GCodePostProcessor - use C files instead of C++ streams, C files are faster.

Also fixed a regression - crashes on undefined cancellation callback.
This commit is contained in:
Vojtech Bubnik 2021-09-07 14:20:16 +02:00
parent 51df3cd163
commit e30ff22b8a

View file

@ -347,17 +347,25 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::reset()
machines[static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal)].enabled = true;
struct FilePtr {
FilePtr(FILE *f) : f(f) {}
~FilePtr() { this->close(); }
void close() { if (f) ::fclose(f); }
FILE* f = nullptr;
void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, std::vector<MoveVertex>& moves)
boost::nowide::ifstream in(filename);
if (!in.good())
FilePtr in{ boost::nowide::fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb") };
if (in.f == nullptr)
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nCannot open file for reading.\n"));
// temporary file to contain modified gcode
std::string out_path = filename + ".postprocess";
FILE* out = boost::nowide::fopen(out_path.c_str(), "wb");
if (out == nullptr)
FilePtr out{ boost::nowide::fopen(out_path.c_str(), "wb") };
if (out.f == nullptr) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nCannot open file for writing.\n"));
auto time_in_minutes = [](float time_in_seconds) {
assert(time_in_seconds >= 0.f);
@ -559,11 +567,10 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, st
// helper function to write to disk
auto write_string = [&](const std::string& str) {
fwrite((const void*)export_line.c_str(), 1, export_line.length(), out);
if (ferror(out)) {
auto write_string = [&export_line, &out, &out_path](const std::string& str) {
fwrite((const void*)export_line.c_str(), 1, export_line.length(), out.f);
if (ferror(out.f)) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nIs the disk full?\n"));
@ -575,25 +582,23 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, st
// Read the input stream 64kB at a time, extract lines and process them.
std::vector<char> buffer(65536 * 10, 0);
// Line buffer.
while (! in.eof()) {
in.read(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
if (! in.eof() && ! in.good()) {
for (;;) {
size_t cnt_read = ::fread(buffer.data(), 1, buffer.size(), in.f);
if (::ferror(in.f))
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nError while reading from file.\n"));
bool eof = cnt_read == 0;
auto it = buffer.begin();
auto it_bufend = buffer.begin() + in.gcount();
while (it != it_bufend) {
auto it_bufend = buffer.begin() + cnt_read;
while (it != it_bufend || (eof && ! gcode_line.empty())) {
// Find end of line.
bool eol = false;
auto it_end = it;
for (; it_end != it_bufend && ! (eol = *it_end == '\r' || *it_end == '\n'); ++ it_end) ;
// End of line is indicated also if end of file was reached.
eol |= in.eof() && it_end == it_bufend;
eol |= eof && it_end == it_bufend;
gcode_line.insert(gcode_line.end(), it, it_end);
if (eol) {
@ -622,13 +627,15 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, st
if (it != it_bufend && *it == '\n')
++ it;
if (eof)
if (!export_line.empty())
// updates moves' gcode ids which have been modified by the insertion of the M73 lines
@ -1234,6 +1241,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_file(const std::string& filename, bool apply_postpr
if (-- parse_line_callback_cntr == 0) {
// Don't call the cancel_callback() too often, do it every at every 10000'th line.
parse_line_callback_cntr = 10000;
if (cancel_callback)