Try to fix sub_menu work(on the Scene) under OSX and Linux
+ some code refactoring for context menu inside ObjectList
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 130 additions and 145 deletions
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace GUI
ObjectList::ObjectList(wxWindow* parent) :
wxDataViewCtrl(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDV_MULTIPLE)
wxDataViewCtrl(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDV_MULTIPLE),
@ -46,6 +47,11 @@ ObjectList::ObjectList(wxWindow* parent) :
// create popup menus for object and part
// describe control behavior
Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED, [this](wxEvent& event) {
@ -79,11 +85,7 @@ ObjectList::ObjectList(wxWindow* parent) :
Bind(wxCUSTOMEVT_LAST_VOLUME_IS_DELETED, [this](wxCommandEvent& e) {last_volume_is_deleted(e.GetInt()); });
// Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_VALUE_CHANGED, &ObjectList::OnValueChanged, this);
// Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED, &ObjectList::OnActivated, this);
Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_START_EDITING, &ObjectList::OnStartEditing, this);
// Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_STARTED, &ObjectList::OnEditingStarted, this);
// Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_DONE, &ObjectList::OnEditingDone, this
@ -322,10 +324,20 @@ void ObjectList::show_context_menu()
if (!(m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & (itObject | itVolume)))
const auto menu = m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(0) ?
create_object_popupmenu() :
wxMenu* menu = m_objects_model->GetParent(item) != wxDataViewItem(0) ? &m_menu_part :
wxGetApp().plater()->printer_technology() == ptFFF ? &m_menu_object : &m_menu_sla_object;
wxGetApp().plater()->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) {
evt.Enable(is_splittable()); }, m_menu_item_split->GetId());
wxGetApp().plater()->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) {
evt.Enable(is_splittable()); }, m_menu_item_split_part->GetId());
wxGetApp().plater()->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) {
evt.Enable(get_selected_model_volume()->type() <= ModelVolume::PARAMETER_MODIFIER);
}, m_menu_item_settings->GetId());
@ -447,9 +459,9 @@ void ObjectList::on_drop(wxDataViewEvent &event)
// Context Menu
std::vector<std::string> get_options(const bool is_part)
std::vector<std::string> get_options(const bool is_part, const bool is_sla)
if (wxGetApp().plater()->printer_technology() == ptSLA) {
if (is_sla) {
SLAPrintObjectConfig full_sla_config;
auto options = full_sla_config.keys();
options.erase(find(options.begin(), options.end(), "layer_height"));
@ -466,11 +478,16 @@ std::vector<std::string> get_options(const bool is_part)
return options;
std::vector<std::string> get_options(const bool is_part)
return get_options(is_part, wxGetApp().plater()->printer_technology() == ptSLA);
// category -> vector ( option ; label )
typedef std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > > settings_menu_hierarchy;
void get_options_menu(settings_menu_hierarchy& settings_menu, bool is_part)
void get_options_menu(settings_menu_hierarchy& settings_menu, const bool is_part, const bool is_sla)
auto options = get_options(is_part);
auto options = get_options(is_part, is_sla);
auto extruders_cnt = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA ? 1 :
@ -495,10 +512,13 @@ void get_options_menu(settings_menu_hierarchy& settings_menu, bool is_part)
void ObjectList::get_settings_choice(wxMenu *menu, int id, bool is_part)
void get_options_menu(settings_menu_hierarchy& settings_menu, const bool is_part)
const auto category_name = menu->GetLabel(id);
get_options_menu(settings_menu, is_part, wxGetApp().plater()->printer_technology() == ptSLA);
void ObjectList::get_settings_choice(const wxString& category_name, const bool is_part)
wxArrayString names;
wxArrayInt selections;
@ -564,168 +584,97 @@ void ObjectList::get_settings_choice(wxMenu *menu, int id, bool is_part)
void ObjectList::menu_item_add_generic(wxMenuItem* &menu, int id, const int type) {
void ObjectList::menu_item_add_generic(wxMenuItem* &menu, const int type) {
auto sub_menu = new wxMenu;
const wxString menu_load = _(L("Load")) +" "+ dots;
sub_menu->Append(new wxMenuItem(sub_menu, id++, menu_load));
append_menu_item(sub_menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Load")) + " " + dots, "",
[this, type](wxCommandEvent&) { load_subobject(type); }, "", menu->GetMenu());
std::vector<std::string> menu_items = { L("Box"), L("Cylinder"), L("Sphere"), L("Slab") };
for (auto& item : menu_items)
sub_menu->Append(new wxMenuItem(sub_menu, id++, _(item)));
#ifndef __WXMSW__
sub_menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [sub_menu, type, menu_load, this](wxEvent &event) {
auto selection = sub_menu->GetLabel(event.GetId());
if (selection == menu_load)
load_generic_subobject(selection.ToStdString(), type);
#endif //no __WXMSW__
for (auto& item : menu_items) {
append_menu_item(sub_menu, wxID_ANY, _(item), "",
[this, type, item](wxCommandEvent&) { load_generic_subobject(_(item).ToStdString(), type); }, "", menu->GetMenu());
wxMenuItem* ObjectList::menu_item_split(wxMenu* menu, int id) {
auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, id, _(L("Split to parts")));
return menu_item;
wxMenuItem* ObjectList::menu_item_split(wxMenu* menu) {
return append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Split to parts")), "",
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { split(); }, m_bmp_split, menu);
wxMenuItem* ObjectList::menu_item_settings(wxMenu* menu, int id, const bool is_part) {
auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, id, _(L("Add settings")));
wxMenuItem* ObjectList::menu_item_settings(wxMenu* menu, const bool is_part, const bool is_sla_menu) {
auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Add settings")));
auto sub_menu = create_settings_popupmenu(is_part);
menu_item->SetSubMenu(create_settings_popupmenu(menu, is_part, is_sla_menu));
return menu_item;
wxMenu* ObjectList::create_object_popupmenu()
void ObjectList::create_object_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu)
wxMenu *menu = new wxMenu;
if (wxGetApp().plater()->printer_technology() == ptSLA)
wxWindowID config_id_base = NewControlId(1);
// Append settings popupmenu
menu->Append(menu_item_settings(menu, config_id_base, false));
menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [menu, this](wxEvent &event) {
get_settings_choice(menu, event.GetId(), false);
return menu;
// Note: id accords to type of the sub-object, so sequence of the menu items is important
std::vector<std::string> menu_object_types_items = {L("Add part"), // ~ModelVolume::MODEL_PART
L("Add modifier"), // ~ModelVolume::PARAMETER_MODIFIER
L("Add support enforcer"), // ~ModelVolume::SUPPORT_ENFORCER
L("Add support blocker") }; // ~ModelVolume::SUPPORT_BLOCKER
const int obj_types_count = menu_object_types_items.size();
const int generics_count = 5; // "Load ...", "Box", "Cylinder", "Sphere", "Slab"
wxWindowID config_id_base = NewControlId(generics_count*obj_types_count + 2);
// Add first 4 menu items
for (int type = 0; type < obj_types_count; type++) {
for (int type = 0; type < menu_object_types_items.size(); type++) {
auto& item = menu_object_types_items[type];
auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, config_id_base + type, _(item));
auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, wxID_ANY, _(item));
menu_item_add_generic(menu_item, config_id_base + type*generics_count, type);
menu_item_add_generic(menu_item, type);
// Split object to parts
auto menu_item = menu_item_split(menu, config_id_base + obj_types_count * generics_count);
m_menu_item_split = menu_item_split(menu);
// Settings
// Append settings popupmenu
menu->Append(menu_item_settings(menu, config_id_base + obj_types_count * generics_count+1, false));
menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [config_id_base, menu, obj_types_count, generics_count, this](wxEvent &event) {
auto selection = event.GetId() - config_id_base;
if ( selection == 0 * generics_count || // ~ModelVolume::MODEL_PART
selection == 1 * generics_count || // ~ModelVolume::PARAMETER_MODIFIER
selection == 2 * generics_count || // ~ModelVolume::SUPPORT_ENFORCER
selection == 3 * generics_count ) // ~ModelVolume::SUPPORT_BLOCKER
load_subobject(int(selection / generics_count));
else if ( selection == obj_types_count * generics_count)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
else if ( selection > obj_types_count * generics_count) // "Add Settings" is selected
get_settings_choice(menu, event.GetId(), false);
else // Some generic model is selected
load_generic_subobject(menu->GetLabel(event.GetId()).ToStdString(), int(selection / generics_count));
#endif // __WXMSW__
return menu;
menu->Append(menu_item_settings(menu, false, false));
wxMenu* ObjectList::create_part_popupmenu()
void ObjectList::create_sla_object_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu)
wxMenu *menu = new wxMenu;
wxWindowID config_id_base = NewControlId(3);
// Append settings popupmenu
menu->Append(menu_item_settings(menu, false, true));
auto menu_item = menu_item_split(menu, config_id_base);
void ObjectList::create_part_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu)
m_menu_item_split_part = menu_item_split(menu);
// Append change part type
menu->Append(new wxMenuItem(menu, config_id_base + 1, _(L("Change type"))));
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Change type")), "",
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { change_part_type(); }, "", menu);
// Append settings popupmenu
menu_item = menu_item_settings(menu, config_id_base + 2, true);
menu_item->Enable(get_selected_model_volume()->type() <= ModelVolume::PARAMETER_MODIFIER);
menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [config_id_base, menu, this](wxEvent &event) {
switch (event.GetId() - config_id_base) {
case 0:
case 1:
get_settings_choice(menu, event.GetId(), true);
return menu;
m_menu_item_settings = menu_item_settings(menu, true, false);
wxMenu* ObjectList::create_settings_popupmenu(bool is_part)
wxMenu* ObjectList::create_settings_popupmenu(wxMenu *parent_menu, bool is_part, const bool is_sla_menu)
wxMenu *menu = new wxMenu;
settings_menu_hierarchy settings_menu;
get_options_menu(settings_menu, is_part);
get_options_menu(settings_menu, is_part, is_sla_menu);
for (auto cat : settings_menu)
auto menu_item = new wxMenuItem(menu, wxID_ANY, _(cat.first));
menu_item->SetBitmap(CATEGORY_ICON.find(cat.first) == CATEGORY_ICON.end() ?
wxNullBitmap :;
for (auto cat : settings_menu) {
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _(cat.first), "",
[menu, this, is_part](wxCommandEvent& event) { get_settings_choice(menu->GetLabel(event.GetId()), is_part); },
CATEGORY_ICON.find(cat.first) == CATEGORY_ICON.end() ? wxNullBitmap :, parent_menu);
#ifndef __WXMSW__
menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this, menu, is_part](wxEvent &event) {
get_settings_choice(menu, event.GetId(), is_part);
#endif //no __WXMSW__
return menu;
@ -841,7 +790,7 @@ void ObjectList::load_generic_subobject(const std::string& type_name, const int
else if (type_name == _("Cylinder"))
mesh = make_cylinder(0.5*side, side);
else if (type_name == _("Sphere"))
mesh = make_sphere(side, PI/18);
mesh = make_sphere(0.5*side, PI/18);
else if (type_name == _("Slab")) {
const auto& size = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->bounding_box().size();
mesh = make_cube(size(0)*1.5, size(1)*1.5, size(2)*0.5);
@ -963,7 +912,7 @@ bool ObjectList::del_subobject_from_object(const int obj_idx, const int idx, con
return true;
void ObjectList::split(const bool split_part)
void ObjectList::split()
const auto item = GetSelection();
const int obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx();
@ -971,7 +920,7 @@ void ObjectList::split(const bool split_part)
ModelVolume* volume;
if (!get_volume_by_item(split_part, item, volume)) return;
if (!get_volume_by_item(item, volume)) return;
DynamicPrintConfig& config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config;
const ConfigOption *nozzle_dmtrs_opt = config.option("nozzle_diameter", false);
const auto nozzle_dmrs_cnt = (nozzle_dmtrs_opt == nullptr) ? size_t(1) : dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionFloats*>(nozzle_dmtrs_opt)->values.size();
@ -1010,12 +959,13 @@ void ObjectList::split(const bool split_part)
bool ObjectList::get_volume_by_item(const bool split_part, const wxDataViewItem& item, ModelVolume*& volume)
bool ObjectList::get_volume_by_item(const wxDataViewItem& item, ModelVolume*& volume)
auto obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx();
if (!item || obj_idx < 0)
return false;
const auto volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item);
const bool split_part = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itVolume;
// object is selected
if (volume_id < 0) {
@ -1030,13 +980,13 @@ bool ObjectList::get_volume_by_item(const bool split_part, const wxDataViewItem&
return true;
bool ObjectList::is_splittable_object(const bool split_part)
bool ObjectList::is_splittable()
const wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection();
if (!item) return false;
ModelVolume* volume;
if (!get_volume_by_item(split_part, item, volume) || !volume)
if (!get_volume_by_item(item, volume) || !volume)
return false;
TriangleMeshPtrs meshptrs = volume->mesh.split();
@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ class ObjectList : public wxDataViewCtrl
DynamicPrintConfig *m_default_config {nullptr};
wxWindow *m_parent {nullptr};
wxBitmap m_bmp_modifiermesh;
wxBitmap m_bmp_solidmesh;
wxBitmap m_bmp_support_enforcer;
@ -62,6 +64,13 @@ class ObjectList : public wxDataViewCtrl
wxBitmap m_bmp_cog;
wxBitmap m_bmp_split;
wxMenu m_menu_object;
wxMenu m_menu_part;
wxMenu m_menu_sla_object;
wxMenuItem* m_menu_item_split { nullptr };
wxMenuItem* m_menu_item_split_part { nullptr };
wxMenuItem* m_menu_item_settings { nullptr };
std::vector<wxBitmap*> m_bmp_vector;
int m_selected_object_id = -1;
@ -109,13 +118,14 @@ public:
void on_drop_possible(wxDataViewEvent &event);
void on_drop(wxDataViewEvent &event);
void get_settings_choice(wxMenu *menu, int id, bool is_part);
void menu_item_add_generic(wxMenuItem* &menu, int id, const int type);
wxMenuItem* menu_item_split(wxMenu* menu, int id);
wxMenuItem* menu_item_settings(wxMenu* menu, int id, const bool is_part);
wxMenu* create_object_popupmenu();
wxMenu* create_part_popupmenu();
wxMenu* create_settings_popupmenu(bool is_part);
void get_settings_choice(const wxString& cat_name, const bool is_part);
void menu_item_add_generic(wxMenuItem* &menu, const int type);
wxMenuItem* menu_item_split(wxMenu* menu);
wxMenuItem* menu_item_settings(wxMenu* menu, const bool is_part, const bool is_sla_menu);
void create_object_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu);
void create_sla_object_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu);
void create_part_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu);
wxMenu* create_settings_popupmenu(wxMenu *parent_menu, bool is_part, const bool is_sla_menu);
void update_opt_keys(t_config_option_keys& t_optopt_keys);
@ -127,9 +137,9 @@ public:
void del_settings_from_config();
void del_instances_from_object(const int obj_idx);
bool del_subobject_from_object(const int obj_idx, const int idx, const int type);
void split(const bool split_part);
bool get_volume_by_item(const bool split_part, const wxDataViewItem& item, ModelVolume*& volume);
bool is_splittable_object(const bool split_part);
void split();
bool get_volume_by_item(const wxDataViewItem& item, ModelVolume*& volume);
bool is_splittable();
wxPoint get_mouse_position_in_control();
wxBoxSizer* get_sizer() {return m_sizer;}
@ -973,6 +973,7 @@ struct Plater::priv
const GLCanvas3D::Selection& get_selection() const;
GLCanvas3D::Selection& get_selection();
int get_selected_object_idx() const;
int get_selected_volume_idx() const;
void selection_changed();
void object_list_changed();
@ -1624,6 +1625,18 @@ int Plater::priv::get_selected_object_idx() const
return ((0 <= idx) && (idx < 1000)) ? idx : -1;
int Plater::priv::get_selected_volume_idx() const
auto& selection = get_selection();
int idx = selection.get_object_idx();
if ((0 > idx) || (idx > 1000))
const GLVolume* v = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin());
if (model.objects[idx]->volumes.size() > 1)
return v->volume_idx();
return -1;
void Plater::priv::selection_changed()
@ -1936,7 +1949,7 @@ void Plater::priv::split_object()
void Plater::priv::split_volume()
void Plater::priv::schedule_background_process()
@ -16,23 +16,33 @@ wxDEFINE_EVENT(wxCUSTOMEVT_TICKSCHANGED, wxEvent);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item(wxMenu* menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description,
std::function<void(wxCommandEvent& event)> cb, const std::string& icon, wxEvtHandler* event_handler)
std::function<void(wxCommandEvent& event)> cb, const wxBitmap& icon, wxEvtHandler* event_handler)
if (id == wxID_ANY)
id = wxNewId();
wxMenuItem* item = menu->Append(id, string, description);
if (!icon.empty())
item->SetBitmap(wxBitmap(Slic3r::var(icon), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
if (event_handler != nullptr)
if (event_handler != nullptr && event_handler != menu)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
event_handler->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, cb, id);
menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, cb, id);
menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, cb, id);
return item;
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item(wxMenu* menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description,
std::function<void(wxCommandEvent& event)> cb, const std::string& icon, wxEvtHandler* event_handler)
const wxBitmap& bmp = !icon.empty() ? wxBitmap(Slic3r::var(icon), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) : wxNullBitmap;
return append_menu_item(menu, id, string, description, cb, bmp, event_handler);
wxMenuItem* append_submenu(wxMenu* menu, wxMenu* sub_menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description, const std::string& icon)
if (id == wxID_ANY)
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <set>
#include <functional>
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item(wxMenu* menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description,
std::function<void(wxCommandEvent& event)> cb, const wxBitmap& icon, wxEvtHandler* event_handler = nullptr);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item(wxMenu* menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description,
std::function<void(wxCommandEvent& event)> cb, const std::string& icon = "", wxEvtHandler* event_handler = nullptr);
Reference in a new issue