id) const { return (id < m_zs.size()) ? m_zs[id] : 0.0; }
Endpoints get_endpoints_at(unsigned int id) const { return (id < m_endpoints.size()) ? m_endpoints[id] : Endpoints(); }
int get_l_at(double z) const
int get_l_at(float z) const
auto iter = std::upper_bound(m_zs.begin(), m_zs.end(), z);
return std::distance(m_zs.begin(), iter);
Reference in a new issue