Merge branch 'tm_its_refactor_3'
This commit is contained in:
45 changed files with 2334 additions and 932 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# add_subdirectory(meshboolean)
# add_subdirectory(opencsg)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
add_executable(its_neighbor_index main.cpp ItsNeighborIndex.cpp ItsNeighborIndex.hpp)
target_link_libraries(its_neighbor_index libslic3r admesh)
if (WIN32)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include "ItsNeighborIndex.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Execution/ExecutionTBB.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Execution/ExecutionSeq.hpp"
#include "tbb/parallel_sort.h"
namespace Slic3r {
FaceNeighborIndex its_create_neighbors_index_1(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
// Just to be clear what type of object are we referencing
using FaceID = size_t;
using VertexID = uint64_t;
using EdgeID = uint64_t;
constexpr auto UNASSIGNED = std::numeric_limits<FaceID>::max();
struct Edge // Will contain IDs of the two facets touching this edge
FaceID first, second;
Edge() : first{UNASSIGNED}, second{UNASSIGNED} {}
void assign(FaceID fid)
first == UNASSIGNED ? first = fid : second = fid;
// All vertex IDs will fit into this number of bits. (Used for hashing)
const int max_vertex_id_bits = std::ceil(std::log2(its.vertices.size()));
assert(max_vertex_id_bits <= 32);
std::unordered_map< EdgeID, Edge> edge_index;
// Edge id is constructed by concatenating two vertex ids, starting with
// the lowest in MSB
auto hash = [max_vertex_id_bits] (VertexID a, VertexID b) {
if (a > b) std::swap(a, b);
return (a << max_vertex_id_bits) + b;
// Go through all edges of all facets and mark the facets touching each edge
for (size_t face_id = 0; face_id < its.indices.size(); ++face_id) {
const Vec3i &face = its.indices[face_id];
EdgeID e1 = hash(face(0), face(1)), e2 = hash(face(1), face(2)),
e3 = hash(face(2), face(0));
FaceNeighborIndex index(its.indices.size());
// Now collect the neighbors for each facet into the final index
for (size_t face_id = 0; face_id < its.indices.size(); ++face_id) {
const Vec3i &face = its.indices[face_id];
EdgeID e1 = hash(face(0), face(1)), e2 = hash(face(1), face(2)),
e3 = hash(face(2), face(0));
const Edge &neighs1 = edge_index[e1];
const Edge &neighs2 = edge_index[e2];
const Edge &neighs3 = edge_index[e3];
std::array<size_t, 3> &neighs = index[face_id];
neighs[0] = neighs1.first == face_id ? neighs1.second : neighs1.first;
neighs[1] = neighs2.first == face_id ? neighs2.second : neighs2.first;
neighs[2] = neighs3.first == face_id ? neighs3.second : neighs3.first;
return index;
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index_2(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
std::vector<Vec3i> out(its.indices.size(), Vec3i(-1, -1, -1));
// Create a mapping from triangle edge into face.
struct EdgeToFace {
// Index of the 1st vertex of the triangle edge. vertex_low <= vertex_high.
int vertex_low;
// Index of the 2nd vertex of the triangle edge.
int vertex_high;
// Index of a triangular face.
int face;
// Index of edge in the face, starting with 1. Negative indices if the edge was stored reverse in (vertex_low, vertex_high).
int face_edge;
bool operator==(const EdgeToFace &other) const { return vertex_low == other.vertex_low && vertex_high == other.vertex_high; }
bool operator<(const EdgeToFace &other) const { return vertex_low < other.vertex_low || (vertex_low == other.vertex_low && vertex_high < other.vertex_high); }
std::vector<EdgeToFace> edges_map;
edges_map.assign(its.indices.size() * 3, EdgeToFace());
for (uint32_t facet_idx = 0; facet_idx < its.indices.size(); ++ facet_idx)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
EdgeToFace &e2f = edges_map[facet_idx * 3 + i];
e2f.vertex_low = its.indices[facet_idx][i];
e2f.vertex_high = its.indices[facet_idx][(i + 1) % 3];
e2f.face = facet_idx;
// 1 based indexing, to be always strictly positive.
e2f.face_edge = i + 1;
if (e2f.vertex_low > e2f.vertex_high) {
// Sort the vertices
std::swap(e2f.vertex_low, e2f.vertex_high);
// and make the face_edge negative to indicate a flipped edge.
e2f.face_edge = - e2f.face_edge;
std::sort(edges_map.begin(), edges_map.end());
// Assign a unique common edge id to touching triangle edges.
int num_edges = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges_map.size(); ++ i) {
EdgeToFace &edge_i = edges_map[i];
if (edge_i.face == -1)
// This edge has been connected to some neighbor already.
// Unconnected edge. Find its neighbor with the correct orientation.
size_t j;
bool found = false;
for (j = i + 1; j < edges_map.size() && edge_i == edges_map[j]; ++ j)
if (edge_i.face_edge * edges_map[j].face_edge < 0 && edges_map[j].face != -1) {
// Faces touching with opposite oriented edges and none of the edges is connected yet.
found = true;
if (! found) {
//FIXME Vojtech: Trying to find an edge with equal orientation. This smells.
// admesh can assign the same edge ID to more than two facets (which is
// still topologically correct), so we have to search for a duplicate of
// this edge too in case it was already seen in this orientation
for (j = i + 1; j < edges_map.size() && edge_i == edges_map[j]; ++ j)
if (edges_map[j].face != -1) {
// Faces touching with equally oriented edges and none of the edges is connected yet.
found = true;
// Assign an edge index to the 1st face.
// out[edge_i.face](std::abs(edge_i.face_edge) - 1) = num_edges;
if (found) {
EdgeToFace &edge_j = edges_map[j];
out[edge_i.face](std::abs(edge_i.face_edge) - 1) = edge_j.face;
out[edge_j.face](std::abs(edge_j.face_edge) - 1) = edge_i.face;
// Mark the edge as connected.
edge_j.face = -1;
++ num_edges;
return out;
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index_3(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
std::vector<Vec3i> out(its.indices.size(), Vec3i(-1, -1, -1));
// Create a mapping from triangle edge into face.
struct EdgeToFace {
// Index of the 1st vertex of the triangle edge. vertex_low <= vertex_high.
int vertex_low;
// Index of the 2nd vertex of the triangle edge.
int vertex_high;
// Index of a triangular face.
int face;
// Index of edge in the face, starting with 1. Negative indices if the edge was stored reverse in (vertex_low, vertex_high).
int face_edge;
bool operator==(const EdgeToFace &other) const { return vertex_low == other.vertex_low && vertex_high == other.vertex_high; }
bool operator<(const EdgeToFace &other) const { return vertex_low < other.vertex_low || (vertex_low == other.vertex_low && vertex_high < other.vertex_high); }
std::vector<EdgeToFace> edges_map;
edges_map.assign(its.indices.size() * 3, EdgeToFace());
for (uint32_t facet_idx = 0; facet_idx < its.indices.size(); ++ facet_idx)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
EdgeToFace &e2f = edges_map[facet_idx * 3 + i];
e2f.vertex_low = its.indices[facet_idx][i];
e2f.vertex_high = its.indices[facet_idx][(i + 1) % 3];
e2f.face = facet_idx;
// 1 based indexing, to be always strictly positive.
e2f.face_edge = i + 1;
if (e2f.vertex_low > e2f.vertex_high) {
// Sort the vertices
std::swap(e2f.vertex_low, e2f.vertex_high);
// and make the face_edge negative to indicate a flipped edge.
e2f.face_edge = - e2f.face_edge;
tbb::parallel_sort(edges_map.begin(), edges_map.end());
// Assign a unique common edge id to touching triangle edges.
int num_edges = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges_map.size(); ++ i) {
EdgeToFace &edge_i = edges_map[i];
if (edge_i.face == -1)
// This edge has been connected to some neighbor already.
// Unconnected edge. Find its neighbor with the correct orientation.
size_t j;
bool found = false;
for (j = i + 1; j < edges_map.size() && edge_i == edges_map[j]; ++ j)
if (edge_i.face_edge * edges_map[j].face_edge < 0 && edges_map[j].face != -1) {
// Faces touching with opposite oriented edges and none of the edges is connected yet.
found = true;
if (! found) {
//FIXME Vojtech: Trying to find an edge with equal orientation. This smells.
// admesh can assign the same edge ID to more than two facets (which is
// still topologically correct), so we have to search for a duplicate of
// this edge too in case it was already seen in this orientation
for (j = i + 1; j < edges_map.size() && edge_i == edges_map[j]; ++ j)
if (edges_map[j].face != -1) {
// Faces touching with equally oriented edges and none of the edges is connected yet.
found = true;
// Assign an edge index to the 1st face.
// out[edge_i.face](std::abs(edge_i.face_edge) - 1) = num_edges;
if (found) {
EdgeToFace &edge_j = edges_map[j];
out[edge_i.face](std::abs(edge_i.face_edge) - 1) = edge_j.face;
out[edge_j.face](std::abs(edge_j.face_edge) - 1) = edge_i.face;
// Mark the edge as connected.
edge_j.face = -1;
++ num_edges;
return out;
FaceNeighborIndex its_create_neighbors_index_4(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
// Just to be clear what type of object are we referencing
using FaceID = size_t;
using VertexID = uint64_t;
using EdgeID = uint64_t;
constexpr auto UNASSIGNED = std::numeric_limits<FaceID>::max();
struct Edge // Will contain IDs of the two facets touching this edge
FaceID first, second;
Edge() : first{UNASSIGNED}, second{UNASSIGNED} {}
void assign(FaceID fid)
first == UNASSIGNED ? first = fid : second = fid;
Benchmark bm;
// All vertex IDs will fit into this number of bits. (Used for hashing)
// const int max_vertex_id_bits = std::ceil(std::log2(its.vertices.size()));
// assert(max_vertex_id_bits <= 32);
const uint64_t Vn = its.vertices.size();
// const uint64_t Fn = 3 * its.indices.size();
// double MaxQ = double(Vn) * (Vn + 1) / Fn;
// const uint64_t Nq = MaxQ < 0 ? 0 : std::ceil(std::log2(MaxQ));
// const uint64_t Nr = std::ceil(std::log2(std::min(Vn * (Vn + 1), Fn)));
// const uint64_t Nfn = std::ceil(std::log2(Fn));
//// const uint64_t max_edge_ids = (uint64_t(1) << (Nq + Nr));
// const uint64_t max_edge_ids = MaxQ * Fn + (std::min(Vn * (Vn + 1), Fn)); //(uint64_t(1) << Nfn);
const uint64_t Fn = 3 * its.indices.size();
std::vector< Edge > edge_index(3 * Fn);
// Edge id is constructed by concatenating two vertex ids, starting with
// the lowest in MSB
auto hash = [Vn, Fn /*, Nr*/] (VertexID a, VertexID b) {
if (a > b) std::swap(a, b);
uint64_t C = Vn * a + b;
uint64_t Q = C / Fn, R = C % Fn;
return Q * Fn + R;
// Go through all edges of all facets and mark the facets touching each edge
for (size_t face_id = 0; face_id < its.indices.size(); ++face_id) {
const Vec3i &face = its.indices[face_id];
EdgeID e1 = hash(face(0), face(1)), e2 = hash(face(1), face(2)),
e3 = hash(face(2), face(0));
FaceNeighborIndex index(its.indices.size());
// Now collect the neighbors for each facet into the final index
for (size_t face_id = 0; face_id < its.indices.size(); ++face_id) {
const Vec3i &face = its.indices[face_id];
EdgeID e1 = hash(face(0), face(1)), e2 = hash(face(1), face(2)),
e3 = hash(face(2), face(0));
const Edge &neighs1 = edge_index[e1];
const Edge &neighs2 = edge_index[e2];
const Edge &neighs3 = edge_index[e3];
std::array<size_t, 3> &neighs = index[face_id];
neighs[0] = neighs1.first == face_id ? neighs1.second : neighs1.first;
neighs[1] = neighs2.first == face_id ? neighs2.second : neighs2.first;
neighs[2] = neighs3.first == face_id ? neighs3.second : neighs3.first;
std::cout << "Creating neighbor index took: " << bm.getElapsedSec() << " seconds." << std::endl;
return index;
// Create an index of faces belonging to each vertex. The returned vector can
// be indexed with vertex indices and contains a list of face indices for each
// vertex.
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> create_vertex_faces_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> index;
if (! its.vertices.empty()) {
size_t res = its.indices.size() / its.vertices.size();
index.assign(its.vertices.size(), reserve_vector<size_t>(res));
for (size_t fi = 0; fi < its.indices.size(); ++fi) {
auto &face = its.indices[fi];
return index;
//static int get_vertex_index(size_t vertex_index, const stl_triangle_vertex_indices &triangle_indices) {
// if (vertex_index == triangle_indices[0]) return 0;
// if (vertex_index == triangle_indices[1]) return 1;
// if (vertex_index == triangle_indices[2]) return 2;
// return -1;
//static Vec2crd get_edge_indices(int edge_index, const stl_triangle_vertex_indices &triangle_indices)
// int next_edge_index = (edge_index == 2) ? 0 : edge_index + 1;
// coord_t vi0 = triangle_indices[edge_index];
// coord_t vi1 = triangle_indices[next_edge_index];
// return Vec2crd(vi0, vi1);
static std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> create_vertex_faces_index(
const std::vector<stl_triangle_vertex_indices>& indices, size_t count_vertices)
if (count_vertices == 0) return {};
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> index;
size_t res = indices.size() / count_vertices;
index.assign(count_vertices, reserve_vector<size_t>(res));
for (size_t fi = 0; fi < indices.size(); ++fi) {
auto &face = indices[fi];
return index;
std::vector<Vec3crd> its_create_neighbors_index_5(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
const std::vector<stl_triangle_vertex_indices> &indices = its.indices;
size_t vertices_size = its.vertices.size();
if (indices.empty() || vertices_size == 0) return {};
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> vertex_triangles = create_vertex_faces_index(indices, vertices_size);
coord_t no_value = -1;
std::vector<Vec3crd> neighbors(indices.size(), Vec3crd(no_value, no_value, no_value));
for (const stl_triangle_vertex_indices& triangle_indices : indices) {
coord_t index = &triangle_indices - &indices.front();
Vec3crd& neighbor = neighbors[index];
for (int edge_index = 0; edge_index < 3; ++edge_index) {
// check if done
coord_t& neighbor_edge = neighbor[edge_index];
if (neighbor_edge != no_value) continue;
Vec2crd edge_indices = get_edge_indices(edge_index, triangle_indices);
// IMPROVE: use same vector for 2 sides of triangle
const std::vector<size_t> &faces = vertex_triangles[edge_indices[0]];
for (const size_t &face : faces) {
if (face <= index) continue;
const stl_triangle_vertex_indices &face_indices = indices[face];
int vertex_index = get_vertex_index(edge_indices[1], face_indices);
// NOT Contain second vertex?
if (vertex_index < 0) continue;
// Has NOT oposit direction?
if (edge_indices[0] != face_indices[(vertex_index + 1) % 3]) continue;
neighbor_edge = face;
neighbors[face][vertex_index] = index;
// must be paired
assert(neighbor_edge != no_value);
return neighbors;
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> its_create_neighbors_index_6(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
constexpr auto UNASSIGNED_EDGE = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
constexpr auto UNASSIGNED_FACE = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
struct Edge
uint64_t id = UNASSIGNED_EDGE;
size_t face_id = UNASSIGNED_FACE;
bool operator < (const Edge &e) const { return id <; }
const size_t facenum = its.indices.size();
// All vertex IDs will fit into this number of bits. (Used for hashing)
const int max_vertex_id_bits = std::ceil(std::log2(its.vertices.size()));
assert(max_vertex_id_bits <= 32);
// Edge id is constructed by concatenating two vertex ids, starting with
// the lowest in MSB
auto hash = [max_vertex_id_bits] (uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
if (a > b) std::swap(a, b);
return (a << max_vertex_id_bits) + b;
std::vector<Edge> edge_map(3 * facenum);
// Go through all edges of all facets and mark the facets touching each edge
for (size_t face_id = 0; face_id < facenum; ++face_id) {
const Vec3i &face = its.indices[face_id];
edge_map[face_id * 3] = {hash(face(0), face(1)), face_id};
edge_map[face_id * 3 + 1] = {hash(face(1), face(2)), face_id};
edge_map[face_id * 3 + 2] = {hash(face(2), face(0)), face_id};
std::sort(edge_map.begin(), edge_map.end());
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> out(facenum, {UNASSIGNED_FACE, UNASSIGNED_FACE, UNASSIGNED_FACE});
auto add_neighbor = [](std::array<size_t, 3> &slot, size_t face_id) {
if (slot[0] == UNASSIGNED_FACE) { slot[0] = face_id; return; }
if (slot[1] == UNASSIGNED_FACE) { slot[1] = face_id; return; }
if (slot[2] == UNASSIGNED_FACE) { slot[2] = face_id; return; }
for (auto it = edge_map.begin(); it != edge_map.end();) {
size_t face_id = it->face_id;
uint64_t edge_id = it->id;
while (++it != edge_map.end() && (it->id == edge_id)) {
size_t other_face_id = it->face_id;
add_neighbor(out[other_face_id], face_id);
add_neighbor(out[face_id], other_face_id);
return out;
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> its_create_neighbors_index_7(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
constexpr auto UNASSIGNED_EDGE = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
constexpr auto UNASSIGNED_FACE = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
struct Edge
uint64_t id = UNASSIGNED_EDGE;
size_t face_id = UNASSIGNED_FACE;
bool operator < (const Edge &e) const { return id <; }
const size_t facenum = its.indices.size();
// All vertex IDs will fit into this number of bits. (Used for hashing)
const int max_vertex_id_bits = std::ceil(std::log2(its.vertices.size()));
assert(max_vertex_id_bits <= 32);
// Edge id is constructed by concatenating two vertex ids, starting with
// the lowest in MSB
auto hash = [max_vertex_id_bits] (uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
if (a > b) std::swap(a, b);
return (a << max_vertex_id_bits) + b;
std::vector<Edge> edge_map(3 * facenum);
// Go through all edges of all facets and mark the facets touching each edge
for (size_t face_id = 0; face_id < facenum; ++face_id) {
const Vec3i &face = its.indices[face_id];
edge_map[face_id * 3] = {hash(face(0), face(1)), face_id};
edge_map[face_id * 3 + 1] = {hash(face(1), face(2)), face_id};
edge_map[face_id * 3 + 2] = {hash(face(2), face(0)), face_id};
tbb::parallel_sort(edge_map.begin(), edge_map.end());
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> out(facenum, {UNASSIGNED_FACE, UNASSIGNED_FACE, UNASSIGNED_FACE});
auto add_neighbor = [](std::array<size_t, 3> &slot, size_t face_id) {
if (slot[0] == UNASSIGNED_FACE) { slot[0] = face_id; return; }
if (slot[1] == UNASSIGNED_FACE) { slot[1] = face_id; return; }
if (slot[2] == UNASSIGNED_FACE) { slot[2] = face_id; return; }
for (auto it = edge_map.begin(); it != edge_map.end();) {
size_t face_id = it->face_id;
uint64_t edge_id = it->id;
while (++it != edge_map.end() && (it->id == edge_id)) {
size_t other_face_id = it->face_id;
add_neighbor(out[other_face_id], face_id);
add_neighbor(out[face_id], other_face_id);
return out;
FaceNeighborIndex its_create_neighbors_index_8(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
// Just to be clear what type of object are we referencing
using FaceID = size_t;
using VertexID = uint64_t;
using EdgeID = uint64_t;
constexpr auto UNASSIGNED = std::numeric_limits<FaceID>::max();
struct Edge // Will contain IDs of the two facets touching this edge
FaceID first, second;
Edge() : first{UNASSIGNED}, second{UNASSIGNED} {}
void assign(FaceID fid)
first == UNASSIGNED ? first = fid : second = fid;
// All vertex IDs will fit into this number of bits. (Used for hashing)
const int max_vertex_id_bits = std::ceil(std::log2(its.vertices.size()));
assert(max_vertex_id_bits <= 32);
std::map< EdgeID, Edge > edge_index;
// Edge id is constructed by concatenating two vertex ids, starting with
// the lowest in MSB
auto hash = [max_vertex_id_bits] (VertexID a, VertexID b) {
if (a > b) std::swap(a, b);
return (a << max_vertex_id_bits) + b;
// Go through all edges of all facets and mark the facets touching each edge
for (size_t face_id = 0; face_id < its.indices.size(); ++face_id) {
const Vec3i &face = its.indices[face_id];
EdgeID e1 = hash(face(0), face(1)), e2 = hash(face(1), face(2)),
e3 = hash(face(2), face(0));
FaceNeighborIndex index(its.indices.size());
// Now collect the neighbors for each facet into the final index
for (size_t face_id = 0; face_id < its.indices.size(); ++face_id) {
const Vec3i &face = its.indices[face_id];
EdgeID e1 = hash(face(0), face(1)), e2 = hash(face(1), face(2)),
e3 = hash(face(2), face(0));
const Edge &neighs1 = edge_index[e1];
const Edge &neighs2 = edge_index[e2];
const Edge &neighs3 = edge_index[e3];
std::array<size_t, 3> &neighs = index[face_id];
neighs[0] = neighs1.first == face_id ? neighs1.second : neighs1.first;
neighs[1] = neighs2.first == face_id ? neighs2.second : neighs2.first;
neighs[2] = neighs3.first == face_id ? neighs3.second : neighs3.first;
return index;
std::vector<Vec3crd> its_create_neighbors_index_9(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
return create_neighbors_index(ex_seq, its);
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index_10(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
return create_neighbors_index(ex_tbb, its);
} // namespace Slic3r
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#include <libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp>
#include "libslic3r/MeshSplitImpl.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
using FaceNeighborIndex = std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>>;
FaceNeighborIndex its_create_neighbors_index_1(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index_2(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index_3(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
FaceNeighborIndex its_create_neighbors_index_4(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
//FaceNeighborIndex its_create_neighbors_index_4(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<Vec3crd> its_create_neighbors_index_5(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> its_create_neighbors_index_6(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> its_create_neighbors_index_7(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
FaceNeighborIndex its_create_neighbors_index_8(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<Vec3crd> its_create_neighbors_index_9(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index_10(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> create_vertex_faces_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <random>
#include "ItsNeighborIndex.hpp"
#include "libnest2d/tools/benchmark.h"
#include "libnest2d/utils/metaloop.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
enum { IndexCreation, Split };
struct MeasureResult
static constexpr const char * Names[] = {
"Index creation [s]",
"Split [s]"
double measurements[std::size(Names)] = {0.};
template<class IndexCreatorFn>
static MeasureResult measure_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its, IndexCreatorFn fn)
Benchmark b;
MeasureResult r;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
ItsNeighborsWrapper itsn{its, fn(its)};
r.measurements[IndexCreation] += b.getElapsedSec();
auto res = its_split(itsn);
// if (res.size() != 2 || res[0].indices.size() != res[1].indices.size() )
// std::cerr << "Something is wrong, split result invalid" << std::endl;
r.measurements[Split] += b.getElapsedSec();
r.measurements[IndexCreation] /= 10;
r.measurements[Split] /= 10;
return r;
const auto Seed = 0;// std::random_device{}();
static indexed_triangle_set make_sphere_rnd(double radius, double detail)
using namespace Slic3r;
auto sphere = its_make_sphere(radius, detail);
auto vfidx = create_vertex_faces_index(sphere);
const size_t vertexnum = sphere.vertices.size();
const size_t facenum = sphere.indices.size();
std::mt19937 rng{Seed};
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distv(sphere.vertices.size() / 2, sphere.vertices.size() - 1);
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distf(sphere.indices.size() / 2, sphere.indices.size() - 1) ;
std::vector<bool> was(vertexnum / 2, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexnum / 2; ++i) {
size_t image = distv(rng);
if (was[image - vertexnum / 2]) continue;
was[image - vertexnum / 2] = true;
std::swap(sphere.vertices[i], sphere.vertices[image]);
for (size_t face_id : vfidx[i]) {
for (int &vi : sphere.indices[face_id])
if (vi == int(i)) vi = image;
for (size_t face_id : vfidx[image]) {
for (int &vi : sphere.indices[face_id])
if (vi == int(image)) vi = i;
std::swap(vfidx[i], vfidx[image]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < facenum / 2; ++i) {
size_t image = distf(rng);
std::swap(sphere.indices[i], sphere.indices[image]);
return sphere;
static indexed_triangle_set two_spheres(double detail)
auto sphere1 = make_sphere_rnd(10., 2 * PI / detail), sphere2 = sphere1;
its_transform(sphere1, identity3f().translate(Vec3f{-5.f, 0.f, 0.f}));
its_transform(sphere2, identity3f().translate(Vec3f{5.f, 0.f, 0.f}));
its_merge(sphere1, sphere2);
return sphere1;
static indexed_triangle_set make_spheres(unsigned N, double detail)
indexed_triangle_set ret, sphere = make_sphere_rnd(10., 2. * PI / detail);
for (unsigned i = 0u ; i < N; ++i)
its_merge(ret, sphere);
return ret;
constexpr double sq2 = std::sqrt(2.);
static const std::pair<const std::string, indexed_triangle_set> ToMeasure[] = {
// {"two_spheres_1x", two_spheres(60.)},
// {"two_spheres_2x", two_spheres(120.)},
// {"two_spheres_4x", two_spheres(240.)},
// {"two_spheres_8x", two_spheres(480.)},
// {"two_spheres_16x", two_spheres(2 * 480.)},
// {"two_spheres_32x", two_spheres(2 * 2 * 480.)},
{"two_spheres_1x", two_spheres(60.)},
{"two_spheres_2x", two_spheres(sq2 * 60.)},
{"two_spheres_4x", two_spheres(2 * 60.)},
{"two_spheres_8x", two_spheres(sq2 * 2. * 60.)},
{"two_spheres_16x", two_spheres(4. * 60.)},
{"two_spheres_32x", two_spheres(sq2 * 4. * 60.)},
{"two_spheres_64x", two_spheres(8. * 60.)},
{"two_spheres_128x", two_spheres(sq2 * 8. * 60.)},
{"two_spheres_256x", two_spheres(16. * 60.)},
{"two_spheres_512x", two_spheres(sq2 * 16. * 60.)},
{"2_spheres", make_spheres(2, 60.)},
{"4_spheres", make_spheres(4, 60.)},
{"8_spheres", make_spheres(8, 60.)},
{"16_spheres", make_spheres(16, 60.)},
{"32_spheres", make_spheres(32, 60.)},
{"64_spheres", make_spheres(64, 60.)},
{"128_spheres", make_spheres(128, 60.)},
{"256_spheres", make_spheres(256, 60.)},
{"512_spheres", make_spheres(512, 60.)},
{"1024_spheres", make_spheres(1024, 60.)}
static const auto IndexFunctions = std::make_tuple(
std::make_pair("tamas's unordered_map based", [](const auto &its) { return measure_index(its, its_create_neighbors_index_1); }),
std::make_pair("vojta std::sort based", [](const auto &its) { return measure_index(its, its_create_neighbors_index_2); }),
std::make_pair("vojta tbb::parallel_sort based", [](const auto &its) { return measure_index(its, its_create_neighbors_index_3); }),
std::make_pair("filip's vertex->face based", [](const auto &its) { return measure_index(its, its_create_neighbors_index_5); }),
std::make_pair("vojta's vertex->face", [](const auto &its) { return measure_index(its, its_create_neighbors_index_9); }),
std::make_pair("vojta's vertex->face parallel", [](const auto &its) { return measure_index(its, its_create_neighbors_index_10); }),
std::make_pair("tamas's std::sort based", [](const auto &its) { return measure_index(its, its_create_neighbors_index_6); }),
std::make_pair("tamas's tbb::parallel_sort based", [](const auto &its) { return measure_index(its, its_create_neighbors_index_7); }),
std::make_pair("tamas's map based", [](const auto &its) { return measure_index(its, its_create_neighbors_index_8); }),
std::make_pair("TriangleMesh split", [](const auto &its) {
MeasureResult r;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
TriangleMesh m{its};
Benchmark b;
||||; // FIXME: this does more than just create neighborhood map
r.measurements[IndexCreation] += b.getElapsedSec();
auto res = m.split();
r.measurements[Split] += b.getElapsedSec();
// if (res.size() != 2 || res[0]->size() != res[1]->size())
// std::cerr << "Something is wrong, split result invalid" << std::endl;
r.measurements[IndexCreation] /= 10;
r.measurements[Split] /= 10;
return r;
// std::make_pair("Vojta's vertex->face index", [](const auto &its){
// Benchmark b;
// b.start();
// auto index = create_vertex_faces_index(its);
// b.stop();
// if (index.size() != its.vertices.size())
// std::cerr << "Something went wrong!";
// return MeasureResult{b.getElapsedSec(), 0., 0.};
// }),
// std::make_pair("Tamas's vertex->face index", [](const auto &its){
// Benchmark b;
// b.start();
// VertexFaceIndex index{its};
// b.stop();
// if (index.size() < its.vertices.size())
// std::cerr << "Something went wrong!";
// return MeasureResult{b.getElapsedSec(), 0., 0.};
// })
static constexpr size_t IndexFuncNum = std::tuple_size_v<decltype (IndexFunctions)>;
} // namespace Slic3r
int main(const int argc, const char * argv[])
using namespace Slic3r;
std::array<MeasureResult, IndexFuncNum> results[std::size(ToMeasure)];
std::array<std::string, IndexFuncNum> funcnames;
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(ToMeasure); ++i) {
auto &m = ToMeasure[i];
auto &name = m.first;
auto &mesh = m.second;
// its_write_obj(mesh, (std::string(name) + ".obj").c_str());
std::cout << "Mesh " << name << " has " << mesh.indices.size() << " faces and " << mesh.vertices.size() << " vertices." << std::endl;
libnest2d::opt::metaloop::apply([&mesh, i, &results, &funcnames](int N, auto &e) {
MeasureResult r = e.second(mesh);
funcnames[N] = e.first;
results[i][N] = r;
}, IndexFunctions);
std::string outfilename = "out.csv";
std::fstream outfile;
if (argc > 1) {
outfilename = argv[1];
||||, std::fstream::out);
std::cout << outfilename << " will be used" << std::endl;
std::ostream &out = outfile.is_open() ? outfile : std::cout;
for (size_t m = 0; m < std::size(MeasureResult::Names); ++m) {
out << MeasureResult::Names[m] << "\n";
out << std::endl;
out << "model;" ;
for (const std::string &funcname : funcnames) {
out << funcname << ";";
out << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(ToMeasure); ++i) {
const auto &result_row = results[i];
const std::string &name = ToMeasure[i].first;
out << name << ";";
for (auto &r : result_row)
out << r.measurements[m] << ";";
out << std::endl;
return 0;
@ -149,9 +149,11 @@ struct indexed_triangle_set
std::vector<stl_triangle_vertex_indices> indices;
std::vector<stl_vertex> vertices;
std::vector<stl_vertex> vertices;
//FIXME add normals once we get rid of the stl_file from TriangleMesh completely.
//std::vector<stl_normal> normals
bool empty() const { return indices.empty() || vertices.empty(); }
extern bool stl_open(stl_file *stl, const char *file);
@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ add_library(libslic3r STATIC
@ -266,8 +267,6 @@ add_library(libslic3r STATIC
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ void import_sla_archive(const std::string &zipfname, DynamicPrintConfig &out)
void import_sla_archive(
const std::string & zipfname,
Vec2i windowsize,
TriangleMesh & out,
indexed_triangle_set & out,
DynamicPrintConfig & profile,
std::function<bool(int)> progr)
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ void import_sla_archive(
extract_slices_from_sla_archive(arch, rstp, progr);
if (!slices.empty())
out = slices_to_triangle_mesh(slices, 0, slicp.layerh, slicp.initial_layerh);
out = slices_to_mesh(slices, 0, slicp.layerh, slicp.initial_layerh);
using ConfMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class SL1Archive: public SLAPrinter {
uqptr<sla::RasterBase> create_raster() const override;
sla::RasterEncoder get_encoder() const override;
SL1Archive() = default;
@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ void import_sla_archive(const std::string &zipfname, DynamicPrintConfig &out);
void import_sla_archive(
const std::string & zipfname,
Vec2i windowsize,
TriangleMesh & out,
indexed_triangle_set & out,
DynamicPrintConfig & profile,
std::function<bool(int)> progr = [](int) { return true; });
inline void import_sla_archive(
const std::string & zipfname,
Vec2i windowsize,
TriangleMesh & out,
indexed_triangle_set & out,
std::function<bool(int)> progr = [](int) { return true; })
DynamicPrintConfig profile;
@ -74,29 +74,6 @@ public:
/// A very simple range concept implementation with iterator-like objects.
template<class It> class Range
It from, to;
// The class is ready for range based for loops.
It begin() const { return from; }
It end() const { return to; }
// The iterator type can be obtained this way.
using Type = It;
Range() = default;
Range(It &&b, It &&e)
: from(std::forward<It>(b)), to(std::forward<It>(e))
// Some useful container-like methods...
inline size_t size() const { return end() - begin(); }
inline bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
template<class C> bool all_of(const C &container)
return std::all_of(container.begin(),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
#include "TriangleMesh.hpp"
#include "libnest2d/tools/benchmark.h"
#include "Execution/ExecutionTBB.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
template<class ExPolicy>
std::vector<Vec3i> create_neighbors_index(ExPolicy &&ex, const indexed_triangle_set &its);
namespace meshsplit_detail {
template<class Its, class Enable = void> struct ItsWithNeighborsIndex_ {
using Index = typename Its::Index;
static const indexed_triangle_set &get_its(const Its &m) { return m.get_its();}
static const Index &get_index(const Its &m) { return m.get_index(); }
// Define a default neighbors index for indexed_triangle_set
template<> struct ItsWithNeighborsIndex_<indexed_triangle_set> {
using Index = std::vector<Vec3i>;
static const indexed_triangle_set &get_its(const indexed_triangle_set &its) noexcept { return its; }
static Index get_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its) noexcept
return create_neighbors_index(ex_tbb, its);
// Visit all unvisited neighboring facets that are reachable from the first unvisited facet,
// and return them.
template<class NeighborIndex>
std::vector<size_t> its_find_unvisited_neighbors(
const indexed_triangle_set &its,
const NeighborIndex & neighbor_index,
std::vector<char> & visited)
using stack_el = size_t;
auto facestack = reserve_vector<stack_el>(its.indices.size());
auto push = [&facestack] (const stack_el &s) { facestack.emplace_back(s); };
auto pop = [&facestack] () -> stack_el {
stack_el ret = facestack.back();
return ret;
// find the next unvisited facet and push the index
auto facet = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), false);
std::vector<size_t> ret;
if (facet != visited.end()) {
auto idx = size_t(facet - visited.begin());
visited[idx] = true;
while (!facestack.empty()) {
size_t facet_idx = pop();
const auto &neighbors = neighbor_index[facet_idx];
for (auto neighbor_idx : neighbors) {
if (size_t(neighbor_idx) < visited.size() && !visited[size_t(neighbor_idx)]) {
visited[size_t(neighbor_idx)] = true;
return ret;
} // namespace meshsplit_detail
template<class IndexT> struct ItsNeighborsWrapper
using Index = IndexT;
const indexed_triangle_set *its;
IndexT index;
ItsNeighborsWrapper(const indexed_triangle_set &m, IndexT &&idx)
: its{&m}, index{std::move(idx)}
const auto& get_its() const noexcept { return *its; }
const auto& get_index() const noexcept { return index; }
// Splits a mesh into multiple meshes when possible.
template<class Its, class OutputIt>
void its_split(const Its &m, OutputIt out_it)
using namespace meshsplit_detail;
const indexed_triangle_set &its = ItsWithNeighborsIndex_<Its>::get_its(m);
std::vector<char> visited(its.indices.size(), false);
struct VertexConv {
size_t part_id = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t vertex_image;
std::vector<VertexConv> vidx_conv(its.vertices.size());
const auto& neighbor_index = ItsWithNeighborsIndex_<Its>::get_index(m);
for (size_t part_id = 0;; ++part_id) {
std::vector<size_t> facets =
its_find_unvisited_neighbors(its, neighbor_index, visited);
if (facets.empty())
// Create a new mesh for the part that was just split off.
indexed_triangle_set mesh;
mesh.vertices.reserve(std::min(facets.size() * 3, its.vertices.size()));
// Assign the facets to the new mesh.
for (size_t face_id : facets) {
const auto &face = its.indices[face_id];
Vec3i new_face;
for (size_t v = 0; v < 3; ++v) {
auto vi = face(v);
if (vidx_conv[vi].part_id != part_id) {
vidx_conv[vi] = {part_id, mesh.vertices.size()};
new_face(v) = vidx_conv[vi].vertex_image;
out_it = std::move(mesh);
template<class Its>
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> its_split(const Its &its)
auto ret = reserve_vector<indexed_triangle_set>(3);
its_split(its, std::back_inserter(ret));
return ret;
template<class Its> bool its_is_splittable(const Its &m)
using namespace meshsplit_detail;
const indexed_triangle_set &its = ItsWithNeighborsIndex_<Its>::get_its(m);
const auto& neighbor_index = ItsWithNeighborsIndex_<Its>::get_index(m);
std::vector<char> visited(its.indices.size(), false);
auto faces = its_find_unvisited_neighbors(its, neighbor_index, visited);
return !faces.empty();
inline int get_vertex_index(size_t vertex_index, const stl_triangle_vertex_indices &triangle_indices) {
if (int(vertex_index) == triangle_indices[0]) return 0;
if (int(vertex_index) == triangle_indices[1]) return 1;
if (int(vertex_index) == triangle_indices[2]) return 2;
return -1;
inline Vec2crd get_edge_indices(int edge_index, const stl_triangle_vertex_indices &triangle_indices)
int next_edge_index = (edge_index == 2) ? 0 : edge_index + 1;
int vi0 = triangle_indices[edge_index];
int vi1 = triangle_indices[next_edge_index];
return Vec2crd(vi0, vi1);
template<class ExPolicy>
std::vector<Vec3i> create_neighbors_index(ExPolicy &&ex, const indexed_triangle_set &its)
const std::vector<stl_triangle_vertex_indices> &indices = its.indices;
size_t vertices_size = its.vertices.size();
if (indices.empty() || vertices_size == 0) return {};
auto vertex_triangles = VertexFaceIndex{its};
static constexpr int no_value = -1;
std::vector<Vec3i> neighbors(indices.size(),
Vec3i(no_value, no_value, no_value));
//for (const stl_triangle_vertex_indices& triangle_indices : indices) {
execution::for_each(ex, size_t(0), indices.size(),
[&neighbors, &indices, &vertex_triangles] (size_t index)
Vec3i& neighbor = neighbors[index];
const stl_triangle_vertex_indices & triangle_indices = indices[index];
for (int edge_index = 0; edge_index < 3; ++edge_index) {
// check if done
int& neighbor_edge = neighbor[edge_index];
if (neighbor_edge != no_value) continue;
Vec2crd edge_indices = get_edge_indices(edge_index, triangle_indices);
// IMPROVE: use same vector for 2 sides of triangle
const auto &faces_range = vertex_triangles[edge_indices[0]];
for (const size_t &face : faces_range) {
if (face <= index) continue;
const stl_triangle_vertex_indices &face_indices = indices[face];
int vertex_index = get_vertex_index(edge_indices[1], face_indices);
// NOT Contain second vertex?
if (vertex_index < 0) continue;
// Has NOT oposit direction?
if (edge_indices[0] != face_indices[(vertex_index + 1) % 3]) continue;
neighbor_edge = face;
neighbors[face][vertex_index] = index;
}, execution::max_concurrency(ex));
return neighbors;
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ namespace Slic3r {
class TriangleMeshDataAdapter {
const TriangleMesh &mesh;
const indexed_triangle_set &its;
float voxel_scale;
size_t polygonCount() const { return mesh.its.indices.size(); }
size_t pointCount() const { return mesh.its.vertices.size(); }
size_t polygonCount() const { return its.indices.size(); }
size_t pointCount() const { return its.vertices.size(); }
size_t vertexCount(size_t) const { return 3; }
// Return position pos in local grid index space for polygon n and vertex v
@ -33,19 +33,19 @@ public:
// And the voxel count per unit volume can be affected this way.
void getIndexSpacePoint(size_t n, size_t v, openvdb::Vec3d& pos) const
auto vidx = size_t(mesh.its.indices[n](Eigen::Index(v)));
Slic3r::Vec3d p = mesh.its.vertices[vidx].cast<double>() * voxel_scale;
auto vidx = size_t(its.indices[n](Eigen::Index(v)));
Slic3r::Vec3d p = its.vertices[vidx].cast<double>() * voxel_scale;
pos = {p.x(), p.y(), p.z()};
TriangleMeshDataAdapter(const TriangleMesh &m, float voxel_sc = 1.f)
: mesh{m}, voxel_scale{voxel_sc} {};
TriangleMeshDataAdapter(const indexed_triangle_set &m, float voxel_sc = 1.f)
: its{m}, voxel_scale{voxel_sc} {};
// TODO: Do I need to call initialize? Seems to work without it as well but the
// docs say it should be called ones. It does a mutex lock-unlock sequence all
// even if was called previously.
openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr mesh_to_grid(const TriangleMesh & mesh,
openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr mesh_to_grid(const indexed_triangle_set & mesh,
const openvdb::math::Transform &tr,
float voxel_scale,
float exteriorBandWidth,
@ -54,22 +54,17 @@ openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr mesh_to_grid(const TriangleMesh & mesh,
TriangleMeshPtrs meshparts_raw = mesh.split();
auto meshparts = reserve_vector<std::unique_ptr<TriangleMesh>>(meshparts_raw.size());
for (auto *p : meshparts_raw)
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> meshparts = its_split(mesh);
auto it = std::remove_if(meshparts.begin(), meshparts.end(), [](auto &m) {
return m->volume() < EPSILON;
auto it = std::remove_if(meshparts.begin(), meshparts.end(),
[](auto &m) { return its_volume(m) < EPSILON; });
meshparts.erase(it, meshparts.end());
openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr grid;
for (auto &m : meshparts) {
auto subgrid = openvdb::tools::meshToVolume<openvdb::FloatGrid>(
TriangleMeshDataAdapter{*m, voxel_scale}, tr, exteriorBandWidth,
TriangleMeshDataAdapter{m, voxel_scale}, tr, exteriorBandWidth,
interiorBandWidth, flags);
if (grid && subgrid) openvdb::tools::csgUnion(*grid, *subgrid);
@ -91,11 +86,10 @@ openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr mesh_to_grid(const TriangleMesh & mesh,
return grid;
template<class Grid>
sla::Contour3D _volumeToMesh(const Grid &grid,
double isovalue,
double adaptivity,
bool relaxDisorientedTriangles)
indexed_triangle_set grid_to_mesh(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double isovalue,
double adaptivity,
bool relaxDisorientedTriangles)
@ -111,36 +105,20 @@ sla::Contour3D _volumeToMesh(const Grid &grid,
scale = grid.template metaValue<float>("voxel_scale");
} catch (...) { }
sla::Contour3D ret;
indexed_triangle_set ret;
ret.indices.reserve(triangles.size() + quads.size() * 2);
for (auto &v : points) ret.points.emplace_back(to_vec3d(v) / scale);
for (auto &v : triangles) ret.faces3.emplace_back(to_vec3i(v));
for (auto &v : quads) ret.faces4.emplace_back(to_vec4i(v));
for (auto &v : points) ret.vertices.emplace_back(to_vec3f(v) / scale);
for (auto &v : triangles) ret.indices.emplace_back(to_vec3i(v));
for (auto &quad : quads) {
ret.indices.emplace_back(quad(0), quad(1), quad(2));
ret.indices.emplace_back(quad(2), quad(3), quad(0));
return ret;
TriangleMesh grid_to_mesh(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double isovalue,
double adaptivity,
bool relaxDisorientedTriangles)
return to_triangle_mesh(
_volumeToMesh(grid, isovalue, adaptivity, relaxDisorientedTriangles));
sla::Contour3D grid_to_contour3d(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double isovalue,
double adaptivity,
bool relaxDisorientedTriangles)
return _volumeToMesh(grid, isovalue, adaptivity,
openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr redistance_grid(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double iso,
double er,
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#include <libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Suppress warning C4146 in include/gmp.h(2177,31): unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ namespace Slic3r {
inline Vec3f to_vec3f(const openvdb::Vec3s &v) { return Vec3f{v.x(), v.y(), v.z()}; }
inline Vec3d to_vec3d(const openvdb::Vec3s &v) { return to_vec3f(v).cast<double>(); }
inline Vec3i to_vec3i(const openvdb::Vec3I &v) { return Vec3i{int(v[0]), int(v[1]), int(v[2])}; }
inline Vec4i to_vec4i(const openvdb::Vec4I &v) { return Vec4i{int(v[0]), int(v[1]), int(v[2]), int(v[3])}; }
// Here voxel_scale defines the scaling of voxels which affects the voxel count.
// 1.0 value means a voxel for every unit cube. 2 means the model is scaled to
@ -28,22 +26,17 @@ inline Vec4i to_vec4i(const openvdb::Vec4I &v) { return Vec4i{int(v[0]), int(v[1
// achievable through the Transform parameter. (TODO: or is it?)
// The resulting grid will contain the voxel_scale in its metadata under the
// "voxel_scale" key to be used in grid_to_mesh function.
openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr mesh_to_grid(const TriangleMesh & mesh,
openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr mesh_to_grid(const indexed_triangle_set & mesh,
const openvdb::math::Transform &tr = {},
float voxel_scale = 1.f,
float voxel_scale = 1.f,
float exteriorBandWidth = 3.0f,
float interiorBandWidth = 3.0f,
int flags = 0);
sla::Contour3D grid_to_contour3d(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double isovalue,
double adaptivity,
bool relaxDisorientedTriangles = true);
TriangleMesh grid_to_mesh(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double isovalue = 0.0,
double adaptivity = 0.0,
bool relaxDisorientedTriangles = true);
indexed_triangle_set grid_to_mesh(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double isovalue = 0.0,
double adaptivity = 0.0,
bool relaxDisorientedTriangles = true);
openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr redistance_grid(const openvdb::FloatGrid &grid,
double iso,
@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ class MultiPoint;
class Point;
using Vector = Point;
// Base template for eigen derived vectors
template<int N, int M, class T>
using Mat = Eigen::Matrix<T, N, M, Eigen::DontAlign, N, M>;
template<int N, class T> using Vec = Mat<N, 1, T>;
// Eigen types, to replace the Slic3r's own types in the future.
// Vector types with a fixed point coordinate base type.
using Vec2crd = Eigen::Matrix<coord_t, 2, 1, Eigen::DontAlign>;
@ -54,11 +60,19 @@ using Matrix3d = Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3, Eigen::DontAlign>;
using Matrix4f = Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 4, Eigen::DontAlign>;
using Matrix4d = Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4, Eigen::DontAlign>;
template<int N, class T>
using Transform = Eigen::Transform<float, N, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign>;
using Transform2f = Eigen::Transform<float, 2, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign>;
using Transform2d = Eigen::Transform<double, 2, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign>;
using Transform3f = Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign>;
using Transform3d = Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign>;
// I don't know why Eigen::Transform::Identity() return a const object...
template<int N, class T> Transform<N, T> identity() { return Transform<N, T>::Identity(); }
inline const auto &identity3f = identity<3, float>;
inline const auto &identity3d = identity<3, double>;
inline bool operator<(const Vec2d &lhs, const Vec2d &rhs) { return lhs.x() < rhs.x() || (lhs.x() == rhs.x() && lhs.y() < rhs.y()); }
template<int Options>
@ -488,4 +502,19 @@ namespace cereal {
template<class Archive> void save(Archive& archive, Slic3r::Matrix2f &m) { archive.saveBinary((char*), sizeof(float) * 4); }
// To be able to use Vec<> and Mat<> in range based for loops:
namespace Eigen {
template<class T, int N, int M>
T* begin(Slic3r::Mat<N, M, T> &mat) { return; }
template<class T, int N, int M>
T* end(Slic3r::Mat<N, M, T> &mat) { return + N * M; }
template<class T, int N, int M>
const T* begin(const Slic3r::Mat<N, M, T> &mat) { return; }
template<class T, int N, int M>
const T* end(const Slic3r::Mat<N, M, T> &mat) { return + N * M; }
} // namespace Eigen
@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/IndexedMesh.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/Format/objparser.hpp>
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
Contour3D::Contour3D(const TriangleMesh &trmesh)
for (auto &v : trmesh.its.vertices)
std::copy(trmesh.its.indices.begin(), trmesh.its.indices.end(),
Contour3D::Contour3D(TriangleMesh &&trmesh)
for (auto &v : trmesh.its.vertices)
Contour3D::Contour3D(const IndexedMesh &emesh) {
for (const Vec3f& vert : emesh.vertices())
for (const auto& ind : emesh.indices())
Contour3D &Contour3D::merge(const Contour3D &ctr)
auto N = coord_t(points.size());
auto N_f3 = faces3.size();
auto N_f4 = faces4.size();
points.insert(points.end(), ctr.points.begin(), ctr.points.end());
faces3.insert(faces3.end(), ctr.faces3.begin(), ctr.faces3.end());
faces4.insert(faces4.end(), ctr.faces4.begin(), ctr.faces4.end());
for(size_t n = N_f3; n < faces3.size(); n++) {
auto& idx = faces3[n]; idx.x() += N; idx.y() += N; idx.z() += N;
for(size_t n = N_f4; n < faces4.size(); n++) {
auto& idx = faces4[n]; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) idx(k) += N;
return *this;
Contour3D &Contour3D::merge(const Pointf3s &triangles)
const size_t offs = points.size();
points.insert(points.end(), triangles.begin(), triangles.end());
faces3.reserve(faces3.size() + points.size() / 3);
for(int i = int(offs); i < int(points.size()); i += 3)
faces3.emplace_back(i, i + 1, i + 2);
return *this;
void Contour3D::to_obj(std::ostream &stream)
for(auto& p : points)
stream << "v " << p.transpose() << "\n";
for(auto& f : faces3)
stream << "f " << (f + Vec3i(1, 1, 1)).transpose() << "\n";
for(auto& f : faces4)
stream << "f " << (f + Vec4i(1, 1, 1, 1)).transpose() << "\n";
void Contour3D::from_obj(std::istream &stream)
ObjParser::ObjData data;
ObjParser::objparse(stream, data);
points.reserve(data.coordinates.size() / 4 + 1);
auto &coords = data.coordinates;
for (size_t i = 0; i < coords.size(); i += 4)
points.emplace_back(coords[i], coords[i + 1], coords[i + 2]);
Vec3i triangle;
Vec4i quad;
size_t v = 0;
while(v < data.vertices.size()) {
size_t N = 0;
size_t i = v;
while (data.vertices[v++].coordIdx != -1) ++N;
std::function<void(int, int)> setfn;
if (N < 3 || N > 4) continue;
else if (N == 3) setfn = [&triangle](int k, int f) { triangle(k) = f; };
else setfn = [&quad](int k, int f) { quad(k) = f; };
for (size_t j = 0; j < N; ++j)
setfn(int(j), data.vertices[i + j].coordIdx);
TriangleMesh to_triangle_mesh(const Contour3D &ctour) {
if (ctour.faces4.empty()) return {ctour.points, ctour.faces3};
std::vector<Vec3i> triangles;
triangles.reserve(ctour.faces3.size() + 2 * ctour.faces4.size());
std::copy(ctour.faces3.begin(), ctour.faces3.end(),
for (auto &quad : ctour.faces4) {
triangles.emplace_back(quad(0), quad(1), quad(2));
triangles.emplace_back(quad(2), quad(3), quad(0));
return {ctour.points, std::move(triangles)};
TriangleMesh to_triangle_mesh(Contour3D &&ctour) {
if (ctour.faces4.empty())
return {std::move(ctour.points), std::move(ctour.faces3)};
std::vector<Vec3i> triangles;
triangles.reserve(ctour.faces3.size() + 2 * ctour.faces4.size());
std::copy(ctour.faces3.begin(), ctour.faces3.end(),
for (auto &quad : ctour.faces4) {
triangles.emplace_back(quad(0), quad(1), quad(2));
triangles.emplace_back(quad(2), quad(3), quad(0));
return {std::move(ctour.points), std::move(triangles)};
}} // namespace Slic3r::sla
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
#include <libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
// Used for quads (TODO: remove this, and convert quads to triangles in OpenVDBUtils)
using Vec4i = Eigen::Matrix<int, 4, 1, Eigen::DontAlign>;
namespace sla {
class IndexedMesh;
/// Dumb vertex mesh consisting of triangles (or) quads. Capable of merging with
/// other meshes of this type and converting to and from other mesh formats.
struct Contour3D {
std::vector<Vec3d> points;
std::vector<Vec3i> faces3;
std::vector<Vec4i> faces4;
Contour3D() = default;
Contour3D(const TriangleMesh &trmesh);
Contour3D(TriangleMesh &&trmesh);
Contour3D(const IndexedMesh &emesh);
Contour3D& merge(const Contour3D& ctr);
Contour3D& merge(const Pointf3s& triangles);
// Write the index triangle structure to OBJ file for debugging purposes.
void to_obj(std::ostream& stream);
void from_obj(std::istream &stream);
inline bool empty() const
return points.empty() || (faces4.empty() && faces3.empty());
/// Mesh from an existing contour.
TriangleMesh to_triangle_mesh(const Contour3D& ctour);
/// Mesh from an evaporating 3D contour
TriangleMesh to_triangle_mesh(Contour3D&& ctour);
}} // namespace Slic3r::sla
#endif // CONTOUR3D_HPP
@ -22,14 +22,8 @@
namespace Slic3r {
namespace sla {
template<class S, class = FloatingOnly<S>>
inline void _scale(S s, TriangleMesh &m) { m.scale(float(s)); }
template<class S, class = FloatingOnly<S>>
inline void _scale(S s, Contour3D &m) { for (auto &p : m.points) p *= s; }
struct Interior {
TriangleMesh mesh;
indexed_triangle_set mesh;
openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr gridptr;
mutable std::optional<openvdb::FloatGrid::ConstAccessor> accessor;
@ -53,12 +47,12 @@ void InteriorDeleter::operator()(Interior *p)
delete p;
TriangleMesh &get_mesh(Interior &interior)
indexed_triangle_set &get_mesh(Interior &interior)
return interior.mesh;
const TriangleMesh &get_mesh(const Interior &interior)
const indexed_triangle_set &get_mesh(const Interior &interior)
return interior.mesh;
@ -77,7 +71,7 @@ static InteriorPtr generate_interior_verbose(const TriangleMesh & mesh,
if (ctl.stopcondition()) return {};
else ctl.statuscb(0, L("Hollowing"));
auto gridptr = mesh_to_grid(mesh, {}, voxel_scale, out_range, in_range);
auto gridptr = mesh_to_grid(mesh.its, {}, voxel_scale, out_range, in_range);
@ -136,32 +130,28 @@ InteriorPtr generate_interior(const TriangleMesh & mesh,
if (interior && !interior->mesh.empty()) {
// This flips the normals to be outward facing...
indexed_triangle_set its = std::move(interior->mesh.its);
// flip normals back...
// flip normals back...
for (stl_triangle_vertex_indices &ind : its.indices)
std::swap(ind(0), ind(2));
interior->mesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh{its};
interior->mesh.repaired = true;
return interior;
Contour3D DrainHole::to_mesh() const
indexed_triangle_set DrainHole::to_mesh() const
auto r = double(radius);
auto h = double(height);
sla::Contour3D hole = sla::cylinder(r, h, steps);
Eigen::Quaterniond q;
q.setFromTwoVectors(Vec3d{0., 0., 1.}, normal.cast<double>());
for(auto& p : hole.points) p = q * p + pos.cast<double>();
indexed_triangle_set hole = sla::cylinder(r, h, steps);
Eigen::Quaternionf q;
q.setFromTwoVectors(Vec3f{0.f, 0.f, 1.f}, normal);
for(auto& p : hole.vertices) p = q * p + pos;
return hole;
@ -292,7 +282,7 @@ void cut_drainholes(std::vector<ExPolygons> & obj_slices,
TriangleMesh mesh;
for (const sla::DrainHole &holept : holes)
if (mesh.empty()) return;
@ -325,7 +315,7 @@ void hollow_mesh(TriangleMesh &mesh, const Interior &interior, int flags)
if (flags & hfRemoveInsideTriangles && interior.gridptr)
remove_inside_triangles(mesh, interior);
@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
#include <memory>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/JobController.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
class TriangleMesh;
namespace sla {
struct HollowingConfig
@ -27,8 +25,8 @@ struct Interior;
struct InteriorDeleter { void operator()(Interior *p); };
using InteriorPtr = std::unique_ptr<Interior, InteriorDeleter>;
TriangleMesh & get_mesh(Interior &interior);
const TriangleMesh &get_mesh(const Interior &interior);
indexed_triangle_set & get_mesh(Interior &interior);
const indexed_triangle_set &get_mesh(const Interior &interior);
struct DrainHole
@ -58,7 +56,7 @@ struct DrainHole
bool get_intersections(const Vec3f& s, const Vec3f& dir,
std::array<std::pair<float, Vec3d>, 2>& out) const;
Contour3D to_mesh() const;
indexed_triangle_set to_mesh() const;
template<class Archive> inline void serialize(Archive &ar)
@ -99,7 +97,13 @@ void cut_drainholes(std::vector<ExPolygons> & obj_slices,
const sla::DrainHoles & holes,
std::function<void(void)> thr);
inline void swap_normals(indexed_triangle_set &its)
for (auto &face : its.indices)
std::swap(face(0), face(2));
} // namespace sla
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -10,59 +10,75 @@
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Hollowing.hpp>
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
namespace Slic3r {
namespace sla {
class IndexedMesh::AABBImpl {
AABBTreeIndirect::Tree3f m_tree;
void init(const TriangleMesh& tm)
void init(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
m_tree = AABBTreeIndirect::build_aabb_tree_over_indexed_triangle_set(
tm.its.vertices, tm.its.indices);
its.vertices, its.indices);
void intersect_ray(const TriangleMesh& tm,
const Vec3d& s, const Vec3d& dir, igl::Hit& hit)
void intersect_ray(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
const Vec3d & s,
const Vec3d & dir,
igl::Hit & hit)
s, dir, hit);
AABBTreeIndirect::intersect_ray_first_hit(its.vertices, its.indices,
m_tree, s, dir, hit);
void intersect_ray(const TriangleMesh& tm,
const Vec3d& s, const Vec3d& dir, std::vector<igl::Hit>& hits)
void intersect_ray(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
const Vec3d & s,
const Vec3d & dir,
std::vector<igl::Hit> & hits)
s, dir, hits);
AABBTreeIndirect::intersect_ray_all_hits(its.vertices, its.indices,
m_tree, s, dir, hits);
double squared_distance(const TriangleMesh& tm,
const Vec3d& point, int& i, Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 3>& closest) {
double squared_distance(const indexed_triangle_set & its,
const Vec3d & point,
int & i,
Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 3> &closest)
size_t idx_unsigned = 0;
Vec3d closest_vec3d(closest);
double dist = AABBTreeIndirect::squared_distance_to_indexed_triangle_set(
m_tree, point, idx_unsigned, closest_vec3d);
i = int(idx_unsigned);
Vec3d closest_vec3d(closest);
double dist =
its.vertices, its.indices, m_tree, point, idx_unsigned,
i = int(idx_unsigned);
closest = closest_vec3d;
return dist;
IndexedMesh::IndexedMesh(const TriangleMesh& tmesh)
: m_aabb(new AABBImpl()), m_tm(&tmesh)
template<class M> void IndexedMesh::init(const M &mesh)
auto&& bb = tmesh.bounding_box();
BoundingBoxf3 bb = bounding_box(mesh);
m_ground_level += bb.min(Z);
// Build the AABB accelaration tree
IndexedMesh::IndexedMesh(const indexed_triangle_set& tmesh)
: m_aabb(new AABBImpl()), m_tm(&tmesh)
IndexedMesh::IndexedMesh(const TriangleMesh &mesh)
: m_aabb(new AABBImpl()), m_tm(&mesh.its)
IndexedMesh::~IndexedMesh() {}
@ -87,34 +103,34 @@ IndexedMesh::IndexedMesh(IndexedMesh &&other) = default;
const std::vector<Vec3f>& IndexedMesh::vertices() const
return m_tm->its.vertices;
return m_tm->vertices;
const std::vector<Vec3i>& IndexedMesh::indices() const
return m_tm->its.indices;
return m_tm->indices;
const Vec3f& IndexedMesh::vertices(size_t idx) const
return m_tm->its.vertices[idx];
return m_tm->vertices[idx];
const Vec3i& IndexedMesh::indices(size_t idx) const
return m_tm->its.indices[idx];
return m_tm->indices[idx];
Vec3d IndexedMesh::normal_by_face_id(int face_id) const {
return m_tm->stl.facet_start[face_id].normal.cast<double>();
return its_unnormalized_normal(*m_tm, face_id).cast<double>().normalized();
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
#include "libslic3r/SLA/Hollowing.hpp"
struct indexed_triangle_set;
namespace Slic3r {
class TriangleMesh;
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ using PointSet = Eigen::MatrixXd;
class IndexedMesh {
class AABBImpl;
const TriangleMesh* m_tm;
const indexed_triangle_set* m_tm;
double m_ground_level = 0, m_gnd_offset = 0;
std::unique_ptr<AABBImpl> m_aabb;
@ -40,9 +42,12 @@ class IndexedMesh {
std::vector<DrainHole> m_holes;
template<class M> void init(const M &mesh);
explicit IndexedMesh(const TriangleMesh&);
explicit IndexedMesh(const indexed_triangle_set&);
explicit IndexedMesh(const TriangleMesh &mesh);
IndexedMesh(const IndexedMesh& other);
IndexedMesh& operator=(const IndexedMesh&);
@ -130,7 +135,7 @@ public:
Vec3d normal_by_face_id(int face_id) const;
const TriangleMesh * get_triangle_mesh() const { return m_tm; }
const indexed_triangle_set * get_triangle_mesh() const { return m_tm; }
// Calculate the normals for the selected points (from 'points' set) on the
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Pad.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SpatIndex.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/BoostAdapter.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
//#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/TriangleMeshSlicer.hpp>
#include "ConcaveHull.hpp"
@ -29,25 +29,23 @@ namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
namespace {
Contour3D walls(
indexed_triangle_set walls(
const Polygon &lower,
const Polygon &upper,
double lower_z_mm,
double upper_z_mm)
Wall w = triangulate_wall(lower, upper, lower_z_mm, upper_z_mm);
Contour3D ret;
ret.points = std::move(w.first);
ret.faces3 = std::move(w.second);
indexed_triangle_set w;
triangulate_wall(w.vertices, w.indices, lower, upper, lower_z_mm,
return ret;
return w;
// Same as walls() but with identical higher and lower polygons.
Contour3D inline straight_walls(const Polygon &plate,
double lo_z,
double hi_z)
inline indexed_triangle_set straight_walls(const Polygon &plate,
double lo_z,
double hi_z)
return walls(plate, plate, lo_z, hi_z);
@ -357,8 +355,10 @@ ExPolygon offset_contour_only(const ExPolygon &poly, coord_t delta, Args...args)
return std::move(tmp2.front());
bool add_cavity(Contour3D &pad, ExPolygon &top_poly, const PadConfig3D &cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
bool add_cavity(indexed_triangle_set &pad,
ExPolygon & top_poly,
const PadConfig3D & cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
auto logerr = []{BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error)<<"Could not create pad cavity";};
@ -377,18 +377,18 @@ bool add_cavity(Contour3D &pad, ExPolygon &top_poly, const PadConfig3D &cfg,
top_poly = pdiff.front();
double z_min = -cfg.wing_height, z_max = 0;
pad.merge(walls(inner_base.contour, middle_base.contour, z_min, z_max));
its_merge(pad, walls(inner_base.contour, middle_base.contour, z_min, z_max));
pad.merge(triangulate_expolygon_3d(inner_base, z_min, NORMALS_UP));
its_merge(pad, triangulate_expolygon_3d(inner_base, z_min, NORMALS_UP));
return true;
Contour3D create_outer_pad_geometry(const ExPolygons & skeleton,
const PadConfig3D &cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
indexed_triangle_set create_outer_pad_geometry(const ExPolygons & skeleton,
const PadConfig3D &cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
Contour3D ret;
indexed_triangle_set ret;
for (const ExPolygon &pad_part : skeleton) {
ExPolygon top_poly{pad_part};
@ -399,45 +399,45 @@ Contour3D create_outer_pad_geometry(const ExPolygons & skeleton,
double z_min = -cfg.height, z_max = 0;
ret.merge(walls(top_poly.contour, bottom_poly.contour, z_max, z_min));
its_merge(ret, walls(top_poly.contour, bottom_poly.contour, z_max, z_min));
if (cfg.wing_height > 0. && add_cavity(ret, top_poly, cfg, thr))
z_max = -cfg.wing_height;
for (auto &h : bottom_poly.holes)
ret.merge(straight_walls(h, z_max, z_min));
its_merge(ret, straight_walls(h, z_max, z_min));
ret.merge(triangulate_expolygon_3d(bottom_poly, z_min, NORMALS_DOWN));
ret.merge(triangulate_expolygon_3d(top_poly, NORMALS_UP));
its_merge(ret, triangulate_expolygon_3d(bottom_poly, z_min, NORMALS_DOWN));
its_merge(ret, triangulate_expolygon_3d(top_poly, NORMALS_UP));
return ret;
Contour3D create_inner_pad_geometry(const ExPolygons & skeleton,
const PadConfig3D &cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
indexed_triangle_set create_inner_pad_geometry(const ExPolygons & skeleton,
const PadConfig3D &cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
Contour3D ret;
indexed_triangle_set ret;
double z_max = 0., z_min = -cfg.height;
for (const ExPolygon &pad_part : skeleton) {
ret.merge(straight_walls(pad_part.contour, z_max, z_min));
its_merge(ret, straight_walls(pad_part.contour, z_max, z_min));
for (auto &h : pad_part.holes)
ret.merge(straight_walls(h, z_max, z_min));
its_merge(ret, straight_walls(h, z_max, z_min));
ret.merge(triangulate_expolygon_3d(pad_part, z_min, NORMALS_DOWN));
ret.merge(triangulate_expolygon_3d(pad_part, z_max, NORMALS_UP));
its_merge(ret, triangulate_expolygon_3d(pad_part, z_min, NORMALS_DOWN));
its_merge(ret, triangulate_expolygon_3d(pad_part, z_max, NORMALS_UP));
return ret;
Contour3D create_pad_geometry(const PadSkeleton &skelet,
const PadConfig & cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
indexed_triangle_set create_pad_geometry(const PadSkeleton &skelet,
const PadConfig & cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
#ifndef NDEBUG
SVG svg("pad_skeleton.svg");
@ -447,14 +447,16 @@ Contour3D create_pad_geometry(const PadSkeleton &skelet,
PadConfig3D cfg3d(cfg);
return create_outer_pad_geometry(skelet.outer, cfg3d, thr)
.merge(create_inner_pad_geometry(skelet.inner, cfg3d, thr));
auto pg = create_outer_pad_geometry(skelet.outer, cfg3d, thr);
its_merge(pg, create_inner_pad_geometry(skelet.inner, cfg3d, thr));
return pg;
Contour3D create_pad_geometry(const ExPolygons &supp_bp,
const ExPolygons &model_bp,
const PadConfig & cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
indexed_triangle_set create_pad_geometry(const ExPolygons &supp_bp,
const ExPolygons &model_bp,
const PadConfig & cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
PadSkeleton skelet;
@ -471,15 +473,14 @@ Contour3D create_pad_geometry(const ExPolygons &supp_bp,
} // namespace
void pad_blueprint(const TriangleMesh & mesh,
ExPolygons & output,
const std::vector<float> &heights,
ThrowOnCancel thrfn)
void pad_blueprint(const indexed_triangle_set &mesh,
ExPolygons & output,
const std::vector<float> & heights,
ThrowOnCancel thrfn)
if (mesh.empty()) return;
std::vector<ExPolygons> out = slice_mesh_ex(mesh.its, heights, thrfn);
std::vector<ExPolygons> out = slice_mesh_ex(mesh, heights, thrfn);
size_t count = 0;
for(auto& o : out) count += o.size();
@ -500,26 +501,26 @@ void pad_blueprint(const TriangleMesh & mesh,
void pad_blueprint(const TriangleMesh &mesh,
ExPolygons & output,
float h,
float layerh,
ThrowOnCancel thrfn)
void pad_blueprint(const indexed_triangle_set &mesh,
ExPolygons & output,
float h,
float layerh,
ThrowOnCancel thrfn)
float gnd = float(mesh.bounding_box().min(Z));
float gnd = float(bounding_box(mesh).min(Z));
std::vector<float> slicegrid = grid(gnd, gnd + h, layerh);
pad_blueprint(mesh, output, slicegrid, thrfn);
void create_pad(const ExPolygons &sup_blueprint,
const ExPolygons &model_blueprint,
TriangleMesh & out,
const PadConfig & cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
void create_pad(const ExPolygons & sup_blueprint,
const ExPolygons & model_blueprint,
indexed_triangle_set &out,
const PadConfig & cfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
Contour3D t = create_pad_geometry(sup_blueprint, model_blueprint, cfg, thr);
auto t = create_pad_geometry(sup_blueprint, model_blueprint, cfg, thr);
its_merge(out, t);
std::string PadConfig::validate() const
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
struct indexed_triangle_set;
namespace Slic3r {
class ExPolygon;
@ -13,25 +15,23 @@ class Polygon;
using ExPolygons = std::vector<ExPolygon>;
using Polygons = std::vector<Polygon>;
class TriangleMesh;
namespace sla {
using ThrowOnCancel = std::function<void(void)>;
/// Calculate the polygon representing the silhouette.
void pad_blueprint(
const TriangleMesh &mesh, // input mesh
const indexed_triangle_set &mesh, // input mesh
ExPolygons & output, // Output will be merged with
const std::vector<float> &, // Exact Z levels to sample
ThrowOnCancel thrfn = [] {}); // Function that throws if cancel was requested
void pad_blueprint(
const TriangleMesh &mesh,
ExPolygons & output,
float samplingheight = 0.1f, // The height range to sample
float layerheight = 0.05f, // The sampling height
ThrowOnCancel thrfn = [] {});
const indexed_triangle_set &mesh,
ExPolygons & output,
float samplingheight = 0.1f, // The height range to sample
float layerheight = 0.05f, // The sampling height
ThrowOnCancel thrfn = [] {});
struct PadConfig {
double wall_thickness_mm = 1.;
@ -82,11 +82,12 @@ struct PadConfig {
std::string validate() const;
void create_pad(const ExPolygons &support_contours,
const ExPolygons &model_contours,
TriangleMesh & output_mesh,
const PadConfig & = PadConfig(),
ThrowOnCancel throw_on_cancel = []{});
void create_pad(
const ExPolygons & support_contours,
const ExPolygons & model_contours,
indexed_triangle_set &output_mesh,
const PadConfig & = PadConfig(),
ThrowOnCancel throw_on_cancel = [] {});
} // namespace sla
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -29,38 +29,36 @@
namespace Slic3r {
namespace sla {
void SupportTree::retrieve_full_mesh(TriangleMesh &outmesh) const {
void SupportTree::retrieve_full_mesh(indexed_triangle_set &outmesh) const {
its_merge(outmesh, retrieve_mesh(MeshType::Support));
its_merge(outmesh, retrieve_mesh(MeshType::Pad));
std::vector<ExPolygons> SupportTree::slice(
const std::vector<float> &grid, float cr) const
std::vector<ExPolygons> SupportTree::slice(const std::vector<float> &grid,
float cr) const
const TriangleMesh &sup_mesh = retrieve_mesh(MeshType::Support);
const TriangleMesh &pad_mesh = retrieve_mesh(MeshType::Pad);
const indexed_triangle_set &sup_mesh = retrieve_mesh(MeshType::Support);
const indexed_triangle_set &pad_mesh = retrieve_mesh(MeshType::Pad);
using Slices = std::vector<ExPolygons>;
auto slices = reserve_vector<Slices>(2);
if (!sup_mesh.empty()) {
slices.back() = slice_mesh_ex(sup_mesh.its, grid, cr, ctl().cancelfn);
slices.back() = slice_mesh_ex(sup_mesh, grid, cr, ctl().cancelfn);
if (!pad_mesh.empty()) {
auto bb = pad_mesh.bounding_box();
auto bb = bounding_box(pad_mesh);
auto maxzit = std::upper_bound(grid.begin(), grid.end(), bb.max.z());
auto cap = grid.end() - maxzit;
auto padgrid = reserve_vector<float>(size_t(cap > 0 ? cap : 0));
std::copy(grid.begin(), maxzit, std::back_inserter(padgrid));
slices.back() = slice_mesh_ex(pad_mesh.its, padgrid, cr, ctl().cancelfn);
slices.back() = slice_mesh_ex(pad_mesh, padgrid, cr, ctl().cancelfn);
size_t len = grid.size();
@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ struct SupportableMesh
IndexedMesh emesh;
SupportPoints pts;
SupportTreeConfig cfg;
PadConfig pad_cfg;
// PadConfig pad_cfg;
explicit SupportableMesh(const TriangleMesh & trmsh,
explicit SupportableMesh(const indexed_triangle_set & trmsh,
const SupportPoints &sp,
const SupportTreeConfig &c)
: emesh{trmsh}, pts{sp}, cfg{c}
@ -149,22 +149,22 @@ public:
virtual ~SupportTree() = default;
virtual const TriangleMesh &retrieve_mesh(MeshType meshtype) const = 0;
virtual const indexed_triangle_set &retrieve_mesh(MeshType meshtype) const = 0;
/// Adding the "pad" under the supports.
/// modelbase will be used according to the embed_object flag in PoolConfig.
/// If set, the plate will be interpreted as the model's intrinsic pad.
/// Otherwise, the modelbase will be unified with the base plate calculated
/// from the supports.
virtual const TriangleMesh &add_pad(const ExPolygons &modelbase,
const PadConfig & pcfg) = 0;
virtual const indexed_triangle_set &add_pad(const ExPolygons &modelbase,
const PadConfig & pcfg) = 0;
virtual void remove_pad() = 0;
std::vector<ExPolygons> slice(const std::vector<float> &,
float closing_radius) const;
void retrieve_full_mesh(TriangleMesh &outmesh) const;
void retrieve_full_mesh(indexed_triangle_set &outmesh) const;
const JobController &ctl() const { return m_ctl; }
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SupportTreeBuilder.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SupportTreeBuildsteps.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SupportTreeMesher.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
//#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
namespace sla {
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ Head::Head(double r_big_mm,
Pad::Pad(const TriangleMesh &support_mesh,
const ExPolygons & model_contours,
double ground_level,
const PadConfig & pcfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
Pad::Pad(const indexed_triangle_set &support_mesh,
const ExPolygons & model_contours,
double ground_level,
const PadConfig & pcfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
: cfg(pcfg)
, zlevel(ground_level + pcfg.full_height() - pcfg.required_elevation())
@ -41,12 +41,14 @@ Pad::Pad(const TriangleMesh &support_mesh,
pad_blueprint(support_mesh, sup_contours, grid(zstart, zend, 0.1f), thr);
create_pad(sup_contours, model_contours, tmesh, pcfg);
tmesh.translate(0, 0, float(zlevel));
if (!tmesh.empty()) tmesh.require_shared_vertices();
Vec3f offs{.0f, .0f, float(zlevel)};
for (auto &p : tmesh.vertices) p += offs;
const TriangleMesh &SupportTreeBuilder::add_pad(const ExPolygons &modelbase,
const PadConfig & cfg)
const indexed_triangle_set &SupportTreeBuilder::add_pad(
const ExPolygons &modelbase, const PadConfig &cfg)
m_pad = Pad{merged_mesh(), modelbase, ground_level, cfg, ctl().cancelfn};
return m_pad.tmesh;
@ -120,74 +122,74 @@ void SupportTreeBuilder::add_pillar_base(long pid, double baseheight, double rad
m_meshcache_valid = false;
const TriangleMesh &SupportTreeBuilder::merged_mesh(size_t steps) const
const indexed_triangle_set &SupportTreeBuilder::merged_mesh(size_t steps) const
if (m_meshcache_valid) return m_meshcache;
Contour3D merged;
indexed_triangle_set merged;
for (auto &head : m_heads) {
if (ctl().stopcondition()) break;
if (head.is_valid()) merged.merge(get_mesh(head, steps));
if (head.is_valid()) its_merge(merged, get_mesh(head, steps));
for (auto &pill : m_pillars) {
if (ctl().stopcondition()) break;
merged.merge(get_mesh(pill, steps));
its_merge(merged, get_mesh(pill, steps));
for (auto &pedest : m_pedestals) {
if (ctl().stopcondition()) break;
merged.merge(get_mesh(pedest, steps));
its_merge(merged, get_mesh(pedest, steps));
for (auto &j : m_junctions) {
if (ctl().stopcondition()) break;
merged.merge(get_mesh(j, steps));
its_merge(merged, get_mesh(j, steps));
for (auto &bs : m_bridges) {
if (ctl().stopcondition()) break;
merged.merge(get_mesh(bs, steps));
its_merge(merged, get_mesh(bs, steps));
for (auto &bs : m_crossbridges) {
if (ctl().stopcondition()) break;
merged.merge(get_mesh(bs, steps));
its_merge(merged, get_mesh(bs, steps));
for (auto &bs : m_diffbridges) {
if (ctl().stopcondition()) break;
merged.merge(get_mesh(bs, steps));
its_merge(merged, get_mesh(bs, steps));
for (auto &anch : m_anchors) {
if (ctl().stopcondition()) break;
merged.merge(get_mesh(anch, steps));
its_merge(merged, get_mesh(anch, steps));
if (ctl().stopcondition()) {
// In case of failure we have to return an empty mesh
m_meshcache = TriangleMesh();
m_meshcache = {};
return m_meshcache;
m_meshcache = to_triangle_mesh(merged);
m_meshcache = merged;
// The mesh will be passed by const-pointer to TriangleMeshSlicer,
// which will need this.
if (!m_meshcache.empty()) m_meshcache.require_shared_vertices();
BoundingBoxf3 &&bb = m_meshcache.bounding_box();
m_model_height = bb.max(Z) - bb.min(Z);
BoundingBoxf3 bb = bounding_box(m_meshcache);
m_model_height = bb.max(Z) - bb.min(Z);
m_meshcache_valid = true;
return m_meshcache;
double SupportTreeBuilder::full_height() const
if (merged_mesh().empty() && !pad().empty())
if (merged_mesh().indices.empty() && !pad().empty())
return pad().cfg.full_height();
double h = mesh_height();
@ -195,7 +197,7 @@ double SupportTreeBuilder::full_height() const
return h;
const TriangleMesh &SupportTreeBuilder::merge_and_cleanup()
const indexed_triangle_set &SupportTreeBuilder::merge_and_cleanup()
// in case the mesh is not generated, it should be...
auto &ret = merged_mesh();
@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ const TriangleMesh &SupportTreeBuilder::merge_and_cleanup()
return ret;
const TriangleMesh &SupportTreeBuilder::retrieve_mesh(MeshType meshtype) const
const indexed_triangle_set &SupportTreeBuilder::retrieve_mesh(MeshType meshtype) const
switch(meshtype) {
case MeshType::Support: return merged_mesh();
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Concurrency.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SupportTree.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
//#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Pad.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/MTUtils.hpp>
@ -187,19 +188,19 @@ struct DiffBridge: public Bridge {
// A wrapper struct around the pad
struct Pad {
TriangleMesh tmesh;
indexed_triangle_set tmesh;
PadConfig cfg;
double zlevel = 0;
Pad() = default;
Pad(const TriangleMesh &support_mesh,
const ExPolygons & model_contours,
double ground_level,
const PadConfig & pcfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr);
bool empty() const { return tmesh.facets_count() == 0; }
Pad(const indexed_triangle_set &support_mesh,
const ExPolygons & model_contours,
double ground_level,
const PadConfig & pcfg,
ThrowOnCancel thr);
bool empty() const { return tmesh.indices.size() == 0; }
// This class will hold the support tree meshes with some additional
@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ class SupportTreeBuilder: public SupportTree {
using Mutex = ccr::SpinningMutex;
mutable TriangleMesh m_meshcache;
mutable indexed_triangle_set m_meshcache;
mutable Mutex m_mutex;
mutable bool m_meshcache_valid = false;
mutable double m_model_height = 0; // the full height of the model
@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ public:
const Pad& pad() const { return m_pad; }
const TriangleMesh &merged_mesh(size_t steps = 45) const;
const indexed_triangle_set &merged_mesh(size_t steps = 45) const;
double full_height() const;
@ -431,16 +432,16 @@ public:
// Intended to be called after the generation is fully complete
const TriangleMesh & merge_and_cleanup();
const indexed_triangle_set & merge_and_cleanup();
// Implement SupportTree interface:
const TriangleMesh &add_pad(const ExPolygons &modelbase,
const PadConfig & pcfg) override;
const indexed_triangle_set &add_pad(const ExPolygons &modelbase,
const PadConfig & pcfg) override;
void remove_pad() override { m_pad = Pad(); }
virtual const TriangleMesh &retrieve_mesh(
virtual const indexed_triangle_set &retrieve_mesh(
MeshType meshtype = MeshType::Support) const override;
@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
Contour3D sphere(double rho, Portion portion, double fa) {
indexed_triangle_set sphere(double rho, Portion portion, double fa) {
Contour3D ret;
indexed_triangle_set ret;
// prohibit close to zero radius
if(rho <= 1e-6 && rho >= -1e-6) return ret;
auto& vertices = ret.points;
auto& facets = ret.faces3;
auto& vertices = ret.vertices;
auto& facets = ret.indices;
// Algorithm:
// Add points one-by-one to the sphere grid and form facets using relative
// coordinates. Sphere is composed effectively of a mesh of stacked circles.
// adjust via rounding to get an even multiple for any provided angle.
double angle = (2*PI / floor(2*PI / fa));
double angle = (2 * PI / floor(2*PI / fa) );
// Ring to be scaled to generate the steps of the sphere
std::vector<double> ring;
@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ Contour3D sphere(double rho, Portion portion, double fa) {
// special case: first ring connects to 0,0,0
// insert and form facets.
if(sbegin == 0)
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, -rho + increment*sbegin*2.0*rho));
if (sbegin == 0)
Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, float(-rho + increment * sbegin * 2. * rho)));
auto id = coord_t(vertices.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < ring.size(); i++) {
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ Contour3D sphere(double rho, Portion portion, double fa) {
// radius of the circle for this step.
const double r = std::sqrt(std::abs(rho*rho - z*z));
Vec2d b = Eigen::Rotation2Dd(ring[i]) * Eigen::Vector2d(0, r);
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(b(0), b(1), z));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(b(0), b(1), z).cast<float>());
if (sbegin == 0)
(i == 0) ? facets.emplace_back(coord_t(ring.size()), 0, 1) :
@ -53,12 +54,12 @@ Contour3D sphere(double rho, Portion portion, double fa) {
// General case: insert and form facets for each step,
// joining it to the ring below it.
for (size_t s = sbegin + 2; s < send - 1; s++) {
const double z = -rho + increment*double(s*2.0*rho);
const double z = -rho + increment * double(s * 2. * rho);
const double r = std::sqrt(std::abs(rho*rho - z*z));
for (size_t i = 0; i < ring.size(); i++) {
Vec2d b = Eigen::Rotation2Dd(ring[i]) * Eigen::Vector2d(0, r);
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(b(0), b(1), z));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(b(0), b(1), z).cast<float>());
auto id_ringsize = coord_t(id - int(ring.size()));
if (i == 0) {
// wrap around
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ Contour3D sphere(double rho, Portion portion, double fa) {
// special case: last ring connects to 0,0,rho*2.0
// only form facets.
if(send >= size_t(2*PI / angle)) {
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, -rho + increment*send*2.0*rho));
vertices.emplace_back(0.f, 0.f, float(-rho + increment*send*2.0*rho));
for (size_t i = 0; i < ring.size(); i++) {
auto id_ringsize = coord_t(id - int(ring.size()));
if (i == 0) {
@ -92,15 +93,15 @@ Contour3D sphere(double rho, Portion portion, double fa) {
return ret;
Contour3D cylinder(double r, double h, size_t ssteps, const Vec3d &sp)
indexed_triangle_set cylinder(double r, double h, size_t ssteps, const Vec3d &sp)
assert(ssteps > 0);
Contour3D ret;
indexed_triangle_set ret;
auto steps = int(ssteps);
auto& points = ret.points;
auto& indices = ret.faces3;
auto& points = ret.vertices;
auto& indices = ret.indices;
double a = 2*PI/steps;
@ -110,17 +111,17 @@ Contour3D cylinder(double r, double h, size_t ssteps, const Vec3d &sp)
// Upper circle points
for(int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
double phi = i*a;
double ex = endp(X) + r*std::cos(phi);
double ey = endp(Y) + r*std::sin(phi);
points.emplace_back(ex, ey, endp(Z));
auto ex = float(endp(X) + r*std::cos(phi));
auto ey = float(endp(Y) + r*std::sin(phi));
points.emplace_back(ex, ey, float(endp(Z)));
// Lower circle points
for(int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
double phi = i*a;
double x = jp(X) + r*std::cos(phi);
double y = jp(Y) + r*std::sin(phi);
points.emplace_back(x, y, jp(Z));
auto x = float(jp(X) + r*std::cos(phi));
auto y = float(jp(Y) + r*std::sin(phi));
points.emplace_back(x, y, float(jp(Z)));
// Now create long triangles connecting upper and lower circles
@ -139,13 +140,13 @@ Contour3D cylinder(double r, double h, size_t ssteps, const Vec3d &sp)
// According to the slicing algorithms, we need to aid them with generating
// a watertight body. So we create a triangle fan for the upper and lower
// ending of the cylinder to close the geometry.
points.emplace_back(jp); int ci = int(points.size() - 1);
points.emplace_back(jp.cast<float>()); int ci = int(points.size() - 1);
for(int i = 0; i < steps - 1; ++i)
indices.emplace_back(i + offs + 1, i + offs, ci);
indices.emplace_back(offs, steps + offs - 1, ci);
points.emplace_back(endp); ci = int(points.size() - 1);
points.emplace_back(endp.cast<float>()); ci = int(points.size() - 1);
for(int i = 0; i < steps - 1; ++i)
indices.emplace_back(ci, i, i + 1);
@ -154,14 +155,17 @@ Contour3D cylinder(double r, double h, size_t ssteps, const Vec3d &sp)
return ret;
Contour3D pinhead(double r_pin, double r_back, double length, size_t steps)
indexed_triangle_set pinhead(double r_pin,
double r_back,
double length,
size_t steps)
assert(steps > 0);
assert(length >= 0.);
assert(r_back > 0.);
assert(r_pin > 0.);
Contour3D mesh;
indexed_triangle_set mesh;
// We create two spheres which will be connected with a robe that fits
// both circles perfectly.
@ -187,66 +191,66 @@ Contour3D pinhead(double r_pin, double r_back, double length, size_t steps)
auto &&s1 = sphere(r_back, make_portion(0, PI / 2 + phi), detail);
auto &&s2 = sphere(r_pin, make_portion(PI / 2 + phi, PI), detail);
for (auto &p : s2.points) p.z() += h;
for (auto &p : s2.vertices) p.z() += h;
its_merge(mesh, s1);
its_merge(mesh, s2);
for (size_t idx1 = s1.points.size() - steps, idx2 = s1.points.size();
idx1 < s1.points.size() - 1; idx1++, idx2++) {
for (size_t idx1 = s1.vertices.size() - steps, idx2 = s1.vertices.size();
idx1 < s1.vertices.size() - 1; idx1++, idx2++) {
coord_t i1s1 = coord_t(idx1), i1s2 = coord_t(idx2);
coord_t i2s1 = i1s1 + 1, i2s2 = i1s2 + 1;
mesh.faces3.emplace_back(i1s1, i2s1, i2s2);
mesh.faces3.emplace_back(i1s1, i2s2, i1s2);
mesh.indices.emplace_back(i1s1, i2s1, i2s2);
mesh.indices.emplace_back(i1s1, i2s2, i1s2);
auto i1s1 = coord_t(s1.points.size()) - coord_t(steps);
auto i2s1 = coord_t(s1.points.size()) - 1;
auto i1s2 = coord_t(s1.points.size());
auto i2s2 = coord_t(s1.points.size()) + coord_t(steps) - 1;
auto i1s1 = coord_t(s1.vertices.size()) - coord_t(steps);
auto i2s1 = coord_t(s1.vertices.size()) - 1;
auto i1s2 = coord_t(s1.vertices.size());
auto i2s2 = coord_t(s1.vertices.size()) + coord_t(steps) - 1;
mesh.faces3.emplace_back(i2s2, i2s1, i1s1);
mesh.faces3.emplace_back(i1s2, i2s2, i1s1);
mesh.indices.emplace_back(i2s2, i2s1, i1s1);
mesh.indices.emplace_back(i1s2, i2s2, i1s1);
return mesh;
Contour3D halfcone(double baseheight,
double r_bottom,
double r_top,
const Vec3d &pos,
size_t steps)
indexed_triangle_set halfcone(double baseheight,
double r_bottom,
double r_top,
const Vec3d &pos,
size_t steps)
assert(steps > 0);
if (baseheight <= 0 || steps <= 0) return {};
Contour3D base;
indexed_triangle_set base;
double a = 2 * PI / steps;
auto last = int(steps - 1);
Vec3d ep{pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() + baseheight};
for (size_t i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
double phi = i * a;
double x = pos.x() + r_top * std::cos(phi);
double y = pos.y() + r_top * std::sin(phi);
base.points.emplace_back(x, y, ep.z());
auto x = float(pos.x() + r_top * std::cos(phi));
auto y = float(pos.y() + r_top * std::sin(phi));
base.vertices.emplace_back(x, y, float(ep.z()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
double phi = i * a;
double x = pos.x() + r_bottom * std::cos(phi);
double y = pos.y() + r_bottom * std::sin(phi);
base.points.emplace_back(x, y, pos.z());
auto x = float(pos.x() + r_bottom * std::cos(phi));
auto y = float(pos.y() + r_bottom * std::sin(phi));
base.vertices.emplace_back(x, y, float(pos.z()));
auto &indices = base.faces3;
auto hcenter = int(base.points.size() - 1);
auto lcenter = int(base.points.size() - 2);
auto &indices = base.indices;
auto hcenter = int(base.vertices.size() - 1);
auto lcenter = int(base.vertices.size() - 2);
auto offs = int(steps);
for (int i = 0; i < last; ++i) {
indices.emplace_back(i, i + offs, offs + i + 1);
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
#include "libslic3r/Point.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/SupportTreeBuilder.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp"
//#include "libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp"
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
@ -15,48 +16,53 @@ inline Portion make_portion(double a, double b)
return std::make_tuple(a, b);
Contour3D sphere(double rho,
Portion portion = make_portion(0., 2. * PI),
double fa = (2. * PI / 360.));
indexed_triangle_set sphere(double rho,
Portion portion = make_portion(0., 2. * PI),
double fa = (2. * PI / 360.));
// Down facing cylinder in Z direction with arguments:
// r: radius
// h: Height
// ssteps: how many edges will create the base circle
// sp: starting point
Contour3D cylinder(double r,
double h,
size_t steps = 45,
const Vec3d &sp = Vec3d::Zero());
indexed_triangle_set cylinder(double r,
double h,
size_t steps = 45,
const Vec3d &sp = Vec3d::Zero());
Contour3D pinhead(double r_pin, double r_back, double length, size_t steps = 45);
indexed_triangle_set pinhead(double r_pin,
double r_back,
double length,
size_t steps = 45);
Contour3D halfcone(double baseheight,
double r_bottom,
double r_top,
const Vec3d &pt = Vec3d::Zero(),
size_t steps = 45);
indexed_triangle_set halfcone(double baseheight,
double r_bottom,
double r_top,
const Vec3d &pt = Vec3d::Zero(),
size_t steps = 45);
inline Contour3D get_mesh(const Head &h, size_t steps)
inline indexed_triangle_set get_mesh(const Head &h, size_t steps)
Contour3D mesh = pinhead(h.r_pin_mm, h.r_back_mm, h.width_mm, steps);
indexed_triangle_set mesh = pinhead(h.r_pin_mm, h.r_back_mm, h.width_mm, steps);
for(auto& p : mesh.points) p.z() -= (h.fullwidth() - h.r_back_mm);
for (auto& p : mesh.vertices) p.z() -= (h.fullwidth() - h.r_back_mm);
using Quaternion = Eigen::Quaternion<double>;
using Quaternion = Eigen::Quaternion<float>;
// We rotate the head to the specified direction. The head's pointing
// side is facing upwards so this means that it would hold a support
// point with a normal pointing straight down. This is the reason of
// the -1 z coordinate
auto quatern = Quaternion::FromTwoVectors(Vec3d{0, 0, -1}, h.dir);
auto quatern = Quaternion::FromTwoVectors(Vec3f{0.f, 0.f, -1.f},
for(auto& p : mesh.points) p = quatern * p + h.pos;
Vec3f pos = h.pos.cast<float>();
for (auto& p : mesh.vertices) p = quatern * p + pos;
return mesh;
inline Contour3D get_mesh(const Pillar &p, size_t steps)
inline indexed_triangle_set get_mesh(const Pillar &p, size_t steps)
if(p.height > EPSILON) { // Endpoint is below the starting point
// We just create a bridge geometry with the pillar parameters and
@ -67,47 +73,53 @@ inline Contour3D get_mesh(const Pillar &p, size_t steps)
return {};
inline Contour3D get_mesh(const Pedestal &p, size_t steps)
inline indexed_triangle_set get_mesh(const Pedestal &p, size_t steps)
return halfcone(p.height, p.r_bottom, p.r_top, p.pos, steps);
inline Contour3D get_mesh(const Junction &j, size_t steps)
inline indexed_triangle_set get_mesh(const Junction &j, size_t steps)
Contour3D mesh = sphere(j.r, make_portion(0, PI), 2 *PI / steps);
for(auto& p : mesh.points) p += j.pos;
indexed_triangle_set mesh = sphere(j.r, make_portion(0, PI), 2 *PI / steps);
Vec3f pos = j.pos.cast<float>();
for(auto& p : mesh.vertices) p += pos;
return mesh;
inline Contour3D get_mesh(const Bridge &br, size_t steps)
inline indexed_triangle_set get_mesh(const Bridge &br, size_t steps)
using Quaternion = Eigen::Quaternion<double>;
using Quaternion = Eigen::Quaternion<float>;
Vec3d v = (br.endp - br.startp);
Vec3d dir = v.normalized();
double d = v.norm();
Contour3D mesh = cylinder(br.r, d, steps);
indexed_triangle_set mesh = cylinder(br.r, d, steps);
auto quater = Quaternion::FromTwoVectors(Vec3d{0,0,1}, dir);
for(auto& p : mesh.points) p = quater * p + br.startp;
auto quater = Quaternion::FromTwoVectors(Vec3f{0.f, 0.f, 1.f},
Vec3f startp = br.startp.cast<float>();
for(auto& p : mesh.vertices) p = quater * p + startp;
return mesh;
inline Contour3D get_mesh(const DiffBridge &br, size_t steps)
inline indexed_triangle_set get_mesh(const DiffBridge &br, size_t steps)
double h = br.get_length();
Contour3D mesh = halfcone(h, br.r, br.end_r, Vec3d::Zero(), steps);
indexed_triangle_set mesh = halfcone(h, br.r, br.end_r, Vec3d::Zero(), steps);
using Quaternion = Eigen::Quaternion<double>;
using Quaternion = Eigen::Quaternion<float>;
// We rotate the head to the specified direction. The head's pointing
// side is facing upwards so this means that it would hold a support
// point with a normal pointing straight down. This is the reason of
// the -1 z coordinate
auto quatern = Quaternion::FromTwoVectors(Vec3d{0, 0, 1}, br.get_dir());
auto quatern = Quaternion::FromTwoVectors(Vec3f{0.f, 0.f, 1.f},
for(auto& p : mesh.points) p = quatern * p + br.startp;
Vec3f startp = br.startp.cast<float>();
for(auto& p : mesh.vertices) p = quatern * p + startp;
return mesh;
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ sla::PadConfig make_pad_cfg(const SLAPrintObjectConfig& c)
return pcfg;
bool validate_pad(const TriangleMesh &pad, const sla::PadConfig &pcfg)
bool validate_pad(const indexed_triangle_set &pad, const sla::PadConfig &pcfg)
// An empty pad can only be created if embed_object mode is enabled
// and the pad is not forced everywhere
@ -1067,6 +1067,7 @@ Vec3d SLAPrint::relative_correction() const
namespace { // dummy empty static containers for return values in some methods
const std::vector<ExPolygons> EMPTY_SLICES;
const TriangleMesh EMPTY_MESH;
const indexed_triangle_set EMPTY_TRIANGLE_SET;
const ExPolygons EMPTY_SLICE;
const std::vector<sla::SupportPoint> EMPTY_SUPPORT_POINTS;
@ -1129,31 +1130,27 @@ TriangleMesh SLAPrintObject::get_mesh(SLAPrintObjectStep step) const
const TriangleMesh& SLAPrintObject::support_mesh() const
sla::SupportTree::UPtr &stree = m_supportdata->support_tree_ptr;
if(m_config.supports_enable.getBool() && m_supportdata && stree)
return stree->retrieve_mesh(sla::MeshType::Support);
if(m_config.supports_enable.getBool() && m_supportdata)
return m_supportdata->tree_mesh;
return EMPTY_MESH;
const TriangleMesh& SLAPrintObject::pad_mesh() const
sla::SupportTree::UPtr &stree = m_supportdata->support_tree_ptr;
if(m_config.pad_enable.getBool() && m_supportdata && stree)
return stree->retrieve_mesh(sla::MeshType::Pad);
if(m_config.pad_enable.getBool() && m_supportdata)
return m_supportdata->pad_mesh;
return EMPTY_MESH;
const TriangleMesh &SLAPrintObject::hollowed_interior_mesh() const
const indexed_triangle_set &SLAPrintObject::hollowed_interior_mesh() const
if (m_hollowing_data && m_hollowing_data->interior &&
return sla::get_mesh(*m_hollowing_data->interior);
return EMPTY_MESH;
const TriangleMesh &SLAPrintObject::transformed_mesh() const {
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ public:
const TriangleMesh& pad_mesh() const;
// Ready after this->is_step_done(slaposDrillHoles) is true
const TriangleMesh& hollowed_interior_mesh() const;
const indexed_triangle_set &hollowed_interior_mesh() const;
// Get the mesh that is going to be printed with all the modifications
// like hollowing and drilled holes.
const TriangleMesh & get_mesh_to_print() const {
@ -313,16 +313,27 @@ private:
sla::SupportTree::UPtr support_tree_ptr; // the supports
std::vector<ExPolygons> support_slices; // sliced supports
TriangleMesh tree_mesh, pad_mesh, full_mesh;
inline SupportData(const TriangleMesh &t)
: sla::SupportableMesh{t, {}, {}}
: sla::SupportableMesh{t.its, {}, {}}
sla::SupportTree::UPtr &create_support_tree(const sla::JobController &ctl)
support_tree_ptr = sla::SupportTree::create(*this, ctl);
tree_mesh = TriangleMesh{support_tree_ptr->retrieve_mesh(sla::MeshType::Support)};
return support_tree_ptr;
void create_pad(const ExPolygons &blueprint, const sla::PadConfig &pcfg)
if (!support_tree_ptr)
support_tree_ptr->add_pad(blueprint, pcfg);
pad_mesh = TriangleMesh{support_tree_ptr->retrieve_mesh(sla::MeshType::Pad)};
std::unique_ptr<SupportData> m_supportdata;
@ -569,7 +580,7 @@ sla::PadConfig::EmbedObject builtin_pad_cfg(const SLAPrintObjectConfig& c);
sla::PadConfig make_pad_cfg(const SLAPrintObjectConfig& c);
bool validate_pad(const TriangleMesh &pad, const sla::PadConfig &pcfg);
bool validate_pad(const indexed_triangle_set &pad, const sla::PadConfig &pcfg);
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -194,18 +194,18 @@ static std::vector<bool> create_exclude_mask(
const sla::Interior &interior,
const std::vector<sla::DrainHole> &holes)
FaceHash interior_hash{sla::get_mesh(interior).its};
FaceHash interior_hash{sla::get_mesh(interior)};
std::vector<bool> exclude_mask(its.indices.size(), false);
std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > neighbor_index =
VertexFaceIndex neighbor_index{its};
auto exclude_neighbors = [&neighbor_index, &exclude_mask](const Vec3i &face)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
const std::vector<size_t> &neighbors = neighbor_index[face(i)];
for (size_t fi_n : neighbors) exclude_mask[fi_n] = true;
const auto &neighbors_range = neighbor_index[face(i)];
for (size_t fi_n : neighbors_range)
exclude_mask[fi_n] = true;
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ void SLAPrint::Steps::drill_holes(SLAPrintObject &po)
holept.normal += Vec3f{dist(m_rng), dist(m_rng), dist(m_rng)};
holept.pos += Vec3f{dist(m_rng), dist(m_rng), dist(m_rng)};
TriangleMesh m = sla::to_triangle_mesh(holept.to_mesh());
TriangleMesh m{holept.to_mesh()};
@ -489,11 +489,11 @@ void SLAPrint::Steps::slice_model(SLAPrintObject &po)
if (interior && ! sla::get_mesh(*interior).empty()) {
TriangleMesh interiormesh = sla::get_mesh(*interior);
interiormesh.repaired = false;
indexed_triangle_set interiormesh = sla::get_mesh(*interior);
params.mode = MeshSlicingParams::SlicingMode::Regular;
std::vector<ExPolygons> interior_slices = slice_mesh_ex(interiormesh.its, slice_grid, params, thr);
std::vector<ExPolygons> interior_slices = slice_mesh_ex(interiormesh, slice_grid, params, thr);
sla::ccr::for_each(size_t(0), interior_slices.size(),
[&po, &interior_slices] (size_t i) {
@ -667,15 +667,14 @@ void SLAPrint::Steps::generate_pad(SLAPrintObject &po) {
// we sometimes call it "builtin pad" is enabled so we will
// get a sample from the bottom of the mesh and use it for pad
// creation.
sla::pad_blueprint(trmesh, bp, float(pad_h),
sla::pad_blueprint(trmesh.its, bp, float(pad_h),
[this](){ throw_if_canceled(); });
po.m_supportdata->support_tree_ptr->add_pad(bp, pcfg);
auto &pad_mesh = po.m_supportdata->support_tree_ptr->retrieve_mesh(sla::MeshType::Pad);
po.m_supportdata->create_pad(bp, pcfg);
if (!validate_pad(pad_mesh, pcfg))
if (!validate_pad(po.m_supportdata->support_tree_ptr->retrieve_mesh(sla::MeshType::Pad), pcfg))
throw Slic3r::SlicingError(
L("No pad can be generated for this model with the "
"current configuration"));
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include "SlicesToTriangleMesh.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/MTUtils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp"
//#include "libslic3r/MTUtils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Execution/ExecutionTBB.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Tesselate.hpp"
@ -11,71 +11,73 @@
namespace Slic3r {
inline sla::Contour3D wall_strip(const Polygon &poly,
double lower_z_mm,
double upper_z_mm)
inline indexed_triangle_set wall_strip(const Polygon &poly,
double lower_z_mm,
double upper_z_mm)
sla::Contour3D ret;
indexed_triangle_set ret;
size_t startidx = ret.points.size();
size_t startidx = ret.vertices.size();
size_t offs = poly.points.size();
ret.points.reserve(ret.points.size() + 2 *offs);
ret.vertices.reserve(ret.vertices.size() + 2 *offs);
for (const Point &p : poly.points)
ret.points.emplace_back(to_3d(unscaled(p), lower_z_mm));
ret.vertices.emplace_back(to_3d(unscaled<float>(p), float(lower_z_mm)));
for (const Point &p : poly.points)
ret.points.emplace_back(to_3d(unscaled(p), upper_z_mm));
ret.vertices.emplace_back(to_3d(unscaled<float>(p), float(upper_z_mm)));
for (size_t i = startidx + 1; i < startidx + offs; ++i) {
ret.faces3.emplace_back(i - 1, i, i + offs - 1);
ret.faces3.emplace_back(i, i + offs, i + offs - 1);
ret.indices.emplace_back(i - 1, i, i + offs - 1);
ret.indices.emplace_back(i, i + offs, i + offs - 1);
ret.faces3.emplace_back(startidx + offs - 1, startidx, startidx + 2 * offs - 1);
ret.faces3.emplace_back(startidx, startidx + offs, startidx + 2 * offs - 1);
ret.indices.emplace_back(startidx + offs - 1, startidx, startidx + 2 * offs - 1);
ret.indices.emplace_back(startidx, startidx + offs, startidx + 2 * offs - 1);
return ret;
// Same as walls() but with identical higher and lower polygons.
sla::Contour3D inline straight_walls(const Polygon &plate,
indexed_triangle_set inline straight_walls(const Polygon &plate,
double lo_z,
double hi_z)
return wall_strip(plate, lo_z, hi_z);
sla::Contour3D inline straight_walls(const ExPolygon &plate,
indexed_triangle_set inline straight_walls(const ExPolygon &plate,
double lo_z,
double hi_z)
sla::Contour3D ret;
ret.merge(straight_walls(plate.contour, lo_z, hi_z));
for (auto &h : plate.holes) ret.merge(straight_walls(h, lo_z, hi_z));
indexed_triangle_set ret = straight_walls(plate.contour, lo_z, hi_z);
for (auto &h : plate.holes)
its_merge(ret, straight_walls(h, lo_z, hi_z));
return ret;
sla::Contour3D inline straight_walls(const ExPolygons &slice,
indexed_triangle_set inline straight_walls(const ExPolygons &slice,
double lo_z,
double hi_z)
sla::Contour3D ret;
indexed_triangle_set ret;
for (const ExPolygon &poly : slice)
ret.merge(straight_walls(poly, lo_z, hi_z));
its_merge(ret, straight_walls(poly, lo_z, hi_z));
return ret;
sla::Contour3D slices_to_triangle_mesh(const std::vector<ExPolygons> &slices,
double zmin,
const std::vector<float> & grid)
indexed_triangle_set slices_to_mesh(
const std::vector<ExPolygons> &slices,
double zmin,
const std::vector<float> & grid)
assert(slices.size() == grid.size());
using Layers = std::vector<sla::Contour3D>;
std::vector<sla::Contour3D> layers(slices.size());
using Layers = std::vector<indexed_triangle_set>;
Layers layers(slices.size());
size_t len = slices.size() - 1;
tbb::parallel_for(size_t(0), len, [&slices, &layers, &grid](size_t i) {
@ -84,45 +86,52 @@ sla::Contour3D slices_to_triangle_mesh(const std::vector<ExPolygons> &slices,
ExPolygons dff1 = diff_ex(lower, upper);
ExPolygons dff2 = diff_ex(upper, lower);
layers[i].merge(triangulate_expolygons_3d(dff1, grid[i], NORMALS_UP));
layers[i].merge(triangulate_expolygons_3d(dff2, grid[i], NORMALS_DOWN));
layers[i].merge(straight_walls(upper, grid[i], grid[i + 1]));
its_merge(layers[i], triangulate_expolygons_3d(dff1, grid[i], NORMALS_UP));
its_merge(layers[i], triangulate_expolygons_3d(dff2, grid[i], NORMALS_DOWN));
its_merge(layers[i], straight_walls(upper, grid[i], grid[i + 1]));
auto merge_fn = []( const indexed_triangle_set &a, const indexed_triangle_set &b ) {
indexed_triangle_set res{a}; its_merge(res, b); return res;
auto ret = execution::reduce(ex_tbb, layers.begin(), layers.end(),
indexed_triangle_set{}, merge_fn);
// sla::Contour3D ret = tbb::parallel_reduce(
// tbb::blocked_range(layers.begin(), layers.end()),
// sla::Contour3D{},
// [](const tbb::blocked_range<Layers::iterator>& r, sla::Contour3D
// init) {
// for(auto it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it )
// init.merge(*it); return init;
// },
// []( const sla::Contour3D &a, const sla::Contour3D &b ) {
// sla::Contour3D res{a}; res.merge(b); return res;
// });
sla::Contour3D ret = tbb::parallel_reduce(
tbb::blocked_range(layers.begin(), layers.end()),
[](const tbb::blocked_range<Layers::iterator>& r, sla::Contour3D init) {
for(auto it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it ) init.merge(*it);
return init;
[]( const sla::Contour3D &a, const sla::Contour3D &b ) {
sla::Contour3D res{a}; res.merge(b); return res;
ret.merge(triangulate_expolygons_3d(slices.front(), zmin, NORMALS_DOWN));
ret.merge(straight_walls(slices.front(), zmin, grid.front()));
ret.merge(triangulate_expolygons_3d(slices.back(), grid.back(), NORMALS_UP));
its_merge(ret, triangulate_expolygons_3d(slices.front(), zmin, NORMALS_DOWN));
its_merge(ret, straight_walls(slices.front(), zmin, grid.front()));
its_merge(ret, triangulate_expolygons_3d(slices.back(), grid.back(), NORMALS_UP));
return ret;
void slices_to_triangle_mesh(TriangleMesh & mesh,
void slices_to_mesh(indexed_triangle_set & mesh,
const std::vector<ExPolygons> &slices,
double zmin,
double lh,
double ilh)
std::vector<sla::Contour3D> wall_meshes(slices.size());
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> wall_meshes(slices.size());
std::vector<float> grid(slices.size(), zmin + ilh);
for (size_t i = 1; i < grid.size(); ++i) grid[i] = grid[i - 1] + lh;
for (size_t i = 1; i < grid.size(); ++i)
grid[i] = grid[i - 1] + lh;
sla::Contour3D cntr = slices_to_triangle_mesh(slices, zmin, grid);
mesh.repaired = true;
indexed_triangle_set cntr = slices_to_mesh(slices, zmin, grid);
its_merge(mesh, cntr);
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -6,16 +6,18 @@
namespace Slic3r {
void slices_to_triangle_mesh(TriangleMesh & mesh,
void slices_to_mesh(indexed_triangle_set & mesh,
const std::vector<ExPolygons> &slices,
double zmin,
double lh,
double ilh);
inline TriangleMesh slices_to_triangle_mesh(
inline indexed_triangle_set slices_to_mesh(
const std::vector<ExPolygons> &slices, double zmin, double lh, double ilh)
TriangleMesh out; slices_to_triangle_mesh(out, slices, zmin, lh, ilh);
indexed_triangle_set out;
slices_to_mesh(out, slices, zmin, lh, ilh);
return out;
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
#include "Exception.hpp"
#include "TriangleMesh.hpp"
#include "TriangleMeshSlicer.hpp"
#include "MeshSplitImpl.hpp"
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "Geometry.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "Execution/ExecutionTBB.hpp"
#include "Execution/ExecutionSeq.hpp"
#include <libqhullcpp/Qhull.h>
#include <libqhullcpp/QhullFacetList.h>
@ -447,27 +451,40 @@ std::deque<uint32_t> TriangleMesh::find_unvisited_neighbors(std::vector<unsigned
TriangleMeshPtrs TriangleMesh::split() const
// Loop while we have remaining facets.
std::vector<unsigned char> facet_visited;
struct MeshAdder {
TriangleMeshPtrs &meshes;
MeshAdder(TriangleMeshPtrs &ptrs): meshes{ptrs} {}
void operator=(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
meshes.emplace_back(new TriangleMesh(its));
TriangleMeshPtrs meshes;
for (;;) {
std::deque<uint32_t> facets = find_unvisited_neighbors(facet_visited);
if (facets.empty())
if (has_shared_vertices()) {
its_split(its, MeshAdder{meshes});
} else {
// Loop while we have remaining facets.
std::vector<unsigned char> facet_visited;
for (;;) {
std::deque<uint32_t> facets = find_unvisited_neighbors(facet_visited);
if (facets.empty())
// Create a new mesh for the part that was just split off.
TriangleMesh* mesh = new TriangleMesh;
mesh->stl.stats.type = inmemory;
mesh->stl.stats.number_of_facets = (uint32_t)facets.size();
mesh->stl.stats.original_num_facets = mesh->stl.stats.number_of_facets;
// Create a new mesh for the part that was just split off.
TriangleMesh* mesh = new TriangleMesh;
mesh->stl.stats.type = inmemory;
mesh->stl.stats.number_of_facets = (uint32_t)facets.size();
mesh->stl.stats.original_num_facets = mesh->stl.stats.number_of_facets;
// Assign the facets to the new mesh.
bool first = true;
for (auto facet = facets.begin(); facet != facets.end(); ++ facet) {
mesh->stl.facet_start[facet - facets.begin()] = this->stl.facet_start[*facet];
stl_facet_stats(&mesh->stl, this->stl.facet_start[*facet], first);
// Assign the facets to the new mesh.
bool first = true;
for (auto facet = facets.begin(); facet != facets.end(); ++ facet) {
mesh->stl.facet_start[facet - facets.begin()] = this->stl.facet_start[*facet];
stl_facet_stats(&mesh->stl, this->stl.facet_start[*facet], first);
@ -667,69 +684,24 @@ void TriangleMesh::restore_optional()
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> create_vertex_faces_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> index;
// Create a mapping from triangle edge into face.
struct EdgeToFace {
// Index of the 1st vertex of the triangle edge. vertex_low <= vertex_high.
int vertex_low;
// Index of the 2nd vertex of the triangle edge.
int vertex_high;
// Index of a triangular face.
int face;
// Index of edge in the face, starting with 1. Negative indices if the edge was stored reverse in (vertex_low, vertex_high).
int face_edge;
bool operator==(const EdgeToFace &other) const { return vertex_low == other.vertex_low && vertex_high == other.vertex_high; }
bool operator<(const EdgeToFace &other) const { return vertex_low < other.vertex_low || (vertex_low == other.vertex_low && vertex_high < other.vertex_high); }
if (! its.vertices.empty()) {
size_t res = its.indices.size() / its.vertices.size();
index.assign(its.vertices.size(), reserve_vector<size_t>(res));
for (size_t fi = 0; fi < its.indices.size(); ++fi) {
auto &face = its.indices[fi];
return index;
void VertexFaceIndex::create(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
m_vertex_to_face_start.assign(its.vertices.size() + 1, 0);
// 1) Calculate vertex incidence by scatter.
for (auto &face : its.indices) {
++ m_vertex_to_face_start[face(0) + 1];
++ m_vertex_to_face_start[face(1) + 1];
++ m_vertex_to_face_start[face(2) + 1];
// 2) Prefix sum to calculate offsets to m_vertex_faces_all.
for (size_t i = 2; i < m_vertex_to_face_start.size(); ++ i)
m_vertex_to_face_start[i] += m_vertex_to_face_start[i - 1];
// 3) Scatter indices of faces incident to a vertex into m_vertex_faces_all.
m_vertex_faces_all.assign(m_vertex_to_face_start.back(), 0);
for (size_t face_idx = 0; face_idx < its.indices.size(); ++ face_idx) {
auto &face = its.indices[face_idx];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
m_vertex_faces_all[m_vertex_to_face_start[face(i)] ++] = face_idx;
// 4) The previous loop modified m_vertex_to_face_start. Revert the change.
for (auto i = int(m_vertex_to_face_start.size()) - 1; i > 0; -- i)
m_vertex_to_face_start[i] = m_vertex_to_face_start[i - 1];
m_vertex_to_face_start.front() = 0;
// Map from a face edge to a unique edge identifier or -1 if no neighbor exists.
// Two neighbor faces share a unique edge identifier even if they are flipped.
template<typename ThrowOnCancelCallback>
static inline std::vector<Vec3i> create_face_neighbors_index_impl(const indexed_triangle_set &its, ThrowOnCancelCallback throw_on_cancel)
static std::vector<EdgeToFace> create_edge_map(
const indexed_triangle_set &its, ThrowOnCancelCallback throw_on_cancel)
std::vector<Vec3i> out(its.indices.size(), Vec3i(-1, -1, -1));
// Create a mapping from triangle edge into face.
struct EdgeToFace {
// Index of the 1st vertex of the triangle edge. vertex_low <= vertex_high.
int vertex_low;
// Index of the 2nd vertex of the triangle edge.
int vertex_high;
// Index of a triangular face.
int face;
// Index of edge in the face, starting with 1. Negative indices if the edge was stored reverse in (vertex_low, vertex_high).
int face_edge;
bool operator==(const EdgeToFace &other) const { return vertex_low == other.vertex_low && vertex_high == other.vertex_high; }
bool operator<(const EdgeToFace &other) const { return vertex_low < other.vertex_low || (vertex_low == other.vertex_low && vertex_high < other.vertex_high); }
std::vector<EdgeToFace> edges_map;
edges_map.assign(its.indices.size() * 3, EdgeToFace());
for (uint32_t facet_idx = 0; facet_idx < its.indices.size(); ++ facet_idx)
@ -750,6 +722,18 @@ static inline std::vector<Vec3i> create_face_neighbors_index_impl(const indexed_
std::sort(edges_map.begin(), edges_map.end());
return edges_map;
// Map from a face edge to a unique edge identifier or -1 if no neighbor exists.
// Two neighbor faces share a unique edge identifier even if they are flipped.
template<typename ThrowOnCancelCallback>
static inline std::vector<Vec3i> create_face_neighbors_index_impl(const indexed_triangle_set &its, ThrowOnCancelCallback throw_on_cancel)
std::vector<Vec3i> out(its.indices.size(), Vec3i(-1, -1, -1));
std::vector<EdgeToFace> edges_map = create_edge_map(its, throw_on_cancel);
// Assign a unique common edge id to touching triangle edges.
int num_edges = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < edges_map.size(); ++ i) {
@ -981,20 +965,22 @@ Polygon its_convex_hull_2d_above(const indexed_triangle_set &its, const Transfor
// Generate the vertex list for a cube solid of arbitrary size in X/Y/Z.
indexed_triangle_set its_make_cube(double xd, double yd, double zd)
auto x = float(xd), y = float(yd), z = float(zd);
indexed_triangle_set mesh;
mesh.vertices = {{x, y, 0}, {x, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, y, 0},
{x, y, z}, {0, y, z}, {0, 0, z}, {x, 0, z}};
mesh.indices = {{0, 1, 2}, {0, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {4, 6, 7},
{0, 4, 7}, {0, 7, 1}, {1, 7, 6}, {1, 6, 2},
{2, 6, 5}, {2, 5, 3}, {4, 0, 3}, {4, 3, 5}};
return mesh;
TriangleMesh make_cube(double x, double y, double z)
TriangleMesh mesh(
{x, y, 0}, {x, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0},
{0, y, 0}, {x, y, z}, {0, y, z},
{0, 0, z}, {x, 0, z}
{0, 1, 2}, {0, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6},
{4, 6, 7}, {0, 4, 7}, {0, 7, 1},
{1, 7, 6}, {1, 6, 2}, {2, 6, 5},
{2, 5, 3}, {4, 0, 3}, {4, 3, 5}
TriangleMesh mesh(its_make_cube(x, y, z));
return mesh;
@ -1002,31 +988,32 @@ TriangleMesh make_cube(double x, double y, double z)
// Generate the mesh for a cylinder and return it, using
// the generated angle to calculate the top mesh triangles.
// Default is 360 sides, angle fa is in radians.
TriangleMesh make_cylinder(double r, double h, double fa)
indexed_triangle_set its_make_cylinder(double r, double h, double fa)
indexed_triangle_set mesh;
size_t n_steps = (size_t)ceil(2. * PI / fa);
double angle_step = 2. * PI / n_steps;
Pointf3s vertices;
std::vector<Vec3i> facets;
auto &vertices = mesh.vertices;
auto &facets = mesh.indices;
vertices.reserve(2 * n_steps + 2);
facets.reserve(4 * n_steps);
// 2 special vertices, top and bottom center, rest are relative to this
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, h));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, float(h)));
// for each line along the polygon approximating the top/bottom of the
// circle, generate four points and four facets (2 for the wall, 2 for the
// top and bottom.
// Special case: Last line shares 2 vertices with the first line.
Vec2d p = Eigen::Rotation2Dd(0.) * Eigen::Vector2d(0, r);
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(p(0), p(1), 0.));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(p(0), p(1), h));
Vec2f p = Eigen::Rotation2Df(0.f) * Eigen::Vector2f(0, r);
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3f(p(0), p(1), 0.f));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3f(p(0), p(1), float(h)));
for (size_t i = 1; i < n_steps; ++i) {
p = Eigen::Rotation2Dd(angle_step * i) * Eigen::Vector2d(0, r);
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(p(0), p(1), 0.));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(p(0), p(1), h));
p = Eigen::Rotation2Df(angle_step * i) * Eigen::Vector2f(0, float(r));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3f(p(0), p(1), 0.f));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3f(p(0), p(1), float(h)));
int id = (int)vertices.size() - 1;
facets.emplace_back( 0, id - 1, id - 3); // top
facets.emplace_back(id, 1, id - 2); // bottom
@ -1039,9 +1026,15 @@ TriangleMesh make_cylinder(double r, double h, double fa)
facets.emplace_back( 3, 1, id);
facets.emplace_back(id, 2, 3);
facets.emplace_back(id, id - 1, 2);
TriangleMesh mesh(std::move(vertices), std::move(facets));
return mesh;
TriangleMesh make_cylinder(double r, double h, double fa)
TriangleMesh mesh{its_make_cylinder(r, h, fa)};
return mesh;
@ -1076,14 +1069,15 @@ TriangleMesh make_cone(double r, double h, double fa)
// to determine the granularity.
// Default angle is 1 degree.
//FIXME better to discretize an Icosahedron recursively
TriangleMesh make_sphere(double radius, double fa)
indexed_triangle_set its_make_sphere(double radius, double fa)
int sectorCount = int(ceil(2. * M_PI / fa));
int stackCount = int(ceil(M_PI / fa));
float sectorStep = float(2. * M_PI / sectorCount);
float stackStep = float(M_PI / stackCount);
Pointf3s vertices;
indexed_triangle_set mesh;
auto& vertices = mesh.vertices;
vertices.reserve((stackCount - 1) * sectorCount + 2);
for (int i = 0; i <= stackCount; ++ i) {
// from pi/2 to -pi/2
@ -1091,16 +1085,16 @@ TriangleMesh make_sphere(double radius, double fa)
double xy = radius * cos(stackAngle);
double z = radius * sin(stackAngle);
if (i == 0 || i == stackCount)
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(xy, 0., z));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3f(float(xy), 0.f, float(z)));
for (int j = 0; j < sectorCount; ++ j) {
// from 0 to 2pi
double sectorAngle = sectorStep * j;
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(xy * cos(sectorAngle), xy * sin(sectorAngle), z));
vertices.emplace_back(Vec3d(xy * std::cos(sectorAngle), xy * std::sin(sectorAngle), z).cast<float>());
std::vector<Vec3i> facets;
auto& facets = mesh.indices;
facets.reserve(2 * (stackCount - 1) * sectorCount);
for (int i = 0; i < stackCount; ++ i) {
// Beginning of current stack.
@ -1125,9 +1119,114 @@ TriangleMesh make_sphere(double radius, double fa)
k2 = k2_next;
TriangleMesh mesh(std::move(vertices), std::move(facets));
return mesh;
TriangleMesh make_sphere(double radius, double fa)
TriangleMesh mesh(its_make_sphere(radius, fa));
return mesh;
void its_merge(indexed_triangle_set &A, const indexed_triangle_set &B)
auto N = int(A.vertices.size());
auto N_f = A.indices.size();
A.vertices.insert(A.vertices.end(), B.vertices.begin(), B.vertices.end());
A.indices.insert(A.indices.end(), B.indices.begin(), B.indices.end());
for(size_t n = N_f; n < A.indices.size(); n++)
A.indices[n] += Vec3i{N, N, N};
void its_merge(indexed_triangle_set &A, const std::vector<Vec3f> &triangles)
const size_t offs = A.vertices.size();
A.vertices.insert(A.vertices.end(), triangles.begin(), triangles.end());
A.indices.reserve(A.indices.size() + A.vertices.size() / 3);
for(int i = int(offs); i < int(A.vertices.size()); i += 3)
A.indices.emplace_back(i, i + 1, i + 2);
void its_merge(indexed_triangle_set &A, const Pointf3s &triangles)
auto trianglesf = reserve_vector<Vec3f> (triangles.size());
for (auto &t : triangles)
its_merge(A, trianglesf);
float its_volume(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
if (its.empty()) return 0.;
// Choose a point, any point as the reference.
auto p0 = its.vertices.front();
float volume = 0.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < its.indices.size(); ++ i) {
// Do dot product to get distance from point to plane.
its_triangle triangle = its_triangle_vertices(its, i);
Vec3f U = triangle[1] - triangle[0];
Vec3f V = triangle[2] - triangle[0];
Vec3f C = U.cross(V);
Vec3f normal = C.normalized();
float area = 0.5 * C.norm();
float height =[0] - p0);
volume += (area * height) / 3.0f;
return volume;
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> its_split(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
return its_split<>(its);
bool its_is_splittable(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
return its_is_splittable<>(its);
void VertexFaceIndex::create(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
m_vertex_to_face_start.assign(its.vertices.size() + 1, 0);
// 1) Calculate vertex incidence by scatter.
for (auto &face : its.indices) {
++ m_vertex_to_face_start[face(0) + 1];
++ m_vertex_to_face_start[face(1) + 1];
++ m_vertex_to_face_start[face(2) + 1];
// 2) Prefix sum to calculate offsets to m_vertex_faces_all.
for (size_t i = 2; i < m_vertex_to_face_start.size(); ++ i)
m_vertex_to_face_start[i] += m_vertex_to_face_start[i - 1];
// 3) Scatter indices of faces incident to a vertex into m_vertex_faces_all.
m_vertex_faces_all.assign(m_vertex_to_face_start.back(), 0);
for (size_t face_idx = 0; face_idx < its.indices.size(); ++ face_idx) {
auto &face = its.indices[face_idx];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
m_vertex_faces_all[m_vertex_to_face_start[face(i)] ++] = face_idx;
// 4) The previous loop modified m_vertex_to_face_start. Revert the change.
for (auto i = int(m_vertex_to_face_start.size()) - 1; i > 0; -- i)
m_vertex_to_face_start[i] = m_vertex_to_face_start[i - 1];
m_vertex_to_face_start.front() = 0;
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
return create_neighbors_index(ex_seq, its);
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index_par(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
return create_neighbors_index(ex_tbb, its);
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@ private:
std::deque<uint32_t> find_unvisited_neighbors(std::vector<unsigned char> &facet_visited) const;
// Create an index of faces belonging to each vertex. The returned vector can
// be indexed with vertex indices and contains a list of face indices for each
// vertex.
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> create_vertex_faces_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
// Index of face indices incident with a vertex index.
struct VertexFaceIndex
@ -111,6 +106,8 @@ public:
// Vertex incidence.
size_t count(size_t vertex_id) const throw() { return m_vertex_to_face_start[vertex_id + 1] - m_vertex_to_face_start[vertex_id]; }
const Range<iterator> operator[](size_t vertex_id) const { return {begin(vertex_id), end(vertex_id)}; }
std::vector<size_t> m_vertex_to_face_start;
std::vector<size_t> m_vertex_faces_all;
@ -122,6 +119,11 @@ private:
std::vector<Vec3i> create_face_neighbors_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<Vec3i> create_face_neighbors_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its, std::function<void()> throw_on_cancel_callback);
// Create index that gives neighbor faces for each face. Ignores face orientations.
// TODO: naming...
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::vector<Vec3i> its_create_neighbors_index_par(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
// After applying a transformation with negative determinant, flip the faces to keep the transformed mesh volume positive.
void its_flip_triangles(indexed_triangle_set &its);
@ -136,6 +138,10 @@ int its_remove_degenerate_faces(indexed_triangle_set &its, bool shrink_to_fit =
// Remove vertices, which none of the faces references. Return number of freed vertices.
int its_compactify_vertices(indexed_triangle_set &its, bool shrink_to_fit = true);
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> its_split(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
bool its_is_splittable(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
// Shrink the vectors of its.vertices and its.faces to a minimum size by reallocating the two vectors.
void its_shrink_to_fit(indexed_triangle_set &its);
@ -147,11 +153,56 @@ void its_collect_mesh_projection_points_above(const indexed_triangle_set &its, c
Polygon its_convex_hull_2d_above(const indexed_triangle_set &its, const Matrix3f &m, const float z);
Polygon its_convex_hull_2d_above(const indexed_triangle_set &its, const Transform3f &t, const float z);
using its_triangle = std::array<stl_vertex, 3>;
inline its_triangle its_triangle_vertices(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
size_t face_id)
return {its.vertices[its.indices[face_id](0)],
inline stl_normal its_unnormalized_normal(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
size_t face_id)
its_triangle tri = its_triangle_vertices(its, face_id);
return (tri[1] - tri[0]).cross(tri[2] - tri[0]);
float its_volume(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
void its_merge(indexed_triangle_set &A, const indexed_triangle_set &B);
void its_merge(indexed_triangle_set &A, const std::vector<Vec3f> &triangles);
void its_merge(indexed_triangle_set &A, const Pointf3s &triangles);
indexed_triangle_set its_make_cube(double x, double y, double z);
TriangleMesh make_cube(double x, double y, double z);
// Generate a TriangleMesh of a cylinder
indexed_triangle_set its_make_cylinder(double r, double h, double fa=(2*PI/360));
TriangleMesh make_cylinder(double r, double h, double fa=(2*PI/360));
indexed_triangle_set its_make_sphere(double rho, double fa=(2*PI/360));
TriangleMesh make_cone(double r, double h, double fa=(2*PI/360));
TriangleMesh make_sphere(double rho, double fa=(2*PI/360));
inline BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box(const TriangleMesh &m) { return m.bounding_box(); }
inline BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box(const indexed_triangle_set& its)
if (its.vertices.empty())
return {};
Vec3f bmin = its.vertices.front(), bmax = its.vertices.front();
for (const Vec3f &p : its.vertices) {
bmin = p.cwiseMin(bmin);
bmax = p.cwiseMax(bmax);
return {bmin.cast<double>(), bmax.cast<double>()};
// Serialization through the Cereal library
@ -3,131 +3,157 @@
namespace Slic3r {
class Ring {
size_t idx = 0, nextidx = 1, startidx = 0, begin = 0, end = 0;
//class Ring {
// size_t idx = 0, nextidx = 1, startidx = 0, begin = 0, end = 0;
explicit Ring(size_t from, size_t to) : begin(from), end(to) { init(begin); }
// explicit Ring(size_t from, size_t to) : begin(from), end(to) { init(begin); }
size_t size() const { return end - begin; }
std::pair<size_t, size_t> pos() const { return {idx, nextidx}; }
bool is_lower() const { return idx < size(); }
// size_t size() const { return end - begin; }
// std::pair<size_t, size_t> pos() const { return {idx, nextidx}; }
// bool is_lower() const { return idx < size(); }
void inc()
if (nextidx != startidx) nextidx++;
if (nextidx == end) nextidx = begin;
idx ++;
if (idx == end) idx = begin;
// void inc()
// {
// if (nextidx != startidx) nextidx++;
// if (nextidx == end) nextidx = begin;
// idx ++;
// if (idx == end) idx = begin;
// }
void init(size_t pos)
startidx = begin + (pos - begin) % size();
idx = startidx;
nextidx = begin + (idx + 1 - begin) % size();
// void init(size_t pos)
// {
// startidx = begin + (pos - begin) % size();
// idx = startidx;
// nextidx = begin + (idx + 1 - begin) % size();
// }
bool is_finished() const { return nextidx == idx; }
// bool is_finished() const { return nextidx == idx; }
static double sq_dst(const Vec3d &v1, const Vec3d& v2)
Vec3d v = v1 - v2;
return v.x() * v.x() + v.y() * v.y() /*+ v.z() * v.z()*/;
//template<class Sc>
//static Sc sq_dst(const Vec<3, Sc> &v1, const Vec<3, Sc>& v2)
// Vec<3, Sc> v = v1 - v2;
// return v.x() * v.x() + v.y() * v.y() /*+ v.z() * v.z()*/;
static double score(const Ring& onring, const Ring &offring,
const std::vector<Vec3d> &pts)
double a = sq_dst(pts[onring.pos().first], pts[offring.pos().first]);
double b = sq_dst(pts[onring.pos().second], pts[offring.pos().first]);
return (std::abs(a) + std::abs(b)) / 2.;
//template<class Sc>
//static Sc trscore(const Ring & onring,
// const Ring & offring,
// const std::vector<Vec<3, Sc>> &pts)
// Sc a = sq_dst(pts[onring.pos().first], pts[offring.pos().first]);
// Sc b = sq_dst(pts[onring.pos().second], pts[offring.pos().first]);
// return (std::abs(a) + std::abs(b)) / 2.;
class Triangulator {
const std::vector<Vec3d> *pts;
Ring *onring, *offring;
//template<class Sc>
//class Triangulator {
// const std::vector<Vec<3, Sc>> *pts;
// Ring *onring, *offring;
double calc_score() const
return Slic3r::score(*onring, *offring, *pts);
// double calc_score() const
// {
// return trscore(*onring, *offring, *pts);
// }
void synchronize_rings()
Ring lring = *offring;
auto minsc = Slic3r::score(*onring, lring, *pts);
size_t imin = lring.pos().first;
// void synchronize_rings()
// {
// Ring lring = *offring;
// auto minsc = trscore(*onring, lring, *pts);
// size_t imin = lring.pos().first;
while(!lring.is_finished()) {
double score = Slic3r::score(*onring, lring, *pts);
if (score < minsc) { minsc = score; imin = lring.pos().first; }
// while(!lring.is_finished()) {
// double score = trscore(*onring, lring, *pts);
// if (score < minsc) { minsc = score; imin = lring.pos().first; }
// }
// offring->init(imin);
// }
void emplace_indices(std::vector<Vec3i> &indices)
Vec3i tr{int(onring->pos().first), int(onring->pos().second),
if (onring->is_lower()) std::swap(tr(0), tr(1));
// void emplace_indices(std::vector<Vec3i> &indices)
// {
// Vec3i tr{int(onring->pos().first), int(onring->pos().second),
// int(offring->pos().first)};
// if (onring->is_lower()) std::swap(tr(0), tr(1));
// indices.emplace_back(tr);
// }
void run(std::vector<Vec3i> &indices)
// void run(std::vector<Vec3i> &indices)
// {
// synchronize_rings();
double score = 0, prev_score = 0;
while (!onring->is_finished() || !offring->is_finished()) {
prev_score = score;
if (onring->is_finished() || (score = calc_score()) > prev_score) {
std::swap(onring, offring);
} else {
// double score = 0, prev_score = 0;
// while (!onring->is_finished() || !offring->is_finished()) {
// prev_score = score;
// if (onring->is_finished() || (score = calc_score()) > prev_score) {
// std::swap(onring, offring);
// } else {
// emplace_indices(indices);
// onring->inc();
// }
// }
// }
explicit Triangulator(const std::vector<Vec3d> *points,
Ring & lower,
Ring & upper)
: pts{points}, onring{&upper}, offring{&lower}
// explicit Triangulator(const std::vector<Vec<3, Sc>> *points,
// Ring & lower,
// Ring & upper)
// : pts{points}, onring{&upper}, offring{&lower}
// {}
Wall triangulate_wall(
const Polygon & lower,
const Polygon & upper,
double lower_z_mm,
double upper_z_mm)
if (upper.points.size() < 3 || lower.points.size() < 3) return {};
Wall wall;
auto &pts = wall.first;
auto &ind = wall.second;
//template<class Sc, class I>
//void triangulate_wall(std::vector<Vec<3, Sc>> &pts,
// std::vector<Vec<3, I>> & ind,
// const Polygon & lower,
// const Polygon & upper,
// double lower_z_mm,
// double upper_z_mm)
// if (upper.points.size() < 3 || lower.points.size() < 3) return;
pts.reserve(lower.points.size() + upper.points.size());
for (auto &p : lower.points)
wall.first.emplace_back(unscaled(p.x()), unscaled(p.y()), lower_z_mm);
for (auto &p : upper.points)
wall.first.emplace_back(unscaled(p.x()), unscaled(p.y()), upper_z_mm);
// pts.reserve(lower.points.size() + upper.points.size());
// for (auto &p : lower.points)
// pts.emplace_back(unscaled(p.x()), unscaled(p.y()), lower_z_mm);
// for (auto &p : upper.points)
// pts.emplace_back(unscaled(p.x()), unscaled(p.y()), upper_z_mm);
// ind.reserve(2 * (lower.size() + upper.size()));
// Ring lring{0, lower.points.size()}, uring{lower.points.size(), pts.size()};
// Triangulator t{&pts, lring, uring};
//Wall triangulate_wall(const Polygon &lower,
// const Polygon &upper,
// double lower_z_mm,
// double upper_z_mm)
// if (upper.points.size() < 3 || lower.points.size() < 3) return {};
ind.reserve(2 * (lower.size() + upper.size()));
// Wall wall;
// auto &pts = wall.first;
// auto &ind = wall.second;
// pts.reserve(lower.points.size() + upper.points.size());
// for (auto &p : lower.points)
// wall.first.emplace_back(unscaled(p.x()), unscaled(p.y()), lower_z_mm);
// for (auto &p : upper.points)
// wall.first.emplace_back(unscaled(p.x()), unscaled(p.y()), upper_z_mm);
Ring lring{0, lower.points.size()}, uring{lower.points.size(), pts.size()};
Triangulator t{&pts, lring, uring};
// ind.reserve(2 * (lower.size() + upper.size()));
return wall;
// Ring lring{0, lower.points.size()}, uring{lower.points.size(), pts.size()};
// Triangulator t{&pts, lring, uring};
// return wall;
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -5,13 +5,148 @@
namespace Slic3r {
using Wall = std::pair<std::vector<Vec3d>, std::vector<Vec3i>>;
namespace trianglulate_wall_detail {
Wall triangulate_wall(
const Polygon & lower,
const Polygon & upper,
double lower_z_mm,
double upper_z_mm);
class Ring {
size_t idx = 0, nextidx = 1, startidx = 0, begin = 0, end = 0;
explicit Ring(size_t from, size_t to) : begin(from), end(to) { init(begin); }
size_t size() const { return end - begin; }
std::pair<size_t, size_t> pos() const { return {idx, nextidx}; }
bool is_lower() const { return idx < size(); }
void inc()
if (nextidx != startidx) nextidx++;
if (nextidx == end) nextidx = begin;
idx ++;
if (idx == end) idx = begin;
void init(size_t pos)
startidx = begin + (pos - begin) % size();
idx = startidx;
nextidx = begin + (idx + 1 - begin) % size();
bool is_finished() const { return nextidx == idx; }
template<class Sc>
static Sc sq_dst(const Vec<3, Sc> &v1, const Vec<3, Sc>& v2)
Vec<3, Sc> v = v1 - v2;
return v.x() * v.x() + v.y() * v.y() /*+ v.z() * v.z()*/;
template<class Sc>
static Sc trscore(const Ring & onring,
const Ring & offring,
const std::vector<Vec<3, Sc>> &pts)
Sc a = sq_dst(pts[onring.pos().first], pts[offring.pos().first]);
Sc b = sq_dst(pts[onring.pos().second], pts[offring.pos().first]);
return (std::abs(a) + std::abs(b)) / 2.;
template<class Sc>
class Triangulator {
const std::vector<Vec<3, Sc>> *pts;
Ring *onring, *offring;
double calc_score() const
return trscore(*onring, *offring, *pts);
void synchronize_rings()
Ring lring = *offring;
auto minsc = trscore(*onring, lring, *pts);
size_t imin = lring.pos().first;
while(!lring.is_finished()) {
double score = trscore(*onring, lring, *pts);
if (score < minsc) { minsc = score; imin = lring.pos().first; }
void emplace_indices(std::vector<Vec3i> &indices)
Vec3i tr{int(onring->pos().first), int(onring->pos().second),
if (onring->is_lower()) std::swap(tr(0), tr(1));
void run(std::vector<Vec3i> &indices)
double score = 0, prev_score = 0;
while (!onring->is_finished() || !offring->is_finished()) {
prev_score = score;
if (onring->is_finished() || (score = calc_score()) > prev_score) {
std::swap(onring, offring);
} else {
explicit Triangulator(const std::vector<Vec<3, Sc>> *points,
Ring & lower,
Ring & upper)
: pts{points}, onring{&upper}, offring{&lower}
} // namespace trianglulate_wall_detail
template<class Sc, class I>
void triangulate_wall(std::vector<Vec<3, Sc>> &pts,
std::vector<Vec<3, I>> & ind,
const Polygon & lower,
const Polygon & upper,
double lower_z_mm,
double upper_z_mm)
using namespace trianglulate_wall_detail;
if (upper.points.size() < 3 || lower.points.size() < 3) return;
pts.reserve(lower.points.size() + upper.points.size());
for (auto &p : lower.points)
pts.emplace_back(unscaled(p.x()), unscaled(p.y()), lower_z_mm);
for (auto &p : upper.points)
pts.emplace_back(unscaled(p.x()), unscaled(p.y()), upper_z_mm);
ind.reserve(2 * (lower.size() + upper.size()));
Ring lring{0, lower.points.size()}, uring{lower.points.size(), pts.size()};
Triangulator t{&pts, lring, uring};
//using Wall = std::pair<std::vector<Vec3d>, std::vector<Vec3i>>;
//Wall triangulate_wall(
// const Polygon & lower,
// const Polygon & upper,
// double lower_z_mm,
// double upper_z_mm);
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -306,6 +306,29 @@ IntegerOnly<I, std::vector<T, Args...>> reserve_vector(I capacity)
template<class T>
using remove_cvref_t = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;
// A very simple range concept implementation with iterator-like objects.
// This should be replaced by std::ranges::subrange (C++20)
template<class It> class Range
It from, to;
// The class is ready for range based for loops.
It begin() const { return from; }
It end() const { return to; }
// The iterator type can be obtained this way.
using iterator = It;
using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type;
Range() = default;
Range(It b, It e) : from(std::move(b)), to(std::move(e)) {}
// Some useful container-like methods...
inline size_t size() const { return end() - begin(); }
inline bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ void HollowedMesh::on_update()
m_drainholes = print_object->model_object()->sla_drain_holes;
m_old_hollowing_timestamp = timestamp;
const TriangleMesh &interior = print_object->hollowed_interior_mesh();
const indexed_triangle_set &interior = print_object->hollowed_interior_mesh();
if (!interior.empty()) {
m_hollowed_interior_transformed = std::make_unique<TriangleMesh>(interior);
m_hollowed_interior_transformed->repaired = false;
@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ public:
Plater *plater;
Sel sel = Sel::modelAndProfile;
TriangleMesh mesh;
DynamicPrintConfig profile;
wxString path;
Vec2i win = {2, 2};
std::string err;
priv(Plater *plt): plater{plt} {}
indexed_triangle_set mesh;
DynamicPrintConfig profile;
wxString path;
Vec2i win = {2, 2};
std::string err;
priv(Plater *plt) : plater{plt} {}
SLAImportJob::SLAImportJob(std::shared_ptr<ProgressIndicator> pri, Plater *plater)
@ -222,7 +222,8 @@ void SLAImportJob::finalize()
if (!p->mesh.empty()) {
bool is_centered = false;
p->plater->sidebar().obj_list()->load_mesh_object(p->mesh, name, is_centered);
name, is_centered);
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ add_executable(${_TEST_NAME}_tests
if (TARGET OpenVDB::openvdb)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include "libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp"
TEST_CASE("Split empty mesh", "[its_split][its]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
indexed_triangle_set its;
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> res = its_split(its);
TEST_CASE("Split simple mesh consisting of one part", "[its_split][its]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
auto cube = its_make_cube(10., 10., 10.);
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> res = its_split(cube);
REQUIRE(res.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(res.front().indices.size() == cube.indices.size());
REQUIRE(res.front().vertices.size() == cube.vertices.size());
void debug_write_obj(const std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> &res, const std::string &name)
#ifndef NDEBUG
size_t part_idx = 0;
for (auto &part_its : res) {
its_write_obj(part_its, (name + std::to_string(part_idx++) + ".obj").c_str());
TEST_CASE("Split two non-watertight mesh", "[its_split][its]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
auto cube1 = its_make_cube(10., 10., 10.);
auto cube2 = cube1;
its_transform(cube1, identity3f().translate(Vec3f{-5.f, 0.f, 0.f}));
its_transform(cube2, identity3f().translate(Vec3f{5.f, 0.f, 0.f}));
its_merge(cube1, cube2);
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> res = its_split(cube1);
REQUIRE(res.size() == 2);
REQUIRE(res[0].indices.size() == res[1].indices.size());
REQUIRE(res[0].indices.size() == cube2.indices.size());
REQUIRE(res[0].vertices.size() == res[1].vertices.size());
REQUIRE(res[0].vertices.size() == cube2.vertices.size());
debug_write_obj(res, "parts_non_watertight");
TEST_CASE("Split non-manifold mesh", "[its_split][its]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
auto cube = its_make_cube(10., 10., 10.), cube_low = cube;
its_transform(cube_low, identity3f().translate(Vec3f{10.f, 10.f, 10.f}));
its_merge(cube, cube_low);
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> res = its_split(cube);
REQUIRE(res.size() == 2);
REQUIRE(res[0].indices.size() == res[1].indices.size());
REQUIRE(res[0].indices.size() == cube_low.indices.size());
REQUIRE(res[0].vertices.size() == res[1].vertices.size());
REQUIRE(res[0].vertices.size() == cube_low.vertices.size());
debug_write_obj(res, "cubes_non_manifold");
TEST_CASE("Split two watertight meshes", "[its_split][its]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
auto sphere1 = its_make_sphere(10., 2 * PI / 200.), sphere2 = sphere1;
its_transform(sphere1, identity3f().translate(Vec3f{-5.f, 0.f, 0.f}));
its_transform(sphere2, identity3f().translate(Vec3f{5.f, 0.f, 0.f}));
its_merge(sphere1, sphere2);
std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> res = its_split(sphere1);
REQUIRE(res.size() == 2);
REQUIRE(res[0].indices.size() == res[1].indices.size());
REQUIRE(res[0].indices.size() == sphere2.indices.size());
REQUIRE(res[0].vertices.size() == res[1].vertices.size());
REQUIRE(res[0].vertices.size() == sphere2.vertices.size());
debug_write_obj(res, "parts_watertight");
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#include <libslic3r/TriangulateWall.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/Tesselate.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SlicesToTriangleMesh.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
using namespace Slic3r;
@ -368,10 +367,9 @@ static void recreate_object_from_rasters(const std::string &objname, float lh) {
layer = std::move(layer_);
TriangleMesh out = slices_to_triangle_mesh(layers, bb.min.z(), double(lh), double(lh));
indexed_triangle_set out = slices_to_mesh(layers, bb.min.z(), double(lh), double(lh));
its_write_obj(out, "out_from_rasters.obj");
TEST_CASE("Recreate object from rasters", "[SL1Import]") {
@ -223,23 +223,14 @@ TEST_CASE("RasterizedPolygonAreaShouldMatch", "[SLARasterOutput]") {
REQUIRE(raster_pxsum(raster0) == 0);
TEST_CASE("Triangle mesh conversions should be correct", "[SLAConversions]")
sla::Contour3D cntr;
std::fstream infile{"extruder_idler_quads.obj", std::ios::in};
TEST_CASE("halfcone test", "[halfcone]") {
sla::DiffBridge br{Vec3d{1., 1., 1.}, Vec3d{10., 10., 10.}, 0.25, 0.5};
TriangleMesh m = sla::to_triangle_mesh(sla::get_mesh(br, 45));
indexed_triangle_set m = sla::get_mesh(br, 45);
its_write_obj(m, "Halfcone.obj");
TEST_CASE("Test concurrency")
@ -69,9 +69,10 @@ void export_failed_case(const std::vector<ExPolygons> &support_slices, const Sup
TriangleMesh m;
indexed_triangle_set its;
TriangleMesh m{its};
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ void test_supports(const std::string &obj_filename,
if (hollowingcfg.enabled) {
sla::InteriorPtr interior = sla::generate_interior(mesh, hollowingcfg);
@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ void test_supports(const std::string &obj_filename,
check_support_tree_integrity(treebuilder, supportcfg);
const TriangleMesh &output_mesh = treebuilder.retrieve_mesh();
TriangleMesh output_mesh{treebuilder.retrieve_mesh(sla::MeshType::Support)};
check_validity(output_mesh, validityflags);
@ -228,14 +229,16 @@ void test_pad(const std::string &obj_filename, const sla::PadConfig &padcfg, Pad
// Create pad skeleton only from the model
Slic3r::sla::pad_blueprint(mesh, out.model_contours);
Slic3r::sla::pad_blueprint(mesh.its, out.model_contours);
// Create the pad geometry for the model contours only
Slic3r::sla::create_pad({}, out.model_contours, out.mesh, padcfg);
indexed_triangle_set out_its;
Slic3r::sla::create_pad({}, out.model_contours, out_its, padcfg);
out.mesh = TriangleMesh{out_its};
Reference in a new issue